What does a dream from 31 to 1 mean? What do dreams mean based on the dates of the month and days of the week? Lunar horoscope Wednesday

Look into the future. to find out your destiny - these questions interest every person. During the holiday week, you can make a prophetic dream that will reveal the secrets of fate and tell you the right direction in life. There are also special rituals for wishing prophetic dream. However, prophetic dreams can come without rituals. When do prophetic dreams occur by day of the week? Let's consider this issue.

Do prophetic dreams always come true, and how to determine the nature of the dream? It is believed that during a night's rest the soul can fly away to other world, and return after waking up. It is at these moments that a person dreams. If the soul has not flown far from the body, you dream of ordinary scenes related to daytime problems. If the soul has flown far away, a prophetic dream comes.

Scientists can neither confirm nor refute this statement. Psychologists study dreams, but the research results are more like guesswork. Esotericists do not make guesses, but simply interpret the scenes they see according to the images that came in a dream.

True and false visions

Prophetic dreams can be true or false. A true dream is always filled with a special meaning, the pictures come bright and memorable. Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is fulfilled exactly. It is characteristic that a true prophetic vision cannot be “drained” or prevented in any way: the dream will come true exactly.

False visions are always confusing, devoid of meaning and specificity. Usually these dreams are scary, so after waking up you just need to talk about the flowing water you saw. The ritual is simple to perform: you need to open the tap in the bathroom and tell the flow of water everything, then ask the water to take the words with it.

When prophetic dreams come

Such visions often happen during the holy week when the border between worlds becomes thin. These days, deceased relatives may come to dreams to predict events in life.

A prophetic dream may occur for any religious holiday . By folk beliefs“holiday dreams” always come true before noon. Prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month. Dreams are also prophetic on Friday night- they come true.

Friday dreams

Dreams on Friday night are marked with a special meaning. There are 12 Good Fridays a year that bring dreams from heaven:

  1. in the first week of Lent;
  2. before the Annunciation;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of Ascension;
  5. on the eve of Trinity Week;
  6. before the birth of John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  8. before the Assumption of the Virgin Mary;
  9. before Archangel Michael;
  10. before the day of Kozma and Demian;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before Epiphany.

Each of these named Fridays brings special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Also prophetic dreams may appear in certain days weeks - our ancient ancestors noticed this.

  1. on Monday dreams are empty;
  2. come on Tuesday empty dreams;
  3. dreams may come true on Wednesday;
  4. Empty dreams come on Thursday;
  5. I have prophetic dreams on Friday;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - may come true before noon.

Monday is ruled by the Moon, the influence of which is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be taken seriously. However, it is on Monday that you can perform a special ritual for a prophetic dream by asking a question of interest.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. On this day you can get a hint to change your destiny.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. At this time, disturbing dreams may come that call for control. emotional sphere: This is exactly what you lack in life.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. At this time, you can attach significance to dreams associated with professional activity. Other dreams are considered empty.

Friday is ruled by Venus. At this time, prophetic dreams about fate and personal relationships come. On Friday night you can see a prediction about a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. This is a harsh planet associated with fatal signs fate. Dreams do not exactly come true, but they can give a hint - what to expect in the future, bad or good?

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. If you dream of a disturbing plot at this time, take it as a warning against unwanted actions.

Times of Day

The time of day at which the dream occurs is important. Usually day dreams do not mean anything: they reflect the vanity of the mind and everyday worries.

Evening sleep, like midnight, can also be empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get to other worlds.

The correct meaning is a dream I had in the morning. It is at this time that we see prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

This question worries many dreamers. How, on what grounds can this be done? It is important to understand that a prophetic dream can come on any day of the week on the eve of a fateful event. These are dreams-messages that do not depend on the time of day or day of the week. Distinguish this vision from simple dreams Can:

  • the dream will be vivid and memorable, will evoke strong emotions;
  • the vision picture will have a clear storyline with a beginning and an end;
  • the dream will bring specific information in the form of numbers, written or spoken words;
  • the sleep will be short, not tiresomely endless.

The dream will be so vivid and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to interpret a prophetic dream

Images from a prophetic dream may correspond to images from the interpretation of dream books. For example, a rat will represent an enemy, and bat and the spider is an unkind prediction.

If you do not find an explanation for the plot you saw in the interpreter, rely on your intuition. The determining factor in deciphering a dream will be your inner feeling: as a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion for true vision will be the correspondence of what is seen to reality. If in a dream you are running away from an unknown monster, and wings and a tail suddenly grow on you, feel free to classify the dream as fantasy. IN prophetic visions real, not fictitious images come.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Sagittarius

The lunar calendar advises devoting time to issues related to jurisprudence. If you
are you doing own business, The Moon in the sign of Sagittarius will be a suitable period for applying for the creation legal entity or public organization. The lunar horoscope for today promises successful travels and business trips, they will go very easily! To avoid trouble, you should beware of transactions involving land plots. The Moon in the sign of Sagittarius is an unfavorable period for construction.

Lunar day today

17th lunar day

Today is a great day for solemn and joyful events. The aura of the holiday reigns in the air, filling everything around with happiness and grace. Perfect time to mark an important event.

The dream that appeared that night is prophetic. He will be fulfilled on the nineteenth day after he was seen. Events in reality will most closely correspond to your dream

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waning Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waning Moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. You should not expect efficiency and quick decision-making from him. This is the most last phase, which leads to a sharp reduction in activity.

During this period, you should sum up the results of previously started tasks or carry out their leisurely continuation. You should not start implementing new ideas; it is better to postpone such matters for a more appropriate time.

As for health, then lunar day Today there is a tendency to reduce any type of training. This also applies to mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal altercations with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to irresolvable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what lunar day it is today. The current period encourages you to take all problems and joys too seriously. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Lunar horoscope Wednesday

Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury, who is the messenger of the gods. On Wednesday, luck smiles on knowledge workers.
If you have a lot of things to do, solve them on Wednesday and don’t put it off until later. The day is suitable for doing office work; you may have to work with a large amount of information.
The lunar horoscope for today foretells the successful signing of contracts and the conclusion of profitable deals. On Wednesday you can organize conferences, business meetings, the second half of the day can be left for rest.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday overflowing with activity and an abundance of different stories. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible.
Such dreams do not come true in reality. However, there is a small chance that some individual parts dreams that never have anything bad in them.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for May 2nd

Of course, there is no need to invent a bicycle for the hundredth time, but it is necessary to improve the model. Today, according to the horoscope, is the day for you when all your ideas can easily come true.

Today you will be too impatient, which will raise many questions among others. Try to contain your emotions and remain calm.

The horoscope believes that today you can influence the course of events. In particular, people who are responsible for making important decisions will listen to you. Don't miss the chance to change your life.

Today there is a high probability that you will find yourself in an awkward position. The horoscope believes that you need to be careful and think through every word you say.

Today, people around you will want to influence your opinion. Do not resist this, perhaps there will be common sense in their words.

It's time to learn to firmly refuse people. Today, thanks to your own softness, you will do something you don’t like.

Today will be a good day for you. You can help everyone in need. In addition, their gratitude will be returned a hundredfold immediately. You will be able to find true friend or new love.

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1st day of the month. Dreams of this day come true exactly and foretell good things.

2nd day of the month. Dreams are empty and meaningless.

3rd day of the month. Dreams can quickly come true.

4th day of the month. Dreams don't come true anytime soon.

5th day of the month. Dreams of good meaning.

6th day of the month. Dreams come true, but not soon.

7th day of the month. Dreams are happy, but you should not tell anyone about them.

8th day of the month. Dreams lead to the fulfillment of desires.

9th day of the month. Dreams come true, but they lead to trouble.

10th day of the month. Dreams never come true.

11th day of the month. Dreams come true within 11 days and lead to joy.

12th day of the month. Dreams come true quickly and favorably.

13th day of the month. Dreams lead to trouble.

14th day of the month. Dreams are unsuccessful.

15th day of the month. Dreams will come true soon and very favorably.

16th day of the month. Dreams do not come true and have no meaning.

17th day of the month. Dreams promise success and come true within 20 days.

18th day of the month. Dreams lead to profit and new things.

19th day of the month. Dreams lead to family troubles.

20th day of the month. Dreams will soon come true.

21st day of the month. Dreams do not come true soon, but they lead to wealth.

22nd day of the month. Dreams warn of troubles.

23rd day of the month. Dreams will come true very soon.

24th day of the month. Dreams are joyful and come true soon.

25th day of the month. Dreams of lies and deceit.

26th of the month Dreams of pleasure and fun.

27th day of the month. Meaningless, colorless and meaningless dreams.

28th day of the month. Dreams promise some difficulties and will come true within 30 days.

29th day of the month. Dreams don't come true.

30th day of the month. Dreams are fantastic and do not come true.

31st day of the month. Dreams of love victories come true within 15 days.

Will the dream come true?

For centuries, astrologers have been looking for an answer to the question and when? More than one person has devoted his life to this very issue. And so, bit by bit over many centuries, astrologers managed to derive a law that can give a more accurate answer.

Every day of the week is inextricably linked with a certain planet of our amazing solar system. The hidden, sometimes mysterious qualities of each of them influence each of us in their own way. They carry an invisible force that influences the life of planet Earth and its inhabitants. Let's look at which days of the month dreams will come true, on which days they should not be taken seriously, and on which days you need to prepare for difficulties.

Day of the month

So, dreamed dream fell on the 1st, 6th, 8th, 20th, 30th or 31st, this is a sign of prosperity, happiness, profit or good luck. Such dreams usually come true, and soon.

If you dreamed about something on the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 22nd or 24th, then you should not tell anyone about it. These days portend joy and profit.

If you had a dream on the 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 26th, 27th or 28th of the month, then such dreams are usually false, they mean nothing. They can be very unusual, but you shouldn't pay attention to them.

On the 14th, 25th and 29th dreams portend failures and financial losses. Be careful. Perhaps in the near future, some troubles await you.

When a dream falls on the 4th, 7th, 11th, 12th and 23rd, it can portend happiness, but it will not come true soon.
If you had a bright and colorful dream on the 16th or 21st, then it will definitely come true within a month. Usually such dreams foreshadow something new, but pleasant.

If you want your dream to come true say: “ WHAT I SAW IN A DREAM, I TOOK ALL FOR MYSELF ” and cross yourself

If you're worried that bad dream will come true and brings you misfortune, say to yourself: “ WHO HAS A DREAM COME TRUE AND IT DOESN'T CONCERN ME. THE LORD IS WITH ME A BAD DREAM IS NOT MINE.AMEN “This should be done before you get out of bed.

Day of the week

To find out whether a dream will come true and how to correctly decipher it, you need to take into account not only the day of the month, but also the day of the week on which you happened to see this or that dream.

Monday– it’s a difficult day, but not because you have to go to work. It is not easy due to the fact that the Moon rules this day of the week. Everything you dream from Sunday to Monday reflects your emotional state. Monday's dreams are usually connected with everyday chores, loved ones, but above all, with women or children. The more “pictures” you dream and the longer the dream, the more daily work you will have to do. But if you remember your dream, but it was short, then know that this Monday your mood will not be spoiled.

Tuesday, this day belongs to the fiery and all-powerful Mars. It gives you the urge to take action. This planet is considered the planet of personal power. What you see in this dream is related to your personal goals, what you are drawn to. Such dreams will show your fire of desires. This is the planet of men and warriors, so dreams you had on Tuesday can tell you about the men you know. Your sleep is calm - you managed to find an application for your fiery energy. Obstacles to success should not scare you; you can easily overcome them. Tuesday's Busy Dream Tells You You're Overwhelmed life force. You shouldn't put anything off until later. You will quickly achieve good results. If in your dream you are - main character this dream, you will be confident - this is a good sign.

Planet Mercury rules environment. Light, practical, unmemorable dreams are what airy Mercury will give you. Will Wednesday's dream come true? Probably not. But if you managed to remember the dream you had on Wednesday, know that it will bring you information about those people with whom you communicate and see the most. It can also notify you of minor changes that are coming in the near future. But if you had an action-packed dream, then most likely it foretells you new acquaintances that will bring you a lot positive emotions and worthwhile information. Primitive and restful sleep portends a lack of information about something. Dreams of the environment are good if they contain fast and elusive movement, when one situation or terrain changes one after another. This indicates changes for the better in your life.

Thursday belongs to Jupiter, and his dreams belong to work, prospects, bosses, those people who patronize you. In Thursday's dreams you can see the solution to issues that are important to you, which are mostly related to public activities. A large-scale dream foretells you success, respect from your superiors and rapid advancement up the career ladder. There are few participants in your Thursday dream - in this moment work is not your main goal, which means serious changes in labor activity not expected. But dreamed ancestors, pictures of the distant past, push you to continue the work of your ancestors.

It's dreams Fridays are a reflection of our feelings. This is because the sensual and beautiful Venus patronizes this day. Will your dream come true on Friday? Most often the answer is “yes”. What we desire with all our being will come to us. Friday's dreams show our personal life, creative expressions and, of course, the material part of our lives. These dreams can indicate the ways and timing of the fulfillment of your desires. If you acquire something in a dream, it means that material receipts are coming. But a dream in which you lose something, want to get it, but it doesn’t work out, means limitations, both in material terms and in personal relationships. Friday's dream, in which you depend on someone, talk about the fact that it is worth starting to work on yourself in order to gain inner independence. You need to develop yourself, your professional, creative skills. Remember that you can only be interesting to others if you are interesting to yourself.

Saturday belongs amazing planet fate, trials and fate, i.e. Saturn. He dictates laws that limit you. Saturday's dreams will tell you about the rules that should not be neglected and that must be obeyed. If Saturday’s dream turned out to be colorful, light and pleasant, it means that no serious tests are expected, and your plans will be easily realized. However, a gloomy dream, full of obstacles, suggests that the implementation of your plans will require persistent and painstaking work from you.

The planet of love, creativity and inexhaustible inspiration belongs to Sunday. Yes, it is the Sun that controls dreams on this day. Such dreams can tell you about what will warm your soul and bring long-awaited happiness. Bright, interesting dream Sunday foretells you the emergence of new ideas, as well as amazing acquaintances. You may discover amazing talents that you didn't even know you had. Rich and fairytale dream, speaks of vigorous activity, but black and white, most likely, warns you of a joyless period of life and encourages you to stock up on optimism.

When exactly will the dream come true?

Every thing we see dream, one way or another, will be reflected in our lives. But on what day will this happen? And the amazing science of astrology is ready to give you the answer to this question. The Magi Star, which has seven ends, unites seven planets. The star shows the connection between them. This means that Monday’s dream will come true on Thursday; Tuesday - Friday; Wednesday - Saturday; Thursday - Sunday; Friday - Monday; Saturday's dream is on Tuesday. And your “sunny” dream of Sunday will come true on Wednesday.

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Sleep from July 31 to August 1 usually expresses our hidden desires, as well as unrealized plans. The dream is greatly influenced by the work of the subconscious of the sleeper. Therefore, his images are often bizarre. They have deep personal meaning. The dreamer should pay attention Special attention to dreams in which a fight or conflict occurs.

Restful sleep with one or two storylines indicates that in the near future the dreamer will solve all his affairs without conflict situations. And he will be able to turn future projects or events in his favor.

A bright dream, rich in colors and emotions, characterizes the dreamer as an active and energetic person.

This dream is also evidence that the dreamer may well achieve success in the business he started. Dreams in which the sleeper appears in the image of a leader or leader stand apart. Such a dream serves as a harbinger serious problems V real life

. In them, the sleeper will act as the main character.

The meaning of dreams from July 31 to August 1 Dreams from July 31 to August 1 always mean change.

Sometimes they say that the life of the sleeper is undergoing dramatic changes.

Also, a dream from July 31 to August 1 can have both positive and negative meaning. Its whole essence lies in symbolism. She can predict how successful the event will be. Will everything go well or is it expected to fail? Dreams from July 31 to August 1, causing the dreamer to experience strong negative emotions , stress and disappointment warn him that new project

It's better to postpone it. In addition to everything, dreams from July 31 to August 1, in which there is a positive mood, favorable atmosphere , on the contrary, push to active actions

. They show that everything will go smoothly and also successfully. The project will be promising and will bring profit.

The New Year's time is approaching, so to speak, when we pay special attention to dreams. It seems to us that they have a sacred meaning and carry information that relates to the entire coming year. We gaze intently at vague images, become frightened or happy, and try to interpret them. And, in general, we are doing the right thing. But you shouldn’t give everyone, without exception, dreams great value

. And the interpretation of “holiday” dreams has its own nuances. That's what we'll talk about today.

When dreams come true It is quite rightly believed that dreams in New Year
, on Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmastide and Epiphany carry a special meaning and are often prophetic. Only they come true in different ways, each dream has its own special period and its own “sphere of influence.”
Christmas Eve - focus on dreams in which desires are fulfilled, this will indicate the time frame. That is, if you see in a dream that you, for example, received a promotion in the spring, then the dream will come true in the spring. And if you see yourself getting married, but at the same time you look several years older, then most likely you should not wait for a wedding in the coming year - it will “take place” in a few years.

Christmas - these dreams can determine fate, they carry a hint on what is best to do and what is better not to do. Pay special attention to these dreams - they are the ones that most often turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams come true within a period of one week to five years.
Christmas time - dreams come true within six months. Such dreams also relate to our actions, to the correct and wrong actions, as well as entertainment and emotions. But, unlike dreams at Christmas, they do not define any global things, but relate to everyday life.

Baptism - dreams relate to all of life, to Fate and can come true even after 20 years.

When dreams are “empty”

It seems to many that on the “old” New Year, dreams must also certainly be prophetic. But it is not so. The fact is that we have been living according to a different calendar for a long time, and this holiday is not even a tribute to the old style, but simply another reason to have fun. This is just a date, so on the night of January 13-14, dreams may not be at all prophetic. Another thing is that it’s already Christmas time, therefore, if some dream has particularly sunk into your soul, then it may come true, but if you haven’t dreamed of anything so outstanding, don’t rack your brains and don’t expect dreams in the “old” New Year special revelations. Although it is not forbidden to guess on this night, even in dreams. This is such a paradox.

I also have “empty” dreams: from January 1 to January 2, and then until Christmas Eve, then from January 8 until the start of Christmastide. We can say that we are given some kind of respite so that we can again perceive the “hints” that await us in the near future.

In general, this is all purely individual, and sometimes, in special cases, The sky speaks to us even on those nights when dreams are not prophetic. This happens when you urgently need to warn about something. However, this also applies to any other time, and not just “New Year’s time”.

What to pay attention to

Do not try to remember all the dreams that come to you at a designated time. There is no need for this, since significant dream If you want, you won't miss it. The fact is that such dreams are so clearly etched into your memory that you remember them not only immediately after waking up, but also a week later, and often several years later. If the dream has not “evaporated” by the evening, then be sure to write it down - in as much detail as you remember. And only after that start analyzing.

Do not look for meaning in those dreams that almost completely repeat the events that happened the day before. This is simply a reflection of events. But if in such dreams you constantly encounter the same person, which did not happen in reality, it means that this person will play a significant role in your life. But positive or negative depends on what kind of relationship (friendly or hostile) you had with him in your dream.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which deceased relatives come. Try to remember what they told you - often the words of the departed not only turn out to be prophetic, but also carry a ready-made guide to action.

If you are tormented by nightmares on the above days, this is a reason to carefully analyze your life and try to understand what you are doing wrong, where you are mistaken or what mistakes you are making. And, accordingly, try to fix it. Otherwise, very soon the wrong direction of movement will cause major troubles or misfortunes. True, there is one nuance here - if alcoholic libations and overeating always cause you disturbing dreams, then do not be alarmed right away, but fast for one day, see what they “show” you, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

You shouldn’t ignore the mood in which you wake up on the above days. That is, try to remember what impression your dreams leave behind - this also affects the interpretations and the tone of the predictions. For example, if you had a frightening dream, but woke up in in a great mood This means that either unpleasant events will turn into positive changes, or the dream symbols must be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Shine, lights, loud sounds in New Year's and Christmas dreams do not carry such a significant meaning as at other times - there is too much of this in reality - tinsel, fireworks, firecrackers, garlands - and all this enters our dreams without a twinge of conscience, without carrying any semantic load.

In the same way, you should not expect immediate profit after dreams in which you are very, very fat - it is the body and subconscious that react to the abundance of goodies, that is, the calorie counter turns on, and the fear of gaining weight begins to “speak” in your dreams.

Prophetic dreams and symbolic dreams. How to distinguish and what to do

Dreams that come during the “New Year’s season” are divided into prophetic - those that come true “word for word”, and symbolic - vague, incomprehensible, requiring competent decoding and based on a set of symbols. It depends on whether the event has already been determined or whether you have just begun to build the premises for some event to occur.

In the first case, dreams are clear, they concern specific area your life, they really participate existing people, actions and actions are performed that can actually occur. And the probability that everything will happen, that everything will be as you saw in your dream, is about 95%, that is, you only have a small chance of fixing something or at least adjusting it if you get your bearings in time .

But in the second case, dreams can be completely fantastic. You can easily find yourself in some kind of surreal world, encounter strangers or strange creatures, and you can do things that you have never done in reality. But you, one might say, are the mistress of the situation, that is, it depends only on your future actions whether the symbols that you saw in a dream will become reality. Therefore, if there is something that doesn’t suit you about them, if after interpreting the images you are horrified and clutch your head, then urgently begin to change course - perhaps you have set yourself a goal that leads to the abyss, or are trying to achieve a person who will bring you to the abyss. your life is pain, loss, chaos and destruction. Or maybe you were going to start some kind of business that, having taken away your strength, time and money, would not bear any fruit. Therefore, translate the language of symbols from “enraged reality” into a language that you understand (with the help of a dream book, or by contacting a specialist) and act according to the interpretation.

Be attentive to your dreams, which will definitely come to you on New Year, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmastide and Epiphany. But don’t be afraid of them - they are, as a rule, just tips, and if you listen to them, you can avoid many troubles. The main thing is to respond adequately to what you see in your dreams on such significant days and nights. Don’t let the events with which your dreams are connected take their course, and then everything will be great for you. Sweet dreams!