Chakra test - what is the state of the subtle body. Connection between chakras and body

Is there a connection between chakras and planets? And in general, what are chakras and what are they responsible for? In this series of articles we will answer this question that worries many.

How do chakras influence our lives?

Now there are no people left who have not heard anything about chakras. And almost everyone knows that chakras are energy centers in the subtle human body. There are quite a few such clots of energy in our body, but among all the chakras there are 7 main ones. Each chakra is responsible for certain areas of functioning of the human body and consciousness. In this series of articles we will look at this issue from the point of view of astrology and analyze how planets can influence the chakras, and therefore our body and consciousness.

In Vedic astrology, the planet is considered not as an astronomical body, but as certain individuals who have their own character and control their own types of energy. In Sanskrit they are called Grahas, which translates as “invaders”.

That is, Grahas are energies that, due to the characteristics of our development and the state of our consciousness, capture our mind. And it is precisely this property of Grah that can allow us to develop and learn to control our own mind.

This means that in most cases we cannot influence the events that happen to us. The time will come and Graha will try to capture our mind, but we can change our attitude towards these events, that is, control our mind, and therefore try to get out of the power of the “invaders”.

To completely get out of the grip of the Grach is not an easy task. This state is called the transcendental level. And you can get there only after thorough work on yourself.

An analysis of the state of the chakras will help to understand in which areas such work is needed, and then an understanding will come of in what situations we react incorrectly.

The structure of the subtle body

Our whole body seems to be permeated with energy channels called “nadis”. The main nadi is the central channel Sushumna, which runs along the entire spine and extends upward from the crown.

There are two more canals around Sushumna: the male one - Pingala and the female one - Ida. Along Sushumna there are 7 main chakras: Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara. The work of these centers differs between men and women and this requires different approach on the issue of chakra harmonization.

Each center has planets that supply energy and planets that consume energy. The activities of these planets are highly interconnected and disturbances in the energy of one planet can lead to disturbances in the energy of another. As in any working system, inflow and outflow must be in harmony. An imbalance between them leads to disruptions in the functioning of the center, which entails troubles in the form of suffering and illness.

As far as we know, a person other than physical body, also has an energetic or subtle body.

A person who practices yoga needs to know and understand what processes, in terms of energy, occur in his subtle body. Because these processes are then reflected on the physical plane: health, negative or positive qualities, bad habits. On the other hand, knowledge about the subtle body will help a person practicing yoga to understand what is happening to him, accumulate more energy, save it and use it in the direction of his own development and helping in the development of other people.

Various sources describe five bodies or sheaths, called koshas, ​​which are located within the three bodies, and the governing at different levels consciousness.

The first body is the physical or gross body (Sthula Sarila). It is formed from the elements of five elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether. This body includes one shell:

1) Anamaya kosha - translated as “shell of the grain.” It sustains itself by eating and is subject to all kinds of changes: birth, growth, disease, aging and dying. Our consciousness at this level associates itself with the body and its signs.

The second body (Linga Sarila) contains the chakras and nadis. It consists of three shells:

2) Pranamaya kosha - etheric or energy body. Here we're talking about about the energy that flows inside us through energy channels. At this level, a person’s consciousness represents a certain set of sensory reactions and identifies itself with its emotions and desires.

It should also be mentioned here that according to ancient scriptures, five types of energy operate in the human body, and their ratio determines the level of human consciousness.

Apana-vayu or downward energy. Localized in the leg area, it is responsible for all excretory processes in the body.

Samana-vayu starts from the abdominal area. Responsible for the fire of digestion, igniting internal heat and assimilation of information.

Prana-vayu localized from chest to the nose. This is the energy of breathing. Responsible for vitality.

Udana-vayu located in the head area. Responsible for all thought processes. Provides a mystical experience.

Vyana-vayu- this is our aura. It surrounds our pranic body.

Accordingly, if Apana Vayu predominates in our body, then we raise the energy upward through yogic practices such as shatkarmas, inverted asanas, Mula bandha. To increase Samana Vayu, you can do Uddiyana Bandha. Prana-vayu increases by performing pranayamas and Jalandhara bandha.

Pranamaya kosha is purified by an equanimous character and calm breathing.

3) Manamaya kosha - “sheath of the mind.” The mind is an organ that processes information received from the senses, so we must try to replace information received from the outside with positive information. A person at this stage of development identifies himself with his activity and profession.

4) Vijnanamaya kosha - “the sheath of the mind or intellect.” The mind is an apparatus that allows you not to act according to impulses, but by making a choice, to control yourself. At this level, a person is identified with his worldview.

The third body is Karana Sharira - the causal body.

It consists of one shell:

5) Ananadamaya-kosha - “sheath of bliss.” We cannot physically influence it, but we can plunge into it. It includes three forms of happiness

priya - when we understand that the object of our happiness exists. That is, we experience happiness from simply seeing an object;

fashion - the happiness experienced when possessing a desired object;

promoda is the happiness experienced from interacting with this object.

In the subtle body there is an extensive network of channels through which prana flows - vital energy. These channels are called Nadis. There are them in our body large number, according to various sources there are from 30 thousand to 700 thousand.

If the subtle body is polluted, then the Nadis may not function correctly, which affects the physical body and can be felt as enslavement in one place or another. Nadis become polluted due to any base emotions, desires, or aggression.

A person who practices yoga through various practices cleanses the energy channels and increases the amount of energy. Why do you need to cleanse Nadis? Because the functioning of the chakras depends on the state and functioning of the energy channels. If the Nadis are polluted, then the energy can go anywhere, and instead of the positive qualities of the energy force, we can get negative qualities such as ignorance or passion.

There are three main energy channels:



Sushumna is the central energy channel. Corresponds on the physical plane spinal canal. Sushumna begins from the Muladhara chakra and ends at the top at the Sahasrara chakra. This channel is responsible for spiritual development. Carries the energy of attachment (Sattva).

Ida - carries the energy of ignorance (Tamas). It is connected to the left nostril and the right hemisphere of the brain. Responsible for creativity. It is usually called lunar.

Pingala is the solar channel. Transfers the energy of passion (Rajas). Connected to the right nostril and the left hemisphere. Responsible for logic dynamic functions and vital activity.

The Ida and Pingala channels spiral around Sushumna, intersecting with it and with each other. They close in the area of ​​the brain and perineum. Chakras are formed at the places where they intersect.

A person needs energy for his life. This energy accumulates in the main centers along Sushumna, that is, in the chakras. Chakra translates as “circular movement or wheel.” According to one concept, there are seven chakras in the body. Depending on which chakra at the moment a person’s consciousness is located, and his energy is also located there. Accordingly, it is the energy of this chakra that will determine his actions, behavior, and goals in life.

In the process of spiritual development, a person’s consciousness can move higher from chakra to chakra. It is believed that the higher the chakra, the more he can achieve on the path of spiritual development and the higher the consciousness, the more energy a person has, since it does not flow through the lower chakras, but rises up along Sushumna. Loss of energy can occur due to the desire to receive pleasure. Each chakra has its own characteristics, both positive and negative.

Muladhara chakra. Translated as “root chakra.” It is believed to be responsible for human survival.

Located in the perineal area;

chakra color - red;

associated with the sense of smell;

element - earth;

Biji mantra - Lam;

Patron planet - Mars.

If a person’s consciousness is attached to this chakra, then the main thing that interests him is how to provide food and living for himself. Good qualities this chakra - patience, stability, asceticism. Negative qualities are rudeness, anger, aggression, due to the manifestation of which there is a loss of energy through this chakra.

A person is born through this chakra. There is such a point of view that every seven years, starting from birth, a person lives on a certain chakra or works on it. Muladhara develops during the first seven years of life. If parents try to limit the child’s movement, punish him for being active, then it may happen that the chakra closes. Then the child will be lazy, inactive, without the desire for physical labor.

Therefore, parents should encourage physical activity child. Also, the chakra can close if the child is punished physically or verbally. The child ceases to feel the protection of his parents. In adulthood, people with a closed Muladhara chakra can become criminals.

It is also worth noting that kundalini energy begins from the Muladhara chakra - this is the power, the potential that lies in each of us.

It is believed that if a person dies through this chakra, then he is reincarnated in hell.

At proper development At the age of eight, a child transitions to the Svadhisthana chakra.

Svadhisthana chakra. Translated as “my home, my abode”

Chakra color is orange;

element - water;

Biji manta - to you;

patron planet - Venus;

the dominant feeling is taste.

It is located two fingers below the navel.

At the level of this chakra, it becomes important for a person to pay attention to his appearance, he is trying to attract attention, to establish contact with other people. Reproductive instincts appear. Energy leakage occurs due to pleasures - sexual, sensual, gustatory.

If a person lingers on this chakra, then he develops riotous behavior, a craving for pleasure, he constantly needs something new, there is no constancy.

Therefore, to prevent energy from leaving through this chakra, you also need to cultivate the positive qualities of this chakra, such as altruism, the ability to give, the ability to adapt to circumstances. It is necessary to maintain regularity in diet, sleep and partner.

Leaving the world through the Svadhisthana chakra, a person is reincarnated into the animal world.

This chakra in a person develops from eight to fourteen years of age, which coincides with the period of puberty, and also during this period there is a natural process of separation of the child from his parents. Parents are no longer an authority for him. This chakra can close in a child due to the lack tender relationship in the family in relation to the child. You need to hug your child often and say good words to him.

The transition to the Manipura chakra occurs when a person gets tired of being dependent and has a desire to influence others.

Manipura chakra. Translated as “precious city”.

Chakra color is yellow;

element - fire;

Biji mantra - Ram;

patron planet - the Sun;

the dominant sense is vision;

located behind the navel within the spinal column.

At this level, a person begins to be interested social activity, the mind, ego, and the desire to manipulate others develop. He begins to worry about status, through which he evaluates himself and other people.

At the level of this chakra, energy leaves through such negative manifestations as greed, avarice, and hoarding. The positive qualities of the chakra are the ability to sacrifice, developing willpower and responsibility towards others.

The transition to this chakra occurs after fourteen years. The teenager begins to think about what he will do in the future. It is important that parents do not put pressure on him and do not force him into any profession. The chakra closes if the child is not allowed to use his own mind and make his own decisions.

If the chakra begins to rotate in the opposite direction, then such people become power-hungry. After passing away through this chakra, a person is reincarnated into the world of spirits.

The transition to the Anahata chakra occurs when a person gets tired of keeping everything under his control and lets go of everything.

Anahata chakra. Translated as “untouchable, not affected by a blow.”

Chakra color is green;

element - air;

Biji mantra - Yam;

patron planet - Jupiter;

the dominant sense is touch;

located above the Manipura chakra near the heart.

When a person’s consciousness rises to the level of this chakra, then he already thinks about the spiritual, about love without divisions, he begins to show compassion. Negative manifestations chakras are the desire to possess the feelings of another person, jealousy.

It is believed that if a person leaves the world through this chakra, then he is again reincarnated in the world of people.

After twenty-one years, a person begins to develop the Anahata chakra. The chakra may close if the child had a negative experience in the relationship of their parents, that is, they divorced or often quarreled. It is recommended to study how to play the role of father and mother, regardless of gender.

The transition to the next chakra occurs when a person tries to overcome a problem that is accumulating in him.

Vishuddha chakra. Translated as “complete purity.”

Chakra color - blue;

element - ether;

Bija mantra - Ham;

patron planet - Mercury;

the dominant sense is hearing;

located in the middle of the throat, associated with speech.

Depending on the quality of energy in the chakra, it can carry such qualities as struggle, confrontation, a person can be warlike. Creative abilities may predominate, through which a person transforms the problem. The ability to accept negative information without harming yourself. Compassion is shown, which leads to some action.

If a person leaves the world through this chakra, then it is believed that he is reincarnated in the world of demigods.

The Vishuddha chakra begins to fully develop after the age of 28. It can close off in a child if he was forbidden to have his own opinion in childhood. If a person's chakra moves in the opposite direction, then such people become dictators. It is recommended to try to develop truthfulness, regardless of practicality.

The transition to the next chakra occurs due to the accumulation of wisdom.

Ajna/Agya chakra. Translated as “order, command.”

Chakra color is blue;

element - light, space;

patron planet - Saturn;

Biji mantra - Sham;

located between the eyebrows, it represents the third eye, through which messages from the subtle world can be perceived.

At this level, duality and ego begin to disappear in a person, since this chakra is the level of wisdom. One of the negative qualities of the chakra is that a person can use his energy without thinking about the consequences. Positive qualities chakras consist in the fact that a person tries to raise the level of other people, does what will benefit others.

After 35 years, it begins to develop in humans. He begins to realize himself as an individual. In childhood, it can close if the child is forbidden to go beyond the existing dogmas, fantasy is suppressed.

Transformation through this chakra occurs into the world of the gods.

Sahasrara chakra. Translated as “thousand-petalled lotus.”

Biji mantra - Om;

element - Purusha;

located in the area of ​​the crown of the head.

It is believed that Sahasrara is not a separate chakra, but rather combines energies coming from all lower chakras. She has no positive or negative qualities.

It is believed that it develops after 49 years, when a person understands his karmic responsibility and has matured as a person.

It may seem that the lower the chakra, the more negative qualities at her place. But this is not true. We see that we all have both positive and negative qualities of different chakras, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent.

We need to strive for spiritual development, help in the development of others, and when the negative qualities of a particular chakra manifest themselves, try not to let them manifest themselves, but rather develop them as much as possible positive aspects. After all, no one knows our weaknesses and obscurations better than ourselves, which contribute to the loss of energy.

It is important to soberly evaluate ourselves; we are not afraid to learn something that we may not like. This is important for further development, in order to understand and eliminate the causes, accumulate and preserve energy and direct it along the right Path of development for yourself and other people.

One of the main tasks of developing and revealing personality on primary stage- this is to harmoniously develop and open the chakras (nerve centers), because When the chakras are opened, orderliness of the structures of the etheric body is achieved, the field is balanced and the energy level of a person increases.

In my system, especially at the first level, the main emphasis is on feeling and opening the chakras. Chakras are universal tellers of a person - by sensing in which zone there is congestion, or where energy flows less gently through a person, you can find out in what area of ​​life he has problems, and what will happen to his health after a certain time.

Each chakra carries information on certain physiological systems and organs, as well as on areas of life.

Briefly about chakras:

1. Muladhara located in the perineum, has red, refers to the earth system, determined by sound TO. This chakra is the seat of Kundalini energy. Each of the seven chakras contains special energies; the Muladhara chakra is responsible for the manifestation of desires, the growth of vitality, and survival.
This chakra connects us with the material world. It gives us a sense of confidence and stability, which we need for our development at all levels. The more securely we stand on earth, the simpler and easier our physical existence in the material world becomes.

Problems and diseases that arise due to an imbalance in the chakra: constipation, hemorrhoids, fatigue, apathy, lethargy, blood diseases, problems with back tension, problems with joints and bones, problems with tissues and skin.

2. Svadhisthana located 9 centimeters below the navel. Relates to the element of water, develops will, corresponds to sound RE. Color Orange. Svadhisthana is the gate through which prana spreads through all energy channels. With a lack of free energy in this chakra, we experience great difficulties in the field of creativity, in the sphere sexual relations, in learning something new.
Svadhisthana allows our inner abilities to come out and activates our inner strength, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, activate the original potential and turn it into something concrete.
Also the center of original emotions, sexual energies and creative abilities.
Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity, reluctance to live.

3. Manipura The manipura chakra is located three fingers above the navel, is closely connected with the astral body, generates power, corresponds to sound MI. Color Yellow. The third chakra is the center of self-realization, associated with the ability to achieve a position in society, the center of fame, power and wealth.
It is responsible for developing our personality and transmitting our emotions to the world. Controls the ability to influence the environment, internal strength and intelligence in it practical aspect. Manipura is the center of our personal energy. Relationships with other people, the ability to enter into long-term harmonious relationships, our desires.
From a spiritual perspective, the job of this chakra is to help us realize our purpose in the material world - to fulfill our life mission to the best of our ability, using our talents and abilities, and to navigate our personal path of destiny in the material world so that achieve self-realization at all levels.
Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra: mental and nervous exhaustion, isolation, problems with communication, stones in gallbladder, diabetes, problems with digestive system, ulcers, allergies, heart disease.

4. Anahata located on the projection of the spine at the level of the heart, corresponds to the mental body, sound F, has green . Associated with the ability to manifest and receive the energy of love. This is where deep contacts with Teachers and the Higher Self take place.
This is the center that controls the feeling of love. From this center we extend threads to the heart centers of those with whom we have relationships (parents, loved ones, children, friends). Thanks to the heart chakra, we can love and strive for love. It governs our ability to give, give and receive love.
Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra: respiratory diseases, heart pain, heart attacks, high blood pressure, tension, anger, dissatisfaction with life, insomnia, fatigue.

5. Vishuddha is level thyroid gland. Color blue. Matches the sound SALT. The chakra acts on the major glands and is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system. Through this energy center there is an influence on karma.
Through this chakra we express our vitality, laughter, tears, our feelings of joy and love. This chakra gives us the ability to consciously and clearly express what is happening and existing within us. The throat chakra is the center responsible for communication, inspiration and personality expression. The chakra is associated with all aspects of communication - with one's own self, with other people, with cosmic force. It represents a bridge between our thoughts, feelings, impulses and reactions. At the same time, it transmits to the world and expresses the content of all other chakras. Through this chakra we express who we are.
Developed Vishuddha manifests itself in the ability to be a holistic, harmonious and self-sufficient person. A person with leading Vishuddha is characterized by a creative approach to any life situations.

6.Ajna located in the 3rd eye area. Has blue , sound LA. The highest goal of the sixth chakra is inspiration and grace, but if you go to its lowest goal, you will leave reality into the world of illusions, fantasies in a situation of crisis, powerlessness, alienation.
She manages various mental abilities, memory, willpower and knowledge. It is this chakra that allows a person to connect to the subconscious, intuition, and gives the ability to understand the universe and receive non-verbal messages. It is responsible for the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, right and left, that is, for the balance of intuition, emotions and mysticism, reason and logic. She is responsible for a person’s physical harmony, his ability to concentrate, peace of mind and wisdom.

7. Sahasrara located above the head, promotes connection with the cosmos, nature or God. When opened, it gives the ability to control one’s body, create objects, and transition to higher levels of consciousness.
This is where all the channels and chakras are fine system come together and unite into a whole. As a rule, there are no blockages in this chakra; the chakra can be developed and open or not.

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It is here that all the channels and chakras of the subtle system come together and unite into a whole. As a rule, there are blockages in this chakra; the chakra can be developed and open or not.

Since man is a microcosm, all his organs correspond to the energy of the Cosmos. According to tantric teachings, the subtle worlds create our individual body, which, like the Universe, consisting of 7 main worlds, has 7 main subtle bodies. These bodies consist of matter and energy of the corresponding worlds, interact with them and receive information from them. All subtle bodies are interconnected, communicating with their world through certain energy centers -<чакры>, located along inner surface spine. Subtle bodies are the most complex structures compared to the physical body. Physiological function subtle bodies have not been studied enough.

Etheric body. It extends (according to clairvoyant observations) 3-4 cm beyond the physical body. During the prenatal period, the physical body is built on the matrix of the etheric and is a copy of it. Throughout life etheric body performs the function of a builder and restorer of the dense body, therefore they are often united by a single concept - the etheric-physical body. A well-formed etheric body enhances protective properties body. Such a person has a good supply of energy, which, passing through the physical body, has a beneficial effect on its organs. A weak etheric body gives a person poor health. The etheric double does not leave the physical body; a person cannot exist without it. Cosmic energy is perceived by the etheric body and enters the physical body through the chakras. These are areas of the etheric body that perform specific functions. Each chakra is associated with the corresponding subtle body, on the one hand, and the organ associated with a specific planet, on the other hand.

Most researchers associate the etheric body with two chakras: Svadhisthana and Muladhara. In turn, the Svadhisthana chakra is associated with Jupiter, therefore the etheric body is associated with this planet. Svadhisthana feeds on prana of food origin, generates internal energy, which it distributes along its meridians and supplies to those energy centers with which it is in direct connection: Manipura chakra (energy manifestations), Muladhara chakra (sexuality), Anahata chakra ( emotional sphere). On physical level associated with sexual potency and the genital area by the kidneys and adrenal glands. Muladhara chakra absorbs the electromagnetic energies of the Earth necessary for the physical body and connects the center physical energy(Ajana) with a center of psychic energy (Sahasrara chakra). This chakra is connected with Saturn with our strong-willed qualities, vitality and is responsible for the processes of reproduction.

Astral body. Consists of matter astral world(matter of the gravitational field of the Moon). It is ethereal, condensed, very plastic and sensitive matter. The astral body is second in density from the physical. Due to its plasticity, the astral double, depending on emotional state can accept various shapes and sizes. Unlike the etheric body, the astral body can leave the physical body and enter the astral plane, but at the same time a subtle hyperphysical connection remains between them. The astral body controls the organic life of the physical body, which does not depend on the will of the subject, namely: breathing, blood circulation, digestion, regeneration and healing processes.

Main body astral body is the Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra. This chakra is the accumulator and distributor of energy generated by other chakras. Through the Manipura chakra, communication with the energy and matter of the astral world is carried out. This chakra is associated with Mars, and on a physical level with the digestive organs.

Mental body. This is the center of the cosmic organism. We use it as a support in all our actions and actions. Our evolution depends on this body. The mental body is connected to the central chakra (Repitvina). The main function of this chakra is interaction with the higher and lower harmonies of the Cosmos, justice and injustice. Disturbances in this chakra lead to a shift in biological balance. The central chakra is associated with Chiron, and on a physical level with the liver.

Karmic body. Is our lord<это>. This is the body of causes of thoughts and actions, it is the cause of everything that is manifested in the lower planes. It stores information about past lives.

Therefore, the main task of the karmic body is to control all functions of the cosmic organism, taking into account the subconscious experience of past incarnations. This body is connected to the karmic world through the Vishuddha and Kalachakra chakras. Vishuddha is ruled by Mercury, and Kalachakra is ruled by Proserpina. This is the center of alchemical transformation, which is responsible for very subtle biochemical processes associated with our mental and spiritual energy.

Both chakras control the energy of speech: Mercury - the verbal energy of the word, Proserpina - the magic of the word. These chakras have the ability to change and transform the physical, mental and spiritual structure of the body. On the physical level, Vishuddha is associated with the pharynx, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, lungs, thyroid gland.

Another chakra is related to the karmic body - the Mortal Gate, which is located in the perineum area. This chakra is associated with Neptune. As a result of disturbances in the circulation of energy in the area of ​​​​the Death Gate, karmic diseases. These are mainly tumors and destructive processes in the genitourinary system.

Intuitive body. Is in contact with the intuitive world through the Ajna chakra, which is called the third eye. This is the source of intuitive insight - superconsciousness, clairvoyance. The Ajna chakra is associated with the Moon and with human spiritual vision. On the physical plane, Ajna is associated with medulla oblongata and pituitary gland, cerebellum, pineal gland - pineal gland. The highest chakra of the Moon, Trikuta, is associated with Isis. This chakra is activated in people of very high spiritual level, since it is the center mirror reflection peace and sacred knowledge.

Nirvana's body. This is the fusion of ours<это>with Peace, unity with Truth and Love. This unity passes through the Anahata chakra. The chakra is the link between the physical body and the body of Nirvana through the heart. This chakra is associated with Venus, and on a physical level with the heart, diaphragm, circulatory system and the vagus nerve.

Body of the Absolute. The result of the development of all subtle bodies. The Sahasrara Chakra of the Absolute is the only center of energy that accompanies the subtle body in the cosmic spheres after death. Ruled by the Sun. Through the Sahasrara chakra, the human spirit is in constant connection with the World Spirit, therefore this chakra plays the role of a regulator of our behavior in accordance with the meaning of life.

Another chakra is connected to the body of the Absolute - Bramaranda. This is the highest chakra, which is associated with the highest center of the Sun, Aziris. Through it there is a connection to the highest divine principles and higher cosmic energies.

At the sacral level at the bottom of the spine is the Quidalini center, ruled by Uranus. According to esoteric ideas, this is this cosmic energy that sleeps there in the form of a coiled fiery snake. This is the center of freedom and revolution.

But in order to awaken the Kundalini energy and pass it through the channels, it is necessary that the subtle body into which the Kundalini energy has entered is well developed, the channels are cleared, and the consciousness is expanded and ready to receive information coming from the subtle world. That is, spiritual development and, as a consequence of this development, expanded consciousness are the main conditions for working with Kundalini energy. U spiritually developing person on cellular level subtle alchemical processes occur, as a result of which physical cells transform into spiritual ones. This is the essence of the transformation of spirit into psyche. If these processes do not exist, and a person tries to raise Kundalini energy only at the energy level, this may have severe consequences at the mental and physical levels, right up to death.

IN human body there are two rhythms energy: male and female. Both types of energy circulate in the body through special energy channels-meridians. Both energies are necessary in healthy condition opposing influences<ян-инь>balanced.

Each of the groups<ян-инь>includes 6 meridians - 12 in total.

Chakras are pranic centers in the structure of the human being. Every person has countless chakras. However, in yoga practice only a few main ones are used. These few chakras cover the entire spectrum of human existence, from the gross to the subtle. These main chakras are: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, Sahasrara

What modern yogis know about chakras is based on three sources: 1) early works Western occultism, which borrowed Sanskrit terms without understanding their meaning (for example, “Chakras” by Theosophist C. W. Leadbeater, 1927); 2) an illiterate translation of a 1577 Sanskrit text on the chakras created by John Woodroffe in 1918; 3) books Indian gurus 20th century, written on the basis of sources No. 1 and No. 2. Article by Christopher Wallis, yoga practitioner and teacher, Sanskrit scholar and researcher.Translation from English by Yulia Ostapova and Anna Glinko.

Almost all esoteric systems believe that a person, in addition to the physical body, has so-called “subtle” bodies: seven bodies, of which four are the most clearly manifested, the manifestations of the rest are so subtle that they are difficult to notice in our everyday life.

Everything in the world is structured the same - man, earth, solar system and so on. All living things in our universe have eight bodies, of which we are usually accustomed to consider mainly the densest - physical body. The fields of all bodies are in the aura and penetrate each other. They resemble a nesting doll, in which the physical body can be considered the smallest “matryoshka”.

Word granthi means "knot" in Sanskrit. In the context of chakras, the word "granthi" is translated as "psychic node". There are three such nodes, and they are called brahma, vishnu and rudra granthi. They represent levels of awareness (chakra spheres), where the power of maya (illusion), ignorance and attachment to material things is especially strong.

Loki- These are “levels of awareness” or “realms of being.” They can be very roughly defined as follows:

    bhu - earthly, material

    bhuvah - intermediate


    maha - the abode of devas (divine beings)

    janah - the abode of those who have transcended the ego

    tapah - the abode of enlightened siddhas (perfect beings)

    satyam - truth

Cauchy - can be translated as "shells". There are five in total, and they represent the five human bodies, from the gross physical body to the subtle body of bliss. They also roughly correspond to the chakras in the order we listed.

Tattvas. Unfortunately, this term is usually translated as "elements", which causes confusion because tattvas are incorrectly associated with the elements that science speaks of, or with aspects of nature such as fire, water, earth, etc. Tattvas mean something much deeper and subtler. For example, the earth tattva belongs to the muladhara chakra. It does not mean the earth that is in the garden; it means specific frequency range pranic vibrations associated with the muladhara chakra - this range corresponds to the mind-body as a whole, including thoughts and awareness

The doctrine of the Merkabah fields during the time of Atlantis was taught to the Atlanteans on the subtle planes in the schools of the Melchizedeks. Thanks to the application of merkaba in practice, the Toltecs (3 sub-races of the Atlanteans) reached such a high level of spirituality and development, in comparison with which our civilization is now at the level of the Papuans in the jungle.

Word mule in Sanskrit means "root" or "base", and the word adhara -"foundation" or "support". So the word muladhara means "basic foundation"; this chakra represents the fundamental principle of individual human existence. This is the starting position from which each person can express himself as an individual center of being. It is a springboard to reach higher levels of understanding. This center is also popularly known as adhara chakra- “center of support.”

Word matchmaker in Sanskrit means "one's own", and the word adhisthana- “habitat, dwelling.” That's why sva + adhisthana = svadhisthana means "one's own abode." This chakra is considered the substrate, the basis of individual human existence. This is understandable if we consider that this chakra is usually associated with the unconscious mind with its storehouse of mental impressions - samskaras. The individual being originates in the unconscious mind. Many of the instinctual urges that are felt at the level of svadhisthana emerge from the depths of the unconscious mind. Svadhisthana truly serves as the foundation, the place from which most people express themselves in the world. It forms the foundation of their life.

It is also said that the svadhisthana chakra was once the seat of kundalini, but there was a fall - a further fall - and kundalini descended into the muladhara chakra. Therefore, they say that it is svadhisthana, and not muladhara, that is the real fundamental center of a person. As such, it is called “its own abode.”

Proverbs often give very useful instructions. Especially if you stop looking for double meaning in them and perceive them as they are. Keep your mouth shut - the ancients advised and for good reason. Perhaps we are talking here not only about the benefits of silence - in the practice of yoga there is a technique in which the tongue is placed behind the teeth - “nabhi-mudra” or “nabho-mudra”.

Muladhara chakra (Sanskrit - root, foundation) is the foundation of the entire chakra system. Here an impulse arises that raises our level to the Sahasrara chakra and this impulse is Kundalini Shakti. Accordingly, the awakening of this chakra has important in Kundalini Yoga. In men, this center is located in the perineum, in women in the cervix. Physiologically, it is associated with the reproductive and excretory organs. This center is responsible for the area of ​​instincts and reproduction. This is the center of Tamas (ignorance) - the lowest quality of material nature. Here is the Brahma Grantha or Brahma knot. When this knot is “untied” a person begins his awakening to higher life, to more high levels consciousness.. Upper heart: love for all patients, regardless of personality. Dedication. Self-sacrifice. Compassion. “By shining for others, I burn myself.” Is it enough for a doctor to be humane and have a kind heart?