Severe chest pain. Causes of tingling, pain in the mammary gland

The mammary glands in women are a sensitive organ that responds to any changes hormonal levels. Hormones control their development and growth, functioning in adulthood and involution associated with aging of the body. To any painful sensations In her chest, the woman listens sensitively, suspecting something is wrong. But burning and pain in the mammary gland do not always indicate pathology. The sensations may be related to physiological conditions, periodically occur during menstruation. However, if the discomfort is constant, then you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Changes in the mammary gland during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the maximum level of estrogen is observed, which is responsible for the maturation of the egg. In the 2nd half of the cycle decisive role Progesterone and prolactin play a role in maintaining pregnancy. During this period, there is a slight increase in the volume of the gland due to swelling of the ducts and lobules, and the flow of blood to them increases. Swelling occurs, so before menstruation there is a burning sensation and pain when touching the breast.

An increase in prolactin levels during pregnancy causes changes associated with lactation after childbirth. During this period and during lactation, burning and tingling in the mammary glands is normal.

After weaning the child from the breast, involution occurs (reverse development of the gland). At the same time, burning and others discomfort disappear in the chest.

Video: Changes in the mammary glands before menstruation

Pathologies that cause burning

The cause of all these conditions are, as a rule, hormonal disorders that arise:

  1. During periods of increased hormonal changes ( puberty, pregnancy, menopause).
  2. As a result of disruption of the natural course physiological processes(, artificial interruption of lactation or early cessation of breastfeeding, lack of sexual activity in a mature woman).
  3. For diseases of the ovaries (polycystic disease, ovarian dysfunction, inflammatory and infectious processes).
  4. In case of deviations in work thyroid gland, the hormones of which directly affect the production of estrogens, progesterone, testosterone.
  5. Due to the use of hormonal medicines or contraceptives.

Breast diseases

A burning sensation in the mammary gland also occurs with various diseases.

Mastopathy. The milk ducts and lobules are compressed due to the abnormal proliferation of connective (fibrous) and adipose tissue. There are different shapes this disease, in which one of the tissues predominates or voids form inside it. In this case, nodules appear and blood supply is disrupted. With small changes, a woman may not feel any discomfort in her breasts for years. If the process develops, then a burning sensation appears in the mammary glands, and it intensifies before menstruation, and after its end, as a rule, weakens.

The cause of mastopathy and burning is also damage to breast tissue due to bruises, injuries, and after operations.

Breast cyst. When growing connective tissue Cysts appear in it ranging in size from 0.5 mm to 5-7 cm. If their sizes are less than 5 mm, then with the help hormonal drugs containing progesterone, it is possible to prevent an increase or achieve their disappearance. The cyst grows and there is a danger of suppuration. At inflammatory process burning is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Large cysts are usually removed surgically.

Fibroadenoma - benign tumor. It arises from nodes of overgrown fibrous tissue. The tumor is a smooth round lump. It is usually felt in the upper outer part of the chest. It can be located both between the milk ducts and inside them. With this disease, a constant burning sensation is felt in the chest, regardless of the menstrual cycle. May swell lymph nodes under the arms. Due to swelling, nagging pain occurs.

If the size of the tumor increases (especially during pregnancy), it is removed to prevent malignant degeneration. Leaf fibroadenoma is especially dangerous. It is a slit-like cavity with a leaf structure filled with a mucous mass. This type of tumor grows rapidly and contains atypical cells. Often it develops into breast sarcoma. Therefore, it is important to detect and remove it in a timely manner.

Breast infarction. May occur late in pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Tissue necrosis occurs along the edge of the gland, a burning sensation and pain are felt, and the temperature rises. This condition occurs due to too strong an influx of milk that does not correspond to the volume of the gland. The tumor is benign, but it is removed because an abscess may form, and diagnosis is complicated by the fact that a pregnant woman cannot have a mammogram.

Mastodigenia. This condition sometimes occurs in women during menopause, when reverse development (involution) of the mammary glands occurs. At the same time glandular tissue gradually replaced by connective and adipose tissue. External changes appear: the glands decrease in size and lose their elasticity. This is the norm. But if the volume of adipose tissue prevails over the rest, the breast size, on the contrary, increases, a burning sensation appears in the mammary gland, nagging pain, swelling. The reason is that estrogens are produced and accumulated in adipose tissue, which leads to abnormal changes in the mammary glands. There is no danger of cancerous degeneration with this disease. Treatment consists of taking anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.

Video: What causes pain in the chest. Is it dangerous


Many diseases of the mammary glands, including cancer, may not have symptoms for quite a long time. At some point, deterioration occurs with serious consequences. Therefore, if a burning sensation appears in the mammary gland, you need to make sure that it is not a sign of dangerous conditions.

It must be emphasized: Every woman should be able to conduct a breast self-examination in order to notice in time lumps, changes in shape, differences in the size of the glands, and asymmetry of the nipples. It must be done every month. If any abnormalities are detected, you must immediately go to a doctor for examination.

The most common diagnostic methods for burning and other abnormal sensations are ultrasound, mammography, and ductography. To obtain accurate information, a biopsy of tumor tissue is taken and performed histological examination to detect atypical cells. A blood test is done for tumor markers.

Incoming stabbing pains can be caused by problems in the mammary glands, heart problems, and diseases of the spine. To spend correct treatment, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis.

Women may at times feel tingling in the mammary gland. There can be many reasons for this, so it is necessary to consider each separately. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may experience tingling sensations in their breasts quite often. In pregnant women, milk ducts form and prepare for the feeding process, while in nursing women, these sensations can occur when milk moves through the duct and directly during the feeding process itself. There should be no alarm here.

Also, tingling in the chest can be caused due to heart problems, intercostal neuralgia, and problems with the spine. In order to understand the origin of the pain, you need to see a doctor. It is best to start with a therapist or mammologist. If the tingling does not depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle, go to a therapist; if pain occurs during certain periods, go to a mammologist. In the first case, you will be prescribed examinations: ultrasound of the heart and electrocardiogram, x-ray thoracic spine. If there are no problems in these areas, your therapist will refer you to a mammologist. By having a mammogram and ultrasound of the mammary glands, you can find out the cause of your pain.

Mastopathy, wen, lumps in the breast or simply abnormalities may be detected fat metabolism. In all cases, if the tingling in the mammary gland does not go away, it is necessary to carry out courses of treatment. You should also contact an endocrinologist and investigate thyroid gland, because this organ also produces sex hormones.

Effective for diseases of the mammary glands folk remedies. Probably the most popular is putting it on the breast at night. cabbage leaves for mastopathy. Chaga is also useful ( birch mushroom), beet juice, burdock juice, golden mustache. For formations (benign and malignant), hemlock tincture is used. This plant is very poisonous, so it should be taken with caution.

If the reason is something else, and most often it is the spine, it is necessary to work on it. You need to consult a neurologist, or better yet, a neurologist - vertebrologist, who will prescribe a course of treatment. To keep your spine healthy, you also need to monitor your posture, play sports, walk more and sit less in front of the TV and computer monitor.

Tingling in the mammary gland - no rare occurrence, with which a woman can consult a doctor. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such sensations, and the feeling can arise in both glands, or only in the left or only in the right. Most often, when describing any sensations in the chest, women choose the word “tingling,” and this symptom is especially common among those who are of reproductive age.

All pain in the mammary gland can be divided into two large groups depending on the reasons for these feelings.

Harmless tingling sensation

Stitching pain in the breast can occur in women during the premenstrual period. Such pain is not considered dangerous and cannot be treated in any way. The sensations are formed due to the fact that the hormone-dependent tissue of the gland grows slightly and compresses the nerve endings.

Pain associated with menstruation may occur in the left or right right breast, or it can disturb both glands.

Stitching sensations in the chest can develop during pregnancy. The reasons are the same as in the premenstrual period: the hormone-dependent gland tissue grows, preparing to provide the baby with milk, which is why the nerve endings are compressed.

Sensations may also accompany the process. breastfeeding. True, in this case, the woman should treat herself with maximum attention, since not all stabbing pains in the left or right breast are normal during this period.

The fact is that during breastfeeding, pain can not only be harmless and natural, but also be evidence of the development of pathology. If the glands become swollen, and lumps can be felt in them, this indicates that mastitis is developing and it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

If not one of the periods occurs in a woman’s life in at the moment, which means the pain is most likely caused by some pathology. In this case, it is recommended to contact not only a mammologist, but also consult a therapist.

Dangerous tingling

Stitching pain in the left or right mammary gland is not a symptom of any one disease, so if these sensations develop, you should not engage in self-diagnosis; it is better to consult a professional.

The most common causes of stabbing pain in the left or right breast may be the following:

Tingling under left breast

If it hurts exclusively left breast, or rather even under it, then the reasons are rarely safe and you should not worry about them.

Most often, pain on the left under the breast is formed due to:

Stitching pain in the gland is formed not only due to harmless cyclical changes. It can become a sign of serious pathology. If a woman is not sure that everything is fine, then it is better to play it safe and once again seek help from a doctor.

It is necessary to be attentive to yourself and note whether the pain is associated with menstrual cycle or others physiological changes in the body. If the answer is yes, then there is no need to worry.

If not, then you should start looking for the causes of this unpleasant pathology and treat them.

Any chest pain should be a reason to visit a doctor. It happens of various nature and intensity. Tingling sensations are distinguished by their impulsiveness.

When it stings on the right side of the chest with localization in various areas, this may indicate development serious illnesses. There are many reasons for tingling and it is worth understanding them in more detail.

What is it like when there is a stabbing sensation in the chest?

When it stings in the chest, this is a signal indicating the presence of health problems. Both a pinched nerve and a myocardial infarction can cause tingling. When this kind of discomfort occurs in the chest area, it is worth assessing how serious it is.


When it hits with right side chest, it happens that it is not so easy to immediately identify a diagnosis. Often appear additional symptoms like increased blood pressure, attacks of suffocation occur. Sometimes there is numbness.

One of the most common causes of tingling on the right side is diseases of the spine. Stitching in the right side of the chest when intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or costovertebral osteophyte is observed.

Many people wonder when there is a stabbing sensation on the right side of the chest, what is it? This area of ​​the body contains some important organs. Therefore, it is important to recognize the disease in time. Common reasons for stabbing on the right side of the chest include:

  1. Getting injured due to strong physical activity. If the body is not prepared for heavy loads, a significant increase in their volume will lead to stretching of the chest muscles. As a result, discomfort and pain are felt in this area.
  2. Pain in the chest on the right, stabbing, occurs due to fractured ribs. The nature of the tingling is sharp. If you start to cough or put pressure on the area, the pain gets worse.
  3. Bruises often cause stabbing pain on the right side. The presence of a bruise helps to recognize this cause.
  4. Pathologies of the respiratory system. Pneumonia can cause similar discomfort, adding general condition fever, cough. may cause tingling on the right side.
  5. Constantly or periodically stabbing in the right chest due to illness digestive tract. Heartburn, food stagnation, cholecystitis in chronic form cause tingling on the right side.

Some of the listed reasons can be eliminated independently, for example, by changing the training program, normalizing the amount of physical activity.

On the left side

If there is a stabbing sensation on the left side of the chest, it is recommended to visit a therapist. Such ailment in the form of stabbing pain can be provoked by ischemic disease. The heart muscle needs oxygen, and with a lack of it, pain receptors begin to be irritated.

Sometimes the pain radiates to left shoulder blade. It is a symptom indicating that cardiac pathology has begun to develop.

Many people, when a tingling sensation occurs in the left side of the chest, begin to worry more than with similar sensations on the right. All because of the cardiac projection located in this area. Left-sided tingling is often radiating heart pain.

Among the reasons why there is a stabbing sensation in the left chest, it is worth noting:

  • attacks of angina pectoris, manifested precisely by left-sided pain;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatic carditis;
  • tumor or tuberculous lesion of the left bronchus.

An accurate diagnosis can be found by undergoing an examination.

In the middle

Stitching between the chest in the middle is often due to pathologies associated with the heart. The most common diseases causing this symptom are:

  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • aortic aneurysm.

Angina pectoris is one of the first signals indicating problems with coronary circulation. The pain manifests itself not only in the middle, but can radiate to the shoulder, left hand, under the shoulder blade. The attack appears suddenly, causing the patient to literally freeze in place. The pain varies in intensity, from severe to barely noticeable, more like discomfort. In addition to tingling, a burning sensation and a feeling as if there is pressure on the chest may occur.

Stitching in the middle of the chest is often due to myocardial infarction. An attack of pain can be single and prolonged or occur several times, each time increasing in intensity. One of the differences between myocardial infarction and angina is the nature of pain. They last longer and are more intense. Among accompanying symptoms worth noting:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath or an attack of suffocation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate.

Weakness, fever and dizziness appear much less frequently. Pain during myocardial infarction is characterized by a constant increase. It is difficult for the patient to tolerate it. If there is a slow-flowing myocardial rupture, “dagger pain” may occur.

The formation of an aortic aneurysm interferes with the normal flow of blood. With this disease, pain occurs that can radiate to the back and neck. The pain is severe and lasts from several hours to a couple of days. The following symptoms may also occur:

  1. The appearance of shortness of breath. May be accompanied by noisy wheezing. Inhalation is difficult.
  2. Difficulty swallowing.
  3. Pressing pain in the stomach area. May be accompanied by heartburn and vomiting.

When inhaling

Stitches in the chest when inhaling, if the standard volume of physical activity is exceeded, when performing hiking. Pain of this nature can be provoked by a variety of factors.

When taking a deep breath, tingling sensations can radiate to any area of ​​the chest, including right area, left and in the middle.

Such pain is usually accompanied by several other symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • the temperature rises;
  • shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness appear;
  • cough.

Among the most probable causes why the chest tingles upon entry, it is worth noting:

  1. Pathologies cardiovascular system. Then it stings on the left side of the chest when inhaling. With such indicators, a common diagnosis is angina pectoris, which appears against the background of coronary artery disease. The impetus for the appearance of the disease is excessive physical activity, overexertion and stress.
  2. Pathology associated with the respiratory system. Taking a strong breath, the patient, in addition to tingling, may feel weak, shortness of breath will appear, and attacks will begin. severe cough. There will be a feeling of lack of air. Pain of a stabbing nature localized in the middle can indicate any bronchopulmonary problem.

Why is there a stabbing pain under the chest?

Pain appears in the area under the breast due to diseases of the lungs, heart, intestines, musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is important to find out the cause of tingling and start treatment on time.

On the right side

When it stings on the right under the chest, it could be provoked various factors. It is worth noting the most common diseases:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary system;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • injury to the chest area.

The listed reasons can cause pain on the right under the breast. The final diagnosis will be made by the doctor after examination.

Left side

When it stings in the left side under the chest, you need to quickly find out the cause. The most common include diseases of the heart, spleen, stomach or lungs. Severe pain sometimes indicates cancer. Therefore, you need to quickly consult a doctor. The left side may hurt for the following reasons:

  1. Diseases respiratory tract and lungs. Maybe also left-sided pleurisy.
  2. Diseases of the spleen or pancreas. The appearance and enlargement of a cyst, injury to the spleen, blockage of large vessels.
  3. In older people, it often stings under the chest on the left due to osteochondrosis, neuralgia or colitis.
Colitis may cause stabbing pain in the chest area. However, other symptoms will also be present, such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and weakness.

Heart pain is different in that it does not decrease after taking painkillers, it occurs suddenly, and its intensity constantly increases. Also, when changing the position of the body, the strength of the pain does not change. In other cases, particularly with osteochondrosis, the pain may subside and after a while appear in another area; painkillers help improve the condition, while heart medications do not work. Often the intensity of pain changes when changing body position.

Useful video

For more information about the causes of chest pain, watch the following video:


  1. There are many reasons why it hurts in the chest. Stitching pain that occurs on the right or left side may indicate osteochondrosis or problems with the respiratory system.
  2. Discomfort in the central part of the chest is often associated with heart pathologies, such as myocardial infarction.
  3. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system can manifest as pain appearing on the right side.
  4. If it stings in the left side, you can assume colitis, diseases of the spleen or cardiac irradiation.

Tingling on the right, left or middle in the chest is not a diagnosis, but a pathological syndrome. It appears in many ailments. When a patient complains of shooting in the chest, the doctor orders an electrocardiogram to rule out or detect heart disease.

The severity of this symptom requires quick diagnostics reasons for the condition. It may be followed by suffocation, an increase blood pressure, cessation of breathing, loss of consciousness and a number of other dangerous conditions.


Often, an approximate diagnosis can be determined based on the location of painful or stabbing sensations.

Tingling and pain on the left

Tingling on the left side of the sternum is most often caused by heart pathology. When the heart muscle does not have enough oxygen (coronary artery disease), it stretches, which leads to irritation of nerve receptors.

The cause of tingling on the left side may be intestinal diseases:

  1. spasms of the esophagus;
  2. stomach ulcer;
  3. biliary colic;
  4. inflammation of the chest wall.
When examining a patient with pain on the left side, the doctor first of all excludes oxygen starvation heart muscle. The second step in identifying causes is to rule out the following conditions:
  • inflammatory changes in the pleura;
  • lung cyst or abscess;
  • compression of intercostal nerves;
  • restoration of the cartilaginous part of the ribs after fractures.
  • cutting, sharp pain when squeezing the roots ();
  • shoots in the chest with severe compression or entrapment of the spinal cord;
  • slight tingling on the right is observed with a slight decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs;
  • radiculitis may be accompanied by impaired sensitivity of the upper extremities;
  • any pain in the chest area intensifies when turning the body.

Tingling inside chest cavity with Tietze syndrome they are localized in the region of the 2-5th rib. The origin of the pathology is due to aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages. Sharp pain in the lower part of the sternum intensifies with pressure on the xiphoid process.

Cutting pain syndrome in the area of ​​the upper part of the sternum, as well as to the left or right of it, due to pronounced compression nerve root in the region of the costosternal joint. In this case, the patient may experience chills and pale skin.

Thus, it is quite difficult to determine why the stabbing is on the right side of the chest or on the left, since the symptom can be caused by many diseases. As a result, diagnosis of the causes of the disease should be entrusted to a qualified specialist.