Types of men with whom you should not enter into a serious relationship. Bad habits of men and women

Ecology of life. People: B family life There is one problem that is not customary to talk about. Many women complain about...

There is one problem in family life that is not customary to talk about. Many women complain that a man has become less masculine over the years. That he is not interested in anything, that he drinks and lies on the sofa. Women even forget that they once chose him and fell in love with him. For something. And for what - you don’t even remember. Because this “something” suddenly disappeared somewhere... Or maybe not suddenly?

Does it need to be tamed?

When we meet a man, when we are at the beginning of a relationship, we are very attracted to his masculine strength, masculine energy. We are proud if he rides his motorcycle fearlessly. We are inspired by his victories in fist fights. We enthusiastically tell our friends about how he goes to races in another city, to competitions, and takes first places. And even if there are no such obvious manifestations of strength, we are proud of others.

We like it when the man caring for us firmly defines his position - you don’t go there, period. There may even be a slight riot inside, but from such a blow with a fist on the table, everything calms down inside. Protected. He's strong. He's a real man.

This is often what we expect in family life - that he will take responsibility, bang his fist, make his own decision, and calm his agitated mind. We dream of a strong shoulder, forgetting that in this case we need to give up a lot in our behavior.

A real man is in some sense very close to nature. He is just as indestructible, unbridled, wild. And dangerous. It is dangerous to once again disturb, heat up, provoke, saw, suppress such a volcano...

When a man gets married, his world changes dramatically. I know many men whose wedding changed them dramatically.

One of my acquaintances, at the behest of his wife - out of love for her - broke off relations with all his friends. There were only a couple of “acceptable” options left - with which you could only drink beer at the dacha on weekends. At the same moment, his passion – hiking, mountaineering, mountains – disappeared from his life. It was too dangerous for the father of the family. Therefore, all the equipment was distributed to friends and acquaintances.

Ultimatums were given harshly: “Either I, or this,” then there were arguments about the need to grow up, about the fact that he should think about his family. And out of love for his wife, he agreed. He didn’t want to leave her as a widow, didn’t want to see her tears and worries. He loved her - and made a choice. Tough choice.

He became a homely, caring father. At the same time, I am deeply unhappy inside. This was noticeable to many. He tried to realize his masculine part in raising his son - to toughen him up, to play sports with him. But this was also forbidden by the wife. It's too small.

A few years later she left for someone else. To a crazy stuntman riding a motorcycle through the city at night. She talked about the disappeared passion, about how much he had changed, that he was not worried or interested in anything.

But who made him like this? Who forbade him to be a man in this family? Who blackmailed him and took away everything that helped him be a man?

Now he has recovered - and again became the same as before. He still conquers peaks, goes down on a snowboard where no man has gone before. He is full of energy, his eyes glow again. Women like him again. But now for him family is something terrible. Something that could take away his strength and masculinity again.

This is exactly what happens often. After marriage, a woman tries to domesticate a man. For your convenience. So as not to worry about where he is and how. So as not to remain a widow. And also so that he is less attracted to other women. The more tame he is, the less interesting he is to others.

Men agree to this. Because they have not seen other examples - many of them were raised only by their mothers. Others grew up with a similarly domesticated dad, stripped of his power. They don't understand the price they pay for this and just call it "settling down." And also because they love us and want to see us happy.

But the soul remembers and knows everything. And he yearns for his former strength. A man, like a lion locked in a cage, will never become a house cat. He may simply become a humiliated and trained lion. Have you ever seen such eyes of a lion in a zoo or circus? The same thing happens in men's hearts. Hearts that are deprived of their strength.

Is it not by chance that in middle age almost every man tries to throw off this burden and go all out? Buy a racing car, leave your wife, do something extreme? And if this is impossible, then at least hit computer games, and become a hero there...

In Europe, most often grandfathers sit behind the wheel of racing cars like Ferraris. And they also press the gas pedal with great pleasure. Remembering that they are still men. They are still strong and dangerous.

It turns out that we want to marry a superman who conquered us with his exploits and courage. And it’s more convenient for us to live - I emphasize this word “more convenient” - with a domestic scumbag who does something boring and safe, washes the dishes, the floor - and is not interesting to anyone. Even to ourselves. You have to pay for convenience with respect and your own happiness...

Both need male strength

No matter how much women resist, they secretly dream that their husband will again become the same as before. Unbridled, strong, wild, dangerous. So that when he came home suddenly, he hugged her so that he took her breath away. So that at the moment of a quarrel, when he is carrying her, he decisively says “no” and again - with his fist on the table. So that his eyes burn with the fire of strength and passion.

The only difficulty is that next to such a man you need to become different. He should not be teased or provoked, or add fuel to the fire when he is angry.

I recently heard a story about how, during family quarrel The husband broke his wife's laptop in half. This is one of the manifestations of male power - you need to be very careful with it. A computer is better than anything else.

Imagine that you are a chemist in production. You must know exactly what can be mixed with what, and what - under no circumstances. Otherwise, this could lead to problems. You take each jar carefully and think about it - what will happen next? You have some instructions on how to handle the jars, how to store them, how to move them.

It's the same with a man. The only problem is that we don’t have this instruction. And we do experiments. One was blown up. The other was melted. They got hurt here. And everything would be fine if we remembered what actions lead to such results.

For example, a man should not be angry when he is in a bad mood. Many people know about this. And who does that? Who tries to first appease the dear one and put him in a good disposition, and only then solve problems?

Most often, an irritated man receives fuel immediately from his wife’s reproaches, her insults, and anger. And an explosion occurs. Its strength varies depending on the man himself and how much fuel the wife added to the fire. But there is always destruction and casualties.

Or a man who is inspired by something does not need to be distracted or disturbed. Finally he sat down with pleasure to nail the nail - move away. Because advice “in the wrong way” and “in the wrong way” will not only drive him crazy, but will also lead to the fact that he won’t hammer a single nail again.

Are men dangerous?

Men are truly dangerous. But when women try to tame and neutralize them, they screw themselves up. To myself. Because they no longer want children from a home mattress. I don’t want to cook or be beautiful for his sake. He rather evokes pity and contempt. It is also impossible to respect him.

When a man has masculine strength, it is not easy for a woman. She needs to learn to treat her husband correctly so that it is safe. She needs to worry about him more often. And learn to trust him completely. And also understand that such a man is very attractive to other women. Therefore, you must always remain yourself for him. The most beautiful, the most loving, the most tender, the most unpredictable.

This is a different choice and a different life. Stop controlling him. Stop checking his phones and stop forcing him to always be on time. Do not tell him who to communicate with and what to do. Do not judge his hobbies by their danger. Revive his passion for life again and again.

Yes, let him decide to start doing triathlons. My husband is in next year is going to participate in IronMan. It sounds scary to me - running, swimming and cycling all day. This requires a lot of strength, endurance, and time. He will need to train, buy equipment, and participate in marathons. And I will have to come to terms with his absence, busyness, and physical fatigue.

But this is nothing compared to how his eyes sparkle when he talks about it and does something. When he runs ten kilometers or swims a kilometer and a half. This makes him stronger - not only physically, but also mentally.

Some men dream of a motorcycle. My husband is one of them. And I’m preparing mentally for the fact that one day this will happen. I'll have to worry about him sometimes. And trust more.

I know one girl who was very afraid, but agreed to her husband buying a motorcycle. Given our traffic and respect on the roads, this is a very extreme purchase. But several years passed, and the husband turned from a hired worker into a successful businessman. He takes his wife by car. And he still saddles his iron horse every evening. And although they have been married for more than ten years, she recently admitted that the passion has not subsided or disappeared. With the motorcycle this passion became greater.

Hobbies for alpine skiing, racing, mountaineering, sports, business trips, exploits, dangerous travels, extreme activities, communication with other men and much more, which we want to protect men from, actually give them strength. Strength to remain a man next to us. The power to take responsibility. The power of asceticism and endurance. Real male strength. The one we value so much and miss so much.

"Yes, men are indeed dangerous. But a scalpel is also dangerous. It can hurt or it can save your life. You don't try to make it safe by dulling it; you put it in the hand of someone who knows how to use it."

If you've ever watched horses, you know that stallions can cause a lot of problems. They are strong, very strong, and they have their own minds. Stallions generally do not like reins and can be very aggressive - especially if there are mares nearby. A stallion is difficult to tame.

If you want to have a calmer, non-dangerous animal, there is a simple solution: it must be castrated. The gelding is much more flexible. You can literally lead him by the nose; he will do what you tell him without expressing any protest. With him you will have only one problem: the gelding is not capable of giving life. He can't do what a stallion can do. Yes, a stallion is a dangerous animal, but if you want the life he can give, you have to accept that he is dangerous. One cannot exist without the other..."

Also interesting:

Appreciate in men their masculine strength. And help them become stronger and more courageous. There is nothing wrong with him not washing the dishes at home. Buy a dishwasher - or learn to love this process. Let him do men's things that no one can do without him. Things that fill him with strength and energy.

Because after the feat he will come to you and lay all the trophies at your feet. And he will hug you so hard that your bones will crunch. From pleasure. Finally you are married to your husband... published

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As an old Russian proverb says: men must be protected. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question - how to do this? And for this you need to know what is harmful for men.

It is harmful for men to go shopping.

It turns out that this has a bad effect on men's health. Thus, a survey of London residents showed that standing in line causes anger in every fifth Englishman. This even leads to increased blood pressure, which is extremely dangerous. When choosing purchases, the opinions of men and women are not compatible: men are interested in device and quality, and women are interested in color and style.

Sedentary lifestyle, that's it which is harmful for men.

Physical activity protects men from ulcers. After examining 11 thousand subjects, American scientists found: ulcer 12 duodenum occurs more often in men who lead sedentary image life. And very rarely physically active men. This research was carried out at a university in South Carolina. In men who run at least 16 km per week, the risk of ulcers is 2 times less. The reasons for the process are not fully understood. Perhaps the stress level decreases and the immune status increases.

In boys, the first to form right half brain

For girls it’s the other way around – the left one. This is why boys begin to speak a year later than their peers, and read and write worse at school. But boys are better oriented in space, thanks to the developed right hemisphere.

Men require more oxygen.

Men breathe less often and deeper than women. Therefore, in polluted cities, men's lungs are at greater risk. More hits them harmful substances than in women's.

A single bed is the path to a man’s health.

Everyone knows that married men live longer than bachelors. However, according to doctors, it is time to reconsider some family values. The tradition of sharing a bed with a wife came from poor commoners. Whereas aristocrats always had separate bedrooms. According to doctors, this is very useful for psychological health men.

Stress is more dangerous for men.

No matter how strong our stronger sex is, it is less resistant to stress. In women, stress causes sleep disturbances, irritability, Bad mood– not so scary. Stress is much more harmful for men. Its consequences are stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, ischemia. It turns out that dental chairs were invented specifically for men. Initially, the patient was simply seated on a stool. If women tolerated the treatment well, then men simply fell from it from fear and pain.

Men - cry! This is quite a man's business.

Why don't men cry or do it very rarely? Well, firstly, from infancy they constantly hear that this is not like a man. And secondly, that’s how they work nervous system. A chance to cry in right moment- This is a kind of valve that works automatically in women. When you cry separation in progress endorphins - this dulls the feeling of pain and helps to calm down. So, in men, this valve is inoperative, which leads to the accumulation negative emotions, to an increased risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Ibuprofen hurts manhood

Long-term use of ibuprofen, according to scientists, can lead to male infertility. This medicine reduces testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in sperm count. Scientists from Denmark and France came to this conclusion.

Ibuprofen is used frequently and long-term for chronic pain and arthritis. Research by scientists and observations of people who use ibuprofen have led to the conclusion that these men have decreased testosterone levels, reduced sexual activity, worsened mood, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Peripheral atherosclerosis more often affects male smokers.

This disease can be identified by the following signs: joint pain lower limbs when walking, which passes when stopping. This indicates the presence of plaque in the artery. Which can lead to heart attack and stroke. An ultrasound examination is necessary.

You burst home in the morning, loudly close the door, loudly take off your shoes, loudly go to the toilet... Damn, at such moments you do everything loudly, even breathe. Next time, finish your libations a couple of glasses earlier. Arriving drunk is normal, but getting drunk talking slime- a completely different matter.

2. Believe that cooking is a woman's job

Guys, seriously, your hands are in the right place, and so are your brains. And you’ve probably seen a stove before. So why do you think that only we should cook?

At least occasionally you can do something on your own. And yes, here's a surprise - culinary feats require time and effort. Think about this at your leisure before sending us to the stove every single day.

3. Staring at other women


We are not blind, if anything. And we notice very well when you are in once again you look at the pretty waitress with enthusiasm. Please don't do it so obviously. Or at least take your eyes off her breasts for a little while. Thank you very much.

4. Refuse to do your share of housework

It is clear that you and I have different ideas about disorder, but still. If the other half says it's time to clean up, as a rule, it really is time. And now the trick: take a window cleaner and wash these very windows. Wow, this seems to turn your girlfriend on! No, it doesn’t seem like it is so.

5. Watch only movies for men

Your girlfriend has long realized that you like Fast and the Furious. What gave her this idea was the fact that she had to watch every film in the franchise with you. Twice. Movies about cars are a good thing, but sometimes you want to pour a glass of wine and turn on some tearful nonsense like “City of Angels.” We're not asking much of you, are we?

6. Talk exclusively about yourself

Some men are so passionate about themselves that you want to bow down to them when they bother to talk about something else. Excessive love to yourself and the confidence that everyone dreams of knowing how you are doing - so-so habits.

7. Forget about plans

When you systematically refuse something at the last moment, it infuriates both us and your friends and colleagues. Actually everyone. If nothing really important happened, humble yourself, gather your will and please do as we agreed.

8. Score on us


Everyone has the right to conduct free time as he pleases, there are no complaints here. But if you go out with friends for the sixth night in a row and don’t take us with you, it can be quite disappointing.

9. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink

Oh yes, your life partner is simply crazy about plates with leftovers and mugs with sour tea bags. There are rumors that if a man washes the dishes, nothing bad will happen to him.

10. Don’t go grocery shopping with us.

Say you hate shopping? No problem, we can carry heavy packages home ourselves. Just don’t be surprised later that these bags don’t contain your favorite food.

11. Snore all night


It's clear that you're not doing this on purpose. But if you know you snore while lying on your back, why not just change your sleeping position?

12. Picking your nose

Not in the nose, but in the ear or teeth - this process does not become any more pleasant. For God's sake, do this kind of research on your own. And the prey of the umbilical collection too.

13. Leave your hair in soap

I don't care where they come from. Is there any way to make sure they don't exist there anymore?

14. Don't clean up after yourself

You cut your nails and left, but your nails remained. We shaved, and now there is stubble all over the sink. Closing a tube of toothpaste is not a royal thing, it's me. You should throw away the candy wrapper no sooner than a couple of days after the candy is eaten - apparently, this is prescribed by a tradition unknown to the ladies.

15. Ask us where your things are

Probably where you put them. I have never met a single woman who is obsessed with the passion of hiding her husband’s belongings every day.

16. Sitting on the toilet for a long time

Anything can happen in life, but it’s unlikely that you have such problems with digestion that every trip famous cases lasts for half an hour. No, let's be honest, are you hiding from us there or is this some kind of global male toilet conspiracy?

Here's the thing: if you constantly use the same eau de toilette, then over time you get used to the smell and, without noticing it, increase the dose. You're fine, but those around you are already bleeding out of their eyes.

20. Eating with squelching and slurping

Even as a child, you should have been told that eating in the company of other people should be as quiet as possible. In general, don’t be surprised if one day you get a spoon to the forehead from your dining companion. Still, many people do not have nerves of iron.

In the original article, the list consisted of 11 habits. It was not difficult for us to increase it to 20 points, now it’s your turn. Dear readers, tell us what habits of men drive you crazy.

The eternal question of women who seek advice from a psychologist, astrologer, or fortune teller is how will their relationship with this man develop? With which, as a rule, there are so many problems that it is already difficult to cope without a specialist. As a rule, people seek help when the case is already advanced. Because it's too late, I'm in trouble. Much easier to recognize potential problem in advance. And if this has already happened, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the situation, towards yourself and towards the tormenting man as soon as possible. And then the external situation will change - either the man causing suffering will disappear on his own, or he will change (but this happens extremely rarely, unfortunately, rather as an exception to the rule). And this will open the way to a bright streak in a woman’s life, to a new relationship, this time harmonious.

First of all, I would like to note that every woman needs to treat herself with love and respect. Without self-love, it is almost impossible to build harmonious relationships. Because those around us treat us the way we treat ourselves and, therefore, how we allow ourselves to be treated. Moreover, from our internal attitude It depends on what kind of people are attracted to us. Secondly, the important thing is that the point here is not so much in the man, but in the woman herself. Namely, what kind of men she chooses. There are a number of types of men who are not capable of long-term and harmonious relationships (there are also women, but in this article we will talk about men). And until a woman realizes where she is making a mistake and does not internally reconsider her attitude towards herself and towards similar men, she will step on the same rake again and again (as a rule, each subsequent case is worse than the previous one). Often unsuitable men are attracted to women who can be called idealists, maximalists, overly romantic people who dream of ideal, passionate, all-consuming love. As a rule, this is a consequence of a lack of love on the part of the father. Having matured, such a girl subconsciously strives to arouse love for herself in precisely those men who cannot give it to her. And the pattern repeats itself over and over again. Less often, the opposite situation occurs - excessive idealization of the father, great love on his part.

Types of men with whom it is dangerous to have a relationship.

1. Married man.

He swears his love to you, and in moments of intimacy he is caring and gentle. But when communicating with you, he always looks at his watch, hides you from everyone, cannot meet with you on weekends and holidays, while saying that he loves only you. However, in reality there are not two of you, but three of you. At the same time, he will have a lot of explanations for why he cannot leave his wife, despite the fact that he loves only you, but does not love her and she does not understand him. Or, he will always promise you that the time will soon come and he will divorce and marry you. But all this will happen... in the future. These are just words. Not actions. Although there are exceptions.

2. Unavailable man.

This type of man behaves with you exactly the same as a married man. But at the same time she is not married. He looks like a great man who makes you feel good when you're having fun together. But when you need help... he's not there, he's out of reach. He always has things to do that are more important than you. At the same time, he, too, like a married man, does not introduce you to his friends, does not tell his parents about you (let alone introduce you to them). When he needs you, he is your covenant, and you are nearby. But he doesn't even entertain the thought of being there for you when you need him. He doesn't think about it. He is already comfortable and good. And if you get tired of it and leave him, it will be... good for him too. Although perhaps not immediately. Because it won't be convenient for a while. After all, you won’t be there when he wants it, as always, for a few...hours or minutes.

3. Bad boy.

He is a funny guy, a charmer and a joker. He is charming, sweet and irresistible. When you are together, he puts you on a pedestal, makes vows, jokes. It's never boring with him. But... out of the blue, he suddenly doesn’t get in touch with you, despite his promises. And he can disappear for weeks, not caring at all about your worries. Then, just as suddenly, he appears and, with constant charm, looking lovingly into your eyes, asks for forgiveness. So what if you found evidence of his betrayal in the form of lipstick on his shirt? After all, he is so charming and so faithfully promises that this will never happen again. And you forgive because you want to believe in a fairy tale. After all, this charmer is so sweet and speaks so skillfully about his love for you. But...he's as irresponsible as he is charming.

4. Sexually preoccupied.

All his thoughts are about the same thing. All he needs from you is the satisfaction of his sexual needs. Sex replaces all the delights of a relationship between a man and a woman. He is not interested in heart-to-heart conversations, he does not know how to express his feelings to you, he craves only one thing. And he knows how to solve all problems in relationships only with sex. But... at any moment when you are not around, or when for some reason you cannot satisfy his sudden need, he can do it somewhere else. After all, sex is all he needs from a woman.

5. Unreliable, irresponsible man.

This man calls himself self-sufficient and independent. He doesn't need your presence at all. Or rather, he only wants to be with you sometimes. And not every day. After all, he is self-sufficient, and he feels good. You console yourself with the thought that you have him, because he is dating you. And that he will lend his strong masculine shoulder to difficult situation. But... this is an illusion. Because he doesn't need it. And it may very well be that at some point his self-sufficiency in his relationship with you will reach such limits that he will no longer need to spend his time on you, at least occasionally. After all, the main thing for him is his freedom and independence.

6. Poor thing.

Such a man will shower you with his attention in abundance, shower you with ardent declarations of love, fulfill your every whim without hesitation, is ready to literally do anything for you and cannot live without you. And soon you won’t be able to be alone for a minute. Because he will be with you all the time. He wants to merge with you, to always be one, and... will demand the same constant attention from you. You will have to give all your time only to him. So, in the end, you ask yourself the question - does he really love you, or is it some kind of painful addiction?

7. Engineer of human souls.

This is a soulful storyteller, an excellent expert female psychology. He paints in all colors the beauty of love for you and you as such. Beautiful words flow from him like a river. Ah, these women who “love with their ears!”... He casts languid glances at you, he talks about love, promises a lot, and constantly gets into your soul. He subtly understands the slightest movements human soul, feels you perfectly and pretends that you are “in tune” with your family. He is an excellent manipulator, owns psychological methods impact. He knows your motives and needs, tells you everything you want and promises you a lot. And soon you realize that he has gotten so deeply into your soul that you can’t get him off. He got you hooked on beautiful words like a drug. He has the habit of subtly asking how much you love him, how much you need him. And you say - yes, I love you! This is exactly what he wanted. But... it soon becomes clear that he cannot offer you anything but words. And he doesn’t think it’s necessary. He is weak and helpless, does not keep his promises, and many do not even remember. He doesn't know how to act. All his energy is spent on beautiful words. As a rule, he has an inferiority complex, and through intimate conversations he makes women fall in love with him. For self-affirmation.

8. Selfish.

This is a man who loves only himself. He is simply not capable of loving anyone else. Especially if we're talking about about a person who pays great attention to his appearance. Do you think it's nice to deal with such an elegant, handsome macho? However... this is only an appearance. The more carefully he chooses his clothes, shoes, perfume, hairstyle, the more he looks in the mirror and laments what he has gained. extra kilos, the more advanced the situation is - in front of you is a narcissistic narcissist. He really takes good care of himself, but... only of himself. It is simply not enough for others.

9. Workaholic.

A man whose interests are limited solely to his career will never be able to make a woman happy. He disappears at work for days, and he doesn’t care about anything except her. In this pair, the man-work third is the odd one out. Probably, such a person has a very undeveloped ability to feel, love, and care. He replaces care and love with money earned at work. And, if a woman tries to be indignant at his inattention, he will reproach her for not appreciating his efforts to provide her with a sweet life. He simply won't hear her.

10. Drug addict, alcoholic, gambler.

A man prone to harmful addictions can make any woman unhappy. And here neither the most wonderful compatibility nor love can save you. You can live with him, but... is it possible to live happily? And is it worth the pain?

11. Controller.

At first glance, such a man can amaze you with his strength and masculinity. He knows how to solve problems, he is active, strong, decisive. He is the master of life. As a rule, he occupies a high position and earns good money. Behind him is like behind a stone wall. But at one fine moment you realize that the stone wall has turned into a cage. Because such a man limits you in everything and dictates all your actions for a long time to come. Controlling every step. He perceives you as a thing, his property.

12. Aggressor.

Is it worth explaining that if a man beats his woman every now and then, then relying on the well-known saying “He beats means he loves” is not the best way out. Moreover, he is not limited to beatings alone. And don’t skimp on insults and rudeness. If he is so aggressive that he easily raises his hand against you, it is stupid to believe that he can be changed and you will live like in a fairy tale. Even if he suddenly begins to promise that he will never repeat this again. If he raised his hand to you, try to put an end to this relationship as soon as possible.

13. Greedy.

This is a special type of man. He can have as much money as he wants, but this has little effect on the degree of his greed. He can explain this to you for any reasons he likes, and even assure you that he is not greedy, but you should keep in mind that people are prone to “excuses”, even if they themselves are not aware of the true motives of their behavior. A man who spares money on his woman is not a man. And tomorrow he will spare money for his child. So what then? Believe in miracles? He can spare money on everyone except himself. Or he might be greedy for himself too. It's not that important. Another thing is important - it cannot be fixed. A man by nature is a protector, a provider. And if your chosen one has greed instead of these qualities, everything is too neglected. Run away from him and don't regret anything!

14. Indifferent.

At first, he may seem so touchingly unhappy that he will touch your soul. You will want to pour out your tenderness on this unfortunate creature, warm him, caress him and finally make him happy with your love. After all, he has such sad eyes, he is so serious and reserved. He probably has such a vulnerable and sensitive soul that he is afraid to show his feelings so as not to be hurt or offended. And you will take it and melt the ice, because your love is enough for two. Stop! First of all, pay attention to your self-esteem! Why should you love for two? There will be no happiness in such a relationship. Because there is no harmony and equality there. And it won't. Secondly, such stories, as a rule, end in the collapse of relationships, a lot of disappointments, illnesses and mental trauma. Because an insensitive, indifferent, cold person who does not know how to love will not melt from your love alone. He doesn't need it. Although there are exceptions - when a man, at first cautious and reserved, as the relationship develops and trust in you increases, he opens up and becomes loving and gentle with you. But this usually happens pretty quickly. And this is rare. If his coldness lasts for months, or even years, there is no point in expecting a miracle.

15. Alphonse.

This money-obsessed type can hardly be called a man. But he doesn't think so. He is used to selling himself, his attractiveness (and often he is really damn attractive!). He is well versed in the intricacies of female psychology, skillfully manipulates and seduces. He can be a good lover. And he knows how to “show off” so that you lose your head over him. Having previously learned all the features of your excellent material well-being. But... will he love you? He only loves your money. You need to be very careful with this one and stay away from it. So that it doesn’t turn out like in one humorous story, “A friend met such a handsome guy! Not a man, but a fairy tale!” He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t work, ... and doesn’t intend to. He lives with her luxury apartment, everything is ready. And he responds to all the indignation - if you don’t like something, I can leave, they’ll quickly pick me up, handsome.”

16. Womanizer.

This is a man who, in principle, is incapable of love. Although he himself may not think so. But he calls anything love, just not love itself. He can sincerely admit that he is not monogamous. Hiding behind slogans from books that a man is a sower and all that jazz. So everything is in the nature of men, and not at all his fault. But he may not say this. It doesn't matter. If a man is walking, it is in vain to expect him to finally calm down and stop walking to the left. Even if he says that he loves only you and will no longer go to the left. However, if you are ready for this, continue to be with him. And even deceive yourself that you are happy and don’t go to doctors at all, don’t experience an inferiority complex, etc. etc. But is it worth it?

17. Bachelor.

This type is very similar to unavailable and independent. But he most often openly declares his bachelor principles. He does not accept the institution of marriage and cannot stand obligations. Taking responsibility for someone is simply stupid. For what? If you can live for yourself, your loved one, for your own pleasure. And he’s not going to offer anything but sex to his sexual needs with women (after all, he doesn’t owe anyone anything). And he will always find them. He does not know the beauty of close relationships, care and family comfort. He doesn't understand this. The word “we” does not exist for him, and even infuriates him. And the word “ours, common” is generally like a red rag for a bull. Among bachelors there can also be misogynists.

18. Gloomy philosopher.

This is a man full of abstruse ideas and reasoning. He will quote classics and philosophers, he is well-read, smart and looks down on this whole “imperfect world” with petty-bourgeois foundations. Often he leads an ascetic lifestyle and cannot earn anything (with loud slogans that money is so low and vulgar). May be overly involved in spiritual practices, Castaneda, yoga, etc. (which in itself is not at all bad, but not in the case of a gloomy philosopher). He ignores the physical, material world. May not take care of himself, be unkempt, unkempt. He has reduced sensory sensations. After all, he is a high-flying bird. He doesn’t care about generally accepted principles. He can also look down on marriage, cynically talking about “love for a woman like a wild flower - I saw, smelled, admired and moved on,” about open relationship. This is what "high relationships" are. Why should he burden himself with everyday life and serious relationships? After all, he is above this, all so spiritual, smart and advanced.

19. Loser, whiner.

This man is a typical loser. He cannot find a decent job, he always sits penniless in his pocket, or even on someone’s neck. At the same time, he may consider himself an unrecognized genius, whom no one appreciates or understands. As a rule, he blames others and circumstances for his failures. At work, they say, he is not appreciated, his salary is not raised, his bosses are all bad, his colleagues are envious. His friends don’t understand him and that’s why, by and large, he doesn’t have any friends. And women are completely insidious creatures. And he had never seen a single good girl. They're all bitches. Whining, criticizing everything and everyone and seeking pity is his typical behavior. And even if at first he says that you may be an exception, and not like all these bitches, then the likelihood that in his eyes you will soon join the same cohort of bitches is very high.

20. Infantile. Mama's boy.

This is the type of weak dependent person. As a rule, he has an overbearing mother, or was raised by an overbearing grandmother. Often he is the only son of his parents (or of one mother, whose husband either abandoned her or never had one). And now he obeys his mother in everything, she completely controls him. If he manages to fly out from under her wing and starts a relationship with you, firstly, his mother will most likely not approve of his choice (why does she need competitors?), and he will listen to her, or he will behave with you just like with a powerful and strong mother. He won’t be able to take a step without you, he will be entirely under your influence. There is no need to look for support and support in such a man. And with his addiction, he will very soon begin to drive you crazy. Do you need an over-aged, infantile “son”, or is it still a man?

The list goes on. But the trends are clear. Of course, all these types are just conventions. And they, as a rule, are exaggerated, as in any typology. In addition, there are practically no pure types in nature. Usually several of these characteristics, developed to varying degrees, are combined in one person. Some of them are intersecting. All people are not perfect. And one or another trait may be present in a normal man who know how to build good relationships. But the most important thing is to understand to what extent it is developed. And if some of these traits are strongly and seriously expressed in a man, then, of course, you can build a relationship with him if you really want to (but is it worth it?). Moreover, “love is evil.” But! Is this love? Love is harmony. Although many call it strong feelings, where there is a lot of suffering, or passion, or painful dependence. Anything but love. Remember that long and happy relationship It’s almost impossible to create with such a man. Although many of our women live by the principle “even if it’s bad, it’s mine.” Here you need to decide for yourself what you want - happy family and a loving, reliable man nearby, who not only makes you happy, but is also happy that you are nearby. Or suffering, complexes, tears and psychosomatic illnesses. And remember, no matter what a man is, he must take care not only of himself, but also of you and your children. How about yourself. But playing with one goal will not bring happiness.

Libras are suspicious, secretive and petty. They can be irritable and can take their anger out on the first person that comes to hand if things don’t go the way he would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then take a long time to solve them. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.

The nasty, corrosive and vindictive Scorpio gets irritated all the time if something is not done as he considers correct. Constant nagging and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving you waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, you won’t think it’s enough. He doesn’t count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.

He's not lying. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He doesn’t lie even when telling the truth is inappropriate. If he catches you in a lie, expect trouble. Sagittarius is furiously jealous, but he himself does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.

Capricorn is stubborn and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions accidentally coincided, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls before swine.” In the latter case, be sure that deep down in his soul he does not doubt at all that he is right. Capricorn is also a bore, he can hardly stand noisy fun parties and in general can be lost to society if you don’t spend time with him educational work. However, convincing, as was said earlier, is almost impossible, so it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to a certain idea very carefully, so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. Therefore, it is better to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.

Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even begin. He will promise you a bunch of everything - and at the minute of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plans - but you do not believe his sweet speeches. IN serious matters It’s better not to count on Aquarius, and even more so, you shouldn’t dream of placing responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders; rely first of all on yourself.

Do you want a normal guy, self-confident and firmly on the ground, and not soaring somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong address. Pisces live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, are absolutely not adapted to real life. Pisces are children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.