Functioning of the educational services market in the country. Features of the educational services market - document

Romanova I.M.,
d.e. Sc., Professor of the Department of Marketing and Commerce

Shevchenko ABOUT . M .,
Postgraduate student of the Department of Marketing and Commerce
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Polupanova IN . A .,
intern at the Marketing Research Center
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

The article discusses approaches to defining the concept of “market of educational services”. The essence of the educational services market is determined. The structure is revealed and characteristics of the educational services market are given.

The market for educational services can be characterized as a system of direct and indirect socio-economic relations regarding the purchase and sale of the product “educational services”, which has a use value, a market price determined by supply and demand. This system assumes that the consumer can choose the form and methods of satisfying the need for education.

Currently in economic theory The following approaches to defining the concept of “market of educational services” have been formed (Table 1).

We will consider the market for educational services as contractual relationships entered into by consumers and producers of educational services for the purpose of purchasing or selling a given educational service.

The essence of the educational services market is most fully manifested in its following functions:
– the function of self-regulation of the provision of educational services, manifested in the expansion of the scale of provision of services and an increase in prices for them as demand grows;
– a stimulating function, expressed in the introduction of new educational technologies that help reduce costs and lower prices for training specialists;
– functions of social significance of educational services in conditions of their absence;
– a regulatory function that establishes certain proportions in the provision of educational services and the exchange of them;
– the function of democratization, manifested in the differentiation of educational institutions and the liberation of education from non-viable elements.

The main subjects of market relations in the educational services market are: producers of educational services (educational institutions and individuals providing educational services on an individual basis); consumers of educational services (individuals, firms, enterprises, organizations, governing bodies, etc.); intermediaries (including employment services, labor exchanges, public institutions and structures that promote the promotion of educational services on the market, etc.).

Producers of educational services form the supply of these services on the market. The most active subject of market relations among these producers are educational institutions, which have a decisive influence on the structure of the services offered, and, consequently, market segmentation.

Consumers of educational services create demand for them. At the same time, society, firms, enterprises, organizations, etc. act, in essence, as intermediate consumers of educational services (customers, in a way).

Being interested in the most complete and effective satisfaction of their needs for educational services, they stimulate this consumption, including paying for these services in full or in part, creating various types of scholarship funds etc.

The final consumer of educational services is a specific individual who serves as a material carrier of educational, professional, cultural and spiritual potential and uses it not only for the subsequent creation of public goods and improvement of his financial situation, but also to satisfy his non-material needs (cultural, spiritual, cognitive and etc.) .

Intermediary structures facilitate effective promotion educational services on the market and perform functions such as informing, consulting, organizing the sale of educational services, resource support for education, etc.

The interaction of subjects of market relations in the educational services market is determined by the mechanism of its functioning. This mechanism is based on a set of general principles for organizing market relations that determine the strategy and tactics of behavior in the market of producers, intermediaries and consumers of educational services.

The objects of the educational services market are: educational services offered for exchange, which are in certain demand; the nature of the market exchange of these services (specific objects of exchange and economic relations between subjects of the educational services market); quantitative parameters of demand and supply of educational services (boundaries of the educational services market and its segments); environmental (marketing) environment of the educational services market; trends in changes in the conditions of these services in a separate segment and in the market as a whole; competitiveness of educational services.

The range of educational services should also be included in the list of educational market objects, since along with the main criterion of content, thematic focus (profile) and specialization of education, the criteria of depth, thoroughness, duration of provision of educational services, their breadth, degree of fundamentality, as well as the degree of practicality are taken into account here. orientation towards solving problems of specific consumers.

Structuring the educational services market involves identifying its main structure-forming elements according to certain characteristics. The largest structure-forming elements of the educational services market, identified according to its essential characteristics, are producers of educational services and end consumers of these services with a complex and multidimensional set of their needs and interests.

There is a division of producers of educational services according to organizational and legal forms educational organizations. On this basis, state, municipal and non-state educational organizations are distinguished. This classification causes a lot of controversy. Firstly, in relation to producers of educational services, it is too conditional, since both those and other and third educational organizations, by the nature of their activities, are focused on solving the same government problems in the field of education. Secondly, in practice, such a classification led to an unjustified opposition of non-state educational organizations to state ones, which provoked unfair competition between them in the educational services market.

In this regard, it is more correct, in our opinion, to structure the market into groups of educational service providers based on the following characteristics: the composition of the founders, forms of education, educational programs being implemented, type of educational organization, status of the educational organization (Fig. 1).

The structuring of the market for educational services in terms of their supply can be carried out according to the same criteria by which groups of producers of educational services were distinguished. But in addition to such structuring, it is of interest to divide the market into groups of educational services according to parameters that reflect the specifics of their production. Based on these parameters, the educational services market can be divided into the following parts: educational services, the production of which is paid for from the federal and local budgets, from extra-budgetary sources, directly by the consumer or his sponsor; educational services, prices for which are regulated by the state, and educational services, prices for which are formed purely by market mechanisms; educational services intended for a group of consumers and for an individual consumer.

This division is necessary to assess the supply of educational services on the market, track trends in its changes, and determine the behavior strategy of subjects of market relations. This is important for producers of educational services in order to make the right management decisions, strengthen positions in the market, identify potential competitors, increase demand for their educational services, etc.

The educational services market is characterized by the following features:

1. Mismatch between the labor market and the educational services market. The disproportion between the structure and volumes of specialist training and the professional and qualification structure of labor demand is one of the significant factors that sets the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the imbalance. In practice, this is an inflated production of specialists in “fashionable” professions (law, economics, management, accounting, finance, etc.) to the detriment of training personnel for the reviving industry, social sphere and new market structures (Fig. 2).

2. A large time lag between the emergence of demand for specialists of a particular profile and the period when this demand can be satisfied.

According to the current contour of higher education, this is 3–5 years, for MBA programs – 1.5–2 years. The speed of transformations in the economy and, accordingly, the speed of changes in the structure of demand for specialists exceed the adaptation capabilities of the educational services market available today.

3. Demand in the educational services market has a pronounced regional localization, i.e. most applicants are consumers in the regional educational services market and most graduates are in demand in the regional labor market.

Crisis phenomena in the country have led to a stricter connection of the population to educational institutions in their region. The income level of consumers of educational services does not always allow them to provide training and accommodation in other regions of the country and abroad during the period of study.

4. Reduced demand for the services of primary vocational education institutions and, as a consequence, a reduction in their number. The demand for primary vocational education services is extremely low. Currently, about 88% of families prefer that their children receive higher education, and 57.4% are willing to pay for it. Against this background, the number of those oriented towards secondary and primary vocational education is negligible: if after the 9th grade you continue studying in secondary school 62% of students are going to go to a technical school - 11%, and only 5% to a vocational school. Obviously, the plans of adolescents and their parents regarding studying in institutions of primary vocational education are influenced by the further employment of graduates of these institutions. The distinctive features of representatives of this socio-demographic group is their low competitiveness in the labor market due to the lack of sufficient qualifications, work experience and practical experience work .

5. One of the features characterizing the situation in the educational services market is the massification of higher education. If in the 1970s–1980s. the number of university students in the country was within 3–7% of the population, and the number of institutions of higher professional education reached 450–500, then from the beginning of the 2000s. the number of universities doubled (not counting the opening of numerous branches), and the number of students increased 1.77 times (Table 2).

The goal of obtaining higher education has become a generally accepted norm, demonstrated by all age, professional, regional and income groups. The need for a higher education diploma is mainly dictated by employers. Higher education is one of the main criteria by which an applicant is considered for a particular position. In 95% of cases, the employer requires a higher education diploma. The educational system has acquired the features of a market one: demand from applicants is growing every year, universities are in a hurry to respond with offers.

6. Decrease in the number of potential consumers of educational services due to negative demographic processes in the country. Since the mid-80s. last century, there has been a steady downward trend in the birth rate, which affects the number of potential graduates. Already today, educational institutions are experiencing a reduction in the flow of applicants due to the fall in the birth rate. In a few years, the student shortage will become especially noticeable. Demographic situation in the country helps to improve the quality of educational services. As a result, we should expect increased competition between universities.

7. The dominant feature of the modern market of educational services is the convergence and integration of national education systems. Russia participates in international projects, actively exchanges students and teaching staff, and the traditions and norms of the world educational system inevitably penetrate our educational space.

A reflection of the integration process is the cooperation of educational organizations and national educational systems in the development of uniform quality standards and units of measurement of teaching load. Currently, Russian universities are in the process of mastering the terms of the Bologna Declaration. Russia has committed itself to introducing a two-stage education system (bachelor's and master's degrees) by 2010. In the structure of Russian higher education, two qualification degrees are most widespread: bachelor and specialist (Table 3) - as opposed to master's programs, which are not popular enough, perhaps due to the lack of demand for masters in the labor market.

8. The main qualitative feature of demand parameters in the educational services market is the formation of a qualitatively new demand for a system of continuous specialized secondary (lyceum), pre-university secondary specialized (college), university, as well as additional, postgraduate education on the basis of a single university complex.

9. A significant feature shaping the modern market of educational services is the recently emerged direction of distance learning. It seems to be one of the most promising forms of development of educational services, making it possible to get the desired education without leaving home. Distance learning makes quality education more accessible and opens up new prospects for both consumers and sellers.

10. A specific feature of the Russian market of educational services is dependence on the state. Until 1998, the budget of the education system was formed and executed line-by-line. That is, the budgetary allocations for the industry were determined by the ramifications of the network, staffing, the level of material and technical equipment, and only indirectly depended on the number of students. Now the budget is formed according to the rate of expenditure per student or pupil. A change in the number of students entails a change in budget funding. Ideally, this should lead to healthy competition between educational institutions: in the end, the winner is where the quality of the services offered is higher. Thus, the state stimulates competition between educational institutions, which should contribute to the qualitative growth of the services offered.

11. Increased monopolization of the educational services market and, as a consequence, an increase in prices for this type of service. Along with monopolistic universities in the field of educational services, using the pricing mechanism inherent in their status, there are also educational institutions operating in the oligopoly market and in the market monopolistic competition. An example of universities operating in an oligopolistic market is the country's legal educational institutions. Prices in this market are based on the leader's prices and vary within certain limits. Now the cost of studying at universities ranges from 18 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. per semester.

In general, the view of the education system as a market for educational services, where seller and buyer meet, is still in its formation stage.

The consumer cannot yet take full advantage of the rights granted, and the seller is not ready to fully respond mobile and adequately to the educational demands of society.

Sources used
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7. Starovoitova T.A. Formation and development of the educational services market in Russia // Scientific notes. – 2009. – No. 2. – P. 519–522.
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Also on this topic.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
State educational institution
higher professional education
East Siberian State
Technological University GOUVPU VSTU
Intersectoral Regional Institute for Personnel Retraining

Topic: “The market for educational services, its structure”

Ulan - Ude

Chapter 1. Market for educational services. Concept.
1.1. The concept of the educational services market.
1.2. Definition of educational service.
1.3. Classification of educational services.
Chapter 2. Analysis of the educational services market.
2.1. Investments in education.
2.2. Preschool education.
2.3. General education.
2.4. Primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education
Chapter 3. Structure of the educational services market.
3.1. Pre-university preparation of applicants.
3.2. Higher non-state education.
3.3. Territorial separate divisions of universities

List of used literature


Nowadays, the modern market for educational services is rapidly growing and developing. At the same time, advertising and its technologies are a central element of market relations. There are a huge variety of methods for promoting goods and services on the market. That is why the work is devoted to the peculiarities of promoting higher educational institutions in the educational services market.
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in recent years a serious and difficult situation. A huge number of branches have opened, striving to find as many applicants as possible. To do this, they advertise in print media, on billboards and on television. Operating universities have their own advertising policy in the same way.
The development of market relations in Russia has led to the fact that education has turned from a free privilege paid for by the state into a product, or rather an intangible service. In a fairly short period of time, a market for educational services has developed in Russia, the supply of which has made a colossal leap over the past 5-7 years. In many cases, supply even exceeds demand. At the same time, if marketing tools have been used in business, economics, and advertising for quite a long time, education and commerce were recently perceived by public opinion as antagonistic concepts. Therefore, in the field of education, marketing and market management tools are used in insufficient degree. However, the problem of the relevance of using marketing in the field of education is of great interest. Real life practice and the experience of thriving educational institutions clearly demonstrate that a reliable guarantee of the successful operation of an educational institution in market conditions is the use of a marketing approach in managing its activities, in particular the sales and promotion of services. That is why we decided to identify the features of promoting educational services.
The purpose of the presented work is to consider identifying the features of the promotion of higher educational institutions in the market of educational services.
The object of the study is the educational services market.
The subject of the study is the structure of educational services.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Study the theoretical foundations of the educational services market, understand what it is
2) Analyze the market for educational services
3) Study the structure of the market in question
4) Make an analysis and conclusions based on all the work, and derive the most effective methods for promoting higher educational institutions in the educational services market.

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter includes the concept of the market for educational services. The second chapter touches on market analysis in modern Russia. The final third chapter represents the research part of the structure of the educational services market.
In conclusion, general conclusions on the work are presented.

Chapter 1. Market for educational services.

1.1 The market for educational services is the material relationship between participants in the educational process: students, organizations providing educational services, individuals and organizations paying for these services.
The formation of the modern market for educational services began in the 90s of the last century. With the country's transition to market economy Its main segments were determined: state and non-state. But now this division does not fully reflect the diversity of the educational market. Therefore, experts distinguish three main modern segments:
The “white” segment is represented by paid departments of state universities, non-state paid schools and universities, various paid courses (driving, accounting, programming, foreign languages, advanced training, etc.)
The “gray” segment is represented by the services of state and non-state educational institutions, as well as individuals who do not prepare documents properly. This may include distortion of statistical data and tax reporting, or the introduction of additional fees in cash or in kind (“voluntary donations”), without proper registration.
The “black” segment is represented by educational institutions operating without obtaining the necessary licenses, or extending their activities far beyond the scope stipulated by the license, as well as by the system of bribes and extortions when entering universities, when passing session exams, etc., widespread in the sector state higher education
The Moscow educational market is very different from the national one. This is partly due to established contacts with foreign education. It is therefore not surprising that he was the first to respond to new needs. On the one hand, new educational institutions have appeared offering educational services high quality and at an appropriate price. On the other hand, there are offers of weak and dubious training programs at low and even ultra-low prices.
It was also natural for Muscovites to enter the untapped regional market. This expansion continues to this day, but other cities have joined it. Therefore, now a number of institutions have regional center branch, and in a district - a branch of a branch. Such “aliens” can be divided into three categories:
The first is non-state Moscow universities. The expansion scheme used by these universities is extremely simple. A room is rented, teachers from local universities are invited, educational and methodological support is brought from the main university, and the educational process is launched.
The second category includes branches of metropolitan state universities that use local technical schools or vocational schools. This category is not as numerous as the previous one, and the technology for entering the market is also different: an agreement is concluded with a city or regional educational institution, graduates of basic education are accepted to the next level of education educational institution.
The third group includes a very small number of educational institutions. As a rule, an invitation from the regional administration is used here, a powerful advertising campaign, careful study legal aspects appearance in the region.
All three groups have one thing in common: the vocational and educational programs that dealer branches brought with them to the regions are limited and monotonous in content. The following specialties are required: “Jurisprudence”, “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Economics”, “Management”
As for the market volume, about 60% of Russian middle class families had expenses under the item “Education” in 2001 - from 4 to 6 million families. The average level of expenses on education in families where there was such an item was $800-900 per year per family.
According to experts, graduates economic universities still remain the most popular on the market - they account for over 40% of demand. The demand for this type of specialty has not waned for many years, despite the fact that many are now talking about the “overproduction” of economists. This popularity is explained by the growing interest in small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurial activities. Related professions, such as financial analysts and auditors, are also very popular in the labor market.
Second place is occupied by technical specialties, especially in the field of information technology. The demand for IT specialists is quite explainable by the growth of technological progress.
Today the demand for marketers, brand managers and public relations specialists is very high - the number of jobs for them is increasing year by year. This trend will continue in the next 3-5 years, because there are more and more companies creating their own marketing and PR departments.
The profession of a sales manager is now also considered to be in short supply, but with a narrow focus, for example, in food products, sporting goods or certain equipment.
The growth of wholesale and retail trade in our country requires training in such specialties as sales representatives and merchandisers.
According to the latest data, with the rapid pace of economic development, and, accordingly, the service sector, there is an increasing need for specialists in this field. These are administrators, highly qualified managers of all levels. This is due to the active growth of the hotel and restaurant business, as well as others with an increase in the consumption of other types of services. This trend also covers the demand for medical workers of all levels and specializations.
As a new direction, it is worth noting the emergence of demand for regional managers, city and regional sales representatives. This is due to the expansion of the activities of many companies and their entry into regional markets. In this regard, we are recruiting managers at various levels to work in the regions.
Interestingly, the demand for lawyers, who recently led the rankings of the most in-demand professions, is declining. Experts see the reason for this phenomenon as the fact that the market is oversaturated with these specialists. Too many graduates in the 90s chose this popular profession. Nevertheless, many today choose a second higher education in this specialty (29%). Most likely, this is due to the fact that people want to gain the missing legal knowledge, but in the future they still intend to work in their specialty.
The demand for qualified technical personnel is growing. Such specialists are now needed everywhere, especially in production. It is interesting that enterprises are ready to hire even very young people with minimal work experience and even no experience at all. Today, representatives of engineering and technical specialties are rated especially highly.
Among the specialists for whom experts predict good prospects for the coming years are chemical engineers, technologists food industry and civil engineers, as a number of large new businesses are expected to open in the consumer goods market. In addition, the market for raw materials, packaging and equipment for food production is developing rapidly.
The advertising business is experiencing active growth today, which, according to analysts, will require specialists in this field. But there is some complexity here: the formation of the Russian institute of advertising business took place in the 90s. At that time, people without appropriate education worked in this field, since advertising was a new phenomenon in our country. The consequence of this has been a divergence of views on training programs and chaos in scientific approaches; knowledge of languages ​​is still at a premium. The demand for translators has especially increased over the past three years, when European companies began to actively develop the Russian market. Translation specialists are especially in demand in narrow fields, such as automotive, agriculture, industry, finance, etc. One of the main problems is the large time gap between the emergence of demand for specialists of one or another profile and the period when this demand can be satisfied.
Another difficulty of the market is career guidance for applicants. Vocational guidance is a system of activities to familiarize oneself with the world of professions and the specifics various types activities. Career guidance promotes the choice of profession in accordance with individual abilities and inclinations, as well as the opportunities that society provides to a person.
Most graduates choose a specialty and educational institution based on the opinions of their parents or friends, as well as the prestige of their future profession. The situation is aggravated by the large gap between the school curriculum and admission requirements. In recent years, many attempts have been made to reduce this gap through the creation of preparatory courses at higher and secondary specialized institutions, as well as through the introduction of the Unified State Examination system. Another specific feature of the Russian educational services market is its sharp difference from the European market. And it’s not just that diplomas from Russian educational institutions are not valued abroad. Here it makes sense to mention the Bologna process. In 2003, Russia committed itself to introducing a two-stage education system (bachelor's and master's degrees) by 2010, accrediting educational institutions, and introducing a system for recording the disciplines studied and credit units adopted in Europe (according to the website http://student.

Large Russian universities reacted negatively to the idea of ​​adopting the Bologna system, rightly believing that their graduates would already find good jobs in the West. But, on the other hand, for less famous educational institutions, and especially for their branches in the regions, the Bologna system is rather beneficial. Its action will be like a filter, the “weak” ones will be eliminated and the level of educational services offered will rise, which for the most part at the regional level leaves much to be desired.
According to experts from the All-Russian Educational Foundation, the Bologna process is nothing more than a hidden transition to paid education, because a master's degree will be a very expensive pleasure. The student will have a choice: remain a bachelor and not be able to realize himself in the labor market, or pay a lot of money for the second level of the European education system, which, according to various estimates, costs from 3 to 6 thousand euros in Europe
Meanwhile, experts' forecasts about the demographic crisis of 1991-1997 were confirmed. First of all, this affected full-time education. A decrease in the total number of students admitted to universities in Russia was noted already in the 2004/05 academic year. Universities and other educational institutions found their place in the system of market relations later than other Russian structures; moreover, the market for educational services is still at the stage of formation. This explains the large volume of the “black” and “gray” market segment. Educational institutions need well-organized management and new marketing solutions, of course, taking into account the specifics of this market. The specificity lies in the strong dependence on the state. Until 1998, the budget of the education system was formed and executed line-by-line. That is, the budgetary allocations for the industry were determined by the ramifications of the network, staffing, the level of material and technical equipment, and only indirectly depended on the number of students. Now the budget is formed according to the rate of expenditure per student or pupil. This means that no change or restructuring of the education system can change the allocations. Only a change in the number of students entails a change in budget funding. Ideally, this should lead to healthy competition between educational institutions: in the end, the winner is the one with the higher quality of the services offered. Thus, the state stimulates competition between educational institutions, which should contribute to the qualitative growth of the services offered.
Today, the main contradiction in the management of most educational institutions is the discrepancy between the internal management system and the need for the organization to behave as a participant in market relations.
To a large extent, the formation of the educational services market is influenced by a recently emerged direction - distance learning. It makes quality education more accessible and opens up new prospects for both consumers and sellers. Regional branches were also called upon to solve this problem, but as time has shown, they did not fully cope with this task. Only 4% of educational institutions from the total number of non-state universities in the regions are head universities, the rest belong to territorial divisions of capital universities. The state creates such conditions that the powerful core of higher education is state universities, and the periphery is a small layer of non-state structures.

Non-state educational institutions now have to overcome many difficulties. This includes high rent for premises and the strict tax policy of the state. In addition, non-state educational institutions are forced to invest huge amounts of money in “promotion”, because the trademark of state educational institutions has long been paid for by the state. To this we must add a vague regulatory framework in the field of non-state education, difficulties in registering and obtaining a license, passing accreditation and certification.
Thus, the conditions created by the state for private educational structures negatively affect the growth of competitiveness within the market under study.

According to experts, there are three options for further developments:
1. Changing the conditions of existence of non-state educational institutions, that is, reducing taxes, simplifying (or reducing the time frame) the licensing and registration system, improving regulatory regulation of activities, developing special systems lending to educational institutions, etc. This should lead to strengthening the position of the non-state sector in the educational market. In this case, government institutions will be placed in strict, truly market conditions.
2. Tightening the conditions for licensing and accreditation. With this scenario, the quality of non-state education will undoubtedly improve, since the “surviving” non-state educational structures will be able to compete even with the most famous state universities and colleges.
3. Returning to the Bologna system, oblige non-state educational institutions to accept its conditions in order to bring them under a single educational standard or leave the second level of the European educational standard, that is, a paid master's degree, for the non-state sector. Already, many non-state educational institutions specialize in providing additional educational services, but they are deprived of the right to offer consumers many state educational programs, such as, for example, the Presidential Personnel Training Program.

Nowadays, competition between universities is stimulated with the help of a system for certifying the quality of education by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. A rating is compiled that takes into account a number of indicators:
- level of professorial teaching staff;
- classroom fund;
- level of informatization;
- number of publications, defended dissertations;
- budgetary allocations for scientific research;
- technical equipment and use of advanced technologies, etc.
In addition, a system for certifying the quality of education has already been established and work continues to create uniform standards for assessing the quality of a university. Another innovation is the provision of loans to students with subsequent mandatory work in their specialty. Otherwise, the student agrees to repay the loan. The implementation of all these measures should have a positive impact on the consistent formation of the educational services market, which will be segmented only into state and non-state, without “black” and “gray” segments.

Key conclusions from the review:
In recent years, the educational services market has been undergoing qualitative changes, in which the Bologna process plays a major role. Moscow occupies a leading position in the educational services market. Currently, there are 112 state universities and more than 250 non-state universities in Moscow.
The demographic situation in the country, especially its forecast for the next few years, contributes to increasing the quality level of educational services. As a consequence, we should expect increased competition between universities. This will affect two indicators: the quality of education and the demand for graduates in the labor market.
One of the most pressing problems for the non-state segment of the educational services market remains the lack of a clear regulatory framework and state barriers to licensing educational institutions.
One of the most promising forms of development of educational services is distance learning, which allows you to get the desired education without leaving home.
In general, the view of the education system as a market for educational services, where seller and buyer meet, is still in its formation stage. The consumer cannot yet take full advantage of the rights granted. The seller is not yet ready to fully mobile

1.2 Concept of educational service
Before defining the term educational service, it is necessary to outline the essence of the concepts of service and education. And also emphasize the main difference between a product and a service. A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another and which is largely intangible and does not lead to the acquisition of anything Kotler, F. Fundamentals of Marketing. - M.: Economy Press, 2005. P. 265..
Based on the classical theory of marketing, services have a number of specific characteristics that distinguish them from goods and which must be taken into account when developing marketing programs:
- Intangibility. Services cannot be seen, tasted, heard or smelled until purchased.
- Inseparability from the source. The service is inseparable from its source; its implementation is possible only in the presence of the manufacturer.
- Inconsistency of quality. The quality of services varies widely depending on their producers, as well as the time and place of their provision.
It is these characteristics that provide the basis for defining the concept of service.
The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” gives the following definition of education - “a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of an individual, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.” This definition gives a more detailed assessment, but not a complete one.
From another point of view, an educational service is understood as a system of knowledge, information, abilities and skills that are used to satisfy the many-sided needs of a person, society and the state Volkova M.M., Zvezdova A.B. Marketing research in the field of educational services // Marketing 2009. No. 6. P. 45-53..
Within the framework of this approach, it is necessary to distinguish the body of knowledge, skills, and abilities, which is the product of the joint work of the teacher and the student, from the educational services consumed by the student, which are the product of the labor of teachers.

It is necessary to consider the features of services that appear in education. Since services are not material and intangible, marketing recommends that sellers formalize the most significant service parameters for the buyer and present them as clearly as possible. In this case, the quality and cost of the service are most important to the consumer.
For example, the main properties of educational services are identified:
1) Inconsistency of quality in relation to educational services, in addition to inseparability from the performer and the impossibility of establishing strict standards for the process and result of the provision of services, has another reason - the variability of the source material.
2) The property of inseparability from the source in relation to an educational service means that as a result of the purchase and sale of such a service, the seller loses ownership of his specific product, but the buyer does not acquire such a right: this product itself disappears, since it is consumed at the same moment as produced and transmitted." At the same time, any replacement of a teacher can change the process and result of the provision of educational services, and, consequently, demand. In addition, the peculiarity of educational services is that the beginning of their consumption occurs simultaneously with the beginning of their provision Volkova M.M., Zvezdova A.B. Marketing research in the field of educational services // Marketing 2009. No. 6. P. 45-53..
3) The property of non-preservation of educational services manifests itself in two ways. On the one hand, “it is impossible to prepare services in full in advance and store them as material goods in anticipation of an increase in demand,” i.e. educational services cannot be accumulated by either the seller (teacher) or the consumer (student), and cannot be resold to them. Another side of the non-preservation of educational services is the natural forgetting of received information for a person, as well as the obsolescence of knowledge, which is caused by scientific, technical and social progress Kirillina Yu. Marketing of educational services // Higher education in Russia 2000. No. 5. P. 33-52. .

The structure of the products of the modern educational system is heterogeneous and includes at least two parts unequal in volume:
1) a public good provided by the bulk of educational institutions;
2) non-public, individually oriented goods/services, the existence of which is provided for in Art. 45-47 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Shkatulla V.I Commentary on the Law Russian Federation“On Education”, edited. - M.: YURIST, 2001. P. 23
A peculiar feature of education services is the impossibility of their direct monetary measurement. The price mechanism is often unable to reflect all the costs of producing educational services. If in the material sphere they are relatively easy to measure quantitatively (in pieces or kilograms, for example) per unit of production, then in relation to educational services this is difficult to achieve. The beneficial result of such a service can only appear after a long time, and it can practically only be measured using indirect indicators. Although at this stage they plan to link their cost to labor intensity, i.e. set the dependence in rubles on the number of working hours.
Another distinctive feature of educational services is the ambiguity of the goals set for the producers of these services. As a rule, the activities of an educational institution are not explicitly aimed at achieving profit. But, on the other hand, the above-mentioned interests are related to the growth of well-being, which involves obtaining the profits necessary to ensure expanded reproduction. Thus, profit is not initially a prohibited guideline for an educational institution, but, of course, it is not limited to it.
The main feature of the provision of educational services is the co-creation of the teacher and the student. In the field of education, where the client’s personality is transformed, he, not being a professional, claims to take the most active role in the process of production and provision of educational services. It is also important that the provision of educational services presupposes a pronounced openness of this area for information, personnel and other exchanges.

The main features of educational services are highlighted:
- seasonality;
- high cost;
- relative duration of provision
- delay in identifying effectiveness;
- the need for further support of services;
- dependence of the acceptability of services on the place of their provision and the place of residence of potential students.
The peculiarity of educational services is also manifested in the fact that they are provided, as a rule, in conjunction with the creation of spiritual values, transformation and development of the student’s personality. These services ensure the realization of the cognitive interests of students, satisfy the individual’s needs for spiritual and intellectual development, contribute to the creation of conditions for their self-determination and self-realization, participate in the formation, preservation and development of a person’s diverse abilities to work, in specialization, professionalization and the growth of his qualifications.
Educational services, like no other type of activity, are under close public attention and extra-market pressure. This situation is most clearly manifested within the framework of political campaigns, in which the issue of public education is usually considered as an element of ensuring national security, prospects for the survival and development of the nation, and to adequately and adequately respond to the educational demands of society.

1.3. Classification of educational services
Due to the lack of a generally accepted classification of educational services in literary sources, I will try to highlight their main types, using the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and comments to it.
The above-mentioned Law names an educational program as one of the components of the education system, which, as already mentioned in the previous paragraph, according to some researchers, is a complex of educational services that are offered on the market in the form of a specific product.
All educational programs are divided into general education and professional, each of which, in addition to the main one, may have an additional program.
- General education programs are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs and are implemented in preschool educational institutions, educational institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general education.
- Professional programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistent improvement of professional and general educational levels, training specialists of appropriate qualifications and are implemented in educational institutions of vocational education that have state accreditation.
Studying the entire volume of subjects of the main program is mandatory, and additional programs are created, as a rule, in elective disciplines and reflect the characteristics of a given educational institution or region. In addition, additional educational programs, unlike basic ones, do not have standards. Their task is to “more fully satisfy the diverse educational needs of society.”

The first group includes the following types of programs:
§ preschool education;
§ primary general education;
§ basic general education;
§ secondary (complete) general education.

It is important to note that the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” indicates the possibility of general education institutions “under contracts and jointly with enterprises, institutions, organizations to conduct professional training for students as additional (including paid) educational services if they have the appropriate license (permit) for the specified type of activity."

The second group of educational programs consists of:
- initial vocational education programs - are aimed at training skilled workers in the main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic general education; most often carried out by vocational schools and vocational lyceums;
- secondary vocational education programs are designed to train mid-level specialists, meet the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education; carried out by technical schools, colleges, technical schools-enterprises;
- programs of higher professional education, the mastery of which is necessary to perform highly qualified, mainly mental work in various fields. These programs are implemented in higher educational institutions: universities, academies and institutes;

Postgraduate professional education programs provide the opportunity to improve the level of education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications after graduation in graduate school, residency and postgraduate studies.

Educational programs can be provided by educational institutions in the following forms:
§ full-time,
§ part-time (evening),
§ correspondence.

A combination of various forms of education is also allowed. It is worth noting that obtaining a number of professions and specialties in evening and correspondence forms is not permitted (for example, dentistry, acting, veterinary medicine, fire safety).

In addition to the classification given in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the following types of educational services can be distinguished.
By duration of provision:
- long-term (training at a secondary school, university, etc.);

Medium-term (advanced training, retraining, etc.);

Short-term (for example, individual courses, lectures, trainings, instructions).

According to the teaching methods used:
- traditional,
- problem-based learning programs,
- programs based on the analysis of business situations, etc.
By payment method:
- paid;
- shareware.

In this regard, it is important to note that according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, educational institutions, according to their organizational and legal forms, can be:
- state,
- municipal,
- non-state: private, institutions of public and religious organizations (associations).

Depending on which of the above types an educational institution belongs to, the scope of provision of paid educational services to them is regulated differently. So in Art. 45 states: “State and municipal educational institutions have the right to provide ... paid additional services not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards.” The institution determines the types of paid educational services independently, fixing them in its charter. It is interesting that, according to the law, income from the specified activities of a state (municipal) educational institution, minus the share of the founder, must be reinvested in it.

The provision of paid educational services by non-state educational institutions is regulated by Art. 46 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”: “a non-state educational institution has the right to charge fees to students... incl. for training within the limits of state educational standards.” Such activity is not considered entrepreneurial if the income received from it goes entirely to reimburse the costs of providing the educational process (including wages), its development and improvement. A non-state educational institution, exercising its right, enters into a written agreement with the student (or his parents), which determines the level of education, terms of study, amount of fees, rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties, etc.
As mentioned above, both general education and professional programs can be basic or additional. Let us dwell in more detail on additional education services.
In the Commentaries to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” we find the definition of additional educational services - “activities to provide pedagogical assistance in training and education outside the main educational programs state educational standards".
According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” additional educational services are implemented in order to fully satisfy the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state. Within each level of vocational education, the main task of additional education is the continuous improvement of the qualifications of workers, employees, and specialists in connection with the constant improvement of educational standards. Along with increasing the general cultural level of a citizen, his professional, scientific, pedagogical qualifications additional education it is also possible in specialized fields: economics, law, management, etc.
Additional education is provided through a number of educational programs that go beyond the basic educational programs and state educational standards. Advanced training is provided within each of the four levels of vocational education. Essentially, this is “supra-basic” and often postgraduate education.

Additional education services of various types can be provided:
- in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education outside the main educational programs that determine their status;
- in educational institutions of further education:
§ in advanced training institutions,
§ in institutes for advanced training of specialists,
§ in training centers,
§ on courses of various directions,
§ in vocational guidance centers,
§ in musical and art schools, art schools, children's art centers,
§ in other institutions that have appropriate licenses;
It is also important to note that the system of additional vocational education is considered as part of the adult education system. The main feature of this system is determined by the fact that its contingent consists of adults, as a rule, combining study with work, having a general or higher education. In this regard, the educational process in the field of additional education has a number of distinctive features. These include: the need for justification (meaning), awareness of the urgent need for training, practical orientation, the need for independence, the use of life experience, etc.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the educational services market.
2.1 Investments in education are the most important indicator of sustainable economic growth.
The growth of the Russian economy is determined by many different factors: an increase in the quantity of resources, an increase in their quality and an improvement in their use. Raising the well-being of society is impossible without creating conditions for economic growth. This usually requires investment.
To achieve sustainable economic growth, investments in education (i.e., in human capital) are no less important than investments in physical capital. In the US, every year spent studying increases wages employee as a whole by 10%. Investments in human capital are associated with opportunity costs. Many scholars argue that human capital is especially important for a country's economic recovery because it provides positive externalities to society.
The social benefits of educational development are difficult to assess. It is believed that more educated members of society are more knowledgeable voters, more law-abiding citizens and bring significant benefits, as the ideas of highly qualified specialists in improving technology become the property of the public, which makes it possible for everyone to benefit from them. Related to this statement is the so-called “brain drain” that underdeveloped countries face. The economic situation of a country where qualified specialists leave may worsen. It is investments in human capital and the growth in the value of human labor that become the most important factors in transforming the economy, since human capital can be considered as a reserve that can accumulate and be a source of higher income for society in the future. Education not only allows you to master old, already accumulated knowledge, but also contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge, and also creates conditions for the development of more advanced technologies. Thus, the development of education moves forward and creates the preconditions for future progress.
To analyze the behavior of subjects in the educational services market, it is necessary:
- firstly, to determine the structure of factors that influence people’s decision-making regarding the advisability of receiving education, and, consequently, regarding the volume of investment in human capital;
- secondly, consider the factors that determine the behavior of the state in the education market;
- thirdly, to assess the features of the formation of preferences regarding educational services, taking into account the region of Russia;
- fourthly, to determine a criterion for structuring education, which closely correlates with age;
- fifthly, to study the behavior of other economic entities in the education market, which are also potential participants in this market and have a demand for educational services.
By human capital, economists understand a person’s abilities, abilities, knowledge, and skills. The accumulation of human capital occurs as in preschool age, and at school, technical school, university, in retraining or advanced training courses. The methods of demand research at any level of education or training are the same.
All investments in education are made with the hope of a high return on investment in the future. Therefore, when making decisions about investments in education, benefits and costs are compared. The assessment is based on the expectations of all economic entities. Strictly speaking, expected benefits are the main factor in decision making. In addition, the rate of return from education for society is different from the rate of return for the individual, since the costs and benefits of education for society and the individual are calculated differently.

To assess the expected benefits of investing in human capital from the perspective of individuals, it is necessary to identify those factors that influence people's desire to demand education. They can be divided into short-term and long-term.
Long-term factors (priorities):
1) high level of wages during subsequent life;
2) great satisfaction from the chosen work throughout life (moral benefits);
3) achieving a higher social status. It is assumed that in modern society you can rise from the bottom to the very top, and this only requires effort. There are so-called “elevators” of social mobility, one of which is education;
4) wide access to more promising, interesting work;
5) parents’ ideas about the future of their children, which is a determining factor in the choice of life strategy due to the traditional system of family education in Russia;
6) level of education and social status parents who influence the orientation of their children (generational continuity, continuation of the parents’ profession). For parents, a child’s higher education acts as proof of the family’s viability and the viability of its material and social resources;
7) choice of profession made by friends or acquaintances;
8) the prestige of a particular type and level of education.
Short-term factors (current priorities):
10) high assessment of non-market activities and interests that are related to obtaining an education (the learning process, communication with friends, school or student life).

In families where parents have higher education, they most often talk about the importance of education. Less often than others, representatives of those families whose highest educational level is secondary general education or lower are convinced of this. The former are 4 times more likely than the latter to declare the “absolute importance” of higher education, as well as their readiness to incur material costs for their children to receive it. Among respondents who have this attitude, managers at various levels and specialists (that is, people who themselves have a higher education or work in positions that require it) are somewhat more common.
Higher education, in the opinion of both high school students and their parents, has become the main and practically the only condition for successful implementation in the labor market, while education in the 9th grade is, as a rule, considered less attractive. According to the survey, families of first-year students officially spent the most money on: paying for tutors (9 times the monthly income per family member); to pay for tuition in paid schools or classes (4 times the monthly income per family member); for paid preparatory courses (3 times the monthly income per family member). The amount of unofficial costs is approximately 4.5 monthly income per family member.
Parents, believing that the money invested in education pays off in most cases, go to great lengths to give their children a higher education; they save money, take out a bank loan, pay for additional educational services, and pay bribes.
Since the expected level of costs influences the decision to invest in education, it is necessary first of all to determine what costs in this case are borne by all agents in the economy.

Individual costs of education:
1) tuition fees and expenses for the purchase of textbooks and stationery;
2) expenses for changing place of residence;
3) lost earnings, since part of the time is spent on obtaining an additional unit of human capital;

4) expenses for informal (shadow) educational services. These include: the cost of tutors when entering a prestigious school, university, paid entrance exams, paid preparatory courses, for unofficial assistance when enrolling a child.

Social costs to society of education include:
1) financing of preschool education, the system of general secondary and vocational higher education by the state;
2) state expenditures in the field of higher education. The redundancy of specialists in certain professions in relation to their optimal number increases state expenses (for example, for teaching practice, for laboratory research, etc.);
3) costs of firms for general professional training of workers.

The main participants in the educational services market that place demand for one or another level of education are:
* families with children;
* firms interested in productivity growth;
* a state whose goal is economic growth and improving the welfare of society;
* higher education institutions interested in improving their own reputation.

Let's see how the behavior of all agents in the educational services market changes depending on the level of education.

2..2 Preschool education
Poor material and technical base preschool institutions influences parents’ choice to increase spending on private services: many preschool institutions require major repairs, and some are in disrepair. Thus, the potential demand for the services of preschool educational institutions includes not only the demand for the services of public, but also private institutions that make it possible to satisfy the great needs of parents in this type of educational services. State preschool institutions do not always meet the requirements of parents of preschool children.

2.3 General education
The school system lays the foundation for the overall process of developing future qualifications. And here, from the perspective of the needs of the economy, several general tasks are visible.
The first task is the content of the teaching programs themselves, which must reflect significant changes in economic life. This type of education should lay the foundation of knowledge that can be used in any subsequent career option. Development comes first at this stage creativity and talents, familiarization with different professions and mastering information technology skills as the general basis of modern education and business.
The second task is the quality of teaching, which in turn must meet the realities of life, modern technology and social needs and which depends on the prestige and status of teaching work, its remuneration, conditions, and the level of training of the teachers themselves. In many countries, teachers now have increasing knowledge of the labor market and the economy, and many become teachers after having previously had other professional careers.
The third and most difficult task is the effective teaching of children and adolescents. After all, shortcomings in the implementation of the first two tasks lead to the formation of a “risk group” consisting of uncompetitive workers, yesterday’s schoolchildren, the least prepared for active creative work.
The education system, working to reform Russian society, should pursue the goal of more fully meeting the needs for educational services from both the individual and society as a whole. The emergence of a wide range of educational services, as well as the presence of educational institutions of various forms of ownership, create a healthy competitive environment, which helps improve the quality of educational services provided and their targeted consumption.

Many buildings of state daytime educational institutions require major repairs. In a number of places, schools, especially primary ones, are located in buildings that are not suitable for working with children.
A characteristic feature of the school network is the presence of a large number of small and ungraded schools. In such educational institutions, teachers have to combine teaching many subjects. Small schools are less well equipped with technical teaching aids, laboratory equipment, and visual aids. One of the reasons explaining this situation is low level wages: in 2004, the average monthly nominal accrued wages in daytime educational institutions amounted to 3,111 rubles. A serious problem in educational institutions is the aging of the teaching staff and the lack of young recruits. The school is supported by middle-aged and retired teachers, as a result of which there is a certain conservatism in the knowledge of schoolchildren. Young professionals do not go to school to work.
These facts lead to a decline in the quality of education, which varies significantly depending on the school. The presence of lyceums and special schools makes it possible to maintain a fairly high level of education in certain strata of society, but for the most part the level of secondary education has decreased.
Direct payment for educational services for schoolchildren is not among the most common areas of investment. Payment for additional classes in basic subjects - the most popular of these services - occupies only 9-10th place in the list of costs associated with educating a student, and is in demand in 11% of families. The same number of parents pay for their child’s classes in clubs and sections. About 8% of families pay to prepare their child for admission to a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. Only 5% of families noted paying official fees for their child’s schooling.
The greatest investment is required to obtain higher education, and parents are forced to both pay for preparation and admission to a university, and monthly during the entire period of study allocate a significant share of family income for educational needs.

Educational service:

Characteristics educational services:

Intangibility - the service itself cannot be isolated in some material form, it is impossible to store and move the service, as well as carry out other actions with it that are possible for a material object (you can, for example, record a lecture, but it will not be fully produced - it will not visual, sound or emotional component);

Inseparability from the entity providing the service - the service is provided only in the process of activity of the entity providing this service. Termination of activity means termination of the service (the teacher left the class - his activity in providing the educational service ceased, and the service itself ceased (interrupted);

The ability to consume a service only in the process of its provision - termination of the service means at the same time the termination of its consumption (Students cannot receive knowledge and skills from the teacher if the teacher has left the class);

Inequivalence of the service and the result of its consumption - In the process of transferring knowledge from the teacher to the student, a double transformation of information occurs: the first time in the process of transmission by the teacher (from his own ideas into forms accessible to perception), the second time in the process of assimilation by the student, i.e. . from perceivable forms to own ideas student:

The teacher transfers his knowledge, skills and abilities to students, using for this purpose the means, techniques and methods available to him, transforming the information he has into forms necessary and convenient for students to assimilate it;

Students perceive the transmitted knowledge to the best of their abilities and characteristics of perception, forming in themselves (note - individually, each individually) their own understanding of the knowledge transmitted by the teacher, their individual knowledge, abilities and skills, forming their own, new image perceived information.

An educational service (and any other service too) is a good because it brings some benefit to the person who consumes it. And this provides grounds for determining the price of this service, that is, some monetary equivalent of the benefit received by the consumer. An educational service is both a result of production and an object of consumption, therefore its movement from producer to consumer is presented in the form of a commodity exchange process (with simultaneous consumption). In other words, the producer of the service receives a monetary equivalent, and the consumer who paid the money receives an intangible benefit that is of some benefit to him. In general, this process does not make any difference between the purchase and sale of goods in the form of material objects.

The value of the service lies in increasing a person’s abilities, i.e., to gain opportunities to earn more money.


An educational service can be bought and sold like a product. Accordingly, on the relationship purchase and sale educational services, all laws of market relations and conditions for ensuring the sustainability of these relations apply:

Buyers of educational services must have reliable information about what is happening on the market, about prices and quality of services from different sellers;

Opportunities should be created for new producers of educational services to freely and quickly enter and establish themselves in the market;

The advantage of large-scale production, which ruins small enterprises and leads to monopoly, should not exist;

The distribution of income should be more or less equal, since consumer sovereignty and the stability of the market economy depend on this.

In short, the main condition for the stability of market relations is complete freedom and, at the same time, complete equality of participants: producers must be able to provide any educational services, not interfere with each other, and not prevent the emergence of other producers; consumers should be able to consume the services they choose and choose the manufacturer.

Market failure:

- natural monopoly: arises in cases where the economies of scale in production are so great that one single firm can supply the entire market for a given type of product or service at lower unit costs than other competing firms. In this situation, competition is unprofitable, and in some cases simply meaningless. A natural monopoly presupposes the presence of some “natural” resource, access to which is in some sense limited, or limited demand that can be satisfied by a limited number of producers.

“Limited” demand - demand for educational services: the number of children studying in school, although significant, is limited by the total number of children corresponding age group and the factor of their settlement throughout the territory. Therefore, the demand for relevant educational services is also limited. If, for example, there is a higher educational institution (or several) in the regional center, then creating a new one makes sense only if there is a sufficiently large discrepancy between the student population and the number of people wishing to receive a higher education. The creation of a new educational institution will be associated with significant costs and, on this basis, a significant price for educational services, which, naturally, exceeds the price of an existing educational institution. Consequently, education, due to limited demand for its services, carries an element of natural monopoly.

(counteraction to the development of certain categories of educational institutions (private, for example) under the guise of the struggle for the quality of education, difficulty in opening new educational institutions (licenses, certification, accreditation), closing access of private educational institutions to budgetary funds, including for conducting scientific research, and so on. To be fair, it should be noted that these same means achieve improvement in the activities of existing educational institutions, but this does not eliminate the problem of monopoly)

- external effects: the consumption of this good by an individual influences other agents.

For employers: more qualified workers;

For fellow citizens: a smarter choice;

- public good: according to Belyaev S.A., education is not a public good, but refers to private goods that have the features of a public good.

Moreover, the set of these features and their assessment depend on the public perception of education and are probably different in different historical periods. A natural question arises: “Why is education in this case paid primarily by the state, i.e., by society?” The answer most likely falls into the category “this is how it happened historically.” At a certain stage, public assessment classified education as a benefit more public than private, without worrying about determining the quantitative value of this assessment. This assessment was appropriately formalized by law, the state assumed obligations to financial support education. Now it is almost impossible to refuse state funding of education or reduce its scale. All measures to “save” budget funds do not reduce expenses.

(Public goods:

The marginal cost of provision to an individual consumer is zero;

Consumption is characterized by significant external effects, i.e., the consequences of consumption do not appear immediately, outside the sphere of consumption of a given product (service), the scale of the consequences can significantly exceed consumption;

Preventing additional consumers from accessing the public good is either technically impossible or requires “prohibitively” high costs.)

Education as a benefit is available only to those who directly receive it, i.e., to students. In general, there really are many in the state. But only those who study in a particular class or study group, since the educational service is consumed in the process of its provision. They consume the service in classes or groups of twenty-five people (or less, or a little more), one of which may or may not be included, even while located on the territory of the state, region or municipality. We won’t talk about the reasons for “not getting in.” It’s important that even getting into school can be problematic. Restricting access to the classroom is easy.

Main problem Market: Important distinctive feature educational service as a product is considered expressed information asymmetry, i.e. the impossibility (according to some estimates, the fundamental impossibility) of assessing the quality of the purchased service at the time of its consumption. What is the cause of information asymmetry? Perhaps it is not alone and consists in the fact that when purchasing and selling an educational service:

There is no generally accepted and generally understandable terminology that would allow the seller and buyer to equally understand the characteristics of the service and evaluate its benefits;

The result of consuming a service does not appear immediately (the so-called time lag) and, perhaps, not to the expected extent (you can overpay or underpay, depending on demand or relevance after receiving education);

Relationships are not about a material object, but about an immaterial interaction;

There is a “normal” distortion of information (as discussed above).

Related information.

Features of marketing educational services

in the discipline "Marketing in Industries"


student group MK-14-1B

Samutina Anna Vladimirovna


Professor of the Department of MiM

Komarov Sergey Vladimirovich

Perm, 2017

1. Current Status market, trends and forecast. 3

1.1. The structure of the educational services market and its current state. 3

1.2. Trends and forecasts... 8

2. Description of consumers. 14

2.1. About higher education in Russia. 14

2.2. Segmentation. 15

2.3. Competitor analysis. 16

2.4. Pricing. 20

3. Marketing analysis of PNRPU. 23

3.1. Product policy. 23

3.2. Distribution policy. 24

3.3. Communication policy. 25

Current market status, trends and forecast.

The structure of the educational services market and its current state.

In order to start talking about marketing in the field of educational services, it is necessary to first understand the structure of education in Russia: understand the features, patterns and components of this market.

The education market, in general, consists of 4 large groups: preschool education, secondary education, higher education and additional education. Secondary and additional education is further divided into subgroups. From the point of view of consumer perception/behavior of the majority of Russians, the first 3 large groups are considered the main stages of education, and the fourth group - additional education - is perceived as optional. Although in reality, only secondary general (11-year) education is compulsory in Russia, all other types, as well as additional ones, fall into the “optional” category.

The entire market of educational services (all 6 groups: 4 large groups, taking into account subgroups) is further divided by types of educational services (traditional, online, distance learning, mixed education) and types of ownership of the educational institution (public and private).

Vertically, the education system in the Russian Federation is as follows:

According to the “Research of the Russian market of online education and educational technologies” conducted on the initiative of “Netology Group” and posted on the website, the partners of which were authoritative research platforms and educational institutions.

In 2016, the structure of the entire Russian education market was divided as follows:

From a financing point of view, the largest share in the structure of the Russian education market is occupied by secondary general education. Most likely, this is due to the fact that this type of education in Russia is compulsory and in most cases public (i.e., funded by the state). IN in monetary terms, only 5% of the market is occupied by private schools. In quantitative terms, according to Rosstat for 2014/2015 academic year There are 751 private organizations registered in Russia, which is approximately equal to 2% of the total number of general education organizations.

Source: Rosstat

Preschool education ranks second in terms of funding. Such a high share of funds is due to the fact that preschool education is one of the elements social policy state and the provision of kindergartens (or payments in lieu of attending them), according to Russian legislation, is the responsibility of the state. Although, the child’s visit to the state kindergarten in Russia it is not mandatory. This fact creates favorable environment for the development of private kindergartens. Already 9.7% of the total share of money in the field of preschool education belongs to private business. This is a promising direction, since the state is constantly implementing programs to increase the birth rate, and the number of state preschool education institutions is constantly decreasing.

Source: Rosstat

Higher education in Russia also has a large share of government funding. However, in the overall ranking, it ranks third. This is due to the fact that government agencies higher education have the right to admit students on a paid basis, who, together with budget funds provide funding for the university. In monetary terms, the share of private business is only 8.9%. However, in quantitative terms, according to Rosstat, in the period 2014/2015, 402 private organizations providing higher education services were registered. This makes up 42% of the total number of universities.

Source: Rosstat

The remaining groups of educational services in Russia are financed to a much lesser extent. The highest share of private business is concentrated in the direction of additional education.

It can be noted that in the table, in addition to those groups that are highlighted in the first structure, “language teaching” is highlighted separately. This division depends on the approach. In the first table it is included in additional education, and in the second it is included separately, because According to the criterion of funds, this direction occupies significant importance.

According to the above study, in general, the educational services market is 1.8 trillion. rub.

However, the Ministry of Education announces slightly different figures: “Expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in 2016 under the section “Education” amount to 3,058.98 billion rubles. (i.e. 3.1 trillion rubles, which is more than 1.5 times higher than the amount stated in the study). At the same time, federal budget expenditures on education amount to 9.18% or 564.31 billion rubles. A large share of the consolidated budget expenditures falls on “General education”, the powers to finance which fall within the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (47.17% or 1,442.88 billion rubles).
In the structure of federal budget expenditures on education, a large share of expenditures falls on “Higher and postgraduate professional education” and amounts to 86.18% or 486.30 billion rubles.” Where did the difference go between the budget announced by the Ministry of Education and the budget reported by practicing organizations and independent statisticians? One can only guess.

Source: Ministry of Education and Science

Trends and Forecasts

Global trend #1: The 21st century is the century of information dominance. The idea of ​​continuous, lifelong learning is taking root in the minds of consumers. Information, knowledge and education becomes key factor competitiveness.

Let's see how this thesis is presented in Russia. To do this, let's look at the statistics again:

Source: “Education Indicators – 2016”

Source: “Education Indicators – 2017”

In Russia, the concept of continuous is still shared and implemented relatively small part audience: for the most part, Russians are committed to the traditional model of education, which assumes the finiteness of the educational process upon achieving a certain goal (mastering a profession, obtaining a diploma, etc.). According to statistics, only 15% of 100 Russians implement this idea. Russia ranks last in the ranking of continuing education in European countries. However, if we compare with the data of 2016, we can see positive dynamics. The result rose by 4%, which is quite high rate per year.

As for the realization that education gives competitiveness in the labor market, this idea is more viable. According to a study published by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) on July 8, 2014:

“Every third Russian believes that people with higher education earn more than those who do not have it, 29% are sure that their salary levels are approximately the same, 11% said that those who graduate from a university earn even less. Nevertheless, 57% of respondents are convinced that today it is better for both boys and girls to first of all get a higher education, and then start earning money. Since 2005, the number of people who believe that they can enroll in a university without significant financial expenses has increased from 14% to 35%.

Basic graphs for the study:

The graphs presented above allow us to draw conclusions about three main trends regarding higher education in Russia:

1. Higher education in Russia is increasingly perceived by people as a basis that will provide a good income.

2. More than 50% of Russians believe that both men and women are required to obtain higher education.

3. Higher education is increasingly perceived as accessible.

Global trend #2: IT technologies are a guiding factor in the development of society and innovation in all areas of activity. Education is no exception. Educational technology or EdTech involves the rapid integration of the Internet and distance learning into the educational services system.

“Research of the Russian market of online education and educational technologies” systematized all the obvious tendencies and tendencies and compiled a forecast for the development of educational services.

The entire Russian education market at the end of 2016 had a volume of 1.8 trillion. rub. Over the next five years, it will reach the level of 2 trillion rubles. The position of private business is strengthening. At the end of 2016, the share of the non-state sector in Russian education was 19.2%, or 351.7 billion rubles. By 2021, it will change slightly in percentage terms, but in absolute terms it will increase to 385.4 billion rubles.

Currently, the penetration of online technologies into Russian education is at the level of 1.1%. Over the next five years, the figure will rise to 2.6%. In monetary terms, the “digitalized” part of the industry will increase from the current 20.7 billion rubles. up to 53.3 billion rubles.

In 2017–2023 global EdTech will grow by more than 5% per year. Today it is measured at about $165 billion. Eastern Europe is among the fastest growing regional markets in online education. In turn, the driver Eastern Europe- Russia. Under the most conservative scenario, the average annual growth of Russian online education in the next five years will be at 20%. Among the fastest growing companies are digital companies. educational solutions which are based:

· on game mechanics (+22.4% per year until 2021);

· on simulation real processes (+17%).

The niche of language learning through games alone was worth $315.7 million in 2016. In Russia, these areas are now primarily targeted by players in the b2b sector.

On a global scale, the maximum growth potential is in the segments of preschool and corporate education, foreign language learning, and tutoring. The same areas are on the rise in Russia, and these are the companies with the highest market value and the most successfully structured monetization. It is significant that 59% of parents to one degree or another assume that their child will receive education online. At the same time, in general secondary education, online penetration is close to zero, while in additional education, “internetization” is extremely fast.

Strengthens its position, especially in the highest and vocational education, blended learning - a combination of distance learning format with face-to-face classroom classes. The same thing, with a certain delay, is happening in Russia: the example of “Netology Group” is indicative, which returned to the “online - offline” mix as part of the “Online Marketing Director” course. Blended learning is typical primarily for long-term, complex programs that involve the acquisition of complex professional skills.

Video content is becoming increasingly important in online education: both in the format of online streaming and in the form of on-demand video consumption (video developed for a specific consumer). Requirements for the quality of materials are rising. The task of global EdTech is the analysis and application of big data, machine learning technologies, and AI. In particular, for the needs of adaptive learning, in which content and tasks, the very pace of the educational process are adjusted to the “specific student”.

Brief main conclusions:

1. There is a development of educational technologies based on online education (preschool and corporate education, foreign language learning, tutoring) and distance / blended learning (in higher and vocational education).

2. The most rapidly developing companies are those engaged in digital educational solutions, which are based on game mechanics and simulation of real processes.

3. The role of educational video content is increasing. The content, assignments and pace of the educational process are adjusted to the “specific student”.



candidate of economic sciences,

Moscow State Industrial University


The article reviews the structure, characteristics and problems of educational services market. Educational institutions after other Russian structures have found the place in the system of market relations, it is more than that, the market of educational services only is formed. Educational institutions need competently organized management and new marketing decisions, of course, taking into account the specificity of the given market which consists in strong dependence on the state.

Key words: educational services, labor market specialist, nonstate paid schools, the Moscow educational market.


Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Moscow State Industrial University


The article discusses the structure, features and problems of the educational services market. Educational institutions found their place in the system of market relations later than other Russian structures; moreover, the market for educational services is just emerging. Educational institutions need well-organized management and new marketing solutions, of course, taking into account the specifics of this market.

Key words: educational services, labor market, specialist, non-state paid schools, Moscow educational market.

The formation of the modern market for educational services began in the 90s of the last century. With the country's transition to a market economy, two main segments were established - state and non-state. But now this division does not reflect the diversity of the educational market. Therefore, experts identify three main modern segments.

The “white” segment is represented by paid departments of state universities, non-state paid schools and universities, various paid courses (driving, accounting, programming, foreign languages, advanced training, etc.).

The “gray” segment is represented by the services of state and non-state educational institutions, as well as individuals who do not prepare documents properly. This may include distortion of statistical data and tax reporting, or the introduction of additional fees in cash or in kind (“voluntary donations”) without proper registration.

The “black” segment is represented by educational institutions operating without obtaining the necessary licenses or extending their activities far beyond the scope established by the license, as well as by a system of bribes and extortions when entering universities, when passing session exams, etc., widespread in the public sector higher education.

Universities and other educational institutions found their place in the system of market relations later than other Russian structures; moreover, the market for educational services is still at the stage of formation. This explains the large volume of the “black” and “gray” market segment. Educational institutions need well-organized management and new marketing solutions, of course, taking into account the specifics of this market. The specificity lies in the strong dependence on the state. The main contradiction in the management of most educational institutions is the discrepancy between the internal management system and the need for the organization to behave as a participant in market relations.

The Moscow educational market differs significantly from the all-Russian one. This is partly due to established contacts with foreign education. On the one hand, new educational institutions have appeared offering educational services of high quality and at an appropriate price, and on the other hand, weak and dubious training programs are offered at low and even ultra-low prices.

It was natural for Moscow universities to enter the untapped regional market. The vocational and educational programs that dealer branches brought with them to the regions were limited and monotonous in content. The following specialties were required: “Jurisprudence”, “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Economics”, “Management”. But since 2008, the activities of representative offices in the regions have been legally terminated.

As for the market volume, about 60% of Russian middle class families had expenses under the item “Education” in 2001 - from 4 to 6 million families. The average level of educational expenses in families where there was such an item was $800–900 per year per family. Now the cost of studying at universities ranges from 18 thousand rubles. up to 300 thousand rubles. per semester. In addition, the geographical factor plays a huge role, because it is no secret that studying at universities in the capital is much more expensive than in the periphery.

According to VTsIOM, Muscovites spend on average 40% more money than residents of other large cities, and twice as much as residents of St. Petersburg. This is explained both by the level of income in Moscow and by the higher supply in this area. The cost of educational services directly depends on the prestige of the educational institution and the demand for specialties in the labor market.

According to experts, graduates of economic universities still remain the most popular on the market: they account for over 40% of demand. The demand for this type of specialty has not waned for many years, despite the fact that many talk about the “overproduction” of economists. This popularity is explained by the growing interest in small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurial activities. Related professions, such as financial analysts and auditors, are also very popular in the labor market.

The demand for lawyers, who recently led the rankings of the most in-demand professions, is declining. Experts see the reason for this phenomenon as the fact that the market is oversaturated with these specialists. Too many graduates in the 90s chose this popular profession. Nevertheless, many today choose a second higher education in this specialty (29%). Most likely, this is due to the fact that people want to gain the missing legal knowledge, but in the future they still intend to work in their specialty.

Second place is occupied by technical specialties, especially in the field of information technology. The demand for IT specialists is quite explainable by the growth of technological progress. Such specialists are now needed everywhere, especially in production. It is interesting that enterprises are ready to hire very young people, with minimal work experience and even no experience at all. Representatives of engineering and technical specialties are especially highly rated. Among the specialists for whom experts predict good prospects in the coming years are chemical engineers, food industry technologists and civil engineers, as a number of new large enterprises are expected to open in the consumer goods market. In addition, the market for raw materials, packaging and equipment for food production is developing rapidly.

To a large extent, the formation of the educational services market is influenced by a recently emerging direction - distance learning. It makes quality education more accessible and opens up new prospects for both consumers and sellers.

Non-state educational institutions now have to overcome many difficulties. This includes high rent for premises and the strict tax policy of the state. In addition, non-state educational institutions are forced to invest huge amounts of money in “promotion”, because the trademark of state educational institutions has long been paid for by the state. To this we must add a vague regulatory framework in the field of non-state education, difficulties in registering and obtaining a license, passing accreditation and certification. Thus, the conditions created by the state for private educational structures negatively affect the growth of competitiveness within the market under study.

The market for educational services has characteristic industry differences from other sectors of the market, which are manifested in the characteristics of the content, technologies and conditions for the implementation of educational services, professional competencies of employees of educational institutions, as part of the stakeholders of the educational services market. However, because, for example, the content of an educational service is a unity of training and education, it does not cease to be an object of market interest of various economic entities and, therefore, a subject of competitive interaction between these entities.

This is not about the artificial commodification of education, but about the rational basis for the expression of their interests by subjects of the educational services market. The composition of stakeholders in the educational services market is diverse. These are producers, sellers, direct and indirect consumers of educational services, intermediaries, providers, moderators, and coordinators. This market includes consumers of educational services, payers for educational services, employers - indirect users of the results of educational activities, institutions and workers in the field of educational services, companies - creators of elements of educational services (for example, IT companies, publishing houses, other producers of content and technologies), state.

Each of the listed participants in the educational services market realizes their interest in the field of education, which not only makes these subjects stakeholders of this market, but also subordinates their actions to the rational logic of market behavior. For example, the state is the bearer of specific state interest in the field of educational services. That is why it acts as a developer and conductor of policy in the field of educational services, and not at all because it forms the vertical of administrative power in society. Administrative power becomes an administrative resource that allows the state to formulate and successfully satisfy its own state interests, for example, by stimulating the export of education, supporting national educational leaders, and providing the best forms of access to quality education.

All parties to the educational services market are interested in increasing the competitiveness of their partners in this market. Serious employers are waiting for competitive workers and are willingly approaching competitive universities; The leadership of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, implementing the national project “Education”, intends to rely on competitive universities and quality specialists; applicants choose high-quality and rated universities, the competitiveness of which is recognized by the academic community and the business community. There are all the necessary prerequisites for cooperation between stakeholders in the educational services market in such important areas of modernization of Russian education as the formation of a new generation of state educational standards and the formulation of professional competencies of graduates of educational services institutions.

At the same time, the realities modern relations in the Russian educational services market, there is no doubt that cooperation between stakeholders in the educational services market does not exclude their competition; on the contrary, it presupposes its existence.

Employers, dissatisfied with the quality of educational services, seek to control university ratings, discussion platforms and columns in the media. Some parties and associations create specialized committees and commissions on education, and many large companies create their own corporate universities, intending to select contingents of students and financial flows at universities that have lagged behind progress. Students dissatisfied with tuition fees exercise the right to terminate the contract and transfer to another university, which puts serious competitive pressure on contract partners.

It makes no sense to talk about the competitiveness of Russian education without providing subjects of the educational services market with a real right to participate in competition, to independently gain, defend and maintain competitive advantages, combined with the obligation to independently eliminate competitive disadvantages. It is even more unacceptable when artificial advantages guarantee the financial superiority of “uncompetitive universities” over their rivals.

So, we can say that:

In recent years, the educational services market has been undergoing qualitative changes, in which the Bologna process plays a major role;

Moscow occupies a leading position in the educational services market. Currently, there are 112 state universities and more than 250 non-state universities in the capital;

The demographic situation in the country, especially its forecast for the next few years, contributes to an increase in the quality level of educational services, and therefore we can expect increased competition among universities. This will affect two indicators – the quality of education and the demand for graduates in the labor market;

One of the most current problems for the non-state segment of the educational services market there remains a lack of a clear regulatory framework and a barrier from the state when licensing educational institutions;

One of the most promising forms of development of educational services is distance learning, which allows you to get the desired education without leaving home;

In general, the view of the education system as a market for educational services, where seller and buyer meet, is at the stage of formation. The consumer cannot yet take full advantage of the rights granted, and the seller is not ready to fully respond mobile and adequately to the educational demands of society.