What sedative can be given. Anti-anxiety medications for children and alternative methods

2 years is the age at which children often develop manifestations of hyperexcitability. Such cases are associated with stress, which undermined the baby’s psyche. Therefore, moodiness and nervousness, in a sense, can be perceived not as costs of improper upbringing, but as a disorder that requires treatment.

Causes of nervousness in babies

There are a huge number of factors that can cause whims in a baby. Basically, all these are situations that bring discomfort or pain to the child. Thus, dysfunction of the nervous system can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • feeling of hunger;
  • teething;
  • intestinal colic;
  • colds;
  • excessive activity of the baby in the evening.

Sometimes a child’s nervousness and capriciousness are associated with mental pathologies, but such cases do not occur so often and are usually easily identified by a specialist in a medical institution.

Manifestations of increased excitability

2 years is assigned if their behavior is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • problems with sleep, as well as with putting the baby to bed;
  • frequent moodiness and tearfulness;
  • constant hysterics.

It is worth understanding that these symptoms may not accurately indicate the need for therapy. Often you can cope with them by simply putting the child to sleep and eliminating the irritant. Therefore, before you start giving your baby sedatives, it is better to visit a pediatrician. He will examine the young patient and give the parents all the necessary recommendations.

Medicinal sedatives

If you don't trust folk medicine, then, of course, you can turn to the traditional one for help. However, it is worth understanding that the use medicines, intended to reduce hyperexcitability in a child, should only occur under the supervision of a pediatrician. In addition, sedatives for children 2 years old are prescribed with extreme caution, since at such a tender age the body is still poorly formed and can easily succumb to attack chemicals. This means that there is a risk of developing side effects that affect the kidneys, liver, stomach or other vital organs.

Sedatives pharmaceutical drugs for the little ones they are sold in two forms: tablets or syrup.

Tablets for children two years old

The classic version of drugs to reduce the activity of the nervous system is most popular among pediatricians. This is explained by the ease of use of the products: the tablet can simply be crushed to a powder and given to the baby along with food.

The most famous medicine is Glycine. The drug is prescribed even to newborn infants, as it has a mild sedative effect on the body. You can use the data for children 2 years old to normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension. The product contains a special amino acid that not only inhibits mental processes in the body, but has positive impact on the functioning of the brain.

An excellent alternative to Glycine is a drug called Phenibut. It helps to remove emotional stress, and also improves the baby's sleep. The drugs “Pantogam” and “Magne B 6” have the same effect.

Products produced in the form of syrup

Medicines of this type are less aggressive towards the child’s body, so parents have developed much more trust in them. Among many analogues medications, which relieve nervous tension, it is worth highlighting the same “Pantogam”. It was previously said that it is available in tablet form, but there is also a liquid form of the medicine on sale. Soft for children from 2 years old helps to relieve the baby from insomnia and even cramps. It is noteworthy that the product is not addictive in a child, so it can be used for a long time until the symptoms go away nervous overstrain. This feature puts Pantogam on the list of favorites among sedatives.

Tranquilizing drugs

Extremely in rare cases Pediatricians prescribe medications for young patients such as Elenium, Phenazepam and Tazepam. These medications belong to the class of tranquilizers, so you need to be extremely careful with them. It is strictly contraindicated to give such drugs to children without a doctor’s recommendation, as they greatly depress nervous system and can cause addiction in the body. Similar sedatives for children 2 years old are used for severe stress.

Homeopathy for nervous overexcitation in a child

IN lately widespread among medicinal products received for kids homeopathic medicines. They usually do not contain special instructions and contraindications, and also have a mild effect on children's body. Most often, the following homeopathic remedies are used to reduce the hyperexcitability of babies:

  1. "Little Bunny."
  2. "Notta."
  3. "Dormikind".
  4. "Viburcol."

The principle of action of all these drugs is almost the same, however, these drugs still have their own characteristics. Thus, Viburkol drops or suppositories not only relieve irritability, but also reduce inflammation along with painful sensations during the baby's teething period. And if you are looking for a sedative for a child (2 years old) that helps normalize sleep, then “Notta” or “Dormikind” will do. As for the “Hare” product, parents cannot have any complaints about it at all. The drug is produced on the basis of fructose, which completely eliminates the development of allergic reactions or side effects in the baby.

Special baby food

The child does not always indicate that he urgently needs to be taken to the pediatrician for practical recommendations. Many caring mothers are trying to cope with this more simple methods. One of these is the use of special cereals. Manufacturers baby food A series of products are being produced that are designed to help your baby sleep soundly at night and experience less hunger. Such cereals can be used as a kind of sedative for a 2-year-old child. Reviews from parents note the following infant formulas:

  1. "Nutrilon Good night."
  2. "Good night hip."
  3. “Humana Sweet Dreams.”
  4. "Unworthy of Happy Dreams."

Thanks to the presence of a complex of cereals, the baby receives a sufficient amount before bedtime nutrients and as a result, you remain full all night. This saves him from frequent awakenings. In addition, some cereals contain soothing herbs that provide the basis for strong and good sleep.

Herbs to reduce hyperexcitability

If medications Doctors prescribe to children with some caution, then folk remedies not even prohibited for infants. To cope with the child’s excessive activity, parents can start using soothing herbs. For children 2 years old, recipes based on the following plants are suitable:

  • calendula - helps eliminate inflammatory processes and improve sleep;
  • valerian relieves children from stress and nervous tension;
  • sage actively fights colds and relaxes the baby’s psyche;
  • chamomile - relieves tension and pain during intestinal colic;
  • mint helps sleep soundly and good mood;
  • thyme has an active sedative effect and has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a rule, medicinal soothing plants are used for preparing teas and infusions or for bathing a baby (when making baths).

Herbal teas

The beauty of using such products is that they can be given to babies from the first years of life. It is better to start preparing soothing teas for children 2 years old based on any one component in order to be able to study the effect of using each medicinal herb. Moreover, in case of allergic reaction it will not be difficult to identify its cause. Over time, it will be possible to formulate the most suitable herbal mixture.

It is quite possible to arrange plants yourself, but if you don’t want to do this, you can purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy. It is important that all preparation and storage rules are followed medicinal herbs, so you should avoid purchasing them on the market.

Soothing mint tea

In folk medicine, there are recipes based on complexes of medicinal plants. Tea made from mint and hop leaves is an excellent sedative for 2-year-old children. The ingredients should be mixed in proportions 2:2:1 respectively. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then left for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is given to the baby several times a day and always before bedtime.

Rose hip and linden tea

To prepare this remedy, you need to take one part of linden flowers and rose hips. The components are mixed and filled with water. Next, you need to bring to a boil, for this it is advisable to use water bath. It is advisable to leave the drink for about 15 minutes, and add a spoonful of honey to it before use.

Chamomile tea

This recipe is ideal for calming a child in the evening and providing him with a base. herbal collection crushed chamomile flowers are taken. Five parts of the latter product are mixed with linden and lemon balm (1 part each). To prepare a sedative for a child (2 years old), you need to add water to the herbal mixture and bring it to a boil. Cooled tea is given to the baby about 15-20 minutes before bedtime.

Herbal baths

Baths with the addition of medicinal plants will help reduce the activity of the baby in the evening and at night. It is advisable to carry out such procedures immediately before putting the baby in the crib. So that the child gets from the bath maximum benefit and noticeable it is necessary to prepare it correctly. First you need to brew strong decoction based on the selected herbal mixture. It is recommended to add thyme, lemon balm, motherwort and nettle to the baths. Like other sedatives for children 2 years old, therapeutic water procedures must be carried out in courses. It is optimal to take herbal baths once every two days for three weeks. After this, it is advisable to take a break for at least a month.

Means for reducing nervous tension in children: reviews

Each parent chooses his own way to calm his child. Some people have enough special milk formulas, while others cook diligently herbal infusions. It is worth noting that not everyone uses medicinal sedatives for children 2 years old. Reviews from many parents prove that in the absence of disorders of the nervous system of the baby, it is possible to cope with stress with the help traditional methods. As some mothers noted, even ordinary herbal baths are enough for restless sleep. Seeing a doctor is only necessary if home therapy doesn't help. In this case, the pediatrician draws up a treatment plan for the baby.

In order for the baby to feel good, it is necessary to provide him with not only physiological, but also psychological comfort. If this condition has been violated, then you can try to correct the situation by using a sedative for the child. 2 years is an age when babies are very susceptible to stress, so such cases occur quite often.

Nowadays, the intensive development of the baby is encouraged; does the child’s increased sensitivity always give results in studies and social adaptation, no negative behavioral reactions, whims and worries? Modern research warn parents against inattention to children, against emotional and physical overload for children, against stress and fatigue.

Why do children need sedatives?

In cases where pedagogical correction has no control over the child’s reactions; when a problem is discovered and its manifestations reduce the child’s quality of life, it is worth considering the use of adequate sedative therapy.

Appeared in childhood emotional manifestations can lead to character difficulties in adulthood. At excessive manifestation The following can be considered dangerous:

  • irritability;
  • unsociability, fear of strangers and new acquaintances;
  • depression;
  • prolonged tearfulness;
  • insomnia.
They can lead to unpredictable consequences and antisocial habits in the future.

The most common behavioral disorder from infancy to adolescence- insomnia.

When a baby in the second year of life has problems with digestion, teething or evening overstimulation, no correction is required. Rather, you should help the child by trying to fix the problem. In the next period of development, from 3 to 6 years, poor sleep of a preschooler can have many reasons, first of all, such a child needs a strict regime, no emotional overload during the day and a balanced diet. Having traced all aspects of the baby’s life, the likelihood of finding the cause of insomnia will increase and there will be hope for a speedy normalization of sleep.

The beginning of school life is associated with changes in mental development children, schoolchildren often find themselves unprepared for the changed regime and various loads. Insomnia that occurs against this background indicates overexcitation of the child’s nervous system; anxiety, irritability, and restlessness may also be present. In these cases, you should seek advice from a pediatrician; he will probably select the appropriate one or advise you to consult a neurologist.

To restore emotional stability and relieve stress, there are different types of medications that can be used to bring a child to active interaction with the outside world with a positive attitude towards what is happening.

Medications for anxiety and insomnia in children have metabolic or nootropic properties with a sedative effect. Frequently used ones include, for example, glycine, which contains an active amino acid. The drug has a weak sedative and antidepressant effect and is prescribed for nervousness, sleep disorders and many other indications. It has virtually no contraindications and can be prescribed to children from birth.

Homeopathic remedies for relieving anxiety in children are widely used in our country. The actions of these drugs help eliminate the problem of emotional tension, have a gentle effect on the structures of the nervous system, relieve irritability, and eliminate the feeling of fear. Infusions in homeopathy are prepared with alcohol and when using them, you must strictly follow the dosage so as not to harm the child. At the start academic year or a change of situation, doctors recommend popular ones, which include infusions of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, and oregano. Regular use of these drops helps normalize sleep and give the child a break from emotional turmoil.

Modern children's sedatives

Among the most common means of eliminating anxiety, calming tablets for children are used. For many diseases of the nervous system and increased excitability, doctors prescribe, the positive effect of which is noticeable after a couple of days of use.

What sedatives can be given to children?

Many parents are interested in what types of calming pills for children, which can be given when deviant behavior child. You cannot take measures with the use of medications without consulting a specialist. This may entail negative consequences In addition, children often have a reverse reaction even to a drug prescribed by a doctor.

Children's sedatives from one year

Sedatives are not recommended for use in children over one year of age, since the baby’s psyche is too imperfect, but drugs proven by many generations, for example, are prescribed even to newborns for encephalopathies and sleep disorders. The effect of the drug is considered harmless.

Children's sedative from 3 years

WITH three years There is a wide selection of sedatives for children. The body of an older child responds better to correction. A homeopathic medicine, also Aparax, has proven itself well. With a minimum of side effects, the drugs can be prescribed to patients without risk to health.

Sedative for children from 6-7 years old

The used children's sedative tablets for primary schoolchildren consist of both herbal remedies, and from artificially synthesized components. Group components belonging to homeopathic remedies, can make your baby's life easier.

Sedatives for children over 10 years of age

All children's sedatives for older children are prescribed by doctors after a thorough analysis of the collected information about the child. The prescribed one will help to avoid sleep disorders and will lift your mood, allow you to look at events positively, the complex will also regulate the problem of insomnia, strengthen emotions, give strength and health.

  • A person's sleep phases alternate, so a child can be more active when he is not sleeping soundly: tossing and turning, expressing sensations, screaming, and this is the norm.
  • Homeopathic medicines are available in both infusions and tablets; you can choose the form that suits your child after consulting with your doctor.
  • An alternative to oral remedies is a soothing bath.

The modern “crazy” rhythm of life passes so quickly: home, work, children, everyday life, financial problems... and so on ad infinitum. Disorders associated with unstable functioning of the nervous system lead to insomnia, increased irritability, mood swings, and depression. A course can help the nervous system sedatives. But which ones? Let's try to figure out which drugs are suitable for adults, children and the elderly.

The main thing in the article

Sedatives: when and who needs them

Until recently it was believed that sedatives are needed only by older people, since their nervous system is “worn out” and requires external support. This common misconception has disappeared under pressure life situations and lifestyle modern people. It happens that it is simply impossible to cope with the manifestations of stress on your own, so medicine offers a wide range of different medications for any age.

Sedatives, when used consistently, are considered therapy. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

The need to help our own nerve cells appears in the following situations:

Sedatives for children: when can you not do without them?

Sedatives for children are means that normalize and balance nervous work (processes of activity and inhibition) occurring in the cerebral cortex. According to medical canons, all sedatives for children are divided into three groups:

  1. Plant origin. This group includes teas, infusions, tinctures made on the basis natural products. They have a moderate calming effect on the body.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. Ways to reduce a child's increased excitability and irritability.
  3. Medicines. Strong sedatives, sold only with a doctor's prescription. They are prescribed for pathologies, injuries at birth, and in cases of damage to the central nervous system.

They resort to using a certain group of sedatives only according to doctor’s indications in the following cases:

  • Observed hyperexcitability(hyperactivity).
  • Child doesn't sleep well at night (chronic sleep disorder).
  • If the child overly active. He does not sleep up to 80% of the time of the day, while running, screaming, does not concentrate, and actively gesticulates.
  • In cases of obvious depressive states . This manifests itself in constant depression, self-isolation, and anxiety. In adolescents, this condition can be noticed in the absence of motivation to study and the emergence of antisocial behavior.
  • After 3 years with the following symptoms: frequent nightmares, tics, stuttering, If the baby pees at night, he lags behind his peers.
  • At emotional experiences associated with starting to go to kindergarten or school.

Calming products for the little ones: herbal preparations

Quite often situations arise when problems with unnatural capriciousness appear already from the first months of life. This can happen due to the formation of all life systems. Expressed in:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability;
  • neuralgia.

Besides medical supplies, herbal teas and infusions are successfully used.

It is prohibited to independently diagnose your child and give medical sedatives. For this age it is extremely dangerous.

Sedatives for school-age children

Pharmaceuticals also offer sedatives for schoolchildren (teenagers). After all, school is a society in which your child spends most of the time, and, as you know, in every society there is a place stressful situations. For children over 7 years old who are irritable, restless, or absent-minded, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Pantogam– neurometabolic stimulator of synthetic origin, helps improve brain activity and relieves nervous tension.
  • Magnesium B6– helps with neuroses by replenishing magnesium deficiency in the blood. Prescribed after laboratory tests (analysis). Eliminates irritability and minimizes manifestations of emotional arousal.
  • Sanason-lek– aimed at reducing anxiety, also normalizes sleep.

Homeopathic sedatives for children

Some doctors claim that homeopathic medicines have a placebo effect, so they are treated with skepticism. But many parents are sure that homeopathy does a good job of calming an eccentric child.

There is no official, confirmed evidence that homeopathic medicines have a sedative effect.

They are mainly used when going to kindergarten or school for the first time, as well as when the family environment changes (moving, parental divorce). In such situations, doctors may prescribe the following to the child:

For the youngest children, it is allowed to use the following remedies for sleep disorders, teething, and the beginning of complementary feeding (when these processes occur with nervous disorders):

Sedatives for hyperactive children

Increased activity in children is called postnatal encephalopathy, and requires treatment by adjusting behavior with neurometabolic stimulants. They help normalize blood circulation in the brain, since in most cases pathological changes occurs due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients in brain cells.

If the brain is not damaged, there is no oxygen starvation or microhemorrhage, then such stimulants have no effect.

For hyperactive children aged 3–12 years, doctors prescribe the following medications to calm them down:

Scientists say that visiting sports clubs helps strengthen the central nervous system and helps to concentrate.

A sedative for children with a hypnotic effect

A significant portion of sedatives have a hypnotic effect. Therefore, getting carried away, let alone prescribing such medications yourself, is prohibited. They will help you set up healthy sleep the following drugs:

Effective sedatives for adults: TOP best remedies

As we have already said, all sedatives are divided into herbal and synthetic. Based on this, we present the following TOP rating of sedatives for adults:

1. Herbal preparations:

  • Valerian.
  • Motherwort.
  • Peony.
  • St. John's wort.

2. Combined on plant based (summarize the effects of different plant components):

  • Phytosed.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Phytosedan.
  • Persen.
  • Dormiplan.
  • Corvalol.
  • Valocordin.

3. Bromides (the basis of the drug is bromine):

  • Bromocamphor.
  • Adonis Brom.

4. Homeopathic remedies:

  • Valerianahel.
  • Nervochel.
  • Calm down.
  • Neurosed.
  • Edas.

5. Nootropic drugs:

  • Phenibut.
  • Tenoten.
  • Glycine.

Tranquilizers - powerful sedatives for adults: our rating

Tranquilizers discharged at different types nervous disorders and treatment anxiety states. The best can be called:

When is taking tranquilizers necessary and contraindicated?

Today, tranquilizers are a panacea for serious fears, psychoses, phobias, and neuroses. They are psychotropic drugs that are designed to enhance inhibition in the brain and central nervous system, while weakening excitation in them.

A feature of tranquilizers is their very rapid addiction, especially when long-term use. Therefore, doctors prescribe them in small courses.

As for the indications, it is advisable to begin treatment with tranquilizers only after a complete examination and identification of the following abnormalities:

  • serious neuroses;
  • mental disorders;
  • deep depression;
  • presence of suicidal thoughts.

If the diagnosis sounds like a minor restless condition, then there is no need to grab such pills. Also, in order to avoid dependence on such drugs, people under 18 years of age should not be treated with tranquilizers. Since most of the funds from this group have side effects drowsiness and decreased reactions, then it is not advisable to take them for people employed in jobs with increased responsibility (drivers, mechanics performing hazardous gas work, etc.).

It is prohibited to prescribe such drugs to people who abuse alcohol. Since their combined effects (alcohol + tranquilizer) can lead to coma and death.

Potent tranquilizers are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

Features of taking sedatives by older people

By old age, each person’s nervous system “wears out” well, and symptoms such as irritability, forgetfulness, and sleep disturbances are common to all older people. But since “age takes its toll,” any sedative medications will not work here. Even if your grandmother confidently declares that she has been drinking “Barboval” for the last 10 years to calm her down, and now it has stopped helping her (it has deteriorated), you should know that the drops (tablet), which 10 years ago put her “on her feet”, after 60 years can have a different effect and put you in a hospital bed. Therefore, older people should consider the following when taking sedative medications:

  1. Read the instructions carefully, especially the sections about side effects and contraindications.
  2. Take medications strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. No self-medication or self-prescription.
  3. Select antidepressants carefully. At this age they should have vasodilator effect for more blood flow to the brain.
  4. Psychotropic drugs in old age are not always effective for behavioral disorders, as they can lead to disturbances of consciousness and motor functions. They are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills are intended to have a long-lasting effect and one should not joke with their dosage. old age. For To normalize sleep, it is better to drink tincture of motherwort or valerian.

A restless child of any age is a rather serious problem, exhausting the patience of parents and often irritating others.

Modern pharmacology is ready to provide a wide selection of drugs that can calm the most violent child or teenager. But how advisable is it to resort to different groups of sedatives in pediatric practice? Let's try to figure it out.

Sedatives for children

Sedatives ( sedatives) are designed to gently regulate the balance between excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Most of them are herbal preparations, but there are also synthetic products. Today, combination drugs in teas or tablets are very popular. This group of drugs acts much more mildly than tranquilizers or sleeping pills, and can enhance their effect.

Staying awake at night

Infants quite often do not adhere to the traditional daily routine (eat and sleep). Many of them, for some reason, prefer to scream almost around the clock or, having slept for half an hour after an evening swim, emanate a heart-rending scream for hours until four in the morning.

Let's say right away that healthy child During the first three months of life, the baby normally eats and sleeps most of the day and night. No early development can justify staying awake more than four hours a day at this age. And a grown-up baby, under one and a half years old, should sleep at night for ten hours in a row (provided that he is fed and changed).

  • Consequences of hypoxia

What makes infant start screaming or just stay awake at odd hours? As a rule, the culprit is cerebral hypoxia suffered in utero or during childbirth and subsequent postnatal encephalopathy, which is completely rejected by Western neurologists, but which, however, calmly exists even without this recognition.

Lack of oxygen leading to damage to some cortical cells cerebral hemispheres, or even even lead to hemorrhages in different parts of the brain, leaves behind either a swelling of the child’s head and bothering him with a headache, or dysfunction of the cortex, which affects the baby’s nervous excitability.

For newborn children who have confused day with night (born from mothers who liked to stay up at night during pregnancy), the above is not relevant, since this category of babies quickly becomes part of the normal schedule with careful adherence to the daily regimen already during the first month of life.

  • Intestinal problems

Second common reason restless behavior of an infant - intestinal discomfort due to dysbacteriosis, poor feeding or intestinal infection. Distension of the intestine by gases causes such severe pain that the child is ready to rage and scream most of the day (see).

The third, rarer pathology that makes a baby cry is inflammation of the middle ear (otitis), in which the pain is also not weak, and there is no way to endure it without pain relief.

Rachitic lesions of the nervous system are also a common problem, especially for northern latitudes. In addition to sweating, the child develops a hyperreaction to sudden noises, he starts in his sleep and generally becomes overly restless.

And only somewhere in fifth place are teething teeth, so beloved by pediatricians (which rarely actually cause any of the babies to sleep at night or scream loudly) and other diseases that have quite expressive symptoms (fever, snot, cough, or, at worst, some kind of rash).

To calm a baby, you need to follow the following algorithm

  • Feed
  • Change clothes
  • Pick it up and rock it. Remember that Dr. Spock’s recommendations that the child will yell and get used to falling asleep on his own have already been given to a couple of generations of neurotics who, from infancy, are accustomed to achieve everything only by heart-rending screaming. Calm the child as soon as he screams, do not make him hysterical - this becomes the baby’s habit and then it is much more difficult to cope with it.
  • If your baby can't breastfeed as much as he needs, buy a pacifier. For infants, sucking is the best sedative.
  • Show it to a pediatrician and neurologist.
  • Perform an ultrasound of the brain and have a stool culture tested for dysbacteriosis.
  • Compensate intracranial pressure(if any) diacarb or magnesia. At severe forms If hydrocephalus occurs, consult a neurosurgeon and, if necessary, undergo shunting (see)
  • Sanitize the intestines in case of dysbacteriosis (with bacteriophages or), then take a couple of courses of probiotics (premadophilus, linex, bifidumbacterin, see). At the same time, give the child antifoam agents that break up gas bubbles (Bebicalm, Espumisan, Bobotik).
  • At the same time, show the child to an ENT specialist and rule out ear inflammation.
  • Transfer the child to breastfeeding according to age, adjust the mother’s diet (if breastfeeding, see), stop overfeeding and feed cabbage soup to artificial babies from five months (see).
  • Do not neglect the preventive intake of vitamin D. If in the region where the baby lives, the sun does not shine eight hours a day for five months a year, it is foolish to be afraid of an overdose of this drug. After all, such severe forms of rickets as in the Russian North have not been seen in Europe for a long time.
  • Establish the baby's daily routine. Walk more with your baby. Restless and rambunctious children should be dressed warmly and put to bed with the window open.
  • Don't be nervous when approaching your child. Do not shout or swear in his presence. Take herbal sedatives yourself.

Thus, the only situation when a baby from birth to one year really needs sedatives is postnatal encephalopathy. In all other cases you just need attentive attitude to the baby and the patience of the parents, most children under one year old wake up 2-3 times at night and are restless for various reasons - this is normal!

Sedatives for babies

If a neurologist has diagnosed a baby with postnatal encephalopathy, if the child is too restless (sleeps little, screams a lot) and has no other diseases that could interfere with his life, you should listen to the neurologist’s recommendations regarding sedatives.

For intracranial hypertension:

  • As a rule, most infants with intracranial hypertension come to a balanced state of mind already from banal diuretics.
  • In parallel with them, the child may be recommended a mixture with citral, which is prepared in pharmacies according to a prescription from a neurologist. The composition of the drug includes:
    • magnesium sulfate, which lowers pressure in the head, has a calming and mild hypnotic effect
    • sedative sodium bromide
    • valerian, which inhibits the nervous system.

    It is necessary to strictly follow the recommended dosages, since valerian can reduce heart rate. Valerian prevents the destruction of substances in the brain that block inhibitory processes. It calms, enhances the effect of sleeping pills, and relieves intestinal spasms.

For rickets: Children with rachitic lesions of the nervous system are usually bathed with sea ​​salt or pine extract.

Breastfeeding mothers You can recommend soothing teas and infusions sold in pharmacies (provided that they do not cause allergies in the little one). The same soothing teas are also available in baby food departments for children themselves.

When bathing babies You can add tincture of valerian or motherwort to the water (40 drops per baby bath), not forgetting that alcohol solutions not recommended even for external use in children. , lemon balm or also relax kids. Perforatum herb is also recommended.

  • Bath with oregano, motherwort, valerian and thyme- take 3 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of these herbs, brew, let stand for half an hour, strain and pour into the bath, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  • Soothing pine bath- perfectly relieves the baby’s excitement, but take it no more than 5 minutes and no more than 12 baths per course.
  • Sea salt bath- also perfectly calms and is recommended even for newborn babies. You can bathe your child for up to 30 minutes by dissolving 250 mg in the bath. sea ​​salt.
  • Phenibut 20 tablets. 120-170 rub.
  • Anvifen 20 tablets 180 rub. (analog)

This is a more serious sedative, often prescribed to infants up to one year old (although the instructions indicate a contraindication for children up to 2 years old). It relieves anxiety, irritability and fear, causes drowsiness, relieves increased muscle tone and excessive motor activity in children. However, it has side effects such as excessive drowsiness, allergic reactions, headaches, kidney and liver dysfunction.

The nootropic drug Pantogam (hopantenic acid) is often prescribed. It not only improves nutrition of damaged areas of the cortex, but also removes increased tone muscles, smoothes out obsessive motor activity, helps with movement disorders, delayed psychomotor development.

True, today it refers to drugs with unproven effects, since there have been no extensive randomized studies on the drug (large practical experience applications in child neurology do not count, since the manufacturing company did not spend money on clinical studies).

From one to three years

Having survived the baby's first year, most parents enter the era normal life. At the same time, not all children whose nervous system malfunctioned in infancy, but was well compensated by the age of one year, received any sedatives. After all, the children's nervous system is at the stage of development and has enormous potential for self-healing.

However, some children continue to have anxiety and sleep disorders. Some develop hysterical behavioral traits. Some have fears, night or. Therefore, the problem of sedatives remains relevant at this age.

It should be remembered that part of the problems of a restless child at this age comes from social or educational neglect. Therefore, for example, replacing the problem of deprivation with a medical diagnosis and replacing full-fledged education and love for a child with sedative drugs is not only illiterate, but also criminal.

At home, folk sedatives can be prepared independently. Here are a couple of simple recipes:

  • Mint and linden - take one part each of peppermint and linden flowers. Add half of the chamomile. Pour two cups of boiling water over everything and bring to a boil in a water bath. Infuse in an enamel bowl. Give your child a tablespoon twenty minutes before bedtime.
  • Mint and valerian- pour two tablespoons of mint and valerian root into two glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain, cool, give the child a tablespoon three times a day for a week.

Many people believe that if a drug is herbal, it can be used without control, without restrictions, even “the more, the better” - both for infants and older children. However medicinal plants- these are also medicines, the composition of which is complex and has a very ambiguous effect; many plants in their composition contain, although small doses, harmful compounds and you should definitely consult a pediatrician or herbalist before use.

For example, children should not drink tea with only mint or only lemon balm (mono tea). Calming teas for babies usually contain valerian, chamomile, fennel seeds, string, linden blossom etc. - soothing teas “Evening Tale”, “Calming for Children”, “Calm”, Phytosedan, Bayu-Bai drops.

  • Tea Soothing-Ka 40-50 rub.

Green tea, thyme, motherwort, alfalfa, rosehip, lemon balm, mint, kelp extract powder.

  • Children's sedative “The Power of Russian Herbs” 40-50 rub.

Valerian, mint, thyme, motherwort, linden, St. John's wort, hawthorn, chamomile, plantain, rose hips, stevia.

  • Children's sedative 50-60 rub.

Rhizomes and roots of valerian, dandelion, mint, walnut leaves, plantain, stevia, hawthorn, caraway fruits, rose hips, hops, oregano, St. John's wort, fireweed (fireweed), motherwort, yarrow, thyme, echinacea, black tea, hibiscus, chamomile

  • Evening fairy tale 60-100 rub.

Anise, lavender, mint extract

  • Phytosedan 50-60 rub.

Sweet clover, valerian roots, thyme, motherwort, oregano

  • Byu-byu 120-150 rub.

Hawthorn fruit extract, oregano, peony, motherwort, peppermint, glutamic and citric acid

  • Hipp tea 250-300 rub.

Extract of linden blossom, lemon balm and chamomile, dextrose.

Calming tablets for hyperactive children

Denying the existence, Western neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists practicing in children's environments are very inclined to diagnose hyperactivity and distracted attention. But not only make diagnoses, but also fully treat patients with these ailments, incorporating many drugs with a calming effect into the process.

All nootropics improve metabolic processes only in pathologically altered cortex. That is, they are effective in areas damaged oxygen starvation or hemorrhage, but do not work on a healthy brain. But all the cells that could be restored were already restored at the age of early childhood (up to three years).

Here is a list of drugs that can be used to treat absent-minded attention and hyperactivity, but it is useless:

  • Polypeptides: Cortexin, Cerebrolysin
  • Racetams: Piracetam, Nootropil, Roliziracetam
  • Neuropeptides: Semax
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid derivatives: Phenibut, Picamilon, Pantogam.

The sedatives that are used from three to twelve are all the same herbal sedatives:

  • Valerian, motherwort, bromides
  • Persen - combined tablets - dry extracts of mint, lemon balm and valerian roots
  • Tenoten homeopathic for children - antibodies to brain-specific protein S 10
  • Nervoflux tea - a mixture of extracts of valerian root, hop cones, lemon balm, licorice root, orange blossom

40 tab. 230 -250 rub.
Ingredients: extracts of peppermint, valerian rhizomes with roots, lemon balm leaves
Excipients: cellulose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, povidone, sucrose, hydroxypropyl methyl, calcium carbonate, glycerin, sucrose, dyes.
Pharmacological action: Persen has an antispasmodic and sedative effect.
Indications: irritability, nervous excitability, insomnia.
Contraindications: for tablets for children under 3 years of age, for capsules for children under 12 years of age, increased sensitivity to the components Dosage: for children 3-12 years old only under the supervision of a doctor and only in the table, the dose is determined depending on body weight 1-3 r/day. You should not take the drug for more than 1.5-2 months.
Side effects: constipation, allergic reactions.
Overdose symptoms: stomach cramps, feeling tired, dizzy, dilated pupils.
Special instructions: The decision to take the tablet form for children 3-12 years old is made by the attending physician; capsules can be taken by children only after 12 years of age under the supervision of a doctor. There is no withdrawal syndrome; Persen should not be taken for more than 2 months.

40 tab. 170 - 220 rub.

Composition: antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100
Excipients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose.
Pharmacological action: has an anti-anxiety, calming effect, without hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. In conditions of hypoxia, intoxication, after acute disorder blood circulation in the brain has a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area of ​​damage, and improves the functions of the central nervous system.
Indications: neurosis-like disorders and neurotic disorders - impaired attention and behavior, increased excitability, anxiety, irritability, autonomic disorders.
Contraindications: children under 3 years old.
Dosage: keep 1 tablet in your mouth until completely dissolved in between meals 3 times a day, it is also possible to dissolve the tablet in boiled water(small quantities). The course of treatment is 1-3 months. Evening reception should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, because the drug has activating properties.
Side effects: hypersensitivity reactions.
Special instructions: the drug contains lactose, so Tanoten is not recommended for children.


Over the past decade, the practice of prescribing it to children has gained momentum. Actually sedative in pure form This drug is not, but refers to, nootropics. This is an amino acid that is found in many biological fluids and tissues of the human body.

Receptors for this neurotransmitter are found in the brain and spinal cord. By binding to them, glycine increases the release of amino acids responsible for inhibitory processes in the nervous system (glutamine) and reduces the release of excitatory amino acids (gamma-aminobutyric).

These sweet tablets are easily tolerated by children and are readily accepted by them, but are unlikely to have any significant sedative effect (at least in the dosages that are used in children's practice). Like all modern ones nootropic drugs, this medicine refers to drugs with an unproven effect, that is, its prescription remains at the discretion of the attending physician, and the medicine is not included in the neurological standards.

Homeopathic sedatives and dietary supplements for children

Adhering to the principle of “treat like with like,” homeopaths would have to compose their preparations from a mixture of roaring, capricious whining and causeless jumps from floor to walls and back. However, these far-sighted healers still resort to the same herbal sedatives, seasoning them with sugar and serving them in the form of sweet peas, which most children mistake for candy, so they eat without any problems. There are also sweet syrups, which also go great. In this regard, in this matter, homeopaths and I are not at all against homeopathic sedatives for children.

The following homeopathic sedatives are available today:

  • Dietary supplement Hare

Thus, sedatives in pediatric practice are always a necessary necessity. It cannot be considered that taking such medications for a child is daily practice and the normal state of affairs.

Sedatives are medications that must be prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications in certain doses and for a specific period of time, after which the drug must be discontinued. More than half of the problems associated with children's anxiety are caused by the unreasonable behavior of adults who are responsible for the child. Remember that in addition to the nervous system, the child has a liver, kidneys and pancreas, which can be damaged by unjustified use of medications.

Every mother worries and worries when her child sleeps poorly, is capricious, and screams. She is ready to do absolutely anything to calm her baby. There are enough ways to improve your child’s sleep and relieve nervous excitability.

Causes of increased excitability in children

Increased excitability in children can occur for various reasons:

  • The child is hungry.
  • Colic in the intestines.
  • Various diseases (stomach pain, ear pain, teething, etc.).
  • Watching stimulating cartoons before bed.
  • Active games.
  • Diseases associated with the nervous system.

Excitability can be expressed in this way:

  • Moody and tearfulness.
  • Hysterics for no reason, stress.
  • Difficulty going to bed and poor sleep.

Before using sedatives on children of various nature, you should consult your doctor. In some cases, it is enough to simply feed the baby and sing him a lullaby before bed.

Calming herbs for children

At 2 years old, the child shows signs of hyperexcitability. During such a period, it is difficult to calm the baby. He finds a lot of reasons to cry, without having any good reasons for it. This condition primarily negatively affects the child himself. He cannot control his emotions and will calm down on his own.

Baths from collecting various herbs will help your child calm down. For a baby under one year old, it is better to choose one herb, and for older babies, you can use a collection of herbs. The bath must be taken correctly:

  1. The baby should have a soothing bath 30-40 minutes before bedtime.
  2. The water should be comfortable for the child.
  3. On the first day, the bath should be taken for 3 to 5 minutes, in subsequent days you can gradually increase the time to 10 minutes.
  4. The course is no more than 20 days every other day. Then you should take a break for a month.
  5. After taking a bath, you should not bathe your baby; just rinse with warm water.
  6. No need to wipe dry, just pat dry with a soft towel.
  7. After your bath, read a story or play a quiet game.
  8. During the water procedure, the child must be calm. If he is overly cheerful or crying, it is better to end the procedure.

Herbs for a soothing bath:

  • Valerian.
  • Motherwort.
  • Mint and lemon balm.
  • Thyme.
  • Oregano.

Also suitable for a bath is a collection of herbs and children's herbal teas, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

In order to prepare a bath, you need to brew 1 tbsp. l. Herbs or collection 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain and add to water.

Pine needle baths have a calming effect. In addition to relaxation, they have a great effect on respiratory system. Due to essential oils, the needles act as an inhaler. When buying pine needles in briquettes at the pharmacy, it is better to put them in a bag before adding them to the bath.

Salt baths will be very useful and effective. For 15 liters of water you will need 100 g of salt. It contains a large amount of calcium, bromine and magnesium, which significantly calms the child’s nervous system. Salt baths with pine needles are an excellent combination for a soothing bath.

If your baby has rashes (manifestations of allergies), then he should avoid salt baths.

After water procedures Before going to bed, your child can have a soothing massage. This is an excellent sedative for children under one year old. You need to gently and carefully knead and rub the baby’s entire body. Older children receive a massage of the back, collar and scalp.

Before giving a massage, it is advisable for the mother to take a training course.

Soothing tea for children

Stress level in early age big enough. To make your sleep sound, improve your mood and normalize general condition health, children can be given soothing tea.

Soothing tea for children under one year of age should be selected very carefully. The shelves of modern pharmacies can offer a very rich assortment. But it is much better (if possible) to collect and dry the herbs yourself.

Chamomile tea has a good effect. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over dried chamomile flowers and leave for half an hour. Strain and dilute hot water in a 1:1 ratio. There is no need to add sugar to it. In addition to chamomile, you can use:

  • Linden color.
  • Mint.
  • Melissa.

Herbs can be used individually or in combination, for example, chamomile and linden blossom.

It is necessary to give tea to infants in small quantities. One tablespoon will be enough. According to doctors' recommendations, it is better to drink tea before bed.

For children under three years of age, 1% or 3% tea is brewed; the dosage depends on the pediatrician’s recommendations.

Plants that have a calming effect:

  • Anise. Helps fight stress and loss of appetite in children.
  • Sweet orange. Used in cases where the child has expressed fear and tension.
  • Hawthorn. Has a beneficial effect on sleep and calms the nervous system.
  • Valerian. Prescribed during insomnia, hysteria and increased excitability.
  • Five-lobed motherwort. Acts as a mild sleeping pill for increased excitability.
  • Red viburnum. Calms the baby's nervous system and helps with insomnia.
  • Dill. Brewed seeds improve and normalize sleep, calm the nervous system.
  • Lily of the valley. Prescribed for insomnia, neuroses accompanied by headaches.

You can buy tea in granules. In addition to herbs, it contains fruits, carbohydrates, and prebiotics. It is very easy to prepare and quite healthy:

  • Babyvita sweet dreams can be given from the first month.
  • Humana herbal tea, Hipp Good night, Hipp linden blossom – from 4 months.
  • Hipp with natural herbs, Hipp apple tea with lemon balm – from 6 months.

Soothing teas are also useful for mothers to drink during lactation. The main rule of use herbal tea for both mother and baby is strict adherence proportions and dosage.

Sedatives for children

Modern pharmaceuticals are rich in various sedatives for children. In addition to those methods that can be organized from improvised means, if necessary and prescribed by a doctor, take the following medications:

Sedative for children under one year of age:

  • Glycine. Acts as a mild sedative. Available in lozenges. If necessary, you can crush the tablet into powder.
  • Pantogam. Improves the general condition of the baby’s nervous system and relieves seizures. Used in the form of syrup.
  • Calcium preparations. A lack of calcium leads to bad sleep, increased excitability and irritability. The use of such drugs leads to the normalization of all processes. Available in tablets.
  • Kandinorm. Can be given from 1 year. Available in granules. Improves attention and sleep, reduces excitability.

Sedative for children 2 years old:

  • Phenibut. Relieves irritation and improves sleep. Available in tablets.
  • Pantogam. Used in tablet form. Has calming properties.
  • Valerianahel. A sedative with hypnotic effect. Available in drops.

Sedative for children 3 years old:

  • Notta. Available in drops or tablets under the tongue.
  • Bunny. Strengthens the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on sleep. Available in syrup form, used as biological additive to food.
  • Picaminol. Light sedative.

When choosing drugs, you need to pay attention to their origin. They should be natural and plant-based, improve memory and brain activity child. If an allergic reaction occurs, promptly discontinue use. Listen to all doctors' recommendations.

From the first days of birth, babies can be given soothing cereals. From birth to 1 year, Frisolac night formula is recommended. It should be given before bedtime during the day and evening. The tryptophan amino acids it contains can regulate baby’s wakefulness and sleep. Does not contain flour, and the presence of prebiotics improves digestion.

Mixtures from 6 months:

  • Nutrilon good night.
  • Good night hipp.
  • Unable to have happy dreams.
  • Humana sweet dreams.
  • Baby plus 2.
  • Baby plus 3, etc.

Baby formulas contain flour from various cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, corn. After consuming this product, the child feels full, so his sleep will be sound and restful. Herbs such as chamomile, lemon balm or linden are added to some porridges for a restful sleep.

When using mixtures, cereals, and medications, you must always strictly follow the instructions. If it says “sedatives for children 2 years old,” then it is prohibited to give them to a younger child, even in a smaller dosage.

Proven methods for keeping your baby calm

Mixtures, especially drugs, must be treated very carefully. Do-it-yourself activities are strongly discouraged. Any action should only be taken on the advice of a qualified therapist.

Sedatives for children can easily be found in every home:

  • Sew a calming pillow for your baby. Take a closer look at your child and determine which herb works best for him. Then fill her baby pillow. The baby will sleep soundly and peacefully.
  • Before going to bed, put on a disc with gentle and calm melodies. Such relaxation will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s condition.
  • And follow the most important rule - calm mom, calm baby. If the family has a calm and kind environment, the child will feel the same. And there will be much less reason for irritation.