The Potanin Foundation increased the size of grants and introduced new programs. Scholarship competition of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation

Announces the opening of a Grant competition for teachers of master's programs for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Can take part in the 2017-2018 competition teachers of master's programs from 75 universities, including academic and scientific supervisors of master's programs, teachers of individual disciplines, special courses and seminars, working at the participating university at their main place of work, part-time or under a civil contract.

Based on the results of the work of the expert councils, 100 grant recipients will be identified; The size of the grant for the creation of new master's programs and courses can reach 500 thousand rubles.

The grant competition nominations are focused on the creation of innovative educational projects, learning mechanisms, and models for solving socially significant problems. The possibilities for interinstitutional communications have expanded: employees of other universities/organizations have the opportunity to participate in projects as members of the project team.

Competition nominations

New master's program

Development of a new master's program (including interdisciplinary, practice-oriented, network or partnership). The program should not only give students new knowledge in the subject area, but also develop innovative thinking, social competencies, and self-organization skills. Applicants need to justify the novelty of the approach, the competitiveness of the proposed program and the potential demand for its graduates in the labor market. The program can be developed both in Russian and in a foreign language.

New training course/new training courses

Development of a new training course/s within the framework of the existing master's program. The courses offered should logically complement the content of the program and include an innovative component. For example, cover previously unstudied topics, consider the latest scientific discoveries and developments, prospects for introducing the latest technologies and methods, include new teaching methods, forms of individual and group work, etc. The training course/courses can be developed in both Russian and foreign languages language.

New online course/new online courses

Development of a new online course/new online courses in order to develop academic mobility of students. Development of online components for traditional (offline) courses using various formats (working with wikis, blogs, forums, videos, etc.). Introduction of online network tools for traditional (offline) courses, including the organization of consultations and control of knowledge in real time (online testing, use of forums, public pages, instant messengers, etc.). Development of methods and simulators for developing competencies in creating, examining, and using online courses. Applicants need to justify the novelty of the approach in creating an online course/courses or in using online tools. An online course/courses or an online component can be developed in both Russian and a foreign language.

New methods and technologies in teaching

Introduction of new teaching methods within the framework of taught courses and disciplines: development of tasks, business games, cases, inclusion of design and production approaches (including with the participation of other faculties, universities, partner organizations, businesses), etc. Development of special courses aimed at developing Master's students have additional skills and abilities to achieve results (soft skills): innovative, creative, systems thinking, presentation and promotion, interdisciplinary interaction, formation of multidisciplinary project teams, commercialization of the results of intellectual activity (including through the creation of small innovative enterprises, technology parks, startups), social design, etc. Development can be implemented both in Russian and in a foreign language.

Competition schedule:

Schedule for competition winners:

development of an educational product: one calendar year from the date of signing the grant agreement

reporting to the Fund: within 30 days after the expiration of the project implementation period.


The changes will make the Foundation’s work more interdisciplinary and flexible, which will remove unnecessary restrictions for grantees and partners and scale up the social effect. Overall, the changes are aimed at creating an ecosystem for creative professionals and achieving maximum social impact. The Foundation’s first step in this direction was the unification of educational initiatives under the brand Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program in September 2017

General Director of the Charitable Foundation V. Potanina: “The Foundation is changing its approach to grant activities, increasing the amount and duration of the grant. Starting from December 2017, the size of the competitive grant for the organization will range from 2 to 15 million rubles, and the project implementation period can take up to 36 months. I am confident that this will help make the work of our grantees and partners more sustainable and conscious. We want to focus on the results and social impact of the projects we support, leaving the choice of implementation paths to the discretion of their authors. We simplify reporting and approval procedures. Our main tool remains unchanged - open competitions that guarantee equal conditions for all participants. Today, two new programs of the Foundation are launching – “Museum without Borders” and “Effective Philanthropy”, opening up even more opportunities for members of the Potanin community.”

The charity program “EFFECTIVE PHILANTHROPY” will continue the activities of the Foundation to develop charity and support Russian NGOs. This year, the second enrollment took place in the “Strategy for the Creation and Development of Endowment Funds” program, developed by the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management together with the Foundation: 25 employees of Russian non-profit organizations began training in October. In addition, five participants who won the Foundation’s competition, held in partnership with the business school named after. Said University of Oxford, successfully completed a week-long intensive course in social finance.

On December 4, the Foundation opens a new competition for the creation of knowledge centers, which involves promoting the endowment capital model in Russia and creating innovative resource centers, specialized training platforms, consultations and professional communication.

The charity program “MUSEUM WITHOUT BORDERS” continues the Foundation’s activities to support specialists and organizations capable of making the museum a modern open public institution, a center of education and innovation, as well as giving additional impetus to the development of the environment.

On December 5, the “Museum Landing” grant competition opens, and recruitment for the joint project of the Foundation with the British Council Cultural Skills Academy will also begin.

The “Museum Landing” competition promotes the professional mobility of Russian museum employees and provides grants for participation in individual training, seminars and educational programs in Russia and abroad. We are accepting applications in three categories: “Individual trips abroad”, “Individual trips around Russia” and “Group trips around Russia for museum directors”.

A joint project with the British Council in Russia, the Cultural Skills Academy continues the strategic work of the Foundation to develop intersectoral and interregional cooperation, including in the field of cultural support. This is a series of three-day seminars for professionals from the field of culture and art. Program participants will receive new theoretical and practical knowledge that will contribute to both their personal professional growth and the development of the institution and sector they represent. The seminars will start in February 2018 and will be held in Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Moscow.

The transformations are associated with the implementation of a long-term philanthropy strategy, developed on the basis of a large-scale study of the best practices of domestic and international charity, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of the Foundation itself since its founding in 1999.

The changes will make the Foundation’s work more interdisciplinary and flexible, which will remove unnecessary restrictions for grantees and partners and scale up the social effect.

Result orientation stimulates creative freedom and the possibility of operational changes in work. Overall, the changes are aimed at creating an ecosystem for creative professionals and achieving maximum social impact.

The Foundation’s first step in this direction was the unification of educational initiatives under the brand Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program in September 2017.

General Director of the Charitable Foundation V. Potanina: “The Foundation is changing its approach to grant activities, increasing the amount and duration of the grant. Starting from December 2017, the size of the competitive grant for the organization will range from 2 to 15 million rubles, and the project implementation period can take up to 36 months. I am confident that this will help make the work of our grantees and partners more sustainable and conscious. We want to focus on the results and social impact of the projects we support, leaving the choice of implementation paths to the discretion of their authors. We simplify reporting and approval procedures. Our main tool remains unchanged - open competitions that guarantee equal conditions for all participants. Today, two new programs of the Foundation are launching – “Museum without Borders” and “Effective Philanthropy”, opening up even more opportunities for members of the Potanin community.”

The charity program “EFFECTIVE PHILANTHROPY” will continue the activities of the Foundation to develop charity and support Russian NGOs. This year, the second enrollment took place in the “Strategy for the Creation and Development of Endowment Funds” program, developed by the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management together with the Foundation: 25 employees of Russian non-profit organizations began training in October. In addition, five participants who won the Foundation’s competition, held in partnership with the business school named after. Said University of Oxford, successfully completed a week-long intensive course in social finance.

On December 4, the Foundation opens a new competition for the creation of knowledge centers, which involves promoting the endowment capital model in Russia and creating innovative resource centers, specialized training platforms, consultations and professional communication.

The charity program “MUSEUM WITHOUT BORDERS” continues the activities of the Foundation to support specialists and organizations capable of providing education and innovation as a center, as well as giving additional impetus to the development of the environment.

On December 5, the “Museum Landing” grant competition opens, and recruitment for the joint project of the Foundation with the British Council Cultural Skills Academy will also begin.

The “Museum Landing” competition promotes the professional mobility of Russian museum employees and provides grants for participation in individual training, seminars and educational programs in Russia and abroad. We are accepting applications in three categories: “Individual trips abroad”, “Individual trips around Russia” and “Group trips around Russia for museum directors”.

A joint project with the British Council in Russia, the Cultural Skills Academy continues the strategic work of the Foundation to develop intersectoral and interregional cooperation, including in the field of cultural support. This is a series of three-day seminars for professionals from the field of culture and art. Program participants will receive new theoretical and practical knowledge that will contribute to both their personal professional growth and the development of the institution and sector they represent. The seminars will start in February 2018 and will be held in Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Moscow.

Announces the opening of a Grant competition for teachers of master's programs for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Teachers of master's programs can take part in the competition, including academic and scientific supervisors of master's programs, teachers of individual disciplines, special courses and seminars working at the participating university at their main place of work, part-time or under a civil contract.

Competition nominations:

  • New master's program

Development of a new master's program (including interdisciplinary, practice-oriented, network or partnership). The program should not only give students new knowledge in the subject area, but also develop innovative thinking, social competencies, and self-organization skills. Applicants need to justify the novelty of the approach, the competitiveness of the proposed program and the potential demand for its graduates in the labor market. The program can be developed both in Russian and in a foreign language.

  • New training course/new training courses

Development of a new training course/s within the framework of the existing master's program. The courses offered should logically complement the content of the program and include an innovative component. For example, cover previously unstudied topics, consider the latest scientific discoveries and developments, prospects for introducing the latest technologies and methods, include new teaching methods, forms of individual and group work, etc. The training course/courses can be developed in both Russian and foreign languages language.

  • New online course/new online courses

Development of a new online course/new online courses in order to develop academic mobility of students. Development of online components for traditional (offline) courses using various formats (working with wikis, blogs, forums, videos, etc.). Introduction of online network tools for traditional (offline) courses, including the organization of consultations and control of knowledge in real time (online testing, use of forums, public pages, instant messengers, etc.). Development of methods and simulators for developing competencies in creating, examining, and using online courses. Applicants need to justify the novelty of the approach in creating an online course/courses or in using online tools. An online course/courses or an online component can be developed in both Russian and a foreign language.

  • New methods and technologies in teaching

Introduction of new teaching methods within the framework of taught courses and disciplines: development of tasks, business games, cases, inclusion of design and production approaches (including with the participation of other faculties, universities, partner organizations, businesses), etc. Development of special courses aimed at developing Master's students have additional skills and abilities to achieve results (soft skills): innovative, creative, systems thinking, presentation and promotion, interdisciplinary interaction, formation of multidisciplinary project teams, commercialization of the results of intellectual activity (including through the creation of small innovative enterprises, technology parks, startups), social design, etc. Development can be implemented both in Russian and in a foreign language.

Competition schedule:

  • Acceptance of applications: from October 4, 2017 to December 11, 2017
  • examination of applications: from December 12, 2017 to March 15, 2018
  • announcement of winners: no later than March 20, 2018.

Schedule for competition winners:

  • conclusion of grant agreements with competition winners: until September 30, 2018
  • payment of grants: after signing the grant agreement, but not earlier than June 1, 2018
  • development of an educational product: one calendar year from the date of signing the grant agreement
  • reporting to the Fund: within 30 days after the expiration of the project implementation period.