How to make a magic wand: secrets of real magicians. How to make a real magic wand

A magic wand is a device of good and useful magic. It helps to change the properties of objects so that they bring joy and good mood to any person. A real magic wand never causes harm.

She refuses to perform evil or hurtful magic. In this case, it deteriorates and forever loses its magical properties. In addition, it will be possible to make another magic wand no earlier than in one year.

Making a real magic wand at home is very simple. If you complete some preparatory steps, the process of creating a magic wand will take no more than 1 second. It is important to comply with the mandatory simple conditions for the production of a magic wand.

First of all, you need to find the basis, or the blank for the future magic wand. The base can be any solid object that has an oblong or elongated shape.

It is not at all necessary to use stick-shaped objects - twigs, twigs, Chinese chopsticks, pencils, etc. A lightweight, elongated object made from almost any non-fragile material - plastic, metal, paper, impact-resistant glass, wood, clay and others will do.

A magic wand can even be made from dough (the recipe is given below) and baked in the oven until golden brown. In this case, if the wand loses its magical properties, it can be eaten as a cookie for tea. In short, the scope for imagination when choosing material is unlimited.

Only one important condition must be met: the blank for the magic wand, no matter what it is made of, should not have sharp edges, jagged edges, or anything that could injure or scratch the skin.

Making a magic wand

Step 1

Stand in the center of the room, straighten up, keep your head straight.

Step 2

Place the wand blank on your head and lower your arms.

Step 3

Close your eyes tightly.

Step 4

Say loudly and clearly: “Wand! Magical! Real! Be!”

It is important to pronounce these words strictly in this sequence, with conviction and firmness. It is not necessary to say it out loud, you can say it mentally to yourself, the main thing is not to break the order of the words.

To make a real magic wand yourself you need:

  • One second of free time;
  • A blank in the form of an elongated object;
  • Room;
  • A special sequence of words.

The magic wand is ready for use immediately after casting; its shelf life is unlimited if used properly. We wish you success in your work of good magic and look forward to further cooperation.

Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers have used additional objects in their work. Depending on the direction in which the specialist works, the magical attribute, which is partly the source of power, may vary. For some it will be a ring, for others a knife, for herbalists - a bottle of seeds. Some warlocks use skulls and bones in rituals. Witches often wear beads and bracelets made from natural stones. However, there are several items in the everyday life of magicians that are familiar to us.

We are talking about a magic wand or wand. It is worth understanding that this item can be either a gift from the Higher Powers or a personally made amulet. The entire production process is a mystery and requires maximum concentration. On the other hand, after you make a rod or wand, a series of manipulations with the “object of power” will be required to fill it with energy.

Do not forget that you can start making a wand only after receiving a blessing from the Power with which you are working. A blessing is required both before and after production. Filling a magical object with power must be carried out on a pre-selected day that corresponds to all the canons of the Teaching within which you practice magic.

There are four standard sizes of magic wands, made of wood and serving as an aid to concentrate and enhance one’s own power.

Staff - approximately tall

Large staff - two or three cubits

Small rod - one or two cubits

The smaller the wand, the more powerful it is, and the more careful processing it requires. Wands can also be made of metal or stone, but since the labor intensity is significantly higher, I did not even try to find out anything about it. Before you start, you need to perform a cleansing ritual that matches your ideas. During processing, you should observe what you call fasting. Any psychotics are strictly excluded; even tobacco or coffee can disrupt your work. For any wooden wand, “its own” tree is selected (in my case it could be oak or hawthorn); in general, preference is given to a harder species. A young tree of suitable thickness is selected. For everything except the staff, a part of the main trunk is suitable only without knots. The tree is cut down with a feeling of regret for the ruined plant, and confidence that your need is worth it. A minimum of tools is used, ideally one knife forged with one’s own hands. Since in modern conditions it is difficult to get hold of a knife forged with your own hands, you can use an ordinary medical scalpel purchased specifically for this work. When working, it is necessary to eliminate the feeling of triumph, haste or anticipation. A magic wand, on the contrary, is made from the most clumsy and gnarled rhizome of a tree, or, for example, the stem of a Karelian birch. If a part of a tree was taken to make a magic wand, if you are completely confident in yourself, it makes sense to “gift” the tree - rub a drop of blood into a cut in its bark. The cut trunk is transferred to the place where it will be processed and is not moved to other places until the work is completed. The waste is collected and, after finishing the work, sacrificed to the forest spirits (buried under the turf in the forest with a feeling of gratitude). All processing is carried out in a state of permanent meditation on the material. Hurry, distraction by random things, attempts to speed up work at the risk of spoiling the material are categorically excluded (not even the attempts themselves, but reflections on this topic, that is, if something can be scraped off or cut off, but accuracy in the latter case cannot be guaranteed, then it should not there may even be doubts about what should be scraped). It is best to work in the forest or in the country. Exactly as much work is done in one go as is fun. Whenever there is a desire to work, you need to do it, even if this work consists of two movements.

The bark and cambium are cleared from the trunk; in the case of a staff, knots are cut and scraped off (not until smooth), and defects are cut out. The staff can be finished at any time after this, but it is recommended to at least scrape it thoroughly and lovingly. For the remaining wands, the upper end (according to the height of the tree) is pointed, the lower end is rounded. The lower part of the rod (by which you then hold it) is scraped across the grain. At this stage, the workpiece should no longer have any corners or cuts. By this time, the workpiece may crack lengthwise due to drying, this is normal. On a magic wand, both ends are rounded.

The processing should be interrupted and play with the resulting object. You need to feel it as your own, find a comfortable position for it in your hand, love it, become attached to it. From this moment on, the workpiece should be kept with you at all times, at least in the area of ​​attention. The feeling should be such that you are introducing him to yourself, to your life, to your habits, emotions. Further processing is the main difficulty. Part of the wand, except for the place where you hold on and the tip, is covered with a pattern. There is no meaning to the emerging feeling of “this is what they want.” some of them may be small, some will “require” a recess, sometimes up to a quarter of the radius (I, however, did not have this). Scratches are caused by holding the tip of a knife between your fingers (by the way, you only need to sharpen it by hand), and require a steady hand. When working, there should be a feeling of conversation, conversation with the rod. A small wand requires a pattern several times thicker and finer than a large one, but sections of the initial surface must remain on it as part of the pattern (then, probably, the magic wand should be entirely carved). If a crack has formed on the rod, then you should hammer annealed copper, or even better silver, into it with the same knife (just not too hard, otherwise it will crack), right up to the surface. For a magic wand, another type of pattern is preferable - a continuous, non-self-intersecting, open line covering the largest possible area of ​​the magic wand. If you manage to apply it in one motion from start to finish... However, I doubt that you will succeed. There is no need to demand European accuracy from the rod, it should have in its shape a reference to the original shape of the barrel, it should not be perfectly smooth or perfectly round, the metal hammered into the gap does not have to look like a filling, it is simply stored there, although if it is not will look tacky, then that’s correct. Unfortunately, I cannot describe the pattern covering in more detail, as it occurs in deep meditation. The work should internally bear the impression of a valuable process in itself; one should not feel concerned about the result; even some nostalgic pity that another part of the work has been done is allowed. At the same time, he needs to be introduced to the world, that is, shown to the sun, moon, stars, trees, while intensely feeling his attitude towards the objects shown. There is no need to show EVERYTHING or name names. Only the attitude toward which you consider worthy of being noted. The pattern is applied until you are confident that you cannot add a single stroke. By the way, the pattern may well contain various symbols that you might have seen before; it is absolutely necessary to accurately determine whether it is your subconscious that is playing around, or whether the scratches just happened that way. The first is not good, the second is normal. There are so many symbols that they can be found in anything, there is no need to be afraid of them or strive for them, they are always secondary when interpreted by a person. After applying the pattern, you need to polish the rod with a cloth and river sand. For those who have never done this, I warn you, do not press, otherwise you will scratch it. By the way, it is better to sift and/or wash the sand. Only the pattern is polished, by this time the handle has already been processed with a knife, and the tip should be smoothed with a knife. Polishing should occur in a joyful (but not violently hysterical) mood, and this should not make the movements abrupt.

By this time, the rod will make you feel the need for initialization, which consists of completely emotionless immersion of the tip into something. In my case it was night water, but it could be earth, wine, milk, a living body (God forbid, human), and sewage. If necessary, the next day the tip is wiped with the same cloth that was used to polish the rod (by the way, didn’t I say that it should be natural fabric from your old clothes?), which can be buried along with bark and sawdust, or can be thrown away or destroyed, at your discretion.

Initializing the magic wand looks a little more complicated. First, one end of it is immersed in something, then (the period of time does not matter and is unpredictable in advance) its other end is immersed in something else, something opposite in properties to the first. At first glance, the phrase is somewhat clumsy, but if you start making a magic wand, then at this stage everything will be clear to you.

The knife must be sharpened at the end of the work, and... that’s it.

Who hasn't dreamed or thought about it? There are practically no such people. Everyone wants their wishes to be fulfilled instantly and preferably without the slightest difficulty. Whether this is right or wrong is not for us to decide.

Since ancient times, a magic wand has been an attribute of fairy-tale characters: fairies, wizards, and magicians. They skillfully hid the process of its manufacture. But some secrets have leaked into the human world.

How to make a real magic wand at home?

  1. First you need faith. You must believe that you will be able to make a magic wand. Moreover, there should be no doubts.
  2. A kind heart is an undoubted quality that must be possessed. It is no coincidence that only good characters wield a magic wand. They may have some character flaws, but inside they are kind.
  3. You need to decide on the material. Wood, paper, pencil - everything works.
  • You need to make a stick in a good mood and with love. You can talk to her, tell her about your good thoughts and desires.
  • When using, do not shake or jerk it. Clarity is the main method of application.
  • Do not wish harm on anyone, otherwise the magic wand will become useless.

How to make a magic wand from a pencil?

  1. You need to choose a suitable pencil. Here you should listen to your intuition.
  2. The pencil needs to be decorated with some decorative elements: foil, colored elastic, artificial stone. This is where glue or tape comes in handy.
  3. Now we come directly to the question : how to make a magic wand at home? It must be charged with magic. For this you need “faith”. Take the wand carefully (wait for the glue to dry), close your eyes, relax, imagine that it is already magical, wave it. Open your eyes, wait a little. You already have a real magic wand ready. Try making a wish.

How to make a magic wand from wood

  1. The tree itself must “give” the branch to you. Then the wand will be filled with real magic. This is easy to understand. Go to the tree, try to carefully tear off a branch from it. If it doesn’t work, then the tree and branch are not suitable, look for another one. After you have found a twig, remove the bark from it. Be sure to say “thank you” to the tree that gave you such a miracle.
  2. You can then continue making a magic wand at home. Take it home and put it in cold water for 2 days. After 2 days you pull it out.
  3. Now the “Dating” stage begins. A real magic wand must get to know you gradually in order to understand whether you are worthy of its magic. Carry it with you all the time: both on your happy days and on your bad ones. Let her get to know you and slowly become saturated with magical power.

Don't think about it how to make a magic wand, create, do! May your good wishes come true!

Our general idea of ​​a magic wand comes from fairy tales and stories. It was an integral attribute of fairies, sorceresses and magicians. We could see a magic wand in fairy-tale films, for example the wonderful tale of Harry Potter, or when reading books. Of course, every little child wanted to have such a magic wand to fulfill their cherished dreams and desires.

No one can say with 100% certainty about the existence of fairies, wizards, gnomes and magicians. Maybe because we don’t meet them in everyday life? Or maybe someone has encountered them? Unfortunately, we will never know the answers to these questions. But in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth, and this is what the popular proverb says: “There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it.”

But if such a magic wand falls into the hands of a person, the consequences may be irreversible. But despite all the epics, there were people who had the skills to make a magic wand, but they did not tell the secret of making it to anyone, but only passed on the knowledge from generation to generation. If you love magical things, you can make one.

Only wizards recognized in the wizarding world knew such a secret. This was the Ollivander family from England in 382. Their family mass-produced magic wands in those days. How strange it is that their secret is used in our time, but they don’t tell it to anyone. Today you have a unique chance to find out this secret, just don’t tell it to anyone.

How to make a real magic wand

To make a magic wand you need to find a magic pencil. Everyone has one, we assure you, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you which pencil you need to take. We take a magic pencil and paste it with tape, colored paper, foil or other decorative decorations. At the top of the stick we decorate it, for example, with a star cut out of paper.

In order for the wand to truly work and fulfill all your cherished desires, you need to charge the magic wand with magical energy. Take the wand in your hands, close your eyes and clearly say the following spell:

“Oh, great wizards! I ask you to give magical power to my magic wand and accept powerful magicians into your ranks. I promise to use the magic wand only for good, to help people and fight evil. I undertake to never tell the secrets of wizards to anyone and am ready to be punished if I break this spell.”

This spell must be spoken from the bottom of your heart and with all your soul. Then the wizards will hear you and will help you in every possible way. They will always be nearby, but you will not see them.

You need to use the magic wand as follows:

  • You need to move the stick smoothly without sudden movements;
  • There is no need to shake or tug the wand;
  • What you wish for, the words should be clear and intelligible, you should not speak loudly.

The most important thing is not to doubt your magic wand and believe in its powers, then you will succeed. Remember, the wand will fulfill wishes as much as you put effort into it when creating it. But powerful wizards will somehow prevent you from using your magic wand for other purposes.

Unfortunately, she won’t be able to do your homework for you, won’t brush your teeth, or learn your homework. These are the things you need to do yourself.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands video

Examples of what kind of magic wands you can make with your own hands:

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For sorcerers of Slavic origin, a magic wand was almost a mandatory attribute. They used too large flows to cope with them on their own. In order to hold their power in their hands, it was the magic rod that was used.

The main group of people with supernatural abilities who used the magic wand were shamans. They used their wands for healing, speaking with spirits, and controlling the weather.

Beginning magicians and magicians who decide to use the forces of nature or learn how to heal people can make a magic wand to simplify rituals and relieve consciousness. In this article we will share tips on how to make a magic wand.

Differences between a magic wand and a magic wand

Many ordinary people and novice magicians do not see the difference between a magic wand and a magic wand. Therefore, it is worth noting that a wand differs from a magic wand in some properties.

Processes the energy flow and creates what is desired from it. The wand, unlike the wand, cannot fulfill wishes; rather, it is used as a conductor between the forces of this and this world. Something like a mobile phone with a long-distance tariff.

Wand - once for life. The wand tends to lose its magical properties as the initially charged energy is wasted from it. Only a very strong magician will be able to make one magic wand for himself and use it throughout his entire practice.

How to make a magic wand

Nowadays, everything you need for witchcraft can be bought at a magic paraphernalia store. But every experienced magician knows that such powerful personal things as a wand must either be inherited from the shaman or made with one’s own hands. In this article we will show you how to make your own wand.

What material can a magic wand be made from?

It is immediately worth noting that you can only use natural materials - wood, metal, stones. The rod must be durable and small in size. The ideal size is 15-20 cm, two centimeters thick, but not very thick so that it is comfortable to hold in your hand.

You can cast it from metal, solid or hollow inside. If the wand is hollow, you can add objects inside that have meaning to you - bird feathers or animal fangs, talismans that help you throughout your life, and more. Please note that the objects inside should not move around like in a rattle - it is best to seal them with sealing wax or wax.

You can also find a suitable branch from a tree that is close to your spirit. If you are going to use a wand to control nature, then a tree branch cannot be cut from the first tree you come across. You need to either find it in the forest, or talk to the trees, telling them what the wood was needed for. Not every tree will agree to such a sacrifice - after all, the tree spirit will pass from the branch to the rod. In the article, how to make a magic wand, we have already written in detail how to get a tree branch. After the necessary tree has been found, the branch must be thoroughly cleaned, all kinds of splinters or twigs removed, and polished until it is smooth to the bone - magical objects do not tolerate haste and sloppiness.

How to decorate and add power to a magic wand

There are no special rules when choosing material for making a wand; it all depends on your capabilities and goals. If you know how to use runes, you can write one, which will be a help throughout your life along with the wand. It's good if you have a talisman stone. You can build it into the tip of the wand so that it protects you from evil spirits. Such a stone could ideally be a large amber, which accumulates energy within itself, or an amethyst, if you plan to work with love flows, preserving families.

Rock crystal, especially processed into a transparent ball, will help you unravel the future and dispose of it at your own discretion. Carnelian will be a good help in healing, and moonstone will open the subconscious and mental health.

If you got hold of a pearl, then it will help improve relationships both in your personal life and in disputes between business partners.

Attention! A huge request to novice magicians: please do not add “what was found” to your wands. You must clearly understand why and from what and for what purpose you are creating. Otherwise, it will not be a wand that personifies your philosophy of life, but an ordinary fun that will not open up to you when you activate the magic wand.

Nuances in making a magic wand

Remember that every action you take in making a wand should have a deep meaning.

If you, for example, decide to paint a wand, then you need to understand that red color will add aggression and earthiness to the attribute, green will focus on healing, blue can teach you how to control natural disasters. If your rod is black, it means you must speak with the spirits of the dead. Do not paint the wand at all until you decide what you will do in the world of magic, so as not to regret making a premature mistake in the future.

The wand can be made from anything - the main thing is that it makes sense to you

You cannot write a meaningless set of runes without studying them thoroughly and without opening their soul. It is forbidden to use plastic decorations - this is not a teenage bauble, but a serious magical attribute.

Since the wand is created to transmit energy flows, its entire appearance should be streamlined, without jagged edges or sharp potholes or knots - all this will interfere with the smooth transfer of energy.

How to activate a magic wand

Initially, it is worth clearing it of excess energy that accumulated during the manufacturing process, if you bought stones or sent metal for casting. To do this, you can choose the method that is most suitable for you:

  1. Place the rod in the cold (even a refrigerator will do)
  2. Leave the magical attribute to be saturated with moon rays
  3. Throw it into the fire (only with metal wands without feathers!) or place candles near the fire so that the flame is reflected in the stone of the tip.

All actions to activate a magic item must be performed on the waxing moon. Please note that this time it is better to start 4-5 days after the new moon, calculate exactly in a specific month so that the day of activation of the magic wand coincides with the full moon and in no case falls at the moment when the moon is already beginning to wane.

The next night you must go to bed with the wand, without letting go of it. You need to fall asleep holding your wand nine nights in a row so that it steals all your dreams. If you have one, then move it away so that it does not interfere with your unity with the magic wand - this is important for his understanding of your instructions. So that the rod never makes a mistake, misunderstands, or challenges your actions, it must live in your dreams for the first days of its life, accept the whole world through your dreams, like a mother feeds her child with milk.

On the tenth night you cannot sleep, but you need to meditate or whisper spells. It is important that this night is a full moon, so you should check all actions in advance according to the lunar calendar.

The spell that should be spoken to activate the magic wand is:

“Wake up. Wake up and open your eye

And start creating, revealing your power.

Don't be afraid - I'll tell you.

you see a big yellow eye

and I will guide you

YOU are only mine

And no one else can

pick you up

You don't know who you are

what kind of spirit is yours?

Serve me

and I will respond kindly to your kindness.”

The next morning you will notice how the wand responds to your thoughts, how its handle becomes warmer in your hand - it has found its owner, and you have now acquired a real magic wand that will help you make discoveries in the magical world. May you bring only goodness to this world.

Share photos and nuances of making your personal wand and we will be happy to publish them in our article. Also, if you have any questions, you can write in the comments, the consultant will answer as soon as possible.