Tingling in a woman's left breast. Tingling and pain in the mammary gland

This sensation is only a symptom that may indicate the presence of a number of diseases. It can be very serious illnesses or the simplest ailments that provoke colitis. The causes that cause it range from myocardial infarction to a pinched nerve. If you suddenly feel chest pain, you should assess its severity as soon as possible.

Reasons for the development of colitis in the chest when sighing

Colitis can manifest itself in different ways and various reasons. Pain can appear completely unexpectedly. The duration of pain also varies from a few seconds to weeks. When breathing, a person may feel suffocation, pressure, numbness, or another uncomfortable feeling in the chest area. The cause of colic can also be associated with painful sensations in the throat, arms or head.

The causes of the disease may be:

inflammation of the pleura;

inflammation of the walls of the heart;

rupture of a cyst in the lung tissue;

inflammation of the cartilage in the ribs;

rib fractures;

pressure on intercostal nerves.

The most serious reasons colic when breathing:

Angina pectoris manifests itself in the form of an uncomfortable sensation (pressure, pulling sensation), which is caused by a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. As a rule, atherosclerosis leads to this.

In myocardial infarction, colitis is localized in the chest on the left. The sensations are similar to angina pectoris, only more pronounced and longer lasting.

Pneumonia causes fever and colic in the chest, which is caused by irritation and inflammation of the pleura.

Inflammation of the pleura, accompanied by cough and colitis when deep breathing, is called pleurisy.

Diagnosis of colic in the chest

When starting to examine a patient, the doctor first of all tries to find out the seriousness of the cause causing chest pain. Great value has correct positioning diagnosis in order to provide the patient with necessary help. In order to correctly assess the degree and severity of pain, you should consider some nuances:

colitis can be caused by any organ located in this area (heart, lungs, muscles, bones, esophagus);

there is a complex arrangement of nerves and muscles in the chest, so pain can occur for other reasons or in another part of the body;

organs that are located in the abdominal cavity can also cause painful sensations in the chest.

Medical treatment of colitis in the chest

Basic principles medical tactics:

For any type of pain syndrome, an electrocardiographic study is performed to exclude the most serious pathology - acute myocardial infarction.

It is advisable to hospitalize “doubtful” patients over the age of 40–50 years with intense chest pain (even if it is atypical for angina) to a hospital until the diagnosis is clarified, where they must be treated as sick acute heart attack myocardium. It would not be a blunder to direct to cardiology department and observing there for several days a patient with “radicular” pain syndrome, but a missed myocardial infarction can lead to the patient’s death.

In all cases, one must strive for maximum pain relief. If, with acute abdominal pain, there are always doubts about the advisability of using painkillers, and if you suspect acute stomach non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics are most often contraindicated, then when acute colitis There are practically no contraindications to the use of painkillers. Naturally, relief of chest pain is carried out taking into account its pathogenesis and should be only part of complex therapy known or suspected underlying disease.

Many women often feel tingling in the mammary gland. This is not necessarily a pathology - in some cases it is considered a feature of the body. Often a similar symptom occurs on or on certain days monthly cycle. In other cases, it may signal the presence of a disease.

Natural causes

Tingling in the mammary glands most often occurs before menstruation. It is often accompanied by breast swelling and pain when pressed. This is caused by hormone fluctuations - normal in the second half menstrual cycle The hormone progesterone increases, which can contribute to the development of such symptoms. In this case, no treatment is required - breast tingling during the premenstrual period is considered a natural phenomenon.

In some cases, this symptom does not stop with the onset of menstruation or appears on the first day. This is also due to hormonal changes in the body. Often this condition is accompanied sudden changes moods, general deterioration well-being.

During pregnancy stabbing pains most often occur in last trimester. They can appear earlier - throughout the entire period of gestation. glandular tissue The breast expands, which may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Tingling is a consequence of compression of nerve endings due to enlargement of the mammary glands.

During breastfeeding, stabbing pain is not considered a pathology. This symptom is especially pronounced in the first days of lactation - changes in the structure of the mammary glands and milk supply can appear in a similar way.

Pathological causes

If discomfort are present constantly and do not depend on the influence of the monthly cycle, appearing outside the period of pregnancy and lactation, then most likely their cause is the course of some disease. Most often this can be caused by the following diseases:

  1. . Accompanied by pain that intensifies when touched. When you can detect - their edges may be unclear or have obvious boundaries. In some cases, there is discharge from the nipples - its color varies from clear to greenish or brownish.
  2. . Occurs when the feeding process is not organized correctly, resulting in milk stagnation. It is characterized by hardening of the breast, its redness and severe pain. May be present in only one of the glands.
  3. Neoplasms in the breast. May be benign or malignant. Manifested by chest pain, the presence of lumps. As it progresses, dark spots appear, the shape of the mammary gland and areola change.
  4. Spinal diseases. Pain in the chest area can be caused by osteochondrosis of the spine, accompanied by hernias, protrusions, and scoliosis. Unpleasant sensations in this case intensify after physical exertion, when the weather changes, or when staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.
  5. Endocrine diseases. If the production of hormones is disrupted, the appearance of constant pain in the chest, its enlargement, clear discharge from the nipples.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Their presence is manifested by tingling in the left chest, which may be accompanied by acute, burning or paroxysmal pain.
  7. Intercostal neuralgia. May occur as a consequence of spinal osteochondrosis. Its signs are acute girdling pain in the chest, aggravated by movement or breathing.

All of the above diseases require immediate consultation with a doctor. If you suspect their occurrence, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics of the body, including mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, X-ray or MRI of the spine, hormonal studies and blood tests for the presence of inflammatory or oncological processes.

Tingling during lactation

In most cases, tingling without other symptoms is normal. breastfeeding. This is how a hormonal change in the body may manifest itself during this period, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands and the lactation process. Tingling may occur during feeding or with severe swelling of the breast immediately before feeding - this is considered normal and does not require treatment.

If this sign accompanied by severe breast tenderness, hardening, redness and increased local or general temperature body, this is most often caused by stagnation of milk. Typically, this phenomenon occurs in young, inexperienced mothers who incorrectly put the baby to the breast or neglect other feeding rules.

To prevent milk stagnation, or lactostasis, you must follow all the rules of lactation:

  • the child must grasp the nipple along with the areola;
  • feedings should be regular and continue until the baby is completely saturated;
  • you need to attach the baby to both breasts, using different positions - this will ensure that the milk is completely sucked out;
  • You should not wear small bras - they compress the milk ducts.

The resulting lactostasis is rarely treated with medications. To eliminate it, it is necessary to regularly perform gentle breast massage before and after feeding. More frequent application The baby will ensure complete emptying of the mammary glands, as a result of which the symptoms will ease. As a rule, this condition goes away on its own with normalization of milk production and the establishment of a feeding regimen.

Menopause and tingling in the chest

The occurrence of this symptom is considered a consequence of hormonal changes in the body. In this case, sharp, stabbing and aching pain in the chest may occur, accompanied by swelling and hypersensitivity. General symptoms similar to premenstrual syndrome.

The pain should not be too severe. If the tingling sensation is localized, you should consult a doctor - this is often a symptom pathological formations in the chest.

Tingling sensations may intensify if metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, taking certain medicines. The latter most often are medications containing sex hormones - their prescription without testing can lead to hormonal imbalance. Some other factors also increase discomfort:

  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol;
  • childbirth in adulthood;

In order to exclude pathological causes symptoms, you need to undergo a mammogram. It is recommended that women over 40 years of age undergo such an examination once a year. In more early age One examination every 2-3 years is sufficient.

How to get rid of the tingling feeling

If there is a disease that causes tingling, it is necessary to completely eliminate it. This symptom will disappear on its own full recovery. If tingling occurs due to natural reasons and causes some inconvenience, you can use the following tips:

  • It is recommended to give up strong coffee;
  • will help relieve pain and swelling cabbage leaf, attached to the chest;
  • gauze compress from beet juice eliminates tingling, this juice can be taken orally for a month;
  • in the second half of the cycle after ovulation, it is useful to take vitamin E in a dosage of up to 400 mg for 10 days;
  • two weeks before menstruation, to prevent the development of symptoms, you can use an infusion of peony, dog nettle and valerian, mixed in equal proportions;
  • after ovulation with normal hormonal background It is useful to take decoctions of hogweed, red brush and yarrow - 1/3 cup three times a day;
  • You should not wear tight or uncomfortable underwear - it should be made from natural materials and fit properly.


Every woman needs to closely monitor her own health, including the condition of the mammary glands. When strong tingling sensations and other pain, you should consult a doctor. To prevent symptoms that occur due to natural causes, you can use some traditional medicine.

The human chest contains many organs, vessels and nerve endings. All organs of the upper part chest are close to each other.

When certain disorders occur, it can be difficult for a person to independently determine the cause of the ailment. Everyone knows that heart disease is the most common problem modern people in middle and old age.

Therefore, when an unpleasant sensation or pain occurs in the chest, a person first of all assumes a heart disease. To clarify the situation and prescribe the right treatment, you must first visit a doctor.

Soreness can occur due to a disease that can cause harm without treatment, or it can be the cause of minor problems that are not dangerous to health, easily corrected with the help of well-chosen therapy. Any organ or system located inside the chest can cause pain and discomfort in the chest, on the right, left side, or in the middle.

The heart is an important and very complex organ. It has several departments that must do their jobs clearly, otherwise problems with well-being and various sensations arise.

Pumping a large volume of blood, the organ needs good blood supply, therefore, vessels that can supply the organ come to the heart nutrients and oxygen. Like any other organ human body, the heart can suffer from inflammatory processes and be a target of infections.

Each of the problems described above can cause not only discomfort and pain, but also a very serious attack of deterioration in general well-being.

If the patency of the coronary arteries is affected

Coronary or cardiac arteries supply the heart with blood continuously, because its constantly working cells cannot without supply new blood. Without oxygen, heart tissue cells begin to die within minutes. The longer the lack of air continues, the larger the area of ​​tissue that dies.

Table No. 1. Problems with coronary artery that cause an attack of pain:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Spasm of the coronary arteries The lumen of the artery narrows due to the presence coronary disease hearts. This problem arises against the background of the presence atherosclerotic plaques that stick to the walls of blood vessels. In such a situation, an additional spasm that can occur due to various reasons, causes a significant deterioration in blood circulation The pain is acute, piercing, and concentrated behind the sternum. Often the pain radiates to the shoulder blade and arm from the side of the heart. The pain can be so significant that a person tries not to breathe, so as not to provoke new unpleasant sensations. The patient’s facial skin may change – there may be either pallor or redness
Angina pectoris Unpleasant sensations arise from physical or psychological stress The pain occurs for a short period of time and passes quickly; at the end of the attack, the person feels tired and exhausted. The sensation is almost always accompanied by panic and strong fear death. These psychological experiences intensify spasms of the heart vessels and worsen the condition.
Angina at rest An attack occurs without any reason - the person is at rest or even sleeping
Myocardial infarction The death of myocardial tissue cells is an extreme case of lack of oxygen supply to the organ. A sign of the condition is the lack of response to taking nitroglycerin The condition is accompanied by such severe pain that shock and loss of consciousness are possible. The pain is described as burning, pressing. It arises in the area behind the chest, then spreads across the entire area of ​​the chest, and then to the stomach. Possible atypical manifestations a condition when the pain is first localized in unusual places - on the left hand in the little finger area, in lower jaw, in the neck, in the area under the right rib, and in the stomach

Important: due to the variety of symptoms, the condition of a heart attack can be difficult to clarify even for a physician without special equipment; an adult with severe pain in any part of the body and deterioration in health should immediately end up in the hospital.

If there is an inflammatory process

The heart, as an organ, has several membranes.

Table No. 2. Heart membranes:

Inflammatory phenomena can occur in each of these membranes, but pain will be felt only when the pericardium and endocardium are affected.

Table No. 3. Inflammatory diseases causing pain:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Myocarditis Is a consequence of certain inflammatory or infectious diseases The condition most often develops 4 weeks after the provoking illness The pain is similar to angina, lasts longer and increases with physical stress. The state of health after using nitroglycerin does not change. The sensations have the following features: sharp, reminiscent of an injection, radiating to other parts of the body. At the same time, problems arise with respiratory system– there are sensations of suffocation during sleep and shortness of breath during the day.
Pericarditis Inflammation of the outer lining of the heart is also a consequence of inflammatory and infectious diseases in the body For the patient, the pain has the following characteristics: dull, continuous, but not intense, in rare cases it acquires the intensity of a painful attack. The pain increases with intense breathing and during movement. Therefore, patients avoid unnecessary movements and breathe shallowly. The inflammatory process provokes an increase in temperature, chills, general loss of strength and deviations from the norm in clinical analysis blood

Other heart diseases

Table No. 4. Other heart ailments that cause pain:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Aortic aneurysm This is the most common pathology the largest heart vessel. With this condition, the lumen expands, it is caused by a pathological change connective tissue vessel. Such damage occurs due to atherosclerosis, the inflammatory process, congenital pathology or when a vessel is injured. The pain is long lasting and may not go away for several days. Localized in the upper chest, does not tend to spread to other parts of the body, and does not go away after taking nitroglycerin. Sensations arise or intensify after physical activity. Whenever sharp deterioration condition, loss of consciousness, a person requires the help of doctors, since with an aneurysm it is possible severe complications– aortic dissection or rupture, which are life-threatening conditions
Thromboembolism Heavy and dangerous condition in which a blood clot or its fragment breaks away from its attachment site, rushes through the vessels with the blood flow and gets stuck in the narrowest part of the vessel. A common pathology is blockage pulmonary artery which supplies blood to the lungs An early sign of a problem is significant pain in the sternum, which does not radiate to other parts of the body and increases when inhaling. The pain is not relieved by painkillers and causes blueness skin and shortness of breath

Both pathologies described above require immediate hospitalization of the person and emergency measures, including surgical intervention.

What to do if you have an angina attack

When an angina attack begins, a person should urgently take a nitroglycerin tablet. The sensations should go away within a maximum of 3 minutes. If this does not happen, then the patient should take a second tablet.

Important: when taking nitroglycerin, a person needs to stay in bed and not get up for some time after taking the drug, this is necessary to avoid injury when sudden loss consciousness.

If after repeated use the effect of relief does not occur, then you should call an ambulance station, because the lack of effect directly indicates that the attack has developed into a myocardial infarction.

Why you can't live with pain

Important: pain in the heart area should be examined and treated under the supervision of a cardiologist.

Such attacks of heart pain are unacceptable to endure. Problems with the coronary vessels can lead to sudden fatal outcome.

With prolonged and often repeated attacks of oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the heart, a heart attack occurs - the heart is no longer able to perform its main function of pumping blood. Heart failure develops and blood pressure drops rapidly.

In this situation, a person urgently needs to go to the hospital, since only under conditions of constant monitoring can a doctor count on favorable outcome in the event of myocardial infarction.

Important: no rare case when a person suffers not very intense pain and continues to do his everyday affairs, so a micro-infarction is literally endured on one’s feet, and a person risks being left without the help of doctors at any moment at the most necessary moment.

If the cause of pain is problems with the nervous system

The second most common causes of chest pain are diseases nervous system.

Table No. 5. Problems of the nervous system that provoke pain in the chest:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Cardioneurosis A neurotic state is a typical response of the human body to the presence of a problem that cannot be solved. The source of the problem could be: physical pain and suffering, and mental pain, and suffering Neurotic pains are special - they are long-lasting, almost constant, and aching in nature. In the case of cardiac neurosis, they are located at the bottom and left of the chest. Additional signs cardiac ailments are absent at all or not clearly expressed, but neurotic signs are clearly visible - anxiety, irritability, general weakness. Taking nitroglycerin has no effect. In the treatment of this condition, it is very important to eliminate the psychological experience that triggers the neurosis, and also, if necessary, to alleviate the condition by prescribing a sedative and sleeping pills. At climacteric neurosis symptoms characteristic of this period are added - emotional instability, increased sweating, chills, changes in sensitivity of some areas of the skin
Menopausal neurosis Period of hormonal changes female body provokes the emergence of neurosis, and a change metabolic processes provokes insufficient metabolism in cardiac tissues

Neurotic pain in the cardiac region is often very difficult to differentiate from ischemia, which has a different treatment strategy.

If the cause of pain is problems with the digestive system

The stomach and other digestive organs are located very close to the heart, and problems with its functioning and pain can be mistaken for heart ailments. However they have some distinctive features, which will help distinguish one problem from another.

Table No. 6. Ailments digestive system, causing pain that can be mistaken for heart pain:

Problem What's happening What a person feels and distinctive features
Gastric ulcer An ulcer is damage to the mucous membrane lining the stomach from the inside. Has a negative effect on the damaged area gastric juice, so a person experiences pain on an empty stomach and some time after eating. Immediately after eating food, the pain always goes away, since food reduces the effect of juice on the ulcer The pain in the sternum is sharp and prolonged, and can last quite a long time until the person eats something or takes medicine. Nitroglycerin on this state will not affect, they have an effect special drugs for the treatment of ulcers, as well as drugs to relieve spasms of smooth muscles of organs. The pain is accompanied by other symptoms of stomach problems - heartburn, vomiting, nausea
Diaphragmatic hernia This problem is the passage of some digestive organs through the hole in the diaphragm from the chest space into abdominal space. So, when the diaphragm contracts, the organs will be compressed The pain is sudden, reminiscent of angina pectoris, and does not disappear after taking nitroglycerin. Painful sensations appear when a person is in a horizontal position, during sleep, or when changing body position. When a person sits or stands, the painful sensations quickly pass
Spasm of the gallbladder and its ducts Liver and gallbladder are located in the right side of the abdominal cavity, but the pain can also radiate to left side peritoneum, including the area where the heart is located. If the diet is violated and overeating, these organs suffer and their spasm and disruption of the outflow of bile occur. The pain occurs sharply, shooting, or vice versa, pressing, pulling, especially after consuming excessively. rich in fats food. The condition is relieved by taking antispasmodics; in the long term, diet is required
Acute pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas causes pain in the left hypochondrium and may well be confused with heart problems The pain can be quite severe, and sometimes an attack can be confused with a myocardial infarction. The sensation is accompanied by vomiting. The pain is difficult to relieve; treatment is most successful in a hospital

Important: if a woman experiences chest pain during pregnancy, then she should call an ambulance as soon as possible and start treatment, because we're talking about about the health of two people.

If the cause of pain is problems with the spine and ribs

Often, pain in the chest and abdomen is caused not by problems with the organs located in this area, but by pathological changes in the spine.

Table No. 7. Spinal problems that cause pain in the chest area:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Osteochondrosis The most frequent illness, concerning the condition of the spine, is the gradual destruction of bone and cartilage tissue due to unbalanced nutrition and excessive physical activity. The destruction of these structures causes subsidence of the spine and pinching of the nerve roots extending from spinal cord. This is what causes pain. Depending on which nerve is pinched, pain may occur in different parts torso The pain can be sharp, shooting or constant. It does not go away when taking nitroglycerin and antispasmodics. Painkillers and heat on the area of ​​the compressed nerve help
Fracture of a rib or several ribs A bone fracture in the sternum area can cause pain that is not clearly localized With a fracture, the pain will be sharp, it intensifies with body movement and breathing movements. The pain is relieved with strong painkillers; if displacement occurs, manipulations to fuse the bone or surgery may be required.

If the cause of pain is lung disease

Pulmonary diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process cause various sensations, including pain.

Table No. 8. Pulmonary problems causing chest pain:

Problem What's happening What does a person feel?
Pleural disease Inflammation of the lining of the lung causes pain that can be confused with pulmonary Since the disease is inflammatory in nature, the pain may be similar to inflammatory disease heart, for example, pericarditis
Pneumothorax or hydrothorax These two conditions occur when air or liquid enters the area between the membranes. Most often this is a complication of acute or chronic disease lung The pain is most often localized on the side on which the affected lung is located. If the left organ is affected, the pain may be confused with heart pain. In addition to acute stabbing sensations, this pathology is accompanied by significant pulmonary symptoms– shortness of breath, sudden blueness of the skin, falling blood pressure, severe pain when moving makes a person refuse to move while waiting for help

Important: pain in the sternum area may be associated with oncological process, which is developing in this area.

Determine the cause of pain and feeling unwell Only a doctor can, after thorough examination. Chest pain should be alarming even absolutely healthy person and force him to make an appointment with the doctor.

If a similar symptom appears in an elderly person, then you should not hesitate, as it develops serious condition every minute is worth its weight in gold.

Pain in the mammary gland is called mastalgia, and can occur both as a result of serious mammological diseases and for other reasons. And most often women reproductive age The so-called “tingling sensations” bother me. Let's look at the most common causes of tingling in the mammary gland, and talk about when you need to see a doctor and which specialist you should visit. After all, every woman should take her health as seriously as possible if she wants to give birth and raise children without problems.

Non-dangerous causes of pain

There are times when tingling in the chest is not a symptom of illness. In particular, this applies to situations in which:

  • a woman is expecting a child (her mammary glands are restructuring, which can cause some discomfort);
  • a woman is breastfeeding (tingling may accompany the process of milk formation, but if the pain is strong enough and lumps appear in the breast, this is a reason to be alarmed);
  • in the last few days before menstruation, a woman’s breasts become very engorged, and she experiences pain (and this phenomenon should be observed regularly).

In all other cases, we are most likely talking about a disease. Moreover, this can be not only diseases of the mammary glands, but also diseases of the heart, spine, thyroid gland etc. So, if tingling in your chest occurs regularly, go to the doctor - and you will have to visit both a mammologist and a therapist.

Dangerous causes of pain

Now we should list those causes of tingling in the mammary gland that require compulsory treatment. These will include:

  • Heart diseases;
  • Intercostal neuralgia;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Violation fat metabolism in the body;
  • Formation of wen in the breast;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (after all, it produces female sex hormones);
  • Mastitis;
  • Formation of benign tumors;
  • Formation of malignant tumors.

As you can see, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. And therefore, only a specialist will be able to determine what exactly the patient is suffering from and what treatment she needs. Moreover, if you notice tingling in your mammary glands, be prepared that you may have to visit more than one specialist.

Which doctor should you see if you suffer from chest pain?

First of all, figure out whether the tingling sensations that bother you are cyclical in nature and whether they depend on your periods. If the answer to this question is yes, then you should immediately visit a mammologist. Moreover, as part of the diagnosis of the disease, you will have to undergo the following types procedures:

  • inspection;
  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • laboratory tests;
  • biopsy.

Well, if tingling occurs only from time to time, and you yourself cannot accurately determine whether the pain is localized specifically in the mammary gland, then first visit a therapist. And then you will be recommended to do additionally:

  • Ultrasound thoracic spine;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Well, the treatment regimen will be developed directly based on the data obtained during the diagnostic process.

Pain on the left side of the chest is a very common symptom that occurs with many diseases and disorders. internal organs. As a rule, it is associated with lesions of the heart muscle. However, the reasons can be very diverse.

Painful sensations may have different character. There are aching, cutting, dull, sharp, pulsating, etc. Regardless of their intensity and severity, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

Cardiovascular diseases

Pain on the left side of the chest is often associated with cardiovascular diseases. They can all be divided into two large categories:

  • coronary;
  • non-coronary.

The first group of diseases includes heart attack and ischemia. Non-coronary ones are more insidious because they are more difficult to diagnose, especially in initial stages. These include:

  • pericarditis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocarditis;
  • aortic aneurysm.

The coronary arteries are designed to supply blood to the heart muscle. If any malfunctions occur in their work, the heart ceases to fully receive oxygen.

This can lead to a strong accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels, which causes disruption of their conductivity or complete blockage. This is mainly observed in people suffering from:

  • diabetes mellitus of various forms;
  • overweight;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • congenital predisposition to heart and vascular diseases.

During a heart attack, a person experiences pain in the left side of the sternum, which is transmitted to the shoulder blade, shoulder, arm and abdominal cavity the same side of the body. Often a person’s hand goes numb due to impaired blood circulation in the coronary vessels. In addition, other characteristic symptoms appear:

  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • increased sweating;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area.

This condition is often observed in women during menopause. They are having hormonal changes, which provoke cardiovascular diseases.


The pericardium is a kind of protector of the heart from overstrain and promotes natural filling with blood. But often a sharp, acute pain on the left side of the chest occurs precisely because of it.

This is what they lead to inflammatory processes, occurring in the pericardium. Unpleasant symptoms intensify with deep inspiration. Against this background, the patient notes:

  • lack of air and suffocation;
  • fainting;
  • sudden change in body temperature.

When the body bends, the acute painful sensations subside.

Angina pectoris

This disease is associated with insufficient enrichment hearts with oxygen. It causes constant sharp pains against the background of normal heart rhythm.

There is a feeling that the chest is compressing and putting pressure on the heart. A severe angina attack can be triggered by physical activity. If the patient is at rest, the symptoms disappear.

Myocarditis causes damage to the heart muscle. Because of this, aching and nagging pain in the left chest, as well as attacks of shortness of breath.

In addition, patients complain of pain in the joints and elevated temperature bodies. Often myocarditis occurs with a feeling similar to cardiac arrest.

Aortic aneurysm

This is a serious abnormality that can be fatal. It is provoked by the expansion of the walls of blood vessels in certain areas. As a result, the aortas become thin and vulnerable. Even a slight blow or severe emotional stress can cause them to rupture.

When this happens, unbearable pain occurs. Their character can be aching, boring or pulsating. Often a person feels a burning sensation inside the chest, and the pain is transferred to the back and abdomen.

Against the background of an aortic aneurysm, a person develops:

  • weakness;
  • tachycardia;
  • fainting;
  • dyspnea;
  • pale skin;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • painful sensations during swallowing.

Unpleasant sensations can also occur against the background of blood diseases, such as anemia, tumor formations, clotting disorders, etc.

Pain in the left chest may be a manifestation of disease respiratory organs. This symptomatology is typical for lesions of the pleura and bronchi.

Pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs a large number nerve endings. When it becomes inflamed, it occurs severe pain, which are localized in the place where the lesion occurred.


Pleurisy is characterized by an increase in painful sensations when inhaling. It gets worse when a person coughs or screams. The pain subsides if he stops breathing. A characteristic weakening of symptoms is observed when the torso is tilted onto the healthy half of the pleura.

With pleurisy, the patient has other signs:

  • a sharp increase in temperature in the evening;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased sweating;
  • bluish skin;
  • swelling of the veins in the neck.

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Given this pathological condition air from the lung enters the pleural region. This causes irritation of the membrane and attacks of stabbing and cutting pains. When a person inhales more strongly, the unpleasant sensations intensify. Often pain on the left side of the chest with pleurisy is transmitted to the shoulder, lower back and neck.

Occasionally, severe symptoms provoke loss of consciousness. Pleurisy develops respiratory failure, against which tachycardia appears. Pain syndrome usually lasts throughout the day, and breathing problems are observed during physical activity.

When blocked blood vessel A pulmonary embolism occurs in the lung. Depending on which side of the lungs it occurred, sharp pains right or left. They intensify with deep inspiration.

With a pulmonary embolism, people begin to breathe quickly and deeply. There is a feeling of panic and anxiety, dizziness and weakness. Occasionally, patients experience convulsions and fainting.


The disease develops with increased excitability of the lung tissue. It is provoked by a violation of the integrity or elasticity of the shell. Emphysema often occurs in smokers. Cigarette smoke accumulates in the bronchi and releases harmful substances, which destroy the partitions between the lung tissues.

Emphysema causes stabbing pain in the chest area, which can spread to other parts of the body. Frequent manifestations of this disease are shortness of breath and cough. The voice may change to hoarse and nasal.

Neurological diseases

Painful sensations of a dull and aching nature can occur with intercostal neuralgia. This is a condition in which the nerve endings between the lungs and ribs become irritated. It can be provoked by an uncomfortable position during sleep or excessive physical activity.

The pain is often sudden and worsens with inspiration. They radiate in front from under the ribs and cause tingling in the chest area. The patient experiences increased sweating and uncontrolled muscle twitching.

Another possible cause is cardioneurosis, which is provoked by a series of stressful conditions or strong sudden emotional stress. Symptoms of the disease include periodic dull pain at the top of the chest. In some situations they can become strong, but short-lived. Patients present with the following symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • causeless anxiety.

The most common pathology is osteochondrosis. With this disease, patients experience a process of destruction of the vertebral discs. The reasons for the development can be very different, these are sedentary work, poor posture or excess body weight.

Regardless of the etiology, the result is compression and irritation of the nerve roots, which leads to poor circulation. There is pain that intensifies when walking.

Unpleasant sensations in the chest area do not appear at the beginning of the disease, but as it progresses, patients begin to experience the following symptoms:

  • discomfort when inhaling and exhaling;
  • stabbing pain in the chest area;
  • unpleasant sensations in the left hypochondrium.

The pain intensifies and worries at night. They resemble signs of myocardial infarction. Discomfort with osteochondrosis is easily eliminated after a short warm-up or change in body position.

Pain in the left side of the chest may be a consequence of injury. Often for children the cause itself becomes invisible, then manifests itself in the form aching pain. The injury is characterized by the presence of a hematoma at the site of impact, upon touching which the symptoms only intensify. Intense movement or increased breathing provokes discomfort.

Chest pain can be a manifestation of various organ lesions gastrointestinal tract. These include:

  • gastritis - irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • an ulcer in which pain is transferred to the left side of the chest, nausea occurs, severe heartburn as if everything was burning, and vomiting;
  • problems with the spleen;
  • pathology of the pancreas.

Women have specific causes of pain in the chest area. They are provoked:

  • mastopathy or benign formations in the mammary glands;
  • lack of iodine in the body;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

In women with various pathologies discomfort may be observed asymmetrically. Subject to availability similar signs You need to urgently seek help from a specialist.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

Any pain in the chest area (upper, lower, behind the sternum, etc.), which occurs frequently or is constantly present, should not be treated on its own. IN mandatory it is necessary to undergo examination in clinical institutions.

It is worth contacting a general practitioner, who needs to be informed of the characteristics and location of pain. After the examination, he refers to one of the following specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

To identify the real reason The patient will have to undergo a number of examinations:

  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electrocardiography;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • study of pulmonary vessels;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • general laboratory tests for the presence/absence of inflammatory processes.

After full diagnostics condition, doctors will be able to prescribe adequate and effective treatment. It is likely that in the future you will have to be constantly monitored by specialists and adhere to certain recommendations. They can prescribe dietary food for gastrointestinal disorders, psychotherapy sessions for neurological disorders or physical therapy if the patient has injuries or other physical damage.

If chest pain occurs, regardless of the severity and intensity of its manifestation, you should consult a doctor. This is important because almost everything possible reasons pose a serious health threat. Under no circumstances should you put off visiting a specialist and try to reduce pain on your own. Even if you manage to eliminate the symptoms, this does not mean that pathological processes in the body will also disappear.