Cancer - horoscope for September. Cancer - horoscope for September Lunar calendar for Cancer for September

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September for Cancers is a very dynamic, but difficult period, and this will mainly be due to the need to communicate a lot and travel. Cancers' interest in new knowledge will increase, their liveliness, ability to make new acquaintances and perceive new ideas will appear. Family ties will be of great importance for Cancers, which can provide a reason for restoring broken relationships, as well as for searching for their ancestral roots.

However, in the period from September 3 to September 20, events may occur that will force them to reconsider their plans and abandon some plans. This may largely depend on financial difficulties, unexpected expenses, and Cancers should be wary of tricks on the part of loved ones. The third decade is a more positive period, when they will be more focused on themselves and their loved ones, although Cancers will still have a lot of bustle, communication and travel.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Cancer women

In the first week of September, Cancer women may have serious concerns about personal income and the fate of financial savings. But mid-September is the most favorable time for rich and varied communication. This will help you expand your circle of interests, find new friends and useful acquaintances.

  • Talisman of the month: pendant with the image of a boat or an arrow.
  • Favorable days: September 1, 8, 12, 17, 23.
  • Unfavorable days: September 5, 11, 19, 26.
  • Priority of interests: communicating with friends, obtaining useful information.

Love horoscope

The beginning of the month is suitable for starting the implementation of family plans. And in ordinary communication you can find a kind word for your loved one. The old romanticism and passion of relationships may be revived in your family life. Don't miss this opportunity!

Disputes on abstract topics threaten to become too heated. Don't be distracted from your love and passion! In the last week, the soul will ask for a holiday. You shouldn’t deny yourself this, especially since it will bring you closer to your loved one. Have fun!

Health horoscope

Now, under no circumstances should you skimp on your health. If you suddenly want something like that, buy it, it will do you good. Get ready for a grand party. The holiday menu should include vegetables, exotic fruits and pastries.

Perhaps too emotional communication in a female team at work. To relieve tension, discuss with your colleagues your latest successful purchases: perfumes, clothes, accessories, cosmetics. It’s worth trying homemade cosmetics recipes. This is a good time to visit a doctor; diagnosis and treatment will be especially successful.

Horoscope of work and finances

It's time to catch the eye of your superiors and you might get a good bonus. Shopping is not recommended, it can be too wasteful. This month is good for receiving guests important to your family; they will be pleased with both the reception and the nice small talk. Finding time to connect with the younger generation and talk about school, hobbies and financial matters will benefit everyone.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Cancer men

It will not be easy for Cancer men in the first week of the period because they so value peace and financial stability. And with money, everything will not work out as you planned. But there are also likely advantages: you will have someone with whom to discuss the problems that have arisen; true friends will help you with practical advice and suggest the right solution.

  • Talisman of the month: a ticket preserved after a successful trip.
  • Favorable days: September 9, 13, 18, 22.
  • Unfavorable days: September 4, 10, 21.
  • Priority of interests: business trips, hobbies, studies.

Love horoscope

Now you should not make promises to the woman you love that you cannot keep. This can seriously harm your relationship. Attend some cultural event; pleasant impressions of communicating with beautiful people are guaranteed, especially if your beloved will keep you company.

The last week is suitable for meetings with your chosen one and her family. They will be delighted by gifts, especially if it is perfume, cosmetics or jewelry. Your beloved will require a more sensitive and tactful attitude from you. Be careful with your words; in the future you will have to answer for them.

Health horoscope

Watch your diet, don’t overeat, try to exclude fatty foods from your diet and drink more plain water. In the middle of the month you will feel a surge of strength, there will be a desire to move more and spend time in nature. Sports activities are encouraged now, try not to miss the chance to get yourself in order, you will have the strength and opportunity to do this. At the end of the month you may work more than usual, there will be a lot of hustle and bustle, and this will cause stress and malaise.

Horoscope of work and finances

These days, entertainment will require a lot of money. Get together in a large group and the costs will be lower. Your soul asks for a real holiday. You shouldn't deny yourself this. However, be aware of the costs and try to minimize them.

In the second half of September, you will feel an improvement in your financial situation, perhaps a salary increase or the payment of a long-awaited bonus. Think about what purchases you need to make in September. Gather a family council.

Children's horoscope for Cancer for September 2018


The attention of Cancer boys will be focused on studies and sports. Which direction your child chooses largely depends on you; you can advise him on what he should concentrate his efforts on during this period. By mid-September, your son may have problems with perseverance, attention and diligence. The child will become inattentive in class and will not listen to teachers.


Cancer girls are very possessive and can be very worried when something happens to their favorite toys or things. At the beginning of September, your daughter will be worried about the disappearance of some thing dear to her. Try to help find her loss, this is very important for her. In September, the girl may develop new interests or her social circle may change. Most likely, this will be related to study or new hobbies.

September 2018 will be a time of discoveries, new ideas and creative plans for Cancers. The influence of planetary aspects will best affect intellectual abilities and the desire for self-development and improvement. This month will not be easy, but eventful and promising. Not everything will go smoothly, but at the same time, Cancers will be able to overcome all obstacles and resolve all issues that may arise with minimal effort. To a greater extent, the success of representatives of your zodiac sign will depend not so much on yourself as on the people around you. This could be your immediate boss, a loved one or a close friend. In any case, you know better what kind of person he is who can help you achieve your goals. Try to establish a trusting relationship with him and show your best qualities. If during this period you were planning to open your own business or start a new project, then now is not the right time. Put this matter aside for later, and now prepare solid ground for future achievements.

The first ten days of September 2018 will bring Cancers many pleasant meetings, acquaintances and other positive events. During this period, Cancers will be more concerned about the well-being of the family, relationships with children, parents and loved ones, rather than achievements in the professional sphere. Representatives of your zodiac sign will actively establish relationships with family and friends, since the family will become a safe haven and reliable support for them. Some Cancers will take a vacation and spend it in the company of their dearest people, thanks to which they will not only build trusting and warm relationships with them, but will also be able to restore their wasted energy. The horoscope recommends that Cancers spend more time in the fresh air at the beginning of the month. This could be a dacha or evening daily walks. Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign during this period should take care of themselves, reconsider their requirements for a potential life partner, and also change something in themselves. Any changes will lead to lifting your spirits and gaining confidence in your own irresistibility.
The second ten days of September 2018 for Cancers is a great time to put things in order in their own lives. Cancers, under the positive influence of planetary aspects, will experience an incredible desire to change something in their lives, to get rid of everything unnecessary. Almost the entire middle of the month they will be finishing unfinished tasks, reviewing their plans and list of important things, and adjusting it. If we are talking about getting rid of everything unnecessary, then this period is also suitable for introducing new useful habits and eradicating bad ones. At work, make sure that everything is done on time and correctly, but you should not try to stand out from the team. This can be fraught with conflicts and quarrels. Try to involve your colleagues in carrying out a common task by fairly distributing responsibilities. Collective work will give much better results and will unite all its participants. Such tactics will lead to success faster, without affecting anyone’s pride.
The third ten days of September 2018 will be tense, but will be positive. Cancers will have to concentrate all their attention and energy on the implementation of their plans, and the process itself will proceed at an accelerated pace. All efforts and efforts will have an excellent incentive to continue working, since the results of the work will not be long in coming. At some point you will want to give up everything and stop, but you should not make such decisions rashly. Try to get enough sleep, rest, or even have fun. This will help you master your thoughts and fill you with the necessary energy for further struggle for success and recognition. If Cancers show prudence, determination and perseverance, then very soon they will be able to rejoice and enjoy the fruits of their hard work. As for the family, some of its members will help you implement your plans and take direct part in the process.
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September will bring minor worries to representatives of the Cancer sign, but they will have a positive connotation. As the accurate horoscope for September 2018 Cancer says, you will have to worry about your own success and the success of loved ones. Interesting and bright events will occur in the life of representatives of the sign. Cancers will play the role of creators of their own destiny, exerting a positive influence on the lives of loved ones. You won’t be able to sit on the sidelines; you will have to take an active part in everything that happens around you. The beginning of autumn, especially the first two decades of September, will be rapid and productive.

The behavior of Cancers in September 2018 will contain determination and a desire to act without unnecessary thought. You will be able to implement every planned task and achieve all your goals. Luck and success can give rise to self-confidence, which will inevitably play a cruel joke with representatives of the Cancer sign. Under the influence of Saturn, the tendency to boast and self-righteousness can only get worse.

The horoscope warns: all possible troubles will be associated with the vanity and arrogance of Cancers. You need to fight hard against these qualities, since September 2018 will require the ability to work in a team and adapt to the team. Selfish behavior in such conditions is inappropriate and can alienate others. A condition for success is the ability to control yourself and keep your self-confidence under control.

Video horoscope Cancer for September 2018

Good days in September 2018 for Cancers: 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 25, 29

Dangerous dates in September 2018 for the Cancer sign: 10, 15, 23, 30

Cancer love horoscope for September 2018

People born under the constellation Cancer often have difficulty finding a suitable partner, or cannot find a common language with the representative of the opposite sex they like. However, the astrological forecast is reassuring - there is no need to despair. Everything can be fixed, if you follow some nuances, your life will improve. In September 2018, you will certainly get a chance to make an interesting acquaintance!

Cancers should not give up and resign themselves to the current state of affairs. All you need to do to attract a partner into your single life is to freshen up your appearance, get a new hairstyle and love yourself, your reflection in the mirror. Then the potential chosen one simply cannot pass by!

Cancers must trust their natural intuition, which will tell you what to do in a given situation. The last ten days of September are suitable for spending time with your family, organizing your life and eliminating minor problems.

Family horoscope for September 2018 Cancer

In September you will be prone to sensuality and sentimentality. Your soulmate will love this romantic mood. Together you will receive a charge of positive energy, which will have a positive impact on family relationships.

The partner will be surprised and delighted by the manifestation of such attention to himself, and the abundance of tenderness and passion in the relationship. Personal life will certainly become much brighter, piquant and more varied.

But such behavior will be dictated by not entirely sincere motives. Perhaps jealousy-prone Cancers will suspect their loved one of having an affair, although their suspicions may be completely in vain. The September horoscope advises Cancers: before giving vent to jealousy and other negative feelings, try to abstract yourself and look at the situation from a different angle. It is likely that the “rival” exists only in your imagination.

Horoscope of work and career growth for September 2018 for Cancer

The beginning of autumn will be a favorable period for career development. If people born under the constellation Cancer can show perseverance, patience, hard work and high efficiency, then they will be able to achieve success. Even if you have to do monotonous work, you need to find time to develop new skills. Many Cancers in September 2018 will want to change their field of activity in order to better realize their potential. And of course, earn more money.

Cancer managers should more closely monitor the work of their subordinates; it is quite possible that they are not coping with their assigned duties. Subordinate Cancer employees, with due diligence and diligence, can count on increased income and support from their superiors.

Money in September 2018

The horoscope promises Cancers to strengthen their financial positions in the first month of autumn. During this period, cash flows and profits are expected to increase.

September is a good month for conducting real estate transactions and resolving investment issues. Now representatives of the sign can accumulate serious financial resources. To purchase or expand your home, you don't even need to take out a loan.

Cancer woman horoscope for September 2018

Astrologers recommend that the fair sex find a profitable source for investing funds, which will ensure a stable financial base for the future. There is no need to be wasteful with money by purchasing unnecessary things. In September, you will have to work hard to achieve success in your career.

To avoid unexpected health problems, Cancer women need to follow a daily routine, eat right, rest and find time to exercise. Do at least a five-minute warm-up in the morning. You will soon feel that your joints have become more flexible, you have more energy, and your mood is better.

In personal life, fate puts the reins of power in the hands of Cancer girls. In September, you are free to decide how your relationship with your loved one will develop, and whether changes await you. You need to spend more time alone with your chosen one and arrange romantic evenings so that the fire of passions does not go out.

Horoscope for a Cancer man

For Cancer men, the horoscope recommends being self-confident and clearly defining their goals. You need to establish relationships with those people who will help you in your career growth in the future. Those who want to start their own business will achieve positive results. The horoscope says that Cancer men can enlist the support of relatives and close people.

Men are advised not to forget about their health and find time for rest and feasible exercise. How a romantic relationship will develop depends on the Cancers themselves. You need to spend time with your significant other and be more gentle with her. Single Cancers will meet their love later.

Cancer health, well-being horoscope for September 2018

This month, under no circumstances should you neglect your health and save on it! If you suddenly want to eat something exotic, you can safely buy it, it will be beneficial. However, if a festive feast is expected, the menu should include vegetable dishes and fresh fruits.

At the end of September, Cancers may experience nervous tension when communicating with work colleagues. To defuse the situation, communicate with employees on abstract topics and discuss events that are interesting to everyone. In this case, nothing can ruin your mood. September will be a good time to visit doctors: the diagnosis will be made accurately, and treatment will be quick and effective.

Beauty horoscope for September for the sign Cancer

The stars advise you to pay attention to your wardrobe. In September, Cancer girls will discover a special talent for choosing beautiful things. They will have at their disposal many fashionable, interesting and expensive clothing models that they can buy for very reasonable money. Cancers are advised to deviate from their usual practice: choose new things that are not much different from the usual old ones, and decide on bold experiments.

September 2020 will be a rather hectic month for Cancers, but not at all negative. On the contrary, all the hassle and fuss will occur around their development and improvement of many areas of life.

The efforts that Cancers have made to improve their lives and develop in the areas of finance, work and business will finally begin to show their results. Naturally, nothing happens on its own and representatives of this sign will have to run around in September so that everything goes according to their plans.

Moreover, positive changes will also occur in the Cancer family; they will have the opportunity to rejoice at the successes of their loved ones. The middle of the month will be filled with bright events, sensations that no one expected, but, nevertheless, they will begin to happen in life.

Such events will be filled with happiness and joy. Just don’t relax and let people you don’t know close to you. There are always many people who want to take advantage of Cancer’s good-natured disposition. Showing kindness and loyalty is of course good, but even in such good matters you need to know when to stop.

A change in Cancer's life position, a commitment to practicality, and not to dreams and theories as before, will only be beneficial. It’s high time to throw off the people you put there yourself. The results that you get in the professional field are the result only of your efforts: strength, hard work and intelligence.

Cancer Woman: Horoscope for September 2020

Cancer women should be very careful in September with such personal qualities as vanity and self-confidence. There is no doubt that you are a valuable specialist and a good employee, but you should not become arrogant. Nowadays, there are no irreplaceable people, but whether you will find a better job than you have now is a moot point.

The same recommendation from the Stars also applies to the personal sphere of life; do not allow your own sense of superiority to interfere with your relationships with your loved one, family and friends. If you cannot cope with your ego, in September, you will face a serious breakdown in communication with loved ones. The result of this discord may be a loss of support for your endeavors and plans.

The planet Saturn, which will have a strong influence on Cancer women in September, tends to cause in people excessive self-confidence and a zeal to gain authority in any way. Still, these traits are more characteristic of men than women. It will be a good way for you to maintain harmony in yourself, to remember your femininity. It will help balance arrogance and distract from the desire to gain world domination.

Cancer Man: Horoscope for September 2020

The large-scale success that awaits Cancer men in September will give them many reasons to be proud of themselves. You should be careful here, because selfishness and pride are character traits that are better to fight than to feed. At the same time, you need to value and respect yourself. An important point in these issues remains maintaining a balance between these very different things.

At the beginning of autumn, Cancer men will receive the protection of the Moon, which can push aside irrational dreams and plans and see situations as they really are. At the same time, the planet will have a positive impact on men’s ability to plan. With such an “assistant”, Cancer men will be able to draw up the most realistic and clear plans for their further actions, development and life for the near future.

Generally speaking, for representatives of the sign, September will be a successful period, although not entirely cloudless. All their plans will be fulfilled only with a sober assessment of things and a realistic approach to situations. At the same time, they will be able to solve small troubles quickly, without any problems. It is best to devote this period of time to solving work and professional issues rather than personal ones.

Full description on the topic: “love horoscope for Cancer women (girls) for the month of September 2018” from the best astrologers.

There is no doubt that the year of the Yellow Dog will open up brilliant love prospects for the underwater zodiac sign. It’s a pity that not all representatives will be able to take full advantage of them: cautious and prudent, stellar arthropods have the habit of thinking and weighing everything for too long, which is not always to their advantage. However, it is precisely the penchant for sober calculation that will help protect yourself from many troubles associated with the romantic sphere, so, whatever one may say, the period is expected to be prosperous. The main thing is to try to balance what your heart and mind will dictate to you. The love horoscope tips for Cancers for 2018 will help with this.


Already January will prove to lonely Cancers that cold and snowy conditions are not an obstacle to passionate feelings. All month long, charming arthropods will be waiting here and there for supposedly random encounters, in fact cleverly arranged by the Dog, guarding secret and obvious admirers and besieging romantic moods.

But married couples will have a hard time. The emotional background of Cancers will be unstable, so any everyday little things or habits of the other half, which previously seemed harmless, will begin to cause attacks of irritation. In addition, the pink love fog floating in the heads of representatives of this sign will begin to encourage Cancers to have an affair on the side. Think twice before giving in to temptation: adultery can end extremely badly for your family life.

Not everyone will be able to restore the trust of their significant other after cheating.

Alas, February is not conducive to love. Cancers in a relationship will need all their patience to calmly endure the whims of their significant other and not have a nervous breakdown. Well, those who are in search will be forced to do boring routine things all month, and only at the very end of winter will they get a chance to grab the elusive luck by the tail and finally meet the main love of their life.

December will be a month of renewal. Some of the Cancers will look at their partner with different eyes, seeing unexpected but pleasant character traits in him; others will start new relationships almost at the chime of the Chimes... Well, those who will celebrate the New Year as singles will feel an unprecedented surge of energy and will begin to make long-cherished dreams come true.


Compared to the seething passions of winter, spring will pass quite peacefully, so that the winged Cupid will have time to get bored: there will be almost no work for him.

In March, the love horoscope for Cancer predicts: you will feel the desire to engage in self-development. As a result, some of them will enroll in courses, others will try to realize themselves in creativity, and still others will undertake a long journey, as a result of which they will rethink some of their life priorities. All changes will affect your relationship with your significant other.

In April, business will require attention and the overly busy arthropods will again have no time for love. You will have to spin your tail with all your might, snap your claws at competitors and desperately wiggle your mustache in search of profit. And at the end of the month, you should also improve your relationship with your significant other, who will get tired of Cancer’s neglect and start talking about breaking up.

May will reward all lovers for their patience

Fortunately, May will put everything in its place. Shaky alliances will fall apart, but in most cases, Cancers will be able to overcome differences and achieve an idyll. The last month of spring can be devoted to entertainment, rest and gentle relaxation in the arms of a loved one.


The harmony that reigned in Cancer relationships in May will continue into June. The main thing is that discreet arthropods do not hesitate to often demonstrate to their partners - current or potential - the romantic, gentle soul hidden under a hard shell.

True, lonely representatives of the watermark may find themselves in a tough bind in June. Fate will give them so many chances to strike up new relationships that some of the handsome men armed with claws will awaken an adventurous streak, and they will start making dates left and right. And at first everything will go just fine, but by the end of June the existing love triangles, quadrangles and other geometric shapes will disintegrate with a terribly loud crash.

Fortunately, already in July, single Cancers will come to their senses and once again go into all serious troubles. However, you shouldn’t lose your head, since it is in the middle of summer that arthropods’ chances of acquiring unplanned offspring will sharply increase.

July and August are a time of light flirting, romance and love, but not life-changing changes

Both married and single Cancers should devote the end of July and August to communicating with family and arranging their home - say, light cosmetic repairs. A trip to warm countries will be successful, which will allow you not only to escape from the gray of everyday life for a long time, but also to get a boost of energy for many months to come. But the wedding scheduled for this period has too great a chance to fail, so it is better to postpone it to the fall.


In the fall, Cancers will be able to do two opposite things: correct old mistakes in relationships and make even more new ones.

September will provide everyone with the opportunity to restore once broken love and friendship ties. If there is a person in Cancer's past with whom he regrets breaking up, the first autumn month is best suited to take a step towards reconciliation. But if, despite the help of the stars, it is not possible to mend the broken cup, Cancer will not have time to be upset, because at the very end of September fate will give him a meeting with an extraordinary and extremely attractive person. The relationship will be long, bring with it a lot of positive emotions, and perhaps even acquire permanent status.

October will not bring surprises to singles. But it will fray the nerves of the existing couples a lot! Finances, jealousy, everyday life - everything will become a reason for quarrels and mutual reproaches! In order to keep their union intact and their psyche healthy, representatives of the water sign should hide their claws for a while and more often trust the reins of power to their other half.

In November, many Cancers will want to diversify their intimate life, which has long ceased to pamper arthropods with vivid impressions. If the star owner of the claws undertakes to solve the problem together with his partner, everyone will be happy. If he goes outside for help, he will find himself alone.

Video: love horoscope for 2018 for Cancer men and women

Cancers will spend most of the coming year as if on a swing, alternately falling from love euphoria to a period of squabbles and whims, as if specially created in order to test their feelings to the limit. But don't be afraid of stormy periods! Wise Cancers are endowed with sufficient composure to bypass them without problems and find a calm backwater where they can fully enjoy happiness with their soulmate. Everything is in your claws!

My name is Svetlana Rozhenko. 35 years old, psychologist by training Rate this article:

In September 2018, life for Cancer is getting better and going in the direction you want. Catch your wave!

By Cancer horoscope for September 2018 plans will primarily concern financial and material issues. You may need money for trips, entertainment events, various courses or master classes. An active search for additional sources of income is possible. You will be busy thinking through your financial strategy.

If in September 2018 Cancer lives within its means and relies only on its talents and abilities, the Guardian Angel will make sure that you do not need anything. Although financial issues may draw your attention to themselves, the stars suggest thinking about the spiritual side of life, discovering talents, acquiring healthy habits, which will definitely have a positive impact on your health and appearance.

From the second week of September 2018, a relative or close acquaintances will participate in the new plans. The roads are good.

Things will go well in the second half of September: important and successful meetings, interesting offers, as well as acquaintances that will help in promoting creative ideas and in personal matters. The positive trends of the past will be successfully continued. Success shines in almost all matters and endeavors. The main thing is to keep your finger on the pulse of events.

Favorable days: 2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 26.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 9, 18, 23, 24.

Horoscope for September 2018 Cancer – love, family

According to the Cancer horoscope for September 2018, for most of the month Venus stands guard over your personal relationships, and with its help you can count on a lot.

The period is favorable for correcting the mistakes of the past, reconciliation, and the return of old connections - both friendly and romantic.

Children can unite quarreling spouses - a trip in which all family members will take part is not excluded.

After a recent quarrel, lovers will experience another surge of feelings. They are also looking forward to a trip, a meeting with friends living in another city or in another country.

Lonely Cancers in September 2018 may meet an interesting person who will become their partner for a long period.

In relationships with children, it’s time to fulfill long-standing agreements about the zoo or something more serious if your child is older. This is the time when you can consolidate and remember well what you especially want to teach your child. Don't miss this moment.

Horoscope Cancer for September 2018 – health

In September 2018, Cancer is healthy, energetic, witty and incredibly attractive. You have excellent chances to conquer your loved ones and friends with irrepressible energy, imagination and optimism. Cancer women have a high probability of pregnancy in September.

However, September 2018 for Cancer is a traumatic period. Sharp, cutting tools and electrical appliances will pose a potential danger, so either eliminate them from use or strictly follow safety precautions. It is not recommended to plan any surgical intervention at this time (especially July 16-22, 28-30). You will be drawn to extreme situations. However, the stars recommend avoiding dangerous areas and not walking alone, as the likelihood of meeting antisocial members of society will be high.

In September 2018, Cancer should pay attention to the kidneys and take preventive measures, if necessary. And also to the immune system - this month your body is still very receptive and able to effectively accumulate and receive useful substances and vitamins from food, give it this opportunity.

Horoscope for September 2018 Cancer – money, finances

Financially, September 2018 is calmer for Cancer than the previous month. However, no serious financial achievements are expected yet - all things are still going on within the framework of meetings and agreements.

You should expect money from previous sources and old merits. For far-reaching plans that involve finances, as well as large purchases, September 2018 is unfavorable, because... you won't see much result.

Large expenses are expected in the period from September 17 to 20 and most likely they are associated with the repayment of old debts. In addition, you will have to invest in a business or resolve issues of family and loved ones.

In search of income in September 2018, Cancer can be helped by close relatives, neighbors, and childhood friends, but the stars recommend relying only on themselves, on their abilities and talents. You may decide to use a bank loan. Perhaps you have already fallen into such financial bondage and may not be able to resist and step on the same rake again.

Horoscope for September 2018 Cancer – work, business

According to the Cancer horoscope, September 2018 will give you unique opportunities to overcome difficult situations of the recent past with honor and set a course for a better future. Relations with previous partners are restored, productive negotiations and resumption of cooperation on a different, updated and stronger platform are possible. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will develop well, and a successful trip is possible.

September 2018 for Cancer is especially favorable for people of creative professions - actors, artists, musicians, writers and journalists; they will experience an exciting tour, a surge of love and popularity among the people.

September is good for those who are not averse to learning something new, as well as for schoolchildren and students. All activities related to learning something new will be surprisingly easy and will bring you pleasure.

Unresolved financial issues that have bothered you in the past will once again remind you of themselves in the period from September 17 to 20, but this time they look more predictable and solvable.

In September 2018, business connections made during trips and business trips may prove useful and beneficial for Cancer. Work that requires skill and brings creative satisfaction will be the most rewarding.

The temptation to take advantage of other people's money and property is possible. For some reason, you may be punished by being deprived of inheritance, alimony, dowry, not allowed to jointly manage finances and property, or forced to sign an enslaving agreement, which can lead to serious conflicts and even litigation.

Although you may get into a fight over inheritance, alimony, or your share of the business, the stars in September 2018 recommend thinking ten times before starting these squabbles, and it is better to give up your share of the inheritance altogether, otherwise you may later lose more than you now gain. Your spouse may limit you in some ways, calling for patience and caution. However, you will have your own opinion, so any warnings may be met with hostility at this time. You should not expect help from other people, your spouse, or business partners, as you may be let down and left in a difficult situation.

Tips from “Moon Today” for Cancer for September 2018

From September 1 to September 7, be more flexible, take into account all the circumstances and nuances of the situation in which you will have to make a decision and act. But don’t delay your choice - delay can disrupt all your plans and negatively affect the outcome of the situation.

From September 8 to 15, be ready to act and do not miss the good opportunities that life gives you.

From September 16 to 22, treat yourself to a pleasant purchase or update your wardrobe. The danger may come from a woman who intends to use you for personal gain.

From September 23 to 30, be careful, do not believe beautiful words and false promises, so as not to fall into an insidiously set trap.

(September 2018)

The main goal of the representatives of the sign in September will be to change the current situation in the love sphere. The romantic mood and favor of the planets will help them in every possible way in this good undertaking.

In September, many Cancers will have a romantic-nostalgic mood, which will show them how alienated they are from their other halves, and there will be a strong desire to change this. Those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship will try in every possible way to establish spiritual intimacy with their partner.

For Cancers, who during this period feel that their relationship with their loved one has reached a dead end, the stars recommend not to despair, but to use all the opportunities of the month to improve this state of affairs.

In the personal life of Cancers, September will become a kind of starting point that will change their entire subsequent life, which is why the astrological forecast does not recommend breaking up this month for those who are already in couples.

For free representatives of the sign, September, on the contrary, is a very good time to decide on your feelings and tell about them to the person who has been depriving you of sleep for a long time. It is now that you should pluck up courage and say, first, to yourself - who has long settled in your heart and thoughts.

Love horoscope for Cancer Women: September 2018

For Cancer women in September, it’s time to turn their attention to their beloved man. There has been a discord in your relationship for a long time, which you persistently prefer not to notice. The first month of autumn is a good period to put all the dots in place and begin to understand each other.

Just don’t start this conversation in a harsh tone and with ultimatums. It is best to use your romantic mood and the ability to speak softly with your loved one so that this dialogue passes calmly and with maximum useful conclusions for both of you.

In September, single Cancer women will be able to enjoy communication with interesting and attractive men. Just don’t give each of them hope for the possibility of a relationship with you. The stars advise women to be very careful when flirting, otherwise men may misunderstand you and draw their own conclusions, for which you will subsequently have to answer. To avoid such situations, decide on your likes and do not start relationships with several men at the same time.

Love horoscope for Cancer Men: September 2018

In September, representatives of the sign have a great risk of going headlong into the love sphere, forgetting about everything in the world. Of course, taking your relationship with the woman you love to a new level is a very important thing in life, but you shouldn’t forget about your other obligations.

Learn to clearly plan your day and routine, then you will be able to avoid situations where work and household matters will interfere with communication with the woman you love.

At the same time, by placing special emphasis on family relationships this month, Cancer men will be able to achieve the desired stability, peace and warmth in their relationship with the woman they love.

Single Cancer men who have long wanted full-fledged, loving relationships with women to appear in their lives should reconsider their views on this issue. If they always choose frivolous women who live one day at a time and do not strive to start a family, what kind of seriousness can they have with men?

If a single man chooses a serious relationship for himself, then he should choose women who are similar to his desire. In September, representatives of the sign are planning new acquaintances with women, one of whom may well turn out to be their only and long-awaited life partner.

The main thing is to look in the right direction and choose a woman not solely according to external data, but according to her life goals and priorities.

Other horoscopes for Cancers for September 2018

Love horoscope for September 2018 for all signs

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Finally, Cancer will be able to enjoy life, because everything is moving in the right direction. As the horoscope for September 2018 predicts, an unpredictable, but at the same time stable period awaits Cancer. Perhaps you will need money for travel, entertainment events, or maybe a representative of this sign will be busy working to ensure his financial independence.

Favorable days: 2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 26.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 9, 18, 23, 24.


This month Cancer demonstrates incredible wit, attractiveness, and good health. A large supply of energy will allow you to develop the imagination and optimism that others need. Representatives of the fair sex are more likely to become pregnant.

Cancer September 2018 should be spent with the utmost caution. September will be an extremely traumatic period. You need to be wary of sharp cutting tools and electrical appliances, since it is from them that the maximum danger comes. Astrologers do not recommend planning surgical therapy for the middle and end of the month. It is also better to avoid extreme situations, avoid dangerous areas of the city, and do not walk alone - there is a high probability of conflict with antisocial individuals.

Particular attention should be paid to kidney health, and preventive measures must be taken. Also, we must not forget about the immune system - the body is extremely susceptible to disease. Improve your diet, because vitamins with beneficial substances are always necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.


The Cancer horoscope for September 2018 provides opportunities for getting out of an unfortunate situation. There is a restoration of relationships with former partners. Successful negotiations for cooperation on a more comfortable platform are possible. The business trip will ensure favorable development of relations with foreign colleagues.

Creative activity will be especially productive. Creative personalities will go on an interesting tour, meet love, and gain long-awaited popularity.

September will also be successful for Cancers who strive to gain new knowledge. Any training activities contribute to self-development, which is surprisingly easy and brings sincere pleasure. Unresolved financial issues in the past will come back to haunt you.

Any long trips or business trips will be productive and will ensure strong business ties with foreign contacts. You may be tempted to use other people's funds. Punishment in the form of deprivation of material and financial assets is also possible. Litigation and serious confrontation are possible.

Cancer may enter into a fight for an inheritance, but he needs to carefully weigh everything, evaluate the pros and cons, or give up the fight altogether. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losing more than you gain. The other half will limit Cancer, forcing him to act carefully and tolerantly. Since Cancer has his own opinion, any restrictions will be perceived aggressively.


Financial life in September will not be as difficult as in August. However, no financial achievements are expected - everything is moving within the planned framework. Financial income is observed only thanks to old merits and sources. September is not the most favorable period for planning financial stability or starting activities that require large investments.

In the middle of the month, large expenses are possible that are associated with old debts. In addition, Cancer will have to resolve family issues and invest in the business they have started.

A close circle of friends can provide additional income, but astrologers recommend relying only on your own strengths and skills. Cancer may want to use banking services, but past bad experiences may stop him.

This is interesting


As the love horoscope for September 2018 promises, Cancer can count on a happy future, thanks to the fact that Venus will protect the relationships of representatives of this sign throughout the month. Now is the ideal time to resolve past troubles. You can take a step towards reconciliation, the return of former connections - friendships, love.

Children will unite a conflicting couple - a joint trip is possible, which will have a beneficial effect on family well-being. Having experienced a quarrel will help lovers feel an incredible surge of emotions. A trip abroad to visit good friends is also possible.

Single Cancers will definitely meet a person in September who will become a partner for the rest of their lives. It's also time to fulfill agreements with the kids, such as going to the zoo. This month you will be able to significantly improve your relationship with your child; you should not neglect this chance.

Man – Cancer

As the horoscope for September 2018 promises, a Cancer man will be able to be proud of himself. However, one should not show selfishness or pride - such characteristics repel loved ones and feed envious people. At the beginning of the month, Cancer will be able to look at the picture from the outside and find out what is really happening in his life. Having analyzed his mistakes, the Cancer man will begin planning for the future.

In general, September promises to be a good period for Cancer. However, troubles cannot be ruled out - everything depends on decisions and a sober assessment of a man with the Cancer sign.

Cancer Woman

As the horoscope for September 2018 recommends, Cancer – a woman should not show excessive vanity or self-confidence. Cancer is an invaluable specialist, but one should not become arrogant and attract the attention of enemies. There are no irreplaceable people, and the slightest mistake can remind Cancer of this.

The same recommendations apply to family life. Don't let strangers interfere in your family relationships. If Cancer cannot suppress his own ego, he will face serious troubles with his close circle. Such a problem will deprive a woman of important support for starting previously planned activities.

The horoscope for September has prepared a special period for Cancer. Both ups and downs are possible this month; you just need to learn from your own mistakes and plan your next actions correctly.

In September, the character of people born under the constellation Cancer will clearly show a tendency to practice without excessive theory. With assertiveness and determination, you will implement every goal you set, and this determination will gradually begin to develop into excessive self-confidence. This is perhaps the most dangerous moment of September 2017 for you! Your tendency towards arrogance will be aggravated in every possible way by your September antagonist. It will be Saturn (a planet with great “authority”).

What specific troubles will Saturn send you, and how to deal with them? We have already said that you will have only one trouble - self-confidence, vanity and arrogance. You should reduce these qualities in your character to the bare minimum as soon as possible! For September 2017, there will be a pronounced “collectivism”, which will clearly be harmed by your selfish behavior. This period can bring you great success. Again, there is only one condition - if you do not alienate those around you with your incredible arrogance.

What can I say, you will really have an incredibly large number of reasons to “raise your self-esteem to the skies” in September! Of course, you will achieve this large-scale success not alone, but with the support of your powerful heavenly patron. In this matter, a conservative scenario awaits you (the only “guardian” for you at the beginning of autumn 2017 will be the Moon, the traditional leader of your zodiac sign).

The Moon will help you draw up a clear plan for everything you want to achieve in life, and then teach you how to achieve a new goal over and over again, without looking back at minor troubles and hitches. In a word, your success obviously cannot be called cloudless, but you will eliminate all the problems that impede your victory quite quickly.