Breathe over potatoes for cough recipe. Treatment of a runny nose by inhalation of potato vapor. Beneficial properties of hot potato steam

Almost everyone was forced to breathe over potatoes or potato peelings at the slightest sign of a cold or cough in childhood.

Mothers and grandmothers persistently peeled and cooked this root vegetable, sat them down and covered the struggling child's head with a towel.

We thought that healing powers has exactly boiled potatoes. But is this really so?

Does breathing over potatoes help? Benefit or harm?

In fact, the procedure has a strong basis scientific basis, and its positive effect is due to the moisturizing effect of hot steam. It penetrates the respiratory system and leads to:
  • softening and swelling of sputum;
  • moisturizing mucous membranes;
  • eliminating irritation in the throat, etc.

Also, hot steam helps accelerate blood circulation, due to which it arrives at the site of inflammation. more immune cells.

There is no need to say much about the benefits of this effect, because the more leukocytes and other protective elements reach the source of inflammation, the faster it will be eliminated and recovery will occur.

Thus, the procedure is effective for dry, painful cough and sore throat. It will also help cope with the most common symptom of ARVI, such as rhinitis.

Contraindications to the procedure: when not to

Although the manipulation seems absolutely harmless, you should not inhale potatoes if:

How to breathe properly over potatoes

The recipe for how to prepare inhalation is quite simple: all you need to do is boil several well-washed tubers in their uniforms. Which potato to breathe over is not a fundamental question, since for these purposes Any type of vegetable is suitable.

But is it necessary to drain the water? For safety reasons, it is better to do this, since steam from boiling water contains droplets of moisture that can severely burn mucous membranes, and careless movement will not be so dangerous if there is no boiling water in the pan.

The finished potatoes are generously pierced with a fork or crushed with a potato masher to increase evaporation. Place the container on a table or flat chair, bend over it and cover your head with a thick towel or blanket, and place a second towel on your knees to protect your legs.

You need to bend over so that the heating does not cause significant discomfort and the steam does not burn your face. But at the same time, strong breaths should be avoided; breathing should be measured.

The procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day, 60–90 minutes after or, conversely, before meals, and how long it will take is determined by the age of the patient.

It is recommended for an adult to breathe steam over potatoes when coughing until they cool down, that is, about 10 minutes; we will talk about how many minutes the manipulation will last for a child below.

There are also other variations of the procedure. This:

Inhalation of potato peelings. The method saves money and is equally effective.

It involves using only well-washed cut peels, which are boiled until tender, the water is drained and the procedure is carried out in a similar manner as above. For one session you need to take about half a pan of cleanings.

Potato broth. The method has a right to exist, but its use is fraught with serious burns. Therefore, it is approved only for the treatment of adults.
Source: website This refers to the use of hot, but not boiling, potato decoction intended for culinary purposes. You should not start manipulation immediately after draining the liquid; you need to wait until it cools down a little.

The rest of the procedure is the same, but requires greater accuracy and caution.


To increase the effectiveness of the procedure and give it antiseptic properties, you can do it with soda and salt, which are added a teaspoon at a time during the cooking process, and the finished tubers are slightly mashed with a special masher or fork. The duration of the manipulation is 3–5 minutes.

Strengthen therapeutic effect You can also make hot steam by dropping a few drops of essential oil into the pan: tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, pine.

They have bactericidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and a number of other properties, which makes them an effective remedy for sore throat and cough.

There is a recipe that involves adding hydrogen peroxide to potatoes. This adds pronounced antiseptic properties to the product, but inhalation of peroxide can be dangerous for smokers, people suffering from heart disease and some others.

How to inhale potatoes for a child?

Many people strive to abandon chemical medications in favor of natural ones. Therefore, when a child has a cold, inhalations immediately come to mind, as they were done to us in childhood.

But despite all the apparent safety, it is better to abandon them and choose more modern methods when treating children, especially preschool age.


There is always a risk of burns when using hot objects. And, given the restlessness of young children, this risk increases several times.

In addition, when treating children, it is difficult to correctly calculate the moment when inhalation can be done, since the mucous membranes of children are much thinner and more sensitive than those of adults.

Therefore, using too hot steam can cause burns to the mucous membranes. respiratory tract.

Thus, potato inhalations are strictly prohibited for infants and children under 6 years of age. In such cases, preference is given to nebulizers (modern safe devices) and inhalation with mineral water.

From what age can steam procedures be used for each child is determined individually, taking into account the level of his development, awareness, perseverance, understanding of danger and the need for treatment.

Can pregnant women breathe over potatoes?

It is known that during pregnancy a woman’s body experiences severe stress and his natural defenses fall. Therefore, colds and coughs are not uncommon during this period.

In general, in the absence of contraindications, potatoes for cough similar situations can be used. But before starting treatment, it is still better to consult a therapist or do inhalations with saline solution.

Is it possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature?

Elevated body temperature is a direct contraindication to any thermal procedures. Therefore, if the thermometer shows more than 38 °C, you should wait a bit.

Inhalations are allowed only at a temperature of about 37 °C. Otherwise, manipulation may provoke an increase in fever and a deterioration in general health.

Is it possible for sinusitis?

During the inflammatory process in paranasal sinuses nose, especially acute, any procedures can be carried out only as prescribed by an otolaryngologist. Otherwise they can cause

Steam inhalation provokes an increase in the volume of mucus in maxillary sinuses ah, which leads to sharp increase pressure in them and deterioration of well-being. As a result, mucus may break through to the inner membranes of the brain and the development of meningitis and other dangerous diseases.

Heat can also stimulate the activity of bacteria that cause inflammation. Therefore, only a doctor can accurately assess how safe and effective this kind of manipulation will be.

Is it possible for bronchitis?

In such cases, you must first answer the question of why you should breathe over hot potatoes when you cough. We have already found out that manipulation moisturizes the mucous membranes and increases the volume of sputum, thereby facilitating its discharge.

Therefore, if there is a tendency to obstruction or its presence, swollen mucus can close the already narrowed airways and cause suffocation. But for dry coughs without obstruction, it will be quite effective and will bring relief.

Other diseases

Cough accompanies many diseases. But is it always useful to carry out steam treatments?

For pneumonia. It's spicy inflammatory process, affecting the mucous membranes of the lower respiratory tract - the lungs. In 90% of cases, the cause of its occurrence is bacterial microflora. The disease is accompanied by severe fever and cough. It is treated exclusively under the supervision of a pediatrician or therapist, often in a hospital setting. Inhalation of potato steam can be recommended for pneumonia, but only at the final stages of therapy, when its causative agents are destroyed, and the patient needs help removing the remaining viscous sputum from the lungs.
For tonsillitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous tonsils located in the throat. It is often chronic and worsens in the spring and autumn. Since the main causative agent of tonsillitis accompanied by severe pain in the throat when swallowing are opportunistic bacteria streptococci and staphylococci, then heating can have a positive effect on their ability to reproduce. Therefore, inhalations can be used for sore throat only for early stages development of the disease, provided that its viral nature is proven. For sore throat. Despite popular belief, tonsillitis is caused only by bacteria and is considered a rather severe pathology. Antibiotics are always used to combat it; potatoes are at least powerless in such situations, and in the worst case, lead to the progression of the disease. For laryngitis. This is a pathology accompanied by attacks of painful dry cough, often with viral nature. It is laryngitis that can be considered one of the main indications for thermal procedures, since potato steam is a great help for coughs of this type. For adenoids. This term hides chronic inflammation nasopharyngeal tonsil, occurring mainly in children and manifested by debilitating attacks of dry cough. It usually manifests itself against the background of decreased immunity caused by hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infection or another disease. Treatment of adenoiditis is always prescribed strictly individually by an otolaryngologist. In certain situations, hot steam can help alleviate the child’s condition, but you can only start using it with the permission of the treating ENT specialist.

Thus, potatoes - effective remedy for coughs and colds. But its use requires certain knowledge to avoid the development of complications and deterioration of the patient’s condition.

Inhalations are one of the most effective ways fight against cough. There are a huge number of options for preparing solutions for this procedure, but if desired, you can make do with improvised means. For example, potatoes, which can be found in almost any refrigerator. This is a simple and affordable ingredient that has a huge number of beneficial properties.

The principle of inhalation is as follows: it promotes blood flow to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, thins mucus, helps in resolving congestion, facilitates coughing, and improves the general condition of the patient during illness.

Most often, potato inhalations are used during cough, runny nose and bronchitis. When coughing, such inhalations help get rid of mucus and also clear the upper respiratory tract from it. A positive effect is also observed with a runny nose and dry cough. In the latter case, thanks to inhalation, the mucous membrane of the larynx warms up and the antispasmodic effect is relieved.

Potato inhalation for coughing practically does not cause side effects and is considered in a good way cure a cold without pills. It can even be used during pregnancy. IN mild case For colds, inhalation will help soften a dry cough, and during bronchitis it will increase expectoration.

The healing effect is achieved due to the fact that potato steam contains substances beneficial to the sick body:

  • Tetradecane;
  • Dipropylene glycol;
  • Ethyl alcohol (very little).

When a patient inhales all these substances along with warm steam, his blood circulation and metabolism improve, inflammation decreases, and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa goes away. Also, during inhalation, the mucous membrane is moistened, which is very useful, since a runny nose and other cold symptoms tend to dry it out.

The advantage of this method is the absence of chemical components. Consequently, even minimal harm is not caused to the body. In addition, the procedure itself is simple and accessible. Potato inhalations can be easily done at home using available materials.

For what cough can it be used?

Despite the undoubted benefits of potato inhalations, they cannot be used in all cases. Conduct this procedure It is only possible for a cough resulting from a cold. But only on condition that there is no fever, pneumonia, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, and there are no purulent discharge from the nose.

Features and rules of the procedure

Like all others, this treatment method has its own characteristics:

  • The steam temperature should be within 45 - 50 degrees Celsius, otherwise there is a risk of inhaling and getting a burn to the mucous membrane;
  • The procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes at a time;
  • It is most convenient to do inhalations while sitting on the bed and covering your head with a blanket;
  • For children over 7 years old, this procedure should be used very carefully, and for children younger age before use, consultation with a pediatrician is required;
  • Do not lean too low over the container; there is enough distance for the steam to warm but not burn your nostrils;
  • It is recommended to do inhalation in loose clothing that will not fit the body;
  • The positive effect of inhalation will be noticeable only if you completely quit smoking, because nicotine constricts blood vessels, thereby neutralizing the effectiveness of inhalation.

Before inhalation, you need to prepare the potatoes. To do this, you can boil it in its skin, boil it after peeling it, or use only peelings.

The optimal time for such inhalation is considered to be after an hour and a half after eating. Then it is recommended to lie down for about 40 minutes, excluding talking, drinking water and food during this time. Or you can simply inhale before bed.

Potatoes can be placed on the bottom of a saucepan or in a kettle with a spout (then you need to insert a funnel into the spout). Then wrap your head in a towel and breathe without bending too low.

The question often arises of how to breathe properly over potatoes when coughing. The answer depends on the type of disease. For example, with sore throat, laryngitis and bronchitis, it is recommended to breathe only through the mouth, and with cold cough You can alternate breathing through your mouth and nose. This method will completely warm the upper respiratory tract, reduce sore throat, and soften the cough. The breathing itself should be slow and deep, at least at the very beginning of the procedure.

Potato inhalation options

There are quite a few options for potato inhalations. For bronchitis, other ingredients are often added to potatoes. In particular the addition essential oils can significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. But not all oils can be inhaled along with hot vapors. For these purposes, it is most suitable eucalyptus oil, calendula oil, pine needle oil, clove oil, lemon oil, sandalwood oil, but mint essential oil, on the contrary, should not be added.

Jacket potatoes

You need to select small potatoes, wash them thoroughly and, without peeling them, boil them in a small amount of water (there should be just enough to cover the tubers). Potatoes should be cooked over very low heat until the smell of cooked vegetables appears. Merge hot water at this method no preparation needed.

Boiled potatoes

To prepare the raw material, take 3-4 medium tubers, peel them and boil them. Typically the cooking time is 20 – 25 minutes. When the water has cooled slightly, it is poured into another container. This decoction can already be used for inhalation; before use, it is advisable to add a couple more drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the solution. A decoction without potatoes gives a slightly less noticeable effect, but the likelihood of getting burned by the steam increases. Therefore, you should be especially careful when carrying out this version of potato inhalation.

Potato peelings

In this case, not only fresh, but also pre-prepared peel is suitable. To prepare the cleaning material, it is collected and dried. To prepare the inhalation solution, the peel must be washed, filled with water and boiled for no more than 10 minutes. It is important to remember that quite a lot of peeling will be required, and they cool much faster than potato decoctions.

It is believed that peeling sprouted potatoes is especially helpful; the sprouts can be washed and dried separately, and then used together with the peelings.

Potatoes with oat husks

Here you need to add oat husks to the potatoes boiled in their jackets. This method will not only relieve cough, but also relieve sore throat and strengthen the immune system.

Potatoes with soda

To prepare the mixture, sprinkle the boiled tubers with a pinch of soda and mash a little. The inhalation time over such a composition should be from three to five minutes.

Another version of the composition of potatoes with soda

For cooking, you need to select 8-10 vegetables of approximately the same size. They should be washed, boiled and mashed a little. Then two tablespoons of baking soda and 4 drops of any suitable essential oil are added to the mixture. Before starting the procedure, you should wrap the pan in a warm towel, and then wrap your head in a blanket so that the pan is also wrapped. After all the preparatory steps have been completed, you can breathe over the pan. The duration of the procedure usually ranges from 5 to 15 minutes depending on general condition body. For children, the duration should not exceed five minutes.

Potatoes with soda and salt

In this case, salt and soda are placed in water and potatoes, then peeled tubers are added and boiled. When the vegetable is cooked, drain the water, lightly mash the potatoes and begin the procedure.


To ensure that this procedure does not cause more harm than good and does not result in serious consequences for the patient, it is worth studying the contraindications in detail and making sure that in this particular case, potato inhalation can really be used. In some cases, it may even be worth consulting with your doctor.

One of the most important contraindications is elevated temperature. The fact is that carrying out the procedure in this state of affairs will only worsen the patient’s condition. Another serious reason not to carry out potato inhalations is nosebleed. Inhalations should not be performed if there are purulent formations in the nasopharynx.

Serious contraindications are also fever and the presence of general intoxication of the body, an allergy to potatoes in any form or to their vapors, chronic otitis media in the acute stage or simply pain in the ears, epilepsy, convulsions, fainting, psychiatric diseases (such as schizophrenia or claustrophobia), the presence of any malignant neoplasms.

In addition to the above, inhalations with potatoes are prohibited for people with high pressure, pneumonia, diseases blood vessels and with violations cerebral circulation. If there is at least one of these contraindications, it is strongly recommended to choose another treatment method instead of steam inhalation. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system should consult a specialist before using potato inhalations for coughing.

It is also important to remember that steam inhalations It is forbidden to do this to babies under one year old, and from one to seven years old this procedure is performed only as prescribed by a specialist.

Cover your head with a blanket, rug or towel to prevent steam from escaping to the sides. Lean over the pan so as not to get burned by the hot steam. You need to inhale the air correctly: take 2 breaths through your mouth and 2 exhales through your nose. After some time, take 2 breaths through your nose and 2 exhales through your mouth. This way you can clear your nose, sinuses and larynx. If your nose is very congested, breathe first through one nostril, covering the second with your finger, and then through the other. Inhalation takes 5-10 minutes.

Contraindications and precautions

Unfortunately, this effective method treatment is not available to everyone. There are situations in which it can cause more harm. So, inhalation with elevated temperature. Also among those who should not breathe potato fumes are patients hypertension, people with hypersensitivity skin prone to developing thermal urticaria. Such procedures should not be performed on children under 3 years of age.

Do not forget about other precautions: the pan on the table should be positioned stable, without the risk of tipping over, and not touch any part of the body. Excessively hot steam can also cause a burn to the respiratory tract, so do not bend your head too much.

When performing inhalation, it is advisable to prevent cold air from entering under the blanket; if in this position the patient’s condition worsens, he experiences suffocation or palpitations, the procedure must be interrupted.

Video on the topic

Many people, at the first sign of a cold, try to use proven folk remedies. For example, inhalation of potato vapor is a remedy that has not only been tested for many years, but has also proven itself to be excellent.

So that treatment with potato inhalation gives good effect, you need to know how to carry out this procedure correctly. Inhalation over potatoes should not be carried out when the temperature rises, as well as for people with circulatory disorders, unstable blood pressure.

You can breathe in the steam from potatoes during a runny nose or cough - this will help warm the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and the body will be able to cope with the inflammatory process faster.

If all the rules are followed, the procedure brings a very good effect. Recommendations for inhalation:

Choose potatoes of the same size - when boiled, their degree of readiness will be the same, and raw or boiled potatoes will not help in treatment;

During inhalation, try not to blow cold air under the blanket, and also be careful when inhaling hot steam.

A blanket that is thick and warm will do. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure on the bed, placing a vessel with potatoes on a stand and covering it well. To get the maximum effect, you need to breathe correctly over the steam: you should not take quick and deep breaths, and you should not inhale the steam sharply.

If your nose is very congested, breathe alternately through both nostrils. If both your throat and nose are bothering you, breathe like this: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, repeat 3-4 times. Then repeat the same steps in reverse order: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

After the potatoes have stopped giving off steam, they can still be used for a compress. Mash the potatoes, add a few tablespoons of alcohol or vodka, wrap in a bag and apply to the bronchi for 10 minutes.

Video on the topic

Inhalation of hot steam over boiled potatoes is a popular treatment colds, despite the spread of more modern methods. It seems to many that breathing over potatoes during a cold, runny nose or bronchitis is recommended for everyone without exception. But this method has its own rules and limitations.

The action of steam has a positive effect on respiratory diseases. The benefit of this method is that hot, moist steam warms up the mucous membrane, stimulates blood flow, and causes liquefaction of sputum and mucus. Accumulated on the mucous membrane harmful substances and microorganisms are removed along with mucus, and the influx of colder air after inhalation constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling. The advantages of steam inhalation are its simplicity and accessibility for all segments of the population. Inhalation acts directly on the source of inflammation, bypassing gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing recovery time.

Inhalation provides positive effects for diseases of the following organs:

  • nasal cavity;
  • sinuses;
  • nasopharynx;
  • larynx;
  • upper bronchi.

How to carry out inhalations?

You need to take several medium potatoes and boil them in a saucepan until fully cooked. You only need to cook well-washed potatoes, without fungal infections or rot. If there are areas of late blight on potato tubers, then when inhaling the vapors, fungal spores can enter the body, some of which remain viable after boiling.

The boiled potatoes need to be mashed a little to create more steam when the tubers cool. You need to sit comfortably in front of the pan and make sure that it stands steadily. It is also better to wrap the pan itself in a warm natural blanket or sheet. If inhalation may interfere with long hair, they need to be selected.

When the potatoes are cooked and the broth is drained, you need to wait 2-3 minutes and only then begin the procedure. Cover your head with a blanket (preferably made from natural fabrics) and breathe deeply, inhaling the steam. From time to time, if it becomes difficult to breathe, you can lift the blanket a little to let in cool air. It is more correct to breathe in potato steam slowly, without taking sharp breaths.

If you hold your head too close to hot root vegetables, you can get burnt to the mucous membranes of your nose and throat by the hot steam. It is necessary to maintain a distance at which the heat will be felt, but the steam will not burn the skin and mucous membranes. This is approximately 15–20 cm from the pan.

The duration of inhalations is determined by how you feel. At a minimum, you need to breathe in the steam for 5 minutes for the effect to appear. It is not advisable to breathe for more than 15 minutes. Best time for inhalation - before bedtime. If the procedure is well tolerated, then it can be performed 2 times - morning and evening.

During inhalations, it is correct not to eat 1–1.5 hours before and 1–1.5 hours after them. Hot steam may cause nausea if done on a full stomach.
Instead of potatoes, you can use washed potato peelings. You will need to take enough of them to fill half the pan. The method of preparing and performing inhalations is similar.

Differences in diseases

Depending on what disease you are going to treat with steam inhalation, your breathing pattern will differ. If you are worried about nasal congestion due to ARVI and rhinitis, then you should breathe like this: 2-3 breaths through the left nostril and the same amount through the right. If you are more concerned about a sore throat, then you should try to inhale steam through your mouth and exhale through your nose.

If your throat is sore and there is a need to warm it up, then it is more logical to breathe through your mouth and exhale through your nose. The scheme will be as follows: 3-4 breaths through the mouth and exhale through the nose, 1-2 breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth, and again 4 breaths through the mouth.

For bronchitis, cough and nasal congestion, it is advisable to add soda to potatoes for better mucus removal and a bactericidal effect. When cooking, add 1 tbsp to the water. l. baking soda, boil potatoes, drain the water and inhale. For dry cough, add 1 tbsp to potatoes when boiling. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Salt inhalation stimulates secretion, acts as bactericidal agent and transforms a dry cough into a wet one.

If desired, and to enhance the effect, it is recommended to drip essential oils into hot potatoes. These can be extracts of juniper, fir, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, mint. Eucalyptus essential oil helps expand the lumen of the bronchi and makes breathing easier, oils coniferous trees contain phytoncides that kill pathogens. You need to add oils to potatoes when you know for sure that there is no allergy, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Although breathing over the potatoes medicinal purposes Children are often forced to do this; this method is contraindicated in young patients. It is prohibited to inhale hot steam until at least 7 years of age, the reason is a physiological difference in structure respiratory system. The lumen of the bronchi and bronchioles in a child is much smaller than in an adult. When heated, the mucous membrane swells, the mucus contained in the bronchi expands in volume, it can create bronchial obstruction, which will then be much more difficult to eliminate. A separate problem is related to the fact that children can be restless and often knock over the pan on themselves, receiving burns that are difficult to heal. different parts bodies.

If the patient high temperature(above 38 °C), then it is not advisable for him to do inhalations. The effect of hot steam on inflamed bronchi can only intensify the manifestations of inflammation and turn bronchitis into pneumonia.


There are contraindications for steam inhalations. These procedures should not be performed on people with high or low blood pressure - hot steam provokes pressure surges. The same contraindication exists for people with heart disease and pneumonia.

If you do inhalation with advanced rhinitis, the resulting swelling of the mucous membrane can move from the nasal cavity to the middle ear cavity, which can provoke otitis media. The same applies to children with a runny nose - their respiratory and hearing organs are still developing, so nearby structures can be involved in the inflammatory process at the same time. It is necessary to avoid the risk of developing this process and do inhalations at the very beginning of viral and colds.

It is strictly forbidden to do steam inhalation for sinusitis! The mucus accumulated in the sinus expands when heated in volume and increases the pressure inside the cavity. After several procedures it is possible sharp deterioration conditions with severe pain symptoms. The situation is fraught with a sudden breakthrough of mucus from the maxillary sinus through the inner wall into the cranial cavity, which can result in meningitis.

For those who are preparing to become a mother, there are no prohibitions on steam inhalation. This procedure will not cause harm to the mother and her child, since the pair does not contain highly active chemicals, which can penetrate into the blood and body of the fetus. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can resort to this method for rhinitis, ARVI, nasal congestion, but it is better not to tempt fate with other, more serious pathologies.

Popular pharmacy inhalers and nebulizers for coughs were supposed to supplant traditional methods of preventing and treating respiratory diseases. But that didn't happen. Children and adults continue to treat colds by breathing over potatoes, just like a hundred years ago. Is this one so good? folk way treatment? In order to understand this, you need to know how potato vapors act on the body.

Action of a useful procedure

Inhalation of water vapor with various additives leads to a direct effect of temperature and biological additives on the mucous membrane. At the same time useful substances naturally fall into various departments respiratory system.

This method of local therapy has proven its effectiveness over the centuries. Modern research confirm its usefulness.

It turns out that potato steam contains:

  • tetradecane;
  • dipropylene glycol;
  • ethanol.

These are biologically active additives, getting into the body along with the steam:

  • normalize blood flow;
  • activate metabolic processes in the body;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Potato steam gently envelops. He has great contact surface. In this case, the following therapeutic effect is observed:

  • blood flow to the mucous surface of the upper respiratory tract increases;
  • sputum thins;
  • stagnation is eliminated.

Steam inhalation over potatoes also helps improve mucociliary clearance (removal of sputum, microbes, and mud particles out). It's all about the structure of the respiratory tract. Their surfaces are covered with microvilli, which constantly sway and push foreign elements out of the body. During illness, the villi cope worse with their function, and hot steam activates their work. In this article you will find information about. And about steam inhaler for children read.

Features of application

The “grandfather” method of treatment has a wide range of applications. Why breathe over potatoes? Potato inhalations help well with:

  • runny nose (rhinitis);
  • pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa);
  • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);

  • cough;
  • bronchitis.

Patients highly rated the effectiveness of this procedure bronchial asthma. over potatoes makes it possible to prevent the appearance and stop the attacks that accompany this dangerous disease.

This method also helps with pneumonia, but it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. In order not to worsen the patient’s condition, you need to consult a doctor before the procedure.


Popular tubers have long been used in folk medicine. As for potato inhalations, they are prepared in three different ways.

  1. Inhalation from tubers cooked “in their uniforms” (they are kneaded before use).
  2. Inhaling the vapors of peeled potatoes (adding essential oils, soda and salt is often practiced).
  3. Inhalation of vapors from cooked potato peelings (dry or fresh are suitable).

Whichever method you choose, to carry out the procedure you will need:

  • a saucepan with a capacity of about 3 liters;
  • a dozen potatoes small size, or 5 pieces of medium size;
  • a thick blanket, preferably cotton or artificial in a natural cover (wool causes allergies);
  • towel;
  • a chair and a comfortable pan stand.

Potatoes need to be washed well for the procedure.

You should not take diseased tubers with various spots and deformations of any nature. This is especially true for inhalations with unpeeled potatoes. Such tubers may contain fungal spores, bacteria and pathogens various diseases. Most of them die during heat treatment, but, nevertheless, such substances can cause allergies when inhaled.

When preparing for inhalation, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • potatoes are boiled for 10 - 15 minutes (depending on the size of the tubers);
  • For cooking, take tubers of the same size, otherwise they will cook unevenly;
  • potatoes should not be raw or boiled;
  • the water should only cover the potatoes;
  • after readiness, drain the water;
  • place the pan on a convenient stand;
  • wrap the pan with a thick towel to retain heat;
  • bend over a container of potatoes and cover yourself with a blanket;
  • cold air should not penetrate under the blanket.

The main task is to thoroughly warm and clean the nasopharynx. With their help you can quickly cure a cough. Find out how to quickly cure colds and runny nose.

This scheme worked well: 3-4 inhalations through the mouth and exhale through the nose, 3-4 inhalations through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, then 3-4 inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and the same amount through the nose. You need to breathe over the potatoes for 5–10 minutes.

Dry cough is treated with hot potatoes with the addition of soda and salt. These ingredients are placed in the pan at the beginning of cooking. Potatoes are taken peeled. After it is ready, knead the tubers slightly. Salt and soda are added at the beginning of cooking at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 medium potatoes.


The video explains in detail how to do inhalations at home.

Runny nose (why, what for, how to breathe correctly and how much)

If your nose is stuffy, potatoes will help quickly bring it back to normal. To do this, you need to breathe in pairs alternately: first one, then the other nostril. Close one side of your nose first, take 4-6 slow breaths through one nostril, then repeat the same with the other.

To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add 2-3 teaspoons to potatoes baking soda. To do this, lightly mash the boiled potatoes and add powder. Mix everything well and begin to breathe healing steam.

If a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat, breathe according to this pattern: 2-3 inhales through your nose and exhale through your throat, then 2-3 inhales through your throat and exhale through your nose. Breathing should be even, calm, and of moderate depth.

If the runny nose turns into catarrhal form, inhalations cannot be done. Not only will they not help, but on the contrary, they will aggravate the situation.


The video explains how to breathe over potatoes, the benefits and harms.


Without consulting a doctor, you cannot breathe over potatoes if you have sinusitis! Only a specialist can determine the stage of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. By heating the maxillary sinuses, in which pus has accumulated, the opposite result can be achieved. Self-medication in this case can lead to the transition of the disease to chronic form or to exacerbation of sinusitis. Effective drugs are also Tonsilgon. We recommend that you read it.


But for colds, this remedy is quite effective. Inhalations with potatoes can be done immediately after the first signs of illness appear. If everything is done correctly and on time, the disease can recede before it even begins.

Potatoes boiled in their skins or peeled are suitable for inhalation; you can even take peeled ones. A few drops of essential oils of fir, juniper, pine, eucalyptus, and mint are added to the boiled potato mass. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the oils will dry out the mucous membrane, 2 drops are enough. You can use ready-made compositions of essential oils for colds. Instead, salt and soda, together or separately, are suitable. You need to breathe such vapors for 5–7 minutes.

The benefits of potatoes for bronchitis

Potatoes will help reduce the unpleasant tickling in the bronchi during a cold. You need to breathe over the potatoes alternately through your nose and mouth. This is how the bronchi warm up well. Adding baking soda and salt to potatoes during cooking will help cure bronchitis faster.

After the procedure, warm potatoes can be mixed with a spoonful of alcohol, formed into a flat cake and placed in cellophane to make a compress. The cake is wrapped in cloth and placed on the bronchi area.

Those who suffer from the following diseases should not breathe over potatoes:

  • high temperature;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • nosebleeds;
  • pneumonia;
  • vasodilation.

If your body temperature is elevated, steam inhalation and hot compresses should not be used!

Can it be used/breathed by children who are pregnant when coughing?

Inhalations over potatoes – safe way treatment. It is suitable for pregnant women and during lactation. Potato vapors will not harm the baby, which cannot be said with certainty about herbal teas(some plants have a number of contraindications). If there is a need to treat a runny nose or cough in a pregnant woman, then it is better to choose inhalations over potatoes than procedures with medicines. You can read what cough medicines to use during pregnancy. The pot of potatoes should be well wrapped in a towel to prevent burns.

  • The procedure time should be reduced to 3–5 minutes.
  • Hot steam is dangerous for children. And what smaller child, the greater the likelihood of getting a burn to the mucous membranes. Another danger is airway obstruction. In children, the lumen of the bronchi is much narrower than in adults. When wet steam enters the bronchioles, it expands the viscous mucus in the narrow space. This can lead to narrowing or even complete closure of the lumens in the small bronchi.