How to fill out the questionnaire for the certified employee. Basic principles of certification. Form of certification sheet: judicial practice

How to relate the qualifications of an employee and the level of his salary?
How to increase the objectivity of personnel assessment at each stage of certification?
How to use the certification results?

The author offers a clearly structured description of the certification procedure used in a company doing business in the field of communication technologies and services: from setting tasks, creating conditions and organizing the certification commission to obtaining results and their analysis. The procedure was introduced in the company to accompany the new remuneration system based on the salary scale of positions. It was necessary to determine the rank of each employee according to his position in accordance with his professional and personal qualities.
The author gives clear recommendations on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the certification commission, depending on the number of personnel in the company, as well as on the optimal timing of the procedure.
At the stage of preparation for certification, an order is issued to carry it out, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. The package of documents required for this stage includes a questionnaire for the person being certified and a “Certification” questionnaire, filled out by both the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is the same for all positions; the results for it are calculated in points assigned on a 7-point scale to the personal and business qualities of the employee. The content of the second part is based on job descriptions. The duties performed by the employee are assessed on a 5-point scale. Based on the total score on the questionnaire, the employee’s position rank is determined. Samples of documents are given in the appendices to the article; they are distributed and filled out a month before the date of certification.
During the main certification procedure, the commission listens to presentations by the employee and his immediate supervisor about the results achieved in his work. And, taking into account, among other things, the data from the \"Certification\" questionnaire, based on the results of the assessment procedure, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the job rank, the certification commission recommends transfer to another job rank;
  • does not correspond to the position held and official rank.

    The results of the certification are recorded in the certification card and in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. The employee gets acquainted with the certification card against a signature; a sample of it is also given in the appendix to the article.
    In the generally accepted understanding, certification is a procedure for the compliance of employees with their position. Its implementation can be viewed from two points of view: from the position of management and from the position of the employee himself. That is, on the one hand, certification is carried out so that management determines the suitability of their employees for their jobs (the results of such certification affect the remuneration and status of the employee in the company), and on the other hand, in order to receive feedback from the employee for planning his individual development, career and training (the results of such certification lead to changes in the financial and career situation of the employee).
    The HR manager of the company \"SAMPLE\" was given two tasks:
    1. To introduce a new remuneration system based on the wage scale for each position, it was necessary to determine the employee’s rank for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities (management showed interest in this).
    2. Receiving feedback from the employee for planning training programs, career forecasts, identifying weaknesses in the organization of work, production relationships of employees (staff were interested in this).
    The interaction of these two tasks in organizing and conducting certification determined the methodology outlined in the article. Its specificity lies in the fact that it proposes a certification procedure consisting of three successive stages, at each of which the key and most important factors of personnel assessment are taken into account.

    Certification conditions
    All employees who have worked for the company for at least 6 months are subject to certification. In this case, certification is carried out no more than once a year, but at least once every two years. No matter how important it is from the point of view of management (most often) or staff as an opportunity to express their professional capabilities (less often), we must not forget that certification is a subjective assessment by management of its personnel. During the certification process, the manager involuntarily (and naturally) shows more sympathy for like-minded people.
    There are three stages of certification:

  • creation of a certification commission;
  • (preparation) certification;
  • carrying out certification.
    The task of increasing the objectivity of the assessment concerns all of the listed stages. Let's look at how these important stages of certification were implemented in the company.

    Creation of an attestation commission
    The task of the certification commission is to make a decision on whether the employee is certified or not certified. The basis for this is the results of the interview during the certification and questionnaires conducted at the stage of preparation for certification.
    When creating a certification commission, it is necessary to take into account the quantitative, personnel composition of the enterprise, its structure. For example, an enterprise has four services: commercial, technical, administrative and accounting, and the commercial service is divided into several departments. The quantitative composition is approximately the same - commercial and technical services (25-30 people each), less in the administrative and accounting services (15 people).
    The number of days for certification is determined by the number of those being certified and the number of structural units. For example, if we assume that 15 minutes will be allocated for each person being certified, then the certification commission will need at least 6 hours and 25 minutes of work to certify 25 people in one day. It is also desirable that employees of one unit be certified by one commission, since its composition directly depends on the unit being certified. Certification is carried out directly on working days, and the certified personnel do not work at the specified time.
    To carry out certification, it is necessary to allocate 3 days, not necessarily consecutive, perhaps partially occupied by certification, so that the production process is not disrupted. From the point of view of assessment objectivity, a more correct solution is to create three certification commissions, such that representatives of one service would certify another service, or, within the framework of a commercial service, representatives of one department would certify another department.
    For example, the certification commission for certification of technical service employees has the following composition:

  • director (chairman);
  • HR manager (secretary);
  • head of commercial service;
  • chief accountant;
  • a representative of a non-technical service, directly related to the technical service due to his job responsibilities (this could be a design engineer or manager, storekeeper, etc.).
    To assess the professional qualities of employees, it is advisable to invite relevant specialists with the right of advisory vote to work on the certification commission. This enhances objectivity and increases employee confidence in the commission itself. The decision to certify an employee is decided by open voting by members of the certification commission; the advisory vote of the specialist is taken into account only if the members of the commission do not come to a consensus. For example, if out of 5 members of the commission, two believe that the employee should be certified, and two others are clearly against certification and one more abstained, then the advisory vote of the specialist is taken into account. In addition, during the certification process, the invited specialist can ask the person being certified questions regarding professional activities, and then express his opinion about his professional qualities.
    Thus, employees who are part of the certification commission and are not the immediate supervisors of those being certified are acceptable to both management and staff.

    Preparation of certification
    To carry out certification, an order is issued to conduct it, certification commissions are formed in professional areas, the necessary documents are prepared for the certification commission, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. At this stage, it is important to give a preliminary, as objective as possible personal and professional assessment of the person being certified. For this purpose, a package of documents is being developed, including:

  • questionnaire for the person being certified (see Appendix 1);
  • \"Certification\" questionnaire (see Appendix 2), one copy of which is filled out by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the employee being certified.
    These documents are distributed for completion a month before the date of certification. Let's look at them.
    The questionnaire allows the certified employee to express his opinion on the advisability of deepening and expanding his knowledge, the possibility of specialization, satisfaction with his work, and make comments about various aspects of the company's activities.
    The \"Certification\" questionnaire is designed to assess the personal, business and professional qualities of an employee. It is filled out by the immediate supervisor and the employee himself. The point of filling it out is to assign points by category, resulting in an integrated assessment expressed in points. This assessment takes into account the opinion of both the employee himself about his personal, business and professional qualities, and his immediate supervisor. In this regard, the HR manager should pay attention to the following:
  • if the integrated assessment is significantly lower than the average, that is, both the employee’s manager and the employee rate themselves very low, then during the certification it is necessary to check what this is connected with;
  • if the integrated assessment is significantly higher than the average, that is, both the employee’s manager and the employee rate themselves very highly, this also needs to be checked during certification.
    The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is common to all certified positions and includes an assessment of personal and business qualities in the following categories:
  • independence;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to defend one’s point of view;
  • ability to understand issues;
  • ability to coordinate and interact;
  • ability to control work;
  • behavior in a tense situation;
  • attitude to work;
  • attitude towards criticism;
  • integrity and honesty;
  • working hours;
  • experience;
  • suitability for the position.
    This part of the application form is the same for all positions. The person being certified is assessed on a 7-point scale. Points are distributed for each category as follows: 7 points if the attribute is most pronounced, i.e. item 1 of category is marked, 6 points - item 2 is marked, 5 points - item 3 is marked, etc. 1 point is assigned if the attribute of the category is least expressed, i.e., point 7 is highlighted.
    For example, in the category \"Independence\": if line 1.1 is ticked in the questionnaire (\"In the area of ​​his responsibility, makes decisions on issues of any complexity, independently and competently\"), then the person being certified in this category receives 7 points; if line 1.2 is marked (\"He tries to solve any questions concerning his work on his own, but is not afraid to seek advice\"), then the person being certified in this category receives 6 points, etc. Finally, for the last marked line 1.7 ( \"Always waits for instructions from the manager, avoids making independent decisions\") the person being certified in this category receives 1 point. Thus, the maximum number of total points for this part of the questionnaire is 98, and the minimum is 14.
    The content of the second part of the questionnaire changes based on the position of the employee being certified. Categories (functions), depending on job responsibilities, are taken from job descriptions; 15 individual categories are allocated for all positions, each of which is rated on a 5-point scale. The maximum score for this part of the questionnaire is 75, the minimum is 15 points.
    The total maximum amount for the \"Certification\" questionnaire filled out by both the head of the department and the employee being certified is 346 points, and the minimum is 58 points.
    The enterprise has developed a tariff grade scale for all positions: from cleaner to general director, for each position there are minimum and maximum grades, for example, night watchman - from 1 to 6, HR manager - from 6 to 11, engineer - from 7 to 12 , master - from 8 to 13 ranks, etc. Each position varies within 6 ranks. The following correspondence of certification points to job rank is obtained:
  • 58 points and below - the lowest rank for the position;
  • from 59 to 115 points - the next category;
  • from 116 to 173 points - the next category;
  • from 174 to 231 points - the next rank;
  • from 232 to 289 points - the next category;
  • from 290 to 346 points - the highest rank for the position.
    Thus, the certification score includes the self-assessment of the employee being certified and the assessment of his immediate supervisor. Based on the sum of points, the employee’s rank by position is determined. The assignment of the category is associated with the introduction of a new remuneration system at the enterprise. For an employee, this means that the higher the rank, the higher his salary.
    No later than two weeks before the start of the certification, documents for the employee being certified are submitted to the certification commission: a questionnaire (to be filled out by the person being certified); certification card (filled out by the HR manager); \"Certification\" questionnaire (one copy is filled out by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the employee being certified).
    The certification card (see Appendix 3) is filled out by the personnel manager, who enters data on education, work experience, advanced training, incentives, penalties, indicates the certification score of the person being certified and its compliance with the rank of the position.
    The HR manager, at least a week before the start of the certification, must familiarize each employee with the \"Certification\" questionnaire filled out by the immediate supervisor and with the certification card.
    Carrying out certification
    The certification commission is obliged to familiarize itself with the package of documents of the certified person before the certification begins. Certification is carried out in the presence of the person being certified. The certification commission takes into account the performance of the employee and his immediate supervisor. After reviewing the submitted information about the employee’s performance for the previous period, the commission, in the event of an employee’s statement of disagreement with the submitted review, has the right to postpone the certification to the next meeting of the commission. This helps to achieve greater objectivity in certification. An employee's performance is assessed based on his compliance with the qualification requirements of the position held, the job description, as well as on the basis of an assessment of the quality of the work he performs and its effectiveness.
    Based on the results of the certification, the employee is given one of the following ratings:
  • corresponds to the position held and official rank;
  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official rank; the certification commission recommends transfer to another position;
  • does not correspond to the position held and official rank.
    The results of the certification are recorded in the certification card and in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the certification commission present at the meeting. The employee gets acquainted with the certification card against receipt. Other documents based on the certification results are not issued. The minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, the certification card, the questionnaire of the certified person, the “Certification” questionnaire are stored in the employee’s personal file.
    Thus, the described methodology for organizing and conducting certification allows:
  • at each stage, approach employee assessment objectively;
  • determine the level of their professional training, suitability for the position held and establish a rank according to the tariff schedule in force in the company.

Questionnaire for certified employee

1. Last name, first name, patronymic _________________
2. Year of birth and date _________________
3. Position ___________________________
4. Marital status____________________

5. Work experience in this position ___________________________________________________________________

6. What knowledge and in what area would you like to deepen and expand? _____________________________________________________________________

7. What professional specialization and what methods would you like to study? ______________________________________________________________

8. Where would you like to work based on your abilities and interests? ________________________________________________

9. Are you satisfied with your work, if \"no\", then what is stopping you? ________________________________________________________________________

10. Your comments and suggestions on the personnel, organizational and technical life of the company_________________________________________________

\"___\" _______________200__g. Certified _________________

Attestation card

1. Full name certified employee ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Division ________________________________________________________________________________3. Position at the time of certification _________________________________________________

4.Year of birth ____________________________________________________________
5. Marital status _____________________________________________________
6. Educational institution (name, years of study, specialty, form of study)
_________________________________________________________________________, speciality - ___________________________________________________________

7. Total length of service at the enterprise:__________________________________________

8. Work experience in the certified position_____________________________________________

9. Studied (is studying) in advanced training courses (place and time of completion),

10. Awards (incentives) for the certification period:_______________________________________________________________

11. Penalties for the certification period: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Certification score determined from the \"Certification\" questionnaires filled out by the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified,________________________________________________________________________________________________0

  • How to relate the qualifications of an employee and the level of his salary?
  • How to increase the objectivity of personnel assessment at each stage of certification?
  • How to use the certification results?

The author offers a clearly structured description of the certification procedure used in a company doing business in the field of communication technologies and services: from setting tasks, creating conditions and organizing the certification commission to obtaining results and their analysis. The procedure was introduced in the company to accompany the new remuneration system based on the tariff scale of positions. It was necessary to determine the rank of each employee according to his position in accordance with his professional and personal qualities. The author gives clear recommendations on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the certification commission, depending on the number of personnel in the company, as well as on the optimal timing of the procedure.

At the stage of preparation for certification, an order is issued to carry it out, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. The package of documents required for this stage includes a questionnaire for the person being certified and a “Certification” form, filled out by both the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is the same for all positions; the results for it are calculated in points assigned on a 7-point scale to the personal and business qualities of the employee. The content of the second part is based on job descriptions. The duties performed by the employee are assessed on a 5-point scale. Based on the total score on the questionnaire, the employee’s position rank is determined. Samples of documents are given in the appendices to the article; they are distributed and filled out a month before the date of certification. During the main certification procedure, the commission listens to presentations by the employee and his immediate supervisor about the results achieved in his work. And, taking into account, among other things, the data from the “Certification” questionnaire, based on the results of the assessment procedure, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the job rank, the certification commission recommends transfer to another job rank;

The results of the certification are recorded in the certification card and in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. The employee gets acquainted with the certification card against a signature; a sample of it is also given in the appendix to the article. In the generally accepted understanding, certification is a procedure for the compliance of employees with their position. Its implementation can be viewed from two points of view: from the position of management and from the position of the employee himself. That is, on the one hand, certification is carried out so that management determines the suitability of their employees for their jobs (the results of such certification affect the remuneration and status of the employee in the company), and on the other hand, in order to receive feedback from the employee for planning his individual development, career and training (the results of such certification lead to changes in the financial and career situation of the employee). The HR manager of the SAMPLE company was given two tasks:

  1. In order to introduce a new remuneration system based on the wage scale for each position, it was necessary to determine the employee’s rank for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities (the management showed interest in this).
  2. Obtaining feedback from the employee for planning training programs, career forecasts, identifying weaknesses in the organization of work, production relationships of employees (the staff were interested in this). The interaction of these two tasks in organizing and conducting certification determined the methodology outlined in the article. Its specificity lies in the fact that it proposes a certification procedure consisting of three successive stages, at each of which the key and most important factors of personnel assessment are taken into account.

Certification conditions All employees who have worked in the company for at least 6 months are subject to certification. In this case, certification is carried out no more than once a year, but at least once every two years. No matter how important it is from the point of view of management (most often) or staff as an opportunity to express their professional capabilities (less often), we must not forget that certification is a subjective assessment by management of its personnel. During the certification process, the manager involuntarily (and naturally) shows more sympathy for like-minded people. There are three stages of certification:

  • creation of a certification commission;
  • (preparation) certification;
  • carrying out certification.

The task of increasing the objectivity of the assessment concerns all of the listed stages. Let's look at how these important stages of certification were implemented in the company. Creation of a certification commission The task of the certification commission is to make a decision on whether an employee is certified or not certified. The basis for this is the results of the interview during the certification and questionnaires conducted at the stage of preparation for certification. When creating a certification commission, it is necessary to take into account the quantitative, personnel composition of the enterprise, its structure. For example, an enterprise has four services: commercial, technical, administrative and accounting, and the commercial service is divided into several departments. The quantitative composition is approximately the same - commercial and technical services (25-30 people each), less in the administrative and accounting services (15 people). The number of days for certification is determined by the number of those being certified and the number of structural units. For example, if we assume that 15 minutes will be allocated for each person being certified, then the certification commission will need at least 6 hours and 25 minutes of work to certify 25 people in one day. It is also desirable that employees of one unit be certified by one commission, since its composition directly depends on the unit being certified. Certification is carried out directly on working days, and the certified personnel do not work at the specified time. To carry out certification, it is necessary to allocate 3 days, not necessarily consecutive, possibly partially occupied by certification, so that the production process is not disrupted. From the point of view of assessment objectivity, a more correct solution is to create three certification commissions, such that representatives of one service would certify another service, or, within the framework of a commercial service, representatives of one department would certify another department. For example, the certification commission for certification of technical service employees has the following composition:

  • director (chairman);
  • HR manager (secretary);
  • head of commercial service;
  • chief accountant;
  • a representative of a non-technical service, directly related to the technical service due to his job responsibilities (this could be a design engineer or manager, storekeeper, etc.).

To assess the professional qualities of employees, it is advisable to invite relevant specialists with the right of advisory vote to work on the certification commission. This enhances objectivity and increases employee confidence in the commission itself. The decision to certify an employee is decided by open voting by members of the certification commission; the advisory vote of the specialist is taken into account only if the members of the commission do not come to a consensus. For example, if out of 5 members of the commission two believe that the employee should be certified, and two others are clearly against certification and one more abstained, then the advisory vote of the specialist is taken into account. In addition, during the certification process, the invited specialist can ask the person being certified questions regarding professional activities, and then express his opinion about his professional qualities. Thus, employees who are part of the certification commission and are not the immediate supervisors of those being certified are acceptable to both management and staff. Preparation of certification To conduct certification, an order is issued to conduct it, certification commissions are formed in professional areas, the necessary documents are prepared for the certification commission, lists of employees subject to certification are drawn up, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. At this stage, it is important to give a preliminary, as objective as possible personal and professional assessment of the person being certified. For this purpose, a package of documents is being developed, including:

  • questionnaire for the person being certified (see Appendix 1);
  • “Certification” questionnaire (see Appendix 2), one copy of which is filled out by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the employee being certified.

These documents are distributed for completion a month before the date of certification. Let's look at them. The questionnaire allows the certified employee to express his opinion on the advisability of deepening and expanding his knowledge, the possibility of specialization, satisfaction with his work, and make comments about various aspects of the company's activities. The "Certification" questionnaire is designed to assess the personal, business and professional qualities of an employee. It is filled out by the immediate supervisor and the employee himself. The point of filling it out is to assign points by category, resulting in an integrated assessment expressed in points. This assessment takes into account the opinion of both the employee himself about his personal, business and professional qualities, and his immediate supervisor. In this regard, the HR manager should pay attention to the following:

  • if the integrated assessment is significantly lower than the average, that is, both the employee’s manager and the employee rate themselves very low, then during the certification it is necessary to check what this is connected with;
  • if the integrated assessment is significantly higher than the average, that is, both the employee’s manager and the employee rate themselves very highly, this also needs to be checked during certification.

The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is common to all certified positions and includes an assessment of personal and business qualities in the following categories:

  • independence;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to defend one’s point of view;
  • ability to understand issues;
  • ability to coordinate and interact;
  • ability to control work;
  • behavior in a tense situation;
  • attitude to work;
  • attitude towards criticism;
  • integrity and honesty;
  • working hours;
  • experience;
  • suitability for the position.

This part of the application form is the same for all positions. The person being certified is assessed on a 7-point scale. Points are distributed for each category as follows: 7 points if the attribute is most pronounced, i.e. item 1 of category is marked, 6 points - item 2 is marked, 5 points - item 3 is marked, etc. 1 point is assigned if the attribute of the category is least expressed, i.e., point 7 is highlighted. For example, for the category “Independence”: if line 1.1 is ticked in the questionnaire (“In the area of ​​his responsibility, makes decisions on issues of any complexity, independently and competently”), then the person certified in this category receives 7 points; if line 1.2 is marked (“He tries to solve any questions concerning his work on his own, but is not afraid to seek advice”), then the person being certified in this category receives 6 points, etc. Finally, for the last marked line 1.7 (“Always waits for instructions from the manager, avoids making independent decisions"), the person being certified in this category receives 1 point. Thus, the maximum number of total points for this part of the questionnaire is 98, and the minimum is 14. The content of the second part of the questionnaire changes based on the position of the employee being certified. Categories (functions), depending on job responsibilities, are taken from job descriptions; 15 individual categories are allocated for all positions, each of which is rated on a 5-point scale. The maximum score for this part of the questionnaire is 75, the minimum is 15 points. The total maximum amount for the “Certification” questionnaire, completed by both the head of the department and the employee being certified, is 346 points, and the minimum is 58 points. The enterprise has developed a tariff grade scale for all positions: from cleaner to general director, for each position there are minimum and maximum grades, for example, night watchman - from 1 to 6, HR manager - from 6 to 11, engineer - from 7 to 12 , master - from 8 to 13 ranks, etc. Each position varies within 6 ranks. The following correspondence of certification points to job rank is obtained:

  • 58 points and below - the lowest rank for the position;
  • from 59 to 115 points - the next category;
  • from 116 to 173 points - the next category;
  • from 174 to 231 points - the next rank;
  • from 232 to 289 points - the next category;
  • from 290 to 346 points - the highest rank for the position.

Thus, the certification score includes the self-assessment of the employee being certified and the assessment of his immediate supervisor. Based on the sum of points, the employee’s rank by position is determined. The assignment of the category is associated with the introduction of a new remuneration system at the enterprise. For an employee, this means that the higher the rank, the higher his salary. No later than two weeks before the start of the certification, documents for the employee being certified are submitted to the certification commission: a questionnaire (to be filled out by the person being certified); certification card (filled out by the HR manager); “Certification” form (one copy is filled out by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the employee being certified). The certification card (see Appendix 3) is filled out by the personnel manager, who enters data on education, work experience, advanced training, incentives, penalties, indicates the certification score of the person being certified and its compliance with the rank of the position. The HR manager, at least a week before the start of certification, must familiarize each employee with the “Certification” questionnaire filled out by the immediate supervisor and with the certification card. Carrying out certification The certification commission is obliged to familiarize itself with the package of documents of the certified person before the start of certification. Certification is carried out in the presence of the person being certified. The certification commission takes into account the performance of the employee and his immediate supervisor. After reviewing the submitted information about the employee’s performance for the previous period, the commission, in the event of an employee’s statement of disagreement with the submitted review, has the right to postpone the certification to the next meeting of the commission. This helps to achieve greater objectivity in certification. An employee's performance is assessed based on his compliance with the qualification requirements of the position held, the job description, as well as on the basis of an assessment of the quality of the work he performs and its effectiveness. Based on the results of the certification, the employee is given one of the following ratings:

  • corresponds to the position held and official rank;
  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official rank; the certification commission recommends transfer to another position;
  • does not correspond to the position held and official rank.

The results of the certification are recorded in the certification card and in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the certification commission present at the meeting. The employee gets acquainted with the certification card against receipt. Other documents based on the certification results are not issued. The minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, certification card, questionnaire for the certified person, and the “Certification” questionnaire are stored in the employee’s personal file. Thus, the described methodology for organizing and conducting certification allows:

  • at each stage, approach employee assessment objectively;
  • determine the level of their professional training, suitability for the position held and establish a rank according to the tariff schedule in force in the company.

Appendix 1

Questionnaire for certified employee

1. Last name, first name, patronymic ___________________________________________________________________

2. Year of birth and date ___________________________________________________________________

3. Position ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Marital status__________________________________________________________________________

5. Work experience in this position ____________________________________________________________

6. What knowledge and in what area would you like to deepen and expand? _____________________

7. What professional specialization and what methods would you like to study? _______________

8. Where would you like to work based on your abilities and interests? ____________

9. Are you satisfied with your job? If “no,” then what’s stopping you? _______________________

10. Your comments and suggestions on the personnel, organizational and technical life of the company_______ "___" _______________200__ Certified _________________

Appendix 3

Attestation card

1. Full name certified employee Lyubov Pavlovna Tronina

2. Communications division 3. Position at the time of certification: sales manager

4. Year of birth 1969

5. Marital status: married

6. Educational institution (name, years of study, specialty, form of study) Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin), 1986 -1991, specialty - “design engineer”

7. Total length of service at the enterprise: 3 years 4 months since 08/25/98.

8. Work experience in the certified position since July 24, 2001.

9. Studied (is studying) in advanced training courses (place and time of completion), participated in conferences, seminars:

  • 1998 - internship at Motorola (Ireland);
  • 29.05. - 03.06. 2000 - Moscow, IT company, SCS course, SCS engineer certificate;
  • 24 - 25.10. 2001 - International Center for Scientific and Technical Information - 3rd International Forum "Professional Mobile Radio Communications", Moscow, seminar
  • 10. Awards (incentives) for the certification period:

  • gratitude was announced for the results of work for 2000;
  • gratitude was announced based on the results of work for 2001;
  • The award was issued on December 6, 2001.
  • 11. Penalties for the certification period: none.

    12. Certification score determined from the “Certification” questionnaires filled out by the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified, and its correspondence to the job rank: 291 points, corresponding to the 12th category of sales manager

    13. Comments and suggestions made by members of the certification commission ____________________

    14. Comments and suggestions made by the employee being certified

  • the “Questionnaire for the employee being certified” states the following: “Completely satisfied”;
  • during certification:_______________________________________________________________
  • 15. Evaluation of the performance of the certified employee based on the results of voting ________ members of the certification commission were present Number of votes “for” ____________________ “against” _______________________ Recommendations of the certification commission (indicating the reasons for which they are given) Chairman of the certification commission ____________________ Secretary of the certification commission _______________________ Members of the certification commission ___________________________

    Magazine "Handbook of Personnel Management" No. 4, 2004

    Typical Job Analysis Questionnaire

    1. Brief job description (your main responsibilities)

    2. Special qualifications (indicate all licenses, permits, certificates, etc. required to perform your job duties)

    3. Equipment (list all equipment, machines and tools that you must work with as part of your job responsibilities)

    4. Duties performed regularly (give a general description of all your job responsibilities in descending order of importance and percentage of time spent on them per month)

    5. Contacts (Does your job require contact with personnel from other departments or external organizations? If so, indicate the duties that require these contacts and their frequency of occurrence)

    6. Management (do your responsibilities include activities related to management and subordinates?)
    () Yes
    () No
    If Yes, complete the additional Executive Workplace Analysis Questionnaire and attach it to this form. If you are responsible for the work of others but do not directly supervise them, please explain

    7. Decision making (describe the decisions you make in carrying out your regular duties)

    8. What are the likely consequences if you
    (a) make the wrong decision or draw the wrong conclusion, or
    (b) perform the wrong action?

    9. Recordkeeping Responsibilities (List the reports or files you are required to prepare or maintain. Indicate generally for whom these reports are intended)

    10. Frequency control. (How often should you consult with your supervisor or other company employee when making decisions

    never ()

    11. Working Conditions (Describe your working conditions: indoors, outdoors, air-conditioned area, etc. List any hazardous or unusual working conditions)

    12. Job Requirements (indicate the minimum requirements to perform the job satisfactorily)
    Special training:
    Specialized Skills:

    13. Additional information (information that was not included in any of the previous sections and that you think might be important in describing your work.)

    Employee signature

    In addition to interviews and questionnaires, information for job analysis can be obtained in other ways: using the method of observation and keeping a diary/journal by each employee or compiling a list of tasks that employees perform during the day.

    Description of work. A job description is a written document that contains information about what a worker does, how he does it, and under what conditions. This information is used to create a job specification, which outlines the knowledge, abilities and skills required to perform the job satisfactorily. Most descriptions contain the following sections:

      Definition of work

      Brief job description

      Relationships, responsibilities, duties


      Performance Standards

      Working conditions

      Job Specification

    Basic principles of job descriptions or some tips for creating your job descriptions.

    Clarity. The job description should be such that all responsibilities are clear.

    Specifying Features. Be sure to indicate the scope and nature of the work, using phrases such as “for the department” or “as required by the manager.” Include all important relationships.

    Certainty. Select the most specific words to show:

      type of work;

      degree of difficulty;

      required skills;

      degree of standardization of tasks;

      degree of responsibility for each stage of work;

      degree and type of financial liability.

    Use effective words like “analyzes”, “collects”, “selects”, “plans”, “maintains”, “supports”, “monitors”, “recommends”, etc. Employees at lower levels of the organization have detailed responsibilities and tasks, while employees at higher levels have broader responsibilities.

    Brevity. A precise, concise statement usually best describes the goal.

    Double check. Finally, to check whether the description meets the basic requirements, ask yourself: “Would the employee understand the essence of the job if he read the job description?”

    2.2 Performance evaluation

    Once you've written job descriptions, you have a reliable guide for evaluating staff. Many organizations have a formal performance appraisal system and the annual performance appraisal interview is often anticipated with mixed feelings on the part of both the appraisee and apprehension on the part of the manager who will conduct it. As a result, many managers postpone conducting performance interviews, sometimes not conducting them at all, even in those organizations where such an event is mandatory. In some organizations, the introduction of a formal appraisal system is prevented by the union.

    How do the words “performance appraisal” make you feel? How do you understand this term?

    EXERCISE. Answer the following questions: (Yes/No)
    1. Is performance appraisal useful for the organization, for the employee, or for both?
    2. Should the appraisal evaluate the employee's personality or job performance, or both?
    3. Is it better to conduct performance appraisal formally or informally?
    4. How often should performance evaluation be carried out?
    5. Should performance evaluation always include a personal interview?
    6. For performance evaluation to be effective, is it necessary to keep any minutes?
    7. Should annual salary reviews be separate from employee performance reviews?
    8. Who is better to conduct performance assessment: the immediate supervisor (“father”), the manager’s supervisor (i.e., “grandfather”), the employee himself, the personnel service employee, or several of them together?
    9. Is it better to evaluate performance using an open or closed system?
    10. Is it useful to evaluate the performance of not only managers, but also other employees (for example, technical employees, workers, etc.)? If yes, then list for whom it is still appropriate.

    If your beliefs about performance appraisal are based on your previous experiences with performance appraisal (good or bad) and what you believe to be the main purpose of performance appraisal, you may be able to change your beliefs after studying this chapter.

    Key ideas in this section:
    Performance appraisal does not have to be a formal exercise conducted once a year, but can be an ongoing process where interviews are conducted more frequently and more informally.
    There has been a shift away from assessment systems focused on past performance and the potential capabilities of the employee - now the main task has become the improvement of current activities, i.e. performance assessment is carried out.
    Currently, a widely used approach is in which employees are assessed on the results they achieve in their work, and not on individual personal qualities, personality and behavioral characteristics. It is important to remember to exercise control over the assessment system itself.

    If you are fully aware of the goals of the current assessment system and how they are achieved, and your role in this process, then you are in a sufficiently solid position to assess the strengths and possible weaknesses of the system. If you believe that the system's weaknesses outweigh its strengths, then and only then can you assess the extent to which you need to seek ways to change or supplement the formal system so that the assessment is consistent with your own objectives as a manager as well as those of the organization and employees whose performance is being assessed. As we will see, the tasks will change depending on whether you are in the position of assessing, being assessed, or assessing the assessor. All these roles, in turn, must be aligned with the goals that the organization wants to achieve as a result of the performance appraisal.

    Who should conduct staff performance assessments?

    EXERCISE. Was your last performance appraisal conducted by your supervisor or his/her own supervisor?
    List in the table some advantages or disadvantages of conducting an assessment in each of these cases:

    Assessment carried out:



    Direct supervisor (manager)

    Manager of the manager (manager of the manager)

    What system is typically used in your organization?

    Obviously, your immediate manager plays a decisive role in providing daily feedback from manager to subordinate. However, many organizations prefer that the formal appraisal interview be conducted by the “grandfather”, i.e. not your immediate manager, but a manager at the next higher level. The advantage of such a system is that it turns out to be more objective, and there is less reluctance to give unfavorable ratings at work, since there is no fear of ruining relationships. Where problems arise in the working relationship with the line manager, it is easier to sort out when the assessment is carried out by a third party. Additionally, if career issues are discussed, a higher-level manager may be more informed about likely job openings within the company in the future. However, problems may arise here too, since sometimes the “grandfather” may have a very weak idea of ​​​​the work being discussed, relying entirely on information from the immediate manager about the employee’s work, and therefore has difficulty discussing important work details. In this case, the immediate manager often resorts to a semi-formal assessment that complements the formal one. In addition, some organizations have adopted a multi-channel assessment system, as, for example, in the company "Ca1f", where managers, subordinates, colleagues and the assessed themselves contribute to the assessment. In addition, you need to remember that each participant has a different perception of the purpose of the evaluation system. Typically there are four parties interested in a formal rating system:

    Each of these parties may have different goals, sometimes contradicting each other. The goals of different organizations are varied. The main possible goals could be:

      identify training needs;

      improve current performance by building on strengths, providing feedback on weaknesses and discussing ways to overcome them;

      determine goals and objectives for the next period, while striving to ensure that they are achievable;

      identify candidates for necessary moves within the organization;

      identify potential high flyers and gather the information needed to make promotion decisions.

    In general, we consider the three most important goals of personnel performance assessment to be:

    1) improvement of current activities;
    2) determination of production goals and objectives;
    3) assessment of training/development needs.

    The goals of the employee who is being evaluated also vary, the following can be cited:

      impress the boss;

      increase your chances of receiving bonuses or promotions;

      find out what your chances of getting a promotion are;

      find out how his work was evaluated;

      learn about your weaknesses;

      find out where he/she needs to improve;

      Get help to do your job better.

    The goals of employees conducting a performance appraisal interview vary. If the conversation is conducted by a higher-level manager, then the additional goal may be to check whether the lower-level manager is performing his duties well. If the conversation is being conducted by the immediate manager, then his possible goal is to show himself in a favorable light to his boss, for example, by developing an impressive training plan.

    It is for these reasons that it is important to be clear about your own objectives when conducting an assessment and to check whether they are too conflicting with the objectives of another stakeholder(s). For example, if your organization's formal system addresses the issue of monetary rewards, you may want to use another system in parallel that allows you to separately discuss the issue of performance improvement.

    Where pay and development are linked in the assessment process, assessees' natural desire to improve their pay may inhibit discussions about performance and personal development. Some performance-based appraisal schemes do, so far as circumstances permit, provide more or less continuous assessment of performance, developing a direct link between performance appraisal and annual salary reviews. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism for assessing personnel performance.

    2.3 Performance evaluation methods

    A. Graphic rating scale is the simplest certification method. A typical grading scale is shown below. It displays characteristics (quantitative and qualitative), each of which corresponds to a level of performance of duties (from unsatisfactory to excellent). In turn, each rating is expressed in certain numerical values ​​indicated on the rating scale, which are then summed up. Instead of evaluating all general characteristics or factors (such as quality and quantity), many firms highlight only a few of them (the most important ones). There will also be space for comments and evaluation of the overall performance of duties, such as timely reporting of work done and compliance with work rules.


    Full name employee _________________________ Position ___________________________
    Department __________________________________ Payroll number_______________

    Reason for certification:
    Date of taking office ___________/_________/_________/
    Date of last certification ______/_____/_____
    Date of current certification ____/____/____

    Instructions: Carefully evaluate the employee's performance in relation to current job requirements. Give a rating indicating the performance of duties. Indicate ND if there is no data. Determine the rating within each scale and indicate in the appropriate box. The scores will be summed and averaged to determine the overall score.

    O - excellent - excellent performance in all areas, much better than others.

    OH - very good - the result clearly exceeds many of the requirements related to the position. Perform duties at the highest level and consistently.
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  • Appendix 13.3 Questionnaire for the certified employee 1. Full name___________________________ 2. Position____________________ 3. Length of work in this position _______ 4. What successes have you had during the last period______ 1. What difficulties have you encountered?_________ 2. Have you any limitations or problems that affected your level of achievement? How can they be eliminated or alleviated?__________ 3. What do you think is your greatest advantage?_______


    More on the topic Appendix 13.3 Questionnaire of the certified employee 1. Full name___________________________ 2. Position____________________ 3. Length of work in this position _______ 4. What successes have you had during the last period______ 1. What difficulties have you encountered?_________ 2 Were there any limitations or problems that affected your level of achievement? How can they be eliminated or alleviated?__________ 3. What do you think is your greatest advantage?_______:

    1. Determine what connections you had and still have. Urgently revive old connections
    2. An example of a trading system for working in the corridor. The operating principle of this vehicle
    3. What I love about Branson is that you feel inspired. The classes are filled with optimism. This is where you always get your energy. When you come here, you immediately forget about all your difficulties and think only about the development of your business. To all the wonderful people at Virgin, I would like to wish you all the best, and I need to tell you something else: please continue to support the Branson School. We love you. Thank you!
    4. 2. Release of new types of products for a given company that have analogues and commercial success in the market.
    5. Filling out a tax return for income tax Title page - Sheet 01
    6. The real rule of success: “We do difficult things right away, impossible ones just take a little longer...” (US Air Force motto) You can only live this way in one case: if work for you is something you cannot live without. Something from which you get great satisfaction. And what you do best. And yet there is an answer to the question of freedom and passive income! Only you may not like him... Everything will be easy and simple when dividends and passive income from your conservative investments (ban
    7. You need to have some advantages. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to fight for success.
    8. Communication, confidence in success and encouragement of employees when implementing UVM
    9. – What is your education? – I studied the Bible at school. The street taught me the rest. - Were there good schools in America? - Was that possible? All the schools were built in a state where whites ruled, and were designed to ensure that dark-skinned people knew their place. - Do you expect whites to give you freedom or do you have to win it yourself? - Whites cannot even give freedom to themselves . Your achievements are not particularly inspiring. I PERSONALLY DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING FROM YOU. I'll take what I need myself - and