Venus retrograde: what to do? Venus retrograde in the signs and houses of the natal chart

> Venus

It happens rarely that it is visible in approximately one in twenty horoscopes. People with the Venus horoscope during the retrograde period are distinguished by special tastes and sensuality. They are in constant search of new life values ​​and interesting relationships. They are characterized by a reluctance to cooperate with other people and create beauty in everything, but there are cases of the opposite - there is a desire to acquire everything beautiful for their own satisfaction.

People with a Venus retrograde horoscope create their own image of beauty, which often has many distinctive characteristics from the generally accepted approach to the sense of beauty. Very often they take an active part in introducing their friends and acquaintances to develop long-term relationships. But due to our biased criteria for assessing beauty, we can find ourselves loved one they can't.

People during the retrograde period of Venus have a strong desire to create a harmonious state of their soul. At the same time, their behavior with people around them and the nature of their actions depend precisely on the spiritual state of the body.

They have a lack of connection between the main tasks of love and its direct embodiment, as well as a lack of self-confidence, which often brings discord in love relationships.

They are lonely and dream of their own personal happiness, but cannot find it, so it is difficult for them to get married. The emotional background is disturbed. We can say that in a previous life these people experienced a lot of love suffering, the memories of which do not give them freedom of action in love. They suspect those around them of many things, and also look for opportunities to make selfish profit.

It is their suspicious attitude towards everything that pushes these people away from creating love relationships and happiness. The retrograde of people with the Venus horoscope leads to difficulties in financial matters and the emergence of new acquisitions. There are moments of direct, non-retrograde movement of the character of a person with the Venus horoscope, when situations arise in front of them to solve the above problems.

From time to time, people with the Venus horoscope during retrograde have a desire to renew old love relationships and reevaluate their life guidelines. At this time, they should not get married or start a new relationship, but rather take a closer look at their needs.

During retrograde, people with the Venus horoscope begin to slow down all sorts of new social projects. Their attempts to improve their financial situation and take part in introducing people to each other are unsuccessful, which leads to long-term internal disorder. Therefore, when Venus is retrograde, you should not enter into agreements, especially of an international nature, since in most cases they will fail. There is no need to make expensive purchases or large financial investments. Love relationships that began during the retrograde period do not bring the desired result.

A positive aspect of the retrograde period for people with the Venus horoscope is an excellent opportunity to acquire and perfectly assimilate cultural knowledge. Studying museum historical values, literature and artistic arts, as well as the implementation of a complete relationship with nature. These people can have a great time in the process of restoring a love relationship. They should think about the place of a loved one in their life. Solitude will also be beneficial, as it will help you immerse yourself in a reassessment of your personal life guidelines.

During the retrograde period, people with the Venus horoscope have a unique opportunity to analyze their material condition. This period is rich in the emergence of new ideas about one’s position in society. There is an opportunity to reconsider relationships with loved ones, as well as colleagues. During the retrograde period, Venus tends to have biased reasoning, so they are advised to refuse to end love relationships. You can discuss with your significant other the issues that have arisen pressing problems. It is favorable for Venus to love themselves during the retrograde period of development. These people tend to give their love and warmth to close people and friends, so they simply need to pay attention to themselves, eliminating the accumulated feelings of irritation and grief. Venus will be completely satisfied if they allow themselves to plunge into their inner world during the retrograde period to create harmony in it.

People with this horoscope work hard, but they financial situation does not improve, wealth does not appear in the house. They constantly lack funds to fully satisfy their needs. Doing multiple jobs or working from home will do nothing to remedy this unfortunate situation.

Problematic situations arise in relationships with a loved one, since people with the Venus horoscope are disliked and constantly strive to deceive. Experts recommend that they not try to show their own initiative in love relationships for their further development.

Venus retrograde in 1st house

They are admirers of themselves. They crave love from others, although they themselves do not intend to give it to others.

Venus retrograde in the 2nd house

They are accustomed to a wealthy existence and love to buy for themselves material assets related to history. Therefore, they are capable of various types of creativity, which has a strong historical orientation. Experts recommend not dwelling on material ideas, but trying to develop creative potential.

Venus retrograde in the 3rd house

People of this nature prone to arguments and indelicacy towards others. This behavior does not contribute to getting closer to loved ones, so it is recommended to show more tactful behavior in communication.

Venus retrograde in the 4th house

In the karmic past, most likely, there was love suffering, which became the cause of emotional underdevelopment. They are advised not to be afraid to enter into close relationships and show tender feelings.

Venus retrograde in the 5th house

Presumably in past life These people were gamblers, accustomed to the pleasure of light hobbies. Because of this, they have little interest in family values, and especially children. IN real life It is recommended to remember the possibility of showing parental feelings.

Venus retrograde in the 6th house

In the past, people did not pay much attention to their personal health and hygiene. Now their karma is strict adherence healthy lifestyle and diet.

Venus retrograde in the 7th house

These people are individual in everything. This character trait leads to considerable trouble in any relationship - love and business. They are used to receiving love and tenderness, but not giving anything in return. Recommended: strives to create harmony in relationships, develop a generous attitude and respect for others.

Venus retrograde in the 8th house

In the karmic past, these people often faced problems due to their sexual needs and desire for monetary enrichment. The result was difficult relationships with others, presumably their departure from life was not easy. In real life, in order to improve their karma, they need to do their work conscientiously, pay attention to spiritual development. Otherwise, these people are susceptible to developing some kind of fear of death.

Venus retrograde in the 9th house

In a previous life, these people were prone to non-compliance with the law and often violated it. For now, they are advised to be patient and develop willpower.

Venus retrograde in the 10th house

In their previous life, these people were unable to achieve career success. Individualism prevented them from doing this. They are used to feeling superior to others. Their constant desire was to gain fame and high position, which they failed to achieve. At the moment, these people have excellent abilities for their development. But to obtain an honorable position in society, they need to work hard.

Venus retrograde in the 11th house

Having flattering friends in the past interfered with active development. At the moment, experts recommend choosing your environment more carefully.

Tatiana Kulinich, Yana Novikova

Ancient astrologers called Venus “small happiness,” so valuable was its beneficial influence on the individual and society, their affairs and concerns. Venus is responsible for our relationships with dear people, how we understand love and sensuality, what we value in a partner, what manifestations of love we are accustomed to. This planet is also closely connected with our concept of beauty in general, aesthetic tastes, and a sense of comfort. Venus also influences the financial sphere and our attitude towards material values. Venus retrograde, during its passage in the sky, forces us to reconsider our attitude to these issues, stop and ask ourselves what is really important in our lives, what brings the greatest happiness and comfort.

Such rethinking can occur through the emergence of various minor troubles in the spheres of influence of this planet. For example, when Venus is retrograde, disagreements may arise between couples in love more often, and contradictions in attitudes towards sexual life may emerge. At such moments, thoughts may arise as to whether we have chosen the right partner, whether he really meets our expectations and tastes. Or we take a fleeting glance in the mirror in the morning and suddenly ask ourselves: “Does this hairstyle really suit me? exterior style to my inner feeling?

Sometimes Venus retrograde acts even more in a radical way, completely changing our tastes, although only temporarily. Therefore, during the retrograde period of this planet, people tend to make extravagant experiments with their own appearance, undertake renovations in the house according to the latest fashion, and make purchases that they would not have allowed themselves before. Others abruptly break off relations with their partner, realizing that in fact all this time they were in love with a close friend of a completely opposite type. Another effect of Venus retrograde is the return of past lovers to our lives, for whom we may feel an unexpected surge of tenderness.

What not to do during Venus retrograde

The main recommendation here is not to take your instantly changing tastes and thoughts too seriously. You may be faced with a sudden feeling of alienation from your loved one, and sudden sympathy for another may also be on the horizon. Don't take it personally, wait until the end of the Venus retrograde period. Only then will you understand whether it was really an insight or a temporary clouding of the mind - as a rule, the second option is revealed. In general, it is better to refrain from clarifying the relationship, the desire to dot all the i’s with the current partner here and now. Neither you nor your loved one is yet able to distinguish real claims against your partner from far-fetched ones. In addition, retrograde Venus negatively affects our sense of tact, gentleness and courtesy, so even small everyday quarrels at the moment can turn into a major scandal.

You will make a mistake if you register a marriage or an engagement while Venus is retrograde. In this case, there is a very high probability that after Venus becomes direct again, you will regret what you did, looking at your partner, your choice, and the event itself with completely different eyes. Usually, a marriage concluded on Venus retrograde indicates the immaturity of the couple, that people are not ready to be together, or have chosen the wrong person, their choice is impulsive. Something will always get in the way. It is also very important to remember that if you met a girl or guy on retro Venus, very quickly you will be surprised to find that you chose the wrong person, and he will think the same about you. In any case, the risk of disappointment is high, so it is advisable to know such periods in advance. And if the acquaintance has already taken place, do not make far-reaching plans and, especially, do not take any important steps in your personal life - wait until Venus unfolds.

The same applies to other spontaneous decisions regarding your own image, appearance, and home improvement. While Venus is retrograde, it is good to plan such changes, but their implementation will have to wait. Therefore, starting renovations, choosing new wallpaper for the home, clothes and accessories for yourself is not recommended now. Hold off on making any major purchases or other major investments. The likelihood of being disappointed in the purchased item in the future is too great. Unless absolutely necessary, do not lend or borrow money.

People in creative professions are especially sensitive to Venus retrograde periods. This manifests itself in a long-term lack of inspiration, low self-esteem, and pessimism. What you cannot do during Venus retrograde is to reproach yourself for such moods and force yourself to creative process. Take a break and find enough time to rest. Start improving old works, putting order in the creative chaos of your workspace, and revising your old creative ideas.

This is not the best time for entertainment, self-indulgence bad habits associated with overeating, idle lifestyle, laziness, shopaholism, passion for parties.

So, the period of Venus retrograde is not the easiest time for each of us, however, it provides us with many opportunities to change our lives for the better. Don't be discouraged if you experience the challenges that this astrological configuration sometimes brings. This is just a signal that the Venusian sphere of your life is not yet perfect enough and requires increased work.

So, what not to do during Venus retrograde:

  • make romantic acquaintances;

  • register a marriage, get engaged;

  • take serious steps in your personal life - both starting new relationships and breaking existing ones (everything will return to normal when Venus becomes direct);

  • change your image, hairstyle, style;

  • start a cycle of salon cosmetic procedures;

  • do plastic surgery, correction of appearance;

  • buy everything that is under the control of Venus - clothes, jewelry, valuables, luxury items, works of art, furniture, interior items - valuable purchases in general;

  • change the interior design, come up with and implement new ideas in home improvement, decoration, change wallpaper, etc.;

  • sign cooperation agreements;

  • make serious investments, make transactions - it is better to postpone financial transactions if possible;

  • give or borrow money;

  • buy real estate;

  • register a company, especially if it is related to Venusian activities. But even if not, why do you need problems with finances?;

  • if you work in the beauty industry, do not start new projects (and do not finish), do not undertake important events - fashion shows, introducing new cosmetic technologies, brands, opening salons, etc.;

  • start a course in design, stylistics, enroll in fashion design courses, etc.;

  • hold lavish parties and celebrations.

What to do during Venus retrograde

Women have especially a lot to do during the retrograde movement of this planet. However, men will also feel an unexpected desire to reconsider their wardrobe, determine which items from it are hopelessly outdated, which ones should be given new life what clothes you need to buy as soon as possible. The same should be done with accessories and jewelry. But be careful, because during Venus retrograde your tastes may differ from your usual ones, so do not rush to experiment with your image, but just start revising it and planning changes. One of best recommendations on the topic of what to do during Venus retrograde is to pay enough attention to taking care of the health and natural beauty of the body. Mild cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing, nourishing, and moisturizing will have an amazing effect now. Great time in order to engage in weight correction, go on a diet, sign up for a massage or go to the gym - do something that has long been put off as self-care.

Personal life will require special attention during Venus retrograde. At this time, you will have a chance to adjust your relationship with your loved one, fill it with new meaning and find new points of contact, but this must be done exclusively in soft form. For example, a simple bouquet of flowers from a man, presented to his beloved for no reason, or a romantic dinner prepared by a woman on a weekday can change a couple’s relationship. Don’t be lazy to devote more time and attention to your loved one. Good point In order to discuss each other's sexual fantasies in a playful way, you can learn a lot of new things.

If your past relationship is still unfinished in your soul, haunts you, or you have negative feelings towards your ex-partner, this period is good for dotting the i’s in your relationship. If you have the opportunity to meet, do it in order to talk everything out, forgive, let go, understand something important that was missed. And perhaps return it. However, you may not have to be the first to meet them halfway - Venus retrograde means that loved ones from the past may themselves meet you on the way.

Venus retrograde helps bring order to our relationship with finances. Review your budget, keep a financial diary where you will record expenses over a certain period of time. This will help you develop a more responsible approach to spending money.

General cleaning of the house will also be most effective right now. Having freed yourself from old trash, you will feel pleasantly renewed and relaxed. It is possible that during cleaning you will find long-lost valuables. Or maybe you will come up with brilliant ideas on how you can add more comfort and beauty to your home.

  • reassess values, rethink issues of personal life, beauty, relationships with money;

  • return to past lovers, or sort things out with them, complete, forgive, comprehend what was missed in the relationship. Correct mistakes made, or at least be aware of them;

  • harmonize existing relationships, rethink them, look “in depth,” sort things out (but without aggression) - gently, tactfully, correct past mistakes in a couple;

  • return to unfinished personal care procedures of a mild nature - creams, masks, peelings;

  • restore order in the material sphere;

  • return to forgotten or unfinished matters and ideas related to beauty, appearance, design, relationships, money;

  • look for lost valuables;

  • restore order and comfort.

Venus retrograde periods for 2014-2034

Usually the retro phase of Venus occurs once a year and nine months and lasts about one and a half months, so we meet with her negative manifestations not often at all. But these periods must be known and taken into account when planning affairs under the control of Venus:

21.12.2013 - 31.01.2014
25.07.2015 - 06.09.2015
04.03.2017 - 15.04.2017
05.10.2018 - 16.11.2018
13.05.2020 - 25.06.2020
19.12.2021 - 29.01.2022
23.07.2023 - 04.09.2023
01.03.2025 - 13.04.2025
03.10.2026 - 14.11.2026
10.05.2028 - 22.06.2028
16.12.2029 - 29.01.2030
20.07.2031 - 01.09.2031
27.02.2033 - 10.04.2033
30.09.2034 - 11.11.2034

Tatyana Kulinich, Yana Novikova for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

During the retrograde movement of Venus, the fruits accumulated in a past life and the experience accumulated in this life simply do not reach the conscious level, as if creating a blank spot in the consciousness. They cease to be perceived in a normal way due to a weakened ability to adapt to people and rapidly changing conditions and situations.

The retrograde movement of Venus causes inhibition and stagnation in all matters that it rules, that is, cultural, social, romantic and sexual. This time is not suitable for engagement and marriage. The stupor will continue until Venus moves into a direct position and reaches the degree from which it began its retrograde movement. From this point on, circumstances again arise that allow one to express one's ideas, plans and intentions in accordance with the essential nature of Venus without any particular problems.

During the retrograde movement of Venus, the psyche is influenced by subconscious processes, consciousness does not react to many things or reacts late, so a person’s emotional life at this time is unsatisfactory and more sluggish. This is reflected in the sphere of love and intimacy, and in relationships with others. At this time, men become unattractive or even “lose” their masculine qualities, and women become frigid, capricious and hysterical. Mutual understanding between people is difficult, everyone (especially women) becomes more sensitive, touchy, capricious, their reactions to any stimuli become inadequate.

People with retrograde Venus in Radix exhibit unnatural behavior, an increased desire for a bohemian lifestyle, and their creative self-expression is colored by some kind of abnormal feelings. With a weakened Venus, this often leads to an immoral lifestyle.

Venus retrograde in zodiac signs

Venus retrograde in Aries

Always indicates increased impulsiveness, excessive ardor, haste and rashness. This individual should renounce coercion, violence, despotism and tyranny.

Venus retrograde in Taurus

Indicates that in a past life a person loved bodily pleasures and material goods too much, was selfish and possessive. Now all this should be abandoned.

Venus retrograde in Gemini

It means that in a past life love was only at the level of infantility; it was more an easy and naive flirtation than love. In this life, this should be corrected with deeper and more serious feelings.

Venus retrograde in Cancer

In a past life, there was a lack of true maternal love, which will have to be developed in this life. If in a past life the traditions of family and clan prevailed, then in the present life marriage and matrimony will have to be established on the traditions of a given society.

Venus retrograde in Leo

Indicates that in a past life the individual was too power-hungry and aggressive, both in the sphere of love and in intimate life. Now this power will have to be shared with your partner, giving him more personal and spiritual freedom.

Venus retrograde in Virgo

Marital life together in the past either did not take place or was destroyed due to too much or unfair criticism of the partner. In this life, you will have to give up such criticism, as well as selfishness and greed.

Venus retrograde in Libra

Venus retrograde in Scorpio

In a past life, love was destroyed by greed, insatiability of sexual demands, a sense of ownership, and jealousy. Now is the time to repay your partner and recognize his strengths.

Venus retrograde in Sagittarius

Venus retrograde in Capricorn

Frivolity, frivolity, mistakes and blunders in the sphere of love and marriage in a past life force an individual to look for a partner among older people, respect him, and share both the table and the bed with him.

Venus retrograde in Aquarius

In a past life, a person put only his family and children in first place, and looked at friends only as a source from which he could draw various material benefits; in other words, he used them. Now you have to atone for your guilt. We must put our friends first, share with them both our knowledge and material wealth, give them our soul and our love.

Venus retrograde in Pisces

In a past life, the individual used others to satisfy his own passions and bodily pleasures, led an immoral lifestyle, lived in illusions and dreams. Now he should approach everyone and everything more seriously, sharing joy with his partners, helping and supporting them spiritually and financially.

Venus retrograde in the horoscope fields

Retrograde Venus in the 1st field

In the past, the individual was concerned only with himself, with his own affairs, looked at everything only from his own bell tower, forced himself to love and adore. Now you will have to respect and love others, share your impressions with them, look at everything loyally and impartially.

Retrograde Venus in the 2nd field

In a past life, the main values ​​were only money and material values, the individual worshiped one god - the “golden calf”. Now you will have to think about spiritual values, try to expand your spiritual horizon, and delight others not only with your physical beauty and ability to give bodily pleasures, but also with your creative works.

Venus retrograde in the 3rd field

In a past life, the individual sinned a lot against his loved ones, against brothers and sisters, against neighbors and work colleagues, threw mud at them, entangled them in intrigues and squabbles, desecrated their souls with lies, deceit and slander. Now you will have to reconsider your attitude towards them, control yourself, express your goodwill and help them without waiting for a repeated request.

Venus retrograde in the 4th field

In a past life there were great difficulties with one’s home and parents, as well as discord, chaos and confusion in one’s own family, most often due to misbehavior the individual himself. Now you will have to reconsider not only your views, but also your behavior - listen to parental advice, behave honestly and decently towards your own family.

Venus retrograde in the 5th field

In a past life, the individual led a too ugly lifestyle. Perversity led to separation from her own children, and did not bring her closer to those born out of wedlock. Now you will have to abandon your past frivolity and frivolity and strictly fulfill your parental responsibilities.

Venus retrograde in the 6th field

In a past life, the individual did whatever he wanted with his servants and subordinates, forced them to fulfill all his whims, quirks and whims, used them to satisfy his passions and animal instincts. At the same time, my health was lost, which can greatly affect my current life. Now you will have to more carefully monitor your health and maintain personal hygiene.

Venus retrograde in the 7th field

In a past life, troubles in married life occurred through one’s own fault; the partner was not given due attention due to the individual’s selfishness and greed. There were lies, deceit, adultery and betrayal. Now you will have to reckon with your partner, respect and love him, treat his weaknesses more leniently, and take into account his desires.

Venus retrograde in the 8th field

In a past life, the individual indulged in sexual pleasures, indulging only his selfish and selfish needs. The partner was his “private property”, which could be used at his own discretion and desire. Now you will have to take into account the dignity of your partner, take into account his desires and needs, approach marital responsibilities not as a physiological need, but spiritually, as a human being.

Venus retrograde in the 9th field

In a past life, the individual hated everything that did not correspond to his concepts, especially incomprehensible philosophical treatises, religious rituals of other faiths, love codes of other peoples. Now we will have to treat the culture and traditions of foreigners more fairly and accept their customs, especially those related to the intimate sphere.

Venus retrograde in the X field

In a past life, an individual was deposed from a high government position due to an unworthy lifestyle, base connections with his subordinates, perversity, and infidelity to his legal partner. Now you will have to obey the written and unwritten laws that exist in a given society, serve faithfully to your partner, society and the state.

Retrograde Venus in the 11th field

In a past life, the attitude towards friendship was superficial, the individual made friends with the first person he met. New friends were tested in bed, most of them turned out to be "wolves in sheep's clothing", "counterfeiters", dishonest people. In today's life, you will have to take a more serious approach to choosing friends so that they become true and loyal friends.

Venus retrograde in the 12th field

In a past life, the individual destroyed many people with his ignorance, false humanism, empty illusions, and unfulfilled promises. Could infect venereal diseases. Now everything will have to be corrected by conscientious service to the sick and unfortunate in hospitals, providing assistance to the infirm and help for the weak spiritual and material.

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After Mercury, Venus is the closest planet to the Sun. It is not more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. The diameter of Venus is approximately 6,000 km; Determining its exact size is difficult because the planet has a rather impressive atmosphere and is shrouded in very dense layers of clouds. The period of revolution around the Sun is 224.7 days.

Since ancient times, Venus has been considered by astrologers to be a “good” planet. Just like Mercury. Together with Mercury, Mars, the Earth's satellite the Moon and the Sun, it belongs to the so-called fast (personal) planets. Venus is a morning (and evening) star that appears shortly before sunrise and disappears from visibility immediately after sunset.

In the mythology of Western civilization, Venus is often depicted on a sea shell emerging from the waves, and is defined by the epithet Foamborn. The myth of the birth of Venus tells: when Saturn castrated his father Uranus in order to overthrow him from the throne, the bloody flesh of Uranus fell into the sea near the coast of Cyprus, the blood mixed with sea water, and from this foam Venus (Aphrodite Cypris) was born. Venus's rule over the signs of Taurus and Libra in mythology is reflected in the fact that Venus, the goddess of love and patroness of the arts, being the wife of Vulcan, the lame master, was at the same time the mistress of Mars, the god of war.

Venus was originally the goddess of spring and gardens in Roman mythology. Subsequently, with the spread of legends about Aeneas as the ancestor of the Romans, she began to be identified with greek goddess love and beauty, the mother of the Trojans, Aphrodite. She was then identified with Isis and Astarte. The Sicilian temple on Mount Eryx (Venus Erycinia) played a decisive role in the spread of the cult of Venus. The patronage of the goddess was enjoyed by Sulla, who believed that she brings happiness (hence the nickname Felitsa); Pompey, who revered her as the Victorious; Caesar, who considered her the ancestor of the Julian family. The constant epithets of Venus in Rome were “merciful”, “purifying”, “equestrian”, “bald”. The last nickname was given to her in memory of the Roman women who gave their hair to make ropes during the war with the Gauls.

The astrological mysticism of Venus was determined by the special proportion of its rotation, opposite to the movement of all other planets solar system. It seemed that Venus was a “reverse planet”, so it was often called Lucifer and endowed with demonic traits and considered as a counterweight to the Sun. Sometimes “Venus” meant the “star Wormwood” mentioned in the Apocalypse.
Venus is a symbol of external, visible beauty. Therefore, she was called “Morning Star” or “Day Day”.

Venus is symmetrical relative to the Sun to its symbolic male partner - Mars. In astrology, Venus is depicted by a graphic symbol - a circle and a cross under it, the “mirror of Venus”. Astrological sign Venus denoted a woman and everything connected with the feminist principle. This woman is not a mother, but a lover (mother in astrology is the Moon). She personifies erotic sensuality. It is no coincidence that sexual diseases received the common name “venereal”.

In astrology, Venus is analogous to a lover in a man’s chart, and in a woman’s chart it reflects the sensual and carnal side of the feminine, complementing the information of the Moon, which symbolizes a woman in the subpersonality of wife and mother.

According to the esoteric legend of a number of Indo-European tribes, the “white race” originates from Venus. The “Children of Venus” - the Luciferites - were opposed to the rest of humanity. Among the Germans, she symbolized Freya, the wife of Odin. For the American Indians, this planet was a symbol of Quetzalcoatl. The “feathered serpent” itself was considered the spirit of Venus.

In Akkadian mythology, Venus is a masculine planet. Among the Sumerians, she was the cosmic personification of Ishtar: morning - as the goddess of fertility (rules the sign of material wealth and sensuality Taurus), evening - the god of war (rules the sign of partnership, disputes, court and resolution of litigation in the “field” - war, Libra).

According to Hippocrates, Venus is in analogy with the phlegmatic character, and according to Le Senne, it corresponds to the “amorphous” temperament (unemotional, inactive, primary). Correspondence to the organs of the human body: kidneys, genitourinary system, leather. Venus diseases are those that are sexually transmitted as a result of imprudent love.

The alchemical metal of Venus is copper. Its musical counterpart is the note G. Animals of Venus - bull, panther, goat, seal; birds - dove and sparrow; plants - verbena, fig tree; stones - emerald, garnet, chrysolite. The color semantics of the planet is blue. Countries under the patronage of Venus are Persia, Spain, India; cities - Vienna, Paris, Florence.

In a person’s birth horoscope, Venus symbolizes aesthetic features of perception and love. Sex at the level of pre-physical contact. Intimate inclusion in society, the impossibility of completely separating a person’s personal aesthetics from social ethics. Love for another person as a social being. High demands on the aesthetic design of relationships. Venus rules over: personal property, art, beauty, cosmetics, compliments, jewelry, marriage, partnerships, contracts, balance, trials, consultants, clients, litigation, satisfaction, harmony, something of an additional nature. In the horoscope, Venus denotes young women, artists, lovers, and people dealing with money. And also male persons: a handsome man of local importance, a rival for success, a passive jealous person, a ladies' man, a gentleman, a social functionary, a flatterer. By the position of Venus in the chart, you can learn about such qualities of a person’s character as beauty, the ability to love, be jealous, compete in success, passivity, the ability for cultural behavior, the ability to live in society, the ability to art, artistic abilities, charm, seductiveness, peacemaking .

Venus controls such professions as artist, musician, singer, actor, manufacturer of toilet accessories, beauty salon worker, florist, flower merchant, manufacturer or seller of women's clothing, tailor of women's or men's dresses, milliner, pastry chef, maid, maid, sweets manufacturer And essential oils, haberdashery employee, entertainer, furniture manufacturer or dealer, hotel owner or employee, beekeeper, landscape gardener, interior artist, personal secretary for organizing meetings, receptions, invitations; throat specialist, perfumer, peach grower, gossip editor, entertainment professional, art museum curator, painter, upholsterer, photographer, engraver, illustrator, bank teller, capitalist, business manager, loan officer.

The adjectives we use to define Venusian qualities: beloved, gentle, affectionate, jealous (passive), beautiful, blooming, polite, cultured, well-mannered, charming, adequate, complementary, attentive (husband), refined, purified, ennobled, refined, graceful, elegant, sophisticated, sweet (flattering), secular, aesthetic, artistic, harmonious, socially acceptable.

Venus is one of two planets (together with Mercury) that have a home in two zodiac signs at once. Thus, Venus is in residence in Taurus and Libra, and in exile in Scorpio and Aries (the signs of Pluto and Mars, opposite to Venus); Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. Accordingly, Venus is the significator of the second house of personal possessions and the seventh house of partnerships. There is a difference: Venus, as the mistress of Taurus, corresponds to the Greek Aphrodite, voluptuous and sensual, and Venus, the ruler of Libra, corresponds to Astarte of the ancient Semites, whose love is platonic. The ancient Greeks themselves worshiped two images of Aphrodite: Aphrodite-Cypris and Aphrodite-Urania. The first was the patroness of carnal love, and the second - sublime, platonic.

If a person is strongly influenced by the dominant Venus in the chart, then the rhythm of his existence is dictated by feelings and sensations. In his life, the sensual sphere plays a primary role; he loves to please, seduce, loves to see what attracts attention to himself. He has a strong interest in any type of art, he is attracted to beauty, comfort, and convenience. The quality of perception is determined by the aspects of Venus.

Harmonious aspects give the ability to listen, encouraging the interlocutor with appropriate remarks; often give external beauty, showiness, or at least the ability to look like one; love of art and good perception of it; the ability not to see the ugliness of people and life; penchant for romantic love, the ability to beautifully look after and accept advances; emotions are harmonious and socially approved; rarely decides to go against society, prefers conformism; The stamps of group ethics are strongly ingrained in the personal subconscious, and it is difficult for a person to distinguish his own assessments of things from socially induced ones. The harmonious aspects of Venus give artistic and artistic talents, the gift of constructively communicating with people, diplomatic abilities, the ability to gently manage teams, and shape the ethics and aesthetics of the public subconscious. There is always an aura of beautiful surroundings around this person.

Tense aspects of Venus (conjunction, square, opposition, especially with the Sun, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto; position in Scorpio or Aries) make a person’s perception emphatically antisocial. He strongly dislikes everything that the majority likes. If the level of personal development is high, then the defeat of Venus gives a person a heightened sense of justice and the ability to constructively deal with the most acute problems. social problems and even form a new ethics of society. The requirements for himself, for personal ethics and aesthetics are very high, in all troubles he looks for the reason in himself. Venus with intense aspects can give rise to denial of any social norms in general, rebellion, attempts to impose values ​​on others or to isolate oneself from society and its values. High demands on others, on their ethics, manners, appearance. In opposition - mental projections of one's aesthetic and ethical shortcomings onto partners and society as a whole. In opposition to Saturn - a complex of social inferiority, a complex of dissatisfaction in love. In any case, a person with intense Venus aspects has difficulty building relationships, although at the beginning of the relationship everything may look just fine. And when a person is already thoroughly loaded in a relationship, conflicts and troubles will begin. The person’s aesthetics are very original, unlike anything else, and may have a clear antisocial orientation. For an artist or writer with a tense Venus, creating is a real torment; often there is no inspiration for a long time, and when it comes, it enslaves the person completely, turning him into an inspiration addict. We have to search creative ways cooperation with society, otherwise there will be an overload of the psyche with subsequent neurosis and other joys of madness. There will not be as much love in his life as the troubles and torment that accompany it. The character is difficult. A person can become bitter and take revenge on society and people for his suffering.

In the birth chart, Venus in a sign shows in what style the individual perceives himself and the world and in what style he expresses his feelings. Venus in the house shows where, in what conditions, under what circumstances this perception and expression occurs. Aspects of Venus will indicate the ways in which a person evaluates himself and the world. For example, Venus in Scorpio in the third house squared with the Moon in Leo in the twelfth house can be interpreted as follows: “A person perceives himself and the world critically, first of all sees shortcomings, gives assessments after carefully immersing himself in the subject of his research, these assessments are deep, because forced to constantly study, turn to reference books and primary sources. He passionately loves to communicate, loves people in general, but he gets very excited when communicating, it touches him to the depths of his soul, he gets very tired of it. He is very aware of the role of culture as a means of security when interacting in society and with a partner, and therefore constantly develops his level of culture. If the strength of his personality is great, the modalities of his social behavior will act magically on those around him, literally forcing them to behave in a beautiful and refined manner. He loves people who master the art of communication, and enjoys having heated debates with them on topics related to the “ills of society.” He is not squeamish, can speak on any topic and in any style, does not recognize taboos. He cannot tolerate popular opinion expressed in a pathetic form, therefore he prefers to live in solitude, studying social processes from afar; At the same time, society shows great interest in his life, does not leave him alone, forcing him to “go into society” and fight in it for “his own way of life.” He is very demanding regarding works of art, and cannot stand mass art, especially in the field of literature and printing. She loves to shock the public with words, and also to dress in a creative style, especially in the kitsch style of Viven Westwood. Personal life is completely unconventional. Task: to learn not to relax in wealth, not to lose the taste for life, not to become amorphous and inactive, and in poverty not to become a hyperactive tyrant - both will lead to chronic illnesses, isolation and loss of the necessary intellectual environment.”

In the apparent movement of Venus across the sky, its direct, stationary and retrograde positions are possible. The retrograde motion of Venus always takes 41 - 42 days.

When a planet goes into retrograde motion, its speed gradually slows down, and at some point it stops relative to an observer from Earth. When Venus begins to “slow down,” all processes in the human psyche (and in society) associated with the principle of Venus begin to slow down. At the stationary point, the influence of Venus is completely blocked, but at the same time people feel the enormous importance of money, love, partnership, beauty in their lives; these values ​​seem to be the most significant, but difficult to achieve; During periods of crisis, society may be gripped by panic, confusion, and ethical shock. And the entire period of retrograde movement is characterized by inhibition in the sphere of feelings and social processes. When a planet ends retrograde motion, its speed slows down again, it stops, then begins direct motion. At this moment, the energy that represents the principle of this planet begins to be powerfully released.

Therefore, if you started some important business at a time when Venus was moving across the sky relative to the Earth at a low speed, preparing for retrograde, you should be prepared for the fact that all 42 days of its retrograde movement your business will not go very well, unless the work involves solitude and does not require large quantity communicating with people in social situations.

During retrograde, Venus approaches the Earth, forcing us to pay attention to its principle and consider its influence. In the human psyche, this manifests itself in the fact that a person has a greater need for love and belonging to a group. In this regard, a person is forced to re-evaluate the relationships in which he is, and those things that for some time were of great value to him. A person wants to understand his feelings; naturally, during this period he is more interested in himself than in other people. Therefore, the period of Venus retrograde movement for many people may be accompanied by a feeling of decreased social activity and a cooling of feelings. Many people are busy reassessing values, their emphasis in the value system is shifting: what was important not long ago may lose its significance, and something completely different, previously insignificant, will become more valuable. While Venus is moving retrograde, people experience a certain disorientation in the outside world. For example, they do not want or cannot objectively judge another person or a social group, being carried away by the perception of only what is happening in their inner world. This is also reflected in purchasing power: most of the expensive goods purchased during the retrograde period are then difficult for a person to harmoniously fit into his value system, since during the period of the Lower conjunction of Venus with the Sun (the symbolic “new moon” of the Sun/Venus cycle) it can change as such. a person’s value system and criteria for assessing the qualities of an acquired item.

However, the importance of the retrograde movement of planets is most clearly visible when interpreting transits for prognostic purposes. You may not feel the retrograde movement of Venus or Mercury, or even Mars at all, unless there is some important point (Angle or planet) in your astrological chart at the degrees from which the planet went into retromotion. If this point is Jupiter, Saturn, and even more so Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, then you will feel the powerful influence of retrograde transit only if these planets are connected by major aspects with the personal planets of your horoscope: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars . If, on the contrary, the retrograde point of transit Venus coincides with an important point in your horoscope, the transit of Venus will bring very significant events in the internal or external world in accordance with the characteristics of the position of Venus in your chart and the characteristics of the point in your horoscope aspected by the transit of Venus. In terms of strength of influence, the transit of the conjunction comes first, followed by the square, opposition, trine, sextile. The conjunction literally flattens the principle of the aspected planet, forcing you to adapt spontaneously to new circumstances and act at the limit of your creative capabilities. The square creates obstacles, but also gives passion, interest and the strength to overcome them. The opposition forces you to evaluate the action of the principle of the planet in your life and choose the direction of your path in conditions of confrontation with someone or something. The trine brings down all the obstacles to the implementation of the planetary principle in your life. And if you have been building dams and props for a long time to maintain the status quo, at this time they all may collapse. This may not be a pleasant time: the trine opens up new opportunities, but can force you to accept them forcefully. So, if the time has come for you to move to a new place of residence due to a new interesting job, but you are sorry to leave your beloved home, the aspect may deprive you of security in the house and you will be happy to escape from it. Sextile has the weakest effect: it only suggests making one or another choice in favor of mastering new skills and abilities, and brings people who unobtrusively provide support. But a person can easily ignore sextile suggestions or not notice them at all.

If a Venus retrograde occurs in the same sign in which Venus is located in your natal chart, the entire period of the retrograde cycle will be colored by the theme indicated by the characteristics of Venus in your natal chart. To understand what is happening to you during this period, analyze the position of your Venus in your sign, house, and its aspects. The results of the events of this period will manifest themselves in the spheres of those houses of your birth chart whose cusps are located in the sign of Taurus and Libra.

Particular attention to the retrograde period of planets in the mundan chart should be paid to those people (couples, families, groups, states) in whose natal charts this planet is retrograde. Even if during the retrograde period it does not form an aspect with an important point in transit natal chart, the principle of this planet will be very significant for the object of the map. For example, in the horoscope of Ukrainian sovereignty on August 24, 1991, Venus and Mercury are retrograde. This means that during the retrograde period of these planets in Ukraine we can expect important changes in areas related to the principles of Mercury and Venus. For example, if in countries in whose horoscope Mercury is direct, any bills are put forward during the retrophase of Mercury, then the fate of these bills is most likely to be a lack of interest in them and oblivion. But in a state with retrograde Mercury in the chart, on the contrary, a bill put forward on retrograde Mercury will gain wide resonance, arouse great interest, will remain the subject of controversy for a long time, and ultimately, regardless of whether it is adopted or not, will turn out to be a powerful factor impact on the minds and mental representations of the people in the state, will force people, unnoticed by themselves, to start thinking, turn to primary sources for information, get to the bottom of the causes and study the consequences this process. As an example, the bill “On Languages ​​in Ukraine”, introduced on September 7, 2010 Verkhovna Rada people's deputies Alexander Efremov, Pyotr Simonenko, Sergei Grinevetsky. For example, for a person with retrograde Mercury in the chart, significant events in the field of work, career, business, partnership, study will occur most often when the mundan Mercury is retrograde. So, before recommending to a businessman to re-register his company, which has retro Mercury in its chart, look at the businessman’s birth chart: retro Mercury will probably be found there, and the company will work very successfully under the leadership of this person, and he himself will be very pleased with the state of affairs.

People in whose chart we see retrograde Venus are special people: they have everything related to love, partnership, material wealth and finance in full in their inner world, but for the time being they do not have it at all in their external life . So a girl with retro Venus in her birth chart will subtly feel all the nuances of interpersonal relationships, see herself in a dream paired with her lover, experience unearthly pleasure from the feeling of unity, but in real life will be deprived of all this - she simply will not meet a person who could share her feelings with her. This may be expressed in the fact that she has no one with whom to stand at the canvas of the artist she loves, no one to read poems that move her to tears, no one with whom to sing in two voices, no one with whom to share the delight on the top of a conquered mountain on a hike, no one to contemplate starry sky. This does not mean that there is an absolute social vacuum around her. Not at all, there may be a lot of friendly, attractive people around her, but all of them cannot give her a feeling of shared feelings. She may be beautiful, attractive, sociable, well-off financially, occupy a very worthy position in society, but all this does not bring her the pleasure of life that she feels she could experience. Does she have the opportunity to get married and have children? Without a doubt. There is also the opportunity to do what you love, earn some income, and acquire personal property. But at the same time, it is not possible to have the pleasure she wants from all this. So you can see a young beautiful mother of two prosperous children in an enviable home environment, shedding tears in front of the TV over the film “An Ordinary Miracle” while her loving husband, by the sweat of his brow, produces another diamond masterpiece for her, which she will never be able to wear anyway, because there is nowhere.

A girl with retrograde Venus in her birth chart is the archetype of Vasilisa the Beautiful: she cannot merge in the ecstasy of union with her husband, but can only surprise him from afar with her wonderful abilities, remaining completely inaccessible for the time being. And if she tries to “become like everyone else” before the deadline assigned to her by fate (Ivan Tsarevich burns the skin of a frog), she will end up in the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal, where she will be forced to wait until the end of her imprisonment. The trials that Ivan Tsarevich overcomes on the way to freeing Vasilisa from Koshchei are a symbolic description of the path that the soul must go through when it incarnates at the moment of Venus’s retrograde. Ivan Tsarevich must endure three pairs of iron boots, gnaw three stone breads, eat three pounds of salt, learn to understand talking animals and help them - and only then will he be able to get to Koshcheev’s Death and remove the spell from Beauty imprisoned in an impregnable tower. This means that for a person with retro Venus in the chart, the principle of beauty, love, harmony remains inaccessible in external life until, in progressions (1 day = 1 year), Venus changes retrograde movement to direct. And all this time he will live a rich inner life, comprehending the truth of love, harmony, beauty through assessments of the dramatic events happening around him and with him, associated with the inaccessibility of the Venus principle for him personally.

Every time in progressions a retrograde planet changes course to direct, this coincides with important events in a person's life. The position of Venus in a sign, house, its aspects and importance in the horoscope will indicate to the astrologer exactly how and in what area of ​​life the new energy of the Venus principle will manifest itself and how it will have to be used. Venus retrograde, about to become direct in progressions, about 2 degrees closer to the reversal point, gradually begins to manifest itself in a more open and direct, and sometimes freer, manner. People with retro Venus in the radix had time to lay the foundation for a new implementation in society and partnership and prepare the field for the Venus principle during all those years when the planet was retrograde in progressions. When she becomes direct, these people must be ready to use her energy to the fullest.
A planet appears to take on a little more importance in the chart during what is called a "slowdown" or stationary period, as if it is preparing for a change that will soon follow. Thus, for people whose moment of birth coincided with the point of immobility of Venus (stationary Venus), the principle of Venus is very important, regardless of its position in the horoscope. If this is a stop before the start of a direct movement, then in a person’s life, when Venus becomes direct in progressions, a period of rapid, obvious revelation of the principles of Venus will begin. If a person was born at the time of stationary Venus, when she stopped to begin retrograde movement, then the person will live for about 42 years without the principle of Venus in outer life. Of course, he will have some money, some relationships, but the main background of his life will be the feeling that true love, wealth, and joy of life are still ahead of him. And so it will be, even if at this time society is shaken by severe trials and the chaos of change.

The signs of Taurus and Libra, ruled by Venus, are associated with valuables, money, contracts, agreements, agreements, partners, the institution of marriage, relationships, reconciliations, legal disputes and justice. Barbara Waters writes that when Venus goes retrograde, “major social projects begin to stall, attempts to raise money end in disappointment, and attempts to reconcile others come to nothing.” When Venus is retrograde, it is unwise to enter into contracts. Under these circumstances, even international agreements have an unfortunate fate. This is an unfavorable time for purchasing luxury goods and for financial investments. The relationship that began during this period does not meet expectations.

In other cases, Venus retrograde periods are great for celebrating values ​​and beauty - visiting museums, enjoying the classics of literature or art, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature; to renew relationships, to think about the place of your spouse or partner in your life; finally, for solitary activities devoted to reassessment of values.

A Venus retrograde period in a mundan chart can be an excellent time to do some soul-searching, close debts, end unfinished relationships, and clear up confusing mutual agreements. This is a great time for learning the arts, for mastering the skills of cultural behavior, developing charm, the ability to communicate, the ability to create your own individual image and style, and experimenting with styles.

The Sun/Venus cycle is associated with the development in a person of the principle of perception on an aesthetic level and the principle of evaluation on an ethical level. Thus, during the period of the Lower Sun/Venus conjunction, a new stage in the evolution of the personal value system begins.

“Theoretically, the Venusian value scale is based on personal emotional experience and is not related to the social, religious or cultural experience of the environment. In reality, collective stereotypes can shape the behavior of an individual and have such a strong influence on him that the person for a long time doesn't realize. For example, youthful rebellions against the restrictions of the increased needs of puberty for freedom are determined by the standards of behavior of the peer group, the immediate environment of the teenager. When transiting Venus moves in the opposite direction natural course vital solar energy, i.e., is in retrograde motion, a person has the opportunity to free himself from the powerful flow of social and biological influences that control his life. At this moment, individual consciousness has a convenient opportunity to separate instinctive desires from the oppressive influence of socio-cultural stereotypes. Inferior conjunctions Sun - Venus will help a person discover new system values, new models of behavior that develop through one’s own system of values ​​and ethical ideas, without which the psychological and spiritual development of the individual is impossible. These conjunctions are key moments in the Venus retrograde period, potential moments of growth. Such inner insight can be realized and occur in complete ignorance from the consciousness of a person who is unaware of the emergency of the moment that determines the new direction of his life. However, the retrograde of Venus is not a guarantee of such insight.” (Markina N.Yu. “Cycles of the Planets”)

“Like other astrological indicators, this phenomenon rather indicates the possibility of such a state, rather than its inevitability. Before an individual defines his new values, he sets new standards of behavior patterns, and this process mobilizes his conscious attention. This sequence may seem paradoxical: how do changes, which most often rely on the manifestation of new forms of the unconscious, require the attraction of conscious attention? The fact is that conscious attention does not require the attraction of volitional efforts to affirm one’s own values ​​and establish new criteria, but requires focusing attention on existing reality. A person will need a strong-willed effort to see his choice for what it is, and to determine to what extent it is made according to his own taste, and to what extent it is predetermined by family or socio-cultural influences. A person is required to ask himself: Do I like this? Do I really like this? (Markina N.Yu. “Cycles of the Planets”)

“The modern astrologer does not measure the retrograde period of Venus from the beginning of the day when it turns back to the day when it will be direct again. This period essentially corresponds to the loop that Venus draws in the sky. The loop begins from the moment when direct Venus first hits the degree where it will later be in conjunction with the Sun. At this time, it begins to get closer and closer to the Earth up to a degree." bottom connection", the point closest to the Earth, then, emerging from the sun's embrace, it moves away from the Earth until it reaches its normal distance, and then begins a new movement towards the degree of conjunction in direct motion.

For example, Venus, during its retrograde motion, makes an “inferior conjunction” with the Sun on April 6, 1977, at 16 degrees. Aries, but previously she was in this degree of conjunction on February 22, then she began to write her loop in the sky towards the Earth. On May 20, Venus returned to 16 degrees. Aries is already in direct motion and has completed its loop. These dates do not correspond to the actual stops (stationary positions) of Venus before the forward and backward movements on March 16 and April 27, which determine the period of its retrograde movement. A new cycle begins at the lower junction. This is the period between February 22 (the first moment when Venus entered the degree of conjunction) and the inferior conjunction on April 6, which is analogous to the XII house of the previous cycle. During this phase, the previous cycle comes to an end and the person is faced with its results, with successful and lost attempts to express his Venusian values. If during the previous cycle there were problems in choosing behavior, they may become aggravated during this period, and especially at the moment of the “lower junction”, which theoretically describes the situation where a solution can be sought.” (Markina N.Yu. “Cycles of the Planets”)

Pay attention to which house of your horoscope the inferior conjunction of the Sun and Venus occurred. It is in the sphere of this house that your new ethical system will be implemented in the period until the next Lower conjunction. After a period of Venus retrograde, we may find that our value system has undergone significant changes. These changes may have wide range: from changes in taste preferences for food and clothing to changes in ethics.

“If an astrologer sets himself the task of interpreting in terms of mundane astrology what effect the period of Venus retrograde will have on the life of humanity, he will have to highlight all the major aspects, and especially the conjunctions that Venus will make during this time. In the above example, Venus retrograde before conjunct the Sun was conjunct Mercury on March 29, 1977, and after the "inferior conjunction" on April 12 made an opposition to Pluto and a trine to Saturn on April 18.

The conjunction with Mercury belongs to the past cycle and can be considered a factor determining or predetermining the new Venusian trend. It indicates the need for communication and puts emphasis on a certain nature of Mercurian communication.

Opposition (awareness) to Pluto (unconscious tendencies of the collective) can draw the astrologer’s attention to the possibility of regeneration, reformulation of values ​​at the present stage of human development and the elimination of past outdated criteria for relationships.

The opposition will be followed by a trine (harmonious fusion or synthesis) of Saturn (responsibility and reliability).

Obviously, during this period there may be many discussions (Mercury) regarding strategic arms limitation. Aware and aware of the enormous destructive power nuclear weapons(Pluto) specialists and members of the public can meet to join forces to ensure security with a sense of responsibility to humanity (Saturn).” (Markina N.Yu. From the book “Cycles of the Planets”)

5th June 2010

A whole library has already been written about the retrograde movement of planets. Even a person far from astrology has heard about a certain retro Mercury, during which nothing can be done. A huge number of fables and fictions revolve around this topic. From this article you will learn what retro planets are and how to use their influence to your advantage.

What do retro planets mean in natal astrology?

In natal astrology, the retro movement gives the planet a feminine, passive, introverted nature. The planet seems to withdraw into itself; it is difficult for it to manifest itself openly. But in peace and quiet, when you don’t have to run anywhere, the retro planet has no equal.

Retrograde itself means return, repetition. Therefore, the retro planet may not be realized the first time. Such a planet needs more time to show itself.

For example, it will be difficult for the owner of retro Mercury to learn information the first time; he needs to know all the subtleties and details. At the same time, the quality of Mercury itself does not deteriorate. That is, retro Mercury cannot be called stupid. Yes, he doesn’t always have time to grasp information on the fly, but he does it efficiently.

For whom will retro planets be especially important?

Retrograde movement is especially important for personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Sun and Moon always move forward and cannot enter the retro phase. A retrograde personal planet shows some peculiarity of character or personality.

For example, retro Mars - the native is not aggressive by nature, but if pushed too far, he will break through the walls with his forehead.

The retrograde movement of social and higher planets has a greater effect on the event level and is not reflected in any way on the psychology of the individual.

If the ruler of the House is retrograde, then this means that the affairs of this House will not work out immediately and will require more time to be implemented.

The retrograde of a planet is its phase, its state. Therefore, retrograde categorically cannot be considered a defeat.

And now I will analyze personal retro planets in more detail.

Mercury retrograde

Introvert, passive thinking. Slowly but efficiently learns, it is difficult to perceive something new. Conservative in thinking. A person thinks a lot about the past, it is difficult for him to look into the future. Such people have the effect that brilliant thoughts come a little late. Good figurative memory, but forgetful of facts.

Mercury retrograde does not mean speech impairment at all! This will be indicated in the chart by tense aspects from malefics and Saturn.

Retro Mercury works well with writing, working alone or in complete silence.

Venus retrograde

Difficulty sorting out your feelings. At the event level, it often gives a return to past relationships. Difficulty opening up and trusting your partner. There are a lot of memories of the past from the “the world used to be kinder” series.

For men, relationships can have the effect of a broken record: then the union breaks, then everyone loves each other again.

A woman with retro Venus may not accept for a long time or be afraid to reveal her feminine nature.

Retro Venus often gives the ability to perceive art and creativity with particular sensitivity.

Retrograde Mars

A difficult situation, since the retro phase contradicts the explosive and active energy Mars. Difficulty starting to do something. The native can spend a very long time preparing, preparing, preparing... but never begin. But if it does start up, it will be for a long time. Therefore, people with retro Mars are excellent performers, but poor initiators.

It is often difficult for a person with retro Mars to express himself and defend his opinion. A lot of suppressed aggression, self-destruction and self-flagellation.

A woman with retro Mars can build her life for a very long time, from the series “I’m going on my hundred and first date with my beloved.” Relationships with a man can develop slowly, but here you need to look at additional instructions from the chart (Sun, VII House).


Don't be afraid of your retrograde planets, learn to work with them. A well-developed and correctly directed retro planet always brings very great and unusual results.

And if you want to work well on your retro planets, plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!