Nutrition for high blood pressure (hypertension), lifestyle. Nutrition and lifestyle for hypertension and high blood pressure

High blood pressure. At the same time, in order to prevent hypertensive crisis and stroke, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition for hypertension in many ways means much more than even drug therapy.

Basic nutritional requirements for hypertensive patients

First of all, nutrition for hypertension should be planned so that no foods cause not only a stable increase in pressure, but also its surges.

If you select correct image life, then the pressure can be completely controlled without allowing.

Why is this so important

To achieve these goals, you should adhere to the basic rules when creating your daily menu:

  • the main goal of the diet is to ensure gradual weight loss;
  • increase your potassium and magnesium intake. It is these elements that help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize heart function;
  • completely eliminate salt from your diet;
  • do not drink alcohol even in small quantities.

The diet should include as many fruits and vegetables as possible. If there is obesity with hypertension, then the diet should be more strict - products from the corresponding list are strictly prohibited, and the entire list of products that should be limited should be reduced to a minimum amount in your menu.

Menu for atherosclerosis

For those patients whose hypertension is complicated by atherosclerosis, it is very important to choose only easily digestible foods. Especially if a person moves little. It is also necessary to eat only those foods that contain vegetable and not animal fats.

Under no circumstances should you consume both meat products and dairy products at the same time. They need to be alternated, even if you plan to consume lean meat. It is worth increasing your consumption of foods that are rich in fiber. At the same time, completely avoid carbohydrates, which are easily digestible. Bring the amount of sugar and starch consumed to zero. You can’t eat jam or baked goods. Baking with rich cream is especially harmful.

Consumption of red wine is allowed, but not more than 0.3 liters per day. It is worth completely giving up fatty broths and soups, cocoa, chocolate, fatty varieties meat and dairy products with a high percentage of fat content.

Diet for stage 2 hypertension

In this situation, the patient may have more serious problems with health: thrombosis, blurred vision, hemorrhages. Therefore, the diet should be aimed not only at reducing blood pressure, but also at normalizing metabolic processes in the human body.

When creating a menu for such a patient, it is best to give preference to dishes with high content seafood.

Fatty broths and soups should be avoided completely.
It is also recommended to consume as much garlic as possible - it helps normalize blood pressure. In addition, you can consume no more than 30 grams of fat per day, of which it is permissible to consume no more than half of animal fats. Even light carbohydrates and salt must be almost completely excluded from the list of consumed foods.

If a patient has hypertension, nutrition plays a very important role important role and his prognosis for recovery will directly depend on this. If a person follows all the recommendations of doctors, gives up bad habits and follows a proper diet, then most likely in the future he will even be able to minimize consumption medicines.


According to statistics, every fourth person on the planet suffers from hypertension - high blood pressure.

IN lately Many new methods of treating this disease and effective medications have emerged. But every year, several million people die from complications of hypertension.

And this can be explained not only by the fact that this disease is so dangerous. You can live with hypertension for many years, but you must follow certain rules. And many patients only hope for.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In addition, almost half of people with high blood pressure do not visit a doctor or get treatment. They simply do not know that it is the cause of their illness.

Blood pressure norms

The main indicator of the body's vital activity is the force and speed with which blood moves through the vessels. A person’s performance and well-being depend on this.

This indicator is called blood pressure because it is measured in large arteries, most often in the shoulder. It is the most accessible and located close to the heart. But it is precisely its work that ensures blood pressure.

To determine your health status and the causes of illness, you need to measure your blood pressure. It is different for all people, as it depends on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the properties of the blood, and even the gender and age of the person. It is believed that the pressure should be 120 over 80. These are average indicators that are taken as the norm. This pressure is optimal for a healthy middle-aged person.

But in fact, the norm is determined by many parameters. For some, a pressure of 110 will be normal, and for others – 130. Therefore, before talking about deviations from the norm, you need to know it.

To do this, they measure blood pressure many times throughout the day and draw a conclusion which indicators correspond to physical activity and which to a state of rest. Increased results more than 7 times out of 30 indicate the need for treatment.

Usually, with frequent increases in blood pressure above 140 to 90, arterial hypertension develops, which is known to many as hypertension.

The onset of the disease may also be indicated by decreased performance, headaches, weakness, tinnitus and increased irritability. Sometimes deviations from the norm occur in healthy people during stress or heavy physical activity. But if this happens often, you need to take action.

Why does the increase occur?

On initial stages Hypertension often does not cause health problems. Therefore, many people start when the disease is already advanced.

To prevent complications, it is very important to monitor your blood pressure and know when it may increase. Only some patients understand how to live with hypertension. They not only undergo treatment, but try to avoid provoking factors.

It is believed that it is impossible to get rid of hypertension completely. After all, an increase in pressure occurs due to disruption of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, many other factors can cause the development of hypertension.

Most often this happens after 40 years, so at this age you need to know what causes blood pressure to increase:

  • from narrowing of blood vessels due to the deposition of salts on their walls;
  • bad habits often lead to the development of hypertension;
  • from excess salt consumption;
  • due to weather fluctuations and abnormal solar activity;
  • from a sedentary lifestyle;
  • because of mental stress or stress;
  • some medications can cause blood pressure fluctuations;
  • it may increase after drinking alcohol, coffee or strong tea.

The risk group includes overweight people leading a sedentary lifestyle and those whose parents suffered from hypertension. They need to regularly monitor their blood pressure levels, especially when they appear or feel unwell.

What is the danger

High blood pressure is a consequence of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. And absence proper treatment can lead to negative consequences for the body.

The danger of hypertension is that a person may not understand the reasons for his illness. And often treatment begins only when complications appear.

Frequent and prolonged increases in blood pressure lead to damage to blood vessels and some organs. The walls of the heart become thinner and their blood supply is disrupted. This leads to shortness of breath, swelling and decreased performance. The walls of blood vessels thicken and lose their elasticity. Because of insufficient blood supply brain, memory may decrease, vision or hearing may deteriorate.

Hypertension contributes to the development of such diseases:

  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • damage to the blood vessels of the eyes.

High blood pressure can also provoke or. The risk is especially high for those who do not know how to live with hypertension. After all, with this disease, the main thing is not drug treatment, but constant blood pressure monitoring and lifestyle changes.

What does the norm depend on?

Optimal performance Not everyone's blood pressure is the same. Most of all they depend on age. The older a person is, the higher his blood pressure may be. This is due to age-related changes in blood vessels and in the work of the heart. And if for teenagers or young adults indicators above 120 are considered already elevated, then after 60 years the norm will be pressure of 140-150.

Blood pressure also depends on a person’s gender, weight and physical activity. A thin woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle will feel normal at a reading of 110 over 70. But for athletes, the norm is considered to be a pressure of 130 over 85.

Only a doctor can determine whether a person has hypertension. And you should not diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment if the indicators do not correspond to the generally accepted 120 to 80.

What to do and how to live with hypertension

If your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension, you need to prepare to change your lifestyle. With this disease, an increase in pressure is observed almost constantly, so it is necessary to regularly monitor it and take medications prescribed by a doctor. But one drug treatment not enough.

During a consultation with a doctor, you need to find out how to behave, how to eat, and what exercises you can do. Good specialist will answer all questions: how many years do people live with hypertension, how to avoid stress and whether it is possible to use traditional methods treatment.

In order to feel normal and prevent complications, it is important for all patients to follow several rules:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • increase motor activity– the best thing is running, walking, swimming and yoga;
  • reduce body weight;
  • change habits in;
  • avoid stress;
  • try to remain calm and in a good mood;
  • get enough sleep;
  • in some cases you need to change jobs.
Many people do not even realize what effect nicotine has on the human body:
  • blood vessels narrow and small capillaries die;
  • the heart rate increases and the heart works harder;
  • blood supply to the brain is disrupted;
  • all organs and tissues lack oxygen and nutrients.

When smoking, a person's blood pressure temporarily increases. The vessels gradually wear out and lose elasticity. Therefore, hypertension develops. And a smoker with “experience” increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

This is why it is so important for hypertensive patients to quit smoking. After all, every cigarette aggravates his condition and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • It has been noted that the risk of developing hypertension is higher in obese people.
  • Those who are 20% overweight are 10 times more likely to get sick. And it is very important not to gain weight, especially after 40 years, as this can lead to increased blood pressure.
  • It is believed that every kilogram of weight increases it by 1-2 divisions. In addition, excess fat deposits cause the heart to work harder. Because of this, blood pressure also increases.
  • This is why it is so important for hypertension. But you can’t do this abruptly. Fasting with high blood pressure is not recommended; many other methods of losing weight are also contraindicated.
  • It is enough to reduce the caloric content of food a little and increase physical activity. In some cases, this is the only thing that helps normalize blood pressure.
Diet One of the main conditions that a hypertensive patient must observe is proper nutrition. With high blood pressure, a certain diet is very important. Some foods should be completely abandoned, while the consumption of others should be reduced. There are also dishes that are useful for hypertension.

What not to eat if you have high blood pressure:

  • You need to limit your salt intake to no more than 5 grams per day. It is excess sodium that contributes to fluid retention in the body and increased blood pressure.
  • For the same reason, you need to exclude canned food, pickles, pickled and smoked foods from your diet. Chips, salted crackers and nuts are also harmful for hypertensive patients.
  • Eat less animal fats, as they contain a lot of cholesterol.
  • You need to limit your consumption of sweets. Excess blood sugar can also cause high blood pressure.
  • It is important to exclude alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea.

Products useful for hypertensive patients:

  • It is very important to consume more foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium. Seaweed, prunes, nuts, buckwheat, cottage cheese, tomatoes and watermelons are healthy.
  • You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Nuts, unsaturated vegetable oils, lean fish and meat.
  • Cereal products, porridges, especially rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, milk and cheese are also useful for high blood pressure.
  • Best drinks to consume clean water or herbal decoctions.
  • It has long been proven that hypertension develops in people who often experience negative emotions, chronic stress or experienced a strong jar of Hearts. This can be explained by the fact that in this state the body produces large amounts of the hormones adrenaline and cortisone. As a result, the heart works more intensely and blood pressure rises.
  • Therefore, with hypertension it is very important to learn to relax and cope with stress. Useful for this are yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises and walks in nature. Some people need to get a cat or choose a hobby to calm down. It is also necessary to get enough sleep and rest during the day.
  • In some cases, high blood pressure may require you to change jobs. Night shift work and professions associated with nervous tension are contraindicated for people with hypertension.
Physical activity
  • Regular, simple exercise trains the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure. Complex treatment of hypertension must include.
  • It is important that your movements during exercise are slow and smooth, and your breathing is calm and deep.
  • Slow running, swimming, yoga, cycling and hiking on fresh air. When exercising, it is important not to overdo it, as heavy load may cause increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor.

Examination and drug treatment

All methods help well in the initial stages of the development of hypertension. If the pressure is constantly above 150, taking medications is mandatory.

All medications that lower blood pressure are divided into several groups:

All medications are prescribed by a doctor after examination. It may include an ECG, MRI of the head, general blood and urine analysis and others. Only after establishing the causes of high blood pressure will the doctor prescribe the drug.

During treatment, you must follow all the rules prescribed in the instructions. It is not advisable to cancel or change the medicine yourself. This can cause a sudden surge in pressure - a hypertensive crisis.

With the advent of a disease such as, there is a need to understand.

This must be done, because the refined work of all body systems is in one way or another connected with blood pressure, and its excesses are too serious to ignore.

Compliance with certain rules that are not related to, in some cases leads to complete recovery of patients who were previously diagnosed with hypertension.

There is a strong opinion that hypertension is not a death sentence.

The disease is not only possible, but also necessary to fight with the help of a balanced and restrained use.

Diet for hypertension is very important, because statistically almost everyone has one, which contributes to increased blood pressure: 1 kg excess weight gives a pressure increase of 1 mm. rt. Art.

In this case, the caloric content of cooked foods consumed must be reduced. This is not done abruptly, but gradually, so that the body has time to rebuild.

Principles of nutrition

What can't you eat?

Gradually eliminate fatty meat, milk,... Limit consumption, and.

It is necessary to pay attention to foods that can retain fluid in the body:

  • processed meat products: any sausages, smoked meats;
  • canned vegetable and fish products;
  • village pickles;
  • salty cheeses and hot sauces.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread and flour products, especially baked goods, confectionery and sweets, not forgetting that 100 g per day is the norm of bread for a physically disabled person.

Go to healthy eating very difficult, especially in those moments when it is impossible to resist the gastronomic temptations that lie in wait in any market, cafe, or just while visiting. But if there is a goal to cope with hypertension, then all obstacles disappear on their own.

What should you eat?

Preference should be given to products that themselves contribute to:

  • seafood containing Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids;
  • raw with low glycemic index, such as: cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, all cabbage derivatives;
  • leafy greens, including parsley, lettuce, spinach, arugula.

The initial set of exercises includes:

  • , regulated by time;
  • simple physical activity, which consists of flexing and straightening joints, turning the body;
  • exercises that are performed without effort;

At the second stage of the course of therapeutic gymnastics, exercises are included that are performed with little effort, for example, with clubs or a medicine ball. Exercises, the implementation of which requires very great strength on the part of the hypertensive patient, straining and holding the breath, are still excluded.

Particular care must be taken when approaching therapeutic exercises people with . If exercises are prescribed for small muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities, they are carried out at a very slow pace.

There are also breathing exercises, the vestibular apparatus is trained. Such patients are recommended to combine exercises with kneading, rubbing and stroking them.

  • removes;
  • has a positive effect on all muscle groups;
  • saturates the blood with hemoglobin, which affects the performance of the heart muscle;
  • patients with obesity and atherosclerosis burn calories and lose excess weight.

The only condition that must be strictly adhered to is to draw up individual plan classes for each individual hypertensive patient.

Baths and wraps

If the patient's hypertension has not crossed the threshold, then warm conifers or simply from fresh water, With therapeutic effect carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide or radon, as well as a circular shower, should be taken with the symptoms of this disease.

At home, you can afford to make a pine bath, which will help rid the body of toxins and somewhat calm the nervous system. You can buy special briquettes or pine extract at the pharmacy and use it in accordance with the instructions included with the product.

Pine bath

And if you want to prepare it yourself from natural cones, you will need from 1 to 2 kg of raw materials. The cones are placed in a container (an old pan, but still suitable for heating), and filled with water until the water just covers them. Having brought to a boil, remove from the heat, leave for about half an hour and pour the concentrated pine infusion into a warm bath.

It is better to take a pine bath half an hour before bedtime. She is very relaxing. 20 minutes in a pine bath (with an optimal water temperature of 38-40°C) will be quite sufficient to obtain therapeutic effect. With daily immersion, the course of treatment will be 15 days, then a six-month break.

If you need 1 kg of birch leaves per 10 liters of water for a decoction, then for herbs it is enough to take 300 grams of raw materials for the same volume of water.

The leaves are poured with cold water and after boiling, kept on the fire for another 15-20 minutes. After another half hour, the infusion will be ready for use.

As for wraps, at any stage of hypertension their use is contraindicated in patients with this pathology.

This is explained by the fact that in medicinal mixture for wraps, too active substances are included that warm the body, increasing blood circulation, which is unacceptable for hypertension.

Treatment with essential oils

All essential oils have a positive effect on a person’s mental state and emotions. They relax and calm, which is an important factor for hypertension.

Among dozens of items, the following essential oil crops have proven themselves in the best possible way in the treatment of hypertension:

  • bergamot;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • lavender;
  • marjoram;
  • sage.

They are taken orally in minute doses, added to aroma lamps, inhalers and baths, used during massage and when applying a compress.

Regular massage with essential oils can stabilize blood pressure. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage.

For massage, use the following combination of aromatic oils in dropwise proportions:

  • take lavender with bergamot in the amount of 10 drops each + sage in the amount of 7 drops;
  • mix 15 drops of ylang-ylang and a little less (10 drops) lemon;
  • mix marjoram with chamomile - 10 drops of each ingredient - and 20 drops of lavender.

For a standard bath, they mainly use a combination of ylang-ylang oils with marjoram, 4 drops of each, and about 1 kg of sea salt.

As a compress on the back of the head, combine a solution of sea salt (10 grams/liter) and 2 drops of lavender oil (can be replaced with marjoram or ylang-ylang in the same amount).

Aromatic essential oils are used for treatment for no longer than 28 days. A short break of 2 weeks will give the body a break and will not cause addiction.

Is it possible to donate blood?

Hypertension is one of the diseases for which donation is contraindicated. Although in medical practice There have been cases of blood sampling from hypertensive patients under force majeure circumstances, when required quantity There was nowhere to get blood. Some hypertensive donors' condition improved.

It has been experimentally proven that for hypertensive patients, donating blood entails negative consequences:

  • an increase () in blood pressure is recorded;
  • contraction of the heart muscle occurs more frequently;
  • increases.

This all leads to stress, which can be extremely dangerous for the body with hypertension.

Most likely, donors whose condition improved after donating blood had such a form of heart disease that the body was able to launch a compensatory mechanism to cope with the increased load.

Blood donation is only possible during the developmental period. At the second and even more so at the third stage, donation will only worsen the development of the disease, degenerative processes in the vascular system will lead to an irreversible result (death).

Video on the topic

This video will tell you about the 10 most useful foods for hypertension:

The diagnosis made by the doctor gives another reason to think about your lifestyle. Maybe you still need to try to change something in her in order to feel relief without medications.

There is no affirmative answer to the question of how long hypertensive patients live, since it depends on numerous factors - full condition health, lifestyle, climatic aspects, etc. An increase in blood pressure is unpleasant and dangerous, but it can and should be fought, and with correct treatment, hypertension recedes in 80% of cases, allowing a person to enjoy life to the fullest.

The measurement result is given as a pair of numbers:

  • Systolic pressure (upper) is an indicator at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart muscle;
  • Diastolic pressure (lower) – the level of pressure at minimal load (complete relaxation) of the heart.

Established blood pressure norm

For each person, due to the characteristics of the body, age, lifestyle and professional component, blood pressure may vary. Optimal indicators = 120 to 80 (for an adult of average build), but during pregnancy and lactation, during illnesses and nervous breakdowns, after suffering surgical operations pressure tends to change.

Also, the numbers will be different when measuring blood pressure in older people and children, so it is wrong to take normative data as the “gold” standard. A pressure of 120 over 80 is the norm to which you should strive; it is taken as an average correct indicator.

How to calculate your personal blood pressure norm

To determine the normal blood pressure for a particular person, pressure is measured more than 10 times a day on both arms. To obtain an accurate picture, an in-depth analysis of the indicators will be required - you need to compare pressure during stress, at rest, in a relaxed state, after physical activity, etc.

The need for complex treatment and observation by a doctor is required in a situation where the pressure is elevated in 7 cases out of 30 measurements taken.

Why does hypertension occur?

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is considered one of the most common diseases in the world, and affects both the elderly, middle-aged people and even children. The disease progresses sequentially and unnoticed, which makes it difficult to diagnose in the early stages, so it is impossible to say how long hypertensive patients live.

If done regularly preventive measures and follow your doctor’s recommendations, you can live with hypertension for up to old age, and leaving the disease unattended, there is high risk receive a blow incompatible with life even at a young age. There are four main factors that increase the risk of hypertension:

  1. Heredity– hypertension is inherited, so if you have hypertension in your family, it is important to be attentive to your health and worry about preventing the disease in advance;
  2. Alcohol abuse– regular consumption of alcohol directly affects health, disrupts blood circulation and increases the risk of heart attacks, all this leads to disruptions and surges in blood pressure;
  3. Overweight– due to the additional subcutaneous layer of fat, the pressure on the blood vessels increases significantly, which leads to a deterioration in well-being and a malfunction of the main organs;
  4. Frequent stress– the nervous system directly affects the blood circulation process, because all body systems are interconnected. Spasms of nerve endings lead to disruption of blood flow, affecting the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately adversely affects blood pressure.

Classification of hypertension

In 1999, the World Health Organization proposed a unified classification of hypertension, which is still relevant today. According to it, there are 3 degrees of blood pressure increase:

  • First (soft) – the indicators are 159 to 90/99;
  • Second (average) - with a pressure of 179 to 100/109;
  • Third (severe) – measurement data 180 or more by 110 or higher.

Patients of the first group often face problems with cerebral circulation, while the second and third groups already suffer from work disorders internal organs.

Almost all hypertensive patients feel the change climatic conditions– the body reacts to change temperature regime(with the onset of frost and extreme heat), with increasing humidity and magnetic storms, a person feels a deterioration in their health.

How does an unhealthy lifestyle affect a person’s blood pressure levels?

Our bad habits are smoking, strong drinks, abuse of flour products and salt - all this affects the overall well-being of the body and leads to a colossal increase in blood pressure.

  • Regular smoking disrupts the blood supply to the brain, causes strong heart contractions, deprives internal tissues of oxygen and leads to constriction of blood vessels and the death of small capillaries. The intake of nicotine into the body causes a temporary increase in blood pressure, and since heavy smokers consume more than a pack of cigarettes per day, pressure changes occur regularly, which leads to stretching of the walls of blood vessels. This is an additional impetus for the development of hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Excess weight is the most important factor in the development of hypertension. Additional kg puts unnecessary pressure on the heart muscle, which causes blood pressure surges. It is important to eat properly and healthily to prevent obesity - sea fish, green vegetables, unsweetened fruits, lean meat, nuts, grains and bran, (lean) meat, hard cheeses and clean drinking water are recommended in the diet of hypertensive patients. But smoked food, pickles, preserves, sugar, salt, yeast and alcoholic drinks, if not completely eliminated, then limit their consumption to min.
  • “Sedentary” lifestyle – absence physical training leads to stagnation of muscles, which makes them weak and brittle. Light sports exercise trains the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood pressure. The best view Swimming is considered a sport for hypertensive patients; you can also do yoga, ride a bike, or go hiking.
  • Frequent stressful situations - condition increased anxiety and a nervous crisis is accompanied by a high release of adrenaline into the blood, which makes the heart work hard and intensely. To reduce blood pressure, you need to learn to behave calmly, be able to relax and not take all the trouble “to heart.” It is useful for people with hypertension to communicate with animals, get a cat or a dog, pets really know how to “treat”, and besides furry pet His presence alone gives a feeling of peace and tranquility.

How to live with hypertension

A diagnosis of hypertension is not a reason to despair; you can live with such a disease for many years, but you will need to adjust your lifestyle. Firstly, consultation and periodic examination by a doctor is simply necessary.

Secondly, you cannot be negligent in taking medications, without them it will not be possible to control the pressure level. Thirdly, it is recommended to strive for a healthy lifestyle.

To live long and happily with high blood pressure and prevent complications of the disease, doctors advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Stick to a diet - less fried and fatty foods, eliminate overly sweet and salty foods, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. The best option will remove table salt from the diet as much as possible; additional sodium in the body is contraindicated for hypertensive patients;
  • “Quit” bad habits - quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, eradicate psychotropic substances from your life;
  • Monitor your blood pressure level – for home monitoring you need a wrist tonometer; it is easy to use, does not take up much space, is mobile and practical. With a tonometer on hand, you can check your blood pressure. right time to start taking medications on time if necessary;
  • Do exercises regularly - you can choose your favorite sport, from home aerobics to walking in the fresh air. But excessive loads also undesirable, sports and strength training during illness are good in moderation;
  • Controlling body weight is especially important for obese people; increased weight directly affects the increase in blood pressure, so by reducing your weight, you will help the body adjust its blood pressure level;
  • Monitor your sleep schedule - hypertensive patients need good rest, so try to fight insomnia and stay calm in stressful situations.

Common “myths” about hypertension

Not all “tales” about blood pressure are true; we often hear about numerous symptoms of this disease, but many of the popular opinions on this matter are not true.

People don't die from blood pressure

Not entirely true, when arterial hypertension the functions of internal organs (heart, kidneys, blood vessels) are impaired, so the risk of dying from a heart attack and stroke is quite high. Moreover, if you are treated promptly and follow the doctor’s recommendations, you will not face death from hypertension.

Hypertension is the credo of older people

Recently, hypertensive crises are not uncommon in people aged 30 - 35 years, so it would not hurt for every adult to periodically measure their blood pressure to prevent complications in adulthood. You can find out more about the symptoms and first aid for a hypertensive crisis in this article.

Hypertension can be seen from afar - red eyes + frequent dizziness

Most hypertensive patients do not immediately notice a deterioration in their condition; a person can live with hypertension for several decades without realizing the disease.

This is the main catch - hypertension affects the body gradually, which makes diagnosis difficult and gives the disease time to develop.

Hypertensive patients - everyone who has had high blood pressure at least once

Of course not - hypertension causes regular pressure surges and stable human discomfort. And one-time surges in blood pressure can be caused by the abuse of nicotine, strong coffee or tea; it must be taken into account that additional pressure is placed on the vessels after running and strength exercises, therefore, a conclusion about the disease is not made based on a one-time measurement.

If a hypertensive patient's blood pressure improves, you can stop taking medications

Unfortunately, temporary improvement of the condition does not provide a 100% guarantee that the disease will not recur, so it is important to strictly follow the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Over time, hypertension may go away without a trace, but this is the case when treatment is started in a timely manner and proceeds intensively and correctly.

All “life’s joys” are forbidden to hypertensive patients

It’s fundamentally wrong - everything is good in moderation: a small amount of alcohol is allowed (a glass of red wine, for example), you can go to the sea, visit a steam room (for a short time), perform physical exercise, have sex.

But a reasonable diet, frequent walks in the fresh air and quitting smoking will not harm healthy people, not to mention those who have health problems.

Traditional recipes are better than modern medicines

Scientific experiments prove the effectiveness of many natural compounds in the fight against high blood pressure, but these remedies give good results as additions to the main treatment. Do not ignore your doctor’s instructions and consult with him about the advisability of taking “homemade” medications, because seemingly harmless components can cause irreparable harm to your body.

As you can see, you don’t need to take the word of unverified facts, your life is most important, so don’t let the situation take its course, start treatment on time and be healthy!

Hypertension and outcome

I wrote something about this. Now I’ll just add.

Of course, all textbooks and reference books for doctors always say that if you regularly visit your doctor, take the medications prescribed by him, and lead a healthy lifestyle, you can live a long and happy life.

Live a beautiful, interesting life.

By the way, I have already said that I have heard more than once that hypertension is not a diagnosis, a sentence, it is a way of life. And there are countless examples confirming such statements.

Some people really live a long time, but, most likely, thanks less to the courage of the man in the white coat, and more to self-discipline, a changed lifestyle, heredity and...random factors.

But for the most part, people suffering from hypertension develop complications: myocardial infarction, stroke leading to profound disability and...

However, there is no need to talk about sad things.

Quality of life.

Somehow I find it hard to believe that a person who regularly takes medications and regularly visits a doctor is immensely happy. These constant admonitions: “Don’t eat salty foods, don’t bend over too much, take pills regularly, measure your blood pressure” sit firmly in his stunned mind.

A person does not live freely, but as programmed by a cold magical force, constantly holding these ornate edifications in his head.

But there are no guarantees here long life still no. It is not uncommon for these orthodox people to suffer the same fate as people who gave up on any treatment.

That is, complications that are detrimental to their existence happen to them - after all, the body, apart from going to the doctors, has not experienced any physical stress.

This means he is completely detrained.

This means that any stressful situation very quickly nullifies everything that was achieved with great difficulty with the help of medications.

And therefore, longevity in a hypertensive patient is not expected from any angle of consideration.

Well, those people who ignore not only medications, but also any fundamentally correct way of life - such, by the way, are the majority - do not at all claim to have a long “happy existence.”

By the way, I have long since become “younger” with hypertension – the disease occurs even in children. And I don’t even want to talk about schoolchildren – this is a frequent and widespread phenomenon. Even they have notorious complications. And even they know something about the chilling forecast, the duration of not only biological existence, but also spiritual and social existence.

But anyway, talking about long-term results is reckless for them - each of them can develop into a strong, strong-willed personality. This means that the chances of a long, truly happy life increase sharply and any complications from hypertension will fade into the background.

Although I have met people who were diagnosed with hypertension in the past and who are now... healthy.

Nonsense? Not at all.

How did they stabilize the condition? Psychophysical training using aerobic exercises. Of course, this took more than one day...

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How long can you live with hypertension?


How long do people with stage 2 arterial hypertension live?

Alexander Sherevaev. Student (19), 27 days ago

A person realizes that he can no longer live like this and something urgently needs to be changed! Those who lived in the Urals and further north will understand me. People live, live, go to work, communicate with friends... And then suddenly something happens and opens your eyes to what is happening.

I remember that everything was sorted out here. I advise you to take a look.

Is it possible to live on 1000 a week?

V.Yu. Katasonov Is it possible to give up and live without a dollar? (06/05/2015)

Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a chronic increase in blood pressure. If blood pressure readings are above 140/90, the person is at risk. Today, more than half of the people on earth suffer from high blood pressure. How long people live with hypertension depends on many factors. But on average, the disease can shorten life by 5-10 years. Poor lifestyle, constant stress, lack of time, as well as hereditary factors - all this contributes to wear and tear nervous system. Tension causes the vessels to contract, and the blood compensates for this by increasing the pressure in them to ensure adequate blood supply to all organs and tissues.

Doctors gave the name to hypertension - “the invisible killer.” After all, the disease is often asymptomatic. Clinical signs of arterial hypertension are often confused with ordinary malaise and fatigue. And complications of hypertension often lead to life-threatening conditions: strokes and heart attacks. Hypertension is well controlled with lifelong medication. Lifestyle with hypertension should be healthy.

Degrees of hypertension

There are 3 degrees of arterial hypertension:

  1. Degree of hypertension - pressure readings do not exceed 160/100. It can decrease on its own without the use of medications. Many people experience periodic headaches.
  2. Degree of hypertension - pressure reaches 180/115. Frequent headaches, tension in the area of ​​the heart, shortness of breath during physical exertion - these conditions are experienced by a person.
  3. Degree of hypertension - pressure reaches 230/130. Always maintains a high level. Irreversible changes occur in the function of the heart, kidneys, and brain.

A person's age plays an important role in the development of complications of hypertension. According to doctors, a disease diagnosed at a young age has a less favorable prognosis than a disease that occurs in old age. In order to promptly identify signs of upcoming hypertension, you need to regularly measure your blood pressure (BP). And if the indicators are too high, immediately contact medical care without delaying treatment.

Signs of an incipient disease:

  • recurrent headaches;
  • increased sweating;
  • excessive physical fatigue;
  • memory loss;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • morning swelling of the face;
  • rapid heartbeat at rest;
  • numbness of fingers.

According to statistics:

  • only 50% of people know about their high blood pressure;
  • only 50% of patients take the necessary therapy;
  • Only in half of the cases is the treatment effective.

What causes the disease

  • heredity, if the family had or has relatives with hypertension;
  • obesity increases the risk of developing the disease several times;
  • periodic stress at work and at home is a direct path to hypertension;
  • lack of physical activity + poor nutrition triggers the disease;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking several times increases the chances of persistent high blood pressure;
  • diseases of internal organs: kidneys, heart, lungs. They are often the root cause of hypertension;
  • taking certain medications has side effect in the form of increased pressure;
  • Hypertension affects people over 50 years of age.

Arterial hypertension develops with age, significantly reducing the quality of life. In the male population from about 30 years of age, in the female population - after 50 years. The weaker sex is protected by the hormone estrogen. But both should be attentive to the signals of their body.

Hypertension is dangerous due to complications: loss of vision, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), renal failure, myocardial infarction. It is better to prevent hypertension than to treat it later. Moreover, arterial hypertension is considered incurable. How to live with hypertension and prevent it undesirable consequences this dangerous disease?

Rules for a beginner hypertensive patient

  • It’s worth starting with the fact that the lifestyle with hypertension should be healthy: proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, weight control;
  • need to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • in order to live longer, many need to learn emotional stability: not to get nervous over trifles, not to worry for no reason, not to react to insults and insults;
  • the development of hypertension is threatened by regular overwork, insufficient sleep, and night shift work;
  • people should make it a rule to measure their blood pressure several times a day;
  • Taking medications that lower blood pressure and control it over time will improve the quality of life.

The disease and the presence of its consequences are diagnosed using the following methods:

  • Blood pressure measurement. Readings should be taken from both hands 2-3 times, with an interval of 5-10 minutes. The highest indicator is recorded.
  • The doctor collects a detailed medical history about the patient’s chronic diseases, his lifestyle, and nutrition. It is found out whether there are any hypertensive patients in the family.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • listening heart rate phonendoscope;
  • examination of the heart using an ultrasound machine;
  • if necessary, use electrocardiography;
  • The patient takes a blood test, where the most important indicator is cholesterol level.
  • An ultrasound of the kidneys is performed, since they are often the cause of high blood pressure.

As a result of the examination and collection of all the necessary information, the doctor will prescribe the optimal treatment regimen for arterial hypertension and give the necessary recommendations to the patient. This will subsequently improve the patient’s quality of life and will not lead to the development of complications of the disease.

Treatment of hypertension

With the help of medications you can achieve good results in terms of controlling this disease and maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Treatment must be prescribed by a qualified physician. And the patient is obliged to strictly follow his recommendations. Under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for yourself. It is also strictly prohibited to discontinue medications at your own request. This is very dangerous to health and can be fatal.

There are several groups of drugs that can regulate blood pressure. Each drug acts according to its own pattern and accumulates in the body over time.

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: Capoten, Renitek, Edit, Enap.
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers (antagonists) (sartans): Lozap, Lorista, Teveten, Atacand, Micardis, Cardosal.
  • Alpha adrenergic blockers: Cardura, Tonocardin.
  • Beta-blockers: Concor, Niperten, Lokren, Acridiol, Binelol.
  • Diuretics: Hypothiazide, Arifonretard, Ionic retard, Acripamidretard.

People suffering from hypertension are often prescribed not one drug to lower blood pressure, but several at once. This happens because in combination it is better possible to influence the disease mechanisms leading to increased blood pressure. Two or three remedies from different groups complement each other, this allows you to successfully maintain pressure within normal limits. On today's pharmaceutical market there are medications that combine the effects of several drugs. No one will argue that taking one pill is easier than drinking several.

Nutrition for hypertensive patients

Need to lose weight. Every kilogram above normal increases the risk of hypertension several times. You need to balance your diet: minimize the consumption of fatty, fried, salty foods. Avoid flour and confectionery products. Consumption of animal fats large quantities leads to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

The exception is fatty fish: trout, salmon, salmon. She is able to accumulate good cholesterol, protecting blood vessels from damage. Salt retains water in the body, and the increased volume of fluid instantly increases blood pressure. You should exclude from your diet foods with a high content of it: sausages, cheeses, smoked meats, marinades, etc. Diversify your diet better than fruit and vegetables and herbs. They are not only rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, but will also help maintain a healthy weight.

Physical activity

Lifestyle with hypertension for all people and at any age should include reasonable physical activity. People with unstable blood pressure should not overdo it in the gym - it can be life-threatening. But swimming, walking, cycling, physical therapy, and some types of fitness will bring a healing and healing effect.

Certain sports can gently lower blood pressure and temporarily prevent its increase. People with hypertension should not forget about the doctor’s recommendations during physical activity and always monitor their pulse. Each person has a different maximum heart rate per minute. It is calculated using the formula: 220 - the person’s age.

It is important for hypertensive patients to adhere to several rules when playing sports:

  • Training for hypertension should be carried out systematically, without long breaks. Preferably at the same time.
  • The duration of the lesson should not exceed 30-45 minutes. For beginners, you can limit yourself to 5 minutes so as not to provoke a pressure surge. It's always worth starting with a warm-up.
  • It is better to drink several times in small sips during training.
  • It is better for hypertensive patients not to exercise when the head is lower than the body.
  • It is impossible to abruptly end the exercise; it is necessary to gradually reduce the intensity of the exercises until it stops completely.

Attention: Physical activity is contraindicated if blood pressure is above 220/110! And also for arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure and after suffering hypertensive crisis.

Important for normal blood pressure is the emotional and psychological comfort of the patient. Nervous overload, both negative and positive, leads to pressure surges and is dangerous for the development of complications of the disease. Anger, rage, quarrels negatively affect the health of hypertensive patients. To live longer, you need to learn relaxation, it helps normalize blood pressure and improves the quality of life.

Traditional recipes for normalizing blood pressure

  • For pressure relief, tea is brewed from leaves, currants, rose hips, birch, lingonberries, and hawthorn. You need to drink 1-3 glasses per day.
  • Chokeberry is a well-known natural remedy for lowering blood pressure. They drink its juice and eat the berries fresh or boiled.
  • St. John's wort is brewed 10 g. herbs + a glass of boiling water. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day.
  • Vegetable juices are useful for hypertension: carrot, beet, parsley and celery juice. They stabilize blood pressure well.
  • Garlic-alcohol tincture is used to lower blood pressure. You need to take 500 ml of vodka + 1 glass of chopped garlic. Infuse and drink 1 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

It must be remembered that the use of herbal remedies for arterial hypertension is not the main method of treatment. In the initial stages of the disease, they are able to stabilize blood pressure in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition. But if you have hypertension of 2 or 3 degrees, then you cannot do without serious medications.

Experienced hypertensive patients share their experiences

Ivan. How much are you emotional person? Maybe there is some kind of internal conflict? If you worry about everyone, there is no outlet for your feelings, there is no way to change all this, then you create pressure on yourself. Hypertension “feeds” on negative emotions. You need to understand yourself, regulate internal state and, of course, proper nutrition. Then your blood pressure will return to normal.

Claudia. If you have hypertension, you need to take medications that stabilize your blood pressure for the rest of your life. Constantly and at the same time. Have emergency medications at home. Over time, addiction to any drug occurs. Therefore, if we feel that the treatment is not helping, the pressure is not decreasing, we go to the doctor for a new remedy.

Anna. Sports and healthy eating saved me from hypertension. Adequate strength training 2-3 times a week. During the warm season, I go jogging in the morning. For several years the pressure remained at 135/85 with jumps up to 160. And now the pressure is stable at 115/80. My hypertension is under control and my blood pressure is normal.

Hypertension is not a death sentence. This disease is a reason to treat yourself and your health carefully and carefully. A measured life with healthy habits, competent treatment and compliance with medical recommendations is the key to a long, happy and fulfilling life.

According to statistics, every fourth person on the planet suffers from hypertension - high blood pressure.

Recently, many new methods of treating this disease and effective medications have appeared. But every year, several million people die from complications of hypertension.

And this can be explained not only by the fact that this disease is so dangerous. You can live with hypertension for many years, but you must follow certain rules. And many patients rely only on medications.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In addition, almost half of people with high blood pressure do not visit a doctor or get treatment. They simply do not know that it is the cause of their illness.

Blood pressure norms

The main indicator of the body's vital activity is the force and speed with which blood moves through the vessels. A person’s performance and well-being depend on this.

This indicator is called blood pressure because it is measured in large arteries, most often in the brachial arteries. It is the most accessible and located close to the heart. But it is precisely its work that ensures blood pressure.

To determine your health status and the causes of illness, you need to measure your blood pressure. It is different for all people, as it depends on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the properties of the blood, and even the gender and age of the person. It is believed that the pressure should be 120 over 80. These are average indicators that are taken as the norm. This pressure is optimal for a healthy middle-aged person.

But in fact, the norm is determined by many parameters. For some, a pressure of 110 will be normal, and for others – 130. Therefore, before talking about deviations from the norm, you need to know it.

To do this, they measure blood pressure many times throughout the day and draw a conclusion which indicators correspond to physical activity and which to a state of rest. Increased results more than 7 times out of 30 indicate the need for treatment.

Usually, with frequent increases in blood pressure above 140 to 90, arterial hypertension develops, which is known to many as hypertension.

The onset of the disease may also be indicated by decreased performance, headaches, weakness, tinnitus and increased irritability. Sometimes deviations from the norm occur in healthy people during stress or heavy physical activity. But if this happens often, you need to take action.

Why does the increase occur?

In the initial stages, hypertension often does not cause health problems. Therefore, many people begin treatment when the disease is already advanced.

To prevent complications, it is very important to monitor your blood pressure and know when it may increase. Only some patients understand how to live with hypertension. They not only undergo treatment, but try to avoid provoking factors.

It is believed that it is impossible to get rid of hypertension completely. After all, an increase in pressure occurs due to disruption of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, many other factors can cause the development of hypertension.

Most often this happens after 40 years, so at this age you need to know what causes blood pressure to increase:

  • from narrowing of blood vessels due to the deposition of salts on their walls;
  • bad habits often lead to the development of hypertension;
  • from excess salt consumption;
  • due to weather fluctuations and abnormal solar activity;
  • from a sedentary lifestyle;
  • due to mental tension or stress;
  • some medications can cause blood pressure fluctuations;
  • it may increase after drinking alcohol, coffee or strong tea.

The risk group includes overweight people leading a sedentary lifestyle and those whose parents suffered from hypertension. They need to regularly monitor their blood pressure levels, especially if they experience headaches or malaise.

What is the danger

High blood pressure is a consequence of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. And the lack of proper treatment can lead to negative consequences for the body.

The danger of hypertension is that in its initial stages a person may not understand the reasons for his illness. And often treatment begins only when complications appear.

Frequent and prolonged increases in blood pressure lead to damage to blood vessels and some organs. The walls of the heart become thinner and their blood supply is disrupted. This leads to shortness of breath, swelling and decreased performance. The walls of blood vessels thicken and lose their elasticity. Due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, memory may decrease, vision or hearing may deteriorate.

Hypertension contributes to the development of such diseases:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • damage to the blood vessels of the eyes.

High blood pressure can also cause a stroke or heart attack. The risk is especially high for those who do not know how to live with hypertension. After all, with this disease, the main thing is not drug treatment, but constant blood pressure monitoring and lifestyle changes.

What does the norm depend on?

Not everyone's optimal blood pressure is the same. Most of all they depend on age. The older a person is, the higher his blood pressure may be. This is due to age-related changes in blood vessels and heart function. And if for teenagers or young adults indicators above 120 are considered already elevated, then after 60 years the norm will be pressure of 140-150.

Blood pressure also depends on a person’s gender, weight and physical activity. A thin woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle will feel normal at a reading of 110 over 70. But for athletes, the norm is considered to be a pressure of 130 over 85.

Only a doctor can determine whether a person has hypertension. And you should not diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment if the indicators do not correspond to the generally accepted 120 to 80.

What to do and how to live with hypertension

If your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension, you need to prepare to change your lifestyle. With this disease, an increase in pressure is observed almost constantly, so it is necessary to regularly monitor it and take medications prescribed by a doctor. But drug treatment alone is not enough.

During a consultation with a doctor, you need to find out how to behave, how to eat, and what exercises you can do. A good specialist will answer all the questions: how many years have you lived with hypertension, how to avoid stress, and whether it is possible to use traditional methods of treatment.

In order to feel normal and prevent complications, it is important for all patients to follow several rules:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • increase physical activity - the best thing is running, walking, swimming and yoga;
  • reduce body weight;
  • change eating habits;
  • avoid stress;
  • try to remain calm and in a good mood;
  • get enough sleep;
  • in some cases you need to change jobs.
Smoking Many people do not even realize what effect nicotine has on the human body:
  • blood vessels narrow and small capillaries die;
  • the heart rate increases and the heart works harder;
  • blood supply to the brain is disrupted;
  • all organs and tissues lack oxygen and nutrients.

When smoking, a person's blood pressure temporarily increases. The vessels gradually wear out and lose elasticity. Therefore, hypertension develops. And a smoker with “experience” increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

This is why it is so important for hypertensive patients to quit smoking. After all, every cigarette aggravates his condition and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • It has been noted that the risk of developing hypertension is higher in obese people.
  • Those who are 20% overweight are 10 times more likely to get sick. And it is very important not to gain weight, especially after 40 years, as this can lead to increased blood pressure.
  • It is believed that every kilogram of weight increases it by 1-2 divisions. In addition, excess fat deposits cause the heart to work harder. Because of this, blood pressure also increases.
  • This is why it is so important to lose weight if you have hypertension. But you can’t do this abruptly. Fasting with high blood pressure is not recommended; many other methods of losing weight are also contraindicated.
  • It is enough to reduce the caloric content of food a little and increase physical activity. In some cases, this is the only thing that helps normalize blood pressure.
Diet One of the main conditions that a hypertensive patient must observe is proper nutrition. With high blood pressure, a certain diet is very important. Some foods should be completely abandoned, while the consumption of others should be reduced. There are also dishes that are useful for hypertension.

What not to eat if you have high blood pressure:

  • You need to limit your salt intake to no more than 5 grams per day. It is excess sodium that contributes to fluid retention in the body and increased blood pressure.
  • For the same reason, you need to exclude canned food, pickles, pickled and smoked foods from your diet. Chips, salted crackers and nuts are also harmful for hypertensive patients.
  • Eat less animal fats, as they contain a lot of cholesterol.
  • You need to limit your consumption of sweets. Excess blood sugar can also cause high blood pressure.
  • It is important to exclude alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea.

Products useful for hypertensive patients:

  • It is very important to consume more foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium. Seaweed, prunes, nuts, buckwheat, cottage cheese, tomatoes and watermelons are healthy.
  • You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Nuts, unsaturated vegetable oils, lean fish and meat are healthy.
  • Cereal products, porridges, especially rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, milk and cheese are also useful for high blood pressure.
  • For drinks, it is better to drink pure water or herbal infusions.
  • It has long been proven that hypertension develops in people who often experience negative emotions, chronic stress, or have experienced severe nervous shock. This can be explained by the fact that in this state the body produces large amounts of the hormones adrenaline and cortisone. As a result, the heart works more intensely and blood pressure rises.
  • Therefore, with hypertension it is very important to learn to relax and cope with stress. Yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises and walks in nature are useful for this. Some people need to get a cat or choose a hobby to calm down. It is also necessary to get enough sleep and rest during the day.
  • In some cases, high blood pressure may require you to change jobs. Night shift work and professions associated with nervous tension are contraindicated for people with hypertension.
Physical activity
  • Regular light physical activity trains the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure. Complex treatment of hypertension necessarily includes special exercises.
  • It is important that your movements during exercise are slow and smooth, and your breathing is calm and deep.
  • Slow running, swimming, yoga, cycling and walking in the fresh air are especially useful for hypertensive patients. When exercising, it is important not to overdo it, as heavy loads can cause increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor.

Examination and drug treatment

All methods of prevention help well in the initial stages of the development of hypertension. If the pressure is constantly above 150, taking medications is mandatory.

All medications that lower blood pressure are divided into several groups:

All medications are prescribed by a doctor after examination. It may include an ECG, MRI of the head, general blood and urine tests and other diagnostic procedures. Only after establishing the causes of high blood pressure will the doctor prescribe the drug.

Hypertension during pregnancy

may be dangerous for the fetus, so it is important to monitor the rate together with a pregnant woman’s therapist.

Experts will tell you which vitamins are useful for hypertension using the link.

Is it possible to fly on an airplane if you have hypertension - the answer is here.

During treatment, you must follow all the rules prescribed in the instructions. It is not advisable to cancel or change the medicine yourself. This can cause a sudden surge in pressure - a hypertensive crisis.

I put everything useful that I heard, read, or wrote down somewhere into folders. For for many years There have been a lot of recordings of clippings, recipes and tips. I hope they will also be useful to those who suffer from this disease.


*Can you develop addiction to medications taken to lower blood pressure? How often should they be changed?

Antihypertensive drugs must be taken regularly and for a long time. As a rule, addiction to them does not develop. The doctor prescribes a replacement due to intolerance or the development of side effects.

*For hypertension, diuretics are prescribed. Do they remove potassium from the body?

To treat arterial hypertension (AH), diuretics (diuretics) of different mechanisms of action are prescribed. Some of them are capable of retaining potassium in the body, while others are capable of removing it. Therefore, if antihypertensive therapy involves the prescription of diuretics, it is necessary to periodically monitor the level of electrolytes in the blood, one of which is potassium.

*What products should be on the menu of a hypertensive patient taking diuretics?

Rather, I will name a product that must be limited for the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment - table salt. Its norm for hypertensive patients is up to 5 g per day, only half a teaspoon.

*There is an opinion that with constant and long-term use of diuretics, arrhythmia may develop. Is this true?

Obviously, this may be associated with hypo- or hyperkalemia while taking diuretics. But it should be noted that the prescribed dosages of diuretics for the treatment of hypertension are not the maximum daily doses, therefore side effect in the form of arrhythmias is rare. In addition, as mentioned earlier, patients taking diuretics periodically need to monitor their blood electrolyte levels.

*If a person has had hypertension for a long time, is it necessary to examine blood vessels and cholesterol levels? Are they related?

Necessarily. Dyslipidemia (violation of the ratio different types lipids in human blood) is a cardiovascular risk factor. Long-term increased level total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins contribute to the development of hypertension and the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, the presence of vascular damage in the form of deposition of atherosclerotic plaques increases the risk of cardiovascular complications.

*If you have hypertension, you are prescribed constant blood pressure medications. And if you measure your blood pressure in the morning and the blood pressure is normal, do you still need to take the pills or can you skip one dose?

Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed in order to normalize blood pressure. Its target level is less than 140/90 mmHg. Art., and in patients with diabetes mellitus - less than 130/80 mmHg. Therefore, with correctly selected antihypertensive therapy, there should be no missed medications. This may be the exception rather than the rule.

What type of tonometer is best to use to measure blood pressure?

At home, it is more convenient to use an electronic (automatic or semi-automatic) tonometer with a cuff placed on the shoulder. Its advantages are that the display shows the results of measuring pressure and pulse, there is a sound signal for the measurement stages, the ability to store the received data in memory and evaluate the dynamics of changes in blood pressure, especially when taking medicines. Application electronic tonometers It is not advisable to apply a cuff to the wrist. For atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis, especially in patients suffering from hypertension long time, the elasticity of blood vessels, especially those of small diameter, decreases, which may affect the accuracy of the readings.

*According to a friend, her hypertensive husband normalized his blood pressure by constantly eating oatmeal with water for breakfast. Could such a simple remedy really help?

In this case, we can talk about eliminating such a risk factor as excess body weight. For every 10 kg of body weight loss, systolic blood pressure (also called upper blood pressure) decreases by 5-20 mm Hg. Art.

For example, daily 30-minute physical activity reduces this indicator by 4-9 mmHg. Art. Helps stabilize systolic blood pressure fresh vegetables and fruits, products with low content fat consumption table salt less than 5 g per day.

*Is it always necessary to reduce high blood pressure?

Hypertensive crisis is a condition caused by an acutely expressed increase in blood pressure, primarily diastolic (lower) within 120 mm Hg. and above. Acutely occurring means “suddenly.” It is accompanied by very serious clinical symptoms cerebral, cardiac and neurotic in nature, and in such cases it is necessary to reduce blood pressure. As for other cases, when high numbers Hypertensive patients need to choose the right antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) therapy. But not on your own, but under the supervision of a doctor.


This recipe has always helped normalize blood pressure.

Mix 500 g of honey well with 2 tbsp. cinnamon. Mix 1 tbsp. dry crushed fruits and flowers of hawthorn and calendula. 1 tbsp. pour 1.5 tbsp mixture. boiling water and leave, wrapped, for an hour. Strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. infusion as a bite with 1 tbsp. honey with cinnamon. And so - three times a day. Drink the infusion slightly warm or cold, but not hot. The course is at least a month. To quickly reduce blood pressure at home, you can rub the soles of your feet with 9% table vinegar and lie in bed for half an hour. It’s also good to drink if you have hypertension. pomegranate juice and whey.


The main healer in our house is aloe. We treat any cold with it, and my mother drank its juice to reduce blood pressure. In 1 tbsp. chilled boiled water added three drops of aloe juice. I drank in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. I felt the result after two weeks - the pressure stabilized within 140/90 mm. rt. Art.

And recently, on the advice of a healer, my mother began to wipe her face, hands and chest with blessed water in the morning and evening. And her blood pressure now is the same as in her youth - 120/70.


With the help of this diet, a friend of mine forgot not only about heart pain, but also about high blood pressure.

In the morning on an empty stomach, I lightly salted a slice of black bread and ate it, dipping it in sunflower oil (dose - 3 tbsp). After 10-15 minutes, I drank a glass of hot tea with any jam. At lunch I ate whatever I wanted, and for dinner - only buckwheat porridge with kefir. Prepared it in advance: 4 tbsp. buckwheat poured 1 tbsp. kefir for a day and ate it in the evening, adding 1 tsp. honey I followed the diet for exactly a month, without missing a single day.

I would like to recommend a few more recipes traditional medicine from hypertension.

Boil two peeled small heads until softened in 1 tbsp. milk. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. three times a day after meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two days, then prepare a fresh decoction. The course is two weeks.

n Grind millet into powder and take 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach with water. The course is a month or more. w 1 des.l. Grind dill seeds in a coffee grinder into powder and pour 250 ml of boiling water into an enamel pan. Leave, wrapped, for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze. Drink 1/3 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

In case of a hypertensive crisis, you must immediately go to bed and put a napkin soaked in water on your forehead. apple cider vinegar. Always helps.


I am 88 years old. Five years ago, after my wife passed away, the sharp jumps blood pressure. He was treated in the hospital five or six times a year, but the hypertension did not subside.

And I decided to use this recipe,

2-3 tbsp. lemon balm, flowers and fruits, pour 2 liters of boiling water, keep on low heat for five minutes, add 2 tbsp. honey I leave it until it cools, filter it, squeeze out the raw materials, and bottle it. I store it in the refrigerator. I drink this amount over three days - 0.5 tbsp. three to four times a day. Be sure to take it in the morning on an empty stomach, during the day and in the evening before meals. The effect occurs gradually, a month or two after regular use of the decoction. But if I notice drowsiness, I take a break for two to three days. This remedy is also effective as a sleeping pill.


A mixture of honey and beet juice in equal parts (after squeezing, let the juice sit for three to four hours). Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tbsp. four to five times a day. The treatment is long-term.


used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease diseases and normalization of blood pressure.

WITH therapeutic purpose berries should be eaten three to four times a day, an hour and a half before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which should be light. During grape treatment, it is advisable to exclude raw milk, alcohol, mineral water, and fatty meat from the diet.

Treatment with grapes is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and many gastrointestinal diseases. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.


I advise people with hypertension to prepare and dry panicles of river reeds (we call them makhnushki) in the fall. Grind two or three makhnushki, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and drink 100 ml per day, divided into two doses. Keep refrigerated. Usually the blood pressure returns to normal within a day or two. Tested by personal experience.

And to prevent pressure surges, I eat a bunch of fresh viburnum berries every day during the season.


I am 85 years old, and recently I have been experiencing headaches, high blood pressure, tachycardia, angina pectoris, ischemia, and arrhythmia. And I decided to be treated with hawthorn.

Twenty years ago, a friend gave me a small cutting of it, I planted it and forgot about it. And it has grown over the years and began to bear fruit. I didn’t pay attention to it and took pharmaceutical hawthorn tinctures. But then I read a lot of literature on treatment with this plant and decided to prepare medicine from it myself. 150 g of flowers were poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, infused for 21 days in a dark bottle, filtered and stored in the refrigerator. I drank 20-30 drops before meals, drinking 0.5 tbsp. water.

1 tbsp. dried flowers poured 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it sit for two hours, strain and drink 2 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

After taking the tincture and decoction, blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the pulse normalizes.

I harvest hawthorn fruits in the fall and make tinctures from them or dry them in the oven.

In addition, I make compotes and syrups from hawthorn. I also make jelly. I immerse fresh fruits in boiling water for five minutes, when they become soft, I strain them and put them in a colander, wipe them from the grains. To 1 liter of pureed mass I add 300 g of sugar and 0.5 tsp. citric acid. I keep it on low heat until it boils, then pour it into half-liter glass jars, sterilize for 15 minutes, and seal. It turns out to be a very tasty and healthy jelly for the winter.


During the war, my grandfather, a beekeeper, specially saved May honey so that when the hawthorn ripened, he could prepare a wonderful tincture. He did it a lot - for our large family, and also took it to the hospital for wounded soldiers.

Recipe in a reduced version : 100 g of hawthorn fruit, 300 g of honey, 300 ml of vodka. At first, my grandfather mixed honey and hawthorn. I insisted for 10 days, stirring occasionally, then poured vodka and insisted for another 10 days. Strained and stored in a sealed oak barrel. In winter they drank it for colds and for heart pain - a drop per 1 kg of a person’s weight (but not more than 40 drops) with 1/4 tbsp. water half an hour before meals in courses of six days. Then 10 days - break. If necessary, the course was repeated. The tincture helped to survive in harsh winters, strengthened the heart, and helped the wounded recover faster.

I changed my grandfather's recipe a little : 1 tbsp. fresh or dried hawthorn fruits, pour 1 tbsp. vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking every day, strain, add 1 tbsp. honey I store it in a dark container. If, due to a change in weather, my heart gets sick, I drink 25-30 drops per 1/4 tbsp. water half an hour before meals three times a day. The course is three to four days, the break is ten days. For support wellness I repeat the course occasionally. I mix 3-4 tbsp. hawthorn flowers, motherwort herb, marshweed, 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers. 1 tbsp. collection I pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, keep in a water bath for an hour. I insist for 45 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the raw materials. I drink 1/4 tbsp. by 0.5 tbsp. water two to three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of maintenance treatment is three to six days, with a break of 10-20.


Many people love hawthorn, but not everyone knows that it also has contraindications. Hawthorn is undesirable for hypotensive people, patients bradycardia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it irritates the gastric mucosa.

I have all these diseases. I didn’t give up hawthorn completely - it’s really very useful. And I started looking for what to take it with so as not to harm myself, and I found it. The smoker became a savior for me.

This is one of the few plants that can speed up the heart rate. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, narrows blood vessels, tones smooth muscles, acts as a “crane” for low blood pressure. Therefore, it is advisable to alternate hawthorn with smokeweed.

I have known this plant since childhood. True, I was treated with it for a different reason: during the war, many people suffered from scabies, and it did not spare me either. Mom knew a lot medicinal herbs and treated me and others with smoke juice. The scabies sores healed quickly. She also used fumogenic juice to treat lichens, various rashes and psoriasis.

Smokeweed grows everywhere, like a weed in vegetable gardens. It is an annual grey-green plant with small purple flowers. Blooms from May to August. For treatment, the entire aerial part is used - leaves and stems.

I brew smoker like this: 1 tbsp. I pour 1 tbsp of herbs. water (or milk), boil over low heat for five minutes. I leave it for two hours and drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.


Recently, evidence has emerged that pea proteins help reduce high blood pressure. Is this true? Let's try to figure it out.


Peas are rich in protein, which contains a lot essential amino acids, and the most valuable of them is glutamine, which plays an important role in the nutrition of brain cells. It also contains vitamins, many minerals, of which potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc and selenium salts are important. The significant amount of fiber contained in peas helps removing toxins from the body, reducing cholesterol levels. Including peas in the menu is useful for hypovitaminosis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis and hypertension (helps lower blood pressure), swelling, protein deficiency of the body, decreased blood clotting, bleeding gums, diabetes, tuberculosis, obesity, liver and kidney diseases , goiter, age-related constipation, cough, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, vitiligo. Peas also have antitumor effects. The constant presence of fresh, frozen or canned green peas in the diet slows down skin aging.

In turn, decoctions of peas and their herbs have a diuretic effect, protect the kidneys from kidney stones and urolithiasis, and if present, contribute to the dissolution of stones.

With atherosclerosis, high blood cholesterol levels, hypertension Grind dry peas into flour in a coffee grinder. Take it 1 hour before meals, 1 tsp. three times a day, drinking 0.5 tbsp. water. The course of treatment is 10 days, then take a break for a week and repeat the course - the treatment is long-term.

For heartburn eat three to four fresh or soaked peas in water.

For stomach ulcers take 1 tbsp at the beginning of meals. pea puree twice a day.

For a debilitating, persistent cough 1 tbsp. Pour 1 tbsp of pea flowers into a thermos. boiling water, leave for three to four hours, strain, squeeze out the raw materials. Drink several sips in equal portions throughout the day.

For kidney stones or urolithiasis 2 tbsp. pea herbs pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. infusion three to four times a day 20 minutes before meals. Or 1 tbsp. pour 1 tbsp of chopped peas into flour. boiling water, keep on low heat for three to four minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. infusion two to three times a day half an hour before meals while following a diet.

For eczema, acute inflammation of the skin, purulent wounds, chop young peas into a pulp, mix it with raw egg white 1:1. Apply the mixture to sore spot, cover with film, secure with a bandage. Change the bandage twice a day.


Although peas have healing properties and, as mentioned earlier, help reduce blood pressure, they are still not a panacea for hypertension. Peas do not restore elasticity to blood vessels and do not relieve them of atherosclerotic deposits. To keep your blood pressure in check, you need to change your lifestyle: reduce the amount of salt, meat products, saturated fats in your diet, lose weight, do not drink a lot of liquid at night, move more.

Do not also forget that pea treatment is not suitable for everyone, since it causes flatulence even in healthy people. This discomfort is even more pronounced in the presence of gastrointestinal intestinal diseases(gastritis, colitis). Peas are rich in purines, so they are undesirable if mineral metabolism in the body is impaired; they are excluded from the diet if you have gout. It is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting (high prothrombin index), thrombophlebitis, conditions after an ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction.


Lean pea soup. For two servings: 0.5 tbsp. washed peas, three or four potato tubers, an onion, parsley, dill, a pinch of pepper, salt, 1 tbsp. oil for frying onions, 1.5-2 tbsp. water.

In the evening, pour cold water over the peas to swell. The next day, cook without draining until half cooked, add fried onions and potatoes, cut into strips, pepper, and salt. Cook until done. Serve sprinkled with dill and parsley.

Lenten pea soup is indicated for atherosclerosis, hypertension, urolithiasis and kidney stone disease, other diseases. For stomach ulcers, grind the finished soup to a puree consistency.

Goechnevo-pea porridge. Cook buckwheat porridge separately (1 tbsp.

Art. water, cook for half an hour, add salt to taste) and pea puree (soak 0.5 cups of peas in the evening in

Art. water, the next day, cook until tender, grind with a masher or beat in a blender, add salt to taste). Mix two parts buckwheat porridge with one part pea puree.

Before serving, you can add fried tomatoes to each serving. vegetable oil with onions.

This porridge is useful for the diseases listed above, but is especially indicated for diabetes.

Why is excess weight dangerous?

Excess weight and hypertension are two inseparable concepts. Almost all overweight people suffer from high blood pressure because the heart is the first to be affected, forced to supply large volumes of blood to the body.

In addition, with an increase in body weight, blood vessels lengthen - every kilogram of fat adds 150 meters to the vascular network. An increase in resistance to blood flow due to these factors leads to an increase in pressure in the vascular bed, the load on the heart increases, and its muscle walls thicken. All this taken together leads to the development of hypertension.


Hypertension, coupled with obesity, is deservedly called “silent killers.” After all, the disease may practically not manifest itself (especially in the initial stages), sometimes it even occurs without headaches. Therefore, many hypertensive patients are not aware of their disease, are not treated and do not think about losing weight. Which often leads to sad consequences, including cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, etc. Obesity significantly shortens life and makes it of poor quality. At the same time, reducing body weight in patients with hypertension reduces mortality by 20%, and in the second and third stages - by 55%! Therefore, losing weight for hypertensive patients is simply a vital necessity.


I am 84 years old. For a long time suffered from high blood pressure - the upper one was more than 220.

Once they suggested a recipe to me that helped get rid of hypertension. And it was based on ordinary baker's yeast. For a course of treatment, you need three packs of 100 g each. Divide the pack into nine parts, wrap each part separately and put it in the freezer. In the morning, take out one part of the yeast, add 3 tbsp to it. chilled boiled water and 1 tbsp. sugar, stir and drink.

Drink this drink for nine days, take a break for a week and repeat. There are three such courses in total.

Now I have upper pressure - 120.


Pour 50 g of crushed white root into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave in a dark place for 21 days. I drink 30 drops three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, with 50 ml of warm boiled water. The course is a month. A week later, three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, I drink 1 tsp. tincture of Sophora japonica, washed down with 50 ml of warm boiled water (1 tbsp. Sophora fruits, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for a month, filter). Course - 20 days. After a ten-day break, I drink the tinctures again according to the same scheme until I run out. I carry out this treatment twice a year.


To lose weight, you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet, carefully analyze the menu, study the calorie content of the dishes you eat, eliminate easily digestible carbohydrates, and limit fatty foods.

If you want to lose a kilogram per week, the caloric content of food should not exceed 1400 kcal per day.

To lose 20 kg of excess weight in 20 weeks, you need to consume no more than 1000 kcal daily. You need to eat small meals, at least eight times a day, drink fluids - 1-1.5 liters per day. You can spend fasting days on apples, kefir, etc.

Remember that your diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein - up to 100 g per day. This is necessary in order to prevent loss of tissue protein. It is advisable to include low-fat boiled meats and fish in the menu.

The amount of carbohydrates in the diet is sharply limited due to sugar, confectionery, and sweet drinks. Jam, sweets, cakes, buns, and pasta are completely excluded from the diet. Bread in the diet is limited to 100-150 g per day. For hypertensive patients who want to lose weight, the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries are cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, apples, gooseberries, citrus fruits, currants, and cranberries. It is better to eat vegetables raw, as they contain tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

As body weight increases, blood vessels lengthen—every kilogram of fat adds 150 meters to the vascular network.


I offer a proven recipe for the prevention of hypertensive crisis, which I found in my grandmother’s notebook.

This is how she dealt with high blood pressure. 2 tbsp. dried black currants and crushed rose hips poured 1.5 tbsp into a thermos. boiling water I insisted for four hours and filtered through a cloth. Saw 0.3 tbsp. five times a day until the condition improves.


First of all, with the help of a specialist, you need to determine the nature of the disease. After all, hypertension can be primary (this is independent disease, not associated with organ dysfunction) and secondary, when an increase in blood pressure occurs under the influence of impaired functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland.

I advise all hypertensive patients to give up salty foods and thoroughly cleanse the intestines. Your health largely depends on the purity of the latter.

Hypertensive patients must include in their diet following products and plants.

* Cranberry, chokeberry, hawthorn. The substances contained in these gifts of nature are very strong antioxidants, necessary for the good functioning of the cardiovascular system and the production of “correct” cholesterol.

Cranberry increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, helps reduce blood pressure and reduce headaches.

Hypertensive patients simply need to eat at least a glass of it every day.

Broccoli also brings great benefits in this regard - it is a true royal vegetable, rich in antioxidants.

n Fermented milk products. Cottage cheese contains calcium, potassium and magnesium. Potassium strengthens the heart, magnesium promotes vasodilation.

Bran, plantain panicle. Hypertensive patients need to include their natural fibers in their diet in order to cleanse the intestines. They work like "nature's broom".

In addition, bran absorbs toxins and allergens and is rich in B vitamins.

Sea kale contains not only iodine and vitamins, but also alginates, which are not digested in the intestines, but at the same time increase in volume and absorb excess water.

Alginates have a beneficial effect on intestinal function, stimulating its functioning. Seaweed fiber absorbs excess cholesterol, which good prevention atherosclerosis.

Polysaccharides that are present in seaweed prevent the formation of blood clots and serve as a prevention of atherosclerosis. Therefore, if you have hypertension, you need to include this product in your diet, replacing salt with it.

I Flax-seed and oil, fish oil, lightly salted herring and other products containing Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Such products are your best friends in the fight against hypertension. They help normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, regulate fat metabolism, strengthen cell membranes, improve the condition of blood vessels.


With increased blood pressure for 15-20 minutes, lower your hands up to your armpits in warm water (39 degrees). At the same time, the vessels dilate, which contributes to a slow decrease in pressure. At the end of the procedure, vigorously dry your hands. ‘ ,

If the upper pressure rises to 200 or higher, you cannot do without medication. But in addition, herbal preparations can also be used.

Take one part each of hawthorn fruits, birch buds, horsetail herb, two parts each of motherwort herb, and marsh grass. 1 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a warm place for five to six hours, strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day.

Another collection: three parts each of hawthorn flowers, motherwort herb, marsh grass, one part chamomile flowers. 1 tbsp. pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day after meals.

In a three-liter jar, put 1 kg of fresh viburnum, minced through a meat grinder, add 1 kg of honey, 0.5 liters of cognac. Mix everything, close the lid, leave in a warm place for a month, stirring constantly. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day with meals.

For hypertension, it is also useful to drink hibiscus tea.


All hypertensive patients know the signs of an approaching hypertensive crisis: nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness.

Before the ambulance arrives, try using mustard. 1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of mustard in your socks and on a handkerchief on your pillow. Put socks on your feet and go to bed so that the cervical spine is on a scarf with mustard. This simple method will help you hold on until the doctors arrive and even reduce your blood pressure a little.

If your blood pressure has risen sharply and you don’t have a pill at hand, try one of the following techniques.

Apply a cold heating pad to the navel area. Exhale, hold your breath for 10-20 seconds, repeat after a short pause.

Massage your neck by rubbing it lengthwise spinal column top down.

Press firmly on the centers of the palms of both hands (you can grab door handles), rest your palms on them.