Horoscope drawing up a natal chart. Algorithm for working with a natal chart

A natal chart (horoscope) is a person’s astrological passport, the decoding of which will help identify the causes of failures, correct the development of a life scenario, and find one’s spiritual path.

  • (Asc).

2. Horoscope ruler

— Traits: rational thinking, speech, learning, information exchange. When in the same Sign with the Sun, Mercury noticeably enhances the “solar” features.

— Qualities: beauty, aesthetics, harmony, ability to love. Venus is considered in conjunction with the Moon. After all, both planets symbolize the world of emotions.

— Principles: will, sexuality, aggressiveness. It is important to pay attention to aspects with the Sun.

And . They reside on the border between the Personal and Higher Planets. Jupiter symbolizes spiritual growth, religious aspirations, morality. Saturn, on the contrary, brings a person down to earth, reflects his phobias and limitations, concentration, isolation, responsibility.

4. Higher planets

Now you can move on to the Higher Planets. And still the same formula: Planet / Zodiac sign / Aspect / House.

. Revolutionary changes. Supreme Intelligence, insight, prophecy.

. Mysticism, mystery, distortion of reality, intuition, meditation.

. Purification, death, rebirth, manipulation, power, transformation, higher power.

5. At home

The planets show the event level and distinguish twelve spheres of life. The 10th house (MC) will show career and recognition.

- appearance, character, temperament of a person;
- money, valuables, movable property;
close environment, neighbors, contacts, schooling, short trips;
- parents, home, family, real estate, end of life;
- creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art, speculation;
- work, service, health and illness;
- marriage, partners, obvious enemies;
- sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occultism;
- worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long journeys;
- career, recognition, honors, goals in life, bosses;
- hopes, friends by ideals, surprises;
- secrets in life, isolation, prison, monastery, serious illnesses, mysticism.

6. Deciphering the Lunar nodes and fictitious points

Fictitious Points are designated: Lilith (temptations), Lunar Nodes ( life purpose, karma), Chiron (hidden opportunities), (success, absence of problems),

Natal chart is one of the ways to characterize a person and find out his life purpose. But making such a map is only half the battle. Necessary correct interpretation, which may be useful in everyday life. You can turn to professionals to decipher your natal chart, or you can do it yourself.

How to read on your own?

A natal chart is a person’s personal horoscope, which contains the most accurate information about different areas life. It helps to learn the nuances of character, identify hidden talents and predict various situations.

Before you start interpretation of the natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with the fundamental parts. Natal chart happens different types. The most accurate prediction can be obtained by knowing the date, place and time of birth.

If the time of day at which a person was born is unknown, then such a map will be called a cosmogram. It has a somewhat approximate interpretation, since it does not contain houses in which the influence is determined celestial bodies.

A map built on reliable data includes the following components:

  • At home;
  • Signs of the zodiac;
  • Natals;
  • Degrees;
  • Planets.

The circle that represents natal chart, is equal to 360 degrees. The first house is the ascendant, which divides the chart into two equal parts. At the other end of the drawn line is the descendant. The remaining houses are located in a circle, each of them takes its place and comes into contact with certain signs or planets.

At natal chart reading The following principles should be adhered to:

  • It is necessary to determine in which element the ascendant is located. It is important to identify the dominant planet. Thanks to this, you can find out your worldview, external data or characteristic features person.
  • The next step is to analyze the cusps of the fourth, tenth and seventh houses. This characteristic also concerns a person’s personality.
  • It is important to focus on position of the moon and sun. This takes into account the location in the western or eastern hemisphere, and the relationship to the horizon line.
  • If several planets are located in a certain house, then attention should be paid to this. This indicates activity specific area life.
  • Need to identify presence of stelium. It is characterized by a cluster of planets located at a distance of three degrees from each other. This also indicates activity in this area.
  • The next step is to determine the position of the point of fortune and the lunar nodes.
  • Planets that are kept apart from other celestial bodies also require attention.
  • Among other things, the intuitive feelings of the person interpreting the map are taken into account.
  • Determined natal chart form.

Designation of elements

Not the last place when reading a natal chart is occupied by natural elements. The analysis method reveals the level of activity of each of them. It is noteworthy that the water and fire elements are considered predominantly masculine. That is why they carry the most powerful message.

The air and earth elements are considered feminine. Prevalence of fire on the natal chart indicates conflict in a person’s character and activity.

If there is too little fire, then this indicates an easy-going character. Moreover, the less fire, the more passivity in a person’s character. At the same time, with a greater degree of probability, a person will be melancholic by temperament.

A large amount of water indicates emotionality and sensitivity to surrounding events. Flaw indicates callousness and coldness. The earth element indicates a down-to-earth character. This means that a person stands confidently on his feet.

Air element indicates the love of freedom and sociability of a person. At the same time, there are no aggressive character traits. Them less air on the natal chart, the more clearly aggression manifests itself.

In addition, this indicates the subjectivity of thinking. Such a person talks about many things based on his own thoughts, without taking into account the opinions of others.


To create a natal chart, you can use online services, thanks to which it is formed schematic illustration. But it is better to carry out the interpretation yourself or entrust it to a specialist. For example, a person was born on August 14, 1992.

This data should be indicated when calculating the natal chart. Also indicated exact time birth. In this case it is 7 hours 40 minutes. Gender – female. Place of birth: Odessa.

After specifying all the data, a schematic image appears. Based on it, we can conclude that the Sun is in Leo.

This characterizes a person as domineering nature, who prefers to occupy leadership positions in any business. Such people do not like painstaking work. They are used to organizing the work process, not implementing it.

The Moon is located in Aquarius. This means that the person is quite freedom-loving. This type of person chooses their circle of communication independently, limiting it as much as possible. Family ties are not acceptable in this case. But such people are connected quite closely with their parental home.

Mercury being in Leo indicates perseverance and a desire for publicity. Such a person tries in every possible way to attract attention to himself. Very often their field of activity is related to public speaking.

Venus in Virgo suggests that people of this type are emotionally closed. They become more attached to surrounding objects or activities than to people. They do not like to demonstrate their emotional dependence on anyone. Mars located in Gemini indicates the presence of indomitable energy that helps in achieving even the most difficult goals.

This also indicates special love for conflicts and disputes. Jupiter in Virgo is considered a symbol of high performance. This suggests that a person completes everything, regardless of the influencing circumstances.

Saturn, which is in Aquarius, indicates a flexible mind and intelligence. People of this type sometimes find non-standard solutions difficult situations. At the same time, fairness towards other people is maintained. Uranus is in Capricorn. This indicates the scale of human plans and the presence of an innovative vein.

It is also worth noting that the ascendant in this case is in Virgo, which indicates an analytical mindset. A person treats any type of work intelligently, doing it from start to finish. This type of people is characterized by excessive anxiety and suspiciousness.

With proper correction of this character trait, a person becomes moderately cautious, which helps to avoid unpleasant life situations.

For beginners

Of course, anyone can interpret a natal chart. But for this you need to have a certain knowledge base in the field of astrology. You will have to spend not a single hour of free time studying this topic.

First, you should learn the terms and their definition. Then you should analyze the possible positions of each of them. You can analyze the cards of loved ones. This will help you better navigate and understand your mistakes when constructing a natal chart.

To ensure that your knowledge is as accurate as possible, you can use the services of special schools that teach basics of astrology. But practice shows that many amateurs achieved enough good results in this area on your own.

Astrology is divided into several components. In order to correctly interpret a natal chart, it is not necessary to study science from its inception. Astrology can be medical, tabloid, world, financial, predictive, etc.

Attention should be paid specifically to natal astrology. It includes necessary information and does not contain anything unnecessary.

The natal chart is the basis of any individual horoscope. It is its decoding that helps you to know yourself, find out what events await you throughout your life, what dangers lie around the next corner and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such a simple task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in finding out everything themselves can try to master independent reading of the natal chart.

Houses in the natal chart: decoding

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like planets and other indicators, are in a certain zodiac sign, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House – individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

2nd House – acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III House – exchange (communication, relatives).

IV House – home (home, family, inheritance).

Vth House – creation (children, love, pleasures).

VIth House – present (everyday life, work, health).

VIIth House – union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIIIth House – detachment (passion, inheritance).

IX House – ideal (optimism, travel, escapism).

Xth House – independence (public life, social status).

XIth House – aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XIIth House – achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

In what direction and at what speed do you think (Mercury);

As you wish: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and set priorities (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How you accept something new and free yourself from the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How you give anything and also how you deal with losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. Houses, planets, aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another zodiac sign. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, Xth House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” their traits to astrological indicators, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events occurring in life.

Aspects are the individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - nodes, squares and trigons that form the ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show those nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size that connect two elements of the horoscope. They are laid out along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky throughout the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of different colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and intense, that is, planets (the qualities they impart and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, creating an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in your individual horoscope determine the events that await you at this or that stage of life, your reaction to these events, and the character traits and habits that you can acquire.

“Strange icons” in the natal chart: decoding

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the zodiac signs and planets look like. But we will now look at the unfamiliar, strange icons located after the listing of the ten symbols of the planets.

Rahu-dharma denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu karma designated as “Omega” – Ω – in upright position and is “responsible” for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon(Lilith) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (waning moon), shaded black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point of the lunar orbit farthest from Earth. Lilith is “responsible” for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White Moon(Selena) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (growing Moon), white, that is, unshaded. This Moon also seems to rest on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to Earth. Selena is “responsible” for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you must not miss in order for life to turn out well.

Midheaven denoted as a circle with the letter “K” on it, and is responsible for your potential in career and social status.

Depth of Sky denoted by Latin letter“N” shows what kind of home and what kind of family you need for complete comfort.

Ascendant denoted as "As". This is your personality - the impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

Descendant is designated as “Mc” and is “responsible” for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you with which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union.

The small letter "R" next to the planets and other symbols indicates that this object at the moment of your birth was in a backward, retrograde position. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram (natal chart) not only to compile an individual horoscope, but also to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply when drawing up a natal chart, use the date you are interested in, and not the date of your birthday.

The natal chart is a circle, 360°. The Ascendant is a horizontal line that runs through the middle of the chart and forms the horizon. Before reading your natal chart, analyze the location of the houses in the chart. Follow these rules:

1. Pay attention to the ascendant. What element is he in? What does this sign tell you about a person first of all? Where is the ruling planet located?

2. Pay attention to the cusps of the fourth (IC), seventh (descendant) and tenth (midheaven or MC) houses. What are the first things these signs tell you about this person? How is this person characterized by the planets located in these houses?

3. What houses are occupied by the Sun and Moon? Are they below or above the horizon line? In the Western or Eastern Hemisphere? In what elements?

4. Pay attention to the house in which a group of planets has gathered. If there is more than one planet in a house, this indicates activity in that area and indicates the goals that the person’s soul pursues in this life.

5. Are there any houses in the natal chart in which three or more planets are located within three degrees of each other? This bundle is called the stelium, and it indicates the special activity of that particular house.

6. In which house is the Fortune Point located? Where are they located? lunar nodes? The location of these three points gives us valuable information about the goals of a person’s soul in this life.

7. Is there a single planet in the chart, a planet standing alone?

8. What do you intuitively feel when looking at this card?

9. What is general shape natal chart?

The positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant symbolize the essence of human nature and relate to the past, present and future parts life cycle. The Sun expresses the personality in the present, the Moon reflects the moods that were in the past, and the Ascendant represents the view of the future.

The Ascendant in a sign shares some of the capabilities of the Sun when it is in that sign, and therefore the same interpretations are here.

In the early part of life, the Sun and Moon are considered to be the rulers of the chart, as the Sun seeks to express itself and come to terms with the influence of the Moon. And yet, at the heart of the natal chart is the influence of the ascendant, which symbolizes the leadership of the sequence of signs and houses on the map and orients them in time and space.

The Ascendant is always on the cusp of its first house, but can be in any of the zodiac signs. It symbolizes a person’s worldview and influences physical appearance. In astrological terms, maturity is considered to have been achieved when a person has begun to express the worldview represented by the ascendant sign. The mature self arises when the parts of the personality (particularly represented by the Sun and Moon) are integrated and the individual achieves full expression.

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn in the natal chart

They move quickly through the signs, starting with the Moon, which remains in a sign for only two days, and then moves on to Mars, which can remain in a sign for up to two months. Jupiter and Saturn move more slowly but also modify the personality. Jupiter takes about a year to transit a sign, and Saturn 2"/2 years.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the natal chart

The planets that move very slowly - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - are considered collective planets, representing collective sources.

The signs in which these planets are placed in the natal chart show how people born around the same years should react to important social problems. The aspects formed by these planets and their house positions are more important in the natal chart than the positions of their signs. Uranus takes 7 years to move through a sign; Neptune is about 14 years old; Pluto is 13-32 years old.

Depending on the location of the planets in the houses, geometric angles are formed between the planets, as well as between the planets and the corners of the houses. These angles are called aspects. Each aspect has its own function, meaning and symbol. We use the following aspects: Conjunctions: the angle between two or more planets is 0° Sextile: the angle between two or more planets is 60° Quadrature: the angle between two or more planets is 90°

Trine: the angle between two or more planets is 120°

Opposition: The distance between two or more planets is 180°

Other symbols used in the natal chart:

Ascendant or rising sign, AS: the sign and degree of the zodiac ascending at the time of a person's birth

Descendant, DS: opposite to the Ascendant, cusp of the seventh house Midheaven (MediumCoeli), MC: most high point zodiac at the moment of birth ImumCoeli or nadir, 1C: the point of the zodiac opposite the midheaven.

Other symbols you will see in your natal chart, but which we will not discuss: Equatorial Ascendant, EQ: Your ascendant if you were born on the equator. Symbolizes your opinion about yourself. Zenit Vtx: point of fate

Interpretations of the positions of planets in signs and houses should not be carried out in isolation - they are all considered in relation to each other when reading the natal chart.

Aspects between planets must also be taken into account, as well as house positions and planetary sign lords. No single feature of the natal chart should be viewed in isolation; looking at the picture as a whole is the real art of interpretation.

The first time I had my natal chart drawn by a professional astrologer, he corrected my birth time as 3:00 am because it was so accurate. She says that most people who claimed to be born at a certain hour were actually born a few minutes earlier or later.

Such inaccuracy can greatly affect the natal chart, because the exact time of birth adds individuality to the chart. Your time of birth is determined by the Ascendant, Midheaven and their opposites, the Descendant (seventh house cusp) and 1C (fourth house cusp). This gives you the four most important corners of the map.

Nothing annoys an astrologer more than working with a natal chart that is timed incorrectly. Just imagine - you are sitting in front of a natal chart, interpreting it, and then the person looks at you like you are crazy and exclaims: “This is all wrong!”

Without the time of birth, you can draw a solar chart, a horoscope based on the date and place of birth. But this means that everyone born on this day in this place will have the same cards. They are not personalized. You don't have an accurate picture of the houses. You don't have the full picture.

There are ways to clarify or correct the chart if the exact time of birth is unknown. Some astrologers calculate a dawn chart for the time of birth, which replaces the time of birth with dawn. This tells you what the planets were doing on that particular day, but only applies to a person in general terms.

Refining a map takes time, even if you have a computer. But it's worth the effort, especially if the person whose card you're checking is playing important role in your life.

You need four to eight important dates from a person's life. These may include dates:

1. Marriage or divorce.

2. Death of one of the parents.

3. Birth of a child or brother/sister.

4. Death of a child or sibling.

5. Important move.

6. Important professional achievement or recognition of achievement.

7. Onset of illness.

8. Any significant emotional event.

In addition to these dates, you need intuition. It is much easier to let your intuition do what it needs to do if you know the person whose natal chart you are correcting. But even if this person is unfamiliar to you, his or her physical appearance should tell you the Ascendant (cusp of the first house). Short checklist:

1. Round face, moist eyes: Cancer.

2. Thin or thin body, quick, restless movements: Gemini.

3. Pale skin, oval face, straight nose: Virgo.

4. Excessive height, very thin: Aquarius or Sagittarius.

5. Fascinating, almost mysterious eyes; small or beautiful shape hands and feet: Pisces.

7. Blooming face, big bones, bright personality: Leo.

8. Thick or prominent neck, hunched shoulders: Taurus.

9. Blush, any scars or marks on the head or temples, thick eyebrows: Aries.

10. Well-built body, good looks, youthful appearance: Libra.

11. Tendency to stoop, long or disgraced face, expressive eyes: Sagittarius.

12. Body with prominent bones, thin neck, long or prominent nose: Capricorn

These attributes are offered as guidelines only. Very often they are not suitable due to the influence of the ruling planet chart. In other cases, one characteristic is suitable, but not all. With experience you will develop your own sense of rising sign people.


If you do not use a computer, clarification before reading a natal chart turns out to be a painstaking and time-consuming procedure. Establishments that provide computer services generally charge a certain amount for clarifying the natal chart, but getting the correct chart costs this money.

Even the least expensive ones computer programs can usually make transit charts (where the planets are located at a given date, time and location). Information processing takes a matter of seconds, and you have the opportunity to try dozens of options for available dates.

People have always been interested in how their future will turn out. Therefore, interest in astrology, palmistry and horoscopes will never disappear. But today we will tell you about the natal chart. Having learned to read it, anyone can independently interpret the sequence of events in their own or someone else’s life.

Reading the natal chart

If someone doesn’t know, a natal chart is a diagram that shows in the form of symbols what state the cosmos was in at the time of the birth of a particular person.

Let's look at how to read a natal chart. If you look closely at the circle of the birth chart, you will see that in addition to the sectors that correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also lines dividing the circle like slices of a pie. These are the so-called Houses. Each of them symbolizes some area of ​​our life: friendship, relationships with others, entertainment, work and much more. Health on this map depends on personal experience, which is represented in all areas.

So first you will need to compose full list elements, namely: highlight the heavenly bodies in the Houses, mark the Houses in signs, note the aspects that influence the personality, and in addition - write down the rulers of each of the twelve houses. This way, you will have a complete list of elements to decipher.

At the moment of your birth, each of the planets is located in one or another zodiac sign and in one of the twelve Houses. The way the planets are positioned relative to each other influences the character and determines the destiny of a person. The Sun influences the personality, the Moon influences the subconscious, Mercury is responsible for thoughts and communication, and Venus is responsible for love. Development is predetermined by Jupiter, and Saturn shows the desires and aspirations of a person. ABOUT unexpected sides Uranus will tell the personality, and Neptune will reveal the most secret qualities of character. Human activity is controlled by Mars, and Pluto can tell about any changes.

Astrological houses

As for astrological houses, they are divided into three groups: angular (1,4,6,8,10), subsequent (2,5,8,11), cadent (3,6,9,12). Each of them has a special meaning.

  1. talks about external manifestations
  2. about financial situation
  3. communication skills
  4. marital status
  5. personal relationships
  6. health status
  7. partnerships, including marriage
  8. informs about crises
  9. worldview and life position
  10. professional activity
  11. social activity
  12. hidden secrets.

Aspects in the natal chart

  • trine is the most favorable and harmonious of all aspects. With its help, the planets freely exchange energy;
  • sextile – an aspect similar to the previous one. It is also positive, but also provides more practical opportunities;
  • opposition is a rather tense aspect; the planets here are located relative to each other according to the “eye to eye” principle. The interpretation of this aspect may suggest that life is moving along the path of a “tug of war”;
  • squares are another tense aspect. Indicates that there are problems that require close attention.
  • conjunction - expressed by the almost complete unification of two planets.