How to breathe steam over potatoes. How to breathe over potatoes when you have a cold? Inhalation of potato broth using a nebulizer

If you are tormented by a cough, but don’t want to resort to pills, you should use folk remedies that are always at hand. For example, cough potatoes are a great help. Its healing steam will help thin mucus and relieve cramps.

Potatoes for cough are not a replacement for drug treatment

Hot potato steam has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and nasal cavity, improves the resorption of mucus and its removal, and reduces spasms that occur during coughing.

How to inhale potatoes when coughing

For inhalations, you need to either boil 3-4 medium-sized root vegetables and breathe over the saucepan, or use potato broth poured into a separate bowl. You can also boil and peel.

For best effect and safety, follow these rules:

  • Never inhale steam from boiling water: you will burn the mucous membrane. The decoction for inhalation must be allowed to cool slightly;
  • you should breathe over potatoes when coughing approximately 1.5 or 2 hours after eating, preferably before bed;
  • clothing for the procedure is chosen to be loose and not tight;
  • to inhale the steam, you should completely cover yourself with a blanket, it is advisable to do this while sitting on the bed;
  • you don’t need to tilt your head close over the container with the broth - keep it at a safe distance so that the steam warms but does not burn your nostrils;
  • You should breathe through your mouth or alternately through your nose and mouth for no more than 10 minutes.

Afterwards you should lie down and not talk for about an hour.

Such inhalations should not be carried out at elevated temperatures, sore throat, pneumonia, heart problems, or if there is a risk of nosebleeds. Children under one year old should not breathe over potatoes. If the child is older, be sure to consult your pediatrician about such inhalations before using them.

Today, colds occupy a leading position among all pathologies of organs and systems. accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s general condition, high fever, etc. Today it is not difficult to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, since the pharmacy chain offers a sufficient number of remedies for treating colds.

Many patients prefer not to drug therapy, but to the use of folk remedies. Inhalation and especially inhalation of steam emanating from boiled root vegetables are considered an effective and proven remedy.

Colds are successfully treated with the help, since the development of a positive effect from inhaling water vapor has long been noticed. Inhalations with the addition of various oils and solutions have proven especially effective, which help to quickly relieve swelling of the nasal cavity and disappear.

One of the ancient recipes of traditional medicine is inhaling potato steam, and many remember this procedure from their childhood.

Many people are still concerned about the question - what is the healing effect of boiled potatoes, because this root vegetable is rarely used to prepare any healing tinctures and mixtures.

The therapeutic effect on the body when inhaling potato vapor is hidden in the fact that the steam emanating from the root vegetable helps soften and moisturize the mucus that accumulates in the patient’s nasal cavity.

Thanks to this process, rapid removal from the sinuses occurs. The effect of inhaling potato vapors during a runny nose has a similar result as breathing over plain high-temperature water.

Why inhale steam from potatoes?

Curious patients are often interested in the question of what is the effectiveness of potato steam. Some research has been carried out in this area and the composition of such steam has been studied.

The results obtained confirmed the fact that potatoes contain useful substances that are widely used in the pharmaceutical field for the preparation of anti-cold medications.

The steam emanating from potatoes includes such useful substances as:

  • Ethanol
  • Dipropylene glycol
  • Tetradecane

These substances have a biologically active effect, and their entry into the respiratory tract along with steam ends with their penetration into the nasal cavity.

Penetrating into the tissues of these organs, the beneficial substances of potatoes are activated in them and contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, the elimination of edema and normal discharge.

This is precisely what explains the therapeutic effect of using potato steam.However, despite all the beneficial qualities of potatoes, it is not always possible to achieve a positive result. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of a cold in just a few inhalations, and sometimes even after a large number of procedures no positive result is observed.

Carrying out the procedure

Inhaling potato vapors can reduce or completely get rid of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. In order for this root vegetable to be effective, it is important to carry it out correctly.

Compliance with the sequence of all manipulative actions will allow you to achieve the desired result using this therapeutic procedure.

When carrying out inhalations using potatoes, it is recommended to follow some simple rules:

  1. To get rid of it, it is advisable to use root vegetables of the same size so that during cooking their degree of readiness is uniform. Medium-sized potatoes are best, but large tubers should not be boiled. At the same time, you should not overcook potatoes, since in this state they no longer have any positive effect.
  2. During inhalation, some caution must be observed when inhaling hot steam, since there is a risk of developing burns to the mucous membrane. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to leave a small gap for air to enter and then the procedure of breathing over potato vapor will be safer.
  3. Patients suffering from high or low blood pressure, as well as those who have problems with the circulatory system, should carry out the procedures carefully.
  4. During inhalation, the patient's head is covered with a blanket, which allows warm air to enter the nasal cavity or. In order for the treatment effect to be maximum, it is best to give preference to warm and thick blankets. When inhaling hot air, do not lower your head too low over the pan, as this can lead to burns to the mucous membranes. At the same time, if you are in an uncomfortable position, you can simply fall face first into hot water.
  5. It is necessary to pay attention to preparing the place for the procedure. In order to retain heat well in the pan, it is recommended to place a blanket under it.

Types of potato inhalations

Inhalations using boiled potatoes can be carried out in various ways, and each of them is effective in its own way:

  • The simplest and most famous way is to simply boil the root vegetables in water in their skins, and this should be done for 15-20 minutes. The cooked potatoes are thoroughly mashed with a fork, which promotes better steam release. Before you begin inhalation, you need to wrap the dish with potatoes in a warm blanket, and cover the patient’s head with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure ranges from 5 to 7 minutes, and a longer time can lead to loss of consciousness from the increased release of warm air.
  • The second way to carry out inhalations is to add a little soda and salt to boiled potatoes. Boil root vegetables in water for 15-20 minutes. After this, mash the potatoes with a fork and inhale in the usual way - cover your head with a blanket and inhale warm air. The effectiveness of this particular inhalation is explained by the fact that it also allows you to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as bronchitis.

After carrying out the procedure of inhaling warm potato vapors, it can be used for. To do this, carefully knead several medium potatoes and add 10 grams of any vegetable oil and the same amount of alcohol to the resulting mass.

Mix everything thoroughly and place it in a plastic bag and wrap it in a warm towel. You can apply the prepared compress to any part of the body, and especially to the sinuses.

In order to avoid burning delicate skin, it is recommended to apply a compress to gauze or a bandage.

Heat should have an effect on selected areas of the body for 10-15 minutes and after removing it, it is necessary to lubricate the skin well with vegetable oil or nourishing cream.

In some cases, inhalation using boiled potatoes can be dangerous and cause unpleasant consequences of its use.

The following risks can be identified from inhaling boiled potato fumes:

  1. As warm air enters the nasal cavity, its mucous membrane warms up, the accumulated mucus swells, and there is a risk of blockage of the hearing organs. This can lead to the development of a pathology such as, the treatment of which requires much more attention and effort.
  2. Inhaling too hot air can cause burns to the mucous membranes, although at first glance it may seem impossible to do this. If you bend very low over a saucepan and cover your head with a warm towel, there is a high probability of developing a serious burn.
  3. A little awkwardness can cause a pot of potatoes to tip over itself, but an even greater danger is the presence of hot water in it.

That is why procedures involving inhalation of boiled potato vapors must be carried out very carefully and inhalation in children deserves special attention. Today, it is recommended to treat colds in children using safer methods: inhalation using nebulizers and.

More information about the runny nose can be found in the video.

Many women widely use inhalations with boiled potatoes to treat colds. During this period, such procedures are safer than inhalations with various medications. Treatment of a runny nose in this way is permitted both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Warming the nasal cavity with warm steam from boiled potatoes is considered one of the effective traditional medicines that was used by our ancestors.

Inhalation with this root vegetable is the most accessible means of treatment, because there is nothing easier than simply boiling potatoes and breathing over its vapors. If after carrying out such procedures for several days there is no positive result, then, most likely, you will have to seek help from a specialist. This is due to the fact that, quite possibly, a serious pathology is hidden under the usual.

To combat a dry cough, in which sputum is difficult to clear, ordinary potatoes are perfect. It is boiled, and then warm steam is inhaled for about 10 minutes. Breathing over potatoes when coughing is recommended for pregnant women and people who are allergic to many medications. This is the most harmless but effective method.

The benefits of potato inhalations

To get rid of a cold cough, many people use such a folk remedy as inhalation with potatoes. Breathing steam coming from boiled tubers or potato broth is useful because warm, moist air penetrates the respiratory tract and moisturizes the mucous membrane. As a result, irritation in the throat is eliminated. Under the influence of steam, viscous sputum is liquefied and mucus is easier to clear.

Heated steam causes blood flow to the respiratory mucosa. Accelerated blood circulation ensures that many immune cells arrive at the inflamed area. In addition, intense blood flow helps remove harmful substances, toxins, and decay products of microorganisms from the source of inflammation.

The potatoes themselves contain substances that, together with steam, activate metabolic processes in the body and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Ethyl alcohol and tetradecane promote normal mucus discharge.

Important! What kind of cough does potatoes help with? This procedure is useful for dry cough and irritation in the throat.

  1. Inhalation also helps get rid of a runny nose. A positive point is the fact that the cost of such treatment is low.
  2. You can also treat pneumonia without fever with potatoes. Its benefit is that it can be used together with antibiotics.


Inhalations with potatoes are the most harmless way to treat cough. But this method also has contraindications. Inhalation is prohibited if:

  • potato allergy;
  • body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • heart disease;
  • children under one year old;
  • high pressure;
  • increased capillary fragility;
  • nose bleed.

During the procedure, you need to monitor the temperature of the steam. Hot air can cause burns. The temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

Important! Steam treat babies with caution. Inhalation may lead not to improvement, but to worsening of the condition; bronchial obstruction is possible.

The lumen of the bronchi in children is thinner than in adults. When inhaling wet steam, the viscous sputum swells and the lumen narrows even more. This leads to obstruction. To avoid harm to the child, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

How to prepare potato inhalation

Most often, when you have a runny nose or cough, you breathe over crushed hot potatoes boiled in their jackets. Before inhalation, you need to boil 5 large or 10 small jacket potatoes in a 3-liter saucepan. Cooking time – 20 minutes. Any variety is suitable for the procedure. In this case, the water is drained.

Then the finished potatoes are mashed in a saucepan. This is done so that evaporation becomes more intense. They wrap the pan in a terry towel so that it does not cool down so quickly, place it on the table, bend over it, and cover their head with another towel on top. You need to bend over until the steam burns too much. You cannot take deep and strong breaths. You need to breathe over boiled potatoes slowly and with shallow breaths.

You can do such procedures 2 times a day, an hour before or after meals.

Important! How long to breathe above the steam? Adults carry out this procedure for 10 minutes, and children are recommended for 5 minutes. The best time to breathe is before going to bed.

Potatoes for coughs are the easiest and cheapest way to treat a cold. Let's look at simple recipes.

Potatoes with soda

Cough recipe:

  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • soda – 1 tbsp. l.

The potatoes are pre-peeled. Cook until done. Mash until pureed. Sprinkle crushed potatoes with baking soda. Breathe over the potatoes and soda for ten minutes.

Potato peelings

The recipe looks like this:

  • potato peelings - half a pan;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

The peelings are poured with cold water, salted and cooked until tender. The water is drained and the cleaning is mixed. You can breathe the steam for 5-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel.

The water in which the potatoes were boiled will help with cough. To prepare a decoction for inhalation, simply boil the tubers. Water is not poured into the sink, but poured into another container. Add a choice of soda, essential oil of eucalyptus, pine, spruce, a few drops of iodine, hydrogen peroxide to the hot liquid. The steam should not be too hot. Breathe over the broth for 10 minutes. To achieve coughing, you can alternate inhalations with potatoes and breathing over potato broth.

Potato steam perfectly warms up the nasopharynx. As a result, the airways are cleared of mucus. To get a positive result from the procedure, you need to alternately breathe through your mouth and nose. Before inhalation, you should blow your nose and cough. The procedure is carried out to warm the respiratory organs and clear them of mucus.

It is important to be able to breathe steam correctly. There is no need to try to swallow a lot of hot air to avoid getting burned. Breathing frequently or taking too deep breaths is not recommended. You can take 3 slow breaths in and out through your nose and then through your mouth. For a dry cough, add soda and salt to the potatoes.

Inhalation recipe for dry, hysterical cough:

  • tubers - 5 pieces;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda – 1 tbsp. l.

The potatoes are peeled and boiled until tender. Salt and soda are added during the cooking process. The water is drained. The potatoes are mashed. You need to breathe the steam for 5-10 minutes.

Important! Smokers should not use recipes containing baking soda.

Is it possible for children

Parents try to treat their children with folk remedies, believing that they are less safe than pharmaceutical remedies. There is no harm in potato vapor, but the method of carrying out the procedure itself is dangerous for children.

If a child is 2 years old, he may accidentally touch a hot pan, spill boiling water on his feet, lean too low over the pan and get burned by the steam. He will not be able to correctly calculate the distance required for safe breathing. Small children are not assiduous; it can be difficult for them to sit even for 5 minutes without moving.

If the child is 3 years old, you can prepare a cake from warm potatoes with the addition of honey and place it on the bronchial area for 10 minutes. Inhalations for young children are best done using a nebulizer based on mineral water or cough medicines. When a child under 5 years old has a cough, it is recommended to give warm milk with honey and butter.

Important! For school-age children, steam inhalations over hot potatoes are done only under the supervision of their parents.

During pregnancy

Potato steam is safe for pregnant women. The procedures can also be done if the woman is breastfeeding. Pregnant women need to take some precautions during inhalation:

  • do not cover yourself with a towel;
  • inhale the steam slowly, taking shallow breaths and exhalations;
  • the time between the thermal procedure and food intake should be 2 hours;
  • duration – 5 minutes.

Cough can be treated not only with expensive medicines, but also with traditional methods. With the help of ordinary potatoes, patients get rid of coughing attacks in just a few days. If the symptom does not go away within 5 days, you need to change the treatment method and be sure to consult a doctor. In addition to colds, the cause of cough can be allergies, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after a thorough examination.

Most people, when they have a runny nose or cough, go to the pharmacy first. In order to purchase the necessary medicine.

Nowadays there is a huge selection of different medications that cost a lot of money. Many people don't have enough money to buy them.

They resort to traditional medicine, which brings positive effects in the treatment of diseases. Potato has been known as an effective folk remedy since ancient times.

With its help, you can cure a runny nose and cough if you breathe in its vapors. Scientifically, the procedure is called inhalation.

Important to remember! Before this procedure, you need to know what rules must be followed in order to inhale potato vapors without causing harm to the body.

There are basic rules for how to breathe over potatoes for various diseases, independently at home:

  1. Steam inhalation should take place within 1.5-2 hours after the food has been digested. It is not recommended to do it on an empty stomach.
  2. After the procedure the person needs to organize complete rest for 40 minutes. It will be useful to do it at night.
  3. Duration The procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. If you are in good condition after inhalation, you are allowed to do it twice.

It is important to take all precautions to avoid burning your face or larynx.

Many people do not know how long it takes to carry out the first inhalation, thereby making mistakes. The first inhalation should last no more than 5 minutes.

Let's look at the table on how to breathe through the nose and mouth correctly using potato vapors for various colds:

Disease Procedure
With a runny nose When you have a runny nose, breathe over boiled potatoes with your nose, taking turns closing one or the other nostril. This procedure should last no more than 7 minutes
For a cold When you have a cold, you should inhale the vapors alternately through your nose and mouth. First, take a few breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Then vice versa.

To enhance the effect, add a few drops of fir, juniper or pine essential oils to the potatoes.

For sinusitis Before performing a procedure for an illness, it is important to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the procedure may worsen the situation and cause harm.
For bronchitis With this disease, peeled boiled potatoes must be mashed and sprinkled with baking soda. Take deep breaths alternately through your nose and mouth.

To improve the result, you can apply compresses from the resulting pulp to the larynx area

For dry cough For dry cough, soften boiled potatoes, add a spoonful of soda and a spoonful of salt. In the ratio of 3 potatoes to 1 tablespoon.

The procedure must be carried out correctly. First, take 3 deep breaths through your nose. And then there should be a long exhalation through the mouth

There are other indications when steam inhalation will have a positive effect, with:

  • Rhinopharyngitis.
  • Flu.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Hoarseness and loss of voice.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Acute rhinitis.

Benefits and harms of folk remedies

Many people know that even with a mild cold, when there is no medicine at hand, a folk remedy will be beneficial for the body, especially for allergy sufferers.

But not everyone knows that this remedy can be harmful to the human body if the correct procedure is not taken into account.

Let's look at the benefits and harms of inhaling boiled potatoes.

The benefits are:

  1. The folk remedy uses hot steam to dilute mucus and ensure the necessary blood flow to the bronchi.
  2. The steam warms up the nasopharynx and relieves hoarseness and hoarse voices.
  3. Makes breathing easier and improves well-being.
  4. Relieves swelling and inflammation in the nasopharynx and bronchi.
  5. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body.


  1. Hot steam with elevated temperature can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The normal temperature is 30-40 degrees.
  2. Prohibited inhalation for children under one year of age. Otherwise, the hot steam will block the child’s airways, and he will begin to suffocate.
  3. Baby inhalation is contraindicated. Due to the hot steam, the mucus swells, which makes breathing difficult, and the mucus sinks lower into the bronchi.

Important to remember! You cannot use even an effective folk remedy on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Any useful folk remedy can negatively affect human health.

Is it possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature?

Before carrying out the steam procedure, you need to remember whether it is possible to do it at a temperature that is strictly prohibited.

If your body temperature is high, then under the influence of hot steam it will increase significantly, which will cause harm.

There are contraindications for potato inhalation:

  • If there are purulent processes in the nasopharynx.
  • Body temperature is above 37 degrees.
  • Blood pressure is too high.
  • Serious heart problems.
  • For pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the blood vessels.

Important to remember! During the period of treatment with a folk remedy, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, which will slow down the treatment process.

Can pregnant women breathe over potatoes?

Women during pregnancy are not immune from colds. If illnesses appear, especially in the first trimesters of pregnancy, taking medications is prohibited.

They try to be treated with folk remedies in order to alleviate the condition and not harm the baby.

Pregnant women should consider the following points before steam treatment:

  1. You cannot completely wrap yourself up in hot steam.
  2. Inhalers are more useful for better penetration of steam into the bronchi.
  3. No additional ingredients should be added to water with boiled potatoes to avoid allergic reactions.
  4. It is contraindicated to breathe steam at elevated temperatures and in the presence of heart disease.

It is important to note! Before treating a mild cold, runny nose or cough, pregnant women must obtain permission from the attending physician so as not to cause harm to the unborn baby.

To carry out inhalations, there are several useful recipes for preparing potatoes:

  1. Boiled potatoes in their jackets. Rinse the tubers thoroughly, place in a saucepan and fill with water. Cook until fully cooked. There is no need to drain the water from the pan.
  2. Wash the tubers, remove the skins from them, cut into several parts. When ready, drain the water and breathe in the vapors of the tubers.
  3. Boil the peeled potatoes, mash the pulp, add soda and salt, do not drain the water.
  4. Boil the peeled tubers and remove them from the water when ready. Add 5-10 drops of essential oils to hot water and inhale.

It is important to note! Which cooking method will be more effective is up to everyone to choose for themselves. The main thing is that it is beneficial in treatment.

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Autumn is the time for colds and viral attacks on the body. You can fight them in different ways, and these do not necessarily have to be expensive drugs. Medicines can be easily replaced with folk remedies that are at hand in everyone’s home. One of the most useful and effective procedures for a runny nose and weakened immune system is inhalation. Let's talk on this page about how to properly breathe hot steam from potatoes, soda, eucalyptus,? Is it possible to do this at all, is it harmful to breathe the steam?

How to breathe in potato vapors correctly?

In order not to spend money on expensive devices from pharmacies, you can use simple old-fashioned methods. Namely: warm up the airways using steam from boiled potatoes. Thanks to the inhalation of warm and moist steam, mucus leaves the bronchi, which, in fact, is the first step towards recovery. Potatoes need to be boiled in their skins, because it is their peel that contains the largest amount of beneficial phytoncides. They penetrate the respiratory tract with steam, relieve allergic reactions and inflammation, and moisturize the mucous membrane. The patient feels relief, breathes and coughs better, does not feel soreness in the bronchi and throat.

The procedure is not as simple as it seems. Children need to do it very carefully, as you can simply burn the respiratory tract and get a burn of the mucous membranes. It is better to use special devices. Adults need to do the following: as soon as the potatoes are boiled until tender, drain the water and wrap the pan in a towel to keep it warm. To avoid getting burned by the steam, the temperature in the pan should be within 60 degrees. Bend over it, cover your head with a warm towel, inhale gently and evenly through your mouth, and exhale through your nose. After a few minutes, change the sequence: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. This way you can warm up the bronchi, oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Is it possible to breathe above the steam?

Steam inhalations, if carried out incorrectly, without taking into account the person’s condition, can be harmful. At first glance, covering yourself with a towel and breathing is not at all dangerous. But in fact, if the cold is in the acute phase, there is a high temperature, and the mucous membrane of the nose and throat swells, then steam inhalation will only increase the existing swelling. It's another matter when the infection has passed. If all that remains is a sore throat and a dry cough, then you can breathe in the steam.

So this procedure is harmless only if the patient does not have a fever.

More tips

Before steam inhalation, it is better not to eat for an hour. After the procedure, refrain from smoking and inhaling cold air. The best option is to do the procedure before bed, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sweat well.

How to breathe soda vapor?

Soda inhalations have long been successfully used for colds and ailments. Correct implementation of the procedure eliminates many symptoms of the disease, in particular nasal congestion, sore throat, and coughing attacks. The particles and substances contained in soda have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, relieving inflammation and without having a harmful effect on other organ systems. It is an excellent disinfectant and actively removes phlegm when coughing.

In order not to waste money on a modern nebulizer, we will use the old method. To prepare the solution we need a liter of water and a tablespoon of soda. The temperature of the water in which the alkali needs to be dissolved should not be more than 60 degrees. Otherwise, the soda will lose its beneficial qualities. Children should not be allowed to breathe steam if the temperature of the composition is more than 30 degrees.

Unlike potatoes, breathing procedures with soda solutions should not last more than 10 minutes for an adult and more than 3 minutes for a child under 13 years of age. The procedure is the same as with potatoes: cover your head with a towel or warm cloth, bending over the container. Before and after inhalations, you should not eat, smoke or go out into the cold air.

The rules of inhalation are simple: when you have a runny nose, it is better to inhale through your nose, and when you have a cough or sore throat, it is better to inhale through your mouth. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drop 1-2 drops of iodine into the prepared solution.

As for procedures during pregnancy, they are considered the most harmless for expectant mothers. They do not cause allergies and have a gentle healing effect.

How to breathe eucalyptus vapor?

As soon as viruses begin to attack the body, begin a response fight against them. The centuries-tested properties of inhalations will help you recover faster. As an option, you can use eucalyptus, which has bactericidal and antiviral properties. You can use the essential oil of this plant or prepare a decoction of the leaves.

Pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. Let it cool to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. We carry out the procedure according to the standard procedure, covering ourselves with a towel over the pan. Inhalations are very good for relieving prolonged cough, runny nose, and pain in the bronchi and trachea. The duration of breathing is 10-15 minutes, for children - 5-7 minutes.

This is an absolutely harmless method of treatment. By the way, for infants and children under 3 years old, you can use the following method: fill the bathtub with hot water, pour in a decoction of eucalyptus, cool the water to a comfortable temperature, closing the door tightly. This creates a lot of steam in the bathroom, which will have a beneficial effect while the child is bathing. Children endure such procedures much more fun than inhalations with devices.

How to breathe chamomile vapor?

This plant is one of those that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It does not cause allergies in adults and children, perfectly cleanses the bronchi of mucus, eliminates runny nose and other cold symptoms. This method is also recommended for pregnant women for whom potent medications are contraindicated. And yet, before steam inhalations, it is better to consult with a supervising doctor to eliminate any risk.

To prepare the decoction, you will need two tablespoons of dried flowers. Fill them with a liter of water, let them boil, cook for another ten minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly. To avoid getting burned by the steam, the solution temperature should be within 60 degrees. You need to breathe over the chamomile for 10-15 minutes, taking deep breaths and exhalations. After the procedure, you should not go outside; it is better to wrap yourself up and sweat well.

Any folk remedies that can be used at home are much safer than strong drugs. However, if there is an individual intolerance to any components, it is better not to risk it and use another remedy.