All about x-rays of baby teeth in a child: pictures of the jaw and features of the procedure in pediatric dentistry. X-ray of baby teeth for quick diagnosis Child’s jaw with baby teeth x-ray

X-ray of children's primary teeth is one of the basic diagnostic procedures in pediatric dentistry. This method helps to assess the condition of dental roots, soft tissues near the element of the dentition, and identify the rudiments of molars. Using X-rays, the specialist assesses the condition of the jaw and announces the likely timing of the loss of primary teeth.

Milk and molar teeth - what is the difference

The differences between temporary and permanent are the following characteristics:

Find out the dose received during dental x-rays using a modern digital device, and compare the indicators with the natural background. .

When is an x-ray indicated in childhood?

An x-ray of the child’s baby teeth is scheduled the day before treatment. The doctor resorts to this measure to make sure that the upcoming therapy will not harm the process of formation of permanent teeth.

Specific indications for radiography include:

  • the presence of carious lesions and other destructive processes;
  • the appearance of jaw anomalies;
  • diagnosing abscesses;
  • the need to control impacted teeth and the natural change of temporary elements to molars;
  • Carrying out bite diagnostics;
  • inappropriate condition of the root system of temporary teeth.

More often, the procedure is resorted to in case of delayed growth of permanent elements of the series.

X-ray of babies jaw

Often the patients examined include children over 6 years of age. For infants under one year of age, x-rays are prescribed only to clarify the diagnosis. Doctors resort to this measure in cases where alternative methods (for example, ultrasound) are ineffective. Typically, infant patients include children with birth injuries and babies who have fallen from a height.

Types of x-rays when examining children

Depending on the goals of the study, there is a need to obtain one or another type of x-ray. Among them:

  • targeted radiographs - demonstrate one or a pair of teeth and nearby soft tissues;
  • panoramic photograph of the jaw - displays a picture of the dentition along with the rudiments of the radical elements;
  • 3D photographs - three-dimensional images of the entire jaw (upper, lower row) or its section.

The difference between panoramic and targeted radiographs

The difference between a panoramic X-ray and a targeted X-ray is the area of ​​study. In the first case, the object of study is the jaw row, in the second - a specific area of ​​the gums, jaw or oral cavity of the child.

Sight shot

Panoramic shot

In the process of targeted radiography, the beam tube is brought closer to the soft tissues. A successful shot shows one or two elements adjacent to each other.

3D modeling in negative

We are talking about a procedure carried out using innovative equipment that allows one to obtain a 3D image of the jaw row or its area. Such an image helps to determine the location of pathological canals, areas of the root system, and fillings. A study is scheduled on the eve of endodontic therapy and implantation.


X-ray - age of patients

In dental practice, certain dates for performing oral x-rays are followed:

  • for children with temporary teeth - once every 2 years;
  • for adolescent patients - once every 1.5-3 years;
  • for patients aged 18 years and older - once every 1.5 years.

Frequent x-rays are permissible for special medical indications.

Features of the procedure

To x-ray the jaw of a child with baby teeth, a film or digital device is used. The equipment is placed in a specially designated room, where the photo laboratory is also located.

The algorithm of action for the specialist and the patient is as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, the child needs to remove metal items (watches, jewelry, glasses, etc.).
  2. A special protective apron is put on the patient’s body, into which lead plates are sewn. Thus, the child’s internal organs are protected from the adverse effects of x-rays.
  3. The subject is asked to press a plastic plate with his teeth. The patient's lower jaw should be pressed tightly against the septum of the device. During the examination, the patient is required to remain motionless.
  4. The plates of the X-ray equipment begin to move around the child's head. This process takes no more than 20 seconds.

The result of the x-ray examination is saved on the computer. This makes it possible to further monitor the dynamics of the clinical picture.

The issue of X-ray safety for children

Any X-ray radiation, including in the dental industry, carries a certain degree of danger to the patient’s health. Research in the field of medicine confirms the possibility of developing acute radiation sickness when exposed to increased radiation. However, X-ray equipment is not enough to provoke it.

X-raying of a child’s primary teeth can be safe if the examination schedule and radiation safety standards are followed.

The permissible annual exposure rate, according to regulatory documentation, is 5 mSV (millisievert). In the case of small patients, as well as pregnant and lactating women, this figure is halved. (Use the “Dosimeter at the end of the article)

Dental radiography is characterized by minimal mZV indicators. With digital X-rays, the amount of single exposure is 0.01-0.03 mSv. In this case, the permissible single dose is 0.1 mSV. The development of radiation sickness is discussed only when this figure increases by (0.7 ZV).

X-rays are often prescribed periodically, for example, as part of a long therapeutic course. How often can dental x-rays be taken? According to WHO, if 5-6 such procedures are carried out during the year, the radiation background of a small patient will not be disturbed. However, one should not lose sight of the factor of the presence of its own background radiation in the area in which the child lives. For example, for Moscow this figure is 20 µSV.

There is no official evidence that chronic doses of irradiation to the oral cavity (for example, long-term therapy) result in the development of cancer.

Is it possible to refuse x-rays for a child?

The child's parents have the right to refuse x-rays. However, responsibility for making such a decision rests entirely with them. Such diagnostic methods are not always able to provide a complete picture of the condition of the patient’s oral cavity.

Without X-rays, the doctor cannot arrange prosthetics. If you refuse the procedure, the planned treatment becomes impossible.

Radiography of baby teeth for children is included in the list of the most informative diagnostic methods. This procedure helps to assess the condition of the row elements, nearby soft tissues and identify the rudiments of permanent teeth without harm to the child. For diagnostic purposes, panoramic, targeted and 3D images are created. Digital X-ray is recognized as the most efficient and safe diagnostic tool.


We think you understand perfectly well that the effectiveness and success of treatment directly depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. Visually, most dental diseases are simply impossible to determine. With the invention of X-rays, diagnostics have become much easier. The images allow you to see the structure of the tooth and its root, their condition: see hidden caries, recognize inflammatory foci, identify the presence of pathologies of the dental system. In addition, an x-ray examination diagnoses the presence of unerupted teeth, broken roots, jaw fractures, etc.

X-ray safety for children

During treatment, especially endodontic treatment, the dentist has the opportunity to monitor the progress of treatment - check the effectiveness of root canal filling, and monitor the regression of inflammation. In pediatric dentistryX-ray of children's teethis also prescribed quite often. Previously, there were no options - children were given the same x-rays as adults - with wearing a lead apron and other safety measures. The safety of X-rays for children is the most important factor. And today, traditional X-rays, which raised serious doubts about safety, have been replaced by innovative digital diagnostics - completely safe for a young body.

In our clinic we use only a progressive and safe method of hardware diagnostics - radiovisiography. This is a system that transforms X-ray radiation into a digital image on a computer screen. In fact, visiography and x-rays are different methods. There are quite a lot of differences. In particular, the radiovisiograph has greater sensitivity and gives a significantly lower radiation dose. This device (which, by the way, consists of several devices: an X-ray tube, a software sensor, an autonomous scanner, a computer) allows you to recreate an image of an entire dentition within one examination. The dentist has the opportunity to assess the condition of children’s teeth in real mode and immediately decide on further actions.

Instead of a small film image, often completely unclear, a clear, large, high-contrast image is obtained on the computer screen, which allows the doctor to draw reliable conclusions and choose the most effective method of treatment. In addition, computer technologies make it possible to simulate three-dimensional images, archive images, and quickly find them when you next visit a dentist. And even consult with colleagues on the Internet if necessary.

Modern method – radiovisiography

At the Utkinzub Dentistry Center, we use the latest visiograph with a 5th generation sensor, which has a reduced dose of X-ray radiation and gives a very clear image. We are often asked: Are dental x-rays harmful?? The radiation exposure of radiovisiography is 10 times less, in comparison with conventional x-rays, a maximum of 0.3 seconds, instead of 1-1.2 seconds. This time is much less than allowed by the Sanitary Rules and Norms of the Russian Federation. According to these standards, to obtain the minimum annual dose, you can perform 500(!) examinations on a visiograph. By the way, some information for the word: one hour of flight on an airplane (in terms of exposure level) is equal to 15 pictures on a visiograph. And an hour of watching TV shows - 2 pictures. Therefore, you can be absolutely confident in the safety of radiovisiographic dental diagnostics of your children’s teeth. Radiovisiography examinations are also approved for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The second question that worries parents very much: is it possible to carry out x-ray of baby teeth? It is possible and very often necessary. In most complex cases of anomalies and pathologies, underdeveloped teeth, advanced cases of caries, inflammatory diseases, visiography is the only way to make a correct diagnosis without tormenting or frightening the child. Read the article “A patient who lacks the rudiments of permanent teeth” in the “Case from practice” section.

Types of radiovisiographic examination

There are several types of radiovisiographic examination:

  1. Sight or periapical images - to specify the condition of 1-3 teeth, their roots and jaw at their location.
  2. Palatal or occlusal photographs – for the entire dentition of the upper or lower jaw. Most often, palatal photographs are used in orthodontics - in the presence of dental anomalies and the need to correct malocclusions.
  3. Panoramic shot of the jaw, or orthopantomogram. This is one large overview image, which shows the entire dental system: both dentitions, jaws, the temporomandibular joint, the projection of the mandibular nerve and the maxillary sinuses. Most often the doctor suggests do an orthopantomogram, if correction of teeth with non-removable devices (braces) is necessary. For children under 9 years old, panoramic photographs are taken only in the presence of pronounced pathologies. To examine the entire dentition, we use modern dental maxillofacial volumetric tomography - 3D CT on a latest generation tomograph. Such ultra-precise equipment allows you to see the structure of all jaw bones, tooth roots, inflammatory foci and developmental anomalies hidden to the eye.
  4. There is another method of x-ray diagnostics - x-rays of teeth with bite fixation, when the child needs to bite down on a film and conduct an examination.

Most often, radiovisiographic examination is prescribed in the following cases:

  • making a diagnosis and monitoring the results of root canal filling;
  • examination of the position and condition of unerupted teeth;
  • determination of pathologies and changes in primary teeth and the state of permanent rudiments;
  • diagnosis of pathologies and fractures of the dental system;
  • diagnosis of inflammation, cysts, tumors in the jaws, as well as ENT diseases.

Problems with teeth, as well as with the development of bite, begin to bother a person from a very early age. Pediatricians constantly monitor the teething process in very young children. Parents can also seek advice from pediatric dentists if there is a suspicion that something is going wrong.

A procedure such as an x-ray of a child’s jaw is prescribed quite often today. There is no need to be afraid that X-rays can negatively affect the child’s health - the modern equipment used for the research is characterized by minimal radiation exposure. X-ray can be considered a safe diagnostic method.

When is a child's jaw x-rayed?

So, an X-ray of the jaw of a child with baby teeth: when can it be prescribed? There are a number of situations in which this procedure is necessary:

  • A dental examination reveals pockets of caries, and it is necessary to determine how deep the lesion has spread. An X-ray of the jaw will allow you to see how damaged the roots of baby teeth are and whether the rudiments of permanent teeth are affected by caries.
  • During examination, anomalies were revealed in the dentition. For example, baby teeth erupted with displacement, rotation, tilt, and so on. will allow you to see the location of the rudiments of permanent teeth, predict possible pathology of eruption and begin to plan orthodontic treatment.
  • Various types of malocclusion have been diagnosed. That is, if the lower jaw protrudes forward and overlaps the front one, or, conversely, the lower jaw is pushed deeper than it should be normally, an x-ray will help identify the degree of development of the pathology and understand its causes.
  • After the loss of milk teeth, the eruption of permanent teeth is not observed. It may not happen often, but it happens. The most common cause of this problem is the position of the permanent tooth buds too high. X-rays will allow you to see exactly at what height the teeth are currently located and predict the approximate time of their eruption.
  • Suspicion of an abscess - an x-ray will help translate this suspicion into an accurate diagnosis or refute it.
  • Various jaw injuries. To assess how much a blow, bruise, fall or other mechanical impact has affected the integrity of the teeth and jaw bones, an x-ray may also be prescribed.

What does an X-ray of a child’s jaw with baby teeth show?

An X-ray of a child’s jaw before the loss of temporary baby teeth will show:

  • the degree of reduction in dental mass in the event of inflammatory gum disease;
  • changes in the roots of teeth;
  • foci of caries, including those located in the interdental space;
  • abscesses;
  • anomalies in the structure of the upper and lower dentition;
  • location of permanent tooth buds.


There are several ways to take an X-ray of a child's jaw or lower skull.

Intraoral radiography

Intraoral x-rays are carried out using special dental devices, which help take targeted images of one or more adjacent teeth (one to four). Such an examination allows us to assess the condition of the hard tissues of primary and permanent teeth, periodontal and periodontal tissues, jaw bones for the diagnosis of retention and follicular cysts, oncological tumors, anomalies in the location and number of erupted teeth and rudiments, etc.

When performing a study, a blank of x-ray film is placed in a special paper envelope, which is inserted into the oral cavity and placed in the area of ​​the desired tooth. The X-ray machine is brought to the face from the outside and installed as close as possible to the tooth/teeth being examined.

In pediatric dentistry, intraoral radiography is often prescribed to diagnose pathologies of the palatal suture. Although, it must be said that if we are talking about a very young patient (2-3 years), it is quite difficult to carry out such an x-ray, because it can be difficult to explain to a child why it is needed and that it will not hurt.

Extraoral methods

The most common method of performing extraoral x-rays is a panoramic photograph, or orthopantomogram. In such photographs, you can see in a direct projection the entire upper and lower dentition, as well as the structure of the patient’s jaw. Orthopantomogram images allow you to make a detailed interpretation and description of the condition of teeth and gums, to recognize even hidden pathologies or those that have just begun to develop (for example, periodontal disease, caries).

You can see what a panoramic x-ray of a child’s jaw looks like in a photo on the Internet.

How safe is an X-ray of a child's jaw?

X-rays of the jaw for children, including infants, are a relatively safe procedure. The radiation exposure during imaging is negligible and cannot negatively affect the further development of the dental system. At the same time, it must be said that taking X-rays without indications, for prevention, is still not worth it.

Contraindications for

Contraindications to X-raying a child’s jaw are:

  • unsatisfactory general condition of the child;
  • bleeding;
  • pathologies in the thyroid gland.

Decoding the results

The finished images must be deciphered by a specialist. It is possible that several doctors will be present during decoding, for example, a dentist, an otolaryngologist.

The photographs are used to assess how symmetrically the teeth and jaws are positioned. If a focus of any pathology is detected, it is important to determine its exact location and size.

When diagnosing a jaw fracture, you need to determine its complexity, consider whether there are fragments and how they are located.

If a tumor-like neoplasm is detected, it is important to assess its size, consider its boundaries (clear or blurred), and determine its location.

What kind of pictures are taken for children?

In modern dental practice, several types of radiographic images are used. They differ in their information content. So, depending on the indications, the child may be prescribed the following types of images:

  • targeted (one or more teeth);
  • panoramic (upper/lower or both jaws);
  • three-dimensional.

The latter type is used if it is necessary to visualize the number, location and structure of channels as accurately as possible. It is also considered informative for orthodontic examination.

How safe is a child's dental x-ray?

Many parents believe that X-ray examination of teeth is very harmful to the health of the child. Experts note that if the examination schedule is followed, as well as the safety standards established by the state, this type of procedure is absolutely harmless.

Today, the amount of radiation needed to image teeth using x-rays is very small. However, you should not take pictures too often. Small children can be examined once every 2 years, and adolescents no more than once every 1.5 years.

Where can I get tested?

In order to have an X-ray of your child’s teeth taken, you should contact one of the dental clinics. It is best to choose an institution that has a special room for dental treatment for children. You also need to pay attention to the following points:

  • cost of the study;
  • equipment class;
  • qualifications of doctors practicing in the medical center.

It is worth remembering that the quality of the images determines how correctly the therapy will be carried out. In addition, it is important that you and your child are comfortable throughout the examination.

X-ray of a child’s teeth: price in Moscow

The cost of the study directly depends on what kind of picture needs to be taken. So, a sighting one will cost 200-1000 rubles. The price in Moscow for a panoramic x-ray of a child’s teeth will be 2000-4000 rubles. The cost may vary depending on the class of the clinic, its location, and the equipment it uses. It is important to remember that early detection of dental problems can prevent the development of serious dental diseases.

Radiography is an important part of a comprehensive approach to dental treatment. A dental photograph is an additional and very effective research method, allowing the dentist to see everything that is not possible to see with the naked eye, and then, having made an accurate diagnosis, begin timely and correct treatment.

In pediatric dentistry, x-rays are often a mandatory procedure that is simply impossible to do without. In young children, under the roots of the baby teeth there are the rudiments of permanent teeth, so before starting their treatment, you must make sure that the root part of the baby teeth has not yet dissolved, and the treatment will not harm the rudiments of the children’s permanent teeth. A panoramic photograph of the teeth clearly shows all the teeth that have already erupted and are about to erupt, allowing you to find out the reason for the delay in eruption.

X-ray images vary in their information content. So, by order of a doctor, the following can be done:

  • Sight images of one or two teeth.
  • Panoramic photographs of the teeth of the lower and upper jaws, which show all the teeth that have already erupted and are about to erupt.
  • 3D images, which represent a computer-generated tomogram of a group of teeth or an individual tooth. They make it possible to accurately visualize the number, as well as the location and structure of the tooth canals. As a rule, 3D dental tomography is performed if complex endodontic treatment of tooth canals, implantation surgery or orthodontic treatment is planned.

Thanks to early diagnosis of bite problems, it becomes possible to begin professional treatment in a timely manner, avoiding tooth extraction in the future for orthodontic reasons. For example, if the eruption of a permanent tooth is delayed due to its incorrect position in the jaw, then timely treatment will allow the removal of this tooth, as well as complex orthodontic treatment, to be avoided in the future.

X-raying of baby teeth is an extremely important procedure. This is due to the fact that they are more susceptible to caries than permanent teeth. Moreover, caries often affects places that are quite difficult to examine with instruments. This procedure is also necessary to identify diseases of dental or bone tissue.

During X-ray examination, the radiation dose is minimal. Parents must understand that the child will be at greater risk if pathological and serious inflammatory processes are allowed to occur.

A photograph of the child’s teeth is taken in a separate room. Before the procedure, the child is protected with a special lead apron, although modern technologies do not involve the young patient receiving any serious dose of radiation that could affect his health.