New One Hundred Dollar Bill: Distinctive Features and Authentication. Macro photography of a hundred dollar bill (14 photos) New 100 dollar bill

May 19, 2016 40695

As law enforcement officers note, dollar bills of high denominations are most often counterfeited. It’s understandable - why bother with the little things, draw a “hundredth” like that! On the other hand, few people keep their savings in “ones” or even “twenties”; the pack turns out to be painfully thick :) How can one determine the authenticity of “grant” and “Franklin”?

Let's start with the fact that banknotes of different types t release not only look different, but also have different protection elements.

Now we will highlight peculiarities, which you need to pay attention to when closely examining banknotes in 50 and 100 US dollars.


Banknotes 1928-1995 Banknotes 1996 - 2003
portrait in the center the portrait is enlarged and shifted to the left from the center of the banknote

an imprint of the seal of the Federal Reserve Bank (from 1928 to 1934 the outer edge of the seal is smooth, from 1950 - jagged), in the lower part of which there is the name of the city and state in which the bank is located, and in the center - the control letter of the bank imprint of the seal of the Federal Reserve (instead of the seal of the Federal Reserve Bank), letterpress printed on all denominations except $100 (intaglio)

bank check digit in the four corners of the banknote letter and number that indicate the Federal Reserve Bank

scalloped impression of the U.S. Treasury seal depicting a white shield, scales, and key; white fields are filled with round dots; There is a curved ribbon and an image of 13 stars. Text: "THE DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY 1789", before 1966 "THESAUR AMER SEPTENT SIGIL"

at the beginning and at the end of the serial number there are letters, the first of which corresponds to the control letter a letter has been added to the serial number

The signatures of the US Secretary of the Treasury and Treasurer are intaglio, except for the 1935, 1950, 1953, 1957, 1963 and 1963A series notes.
The Series inscription is made by intaglio printing, except for banknotes of the 1935, 1950, 1953, 1957, 1963 and 1963A series.

Among the security elements of old banknotes (until 1990 year) the following can be distinguished:
  • blue and red security fibers
  • intaglio printing
  • magnetic protection
  • letterpress printing
In banknotes 1990-1995 years All of the above protection elements are present, as well as:
  • security thread
  • microtext

Security thread


Banknote security elements 1996-1999 - the same. Plus additionally appeared:

- watermarks
- elements in paintOVIR
- luminescence in UV light



A little more about microtext and security thread.
Security element 1990-1995 since 1996
50 100 50 100
Security thread text USA 50 USA 100
USA 50 featuring the US flag with the number 50 USA 100
location to the left of the portrait to the left of the portrait to the right of the portrait to the left of the portrait
UV luminescence - yellow - red
location to the left and right of the portrait to the left and right of the portrait on the left collar of the shirt
FIFTY - inside the frame on the left and right
on the camisole and inside the number 100

Visual cue. Where to look for microtext?

IN 2001 year a new modification of US dollars appeared in circulation "1999 series". These banknotes have infrared marks on the reverse side. They are not visible to the naked eye, but if you have a special scanner, the marks look like this...

Newer dollars

Introduced into circulation from 2003 to 2008 banknote series "FuGen". Banknotes, including 50 dollars became colored.

The new banknotes have the following differences:

  • enlarged portrait without frame and reverse side image without oval frame
  • image of stars and stripes, like on the US national flag
  • increased number of red and blue security fibers And security thread
  • microtexts
  • OVIR-nominal color changed
  • added a background color design on the front and back (for the $50 bill, from purple to light yellow to purple again)
  • infrared-sensitive elements appeared on the front side

New 100 dollar bill(in circulation since October 8, 2013) has changed its usual gray-green color. The new Franklins received a blue 3D ribbon and copper-colored holograms. The holographic images on this banknote are special - for the first time they are not printed on paper, but are “woven” into it.

Blue banknote
- blue 3D protective tape
- when turned, the bells depicted on it change to the number 100
- “ONE HUNDRED USA” inscription along the gold nib
- to the right of the image of Benjamin Franklin there is a watermark with his image
- on Franklin’s collar there is the inscription “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”

- objects depicted on the bill change colors when rotated (for example, an image of a bell in an inkwell and the number “100” placed next to a portrait of Franklin and the number “100” change color from copper to green when tilted). We hope that if you have any doubts about the authenticity of $50 and $100 bills, this article will help dispel them.

We ask readers to respond by calling what other ambushes await us with “other people’s” money. It is especially interesting to hear about Chinese money, because trade turnover with China is increasing all the time. The rush to release new $100 bills has long passed. The States (which are American) are tirelessly and successfully printing the latest hundred-dollar bills - light blue, by the way - similar to the European currency. What is the fate of the old “green”? So, dear citizens, check your stash to see if there are 100 dollar bills from 1996 stored there. One hundred US dollars Basically, the criteria for determining payment are focused on the norms of foreign Central Banks or the recommendations of the Russian Central Bank (there was even an instruction before), but with a certain “margin of safety”, that is, more stringent. Some banks prefer to work only with money that has not been used.

A new 100 dollar bill has been released. Do I need to change old banknotes?

Basically, the criteria for determining payment are focused on the norms of foreign Central Banks or the recommendations of the Russian Central Bank (there was even an instruction before), but with a certain “margin of safety”, that is, more stringent. Some banks prefer to work only with money that has not been used.

Others do not work with notes from older issues still in circulation. Another point: the smaller the damaged banknote, the more difficult it is to change it.

The easiest way is to contact Sberbank of Russia. This is one of the few banks where you can sell and exchange damaged and dilapidated banknotes in all branches. At the same time, the commission amount is relatively high.
If you don’t want to lose on commissions, then you can try using worn foreign banknotes abroad. By the way, the “money changers” who hang out at banks will take banknotes without any problems.

Old 100 dollar bills expiration date

When the banknote is tilted, the bell changes color from copper to green, appearing and disappearing. A distinctive feature of the design is that paper dollars become more colorful, losing their exclusively green color.


Along with this announcement, the Federal Reserve System (FRS) issues a warning and reminds that during the period when new paper money is released, there is usually an increased activity of criminals trying to take advantage of the public’s lack of awareness about the appearance of the new banknotes and the exact date of their appearance in circulation. The Federal Reserve also reminds that old-style dollars have no expiration date.

There is no need to exchange old banknotes for new ones; banks and other financial institutions will always be required to accept them.

In this article we want to touch upon the problem of foreign currency in its exotic plane - old-format banknotes. We ask readers to respond by calling what other ambushes await us with “other people’s” money.

It is especially interesting to hear about Chinese money, because trade turnover with China is increasing all the time. The rush to release new $100 bills has long passed.


The States (which are American) are tirelessly and successfully printing the latest hundred-dollar bills - light blue, by the way - similar to the European currency. What is the fate of the old “green”? So, dear citizens, check your stash to see if there are 100 dollar bills from 1996 stored there.

What's the question? Not every hundred dollar bill with Franklin's portrait will be accepted for purchase. Even if it is genuine. This is the reality of the Ryazan currency market.

But the general appearance of banknotes has not changed. Today, after four generations of American currency, more noticeable changes are being made to its appearance. By the way, let us remind you that the previous $100 bill had the following protection: Watermark in the form of a portrait.

The image of Benjamin Franklin is in the free space to the right of the portrait, visible only in light. Security thread. A vertical security thread embedded in the paper to the left of the portrait.

It alternates the inscription “USA” and the number “100”, placed vertically along the entire length of the thread. The thread glows pink in ultraviolet rays.

Color-changing number 100. The number 100, located in the lower right corner on the front of the bill, changes color from copper to green as the angle changes. It should be taken into account that, in principle, all US banknotes retain their full value.

US Dollars - User Guide

  • Money exchange rules
  • Old money is not the best travel companion
  • 100 dollar bill: size, replacement, circulation
  • Dollars of two types will begin to circulate in Ukraine from October
  • US dollars 1996
  • One hundred US dollars
  • 100 old style dollars valid until
  • Old style dollars are valid until

Money exchange rules Basically, the criteria for determining payment are focused on the norms of foreign Central Banks or the recommendations of the Russian Central Bank (there were even instructions before), but with a certain “margin of safety”, that is, more stringent. Some banks prefer to work only with money that has not been used.

Others do not work with notes from older issues still in circulation.

100$ banknote

And the most popular bill is the hundred-dollar bill. According to official data, up to two-thirds of hundred-dollar bills circulate outside the United States. By the end of 2012, the volume of all $100 bills printed was $863 billion, meaning there were 8.63 billion $100 bills in circulation. From October, dollars of two types will begin to circulate in Ukraine. Important: On the reverse there is an additional number 100 of an increased size, located vertically. To check the authenticity of dollars, you need to do three steps: look, twist, touch. First of all, we carefully examine the money, check the serial numbers of the left and right sides, hold the watermarks and protective tape and thread to light, and check for the presence of a hologram. We determine by touch the presence of embossed protective elements.

So what difference does it make whether you use new or old dollars? The problem we are considering is especially relevant in the summer - during the holiday period. More precisely, foreign holidays. Imagine the picture when you arrived in a foreign country, and the “bucks” cash in your pocket is of the old type.

And she is not welcome there. A plastic card, of course, is a solution to many problems, but you can’t pay with it at the market or in a souvenir shop. Old money is not the best travel companion It is curious that recently the head of the European currency strategy department of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Athanasius Vamvakidis, called on Europe to completely destroy the 500 euro note.
None of the banknotes are subject to withdrawal or devaluation. As new dollars are introduced, old ones will not be put into circulation once they are returned to the US Federal Reserve.

And this indicates the absence of a time frame for currency exchange and, in general, a requirement to exchange old banknotes for new ones. Now, attention! US banknotes of any denomination, category and year of issue in circulation since 1928.

and until 1990, printed on sheets of paper measuring 156x66 mm. The banknote paper is gray-cream, thick, and has no watermarks. Security fibers of red and blue colors are introduced into the paper pulp. The arrangement of fibers on the surface of the sheet is chaotic, their number is different. Read also: Coins for good luck Since 1990

100 US dollar banknote

100 US dollar banknote

Banknote size

156x67mm. Since 1990 - 157x67 mm. The paper is tinted, has a light yellow tint, and contains randomly embedded protective fibers of red and blue colors. Since February 2011, the banknote has been light blue.

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, offset to the left of center, below it is the inscription "FRANKLIN". On the right, where the portrait of previous series of dollars was placed, there is a watermark and a security thread.

On the left side of the portrait is the Federal Reserve Seal (black), above which are a letter and number indicating the Federal Reserve Bank that issued the note. On the right side of the portrait there is: the seal of the State Treasury (green). In the upper left and lower right corners of the banknote there is a serial number - a combination of eight numbers and three letters. The first letter indicates the series number. The second letter is the same as the letter indicating the Federal Reserve Bank. Eight digits indicate the serial number of the banknote in a given series. The last letter indicates how many times this number was used in the series. “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE” is printed above the top serial number. The denomination “100” is printed in the corners of the banknote. In the lower left corner there is a control letter with the quadrant number. In the lower part to the right of the portrait there is a control letter with the number of the cliche of the front side of the banknote. In the lower part to the left of the portrait is the year of issue “SERIES 1996”. The signatures of the U.S. Treasury and Treasury Department officials are printed on the lower left and lower right sides of the note. In the lower right part, the verbal designation of the banknote's denomination is printed on the guilloche ornament. In the upper right part of the banknote is the inscription “THE UNITED STATES AMERICA”.

The reverse side of the banknote depicts the Palace of Independence, with the inscription “INDEPENDENCE HALL” underneath it. The denomination “100” is printed in the corners of the banknote. The inscription “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” is printed in the upper central part, followed by the text “IN GOD WE TRUST”, and the inscription “ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS” is printed at the bottom of the note. In the lower right corner is the cliche number of the reverse side of the banknote.

Main security features of a banknote

1. Microprinting on the front side of the banknote: the text “USA100” is printed in several rows inside the denomination number in the lower left corner; The text "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is printed on the lapel of Franklin's coat.
2. The paper contains a visible security thread with repeating microtext “USA 100”, readable from the front and back sides of the banknote. The security thread is located vertically, to the left of the portrait.
3.The watermark is located on the unprinted field on the right side of the note and repeats the portrait of Benjamin Franklin.
4. In the lower right corner of the front side is the denomination of the banknote “100”, made with paint that changes color from green to black when the banknote is rotated.
5.In ultraviolet rays, the security thread has a red glow. On the 1996 banknotes, synthetic thread with the repeating text “USA 100” glows pink under UV light in a wave-like manner.
6. Thin concentric lines form the background for the portrait on the front side and for the Palace of Independence on the back side of the banknote. On the copy, when the banknote is reproduced on reprographic equipment, weak moire (dark and light areas) appears in the indicated places.
7. Inside the number “100” printed on the left side of the banknotes there is microtext “USA 100”. Franklin's jacket has microtext "United States of America" ​​printed on it.
The front side of the banknote is made using metallographic printing. The inscriptions “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS” have an increased thickness of the paint layer and are well perceived to the touch. Serial number, Federal Reserve and State Treasury seals are letterpress printed. The reverse side of the banknote is made using metallographic printing.
In addition, on genuine banknotes the portrait is made clearly and in contrast, as if with a backing. On counterfeit bills it is lifeless and unrelief. The details merge with the background, which is usually darker than the original or has characteristic inclusions.


Printed in green, round. On genuine dollars, the images on the seals are clearly visible, the teeth are smooth and sharp. The stars inside it look clear under a magnifying glass. On fake ones, they may be blurred, uneven, or have tears. With the release of the new $100 bills, the repeated inscription “The United States of America” appeared around the portrait. Old banknotes always indicated the Federal Reserve District in which the banknote was issued (issued), now this is the single seal of the US Federal Reserve System.

Serial number

The serial number, consisting of 8 digits and 3 letters on the front side of the banknote in the upper left and lower right corners, is clearly visible and printed on genuine banknotes. The digits of the number are located at equal intervals and on the same line. The numbers are in the same color as the treasury seals. On counterfeit banknotes, the serial number may differ significantly from the color of the print or have a different shade. The digits of the number may be unevenly spaced, higher or lower, or have different spacing.


On a real banknote, the outer lines are distinct. On a fake line, even the ornament made in the form of curls, when counterfeited, can be unclear or not completely printed. Keep in mind that regardless of the denomination of the bill, their sizes are absolutely the same, that is, when placing a bill on a banknote, their sizes must completely match.


Red and blue microfibers are also used to protect banknotes. When counterfeiting, counterfeiters, as a rule, cannot introduce these fibers into the structure of the paper, but only apply them to the surface of the bill. Fibers can be removed from a real bill, but they will rub off on a counterfeit one. In addition, the security thread glows red when illuminated by ultraviolet light.


It is a common belief that the paint should not be completely erased from genuine dollars; no, leaving a slight trace is a sign of the authenticity of the bill. To more reliably protect the bills, the US Treasury took additional protection - a metal strip with microprinting appeared on the 100 dollar bill.

Color change

When viewing the bill from top to bottom, it will appear green; if viewed at an angle, it will appear black.

Other methods of protection

100 US dollars

Owners of dollars should know that banknotes dating back to 1928 can be purchased and sold. In the USA, dollars of ALL ISSUES have been in circulation since the 18th century, but dollars from the 18th -19th centuries. have numismatic value and are worth more than face value.

In 1996, the United States issued a new type of $100 banknote, which had a number of new security elements, including a watermark duplicating the portrait of the president. Synthetic thread with repeating "USA 100" text glows pink under UV light in waves. The denomination (100) printed in the lower right corner of the front side of the bill is green when viewed at a right angle, and black when viewed at an angle. Inside the number “100” printed on the left side of the banknotes there is microtext “USA 100”. Franklin's jacket has microtext "United States of America" ​​printed on it. Banknotes of other denominations ($10,20,50) of the 1996 model have similar security elements.

Since the fall of 2003, the United States has issued new, multi-colored twenty-dollar bills. On the new money, the background behind the enlarged portrait of President Andrew Jackson is peach-colored, and the national symbol of American freedom, a bald eagle, that appears to the left of the portrait and the inscription “TWENTY USA” to the right are blue. Specialists from the anti-counterfeiting department Secret Service claim that the new dollar is one of the most secure currencies in the world. The newborn dollar inherited the main degrees of protection of its ancestor - a watermark, a security thread and the number “20” changing in color. “Old” dollars remain in circulation and will be withdrawn gradually. In 2004 and 2005, the 50- and 100-dollar bills were repainted, but in different colors. I haven’t decided what to do with the $5 and $10 bills yet.
New $100 - Blue
Since February 2011, a new one hundred dollar banknote has been introduced into circulation in the United States.

New $100

were due to go into circulation in February 2011. But four months before the release, the Fed admitted that it had encountered technical difficulties: the test notes were unusable. It took the Federal Reserve 2.5 years to solve the problems, and new banknotes were put into circulation by the US Federal Reserve only on October 8, 1013.
The banknote received not only an atypical design for an “American”, but also the most advanced developments such as 3D elements. So it will be much more difficult to fake a new product.

The banknote changed its usual gray-green color

: The new Franklins received a blue 3D ribbon and copper-colored holograms. The holographic images on this banknote are special - for the first time they are not printed on paper, but are “woven” into it.
$100 bills are the most widely circulated in the world - and therefore the most frequently counterfeited. The Fed expects that changes in printing technology will make life more difficult for fraudsters.
Americans rarely hold hundred dollar bills in their hands. Overseas, the “five” and “twenty” are in use. But in Russia, the 100 dollar bill is the most popular.
The new one hundred dollar bill, of course, has retained its face - it is still decorated with the image of one of the founding fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin. But the new money can no longer be called “green” - rather light blue. And in general, the developers of the new design tried to get away from the monochrome solution that is familiar to everyone. The bill is replete with not just colored details, but also chameleon elements (for example, an image of a bell in an inkwell and the number “100”, placed next to a portrait of Franklin, change color from copper to green when tilted). All for the sake of protection from counterfeiters.
The new “hundred dollars,” according to Deputy Director of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors Michael Lambert, will be one of the most secure in the world. It took about a decade to develop the security elements. So, when creating a new type of banknote, the most advanced technological developments were involved. The use of almost a million microlenses woven into the paper creates the illusion of movement of the number "100" and the images of bells on the front of the banknote. In addition to three-dimensional images, watermarks, 3D security thread, color-variable images, relief prints, microprinting and much more are used.
Such banknotes will not appear in Russia any time soon. There is no reason to rush. No one is going to take the old $100 bills out of circulation. Because all U.S. federal notes issued since 1861 are legal tender as long as 55% of the note area is retained
On October 8, the US Federal Reserve issued an updated $100 banknote.

New degrees of protection

Blue banknote: blue 3D security tape
When turned, the bells depicted on it change to the number 100
The inscription ONE HUNDRED USA along the gold pen
To the right of the image of Benjamin Franklin there is a watermark with his image
Franklin's collar says THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Objects depicted on the banknote change colors when rotated.

In the states, the renewal of banknotes lasted several years, but now it has already been completed. Back in 2010, a US banknote was supposed to appear, but it actually came out only in 2013. Some sources claim that this happened due to a problem with the printing equipment. Also, test new banknotes turned out to be unusable. It took US financial institutions 2.5 years to solve this problem.

Old banknotes will not be confiscated en masse; this process will occur gradually as the old banknotes wear out.

The creation of the new 100 dollar design began in 2003. The design of the banknote has been changed radically, this is the main difference between the new banknote.

The 100 dollar bill changed from its usual gray-green color to light blue. The color scheme is dominated by grey, blue and orange. The banknote also features a blue three-dimensional ribbon and copper-colored holograms. Holographic images are special; they are not printed on paper, but seem to be “woven” into it. In addition, the latest security elements have been added to increase the reliability of the most popular banknote in the world. But the main design element has not changed. One hundred dollars is also decorated with the founding father of the United States, Benjamin Franklin. It remained the same, but was slightly enlarged and moved to the side.

The sample 100 dollar bill, in addition to its atypical design, also received modern developments, such as 3D elements.

So it will be difficult for counterfeiters; it will be much more difficult to counterfeit a banknote.

It is clear that the developers of the new 100 dollar bill have moved away from the monochrome solution to which everyone is accustomed. Lots of colored details and chameleon elements (for example, the image of a bell and the number “100” change colors from copper to green when tilted).

According to Michael Lambert, deputy director of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the new $100 will be one of the most secure banknotes in the world. It took about 10 years just to develop the banknote’s security. The most advanced and modern technological developments were used during creation.

The illusion of the movement of the bell and the number “100” on the front side is created by a million microlenses that are woven into the paper.

In addition to these images, 3D security thread, watermarks, relief prints, color-variable images, microprinting, etc. are used.

Americans rarely use hundreds; twenty and five are in use. It is the most popular in our country. However, they will not appear in Russia any time soon.

One Hundred US Dollar Security Elements

The popularity of 100 dollars has been confirmed by many official bodies. Moreover, 2/3 of these banknotes are in circulation outside the United States. The total amount of banknotes in circulation is $864 billion. First of all, the demand for them is high in countries where the standard of living is quite low or is close to the possibility of a crisis.

The new banknotes contain a number of different elements that make them difficult to counterfeit. These include:

  1. 3D protective tape. It is blue in color, with bells depicted on it, and is located on the front side of the hundred. If you look at it from different angles, you can see how the image of the bells gradually changes to the number 100. If the banknote is tilted forward, then back, the bells and the number move from one side to the other. When the bills are tilted to the right and left, they move up and down. The illusion of movement is created by a million microlenses.
  2. The bell in the inkwell is copper-colored. This image is on the front side. If you tilt the note, you can see the bell color change from copper to green. This gives the impression that the bell appears in the inkwell and then disappears.

Both of these elements are a simple and easy way to identify a bill when it is impossible to see how it shines through.

3 elements have been retained that have proven their effectiveness:

  1. Watermark of B. Franklin's portrait. If you look at the bill against the light, you can see its fuzzy image, which is located to the right of the portrait. This image can be seen on both sides of the bill.
  2. Security thread. If you again look at the bill against the light, you can see a security thread that is inserted into the paper and runs vertically to the left of the portrait. The number 100 and the letters USA are placed vertically along the entire length of the strip. The bills are visible on both sides. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the strip begins to glow pink.
  3. Number 100 changing color. The number 100, which is located on the front side in the upper right corner, changes colors at different angles, like a chameleon. This number is also located in the lower right corner and when tilted changes color from copper to green.

Additional protection and design elements

New-style dollars are quite well protected from scammers. Additional security elements are applied to them:

  1. Relief print. If you run your finger over B. Franklin's shoulder on the left side of the weave, you can feel the roughness. This is achieved through an advanced intaglio printing process. A relief imprint is felt across the entire surface of the banknote. This is a characteristic sign of its authenticity.
  2. Number 100. The large golden number on the reverse side helps people with poor eyesight identify the real denomination.
  3. Microprinting. That is, words that are printed in small print. They are on the collar of B. Franklin's jacket, near the gold feather, along the edges of the bill.
  4. Federal Reserve Board designation. The US Reserve Seal is located to the left of B. Franklin. Below the serial number is a number and letter that identifies the federal bank that issued the note. There are 12 such banks in total, with 24 branches in large cities.
  5. Series numbers. A combination of 11 letters and numbers. These unique numbers help law enforcement agencies find counterfeit bills.
  6. FW symbol. There are 2 enterprises where new banknotes are printed. One is located in Fort Worth (Texas), the other is in Washington (Columbia). Banknotes printed in Fort Worth have the small letters FW in the upper left corner. If they are not there, then the bills were printed in Washington.
  7. Portrait and vignette. The portrait of B. Franklin remained as it was. The Independence Hall vignette has been updated. The old samples showed the main facade of the building, while the new ones showed the rear facade. The oval that framed these 2 images has now been removed.
  8. Symbol of freedom. The banknote contains an inscription to the right of the portrait. These are phrases taken from the Declaration of Independence and the pen.
  9. Color. The background of the new banknote has become light blue.

Thus, it is easy to distinguish a genuine bill from a fake.

People who frequently deal with foreign currencies should know how to check the authenticity of dollars. The reason for this is that counterfeit money can be found in the most unexpected places.

A particular risk arises when making large transactions when paying in cash in foreign currency.

The most popular foreign banknote is one hundred US dollars, so we will focus on this money.

$100 Authentication

So how can you check the authenticity of $100?

There are currently two types of this banknote in circulation - old and new.

The first thing to do is consider who is on the $100 bill - Benjamin Franklin should be on the front.

Then touch the money. If the bill is printed on paper, then it is a counterfeit $100. Real dollars are printed on a special coating made from a mixture of linen and cotton. In this regard, the bill is difficult to bend and tear. The surface of real money is slightly rough and embossed in some parts.

Now you need to pay attention to the thickness of the banknote - counterfeit money is thinner than the original one. In the technical process of printing original money, high pressure is applied to the canvas, which counterfeiters cannot achieve (no matter how thin the paper is, it cannot replace a press).

There are currently two types of this banknote in circulation - old and new.

How to check the authenticity of an old-style 100 dollar bill?

Among the hundred dollars of the old model, counterfeits are much more common. Let's take a closer look at authentic banknotes.

  1. Pay attention to the frame of the bill. Real banknotes have a clear and continuous border.

The printing methods for real and counterfeit money are significantly different, so counterfeit money will have blurry and poorly defined designs.

  1. Take a closer look at the portrait, which on a genuine banknote is realistic, stands out against the general background and has a detailed drawing.

In addition, on one side of the portrait, the inscription “The United States of America” is placed through microprinting. In order to see it you will need a magnifying glass.

  1. Match serial numbers. They can be found on the front left and right - they must match.
  • If the ink color is different, then it is not a real bill;
  • If you have several 100 dollar bills, make sure they have different numbers. If they are the same, then this is counterfeit money.

On counterfeit bills, the portrait is dull and there are no details.

  1. Hold the banknote up to the light. The banknote must have a security strip on which the word USA is placed, followed by the denomination - 100.
  2. You also need pay attention to the presence/absence of a watermark. It is located on the right side of the portrait of Benjamin Franklin. You can also see the sign from the reverse side.
  1. See the image on the back. There should be a picture of the front façade of Independence Hall.

100 dollars new sample

The new $100 bill remains virtually unnoticed by counterfeiters, since it contains specific security features that are quite difficult to counterfeit.

Although you can find counterfeit dollars among them, the scammers take it as a basis that not many people are yet familiar with the new 100 dollar bill.

Each new 100 US dollars has security features, which can be found below:

  1. Watermark (image of Benjamin Franklin);
  2. Three-dimensional protective tape;
  3. Light blue color of the banknote;
  4. Symbol of freedom, phrases from the Declaration of Independence, feather;
  5. Relief printing;
  6. Iridescent number;
  7. Inkwell with a bell that disappears when tilted;
  8. Signature of the US Secretary of the Treasury on the right side;
  9. Security thread with letters USA and number 100;
  10. Changes in the portrait. Compared to old banknotes, the portrait is shifted slightly to the left, enlarged and not framed;
  11. A unique combination of 11 symbols, which is repeated twice on the front side of the banknote;
  12. The number 100 is golden in color on the reverse side;
  13. Shown is an image of the rear façade of Independence Hall.

How is $100 counterfeited?

There are several common methods:

  • As a base, they take a banknote of a lower denomination (1 or 5 dollars), wash off the paint from it and apply the image of 100 dollars. Such a counterfeit is very difficult to detect, since the paper of the bill will be original and the watermarks will be visible. However, the portrait will be different, so it is important to know who is on the $100 bill.
  • Add two zeros to a $1 bill. This kind of fake is easier to spot. But if in doubt, there is no need to take risks. It is advisable to contact the bank to establish authenticity using an ultraviolet lamp - the protective strip will become visible, and the bill will acquire a pink tint.

Where are counterfeit dollars found?

Fraudsters are often excellent psychologists who can create a stressful situation when making a transaction, and people will not carefully consider the money. Also, scammers usually rush people or make exchanges in the dark.

In most cases, the victims of scammers are those people who have never seen one hundred US dollars. In this regard, deceivers operate near train stations and airports. This is especially true for those cities where rural and rural residents often come. Criminals want to enrich themselves through financial illiteracy.

Particular attention should be paid to a major transaction, for example, buying an apartment or a car. Fraudsters may mix genuine and counterfeit dollars. This is done on the basis that no one will check the authenticity of every dollar.

What to do if you find counterfeit $100 bills

The first thing to do is report to the police. And under no circumstances should you keep them or try to pay for the purchase of goods - this will result in criminal liability. The person may be charged with possession and distribution of counterfeit bills.

If possible, remember the person from whom you received this money. It is also advisable to remember the place, time and circumstances of the transaction. This information will be valuable to police officers.

You need to put the counterfeit banknote in a clean bag, minimizing touching the bill - the chance of punishing counterfeiters will be high.