Certification of candidates for the position of head of an educational organization. Material “Certification of heads of educational organizations

Certification of managers and specialists of organizations is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of enterprises, improve the selection and placement of existing personnel, provide an incentive for the growth of qualifications and increase their responsibility for actual results. economic activity organizations. Another goal of this event is to develop initiative and activity among managers and specialists.

What is being assessed?

Based on the results of this process, an assessment will be made of the professional, business and moral qualities of managers and specialists, their ability and ability to work with people. A special commission will make a conclusion on the suitability of each person being certified for the position held. Certification of managers is carried out both in municipal institutions and in industrial ones.

Main tasks of the procedure

The main tasks of certification of managers and specialists include:

  1. Determining the employee’s professional suitability for the position held.
  2. Determining the availability of prospects for using the potential abilities and capabilities of a manager or specialist.
  3. Stimulating their growth professional competence and compliance.
  4. Identifying the need for advanced training.
  5. Determining the degree of professional training, and, if necessary, assigning retraining to a specialist.
  6. Ensuring the possibility of promotion and reshuffle, for example, timely dismissal from a position, demotion.

Dates, composition of the commission

There are no specific deadlines for conducting certification of managers. Schedule and exact dates are established by the city administration and approved by the relevant resolution.

The commission includes: the chairman, his deputy, secretary, and members of the commission. The exact composition is determined by a resolution approved by the mayor of the city. But there is a group of people who are not subject to regular certification:

  • pregnant women;
  • employees on parental leave (they are subject to certification only after 1 year after starting work);
  • specialists who have not worked for 1 year.


To conduct certification of the heads of municipal-type organizations, it is necessary for all employees subject to it to provide a performance reference no later than 2 weeks in advance. It is prepared by the industry committee of the city administration. This document should contain a comprehensive assessment of the individual, his strengths and weaknesses, individual abilities, the performance of the organization for the previous year and the certification sheet. If available, the results of the previous inspection are also provided.

The employee must be familiarized with his characteristics no later than 2 weeks before the upcoming certification.

The created commission first listens to the employee being certified, then asks questions that relate to his position. The commission members also review the materials provided to them. The results of their activities may have the following assessments:

  1. The specialist corresponds to his position.
  2. The employee corresponds to his position, but subject to the implementation of the recommendations provided by the commission, as well as the improvement of his work with re-taking the certification after 1 year.
  3. The person being certified is not suitable for his position.

In addition, the said commission has the authority to make recommendations on changing wages, encouraging, increasing or canceling salary bonuses, including a person in the reserve for promotion or removal from position.

The commission also makes proposals for improving work activity and indicates the motives on the basis of which recommendations are made. The assessment of the activities of the leaders of a municipal organization and recommendations are adopted by the members of the commission by open voting, which is carried out in the absence of the person being certified.

The rules for the certification of managers and specialists state that the procedure will be carried out in the presence of at least 2/3 of the number of commission members who were previously approved by the relevant resolution. Based on the voting results, the person being certified can be recognized as appropriate for the position and vice versa. In case of equality of votes, the decision is made in favor of the person being certified.

An attestation sheet is a document where the results of the inspection, assessment and recommendations for the specialist are recorded. It is drawn up in a single copy and signed by all members of the commission. The characteristics and certification sheet are stored in the employee’s personal file. If labor disputes arise that are related to the past certification, they can be considered in accordance with this current legislation.

Why is this procedure needed?

There are many ways to identify the real level of qualifications of an employee, suitability of his position, and select the right motivation, but the leading place is occupied by the training and certification of managers and specialists.

It is with its help that the real capabilities of a particular employee become clear. This method allows you to improve the quality of work not only of a specific person, but also of the organization as a whole.

What is the difference between employee assessment and certification

The most significant difference lies in regulatory framework, which regulates the described procedure. A person’s performance is assessed based on regulatory documents organizations. And specific rules for conducting personnel certification are found not only in regulatory government documents, but also in the Labor Code Russian Federation.

Another difference is that based on a person’s performance evaluation, one cannot be fired or have their salary reduced, given a fine, etc. Such measures can only be taken as a result of poor performance appraisal results.

An employee has the opportunity to go to court if he does not agree with the result of the assessment of his work activity. In this case, the organization will face a number of unpleasant moments.

When evaluating an employee, the company sets more ambitious goals than during certification. Management has the opportunity to determine how well a particular employee copes with his position.

Certification of managers will show professional qualities that a person possesses, and as for untapped potential, it will not play any role here. Management can determine the potential of employees and their prospects through a job evaluation. In addition, the same problems are solved as during certification.

An important point is to strictly adhere to the terminology. This is due to the fact that an incorrectly applied concept immediately changes the essence, purpose and meaning of the results obtained.

Main goals

Certification of managers and personnel pursues the following goals:

  • Receive performance evaluation.
  • Reveal
  • Define weak points in vocational training.
  • Develop programs for future improvement.
  • Determine the level of ability to work collectively.
  • Find incentives for the employee to improve the quality of work and perform their direct duties.
  • Identify areas for future professional growth.
  • Improve the system of work in the personnel service.
  • Boost Level labor discipline and responsibility.
  • Make a list of employees who are subject to redundancy.
  • Optimize the microclimate in the team.

Certification of industrial safety employees

All industrial enterprises, whose activities are in one way or another connected with production facilities that pose a danger, must take measures to prevent emergencies, accidents, adverse consequences.

Ensures this very security by issuing special permits to work. Management is obliged to monitor the accident-free operation of facilities, know the necessary standards, and allow specialists who have passed certification checks to work.

Attestation testing of industrial safety managers should be carried out once every 5 years. During execution test tasks knowledge is tested:

  • general requirements on industrial safety;
  • safety requirements on issues that are within the competence of the person being certified;
  • regulatory criteria for energy security;
  • safety requirements for hydraulic structures.

Types of industrial safety certification and frequency of passing

Order No. 37 of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 establishes the frequency of certification testing of specialists and managers. Thus, the initial check must be carried out no later than 1 month after the specialist is transferred to another type of work, appointed to a position or transferred to another organization.

The frequency of inspection is once every 5 years, unless a different frequency is provided for in a particular area through special regulations.

An extraordinary test of knowledge in the field of industrial safety is carried out in relation to personnel and managers whose duties include responsibility for the conduct of work at the facility where an accident occurred. fatal or an accident.

Certification examination of employees of educational institutions

More high demands applied to employees holding managerial positions. After all, they bear enormous responsibility for the level of training of future specialists.

Certification of managers educational institutions carried out once every 5 years. A person who has worked for less than 1 year does not pass this check. In addition, there is another group of persons who are exempt from it:

  • managers who received a position according to the order of the Government or the President of the Russian Federation;
  • temporary acting duties;
  • pregnant women or workers who are in maternity leave.

Certification of heads of educational institutions has undergone some changes in 2018. This mainly affected the documentation that needs to be prepared for the commission. The employee must provide:

  1. Consent in writing to undergo certification of managers, which is drawn up on the basis of the relevant notification.
  2. Consent in writing for members of the commission to conduct research and review the provided documents and data.
  3. Final report of your activities, full information about working as the head of an educational institution.
  4. Documents containing information on how the general curriculum.
  5. Recommendations and opinions from collegial bodies.
  6. Any other documents related to work activity that the manager considered necessary to provide.

There is also a list additional information, which the head of the educational institution is obliged to prepare for certification. The list includes:

  • information about income, expenses;
  • about existing property;
  • facts of marriage, divorce, birth of children;
  • work record book, documents confirming existing education, academic degrees, honorary title;
  • full list research works.

In addition, for certification of heads of educational institutions, it is necessary to prepare information about the planned program for the development of the educational organization.

Another important change concerns the changes to the certification process itself. It should be carried out in 2 stages. The first stage is based on the employee confirming the level of his own professional skills. The second is to confirm the level of existing qualifications.

It is important for the person being certified to provide a complete list of necessary information, otherwise he will not be allowed to participate in the procedure.

The procedure for conducting certification checks of heads of educational organizations

First of all, a decree is issued containing information about the upcoming process, indicating the positions that are subject to inspection and the timing of its implementation. The order also displays the purpose of the inspection. The composition of the certification commission and the consequences for employees who fail the test will depend on this.

All employees must be familiar with this order. Next, the exact composition of the commission is approved, which includes representatives of municipal and federal government bodies. Employees provide them with information to evaluate their performance necessary documents. After studying them, the certified person is asked questions of interest to the commission, a conclusion is drawn about his work and recommendations are given.


1 Certification of managers educational organizations Lomov Alexey Ivanovich Deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Practice of administrative work in school”, Publishing company “September”, Moscow In accordance with the law on education, the founder has the right to establish not only any procedure for certification of the head of an educational organization, but also any frequency. In particular, the founder has the right to completely exclude the periodic conduct of regular certification. How to certify managers and candidates for management positions? We read in the article. Candidates for the position of head of a state or municipal educational organization and its head (with the exception of heads of federal universities and heads of educational organizations, in cases established by federal laws) undergo mandatory certification (Part 3, Article 51 Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation.”). This means that the certification of candidates for the position of head of an educational organization is a legislative necessity, the procedure and timing of which are established by the founder of this educational organization. But as for current managers, in the Law, in contrast to certification teaching staff, does not contain any instructions on the frequency of their certification, but only records the very fact of certification, the procedure and timing of which are established by the founders of these educational organizations. In accordance with the law, the founder has the right to establish not only any procedure for conducting certification of the manager, but also any frequency. In particular, the founder has the right to completely exclude the periodic conduct of regular certification, while maintaining the obligation to conduct an extraordinary one. The grounds for its implementation may be: repeated violations by the head of the current legislation, confirmed by documents; ~1~

2 repeated violations by the manager of his job description, documented; negative dynamics results of students mastering implemented educational programs in comparison with previous periods in the same educational organization, documented; justified, confirmed complaints from students (their legal representatives) on low performance results of the work of the educational organization. In practice, as an analysis of regulations at the regional and municipal levels shows, in the vast majority of cases, the founders set for managers the frequency of undergoing regular certification for compliance with the position held once every five years (there are also those who reduce this period to three years). Let's try to find out how advisable it is to conduct periodic (regular) certification of current managers. Currently, there is a tendency to conclude fixed-term employment contracts with managers for a period of up to five years. (The basis for this is Part 2 of Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.) The basis for this is Part 2 of Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the very fact of renewing the contract with the manager for the next term means that the activities of such a manager are completely satisfactory to the founder. In other words, the manager with whom the contract was renewed corresponds to the position held from the founder’s point of view. But then what is it for? periodic certification leaders? After all, if the founder has reasonable doubts about the manager’s suitability for the position held, then he initiates an extraordinary certification in the manner and within the time frame established by him. With this approach to organizing the certification procedure, the founder will have to organize and conduct certification of only candidates for the position of manager and unscheduled certification of current managers (an example of the Regulations on the certification of candidates for the position and heads of educational organizations is given in Appendix 1 to the article). As for the use of the motivational potential of the certification procedure in order to stimulate the professional growth of managers, it can be implemented in the form of voluntary certification for compliance with regional (municipal) qualification levels. Such levels can be formulated based on performance criteria in the context of the transition to an efficient contract, but that, as they say, is another story. Appendix 1. Regulations on the certification of candidates for positions and heads of educational organizations 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” These Regulations determine the procedure and timing of certification of candidates for positions and heads of educational organizations. ~2~

3 Positions of heads of educational organizations for the purpose of applying these Regulations include positions classified as “Managers” Nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2013 No. 678) Certification carried out on the basis of an objective assessment professional activity managers and applicants for the position in order to determine their suitability for the position of “Head of an educational organization.” The main principles of certification are: collegiality, transparency, openness, objectivity, non-discrimination Candidates for the position of head of an educational organization are subject to mandatory certification Before appointment to a position, heads of educational organizations undergo mandatory (extraordinary) certification in case of: repeated violations of the current legislation, confirmed by documents; repeated violations of their job descriptions, confirmed by documents; negative dynamics of the results of students mastering the implemented educational programs in comparison with previous periods, confirmed by documents; justified, confirmed complaints from students (their legal representatives) about the low performance indicators of the educational organization. 2. Certification commission 2.1. Certification of candidates for positions and heads of educational organizations is carried out by an attestation commission consisting of: chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission formed by the body local government(authorized body state power subject of the Russian Federation) The chairman of the certification commission is the head (person authorized by him) of the municipal (regional) body that carries out management in the field of education. The certification commission includes employees of the municipal (regional) body that carries out management in the field of education, a representative of the municipal (regional) organization of the workers' trade union public education and science of the Russian Federation, heads of educational organizations, as well as representatives of scientific, educational and other organizations invited by the chairman of the certification commission as independent experts. The composition of the commission is annually approved by an administrative act of a local government body (an authorized body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) upon the proposal of the chairman of the commission. All members of the commission have equal rights when making decisions. The composition of the certification commission is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest that could affect the decisions it makes. ~3~

4 2.5. If there is a direct or indirect personal interest of any member of the certification commission, which may lead to a conflict of interest when certifying a particular person being certified, he is obliged to declare this before the start of the meeting. In this case, he does not take part in making a decision on a specific person being certified. The Chairman of the certification commission manages its activities. During his temporary absence, the activities of the commission are managed by his deputy. To ensure the work of the certification commission, its secretary is appointed. The schedule of meetings of the certification commission for each quarter is approved by the chairman of the certification commission. A meeting of the certification commission is considered competent if at least two-thirds of its roster is present. Decision of the certification committee commission is adopted by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the decision is made in favor of the person being certified. The decision comes into force from the date of its adoption. The duration of certification of a specific certified person cannot exceed 30 calendar days If the person being certified is found to be ineligible for the position of “Head of an educational organization,” the employment contract with him may be terminated in accordance with clause 13 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the grounds provided for in the employment contract. Termination employment contract with the head of the organization on this basis is possible if such a basis for terminating the employment contract is provided for in it; if not, then the employment contract should be terminated in accordance with Part 2 of Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 3. Certification of candidates for the position of head of an educational organization 3.1. The basis for conducting certification of candidates in order to determine their suitability for the position of “Head of an educational organization” may be: presentation of the head of the municipal (regional) body exercising management in the field of education; representation of the collegial governing body of the educational organization; candidate's application The submission to the certification commission must contain the following information about the candidate: last name, first name, patronymic; place of work and position held; availability of a qualification category for the position held; date of conclusion of the employment contract for the position held; level of education and qualifications (with copies of relevant documents attached); ~4~

5 information on advanced training (retraining) (with copies of relevant documents attached); motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment professional, business qualities, results of professional activities based on professional standard(qualification characteristics) “Head of an educational organization” The candidate’s application must contain the following information about him: last name, first name, patronymic; place of work and position held; availability of a qualification category for the position held; date of conclusion of the employment contract for the position held; level of education and qualifications (with copies of relevant documents attached); information on advanced training (retraining) (with copies of relevant documents attached). The candidate must attach to the application either an exit program crisis situation in a specific educational organization, or a development program for an educational organization, taking into account the characteristics of its educational activities(gymnasium, school with in-depth study of a specific subject, school implementing a specific additional pre-professional program, school implementing inclusive education, etc.) During the certification process, the candidate must undergo qualification tests on knowledge of the current legislation on education With the date, time and place of the test certification, the candidate for the position of manager must be familiarized with the secretary of the certification commission against signature no later than a month before the day of its conduct. The candidate for the position of manager must be personally present at the meeting of the certification commission during his certification. If it is impossible to attend a meeting of the certification commission for good reasons (illness, business trip, etc.), the necessary changes are made to the certification schedule. Directly during the certification process, the commission reviews the information about the candidate for the position of manager contained in the submission (his application), and also gives an assessment suitability of the candidate for the position “Head of an educational organization”. Members of the certification commission, if necessary, have the right to ask the certified person questions related to the performance of the duties of the head of the educational organization. The secretary of the certification commission keeps minutes of its meeting, in which he records its decisions and voting results. The protocol is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission present at the meeting, and is stored as part of a separate file in the municipal (regional) body that manages the field of education. ~5~

6 3.8. Based on the results of the candidate’s certification, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions: corresponds to the position “Head of an educational organization”; does not correspond to the position “Head of an educational organization” If a candidate fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission without good reason or if he is found not to be suitable for the position of “Head of an educational organization”, he can re-pass certification for compliance with the position of “Head of an educational organization” no earlier than a year after the date of the meeting of the certification commission. The results of the certification, drawn up in the protocol, are familiarized with the certification against signature For each, who has passed the certification, an extract from the protocol is drawn up containing the following information: last name, first name, patronymic of the person being certified, his place of work and position, the date of the meeting of the certification commission, the results of voting when making a decision, which is signed by the secretary of the certification commission. An extract from the protocol and the presentation (application) are stored in the personal file of the person being certified. A candidate who, based on the results of certification, is recognized as corresponding to the position of “Head of an educational organization” can be: appointed to the position of head; included in the reserve of managers. 4. Certification of the head of the educational organization 4.1. The decision to conduct certification of the head of an educational organization is made by the founder if the following grounds exist: repeated violations by the head of the current legislation, confirmed by documents; negative dynamics of the results of students mastering implemented educational programs in comparison with previous periods in the same educational organization, documented; justified, confirmed complaints from students (their legal representatives) about the low performance indicators of an educational organization. Certification of the head of an educational organization is carried out on the basis of a submission to the certification commission by his immediate supervisor. The following managers are not subject to certification: those who have worked in the position for less than one year; pregnant women; women on maternity leave; those on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three; absent from work for more than four months due to illness. Certification of managers listed in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “e” is possible no earlier than ~6~

7 less than a year after they start work. The submission must contain the following information about the manager: last name, first name, patronymic; place of work; date of conclusion of the employment contract and its validity period (for a fixed-term employment contract); level of education and qualifications; information on advanced training (retraining); motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment of professional, business qualities, results of professional activities based on the professional standard (qualification characteristics) “Head of an educational organization”; the reason that served as the basis for the certification The head of the educational organization must be familiar with the submission immediate supervisor against signature no later than a month before the date of certification. After reviewing the submission, the head of the educational organization has the right to submit to the certification commission his own information characterizing him labor activity for the last three years, as well as a statement with appropriate justification in case of disagreement with the information contained in the submission of the immediate supervisor. If the head of the educational organization refuses to familiarize himself with the submission, a corresponding act is drawn up, which is signed by the immediate supervisor and the persons in whose presence the act was drawn up. The head of the educational organization must be personally present at the meeting of the certification commission during his certification. If the manager is unable to attend a meeting of the certification commission for valid reasons (illness, business trip, etc.), appropriate changes are made to the certification schedule. If a manager fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission without a valid reason, the commission has the right to conduct certification in his absence. The certification commission considers information about the certified person contained in the submission, his statement with appropriate justification in case of disagreement with the submission, and also assesses his compliance with the requirements of the professional standard (qualification characteristics) “Head of an educational organization.” Members of the certification commission, if necessary, have the right to ask the certified person questions related to the performance of his official duties. The secretary of the certification commission keeps minutes of its meeting, in which he records its decisions and voting results. The protocol is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the certification commission present at the meeting, and is stored as part of a separate file in the municipal (regional) body that manages the field of education. Based on the results of certification, the certification commission accepts one of the following ~7~

8 decisions: corresponds to the position “Head of an educational organization”; does not correspond to the position “Head of an educational organization” The certified person familiarizes himself with the certification results, drawn up in the protocol, against signature. The certified person has the right to appeal the certification results to the court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For everyone who has passed the certification, an extract from the protocol is drawn up, containing the following information: last name, first name, the patronymic of the person being certified, his place of work and position, the date of the meeting of the certification commission, the results of voting when making a decision, which is signed by the secretary of the certification commission. An extract from the protocol and the presentation (application) are stored in the personal file of the person being certified. Information system“Directory”, 2014 Journal of the head of education management 4 (), 2014 ~8~

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1.6.2. determining the need to improve the qualifications of teaching staff; 1.6.3. increasing efficiency and quality pedagogical activity, identifying prospects for using potential

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Stimulating a targeted increase in the level of qualifications of teaching staff, their methodological culture, and personal professional growth; Determining the need for advanced training

1.7. The main principles of certification are collegiality, transparency, openness, ensuring an objective attitude towards teaching staff, and inadmissibility of discrimination during certification.


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Ensuring differentiation of wages for teaching staff, taking into account the established qualification category and the volume of their teaching (pedagogical) work. 4. Basic principles

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2 REGULATIONS on the procedure for conducting certification of teaching staff in order to confirm the compliance of teaching staff with the positions they occupy 1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations have been developed


Stimulating targeted, continuous improvement of the level of qualifications of teaching staff, their methodological culture, professional and personal growth; - determination of need

3. The regulations were developed on the basis of regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels. Certification of teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff in order to

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1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This procedure for the certification of teaching staff (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determines the rules, form and procedure for the certification of teaching staff for compliance with the job

2 of the Federation dated August 26, 2010 761-n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010, registration 18638; - control over the implementation of recommendations, if the Certification Commission

Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position held 1. General provisions 1.1 This regulation has been developed in accordance with - Labor



1 Regulations on the procedure for certification of teaching staff, in order to confirm the compliance of the position held in the MBOU Secondary School 27 1. Certification in order to confirm the compliance of teaching staff

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Regulations on the certification commission of the MDOU general developmental kindergarten 31 “Droplet” 1. General provisions 1.1. Certification Commission of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution for Children

1 the following teaching staff pass: a) teaching staff with qualification categories; b) those who have worked in their position for less than two years in the organization in which the

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated April 7, 2014 N 276 Moscow "On approval of the Procedure for carrying out

Information taken from the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation http://mon.gov.ru/ Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010 16999 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN

1. General provisions 1.1. This provision regulates the procedure for certification of teaching staff of the educational organization of the state budgetary educational institution "Volgograd

Regulations on the certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the positions held by the MBOU "Karagach Secondary School" of the Belyaevsky district of the Orenburg region Accepted

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) PRIK AZ March 24, 2010 209 On the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions

ACCEPTED EDWWWWLD: General meeting DOU 98 z_ Chairman L.V. Chegodaeva Order “x. 2014 Regulations on the certification procedure junior teachers in order to confirm compliance with the position held by the Municipal

On the certification of college teaching staff for compliance with their jobs Contents Scope. 3 Normative references. 3 1 General provisions. 4 2 The procedure for forming the certification commission

1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations determine the certification of teaching staff to confirm compliance with the position held (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) municipal institution additional

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Technical School "Autoservice" (Multifunctional Center for Applied Qualifications)" Considered and adopted at the meeting

ADOPTED BY THE TEACHING COUNCIL Protocol APPROVED by order of the MBDOU “ Kindergarten from 20, combined type 8" from 20, Regulations on the certification of teaching staff of MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined


Private professional educational institution "North Caucasian Financial and Energy College" "I approve" Regulations on the certification commission of a private professional educational institution

APPROVED by order of the director of the MADOU TsRR d/s 23 dated December 31, 2015 124 o/d REGULATIONS on the work of the certification commission on the procedure for certification of teaching staff, deputy director, senior

The procedure for certifying heads of educational institutions did not change in 2017 - the norms of orders of ministries and federal agencies adopted in 2015-2016 continue to apply.

Concept of certification

The head of an educational organization is responsible for educational, educational, scientific activity institution headed by him, and also carries out organizational and economic functions, which is why the level of requirements for such managers is quite high, and their qualifications require periodic verification of compliance with established qualification requirements.

Certification of managers in these institutions is carried out at least once during the period of occupying the corresponding position, no earlier than one year after taking office.

Orders of the relevant bodies, for example FANO, Rosaviatsiya, the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Customs Service, provide for certification of the manager once every five years.

Persons not subject to certification

The following managers are exempt from certification:

  • approved by the President or the Government;
  • acting temporarily;
  • holding a position for less than one year;
  • women expecting a child and/or on appropriate leave;
  • who have taken leave to care for a child under three years of age.

Documents submitted for certification

Documents submitted for certification are drawn up in Russian and must include:

  • consent to conduct certification (indicating the contact details of the person being certified and the list of documents to be submitted);
  • consent to study the submitted documents and information;
  • a report on the activities of the head, including the results of the implementation of the development program of the educational organization;
  • the opinion of the collegial governing body of the educational institution based on the results of consideration of the above report;
  • a certificate confirming the manager’s compliance with the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 351.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • other documents that the manager deems necessary to submit.

In addition to the above set of documents, ministries and federal agencies that are in charge of educational institutions provide for the provision of additional information:

Name government agency Type of documents/information
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Rossvyaz information about the income, property and property obligations of the certified person, his second half registered with the registry office and minor children for the past year
certified copies work book, documents confirming receipt of education, qualifications, honorary title, academic degree, academic title
list of scientific works (if available)
educational institution development program for the next period
Ministry of Culture copies of documents confirming receipt higher education, additional professional education (if available)
FCS documents confirming receipt of awards and other incentives, academic title and degree, professional skills

In addition, managers who hold or have held positions in the state or municipal service within 2 years after dismissal from said service must submit the consent of the commission that monitors compliance with the requirements for official conduct of state or municipal employees, if individual functions management of an educational institution is (was) part of its job responsibilities.

If the documents required for certification were not submitted, were not submitted in full, or were submitted later than the established deadlines, managers are not allowed to undergo certification.

Procedure for certification

Seven working days in advance, the person being certified is notified by telephone or by post about the place, date and time of the certification to ensure his attendance at the meeting of the certification commission. If the person being certified fails to appear at the meeting without a good reason or refuses certification, he is brought to disciplinary liability, and certification is transferred to more late date.

Individual ministries and federal agencies in charge of educational institutions may establish other deadlines and procedures for certification of heads of educational institutions.

Consequences of certification

Managers whose audit results revealed any non-compliance with the requirements are recognized as having failed certification. Based on the application of the above-mentioned manager, the certification commission has the right to decide on his re-certification.

A manager who has not passed the certification and has not received a positive response to the application for re-certification is suspended from work until the certification is successfully completed.

A manager in respect of whom a decision has been made that he is unsuitable for his position may be released from it on the basis

Heads of educational institutions periodically have to confirm their knowledge themselves. This allows us to ensure educational organizations qualified managers. Certification of managers in this area occurs both upon their admission to a position and during the period of validity of the employment contract.

Main regulatory acts

The obligation to undergo certification is determined legal status head of an educational organization. Russian law“On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (Article 51, clause 4) requires persons heading such institutions to be certified both as a candidate for a leadership position and as an existing leader. The regulation applies to state and municipal educational institutions.

There is no uniform procedure and deadline for certification. They depend on which department (service) a particular educational organization is subordinate to. Each of them develops its own orders, which detail the relevant procedure. For example, the certification of the heads of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is detailed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 267 dated May 26, 2016, and the certification of organizations subordinate to the Federal Tax Service is detailed by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-4/450@ dated September 2, 2014.

This article will discuss how certification of managers is carried out. educational institutions, subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The procedure and timing of its implementation are regulated by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 240 dated March 16, 2015.

General rules

Certification of a candidate(s) for a responsible position is carried out with the aim of selecting the most competent management personnel. A negative result will not allow the applicant to head an educational organization.

Certification of heads of educational institutions in 2018 is carried out at least once during the period of validity of the employment contract concluded with them, and in order to confirm the compliance of the head with the position held - within a year from the date of commencement of work in this responsible position.

  • heads of educational institutions appointed to the position by the President of the Russian Federation / Government;
  • pregnant women;
  • employees on maternity/child care leave (up to three years).

After returning from the specified vacations, managers can be certified no earlier than one year after resuming work.

Certification of heads of educational institutions 2018: procedure

Members of the certification commission work on a voluntary basis, that is, free of charge. Its composition is approved by a special order of the Ministry of Education, incl. it includes representatives of the ministry, authorities, and trade unions. The chairman of the commission is the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

Before checking his competence, the manager submits a package of documents to the commission:

  • application for certification activities;
  • consent to verification and processing of personal information;
  • a report on the implementation of the development program of the educational institution entrusted to it and a report for the year;
  • an extract from the decision of the collegial body of the educational institution - on the results of consideration of the head’s report;
  • certificate of no previous criminal record;
  • additional documentation - at your own discretion.

The manager is informed about the time and place of the certification no later than seven (working) days in advance by letter or telephone message. If he fails to appear at the appointed time without a valid reason, or refuses to be checked, the head of the educational institution will be subject to disciplinary action, and the certification is rescheduled for a later time.

A positive result of the certification is the decision of the commission on the suitability of the managerial employee for the position held. If the result is negative, the manager is recognized as having not passed the certification and is not suitable for the position held.

Isaac KALINA, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Education, Chairman of the Certification Commission (composition 1)

Isaac Iosifovich, the certification procedure for suitability for the position of head of a capital school has been discussed on the pages of the newspaper more than once. Do you think the certification procedure has lost its relevance?
- The certification procedure for the position of head of a public organization was relevant 200 years ago, and is still relevant now. The charter of educational institutions “subordinate to universities,” adopted in 1804, during the reign of Alexander I, stated that the director must be “well-versed in the sciences, could accurately judge the skill of teachers and the success of students, be active, well-intentioned, and love order.” and virtuous... As the owner of the gymnasium, he must look after both the studies and the economic part.” If we carefully read these lines of the charter, we will, without a doubt, see that the same qualities were valued in the director of the gymnasium that are important today in the head of a public organization. This is the ability to manage personnel, resources, processes, results and the ability to manage public information about your school, teachers, and student results.
The certification procedure for suitability for the position of head of a capital school is a multifunctional tool that primarily stimulates school directors to ensure the achievement of results that are relevant to the city. For example, the certification certificate with which the head goes for certification contains not only the indicators of the school itself, but also the optimal values ​​that need to be focused on in order to guarantee stable forward movement.
The indicators included in the certificate are relevant not only for directors undergoing certification, but also for those managers (and their deputies) who conduct constant self-assessment of their work and the work of their team. Analysis real state affairs in an educational organization with a focus on optimal values ​​makes it possible to predict and design indicators of the quality of education in a metropolitan school.
The current leaders themselves determined the relevance of this process. Just recently, one of the managers who successfully passed the certification wrote on his Facebook page that working on the certification certificate is valuable in itself, because it is a good reason to once again compare your “management watches.” The position is stated, and I can only agree with it.
We are often very anxious when we are assessed, especially when the assessment criteria are not clear or the person assessing is not an authority for us.
Today, the certification procedure for directors is not a formal assessment, but an open, absolutely transparent, independent assessment professionals of their colleagues according to predetermined measurable and significant indicators motivating to improve and move forward. The city needs professionals who are capable of making responsible decisions, focusing on information world high technologies. IN in this context certification procedure is not the only one, but very efficient system motivation to achieve high results.
I would like to draw attention to one point that lies in the legal field labor relations. An employment contract cannot be signed or extended with the head of an educational organization who has not passed certification. However, the certification of a school director or a candidate for this position does not automatically obligate the signing or renewal of an employment contract. Certification is one of the conditions, but not a universal pass to become the head of a capital school!

Tatyana VASILYEVA, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education, Chairman of the Certification Commission (Composition 2)
- Tatyana Viktorovna, you are the chairman of one of the Certification Commission. What is your opinion: do today’s certification procedures meet the requirements of the time, or has certification as a whole lost its relevance?
- I believe that today’s certification procedure is relevant. The main principles of the certification procedure are openness and transparency. In real time, you can see the certification process; the meeting itself is broadcast on the Internet and then stored in the archive on the website of the Moscow Department of Education. Voting for one candidate or another is not the decision of one person, it is a collegial decision of members of certification commissions, experienced directors, and the teaching community.
- What do you think: is a deputy certified for the position of a manager an incentive for the director or a time bomb?
- This is an incentive for the director, since the director feels calm and confident when he can trust his deputy. A successfully completed certification procedure guarantees the reliability of the deputy upon acceptance management decisions in the absence of the school principal. And for the deputy director himself, this is an incentive for professional growth.
- Is the capital’s certification model a real career springboard for a teacher or other teaching worker or is this not entirely true?
- I don’t think that certification in itself is a real career springboard. Components career growth are the professionalism of the candidate, the system vocational training and development, system of advanced training and professional retraining, complex “ master's programs", programs for the formation and support of a personnel reserve. And certification is only one of the stages of career growth.

Victor FERTMAN, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education, Chairman of the Certification Commission (composition 4)
- Viktor Aleksandrovich, you are the chairman of one of the members of the Attestation Commission. Your opinion: do today’s certification procedures meet the requirements of the time, or has certification as a whole lost its relevance?
- Today's procedures are relevant today. Certification cannot exhaust itself as long as 273-FZ exists. Certification for a manager is like a license for any type of activity: you can/cannot work. Any right must be confirmed. Certification stimulates managers at any level to constant reflection.
- Your certification commission reviews applications for certification of deputy managers. Do you think it is possible to consider the certification of deputies for compliance with the position of a leader as a safety margin for the school?
- The strength of the school depends on the strength of each team member, especially on the strength of its leaders. Durable means professional.
The expression “like the priest, so is the parish” is also about school. The deputy director is his backup, who is ready to take the place of the director at any moment. Having a strong leader with weak deputies is a sign of trouble.
- How can you characterize the general managerial level of deputies undergoing certification?
- The level of substitutes, as a rule, depends on the position of the school, college in the ranking and on his personal qualities. But there is a noticeable trend: the higher the position of the educational organization in the ranking, the more professional the person being certified. And one more thing: you cannot work in one place as a deputy director indefinitely. You stop seeing, hearing and reacting - personal internal connections, like weights, pull and interfere with movement.
When going for certification, you need to choose between loyalty to the director and the future of the school, your future. We need to see problems and prospects.
- Well, traditionally: what would you change in the system of certification of management personnel of capital schools?
- Today I see a problem in the certification commissions themselves. There is a lot of personal and non-specific content in the questions. We need to learn to ask the most important issues, analyze the answers. Make decisions dispassionately. Ignore the “impression”.

Marina IVANOVA, Chairman of the Moscow City Organization of the Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Certification Commission
- Marina Alekseevna, you are a permanent member of the Certification Commission, which, in fact, is mandatory as part of fulfilling the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Do you think that today's certification procedures meet the requirements of the time, or has certification as a whole lost its relevance?
- Indeed, for the last six years I have been the deputy chairman of the city certification commissions for assigning qualification categories to teaching staff and the commission for certification of managers and candidates for the position of heads of educational organizations.
I believe that personnel certification has not lost its relevance at all. This is a normal procedure for assessing the compliance of the qualifications of the employee, the head of the position held, as well as the potential of candidates for the future position of director of an educational organization. Moreover, it seems to me that over these years, it is thanks to certification, testing and “public defense” that the directors of Moscow schools, and now their deputies, have significantly increased their managerial potential and become leaders of a different formation. This was especially facilitated by the certification procedures and their dynamic change, openness, and the inclusion in the certification commission not of education officials, but of directors of the best Moscow schools and representatives of various public organizations.
- Today, certification of suitability for the position of head of an educational organization is a mandatory procedure not only for the director. Deputy managers did not stand aside. Initially, in 2015, this was a trial procedure; now it is the norm for the entire administrative team of the educational organization. Do you think this has complicated the situation in teaching teams, where deputies become competitors to managers?
- If we consider certification as an opportunity to confirm high level qualifications, then yes. This is a very powerful form of professional development.
However, in reality, a springboard for career growth can and should be the whole system, providing such advancement: retraining or obtaining additional education in the management of an educational organization, management in the field of education, internship and even testing to determine psychological readiness to take up a leadership position.
In my opinion, without such an integrated approach, there is a very high probability of mistakes both on the part of the career seeker and on the part of the founder. And then the school will have to suffer.
By the way, we as a trade union are interested in having our chairmen of primary trade union organizations (and these are mainly teachers) also try their hand at certification. And we are glad that lately a number of our colleagues have successfully passed certification as candidates for the position of head of an educational organization.
I think that in those schools where there is a team, passing certification by deputy directors does not pose a threat to the stratification of the team or the emergence of conflicts, but, on the contrary, provides an additional resource for the development of management competencies and the development of the school.
- Do you think the certification period for 2 years (from June 20, 2017 for 3 years) is not enough? And for 5 years - isn't that a lot?
- Not a little and not a lot. A lot can be done in two years. Correct what needs to be done, revise the program, justify the credit of trust. It seems to me that both two and five years are a very high result of the received status of a Moscow director. Only certification for five years is already a master’s experience, and not an indulgence for “a little longer.” The completed certification should not cause relief that everything is over, but pride in what has been achieved and anticipation of a new stage.
- Rotation of management personnel - is it good or bad?
- In many countries there is a rotation of management personnel of educational organizations. For example, in Singapore this happens approximately every six years. And in general, it has long been suggested that it is useful to change jobs every five years. But I think that rotation is hardly a universal impulse to accelerate the development of an organization. I think that we need to proceed from an analysis of the dynamics of school development. Why stop a galloping horse?
- What would you change in the system of certification of management personnel of capital schools?
- And you know, perhaps, nothing. I believe that in Moscow certification is carried out truly, with dignity and with respect for the position of a manager.

Did you know that...

For the period from September 2013 to the present, 529 directors were certified for the position of manager, of which 256 people for a period of 5 years, 273 people for a period of 2 years.
Heads and deputy heads of central city institutions, as well as the vast majority of employees of the Moscow Department of Education, were certified for suitability for the position of manager.
Certification of deputy school principals has become the norm, ensuring stability in the work of administrative teams. In 37 percent of educational organizations in Moscow, all deputy directors are certified for the position of head; in 56 percent of educational organizations, members of the deputy head team are partially certified.

Certified for compliance
What's next?

According to the Regulations on the procedure and timing of certification (order of the Moscow Department of Education dated August 11, 2016 No. 1014), managers and candidates for managerial positions are subject to certification for compliance with the position of head of an educational organization, including deputy heads as the acting head of an educational organization in the period of his absence.

For the period from September 2013 to the present, 2242 candidates were certified for the position of head of an educational organization, of which:
deputy managers - 1646 people;
teaching staff - 222 people;
teachers - 138 people;
methodologists - 55 people;
speech therapists/defectologists - 5 people;
educational psychologists - 2 people;
teacher-organizers - 22 people;
other employees - 374 people.
Certification for suitability for the position of head of an educational organization is one of the conditions for appointment to the position of school director. So, in 2016-2017 academic year 740 candidates were certified for compliance with the position of head of an educational organization, of which 33 were appointed heads. In particular, out of 596 certified members of school administrative teams, 25 people were appointed as school directors, and out of 108 certified teaching staff, 8 people were appointed as managers. Of those appointed as managers, 67 percent are women and 33 percent are men. Under the age of 30 - 12 percent, from 31 to 45 years - 31 percent, from 46 to 55 years - 36 percent, over 55 years - 21 percent.

The decision “does not correspond to the position of the manager”
Sentence or point of growth?

According to the Regulations on the procedure and terms of certification (order of the Moscow Department of Education dated August 11, 2016 No. 1014), the certification of managers and candidates for management positions is carried out in two stages: passing qualification tests and an interview with the certification commission. If all testing attempts provided for by the Certification Procedure are passed below the established level, then the first stage of certification is considered completed, the manager is not allowed to the second stage and is recognized as not corresponding to the position held

During the period from September 2013 to the present, 98 managers were not certified for compliance with their positions, of which 56 people did not pass the first stage of certification (testing), 42 people did not pass the second stage of certification (interview with the Certification Commission)