Write a letter of recommendation. How to write a letter of recommendation for a company (form, template). Features of the preparation of this document for various professions

Writing a great letter of recommendation for a company in a formal style can be challenging.
You can greatly alleviate this problem for your guarantor if you yourself present him with a layout of a letter of recommendation.

In this case, you can initially present the content of the document in the right direction.

2. In the first paragraph, the guarantor explains how long he has been working with you. Briefly describes your type of activity and job responsibilities. Here you can write in a few words about the company itself.

3. In the next paragraph, it is necessary to give a more specific description of your professional and career growth throughout your time working in the company, list all the main achievements, and focus on the most important positive qualities from the point of view of the guarantor. Then the guarantor’s impression of joint activities with you.

To summarize what was written above, it is important to describe the personal qualities and positive character traits of a person. Express your opinion about what responsibilities and in what position he can bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

Letter No. 1:

OJSC [company name] is our partner in the field (area of ​​activity). During the period of cooperation, [name of organization] confirmed its highest professional status, activity and competence in performing assigned tasks.

All tasks are completed on time, within strictly defined deadlines and with excellent quality. The company's employees perform their duties efficiently.

We are pleased with the work of [company name] and are ready to recommend this company as a responsible and reliable partner.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 2:

The company [name of organization], working in (year) year for [name of organization], carried out work on [name of work] and established itself as a highly qualified, executive company.

The work was carried out efficiently and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the work.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 3:

[name of organization] has been a partner of [name of organization] for [number] years. For such a long time, [name of organization] has established itself as a stable and reliable partner, providing high efficiency, reliability and a flexible approach to the Customer’s needs, never exceeding deadlines.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 4:

By this letter I confirm that [name of organization] has experience in cooperation with [name of organization] in the field of [field of activity]. During the cooperation, company representatives showed a creative approach, high professionalism and efficiency in carrying out the designated tasks.

We confirm that the services of [name of organization] correspond to a highly professional profile.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 5:

Our cooperation with the company [name of organization] has continued since [year]. During this period, the company [name of organization] has established itself as a reliable business partner and sustainable enterprise.

Thanks to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with clients based on professionalism and mutual cooperation, it, in our opinion, occupies a stable position in the field [field of activity].

Sample letter No. 6:

By this letter, the organization [name of organization] informs that during the period of cooperation with [name of organization], this company has managed to establish itself as a reliable and professional partner.

The main distinguishing feature of the work of [name of organization] is the high level of organization and efficiency of the organization’s employees, the willingness to quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Based on the above, the company [name of organization] would like to note the high potential of OJSC [name of organization], focus on prosperity and further successful development.

[Your name]

Letter #7:

During the period of work with [name of organization], the company’s employees have proven themselves to be positive. Their work meets the specified level, is performed with high quality and strictly on time. I would like to note the efficient work of the specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, and their attentive attitude towards the Customer.

[Your name]

Sample letter No. 8:

By this letter, we, [name of organization], confirm that [name of organization] is our long-term and reliable partner.

[name of organization] has been successfully and actively working since [date] providing a full range of services in this area.

During this period, we were provided with services at the highest professional level. The professionalism of [organization name] employees ensures a decent quality of services provided.

Based on the above, [name of organization] characterizes [name of organization] as a reliable and professional partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

A letter of recommendation is a document from the head of an organization or its competent employee, which is a professionally stated positive or neutral review of an individual. Such paper is required for presentation by the applicant at the new (prospective) place of work.

According to the tradition formed in European countries, and supported in Russia during tsarist times, in order to obtain an honorary position, it was necessary to ensure the integrity and professionalism of the employee by obtaining relevant information about the previous work and the position performed there, as well as the qualifications received by the employee. At the same time, letters of recommendation were required for employment in any field.

Nowadays, a letter of recommendation may be asked to present when applying for a highly paid or financially responsible position, although any director who understands his responsibility in selecting the right personnel may also require such a document.

  • increase the credibility of the applicant at a potential job;
  • give the employer an idea of ​​the candidate for the position and his personal and professional qualities;
  • get an additional argument in your favor for shy people who do not know how to present themselves favorably as an employee at an important interview;
  • convey to the potential employer a flattering assessment of his work in the chosen field of employment for the applicant;
  • supplement the submitted resume with important and useful information;
  • receive a good bonus when starting any type of cooperation.

Before composing a letter of recommendation using a sample, it is worth understanding what the style of its design and writing should be. First of all, the compiler of this document must remember to use only business style. Its characteristic features:

  • impersonality- information is presented not from the first person, but from the third;
  • formality- the letter does not contain frivolous, colloquial expressions;
  • simplicity- the presentation should be as simple as possible, this also applies to sentences that, in a business style, have a minimum length and simple wording;
  • brevity- brevity does not mean omitting some details of the description if they are important; When mentioning any professional character trait, it would be correct to immediately indicate everything that needs to be communicated to the reader about this;
  • absence of emotions and subjective assessments- for a letter of recommendation, it is important to evaluate the employee in terms of benefits for the company as a whole, abstracting as much as possible from the personal attitude of the manager;
  • clarity of text structure- we mean a clear and logical sequence of description.

How to write in a business style

There is no generally accepted or established standard for writing recommendations in the form of a letter, but still unspoken unwritten rules exist. So, any letter from a place of work or study should contain the following information blocks: the originator indicating the first/last name and position, the title of the document, a description of the nature of the work (study) and the interaction between the originator of the letter and the person referred to in the document.

Additional information! For solidity and greater persuasiveness, you can use a company letterhead, if your company has one.

The main part indicates the qualities of a specialist that have been and will be useful for activities in a certain field. In general, the letter should contain facts, a possible drawback (only a minor one), a list of advantages, an indication of education and special training.

If the letter is addressed, that is, intended for a specific person and written at a separate request, you need to address him at the beginning of the document by name and patronymic, or as is customary in the organization to which the letter is sent. You can express your hope for successful employment and leave contact details (telephone, email address) to clarify unclear issues. An explanation of the reason why the employee left his previous job is also welcome, but this should only be indicated if there are valid motivating factors.

When writing the letters in question with recommendations and characteristics, there are no phrases that are templates that are required to be used, but it is still possible to give a few examples. When making recommendations and pointing out positive aspects for cooperation, one can express it like this:

  • “it should be noted the high speed of learning (level of professionalism) ...”;
  • “the company was glad to cooperate (to have on staff) ...”;
  • "during the performance of duties<здесь требуется указать должность, которую занимал соискатель, и его имя>showed himself to be like..." and others.

This letter is my personal recommendation for Veronica Ivanova. Until recently, I was Veronica's immediate supervisor for several years and consider her to be a consistently valuable and understanding employee of the company, who completes all tasks with dedication and a smile.

In addition, Veronica showed herself to be a responsible person, capable of generating and presenting creative ideas profitably, and finding advantages and disadvantages in the company's innovations. She successfully developed several marketing plans for our firm, which immediately resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we recorded an increase in profits that exceeded twenty percent of the organization's previous figure. The new income of several hundred thousand rubles was a direct result of the plans implemented by V. Ivanova.

Although her responsibilities were primarily in the marketing area, Veronica was also extremely helpful in other areas of the company. She has written several effective training modules for sales representatives and has taken a leadership role in every sales meeting while inspiring and motivating other employees.


Artem Aleksandrovich Shainulin,

Head of Marketing Department at Mega.

Mr. Cherepov Andrey Ivanovich worked at the company “Everything for Comfort” from June 1, 2016 to August 17, 2018, including from June 28, 2016 to July 25, 2017 as a merchandiser, and from July 21, 2017 until August 17, 2018 - as a regional representative.

The responsibilities of an employee in the position of manager-merchandiser consisted of full control over compliance with the conceptual idea of ​​the organization “Everything for Comfort”, correct and regular display of goods on shelves, placement of marketing materials in retail outlets in the territory controlled by his department and regulation of their intended use, condition, calculation and ensuring the availability of the required quantity of all product items.

During his short time working in our company, Andrey Cherepov has established himself as a punctual, attentive, conscientious employee who enjoys well-deserved respect and authority among his colleagues.

Mr. Cherepov has thoroughly studied the entire range of products that the company deals with and knows how to sell effectively. Based on the above regarding the employee, I can report that he is capable of performing the duties of a department director or department head.

Deputy Sales Director "Everything for Comfort"

Kraskin Evlampy Terentievich

tel. *(***)***-**-**

A recommendation for an employee (the example was given above) is certified by the signature of the originator and the seal of the company. In this case, the author can be a manager, head of a department, department or director of an organization. Any boss, line manager, as well as middle and senior managers can become a recommender.

A letter of recommendation is a desirable, but not mandatory, attribute of successful and quick employment of a valuable employee. This document is drawn up in any form and is a confirmation of the experience and skills for a specific job, helping the applicant to look advantageous.

A letter of recommendation to an employee is an assessment of the employee’s professional qualities, skills and abilities by his former boss or colleague. This document is usually used when looking for a new job and is attached to the resume. Having good recommendations makes a resume more attractive and increases the applicant's chances of getting hired.

How to compose

The text should fit on one sheet of paper. You should avoid general and “standard” phrases – executive, reliable employee, etc. (such a letter will still not be remembered and will not make the right impression). It’s better to just list the facts - participated in the project..., increased sales... by 20%, successfully negotiated... etc. (see sample letter of recommendation).

It should be written on an official letterhead, unless it is a personal recommendation from a specific person.

The document must contain information: in what period and where (specific company name) the employee worked, his achievements - what specific duties he performed (should give an idea of ​​his professional level). At the same time, strive to characterize the result of your work in numbers (maybe as a percentage). This is the most significant part of a letter of recommendation - look at the example given to see how you can be creative in the writing process.

The letter of recommendation is usually signed by the immediate superior (head of a structural unit) or the head of the company where the employee worked. People who know him and, if necessary, are ready to confirm all the information contained in the letter of recommendation.

The information must be as truthful as possible - very often people contact us to clarify and verify information by calling the telephone numbers indicated in the letter.
