What to do if an adult’s neck and back of the head sweat while sleeping? What does excessive sweating of the neck and neck indicate? The neck sweats at night

Neck and neck sweating is a common problem that bothers many people. Often these parts of the body sweat in the summer, at elevated air temperatures, nervous tension- This is fine. What to do when discomfort in the neck area haunts you around the clock, interfering with your life? normal image life, creating a lot of inconvenience?

Sweating of the neck and back of the head is a common problem for many people.

Causes of profuse sweating during the day

What causes discomfort is not so much the problem of frequent sweating, but the impossibility of solving it with the help of deodorants and other personal hygiene products.

To understand the causes of hyperhidrosis in the neck area, experts pay attention to important details:

  • Diet. By concentrating sweat in the neck and back of the head, the body reports a disruption in the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. Sometimes there is a large amount of toxins in the blood and it manages to pass through a sufficient number of times. thyroid gland. If during the day you are tormented by increased sweating in the neck area, you should check your thyroid gland and consult an endocrinologist.
  • Interesting position and female physiology. Pregnant women and women during menopause often suffer from this problem. Hormonal changes occur expectant mother– as a result, the neck and back of the head area sweats a lot. Similar discomfort self-destructs after hormonal levels are restored. Now there are special medical supplies, which help fight hot flashes of sweat, but you should consult directly with your gynecologist.
  • Overweight. Extra pounds make women feel uncomfortable. Excess weight It often causes the neck and back of the head to sweat a lot. The metabolism in the body is disrupted and a large amount of fat is produced. Fat people suffer from this problem much more often than others. In this case, complex treatment is necessary.

Causes of night sweats

The main thing is to find out the root cause of sweating in the neck and back of the head, because it can be provoked by a serious illness (oncology, serious mental disorders).

Sometimes along with excessive sweating There is a slight jump in temperature that passes in the morning.

Therapists conducting the initial consultation recommend taking necessary tests, excluding infection with Giardia, which can be diagnosed in the body by stool analysis.

There is an opinion among doctors that during the period of greatest activity of the gallbladder you need to sleep. Try to follow a routine, don’t think about night meals. Nutritionists insist on consuming exclusively natural products, on the exclusion from the usual diet of food, including dyes and preservatives.

Excessive sweating is a serious cause for concern. The situation should not be ignored when rib cage and neck sweat at night. It is necessary to find out the reasons for this behavior of the body and take appropriate measures.

Causes of sweating

Although sweating is considered normal physiological process, in some cases, hyperhidrosis manifests itself in specific places, namely the neck and chest. This causes considerable discomfort at night and makes a person think that there has been a malfunction in the body’s functioning.

Doctors say that severe sweating in this case can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improper functioning of the vegetative system nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • illnesses thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress, chronic fatigue;
  • unhealthy diet, obesity.
Often a woman, faced with menopause, begins to sweat at night in the chest and neck area. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy it is also disrupted hormonal background, this condition provokes excessive sweating.

If your neck and chest sweat at night, a sweat rash appears on the skin, and pain is felt behind the sternum, this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary edema;
  • panic attack, neurological pathologies;
  • microinfarction, pre-infarction state and other heart diseases.

There are also external reasons, along which the chest and neck sweat during sleep. It can be:

  • hot blanket;
  • pajamas that are too warm;
  • high air temperature in the bedroom;
  • unsuitable bedding.

A similar situation can occur in children. Usually the cause is external factors. The baby's chest and neck sweat due to the immaturity of the thermoregulation system.

You need to pay attention to how often excessive sweating bothers you during sleep. If this happens at least 4 times a week, you should visit a specialist, undergo an examination and begin treatment.

What to do and treatment methods

First of all, you need to assess the comfort of the conditions in the bedroom. If the cause of your chest and neck sweating at night is due to external factors, a number of measures should be taken:
  1. Pajamas should be made of light cotton fabric.
  2. It is better to purchase bed linen from natural material.
  3. The pillow filling should allow air to pass through well.
  4. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and provide access fresh air.

If excessive sweating is caused by taking medications, you should contact your doctor, who will reduce the dosage or select another remedy. Thus, many drugs are able to participate in the regulation of body temperature and increase the number of heart contractions. These include aspirin and various sedatives and psychotropic drugs. Some medications cause hot flashes; it is important to distinguish them from sweating of the neck and chest.

If the situation has not changed, you should consult a therapist. He will prescribe several tests and identify the underlying disease. After all, only by eliminating it can you get rid of a wet neck and chest at night.

Complex therapy includes various methods:
  • Iontophoresis.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Taking medications.
  • Folk recipes.
  • Cosmetical tools.

To treat excessive sweating, your doctor may prescribe special antiperspirants or recommend botulinum toxin injections. Injections help cope with the problem profuse sweating and block the active activity of the sweat glands. You can take care of skin with hyperhidrosis using special cosmetics that perfectly relieve heavy sweating.

Injections, surgeries and antiperspirants will not play a big role in the treatment of hyperhidrosis if it is caused by serious illness. Therapy depends on the patient's specific disease and his individual characteristics. So, if the reason increased sweating There is an imbalance of hormones in a woman during menopause, the doctor prescribes hormone-containing medications. At infectious diseases antiviral medications are prescribed.

Traditional recipes and preventive measures

  1. Physical activity should be completed no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. We must accept cold and hot shower and warm baths.
  3. We must not forget about the use of antimicrobial cosmetics.
  4. The optimal room temperature should be 18-20 degrees Celsius.
  5. You need to rest more and avoid stressful situations.

It is important to pay attention to your diet. Namely, the following should be excluded:

  • spicy and hot dishes;
  • coffee;
  • seasonings;
  • garlic;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

It is better not to eat 3 hours before bedtime and consume more healthy products, rich in vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to drink tea from herbs with a calming effect.

Baths based on medicinal plants. You can add decoctions of oak bark, mint and lemon balm to the water. After showering and taking a bath, it is recommended to wipe the neck and chest with the following composition:

  • 200 ml alcohol (70%);
  • 40 ml glycerin;
  • 10 mg zinc sulfate;
  • 20 ml iodine (5%).

You can reduce sweating using specially prepared powder. For it you will need:

  • 2 g salicylic acid;
  • 10 g zinc oxide;
  • 45 g talc;
  • 45 g starch.

This composition should be applied before bed to clean, dry skin. It is advised to wipe your neck with strong, cooled tea or milk. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. Infusion medicinal herbs taken orally. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of sage leaves into 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. The solution is taken orally half a glass 3 times a day.

An experienced doctor will always be able to determine the cause of sweating in the chest and neck area. In most cases, the problem of hyperhidrosis can be solved very easily. Therefore, in order to regain calm and deep sleep, it’s better to see a specialist.

Most people's neck sweats during sleep. The symptoms characteristic of this condition bring discomfort, which manifests itself during the day or at night. This is especially acute when waking up, because the pillow sometimes gets wet.

The condition of excessive sweating is preceded by causes and certain diseases. But sometimes, the harbingers are harmless. Nevertheless, for any manifestation of hyperhidrosis there is treatment, which is important to carry out after consultation with a doctor and appropriate examination.

Causes of severe sweating on the neck at night in an adult

If an adult’s neck sweats while sleeping, this is due to health problems. The harbingers of such a state are characteristic causes. Therefore, it is important to identify the pathogen in time. Separate sources of excretion high level sweating into physiological and pathological, but the former are more often diagnosed.

Poor nutrition

Consumption of hard-to-digest foods consisting of fatty and high-calorie foods Eating at night leads to discomfort in the stomach and sweating. Sleep involves unloading the body and replenishing lost energy.

However, digestion of food requires blood flow, which leads to increased sweating. Therefore, an adult must adhere to established recommendations so as not to strain internal organs at night. That is, eat food 2-3 hours before bedtime, and it should be light.

In a dream, the neck sweats due to emotional instability: impressionability, vulnerability. This is easy to explain, because with such a feature human body, in an excited state the cardiac system works faster. Therefore, there is a rush of blood to the skin, resulting in a wet area of ​​the head and neck.

In this case, a person needs good rest. To avoid sudden awakenings with a wet neck from sweat, most doctors recommend walking in the fresh air and drinking soothing herbal infusions.

Excess weight with increased sweating

Sweating of the chest, neck and back of the head occurs in obese people. Characteristic symptoms appears at any time of the day or night. As a result, frequent awakenings, lack of sleep, and severe fatigue occur.

Get rid of extra pounds possible when sweating during physical training. But this requires the desire and desire of the patient. After all, inaction entails a deterioration in well-being and the development of dangerous diseases.

The relationship between sweating and drug use

The chest sweats at night due to taking certain medications. At the same time, it is observed elevated temperature body not only in this area, but also on the neck, occipital part. Sweating of this kind is easy to eliminate; just stop taking medications.

Increased temperature and humidity in the room

A banal failure to comply with the thermal regime in the apartment causes sweating.

Important! Doctors agree that the acceptable air temperature at night should be no more than 19 degrees. This level is not considered hot, but only this temperature promotes the production of melatonin.

A special effect on the body is also associated with indoor humidity. Failure to comply with standards leads to the fact that a person begins to sweat heavily. Therefore, doctors pay attention to this problem - for a comfortable sleep you need to create good conditions. For lovers of hot temperatures, there are also recommendations for ensuring rest - it is advisable to ventilate the apartment as often as possible, especially before going to bed.

Poor hygiene

Close attention should be paid to sweating if the cause lies in non-compliance with hygiene measures. Doctors recommend:

  1. Take a bath or shower on time. Together with water treatments waste and toxins, sweating, fat deposits and most impurities are removed.
  2. Choose correctly bed dress and things for sleeping. They should be made of high-quality materials, allow moisture to pass through well and not fit the body.
  3. Any items require washing.

If a woman does not oppose such rules, then hyperhidrosis will not bother her. On the contrary, quality rest will provide a surge of energy throughout the day.

Menopause in women

Due to hormonal changes in the body during menopause, women experience discomfort. Concomitant factors of the disease are emotional instability, insomnia, anxiety, and hypertension. These and other symptoms also affect sweating - it becomes more difficult to sleep, because. Often a woman wakes up at night due to hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Diseases that cause sweating

There are times when the neck sweats at night if there is certain diseases. Common ones include:

  1. Viral diseases.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Lack of oxygen during sleep leads to attacks of suffocation. This is not something to joke about; it is advisable to examine the body to determine the source of the disorder.
  4. Hormonal changes.
  5. Availability inside dangerous organisms: bacteria.
  6. Tuberculosis - you need to quit smoking.
  7. High blood sugar.
  8. Diseases of the digestive system.
  9. Psychological disorders.

If the back of your head or chest is sweating, it is advisable to visit medical institution. Only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis, and then prescribe treatment. Solving the problem on your own is impossible because cosmetical tools They can only temporarily relieve excessive sweating.

Causes that do not require treatment for intense sweating

Sweating is a natural process that occurs in the human body. It can occur in men and women at different ages. Except, dangerous reasons There are also harmless hyperhidrosis that does not entail dangerous complications. These include physical exercise, overwork, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, drinking large amounts of liquid.

When do you need help and who to contact?

Sweating on the chest cervical spine or the back of the head does not pose a danger to the body. However, under the influence various factors coupled with sweating, it becomes difficult to get enough sleep. With continuous sensation unpleasant signs in the form of sweat with an odor during sleep, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist.

Important! A doctor's intervention will be required: in the presence of viral diseases, apnea attacks, problems with the heart, blood vessels. The danger lies in the possibility fatal outcome. This consequence occurs if the patient does not take proper measures to improve his health.

Certain impairments undermine the functionality of many internal organs. If the cause of increased sweating is known, then consult a doctor.

Patients are often referred to:

  • to a somnologist;
  • to a psychotherapist;
  • to a neurologist;
  • or see a dermatologist.

In some cases, the intervention of other specialists may be necessary. Only correct diagnosis of the causative agent of sweating will ensure a quick recovery.

Symptoms and methods of treating pathologies associated with sweating

Severe neck sweating bothers most people different ages. To eliminate the signs of pathology, you will need to choose a treatment method. But before that, it is necessary to determine the disease, because for various ailments certain symptoms are characteristic:

  • unpleasant odor from clothing or a person’s body;
  • traces of sweating in various places - in the armpit area, in the décolleté area, on the back of the head, on the feet, on the palms, on the neck;
  • chills;
  • intense sweating that accompanies a person at night.

Since patients are admitted with various associated problems, there are also several treatment options. Before resorting to any method, the doctor must prescribe an examination: ESR, general analysis blood and urine, ECG, MRI.

  1. A non-surgical method of combating sweat involves the use of antiperspirants aimed at removing sweat fluid from the various parts body: arms, legs, armpits, neck, back of the head and chest. Choice suitable remedy remains with the specialist.
  • It is better to apply antiperspirant in the evening, because sweating is not so intense during this period.
  • You should also not do this immediately after taking a bath; you should wait a while.
  • If there are minor damages, it is better to wait completely before starting to use this technique.
  1. Iontophoresis is a painless method of treating sweating. During the procedures, the patient must place his feet or hands in a certain device (baths). If the problems affect other parts of the body, then in this case there is a solution - the use of special pads. For the results to be noticeable, at least 10 procedures will be required. If intense sweating is observed again, doctors advise resuming treatment. But this method is not suitable for all people due to the presence of contraindications.
  2. Botulinum toxin involves reducing sweat secretions through Botox injections. The method has gained the greatest popularity due to the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the axillary region. Applying it to other areas is painful and can sometimes lead to partial damage finger functionality. However, pain relief gives the chance to use this method for any location of sweating - from the shoulder to the neck, the back of the head, and limbs.
  3. Invasive includes 3 different ways treatment. Curettage can be used to remove sweat glands for 6 months. After this time, sweating on the neck will be restored, but will not be as strong. Laser therapy involves the destruction of the same glands, but without pain. Recovery will take less time, unlike the first method. Most effective method– sympathectomy, this is evidenced by patient reviews. It involves the intersection of nerve endings. However, depending on the location, there are 2 types: thoracic and lumbar.
  4. Folk remedies. This may include following a diet, hygiene, and wearing high-quality clothing that does not restrict movement. It is also important to give up bad habits.

Any of these methods is effective. However specific method applicable only in some cases. Therefore it is necessary full examination and starting treatment after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication for neck sweating may worsen the condition or be ineffective.

A person is already accustomed to the fact that during stress or a rise in temperature, the body begins to secrete sweat, and this phenomenon occurs. As a rule, localization occurs in the groin, armpits, back and palms. What to do if a person’s head or face sweats a lot, for no apparent reason - in this case, it is recommended to visit the clinic and undergo an examination. This will allow the doctor to make a diagnosis and identify how dangerous the condition is, and develop ways to get rid of it.

Definition of scalp hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis of the head is a pathological condition of a person in which he or she experiences increased sweating in the forehead, back of the head, crown and face.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, sweat can appear in one of the above areas of the head, or in all areas at the same time. The provoking factor can be not only a disease of internal organs and systems, but also a banal increase in temperature environment or intense physical activity.

Physiological reasons why the face and head sweat

All physiological causes of increased sweating are usually divided into two categories: external (provoked by humans) and internal. The first category includes factors that do not have a direct connection with the human body, namely:

  • increased ambient temperature;
  • lack of air circulation under clothing;
  • eating spicy food or alcoholic drinks;

Regarding internal factors causing heavy sweating during sleep, doctors note that this directly depends on the state of the patient’s autonomic nervous system. Also acute manifestation sweat usually occurs during pregnancy, menopause, or adolescence.

Pathological causes and signs of sweating of the head

If a person’s head or face sweats a lot, and the above physiological reasons he does not experience sweating, then this phenomenon can be considered as a symptom of some pathology occurring in:

  • endocrine system;
  • thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
  • cardiovascular system (stroke, high blood pressure etc.);
  • oral cavity;
  • genitals (genital herpes, etc.).

Important! Often the cause of sweating of the head or face in the middle of the night can be a banal metabolic disorder. And also, the appearance of hyperhidrosis is often influenced by such pathologies as: diabetes mellitus, obesity, herpes, tuberculosis and viral diseases.

Moreover, if increased sweating in the back of the head or face is a consequence of pathology, then it will certainly be accompanied by a number of other characteristic symptoms. This is already regarded as a serious reason to see a doctor.

Other reasons

Among rare causes manifestations of hyperhidrosis include sleep disorders, and especially sleep apnea. This pathology causes in humans oxygen starvation, as a result of which his body begins to more actively produce adrenaline, trying to cope with the disease. A strong release of adrenaline into the blood, in turn, provokes an acceleration of the sweat glands.

A similar effect on human sweat glands can be exerted by certain medications. However, under their influence, increased sweating will occur not only during sleep, but also during activity. Therefore, if such a deviation occurs, it is best for the patient to contact his attending physician to review the current course of treatment.

Harmless factors of head sweating during sleep

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of hyperhidrosis associated with natural abnormalities in the body, there are several harmless factors that provoke increased sweating of the face and head. The list of these factors looks like this:

  • Blocking air access to the skin of the face. Similar phenomenon often observed in women due to their use of various chemical-based emulsions and creams.
  • Applying a large amount of hairspray or wax to your hair. These funds are in large quantities create an airtight film on human hair, which prevents the scalp from breathing normally, thereby provoking a greenhouse effect.
  • Poor sleep hygiene. Often adults and children have sweaty heads in their sleep due to poor quality bed fabric. However, in this case, in addition to a wet pillow in the morning, a person may also notice a rash on the body, as a result allergic reaction body to a stimulus.

You can eliminate these causes of hyperhidrosis yourself, simply by stopping contact with the irritant. If this does not help, and excessive sweating continues to bother you, then immediately consult a doctor for help.


A wet pillow after sleep is not the only symptom, which can be used to diagnose hyperhidrosis in a man or woman. To determine such a disease, the doctor carries out a number of diagnostic measures, including:

  • Visual examination of the skin of the head and face.
  • Carrying out genetic analysis, in order to exclude the hereditary factor.
  • Taking a Minor sample.
  • Carrying out a facial skin biopsy. Typically, a biopsy is performed on the area of ​​the skin that, according to the patient, is considered the most moist in the morning.

Important! IN in rare cases, as diagnostic measure a ninhydrin test may be used. However, the analysis detects hyperhidrosis well only at skin for the face, and for the head similar method diagnosis is considered useless.

In addition to these procedures, a blood test is also taken from the patient to exclude pathological factors, causing excessive sweating.

Treatment methods for hyperhidrosis

Therapy for hyperhidrosis directly depends on the causes of its occurrence and the nature of its course. Therefore, before treating excessive sweating of the head and face, its etiology should be identified in advance.

Mode correction

Correction of diet and sleep patterns is often used for primary hyperhidrosis that does not have pathological reasons occurrence. This treatment method includes the patient’s complete refusal of spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. After all, such substances not only provoke metabolic disorders, but also become the cause of the development of many pathologies of cardio-vascular system or digestive tract.

As for the correction of sleep patterns, it is advisable to carry it out according to the recommendations of a doctor. If this is not possible, then the patient can adjust his regimen independently, based on the following rules:

  • Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.
  • Observe the correct sleep phases (falling asleep and waking up on time).
  • Choose the right time to fall asleep and wake up, according to the sleep value table.

If adjusting diet and rest patterns does not help, and the back of the head and head continue to sweat in a child or adult, then the reason for this phenomenon is more serious, and it most likely lies in pathological condition patient.

Botox injection is carried out directly for secondary hyperhidrosis, and this treatment method is considered conservative therapy. When Botox enters the patient’s body, his nerve impulses transmitting a signal to the sweat glands are partially blocked, as a result of which sweating is significantly reduced.

In order to completely eliminate hyperhidrosis, the patient must undergo six months of therapy in a hospital hospital. However, there is also a disadvantage of such an injection - high price Botox drug.


Another technique conservative treatment increased sweating of the head and face - this is a sympathectomy. This method is surgical, but its cost is significantly different from Botox therapy, downward. In addition, if you choose treatment with sympathectomy, then the likelihood of a recurrence of hyperhidrosis in the patient will decrease to zero (unlike injections, which require a repeated course of use).

Traditional medicine for hyperhidrosis

In addition to conservative therapy and correction of sleep and diet patterns, folk remedies, such as:

  • Decoctions based on lemon balm, oak bark, sage, chamomile or mint.
  • Matting wipes based on talc or rice powder.

It would also be a good idea to periodically wipe problem areas. lemon juice or vinegar.


With primary hyperhidrosis resulting from external irritating factors, the prognosis for treatment will always be favorable. However, the situation may be slightly different if the pathology is of a secondary type. Indeed, if there are pathological causes of excessive sweating, the patient will need to undergo a full course of diagnostics. In addition, it is assigned conservative therapy, lasting from several days to six months.

In order to sleep peacefully at night and not wake up with a wet pillow, doctors recommend that patients adhere to healthy regimen nutrition and good sleep. Also, it would be useful to exclude increased load at work or during training. And finally, try to avoid various chemical-based face and hair masks.

By following simple prevention, you can permanently get rid of the problems associated with hyperhidrosis. In the absence of health problems, they will only dream good dreams without waking up due to increased sweat heads.

Healthy sleep is important for normal functioning body. A person should get proper rest in order to regain strength and recharge with energy for the next day.

If your head and neck sweat at night, and a wet pillow makes you wake up in the middle of the night, then you need to figure out why this is happening.

Neck sweating at night occurs for several reasons:

  • external - this could be too warm air in the bedroom, a hot blanket, unsuitable bedding, pajamas and a number of other factors;
  • internal, i.e. some pathological processes, which signal in this way that something is wrong in the body.

If you wake up in a damp bed or feel hot or cold, this is most likely night sweats. It may be a reaction to stress or improper temperature regime in the bedroom. However, if this occurs at least 4 times a week, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink

Some medications affect endocrine system, which is involved in the regulation of body temperature. Or they increase your heart rate, which increases your temperature.

If your neck and chest sweat at night as a result of side effect therapy, contact your doctor. Lowering the dosage or switching to a different medicine may help resolve the problem.

These are drugs such as, for example, aspirin, acetaminophen, antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs.

It is important to distinguish neck sweats from hot flashes, where the skin becomes red and hot. There are medications that specifically cause hot flashes, which can be mistakenly interpreted as sweating. This is, first of all, a nicotinic acid, nitroglycerin, prednisolone, sildenafil, etc.

Alcohol and spicy seasonings provoke secretion from the sweat glands, especially if you consume them in the afternoon or before bed.

Sweating as a symptom of disease

Sudden sweating at night often indicates problems in the body.

Moreover, this symptom is nonspecific and therefore requires careful diagnosis:

  • Infections
  • Bacterial and viral infections are still possible reason sweating of the neck at night. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that in this way the immune system tries to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

    This is also typical for diseases such as osteomyelitis, endocarditis, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, etc.;

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Hormones are chemical substances, which “tell cells what to do.” They affect metabolism, growth and a number of other functions.

    If their quantity or ratio is disturbed, then it is quite possible that night sweats and other symptoms will appear.

    During menopause, a decrease in estrogen causes women to sweat in the neck and back of the head at night, have hot flashes and problems sleeping, etc.

    In men, similar symptoms may also indicate andropause or prostate diseases.

    Such diseases endocrine organs like pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, hyperthyroidism, very often manifested by sweating;

  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • The body needs glucose as a source of energy. After eating, it enters the cells, but some remains in the blood. Moreover, the concentration must always be within certain limits.

    If glucose levels are higher or lower than normal, problems arise. Sweating is common in diabetes mellitus upper sections the torso, in particular the neck, ready, armpits and arms;

  • Pathology of the nervous system
  • All kinds of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, including autonomic dysreflexia, post-traumatic syringomyelia, stroke, autonomic neuropathy, can be accompanied by night sweats of the neck;

  • Sleep apnea syndrome
  • Temporary breath holdings fully explain why an adult’s neck sweats during sleep. If you snore, don’t get enough sleep, and feel weak and tired during the day, this is a reason to seek medical help;

Some people's glands produce too much sweat. Moreover, this condition is observed constantly without any obvious medical reason. This is called idiopathic hyperhidrosis.

Try to fix the problem yourself

Perhaps by making some changes, you will be able to rest peacefully and fully:

  • purchase light, natural bed linen;
  • replace the pillow, pay attention to the filler - it should allow air to pass through well;
  • install an air conditioner or fan;
  • provide access to fresh air, ventilate regularly;
  • if you need protection from sun rays V daytime, hang thick curtains, then in the evening the bedroom will be much cooler;
  • The clothes you sleep in should not be hot; wear light cotton pajamas.

If the situation has not changed and your neck continues to sweat, contact your general practitioner or family doctor.

How can a doctor help?

To find out why your neck sweats at night while you sleep, your doctor needs to study your medical history in detail. In most cases, the patient is also sent for tests and additional studies.

The treatment method depends on the cause and location of sweating. The tactic is to influence the cause, i.e. underlying disease:

  • during menopause, replacement therapy is prescribed hormone therapy. This is very important for women, because... synthetic estrogens significantly alleviate many symptoms of menopause. Replacement therapy helps eliminate night sweats and normalize sleep. At the same time, it can cause side effects, but all this needs to be discussed with your doctor;
  • in case of infection, antibacterial or antiviral drugs. Elimination of pathogenic pathogens will remove symptoms and improve the condition;
  • If hypoglycemia is diagnosed, correction with medications and diet is necessary, as well as regular monitoring of blood glucose levels.

Why does a child's neck sweat during sleep?

This problem is more relevant for young children. In particular, in infants, due to the immaturity of the thermoregulation system, sweating is observed very often.

In most cases, the cause is environmental factors:

  • pajamas that are too warm;
  • hot blanket;
  • high air temperature in the room, etc.

This is easy to fix yourself and provide your child with a comfortable sleep.

If you don't find that your baby is simply overheating, and this moment he doesn't have any viral diseases or other diseases, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

When a child's neck sweating is a sign of illness

The cause of increased sweating during sleep in children aged 4 to 12 years can be nightmares. This does not happen relatively often, but it still happens. Although in most cases this does not pose any danger and does not threaten your health, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Perhaps he will give some recommendations, and the child will sleep more peacefully.

Caring parents cannot ignore such a symptom. If you have corrected external conditions, and sweating continues to bother you, you should show your child to a doctor.

Why is this necessary?

  • A common reason why a child's neck sweats while sleeping is infections. Many bacteria and viruses cause fever, as a result of which the activity of the sweat glands is activated. In this case, intense loss of fluid occurs. In this case, it is important to prevent dehydration and ensure drinking regime, replenishing water deficiency;
  • This may be a manifestation of rickets - a disorder of phosphorus-calcium metabolism due to vitamin D deficiency, leading to pathological changes skeletal and nervous systems;
  • Diabetes mellitus must be excluded bronchial asthma, diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, tumor processes etc.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis. Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate; seek help from a qualified specialist.

Has your neck, head, chest started to sweat? Get examined as quickly as possible!

Sudden sweating, especially during night sleep, requires medical care. Such a symptom may indicate a disease that is beginning to develop, and there is not yet a complete clinical picture.

Often the patient has to undergo many tests, consult with several specialists, undergo additional methods research. The cause of the problem may be completely unexpected.

I advise you not to wait, and when you appear night sweats Visit your doctor as soon as possible.

It is better for a child to be a little cold than to overheat

Sweating in a child is a common complaint. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is simple overheating.

Worried that the baby will open up and freeze, parents often overdo it - they carefully heat the room, put on warm pajamas, cover with a warm blanket, close all the windows, etc. In such conditions, it is not surprising that the child sweats and sleeps restlessly.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for the child - do not bundle up, ventilate more often, maintain the temperature in the room within 19-20ºC, monitor the humidity.

Don’t forget that infants’ thermoregulation system is just developing. They react with increased sweating to many irritants.