Which is good for increasing lactation in lactating women. Diet as a means to increase lactation. Frequent breastfeeding

All important points about the features lactation This should be known not only to young mothers, but also to those who are just expecting the birth of a baby. After all, the mother must be “armed” with information about what it is, what it is lactation crises and what they may be associated with. In the article we'll talk about what lactation is in women, as well as how to improve milk lactation in a nursing mother.

A woman should understand that lactation is a natural process that every mother can improve. And she should try to do this. After all, contraindications to natural feeding only 0.01% of women have. Breastfeeding is very important for a baby. Breastfeeding not only ensures the health of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the work immune system, but also makes it possible to quickly and very closely build that contact, which is very important for both the child and his mother.

Lactation as a physiological process

So, lactation is an absolutely natural process involving the production, accumulation and secretion of milk by the female mammary glands. Since lactation is regulated by many, it is a hormone-dependent process.

Produces hormone , which is “responsible” for stimulating milk production glandular tissue female breast. Gradually, milk accumulates, and when the baby suckles, a hormone is released in the body that determines muscle contraction in the milk ducts. Thus, milk production in the glands is stimulated.

In addition, women who practice breastfeeding, recover faster after. Indeed, under the influence of oxytocin, the uterus contracts more actively, and it involution accelerates, and bleeding after childbirth stops faster than in women who do not breastfeed.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, colostrum begins to be released from the mammary glands, which the newborn eats. It happens that even before the baby is born, small amounts are released from the breast. However, doctors warn that there is no need to squeeze colostrum from the breast before the baby is born. Indeed, with such manipulations, the production of oxytocin in the body is stimulated, and this, in turn, can provoke uterine contractions and premature birth.

Colostrum is very nutritious for your baby. In addition, it contains, which are very important for the health of the baby. Colostrum contains globulins and that do not break down in the gastrointestinal tract. They are absorbed in the intestines.

Around day 3-5, milk appears in place of the colostrum.

A woman who has just given birth should not worry about how to establish breastfeeding if there is not enough colostrum . In the first days of life, a small amount of colostrum is enough for a newborn, and there is no need to supplement him with formula, as this can subsequently disrupt the process of establishing lactation in a woman.

About what the child may be missing mother's milk which he receives, almost every mother periodically thinks about it. This belief is a very common mistake. And sometimes, succumbing to her fears and trying to feed or supplement her child, a woman loses breastfeeding.

The concept of “lactation crisis” really frightens a nursing mother and makes her think about how to maintain lactation. But there is nothing extraordinary in this phenomenon, and if you treat what is happening correctly, it is quite possible to maintain natural feeding.

Lactation crisis is a period when the amount of breast milk. It is important to understand that this is a completely natural phenomenon, and if you carefully follow all the rules, then lactation will not be disrupted. Changes are happening for women hormonal levels, and this is precisely what the lactation crisis is connected with. Periods, timing of this phenomenon in different women different - the crisis comes in different time. But most often this happens during the following periods after childbirth:

  • after 7-14 days;
  • in 30-35 days;
  • in three to three and a half months.

At this time, under the influence hormones The amount of milk may decrease slightly, which is normal. However, endocrine system It functions differently in every body, which is why the periods of crises are different for everyone.

The duration of the crisis is 3-8 days. On average it lasts 5 days. At this time, the most important thing is not to worry about the fact that the amount of milk cannot be increased. There is no need to worry about the fact that the baby is starving - the baby will have enough milk that is produced. It is important not to succumb to the persuasion of “well-wishers” and not to start feeding the baby with formula. If you follow the rules discussed below, lactation will soon be restored.

How to increase breast milk supply?

There are some effective recommendations for a nursing mother on how to increase lactation while breastfeeding and improve this process. It is also important to take into account when lactation begins - this occurs at approximately 3-4 months. In the first months, a woman may notice that the mammary glands swell, that there is too much or too little milk. When the process is established, there will be an increase in milk lactation during breastfeeding, but milk will be produced directly during feeding, and the breasts will not “fill up.”

That is, the amount of milk directly depends solely on the production prolactin . If a woman has not yet established lactation, and the question of how to increase the lactation of breast milk is relevant for her, she needs to follow very simple but effective recommendations. In this case, you will be able to quickly return everything and continue feeding the baby.

Practice feeding on demand

Feeding on demand will help increase the amount of breast milk in a nursing mother. There is no need to feed the baby according to a schedule, because the baby himself “regulates” the eating and sleeping patterns. Sometimes the child demands to “return” the breast within 20-30 minutes after feeding. Sometimes he sleeps peacefully for five hours straight.

Put your baby to the breast as often as possible

You should try to put the baby to the breast as often as possible. It does not matter how long the baby sucks. After all, the act of sucking itself helps to activate the production of hormones, in particular, prolactin And oxytocin . That is, the answer to the question of how to increase lactation is simple: you need to put your baby to your breast as often as possible.

Sometimes mothers worry about the fact that the baby is breastfeeding for several hours. But there is no cause for concern here. After all, after the birth of a baby, when the connection that connected him with his mother before birth is interrupted, close contact with her is very important for the child. By frequently suckling at the breast, the baby can more easily overcome the stress experienced after birth and get used to the world that surrounds him. Lying at the mother's breast, the baby only periodically sucks on it. It happens that a child “holds” the breast for several hours, not wanting to let go of his mother. In addition, at first - about three months after birth - the baby is tormented, but closeness to his mother calms him down and alleviates his condition.

Be sure to breastfeed at night

Mothers who are interested in how to increase breast milk lactation should definitely breastfeed their baby at night. Teaching a baby to sleep through the night almost from birth is the wrong approach. After all, a baby up to one year old can wake up to eat at night, and this is considered normal. At first, it is very important to feed him at night, since it is at night that the content of prolactin . And if the baby nurses at this time, the amount of milk produced will increase. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to increase lactation for a nursing mother is simple: do not ignore night feedings.


About whether they are effective homeopathic medicines to increase breast milk lactation, there is no consensus. Such drugs have not been tested necessary research from point of view evidence-based medicine, so definitely talk about them positive impact no reason. But still, many doctors, whom women ask what to drink to increase milk supply, claim that such measures will not make things worse. After all, the so-called “ “, and breastfeeding mothers really improve their lactation. It is quite possible that under the influence of these drugs the production actually increases. prolactin .

Products that activate lactation

If you ask about what to do to increase your milk supply, our mothers and grandmothers will most likely advise eating certain products. However, in reality, the products do not affect the level in any way. prolactin , accordingly, they do not affect lactation. But fluid consumption is very important, so you shouldn’t limit yourself in this. A new mother should drink as much fluid as she wants. However, it is also impossible to forcefully pour water into the body. You just need to listen to your body and prevent the feeling of extreme thirst.

Those who are looking for products that increase the milk supply of a nursing mother need to know that asking about what you need to eat to have a lot of milk is pointless.

You should drink enough clean water

Sometimes when asked for recommendations on what to eat to produce more milk, they advise drinking more cow's milk. But in fact, this advice can hardly be called correct, because prolactin production cow's milk It does not work.

But cow's milk may well be harmful. Proteins entering breast milk can cause severe pain in the baby. In addition, after a nursing mother consumes fermented milk products or cow's milk, the baby may develop severe colic. Therefore, you should pay attention not to which foods increase the amount of milk, but to use other methods described above.

What mistakes do new mothers make?

Young parents should also be aware that they can make certain mistakes that lead to worsening lactation.

You should not set a feeding schedule - the baby should eat on demand

The baby must “decide” for himself exactly when and how much he wants to eat. One of the main mistakes of women who are worried about how to establish lactation if there is little milk is feeding the baby additionally with formula. Having started to supplement the baby's feeding, the mother makes a very serious mistake. Such hasty actions lead to unpleasant consequences. Having “tasted” the formula, the baby may refuse to breastfeed altogether, because sucking the formula from a bottle is much easier than “extracting” breast milk. In addition, the taste of the formula is different - it is sweeter, and the child may think that food from a bottle tastes better. As a result, the baby will refuse to latch on to the breast, and it will not be possible to establish lactation after birth.

In addition, the introduction of the mixture will lead to abdominal pain, colic , which will constantly bother a baby with immature intestines. Such actions can lead not only to complete loss lactation, but also to the manifestation of allergic reactions.

Therefore, if a nursing mother has little milk, it is better to ask a specialist, rather than friends and relatives, what to do.

There is no need to give water to your baby before introducing complementary foods.

Very often you can hear the opinion that milk is the baby’s food, and he also needs water. This opinion is wrong, because breast milk consists mainly of water – 80-90%. And in any weather conditions - both in summer and during heating periods - this liquid is enough for the baby to normal development and well-being. Therefore, instead of trying to feed the baby with a spoon, it is better to give him an extra breast.

And if the baby drinks even a few spoons of water, his ventricle will quickly fill, and a signal about its filling will immediately go to the brain. Accordingly, because of this, the baby will miss feeding.

They begin to give water to the child only after the gradual introduction of complementary foods has begun, that is, after he reaches six months. By the way, cases when a baby begins to lose weight precisely because of supplementation are not uncommon. After all, due to water consumption, the baby receives less milk.

Of course, this rule does not apply to “artificial” children - they need to be given water.

Don't assume that your baby always cries from hunger.

A little person can cry in the most various reasons. If he does not take the breast and cries at the same time, then it is quite possible that the whole issue is pain in the tummy. The child may also have a headache, and night or evening tantrums may indicate increased intracranial pressure at the baby. In addition, he may cry due to the discomfort associated with a wet diaper, due to the fact that his teeth are starting to cut. In the end, the baby may simply want to visit his mother in order to feel protected.

There is no need to assume that there is no milk in the soft breast

Milk production is activated during feeding. And if before the next feeding the mother does not feel that the breasts have hardened, this is good, since there is no likelihood of developing lactostasis . This indicates that lactation has already established.

There is no need to express milk after feeding

Pumping should only be practiced if lactostasis . Indeed, in this case, the most nutritious milk is lost. Alternatively, it is better to put the baby to the breast one more time.

There is no need to pay attention to the norms of weight gain that were paid attention to earlier

Modern medicine uses comparative tables that take into account the height, weight, and age of the baby. According to the old schemes, the child should gain 1 kilogram of weight in the first month. But these schemes have been used for a long time and they are more relevant for children who receive artificial nutrition. These standards are not at all suitable for infants.

You should not give your baby a pacifier

Naturally, the baby should not suck on anything other than the breast. A pacifier is a kind of “anti-stress” for a mother, because she gives such a pacifier to the baby when he cries and cannot calm down. However, in reality, a child does not need a pacifier at all. And a woman can determine the reason for crying, that experienced mothers It works out quite well. As for the sucking reflex, breast sucking completely satisfies it. In addition, you need to take into account that later it will be difficult to wean your child off the pacifier. And in any case, he will experience the stress of being “separation” from his favorite pacifier.

No need to introduce complementary foods too early

Until reaching 6- one month old Natural feeding is enough for the baby. You should not give him any new food before this age. After all, at this age, only those that digest breast milk exist in the baby’s body.

Check weighing is not an indicator

Some mothers, for whom the urgent question is how to understand that the baby does not have enough milk during breastfeeding, practice so-called control weighings. That is, in order to understand that the baby does not have enough milk and to determine how much he has eaten, he is weighed before and after feeding. However this method is not indicative, and so it will not be possible to determine whether he has enough food. After all, a baby can get his daily requirement in 10-12 feedings. That is, he can breastfeed often and eat little by little.

In addition, the child eats a different amount of milk each time. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to find out if a baby has enough breast milk, this method is not suitable. After all, sometimes the indicator on the scale can provoke real panic in an inexperienced mother.


Thus, almost every mother is capable of practicing full breastfeeding. If a woman has concerns about the amount of milk and questions about what to do if there is not enough milk, she should first of all pay attention to the condition of the baby. If he behaves calmly, develops and grows normally, then he is fully provided with food.

Those who are interested in how to understand whether a newborn has enough milk should also pay attention to how many times a day the baby urinates and walks “in a big way.” If the baby defecates 1-6 times, and the stool is homogeneous, and urinates 10-15 times, then everything is fine with him. A child who gets enough food has pink, clear skin and sleeps well.

But if a woman still has some concern, she should contact her pediatrician and consult with him about this.

As a specialist, I can say: almost every woman who has carried and given birth to a child can and should feed him with her breast milk. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. And not only because the woman does not want to breastfeed. Some may experience hypogalactia (from the Greek hypo - low and gala - milk), or insufficient milk production from the mammary glands. Sometimes pregnant women, who have heard about this problem from friends and relatives, worry about whether they will be able to breastfeed their baby. And those young mothers whose children do not gain enough weight usually associate this with a lack of milk. However, experience shows that hypogalactia is not fatal at all, it can be prevented.

Why does this happen?

True (or primary) hypogalactia is rare, occurring in no more than 5% of women, which is associated with their health status (in particular, serious hormonal disorders). In other cases, a lack of milk can be caused by a number of avoidable reasons. We list the main ones:

  • the woman’s lack of dominant lactation (as experts call the psychological mood for breastfeeding);
  • poor nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • unfavorable family circumstances: stress, need to go to work, etc.;
  • rare attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • early and unjustified introduction of supplementary feeding with human milk substitutes and non-dairy complementary foods;
  • feeding the baby not at the baby’s request, but according to a schedule.

During established breastfeeding, your milk supply may suddenly decrease. This condition is called a lactation crisis. Usually it happens like this. A growing baby needs more and more milk, and the baby’s appetite may increase not gradually, but in leaps and bounds. In this case, the mother’s body does not seem to have time to adapt to the increased demands of the child. In addition, it is during these periods that a temporary change in hormonal levels may occur, which also affects the amount of milk. Typically, lactation crises occur at 3-6 weeks, as well as at 3, 4, 7 and 8 months of lactation. Their duration is on average 3-4 days, and they do not pose a danger to the child’s health. If a mother knows about the possibility of lactation crises and, at the first signs of it, begins to put her baby to the breast more often, then she successfully overcomes this temporary condition by increasing the volume of milk.

How do you know if your baby doesn't have enough milk?

The main symptoms of a lack of breast milk are:

  • insufficient weight gain per month;
  • decreased daily volume of breast milk;
  • child's anxiety;
  • a symptom of “dry diapers”, indicating a decrease in the daily volume of urine (a breastfed baby in the first months should urinate at least six times a day, and the urine should be colorless or pale yellow).

Table. Main specialized products recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding to stimulate lactation

Group number Products Manufacturer a brief description of
Powdered milk and soy mixtures
I "Femilak" "Nutritek", Russia Dry fortified milk mixture enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids and taurine
"Enfa-mama" Mead Johnson, USA The same, without taurine
"Dumil Mama plus" "International Nutrition", Denmark The same, without taurine
"Olympic" OJSC "Istra"/"Nutritsia" Dry fortified mixture based on soy protein
Dry mixture enriched with lactogenic additive
II "Milky Way" LLC "Vitaprom" State Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Dry fortified mixture based on milk and soy protein isolate, enriched with galega herb extract
Juices, drinks, decoctions, teas
III Fruit juices and drinks "HIPP", Austria
"Nestlé", Germany
Natural juices and drinks enriched with vitamins and iron
Tea for pregnant and lactating women "HIPP", Austria
"Kruger", Poland
Soluble herbal teas with addition medicinal herbs, fruit powders and sugars
Infusions and decoctions of food and spicy-flavoring vegetables and herbs Home cooking Infusions and decoctions of lactogenic vegetables and herbs
Dietary supplements (BAA)
IV "Apilactin"
Company "Leovit nutrio" Russia, Kazakhstan Based on waste products of bees and aromatic plants
Vitamin and mineral complexes
V "Gendevit"
"Materna" and others
Multivitamins, minerals, microelements

But indicated symptoms are only indirect evidence of hypogalactia. You can finally make sure that there really is not enough milk by determining its amount per day. In practice, this is done through control weighing of the baby. In this case, the baby must be weighed before and after each feeding during the day. Note - infant Can eat different amounts of milk at different feedings. That is why the amount eaten per day is taken into account, and not per feeding. It is important to emphasize that the main criteria for the effectiveness of breastfeeding are normal growth and development, wellness child. There is no need to weigh your baby every day if everything is fine. This will only create unnecessary anxiety and may encourage you to fill the perceived shortage with a breast milk substitute.

It is unacceptable to prescribe supplementary feeding to a child with milk formulas only if hypogalactia is suspected without direct confirmation of this diagnosis. And even if the diagnosis is confirmed, the young mother can still “fight” for her milk. To do this, you need to put the baby to the breast more often and resort to those methods of increasing the amount of milk, which will be discussed below. In addition, in some cases, women can benefit from consulting a psychologist.

Proper nutrition plus stimulation

Our research has shown that among the causes of hypogalactia, a large place belongs to the nutritional factor. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to rationalize the mother’s diet. Especially important satisfies the need for protein, vitamin and mineral components of the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not forget about the drinking regime - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day, including liquid meals. It may be necessary to prescribe lactogenic drugs, i.e. increasing the production of milk, foods and drinks, physiotherapeutic procedures and medications, vitamin and mineral components, dietary supplement 1.

Let's list the products industrial production, capable of stimulating lactation. We divided specialized products into five groups (see table).

Group I. Drugs that correct the diet according to the main nutritional factors, especially for animal protein, fats, the whole range minerals, microelements and multivitamins.

"Femilak" contains milk protein, enriched especially important substance- taurine, present in human milk, 15 vitamins, corn oil. Using the Femilak product during pregnancy has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and proper development fetus, and during breastfeeding promotes sufficient lactation and improves the composition of mother's milk. "Enfa-mama", "Dumil Mama plus" are similar products, but they do not contain taurine. Nursing mothers also successfully use the domestic product "Olympic", created for athletes. "Olympic" is a dry fortified mixture based on soy protein.

Group II. Products that correct the diet and are enriched with a lactogenic additive.

This group includes a new product for nursing mothers, “Milky Way,” developed by Vitaprom LLC together with the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It contains whole skimmed cow's milk powder, soy protein isolate, sugar, chicory, galega herb extract, alimentary fiber, vitamins, mineral salts.

Galega herb extract is a powerful lactogenic factor. As shown by the conducted clinical researches, the product is well tolerated by nursing mothers and infants. The product effectively enhances the lactation function of a nursing mother. It can be used from the first days of lactation by women at risk for hypogalactia (slow “start” of lactation, early transfer to artificial feeding of previous children).

III. Products plant origin, having lactogenic properties, in the form of juices, drinks, teas.

Among the plants that enhance lactation, a large role is assigned to food and spicy-flavoring ones. These include carrots, licorice, lettuce, radish, cumin, dill, nettle, dandelion, fennel, oregano, lemon balm, anise, yarrow, rose hips, hazelnut and others. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from these plants and taken in the form of drinks.

Drinks for nursing women

Carrot juice . Grate the washed carrots with a brush, squeeze out the juice and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. For improvement taste qualities Milk, cream, honey and fruit and berry juices are added to carrot juice. Additions should not be very large (1-2 tablespoons per glass of juice) so as not to reduce the effect of carrot juice.

Carrots grated with milk . Put 3-4 tablespoons of grated carrots in a glass, add milk (or cream) and drink a glass 2-3 times a day. In the evening, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the drink to relieve nervous tension and a good night's sleep.

Lettuce seed drink . Lettuce seeds have the most pronounced lactic effect. To prepare the drink, take 20 g of seeds, carefully crush them in a porcelain mortar and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 2-3 hours and drink 2-3 times a day, half a glass per dose. To improve the taste, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey per glass of boiling water.

Caraway drink . To prepare 1 liter of drink, take 15 g of cumin seeds, 100 g of sugar, lemon average size or 2 g citric acid. All ingredients are poured with water, boiled over low heat for 5-10 minutes, filtered and drunk half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Cream 10-15% with caraway seeds . Pour 2 cups of cream into a ceramic pot, add 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, close the lid and place in the oven to simmer (at low heat) for 30-40 minutes. Cool to room temperature; drink for breakfast and dinner. Drink half a glass for breakfast and dinner.

Caraway kvass . Rye bread, cut into small pieces, is dried, lightly fried, poured with water and left for 3-4 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered, yeast, sugar, cumin are added and placed in a warm place to ferment for 10-12 hours.
For 1 kg of black bread - 40 g of caraway seeds, 500 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 10 liters of water.

Infusion of dill seeds . One tablespoon of dill seeds is poured with water (1 glass), left for 2 hours. Take the infusion half a glass 2 times a day or a tablespoon 6 times a day, depending on tolerance. Drink in small sips and hold it in the mouth for a while.

Anise infusion . Prepared from 2 teaspoons of seeds per glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. After cooling, drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Drink made from anise, fennel and oregano . Mix 10 g of mashed anise fruit, 10 g of fennel fruit and 10 g of oregano herb. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass per dose 2-3 times a day.

Radish juice with honey , diluted (1:1) with chilled boiled water and lightly salted. For 100 g of radish, take 100 g of boiled water.

This group also includes special teas and fortified juices.

IV. Dietary supplements (BAA).

We have tested dietary supplements created by the Leovit Nutrio company based on the waste products of bees and aromatic plants - "Apilactin" and "Lactogon". Dietary supplements were prescribed to nursing mothers at risk for hypogalactia (the drug "Apilactin") and to mothers from the same group, but with a burdened obstetric history ("Lactogon").

"Apilactin" contains "Apilak" ( royal jelly And pollen); "Lactogon" - royal jelly and a number of spicy-flavoring plants with a known lactogenic effect (oregano, carrot juice, ginger, nettle, dill). The effect of using the above dietary supplements was very successful - when using Apilactin, 80% of mothers continued to breastfeed after discharge from the hospital, and when using Lactogon, 90% of mothers continued to breastfeed. The only contraindication to the use of these drugs is intolerance to bee products.

V. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Prescribed from the second half of pregnancy and during breastfeeding as drugs that correct the diet and stimulate lactation.

If the effect of the listed food products is insufficient for the prevention and treatment of hypogalactia, it is necessary to use drug treatment. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of reduced lactation and try to stop or weaken its effect. From medications for hypogalactia, vitamins, microelements, sedatives, hormones, physiotherapeutic methods and other means are recommended.

Besides medicinal methods, in combination with improved nutrition may be effective homeopathic remedies. Like other medications, they are prescribed by a doctor.

How and when are the means described above used? It should be emphasized that the use of each of them has its own specifics.

The use of products of groups I and IV is recommended for women at risk for hypogalactia, from the second half of pregnancy and from the beginning of lactation. Group II products, which have the most active lactogenic properties, are recommended to be taken by mothers with reduced lactation in the maternity hospital and during lactation crises. Products Group III also used for lactation crises.

In conclusion, it should be said about the results of our observations of a group of 500 women who experienced difficulties with lactation. If of those women who somehow stimulated lactation, 80% breastfed their children until 4-6 months, then women who did not resort to stimulating drugs managed to maintain lactation by this time only in 20% of cases.

Thus, we are convinced that prolonged breastfeeding is a manageable process. Breastfeeding women have many opportunities to maintain lactation and thereby improve the health of their child. It is very important for the mother to be convinced of the need to breastfeed and support her in this from family members and medical personnel monitoring the health of the child and mother during this period.

1 Dietary supplements are components that are natural or biologically identical to natural active substances, intended for direct consumption or addition to regular food in order to enrich the diet.


Oksyunya, it’s certainly strange. Apilak helped me a lot and I think it was only thanks to him that I retained breast milk and am still feeding my daughter. Plus, of course, I forbade myself to be nervous about this, and drank a lot of warm liquids, tea, and various compotes. And everything quickly returned to its place)))

And my salvation is Leptaden! On my site, two mothers have already had their lactation restored after my urgent advice. I tried it on myself. And it happened like this: I got too nervous, and the milk disappeared, it burned straight away. The doctor told me right away - Leptaden, guy, he’s the best. It helped after two days, there was enough milk. And, thank God, there were no side effects, because we are terrible allergy sufferers

04/29/2014 15:45:00, Roksolana

Two months ago, I also experienced a lactation crisis. Honestly, I was even scared. Don't starve the little ones! I took warm tea with condensed milk, a warm shower three to four times a day, and Leptaden, on the advice of my doctor, 2 tablets 2 times a day. The milk was restored after two days. And then there was very little.

04/29/2014 14:11:34, Cleo_Patra

Apilak did not help, I am allergic to it, the rash is terrible. Although the drug is good. But Leptadene suited me better personally. I also drank black tea with milk and ate nuts on the doctor’s advice. Walnuts. The milk was restored within two days.

04/28/2014 16:45:21, Oksyunya

But I had the real one postpartum depression... Nothing worked, I didn’t have time anywhere, I felt constant total fatigue. At first I thought that it would go away on its own, but that was not the case. As a result, I couldn’t manage without the help of a doctor; I was prescribed Apilak and prescribed drinking regime and adjusted the diet. The problem was solved in literally a week and a half - my mood really improved and lactation returned to normal.

I had a lactation crisis last month. It's a nightmare, of course, especially if it's your first time. But as they say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are afraid.” I immediately started drinking a lot of fluids and almost didn’t let the baby out of my arms for two days. And he slept with me with the breast in his mouth, so as not to yell and be tempted to supplement. Plus I drank Apilak. And on the third day I already felt that there was more milk, the baby began to sleep more, and in general it was clear that he began to eat up. It's hard, but you can do it.

I also fed the baby only on demand, sometimes I couldn’t stand it for two hours. Over time there was less and less milk. I tried to take vitamins, but we developed an allergy, at first a little, and then more and more. Then I consulted doctors and prescribed dry mixtures, by the way, some are in the article. But somehow I didn’t take the risk since we are allergic. I just drank tea to stimulate lactation, lactaphytol. The ingredients there are just right (cumin, anise and dill with nettle), and it was enough for me.

But I still didn’t have enough milk. Despite all the measures, supplementary feeding was introduced after 1 month. A friend recommended Lactamil. Super thing!!! And lactation has increased, and there is no need to take additional vitamins. I began to feel better, the “squeezed lemon” state has finally gone away. Now breastfeeding is just a pleasure for my daughter and me.

Indeed, in order to have more milk, you need to give your baby breastfeeding on demand. How surprising are mothers who want to breastfeed rarely, and then complain: “I don’t have enough milk.”))

Advice from Elena Kl. Surprised - does anyone act differently?
It seems to me that the key to sufficient milk production is a baby who is put to the breast quite often and a large volume of liquid that the mother drinks. I made sure to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, preferably warm drinks.
I liked drinking rosehip infusion, dried fruit compote, and Heinz instant tea with fennel. The latter can also be used as a replacement for Plantex for a child.

My first daughter was born at 33 weeks of pregnancy and spent almost the entire first month after birth in the children's hospital. There was very little milk - 100 ml. per day, but I decided for myself that I would only breastfeed. After discharge, the child did not perceive the breast at all, because she was fed from a nipple. We learned together: I fed, applied correctly, she sucked the breast. I took "lactogon" - very good remedy, "apilak" will be weaker. I drank tea with milk and made herbal mixtures myself: nettle + oregano, nettle + cumin, nettle + dill or fennel. I brewed them in thermoses and drank them very hot before and during feeding. I slept on an applicator (Kuznetsov type, only metal). the struggle was not in vain - she fed for up to a year, then the child switched to juices, but the milk remained for another year and a half. So don’t scold the author of the article, she wrote everything very correctly.

02/16/2010 16:58:38, Elena Orlova

I fed two children up to a year old, and due to a breast burn (the fault of the nurse in the maternity hospital), I fed the second child with formula for 2 weeks until the burn went away, I purposefully reduced the milk to nothing (so as not to feed until the nipples healed), how did the burn go? I canceled all formulas in order to restore the baby’s milk volume to the required norm. Now I am a grandmother and I know that if I wish, I can feed my grandson without giving birth to a child. Milk comes only from strong desire feed and confidence in it. One mother here correctly said that milk is formed not in the breast, but in the head. What I want to say: after three months the baby’s milk stops flowing from the breast, sometimes it seems there is no milk at all (it really is not there: the breast is empty and it seems to you that all breastfeeding is over. In fact, the breast is after three (it’s different for everyone) months, it stops secreting milk in large quantities and switches to the volume of milk needed for the child (some people stop pumping altogether.) The breast is empty, you rock the baby, talk to him gently, persuade him, he sucks, sucks and (oh, miracle) milk suddenly begins to flow the river just until the baby is full. So if it seems to you that there is no milk, then this means absolutely nothing. Maybe you subconsciously don’t want to feed the baby and the brain, when the baby sucks, doesn’t send a signal. Women who breastfed a baby are all know and feel this approach of milk, this sensation in the chest. Catch and wait for it while the baby is sucking. And one more thing - if you go to the dacha (village) and spend the whole day fresh air, you will see your milk increase. The main thing is the desire to feed: the baby is calm while breastfeeding, calm, and you can go anywhere with him without remembering about all sorts of bottles.

04/13/2009 00:46:00, mother and grandmother

Girls, regular washing of the external genitalia helps me increase the volume of breast milk. Good luck

02/04/2009 17:12:52, Elena Kl.

The value of breastfeeding, both for the child and for the mother, has long been proven. With breast milk, the baby gets everything he needs to normal height and development, and when the baby is applied to the breast, the most close contact with mom. But it’s not always easy to establish lactation, so many mothers, especially if this is their first child, are interested in the question: what foods increase lactation?

Why does lactation decrease?

To restore lactation, the first thing you need to do is understand the reasons why the amount of milk production is insufficient. If hormonal imbalances occur, although this happens extremely rarely, no products will be able to establish lactation. In other cases, it is quite possible to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen with breastfeeding.

The main reasons for decreased breast milk production include:

  • Not proper nutrition women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the woman is not psychologically ready for breastfeeding;
  • stressful situations;
  • going to work;
  • complementary foods were introduced ahead of time;
  • putting the baby to the breast at the wrong time;
  • Rarely putting the baby to the breast.

Good nutrition matters

To ensure sufficient lactation, you need to monitor your diet. Food must be rich in vitamins And useful components and also have sufficient calorie content. And this does not mean at all that you need to adhere to a specific diet. The diet should be varied, you just have to exclude some foods for a while.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to eat twice as much as usual. More benefits will come from the quality of food consumed, rather than its quantity.

A nursing mother should eat daily:

  • products containing proteins (this can be meat or fish) – 200 g;
  • cottage cheese – up to 150 g;
  • dairy products– up to 300 g;
  • hard cheese – up to 30 gr.

You should also know that you need to use only high-quality products for cooking. For example, if it is a chicken, then you need to know what kind of feed it was raised on; if it is vegetables, then only from your own garden or purchased in places where veterinary and sanitary control is mandatory. Special attention You also need to pay attention to cooking. It should be homemade, fresh and warm. It is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods.

Why is it so important to maintain proper nutrition? During breastfeeding, it is very important that the mother receives required amount fats, proteins, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. This will create the necessary balance in the mother’s body and ensure that the baby receives everything the baby needs along with breast milk.

To increase lactation, it is mandatory to drink enough fluid. A nursing mother should drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day. It can be warm compote or tea with milk, yogurt, kefir or just still water.

If you are making every effort to increase lactation, but there is still not enough milk, you should not immediately resort to radical measures- supplement the baby's feeding with formula. There are many products that can increase lactation and provide the child with adequate breastfeeding.

What will you have to give up?

There is a certain list of foods that a nursing mother should avoid. Mostly, these are products that retain water in the body, as a result of which lactation worsens.

These products include:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking, incl. and passive;
  • smoked meat;
  • smoked fish;
  • hot seasonings and spices;
  • mayonnaise;
  • canned foods;
  • flour products;
  • milk (allowed in small quantities, better added to tea)
  • sage, parsley.

Products that can increase lactation

Now let's look in more detail at products that, thanks to their beneficial components, are able to restore normal lactation.

Products that increase lactation

Useful material

Nuts potassium, magnesium 15
Honey magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, calcium 50
Dried apricots ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, sucrose, glucose, fructose, iron, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, salicylic and citric acids 15
Garlic healthy vitamins 3
Dill a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, nicotinic and folic acids 4
Fennel potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium 4
Buckwheat proteins, fats, starch, vitamins: PP, B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron 40
Barley groats vitamins: A, almost all groups B, D, E, PP; phosphorus, silicon, chromium, boron, zinc, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, nickel, molybdenum, magnesium, iodine, bromine, cobalt, strontium; fiber and carbohydrates 30
Rice groats starch, calcium, potassium, zinc; B vitamins 30
Hercules vitamins: A,B, E, K, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates; potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, fluorine, cobalt 40
Green tea with milk polyphenols, tocopherols, carotenoids, vitamin C, manganese, chromium, zinc and selenium 0,4
Ginger essential oils, sugar, starch, vitamins and minerals
Turmeric vitamins: K, B3, B2, C, B, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and iron
Virgin oils vitamins 13
Carrots and carrot juice beta-carotene, iron, minerals, essential oils 82
Beets and their juice 18
Chicken and broth proteins, vitamins 37
Fish (low-fat varieties) proteins, vitamins 25
Veal proteins, vitamins 74
Tongue (beef) squirrels 40
Cottage cheese proteins, vitamins: A, E, P, B2, B6, B12; folic acid; calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus 40
Hard cheese proteins, fats, carbohydrates, almost all vitamins 25
Kefir vitamins: A, E, H, C, group B, D, PP; iron, calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, chlorine, selenium, cobalt, chromium; lactic acid bacteria, amino acids 150
Ryazhenka vitamins: B1, B2, C, E, PP; calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium 100
Black currant fat, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, pectins 20
Radish vitamins, amino acids, microelements, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, starch 12
Watermelon fiber, pectins, hemicellulose, vitamins, folic acid, carotene; manganese, nickel, magnesium, iron, potassium; sugars, organic acids 100
Leaf lettuce vitamins A, C, E, K, H, PP group B; calcium, sodium, potassium¸ phosphorus, iron, fluorine, copper, iodine, selenium 20
Purified water 2000 ml
Brewer's yeast natural nutritional supplements, rich in vitamins 2

Caution, allergens

Despite the fact that the use listed products helps increase lactation, many of them are allergenic. Therefore, doctors do not recommend getting carried away with them.

Eg, walnuts- this is a real storehouse of vitamins, but they are among the allergens, so you should not abuse them. And here is a small handful of peeled kernels walnuts can significantly increase the amount of breast milk production.

To avoid allergic reactions and digestive problems in your baby, it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products. A small amount of milk can be added to tea.

Although honey is an allergen, you should not exclude it, just consume it in small quantities. In addition, it is better to replace sugar with honey. Honey must be natural.

Natural fresh vegetables and fruits also help increase lactation. Their introduction into the diet should be very careful, because... they can also cause allergic reactions in the child. As a rule, red vegetables and fruits can cause allergies, so it is better to give preference to green or yellow color: green or yellow apples, yellow raspberries, white or black currants, gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.

You should also not buy the first watermelons, which contain nitrates and pesticides in large quantities; it is better to wait until August.

Herbal teas can also significantly increase breast milk production. To exclude an allergic reaction, before starting to take this or that collection, it is better to consult a doctor.

It should mean that the consumption of certain products that help increase lactation, everyone female body will react individually. That is why the most suitable products you will have to select through trial and error to find the most effective for yourself.

Do not also forget about rest, maximum exclusion stressful situations and heavy physical activity. Great importance to increase lactation they also have night feedings, because they promote the production of the hormone prolactin.

The formation of milk (colostrum) in the mammary glands and its secretion begins in women after childbirth. This natural and natural process called lactation. A woman should be careful about the variety of her diet during this period.

5 main animal products for lactation during feeding

Often, at the border of 3-4 months of age, the mother’s level of white fluid in the breast decreases or disappears completely. Need in nutrients high.

Products that increase lactation are present during the lactogenic crisis. There is a certain list of dishes that increase the quality and volume of white liquid.

  1. Beef increases the secretion of colostrum, it contains vitamins and macroelements. Recommended to cook beef liver, because it has no calories.
  2. Turkey– dietary and low-allergenic meat. The protein in this meat is low in calories, easily digestible, and contains microelements: phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
  3. Lean pork. Pork has energy value. Lean pork is a product that increases breast milk lactation after childbirth. Use pork after heat treatment(boiled or steamed meat without adding oil). Once a week 150 g is the norm.
  4. Rabbit causes allergies in 7 cases out of 10 in children.
  5. Fish has vitamin D and omega 3 acids, easier to digest than meat. Salty fish leads to imbalance. Fried and smoked fish are contraindicated. River fish is suitable for broth without adding oil. Eat fish 2 times a week, 50 grams boiled. Red fish is not recommended in a woman’s diet if the baby is under 3 months old, it causes.

Products that stimulate lactation should not be fried. Meat contains animal protein. Daily intake can't do without meat. To improve a nursing mother's lactation, eating meat is a must!

7 products with plant proteins for lactation

Peanuts are an excellent antidepressant; they increase the fat content of milk, enriching it nutrients.
  1. Soybeans has a number of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron. Soy included soy sauce- a dressing element in the menu of a young mother, which contains lecithin, starch and fatty oil. Pediatricians do not recommend its frequent use due to an allergic reaction and even poisoning in infants.
  2. Seaweed or seaweed. Laminaria or seaweed They are included in the menu when the baby turns 3 months old. Amount of daily dish 200 g.
  3. Fried peanuts contains vitamins E and C. It is an excellent antidepressant, it increases the fat content of milk, enriching it with nutrients. Eating peanuts is limited, 2-3 times a day.
  4. Lentils. Isoflavones are substances in lentils that have a preventive effect against breast cancer. Do not consume excessively legumes, they cause flatulence, and the child’s stool worsens.
  5. Beans has a diuretic effect. It contains calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and ascorbic acid. Limit red beans in food, as red and orange are allergenic dyes for babies
  6. Bread with bran. Bread is the source useful elements for the body: vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins.
  7. Cereals have fiber, micro and macroelements. Oatmeal will provide the body with phytic acid. It is impossible to refuse cereal dishes during the feeding period.

After giving birth, a woman reconsiders so as not to harm the baby and thinks about the question: “What foods increase the lactation of breast milk?”

Products that increase milk lactation for a nursing mother contain proteins. They perform the function of hormones and enzymes.

At the turn of 2-3 months, colostrum decreases. The main thing is not to panic. The mistake many women make in deciding to drink more fluid is wrong!

You need to pay attention to products with proteins to increase the lactation of a nursing mother, and give up spicy foods and vegetables pungent odor : onions, radishes or garlic, eat healthy and natural elements.

It should be noted that protein is excellent construction material for the body. The diet of a woman who has given birth includes 25% proteins. The daily protein intake is 2 g per 1 kg of weight for a young mother, that is, 50% plant proteins and 50% animal proteins.

We invite you to get acquainted with a variety of balanced nutrition, useful both for the mother’s figure and for the tender gastrointestinal tract baby.

And the mother will be able to monitor whether there is enough milk for the baby, having learned the norms of breast and artificial feeding.

And you can get acquainted with the scheme for successfully introducing complementary foods to your baby.

Carbohydrate foods that promote lactation

Fast carbohydrates

Sweet carbonated drinks are strictly not recommended for breastfeeding
  • Sweet drinks. Artificial preservatives and dyes have a detrimental effect on quality thoracic substance.
  • Baked goods: cookies, crackers, marshmallows help improve colostrum.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. Any such drink gets into the baby’s milk, which has a sharply negative effect on the baby’s health.
  • Alcohol and alcohol are prohibited.

Slow carbohydrates

  • Cereals have a lactogenic effect.
  • Vegetables. Fresh vegetables healthy and full of vitamins. Eating pickled vegetables, like cabbage, is a cause of colic.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom soup increases the secretion of white mammary matter. A decoction with mushrooms, honey, herbs and nuts increases the amount of breast fluid.
  • Berries are obligate (strong) allergens, in particular strawberries and raspberries, and are excluded from the diet.

Carbohydrates play an indispensable role. However overuse harms the baby's body. The level of carbohydrates should not exceed 40% in the diet of a nursing mother.

Easily digestible carbohydrates, when overloaded, worsen the composition of breast fluid.

What fats increase breast milk lactation?

Saturated fats

  • Dairy or fermented milk products that improve lactation for a nursing mother: cheese, cottage cheese. They compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and macroelements. A large number of drunk is in danger allergic reaction in a child, 200 ml per day.
  • Oil: coconut, palm and butter stops the lactation crisis. Coconut oil easily digestible, does not lose its properties during the stewing process beneficial features. Palm oil is half saturated, is included in the list of one of the products for breast milk lactation and is found in half of infant formulas.
  • Margarine disrupts work cell membranes, it is necessary to reduce its use in food during the period of feeding the baby.
  • Important! Cholesterol is not a product for increasing lactation, it is a harmful fat that is fraught with the quality of breast food. It makes the white liquid viscous and thick, which creates problems with absorption. The permissible cholesterol content in breast milk is 20 mg/100 ml of cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats

  • Peanut butter
  • Sesame oil
  • Olive oil

Their use is limited and requires consultation with a specialist.

Polyunsaturated fats

  • Lard is poorly digested and is not recommended in the diet of a postpartum woman.
  • Fast food is prohibited from being included in the diet of a young mother.
  • Allows a course of taking fish oil to increase the milk supply of a nursing mother. To determine this course, you should consult with a specialist. Fish oil is a product that increases lactation and the fat content of breast milk. What is the child not yet ready for?

Polyunsaturated fats are not recommended in the diet of a nursing mother.
Products that increase lactation contain fats. Fats participate in the functioning of prohormones and are a source of energy for the body. Fatty acid and glycerol are elements of fats.

The food of a woman who has given birth should be high in calories and within the normal range of 1500-2000 kcal. Dairy products that improve lactation are energy-rich. In a young woman’s diet, the amount of fat is 30%.

5 types of drinks to improve lactation

Milk tea stimulates milk secretion in a nursing woman
    1. Tea with milk. Before use, the drink is drunk warm half an hour before feeding. Tea stimulates the secretion of milk in a nursing woman.
    2. Ginger tea prolongs the milk production period.
    3. Freshies. Carrot juice or carrot drink, which consists of grated carrots and milk and has a beneficial effect on the release of colostrum.
    4. Herb tea. Herbs are collected in summer and autumn or purchased at the pharmacy. Dill, nettle, oregano, lemon balm, hawthorn have a stimulating effect.
    5. Pure water. The diet should include 1 liter of clean still water. Optimal drinking is the key to the health of mother and baby.

During the feeding period, a woman should drink 2 liters per day. Large quantity not recommended and may reduce the nutritional value of colostrum.

It is important to maintain your daily water intake. Clean and still water avoids the “empty diaper” syndrome.

The baby should urinate 6 times a day. Healthy urine is pale and pale yellow. If this doesn't happen. Think about your baby's health and consult a specialist.


The diet of a nursing mother should be varied and measured. Some lactation products have restrictions on their use. It is necessary to avoid allergen-containing elements in the diet; if you have any doubts about the correct choice of products to improve lactation, you should consult a pediatrician.

Be careful when handling foods with dyes. No nicotine or alcohol!

Remember, foods that increase lactation are important for infant nutrition. If the baby does not gain weight, it means daily norm milk has decreased. Consider using products that increase breast milk production.

And about when to stop breastfeeding, and how to wean correctly and without tears You can find out

It is important not to forget about the impact external environment on mother's milk: tight underwear and unhealthy sleep. Diet, comfort and sleep mode! Products that improve lactation for a nursing mother are reliable friends and helpers.

A situation familiar to many women: the amount of milk, which was sufficient in the first month after childbirth, suddenly decreased noticeably, and the baby no longer has enough. Sometimes visible reasons there is no reason for this - the mother eats well, is not sick, the baby willingly takes the breast, but there is still little milk. How to understand this problem and increase lactation while breastfeeding?

If there is little breast milk, the reasons may be the following:

  • fatigue or anxiety;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low fluid intake;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • laziness or weakness of the baby;
  • Incorrect breast latching by the baby.

These are the most common reasons for decreased lactation, although there may be others. If possible, try to avoid excitement, communication with unpleasant, scandalous people, walk more with your child and carry him in your arms. When the baby sleeps, the mother should also rest, and not try to redo everything homework. You need to pay great attention to your diet, because everything you eat determines the quality of the milk.

When hormonal levels change, a decrease in lactation is usually observed for about 7-10 days, after which the volume of milk gradually increases. During this period, it is recommended to feed the baby more often, and give him both breasts at one time. They do the same when the baby is lazy, sucks briefly and weakly, and begins to fall asleep during feeding. As soon as the sucking weakens, you need to slightly press the breast towards the nipple so that the milk flows a little stronger. If the child falls asleep, lightly shake his cheek and wake him up so that he can eat longer.

The volume of milk production largely depends on a woman’s diet. After childbirth, the body is exhausted, so you need to take 700-1100 kilocalories more per day than before. IN daily diet mothers should have lean meat (200 g) or fish in the same quantity, fresh cottage cheese (100 g), vegetables (500 g) and different types fruits (200 g). Be sure to drink about a liter of kefir or milk a day, eat a piece of hard cheese. There should be no more than 30 g of fat per day, and it is desirable that this be butter or sunflower.

The recommended amount of fluid per day is approximately 2 liters, including milk, juice, tea, broth or soup. This norm should not be greatly exceeded, even if there is more milk, because this reduces the amount of vitamins and essential proteins in its composition. But mushrooms, smoked meats, spicy snacks, citrus fruits and chocolate should be excluded from your diet for a long time, since their consumption can cause allergies in the baby. In addition, products with a strong smell change the taste of milk, and the child will not want to eat.

Diary of a nursing mother

Correct application

Milk production depends on two hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Both of them are associated with the baby's sucking activity, so if the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly, this activity will be noticeably reduced. Improper latch is especially common in children who are given pacifiers and milk from a bottle. When applied correctly, the baby deeply grasps the nipple and areola, evenly “expressing” milk from the entire breast. With a shallow latch, the baby sucks out only a small portion of the milk located at the areola.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to learn how to apply correctly from the description and even from the photo, especially if there are painful sensations. This is usually taught by lactation consultants in the maternity hospital or local pediatricians. You can also look for another breastfeeding woman who has similar experience I already have and don’t have nipple problems. For many, when the baby's grip changes, breasts appear painful sensations, which makes you want to leave everything as it is. But keep in mind that proper attachment will ensure stable lactation, and the pain will disappear over time.

Only 3% of nursing mothers have serious problems with lactation; in other cases, lack of milk is only a temporary consequence of improper feeding. It often happens that a child has enough mother’s milk, but the woman herself considers its quantity insufficient. Much depends on the quality of milk, appetite and the characteristics of the child’s body.

So, if you notice a decrease in lactation, first make sure that you are latching your baby to the breast correctly. Insufficient stimulation of the mammary glands will certainly lead to a decrease in milk supply. In addition, feedings should be frequent and regular; Children who are given pacifiers require breastfeeding less often, which also negatively affects lactation.

Many mothers give their babies water, as well as tea for tummy bloating, and various mixtures that prevent dysbacteriosis. The volume of such supplements reaches 150 ml per day, which means that the amount of milk consumed is reduced by the same amount. If you exclude such additives from your baby’s diet, the milk supply will be restored very quickly. As a rule, in the first 4 months, milk alone is enough for a child, because it contains all the microelements he needs. Here it is important to estimate the baby’s weight gain per week: simply divide the monthly gain by the number of weeks. Lowest indicator from the 14th day is 125 g, the optimal is within 300 g. You should contact a specialist if the baby, eating only milk and receiving it on demand, gains less than 500 g per month.

There is one more good way determining whether the baby is getting enough milk. The number of urinations should be counted for 1-2 days. To do this, the baby must be without a diaper and not receive bait or additional liquids. If there is enough milk, the baby will pee more than 6 times, usually 8-12 times. If less than 6, there is clearly not enough milk.

Increasing milk production in the body is not so difficult, the main thing is not to be scared and not resort to complementary foods.

First, remove the pacifier and stop giving both tea and water. Organize hourly feedings from 4 am to 12 midnight, even if the baby does not ask for the breast. In the morning, 2-3 applications are required, because at this time the highest concentration of prolactin is formed in the body. And, of course, introduce drinks from natural stimulants lactation - carrots, dandelion leaves, fennel, caraway seeds, anise and lettuce.

Drinks that increase lactation

Mom's nutrition. Products that affect lactation

Products that have a positive effect on lactationProducts that reduce lactation
Warm tea (green with honey or black with milk)Canned foods
Infuse caraway seeds and black bread with caraway seeds, as well as a drink made from a teaspoon of caraway seeds and a glass of boiling milk for 2 hours, drink half a glass half an hour before feeding)Smoked meats
Brew or compote of dried apples, plums and a small amount of pearsSeasonings and hot spices
Pine nuts, walnuts. Almonds (unroasted and not salted) improve lactation. You can eat a couple of pieces every other day, but you must remember that almonds cause gas in a child and can cause severe constipationSage
Dill tea (pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. You need to drink half a glass of this tea 2 times a day. Instead of dill seeds, you can take cumin or anise).
However, it is worth remembering that both anise and dill can cause allergies.
Among the juices that improve lactation are currant juice, carrot juice, and blackthorn juice. But it is important that the juices are fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water
Radish with honey.
Radish juice with honey, diluted 1 to 1 with chilled boiled water (per 100 g of radish - 100 g of water and 1 tablespoon of honey) is an excellent product for improving lactation
Watermelons (buy only high-quality, ripe ones)
Hercules and buckwheat, barley broth
Brynza and Adyghe cheese
Meat broths and soups (not fatty)

In order for lactation to remain stable throughout the entire feeding period, it must be constantly maintained. This is not difficult to do, because the main condition here is the comfort of both mother and child.

So, to maintain lactation you will need:

  • follow a routine, use as much time as possible to sleep, allocate at least 2 hours for walks;
  • drink about 2 liters of liquid daily - dried fruit compote, herbal teas, milk;
  • be sure to feed your baby at night, because night feedings provide better and longer lactation due to increased production of prolactin;
  • If possible, express milk after feeding, and then massage your breasts for 5-10 minutes, pouring hot water. It is recommended to perform the procedure twice for each breast daily;
  • about half an hour before feeding, drink warm tea with milk;
  • take multivitamins. The vitamin complex is specially designed for a nursing woman, so taking it benefits both mother and baby. But only a doctor should prescribe vitamins;
  • take the baby to your bed at night. Firstly, the baby sleeps better when he feels his mother’s warmth, secondly, the baby’s touch promotes better milk production, and thirdly, it’s more convenient because you don’t have to get out of bed at night.

Helps lactation a lot warm bath, so if possible, feed your baby directly in the water. If this is not possible, try replacing the bath with a basin of hot water: you need to sit comfortably, take the baby in your arms, put your feet in hot water and wrap a blanket on top. After this, you can drink warm tea or milk with cookies. Within 5 minutes you will feel a pleasant warmth in your body and a strong flow of milk.