Enterprises or institutions where. What is the difference between an organization and an enterprise: a practical aspect. Institution (organization)

Knowledge of generally accepted terminology is necessary in many areas, including in the field of government and social order. This helps citizens solve their problems competently and quickly. The difference between the terms institution and enterprise is not obvious to the general public, which can lead to confusion. Let us consider the essence of these concepts, the differences and similarities of their structures and functions.

The concept of institution and enterprise, their common features

The enterprise is understood primarily commercial organization, accordingly, its activities are aimed at obtaining benefits. It has the status of a legal entity. The enterprise has its own balance sheet, settlement and bank accounts, printing, independently manages its products and distributes the profits. The basis of his activities is his property. An enterprise may pursue exclusively commercial purposes:

  • Production of any product.
  • Trade in goods.
  • Provision of services.
  • Execution of work.

This institution is not commercial organization. It performs tasks not related to making a profit, such as educational, social or educational activities. The institutions are various organs management, healthcare, education, social protection, law enforcement agencies. The variety of such organizations is very large.

Among the common features of institutions and enterprises is that they do not have legal powers and are not subjects public administration. This various types organizations that carry out their functions in order to satisfy the spiritual, material and other needs of society and the state.

Types of enterprises and institutions

In accordance with the form of ownership, an enterprise can be individual, private, collective, state or joint. Individual is based on personal property and activity individual. Private extends the rights of that person to the hiring of workers. The collective operates on the basis of property labor collective, and the state belongs to the state. Joint property is the product of combining the property of different owners. Depending on the type of activity, an enterprise can be commercial, industrial, chemical, etc. According to the scale of activity - small, medium or large.

Institutions are primarily divided into state, municipal and private. This gradation depends on the owner of such an organization. Founders government agencies are various government bodies. Private - individuals or legal entities. And municipal ones are state municipalities. In addition, institutions are divided into budgetary, state-owned and autonomous.

Difference between institution and enterprise

As follows from the definition, the main difference between these two organizations is goals of their activities. For an enterprise, this is making a profit, while for an institution, it is providing services necessary in the long term. The effectiveness of an enterprise is assessed solely by the level of its profitability, and its property is accepted on the basis of the right of economic management. The success of an institution is more difficult to assess. This requires an analysis of the results of its activities, which will show how successfully it performs its functions. The property of such an organization is accepted under the right of operational management.

In general, the differences between these two types of organizations can be tracked by four indicators:

  1. Goals of activity. If the functioning of an organization is aimed at making a profit, then it is an enterprise.
  2. Activity. Commercial or otherwise.
  3. Functions. For an enterprise they are production, trade or commercial, while for an institution they are managerial, social, etc.
  4. Rights to property. The manager carries out operational management of the institution’s property or economic management of the enterprise’s property.

These indicators provide a clear picture of the differences in the activities of institutions and enterprises. By analyzing any organization in this way, you can determine which class it belongs to.


Organizations are called differently: it all depends on the characteristics of their activities, the number of personnel, and the scale of work. There is a significant difference between enterprises and institutions, but it is not immediately noticeable. Understanding the differences will help you correctly use the name of organizations in your daily activities.

Like all Durkheims, he views institutions as historical creations designed to integrate society horizontally, to strengthen its internal cohesion in the face of what might divide it, in particular division social work Thus, he evokes military service, school and universal suffrage as measures that open the spirit of the people: “All these institutions are like a counterbalance to the excess of industrial specialization: the worker is not a prisoner of his office; all different circles public life remain open to it."



It is exclusively that the concept of institution refers to an institution when it - this is not trivial - refers to associations whose vocation is precisely to better integrate society: “It has been proposed to call charitable institutions a charitable system: they do not propose to earn money, but to alleviate suffering.” . The attention paid to the associative act was also old in Bugle, due to the attachment to solidarity.

The French sociological school, despite its contradictions on the naturalness of the social, clearly advocates institutionalism, which defends it. individualistic definitions, from the point of view of the totality individuals characterizing liberals in general.

Establishmentnon-profit organization, created to perform tasks related to socio-cultural, educational, educational and other activities that do not directly involve earning money. The owner can be a private person, a legal entity, or the state, financing the project partially or fully.


Thus, the main difference between an enterprise and an institution is the goals of its activities. The company is engaged exclusively in commercial activities, with profit making as its top priority. Its effectiveness is assessed by the level of profitability, that is, net profit. The institution pursues other goals, including training citizens, charity and education. Its effectiveness can be assessed both qualitatively and quantitative indicators: volume of funds raised, number of patients cured, etc. It is worth noting that the property of an enterprise is accepted on the right of economic management, institution - operational management.

In Protestant ethics, he mainly uses Durkheim's concept of the term "rational organization of labor", but he also refers to the limited meaning of the organizations of bureaucrats or the birth of capitalist enterprise. But Max Weber is even more explicit in his main book. Max Weber is probably indebted to the passage of the socio-anthropological definition of institution as the human work of reducing meaning according to the ordinary meaning in Anglo-Saxon literature, resulting in a rational grouping: the word "institution" for elementary organization.

Conclusions website

  1. Activity. An enterprise is an economic entity that engages in business. The institution does not commercial activities.
  2. Purposes of existence. The enterprise is focused on making a profit, the institution is focused on training, treatment, education of citizens, as well as other important tasks, not related to making money.
  3. Functions. An enterprise is engaged in production and trading activities or providing services on a reimbursable basis, while an institution performs social, managerial and other functions free of charge.
  4. Real rights to property. The manager takes over the enterprise with the right of economic management, and the institution with the right of operational management.


In the first chapter, “Economy and Society,” she defines the terms “entrepreneurship” and “enterprise grouping” as well as associations and institutions. The company is “organized” and is a “corporation, including its continuous administration and administration.” Weber expands the concept of "business in political and religious affairs, even if institutional groups are mainly concerned" with the state and churches, and, conversely, embodies the concept of an institution that can appoint a territorial group in which people enter more or Institution and association have in as its general general point of view, a rule defining bylaws, both internal and external to the organization.

Perform official (official) duties conscientiously, at a high professional level in order to ensure the effective operation of the government body. These responsibilities are determined by job descriptions, regulations, and charters.

29. Restrictions related to public service. Incentives and responsibilities of civil servants.

Nothing obliged Max Weber to make this limitation of meaning, except perhaps in the works already in circulation in Frederick Taylor's time. rational organization labor, writings to which Max Weber could not remain insensitive because of his attachment to the ideas of rationalization and “organization of work. his colleagues, such as Gabriel Tarde of the French or Italian "Vilfredo Pareto, are against, as he is to Marxism and the French school of sociology, do not propose.

In all his work, Gabriel de Tarde, a liberal like Max Weber and probably more individualistic in his method than the latter, remains very classical in his use of the concept of institution: both normative and symbolic and administrative, financial and military institutions are located on the same level as the customs or customs of the era. Gabriel de Tarde takes clear distances with evolutionism and the organism, which is one of the manifestations. The solidity, the apparent continuity, thus given to series of changes is imaginary.

Article 16. Restrictions related to civil service

1. A citizen cannot be accepted into the civil service, and a civil servant cannot be in the civil service in the case of:

1) recognition of him as incompetent or partially capable by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

2) condemning him to a punishment that excludes the possibility of execution job responsibilities by civil service position ( civil service), by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, as well as in the case of a criminal record that has not been expunged or expunged in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

This is because he believes that desires and beliefs can be historical forces, that he rejects the mechanical materialism that exhausts evolutionism, and that natural history can in no way illuminate cultural and social history. It is paradoxical, to put it mildly, that products are more low organism can become factors in a higher organization.

Willingness to treat companies as economic agents and as organs of a social whole, as well as political parties as political agents, naturally leads them to isolation, hence the organizational definition of grouping. companies or institutions such as the stock exchange, similar organizations, and last lines This text shows a deliberate confusion of terms. Max Weber writes quite realistically to the point: “A powerful purse cannot be an ethical club, large banks They don’t look like charities, like guns and cannons.”

3) refusal to undergo the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal law, if the performance of official duties in a civil service position for which a citizen is applying, or in a civil service position being filled by a civil servant involves the use of such information;
4) the presence of a disease that prevents entry into the civil service or its passage and confirmed by a conclusion medical organization. The procedure for undergoing medical examination, the list of such diseases and the form of conclusion of the medical organization are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
5) close relationship or relationship (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children) with a civil servant, if filling a civil service position is associated with the direct subordination or control of one of them to another ;
6) renunciation of citizenship Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship of another state;
7) having citizenship of another state (other states), unless otherwise provided international treaty Russian Federation;
8) submission of false documents or knowingly false information when entering the civil service;
9) failure to provide information established by this Federal Law or provision of knowingly false information about income, property and property-related obligations when entering the civil service;
10) loss by the employer’s representative of confidence in the civil servant in cases of non-compliance with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements for the prevention or resolution of conflicts of interest and failure to fulfill the duties established for the purpose of combating corruption hereby Federal law, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and other federal laws.
2. Other restrictions related to entry into the civil service and its completion, with the exception of the restrictions specified in Part 1 of this article, are established by federal laws.
3. Liability for failure to comply with the restrictions provided for in Part 1 of this article is established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

In such a passage it is obvious that, apart from the problems of translation, there is an amalgam of elementary organization and institution. Max Weber, who calls several times within the organization, takes them for containers, places where people gather, and not only for the principles of order in the system.

Where does this reduction of meaning come from classical economists such as Smith, who never evokes organization and cause only in terms of institutions in the usual way of the political philosophy of his time? For Herbert Spencer, institutions are human creations such as legislation, political systems, language, science, art and morals.

Encouragement is an important means of educating civil servants and strengthening service (military) discipline. It applies to civil servants for impeccable and efficient service, conscientious performance of official duties, and successful completion of tasks of particular importance and complexity.

According to the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" for impeccable and effective civil service, the following types promotions and awards:

On the other hand, the use of the term "organization" is more restrictive, and Max Weber may have taken up this idea at home, although, as far as we know, he never quotes it. Once again we find ourselves faced with the deeper question of why other types of nations adopt similar institutions more or less different shape? In this important book, which is too often forgotten as the co-founder of sociology, and where Herbert Spencer deals with "society as a thing", said society is defined as an organic totality, more or less organized according to the state of differentiation of the parties.

1) declaration of gratitude with payment of a one-time incentive;

2) awarding a certificate of honor government agency with the payment of a one-time incentive or with the presentation of a valuable gift;

3) other types of incentives and awards of the state body;

4) payment of a one-time incentive in connection with retirement from a state pension for long service;

In evolution, integration is primary and secondary differentiation. “Progress in organization” depends on the way the parts are aggregated and broken down in relation to the whole. There is no doubt that Herbert Spencer has the idea of ​​a basic organization in mind, even if he rarely uses the term and prefers the organ. He further compares industrial organs with glands and shows that the transition of old industries to “highly developed industrial organs” is carried out gradually due to the salarization of the growing mass of people, the expansion of business through workshops with ever more populous populations leading to large factories, and large institutions exerting a polarizing influence. effects.

5) encouragement from the Government of the Russian Federation;

6) encouragement from the President of the Russian Federation;

7) conferring honorary titles of the Russian Federation;

8) awarding insignia of the Russian Federation;

9) awarding orders and medals of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the legal liability of civil servants: disciplinary, material, administrative, criminal and civil.

Thus, a change in structure accompanies a change in function, which is the basic law of biological and social evolution. For Herbert Spencer, “an organization consists of the construction of a whole that enables its parties to carry out activities of mutual dependence.” Division is less harmful to a primitive ensemble than to a civilized ensemble, due to the organic connection which characterizes the latter. This, with the help of several comparisons with plants or animals, is related between function and structure.

Herbert Spencer directly refers to the "apparatus of organs" and then to the "elementary" organizations: the means of communication and transport have important for industrial and government organizations and contribute to production functions. There is no doubt that it is not the liberal ideology combined with a certain concept of order and rationality that pushes Spencer and Weber to occupy us with our semantic reduction. adds the central idea of ​​the "struggle for life", the concept of struggle with which Max Weber presents his utilitarian and biosocial theory in the sense that the "struggle for life" clearly points to Max Weber's "biological selection" into Darwinism.

Disciplinary responsibility - this is the application of disciplinary measures in the order of official subordination for committing disciplinary offense or for other unlawful acts not prosecuted.

The Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” stipulates that for committing a disciplinary offense, i.e. for failure or improper performance by a civil servant through his fault of the official duties assigned to him, the employer's representative has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions: reprimand; rebuke; warning about incomplete job compliance; exemption from a civil service position; dismissal from the civil service on the grounds established by the said Federal Law.

Institution as an organization

Between these fundamentals of the concept of organization and its modern applications, especially in the tradition of Michel Crozier, there are several intermediaries that we can quickly call upon. In a text that offers a secular vision of the institution, Everett Hughes would later adopt a Weberian pose.

By defining the institution as a group of people like Max Weber, Hughes abandons historical memory and symbolism. Focusing on internal relations, such as Max Weber's constant reference to normative provisions, he avoids the environment and the global vocation of the institution, and Max Weber represents the rational interest. On the side of affect or tradition, as the basis of the organized grouping to which he reduces the institution, Everett Hughes focuses on the individual, his career, his interactions with both the Chicago School and Elton Mayo's industrial psychology.

30. Enterprises and institutions, as types of organizations.

Enterprise– a commercial organization that has the status of a legal entity and pursues commercial goals: production of products, trade in goods, provision of services and performance of work. A legal entity includes a wide range of assets, including movable and real estate, exclusive rights, working capital, finished products and raw materials and much more.

Institutions are "established stages public opinion”, which most often survive only if they mobilize people and take the business path: satisfying customer needs. It also emphasizes the opposition between the illogical aspects of social behavior and the formal and rationalized procedures of institutions. The institution is indeed a material sediment organizational type, a specific container, as residents of the housing and whose research assumes internal knowledge: “it is impossible to analyze an institution without having access to data that will reveal its inner workings.”

Establishment– a non-profit organization created to perform tasks related to socio-cultural, educational, educational and other activities that do not directly involve making money. The owner can be either a private or legal entity, the state, financing the project partially or fully.

Institutions sometimes have more or less numerous members, but still control various aspects of the lives of the people they are interested in, and also help them solve personal crises, even if they are of a secular type. Note that Everett Hughes compares institutions to associations or companies. This gives them a clear organizational connotation.

His contemporary and compatriot Ralph Linton would do the same at the end of the war, as a so-called cultural anthropologist, but defining "organized groups" more broadly. He believes that “man is the starting point. a logical departure from any study of global configuration" and that the pinnacle of integration and "homogeneous social structure" is the anthill, then it assimilates all groups or "primary societies" into "structures", filling Precise functions, which are also systems that classify and organize people .

Before explaining this modern trend, we must quickly identify the use of these concepts by other "founding fathers" who offer different theoretical models. Conceptual pairing in some liberal authors: Herbert Spencer, Max Weber and Gabriel de Tarde. We tend to forget that Max Weber is already doing very modern use concept of organization, and even if he also uses this concept in the usual sense of general arrangement social forms, he views it primarily as a container of individuals and means to an end.

Difference between enterprise and institution

Thus, the main difference between an enterprise and an institution is the goals of its activities. The company is engaged exclusively in commercial activities, with profit making as its top priority. Its effectiveness is assessed by the level of profitability, that is net profit. The institution pursues other goals, including training citizens, charity and education. Its effectiveness can be assessed by both qualitative and quantitative indicators: the amount of funds raised, the number of patients cured, etc. It is worth noting that the property of an enterprise is accepted on the right of economic management, institution - operational management.

In economic law, there is a gradation of legal entities by type and type. Considering the increasing penetration of legislation into the life of every person, we cannot separate ourselves from this reality. For many people, the term "institution" is synonymous with the word "organization" (and vice versa), although this is not the case. What is the difference between these concepts and why is it so important to distinguish them from each other?

Establishment– a non-profit legal entity created to solve social, managerial, cultural and other problems at the expense of the owner. In other words, this person is not aimed at making a profit and exists at the expense of sponsorship or subsidies. The owner can be absolutely any subject of legal relations (individual or legal entity, state, city, etc.).

Organization- an association of people and resources created to perform certain tasks, satisfy the interests and needs of people. The distribution of roles and responsibilities can be either formal or informal. Organizations operating in the field of economic and political activity, need mandatory registration. At the same time, some informal associations (artist unions, interest groups) can act completely freely on the principles of voluntary participation.

So, the concept of “organization” is broad, it includes state, municipal, public legal entities, including institutions. They can be sports, military, cultural, educational. A significant part of organizations either conduct commercial activities or have such a right. An institution is always a non-profit legal entity that is not aimed at making a profit. It is maintained by the owner (individual or legal entity), who covers all expenses.

The institution always operates on a legal basis. In relation to organizations, they can also be illegal (criminal, terrorist, religious destructive). The institution must be registered in accordance with the established procedure. Its creators prepare a charter, which is approved by their common decision. An organization can also be registered. In some countries (Belarus is one of our closest ones), registration is mandatory, and failure to do so can result in penalties. criminal liability. But in developed world formal consolidation of the association is not necessary, since, otherwise, it violates basic human rights and freedoms. As a last resort, the notification procedure works.

Conclusions website

  1. Scope of concepts. Organization is a broader concept, and it includes, among other things, the term “institution.” For example, to the number social organizations include institutions and foundations, as well as temporary groups for raising funds and seeking sponsorship.
  2. Making a profit. The institution always operates on a non-commercial basis and is a deliberately unprofitable project. If under the guise social activities make a profit, this is illegal. Organizations can be both commercial and non-profit; legal entities registered in accordance with the established procedure have the right to receive profit in compliance with the requirements of the law.
  3. Registration is mandatory. Institutions need to formalize their existence, while organizations do so only in certain cases.
  4. Legal basis for activity. The institution exists on the basis of the charter, which is approved by the founders. An organization may have title documents if it is registered in the prescribed manner. But if it is outside the legal framework, then such papers make no sense.

At the same time, the activities of enterprises are often accompanied by the implementation individual functions, characteristic of institutions, and, conversely, institutions can perform work characteristic of enterprises (for example, research institutions often operate experimental and other factories, various production units). IN Civil Code RF designated state and municipal unitary enterprises(Article 113)

How does an organization differ from an institution?

In some cases, a non-profit organization may act on the basis general position about organizations of this type.

By decision of the founders (participants) or the body authorized to do so by the constituent documents, a non-profit organization may be reorganized.

Reorganization can be carried out in the form of merger, accession, division, separation and transformation. A non-profit organization can engage in business only insofar as it serves the purpose for which it was created; the business activity itself must be consistent with these goals.

Institution - a non-profit organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-commercial nature and financed by him in whole or in part - Art.

120 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. and the Organization can be either commercial, i.e. with making a profit. as a legal entity (A legal entity is an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court - Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in this case “ educational institution» may conduct the activities provided for in its charter entrepreneurial activity, including selling and leasing your property; provide paid educational services etc.

The institution operates on the basis of its charter.

It must contain information about the name and location of the institution, the subject and purpose of its activities, management procedures, sources of property, etc.

The owner of the institution is obliged to finance the institution in whole or in part.

Since the authorities state power It is prohibited to conduct income-generating activities, then the financing of such institutions must be carried out entirely from the appropriate budget.

An institution (organization) is

Constituent document of these legal entities is the charter approved by the owner. The name of the institution must include an indication of the owner of the property and the nature of the institution’s activities, for example: “Private Museum of A.

A. Korneeva." " Autonomous institution a non-profit organization created by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal entity to perform work, provide services in order to implement provided for by law Russian Federation powers of government bodies, powers of bodies local government in the fields of science, education, healthcare, culture, social protection, employment, physical culture and sports.

What is the difference between an organization and an enterprise: practical aspect

Let's take another walk to broaden our horizons.

So, subjects economic activity can take different organizational forms (technical enterprises, society with limited liability) and operate in a strictly defined sector. Whereas associations are present wherever there are at least two people.

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At least you don't want to blush and apologize.

Difference between institution and organization

An organization is an association of people and resources created to perform certain tasks and satisfy the interests and needs of people. The distribution of roles and responsibilities can be either formal or informal.

Organizations operating in the field of economic and political activities require mandatory registration. At the same time, some informal associations (artist unions, interest groups) can act completely freely on the principles of voluntary participation.


Perform official duties conscientiously, at a high professional level in order to ensure efficient work government agency. These responsibilities are determined job descriptions, regulations, charters.

29. Restrictions related to public service. Incentives and responsibilities of civil servants.

Article 16. Restrictions related to civil service

1. A citizen cannot be accepted into the civil service, and a civil servant cannot be in the civil service in the case of:

1) recognition of him as incompetent or partially capable by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

2) his conviction to a punishment that excludes the possibility of performing official duties in a position of state service (civil service), by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, as well as in the case of a criminal record that has not been expunged or expunged in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

3) refusal to undergo the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal law, if the performance of official duties in a civil service position for which a citizen is applying, or in a civil service position being filled by a civil servant involves the use of such information;
4) the presence of a disease that prevents entry into the civil service or its completion and confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization. The procedure for undergoing medical examination, the list of such diseases and the form of conclusion of the medical organization are established by the federal body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation executive branch;
5) close relationship or relationship (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children) with a civil servant, if filling a civil service position is associated with the direct subordination or control of one of them to another ;
6) renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship of another state;
7) having citizenship of another state (other states), unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation;
8) submission of false documents or knowingly false information when entering the civil service;
9) failure to provide information established by this Federal Law or provision of knowingly false information about income, property and property-related obligations when entering the civil service;
10) loss by the employer’s representative of trust in a civil servant in cases of non-compliance with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements to prevent or resolve conflicts of interest and failure to fulfill the duties established for the purpose of combating corruption by this Federal Law, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Anti-Corruption" and other federal laws.
2. Other restrictions related to entry into the civil service and its completion, with the exception of the restrictions specified in Part 1 of this article, are established by federal laws.
3. Liability for failure to comply with the restrictions provided for in Part 1 of this article is established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

Encouragement is an important means of educating civil servants and strengthening service (military) discipline. It applies to civil servants for impeccable and efficient service, conscientious performance of official duties, and successful completion of tasks of particular importance and complexity.

According to the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the following types of incentives and awards are applied for impeccable and effective civil service:

1) declaration of gratitude with payment of a one-time incentive;

2) awarding a certificate of honor from a state body with the payment of a one-time incentive or with the presentation of a valuable gift;

3) other types of incentives and awards of the state body;

4) payment of a one-time incentive in connection with retirement from a state pension for long service;

5) encouragement from the Government of the Russian Federation;

6) encouragement from the President of the Russian Federation;

7) conferring honorary titles of the Russian Federation;

8) awarding insignia of the Russian Federation;

9) awarding orders and medals of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the legal liability of civil servants: disciplinary, material, administrative, criminal and civil.

Disciplinary responsibility- this is the application of disciplinary measures in the order of official subordination for committing a disciplinary offense or for other unlawful actions that are not criminally prosecuted.

The Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” stipulates that for committing a disciplinary offense, i.e. for failure or improper performance by a civil servant through his fault of the official duties assigned to him, the employer’s representative has the right to apply the following disciplinary action: remark; rebuke; warning about incomplete job compliance; exemption from a civil service position; dismissal from the civil service on the grounds established by the said Federal Law.

30. Enterprises and institutions, as types of organizations.

Enterprise– a commercial organization that has the status of a legal entity and pursues commercial goals: production of products, trade in goods, provision of services and performance of work. A legal entity includes a wide range of assets, including movable and immovable property, exclusive rights, working capital, finished products and raw materials, and much more.

Establishment– a non-profit organization created to perform tasks related to socio-cultural, educational, educational and other activities that do not directly involve making money. The owner can be a private person, a legal entity, or the state, financing the project partially or fully.

Difference between enterprise and institution

Thus, the main difference between an enterprise and an institution is the goals of its activities. The company is engaged exclusively in commercial activities, with profit making as its top priority. Its effectiveness is assessed by the level of profitability, that is, net profit. The institution pursues other goals, including training citizens, charity and education. Its effectiveness can be assessed by both qualitative and quantitative indicators: the amount of funds raised, the number of patients cured, etc. It is worth noting that the property of an enterprise is accepted on the right of economic management, institution - operational management.