The simplest candles for thrush. The most effective suppositories for thrush or vaginal candidiasis. Pros and cons of using suppositories to treat thrush

Candidiasis, or as popularly called thrush, is a disease in which Candida fungi are activated.

Various medications are used for treatment, but suppositories for candidiasis are most convenient to use. Due to the wide variety of such drugs, many patients do not understand which ones are best to use.

Main symptoms

There are several characteristic symptoms that determine candidiasis and its development. Among the main features are:

  1. Itching and burning in the genital area.
  2. Heaviness in the lower abdominal cavity.
  3. The appearance of plaque on the mucous membrane, which will have a sharp unpleasant odor, and it itself visually resembles curd masses. The color of the plaque is white and yellow.
  4. During sexual intercourse and when urinating, pain and other unpleasant sensations appear.

If you have at least one of the described symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and not delay the visit.

Timely diagnosis and treatment allows you to avoid complications, and the process of therapy and recovery will be quick. For treatment, tablets and ointments are used, but it is best to use suppositories. They directly act on inflamed and infected tissues, killing bacteria.

Candidiasis can cause a number of negative consequences, including:

  1. Neuroses.
  2. Rapid fatigue and constant weakness.
  3. Sudden mood changes.

Such disturbances cause more serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body.

In men, thrush can cause prostatitis, leading to impotence and adenoma if left untreated. In some cases, cystitis develops, sand and kidney stones appear.

Candidiasis in women leads to the following consequences:

  1. Pain syndrome and inflammation of the ovaries.
  2. Fibroma.
  3. Myoma.
  4. Cystic mastopathy.
  5. Inflammation of the adrenal glands, kidneys and bladder.
  6. Cancer diseases.
  7. Diseases and malfunctions of the heart.

It should be noted that if you have thrush, there is no need to immediately buy the most expensive suppositories and additional medications for treatment. Suppositories for candidiasis and other complications can be used at inexpensive or medium price levels.

The main advantages of candles

Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis are often prescribed by doctors because of the many advantages:

  1. Due to deep penetration into the place of localization of fungi, suppositories almost immediately eliminate the characteristic symptoms of candidiasis. Even after the first use of the medications, the itching and discharge go away.
  2. Any vaginal suppositories for candidiasis include active ingredients that fight fungi. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, the active substances quickly affect the pathogens, killing them and not entering the human blood.
  3. In addition to fungal remedies, it is recommended to buy and use candles immediately to normalize the flora. They should be used immediately after eliminating candidiasis.
  4. Some types of medications can be used for thrush during pregnancy. These medications include Zalain. It is also prescribed if candidiasis appears during breastfeeding.
  5. Any candles, regardless of brand and company, are easy to use.
  6. Some modern candles can be used once, there is no need to undergo a course of treatment.
  7. Side effects are very rare from suppositories, which reduces the risk of negative consequences from treatment compared to tablets.

Among the disadvantages of such drugs is only strict adherence to the instructions, as well as the rules indicated by the attending physician.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting a slight inconvenience from use, there is a feeling of a foreign object, and the laundry gets dirty.

Positive results from treatment with suppositories can only be obtained in the early stages of the disease.

If the course of a complication is detected late, then you will definitely have to take pills. Due to this, you need to reuse candles after a certain time.

Rules for using candles

First of all, before using suppositories for thrush, you will need to study in detail the instructions and recommendations of doctors.

Many products will need to be moistened in water before administration. The basic rules of application are:

  1. It is better to administer suppositories before bedtime so that they begin to act overnight and do not interfere with the patient. Before using the medicine, you need to carry out hygiene procedures.
  2. Before treatment, it is recommended not only to wash the genital area, but also to wash your hands, cut your nails or use finger pads.
  3. To administer the medicine, you need to lie down, then insert the suppository as deep as possible into the vagina and lie down for half an hour or just sleep. During this time, the medication dissolves and begins to act actively. If you use the product during the day, you can use panty liners, which will prevent soiling of your laundry.
  4. It is prohibited to have sexual intercourse and drink alcohol during therapy. In addition, not only women, but also men can use candles, in which case rectal suppositories are suitable. This preventive measure is necessary even if there are no symptoms of candidiasis.

The use of suppositories helps get rid of the inflammatory process in the early stages of pathology. In severe cases and advanced forms of the disease, suppositories can be used, but treatment is carried out using complex methods.

Inexpensive suppositories for chronic candidiasis

For candidiasis for women, you can use inexpensive drugs in the form of suppositories, which are highly effective and can be used when the disease is chronic.


An antimycotic medicine that is used very often for thrush. We can consider that these are the best suppositories for the disease at a low price.

The active substance is Nystatin, which directly affects Candida fungi and quickly relieves the characteristic symptoms of the disease.

Due to the drug, mushrooms do not develop resistance to active substances and this makes it possible to use suppositories in case of relapse of candidiasis, as well as its chronic form.

Among the main contraindications for use are:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Individual intolerance to active substances.

During therapy there are risks of developing negative actions:

  1. Pain syndrome in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Abnormal stool.
  3. Attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  4. Chills.

Due to side effects, women more often use other medications of the new generation, which also contain Nystatin.

To do this, you can use Terzhinan or Polygynax. The drugs cause almost no side effects, but can lead to deterioration of the flora, in other words, dysbacteriosis.

After treatment, you will need to restore the flora by taking lactobacilli.


Another inexpensive suppository for women with thrush, which has a wide range of effects.

The active component is Clotrimazole, which quickly eliminates Candida fungi and other possible pathogenic bacteria. The medicine is often used for complex therapy for genital infections.

The drug is used for 5-6 days; only one suppository should be inserted per day just before bedtime.

It is prohibited to use the medication in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as well as if you are allergic to the active substances.

During therapy there is a possibility of developing side effects:

  1. Itching and burning.
  2. Pain in the head.
  3. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
  4. Increased urine output.

The main disadvantage of the medicine is that mushrooms quickly adapt to the active substances, so with long-term treatment the effect is reduced.


Suppositories for yeast fungi with a wide spectrum of action. In the treatment of candidiasis it shows good results; it can be used not only against Candida fungi, but also against streptococci or staphylococci.

Medicines are indicated for the chronic and acute phases of the course, and can be used to prevent thrush.

It is necessary to use a candle throughout the day, for up to 5 days. It is forbidden to use the medication for pregnant women and people with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients.

In rare cases, the drug causes an allergic reaction, itching in the genital area.


Inexpensive suppositories with high effectiveness against candidiasis.

Use candles once a day before bedtime, for up to 5 days. In the chronic form of the disease, the course of treatment is increased to 10 days. Livarol is suitable for preventing fungal diseases and reducing relapse.

The active substance of the drug is Ketoconazole, which almost does not penetrate into the blood and does not affect the internal organs, but still the medicine cannot be used during pregnancy.

The best suppositories for chronic candidiasis

Inexpensive medications can have a positive effect on yeast bacteria, but some have little effect due to the resistance of the fungi.

The pharmaceutical market is constantly evolving, new generation medications are appearing that do not cause negative consequences from treatment and are better accepted by people.

Some modern suppositories for thrush can be used only once to relieve symptoms and kill bacteria. The best suppositories for chronic pathology are presented below.


Suppositories that need to be administered once. The package contains only one candle; it is placed before bed.

The only prohibition on the use of medications is individual intolerance. This medicine for candidiasis can be used during menstruation, pregnant and lactating women.

In rare cases, there is a possibility of a side effect in the form of itching and burning, but the negative consequences quickly pass without additional measures.

The main advantage of the medication is its high efficiency and the ability to eliminate the main symptoms of the pathology in just a day. The disadvantages include the high cost of the medicine.


Suppositories in the form of small capsules for one-time use are classified as antimycotic medications and have a good effect against microbes.

The active substance is Fenticonazole. The medicine does not enter the bloodstream and does not cause negative consequences.

If after use the symptoms of candidiasis do not go away, after 3 days you will need to administer the capsule again.

In rare cases, the drug causes irritation, but it quickly goes away on its own. The medicine is prohibited for allergy sufferers and pregnant women.


A modern drug, which according to the instructions has a minimal list of restrictions. They can be prescribed during pregnancy; side effects are very rare and are characterized by mild tissue irritation.

It is prohibited to use suppositories if you are allergic to the active ingredients, namely Natamycin. The drug can be administered during menstruation, the course of therapy is 3 days. In a short time, all signs of the disease disappear.


The drug has many analogues, but Miconazole and similar suppositories are considered combined, containing miconazole and antibiotics.


Antimycotic suppositories containing Nystatin and Nifuratel. There are 8 vaginal suppositories in a pack. It should be administered once a day before bedtime.

It is forbidden to take the drug if you are intolerant to the active substances. Suppositories are allowed for thrush in pregnant women. Side effects include mild itching and skin rash.


The main substance is Povidone-iodine, which has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. The drug is good for removing various pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and is used for viruses. Suppositories are indicated for candidiasis, vaginitis and vaginosis.

The medicine has many prohibitions for use:

  1. Malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  2. Allergy to iodine or intolerance to it.
  3. Thyrotoxicosis.
  4. Kidney failure.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Lactation period.

During treatment of candidiasis, there are risks of developing allergies and hyperemia. Suppositories can be used during menstruation; to eliminate fungi, you need to use 2 suppositories per day for up to 2 weeks.

Other possible candles

Among other types of suppositories for candidiasis, you can use:

  1. Ginesol - easily removes signs of thrush in a short time. Variables are prohibited so as not to disrupt the development of the fetus.
  2. Gyno-Dactanol is a very good drug for candidiasis, it directly affects pathogenic organisms without affecting the beneficial flora. No side effects or relapses of the disease were observed.
  3. Klion-D - does not lead to the development of negative consequences, helps to quickly remove the symptoms of thrush. During treatment it is forbidden to drink alcohol.
  4. Gyno-travogen - recommended for fungal or viral infection. The drug is well tolerated by humans and rarely causes side effects.

The described types of suppositories are used less frequently than others, and the duration and pattern of use should be determined only with doctors.

Candles for pregnant women

During pregnancy, women experience hormonal changes, the immune system deteriorates, and for this reason candidiasis develops.

Almost all medications for the treatment of the disease are prohibited during the period of breastfeeding and childbearing.

Treatment is carried out only with local drugs that do not penetrate the bloodstream and are suitable for this:

  1. Zalain.
  2. Natamycin.
  3. Pimafucin.
  4. McMiror.

The described medications can be used from the 12th week, and when the first trimester has passed, a doctor is consulted.

After this, you may need to use the following antimycotic drugs:

  1. Clotrimazole.
  2. Nystatin.
  3. Terzhinan.

During breastfeeding, medications are selected so that their substances do not pass into breast milk. Preference is given to Pimafucin, Zalain, McMiror.

Flora restoration

After completing a course of treatment, candidiasis goes away, but the risks of re-infection with fungi are possible.

To normalize the flora, the local immune system is diagnosed with fungal activity, and the level of dysbiosis is determined.

After this, doctors prescribe medications that can normalize the condition:

  1. To quickly restore the balance of beneficial bacteria, Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin is used.
  2. To restore the acid-base environment, it is necessary to use vitamin C.
  3. To quickly stabilize the flora, herbal remedies are used, namely Ecofemin or Vagilak.

If desired, you can make your own suppositories for thrush, which have a healing and restorative effect.

Often the milkman is supplemented by infection with other pathogenic bacteria. In this case, doctors recommend using certain medications, based on the type of infection:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs, namely suppositories, including Hexicon, Povidone-iodine or drugs based on Miramistin.
  2. Immunomodulators, it is recommended to use herbal medicines, as well as products containing Interferons, for example, Genferon or Ruferon.
  3. To normalize flora, women can take Acylact and Bioflor.

You may need to use medications that normalize the amount of sugar in the blood and eliminate helminths in the body.

Traditional medicine candle recipes

At home, you can make your own candles for candidiasis. There are different recipes for this, the most effective are:

  1. Homemade cocoa. Add 40 ml of cocoa butter into a container and melt it in a water bath, immediately after that add 20 ml of tea tree oil and mix the ingredients thoroughly. The finished liquid is filled into 2 ml syringes, in which the end must first be cut off. After hardening, you need to squeeze the capsules onto the foil and place them in the refrigerator. Use once a day for thrush in women, but be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. Garlic tampon. This is a natural type of medicine for which you need to chop, peel, and wrap a clove of garlic in gauze. This product is rewound with thread, which allows you to pull out the “medicine” at the right time. For easy insertion, moisten the tampon in olive oil. Use the recipe before bed, take it out in the morning and repeat until the characteristic symptoms of the disease pass. If there is a burning sensation, you will need to refuse such treatment.
  3. Kalanchoe. To treat thrush, you need to squeeze out the juice from the plant component and moisten a tampon in it, then insert it and leave for 6 hours.

Therapy with suppositories is carried out exclusively as prescribed by the doctor and following his scheme.

If normalization of the condition does not occur after a few days, then you need to contact the doctor again and adjust the treatment regimen and replace the medication.


It is possible to protect yourself from the development of candidiasis by following preventive measures:

  1. Use water-soluble lubricants.
  2. Avoid promiscuous sex if the partner is unknown, use condoms.
  3. If douching is necessary, carry out the procedures in moderation so as not to wash away the beneficial flora.
  4. Monitor proper nutrition, diet and control body weight.
  5. Use medications only as prescribed by a doctor. When treating with antibiotics, use lactobacilli in addition.
  6. Use underwear made from natural fabrics, avoid synthetic products.

If medications for thrush give only temporary results, it is imperative to strengthen the immune system.

In this case, you can use vitamin complexes and traditional medicine based on medicinal herbs.

The attending physician will help you choose vitamins and other medications based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Useful video

When treating vaginal candidiasis in women, suppositories are considered the most convenient. Their effect is due to the strong penetration of the active antifungal component into the mucosa.

In the process of such penetration, the pathogen is destroyed, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and the signs of thrush are reduced.


At the present time, the pharmaceutical field has a huge assortment of various antifungal agents in the field of gynecology. These are medications for oral use, suppositories for topical therapy, which can be prescribed by a doctor for a complex course of the condition, as well as for a chronic form as part of a complex treatment.

What are the most effective means to eliminate this condition? These are the agents to which the candida fungus is sensitive. Sensitivity is determined by bacterial culture; resistance and resistance of the pathogen to a particular drug are determined. Since in case of a chronic and often progressive disease, therapy may be ineffective due to the emergence of drug resistance in fungi.

If thrush is treated independently, without doctor's supervision, then this provokes the formation of candidiasis in a chronic form, and it also provokes a violation of the vaginal microflora. In addition, many patients actively use douching to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

And this is very dangerous, because such actions become the reason that the disease begins to progress, and the vaginal microflora begins to collapse even more. Only a specialist, based on the women’s medical history and clinical picture, taking into account the sensitivity of the fungus, can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Even if all signs of the disease disappear, complete recovery is considered to be a condition when a laboratory test reveals that fungi are absent over the next three months.

How to use suppositories against thrush

Usually the doctor prescribes treatment for both sexual partners, since in men this condition occurs frequently, but without symptoms. Men are carriers of thrush; they pass this disease on to women. If there is no treatment for a regular sexual partner, then after complete recovery the woman again catches the infection after the first sexual intercourse (unprotected).

There should be no sexual intercourse during treatment, and if there is, condoms must be used. The suppositories should be inserted into the vagina before going to bed at night, trying to insert as deep as possible. So that the components of the drug are better absorbed.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, she and her doctor need to analyze the reasons that triggered the development of this condition. If the factors that provoked this condition are not minimized or eliminated, thrush can return many times.

Often the presence of candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. It may also indicate the development of gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.

Depending on the strength of the symptoms, acute or chronic course of the disease, therapy may differ in the course of treatment; sometimes the use of one suppository is enough, and if the process is chronic, then longer therapy will be required.

  • The use of vaginal suppositories during menstruation is prohibited. the only exceptions are Sertaconazole and Povidone-Iodine.
  • It is allowed to use one suppository of such products as Lomexin, Zalain.
  • The following drugs can be used in three suppositories - Pimafucin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol.
  • From 5 candles to 14 - Irunin, Ginesol, Macmiror, Iodoxide.

During the therapy period, you do not need to wear tight-fitting underwear made from synthetic materials. You should also adhere to intimate hygiene, do not use scented pads that contain any chemical elements, and change your underwear and towels every day. You should also avoid intimate hygiene fluids that contain chemicals, as this will only worsen the condition.

Since suppositories include various active components, they vary in their effectiveness and periods of therapy, as well as in adverse reactions and contraindications for use.

The best suppositories for the treatment of thrush

Zalain. This product is an imidazole derivative. There is not enough information about the possible harm to the baby during breastfeeding. But if we take into account the one-time use option and the lack of systemic effects of this drug during pregnancy, it may be used if the possible benefit for the patient significantly exceeds the risk for the baby.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity. When using the drug, the following side effects may develop - burning, itching in the vagina, allergic manifestations, but all this does not require discontinuation of the drug. Method of use: one suppository should be inserted once into the vagina.

It is better to do this before going to bed at night. If symptoms of thrush persist, then after seven days you need to reuse the drug. Before use, it is important to wash the genitals using neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.

Disadvantages and advantages - the advantage of this drug is its one-time use, the ability to use it during menstruation, and the only disadvantage is the very high price.

Livarol. This remedy is effective in eliminating such a condition in women as milk mucus. Side effects include urticaria, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching, skin rash, and irritation. Persons who are highly sensitive to the components of the product should avoid using this drug. Also, you should not use Livarol in the first trimester of pregnancy. As for the third trimester, you need to be careful during this period. apply means.

Application - while lying down, you need to insert a candle as deep as possible into the vagina. Do this for four to five days. If thrush is chronic, treatment should be continued for 10 days. The advantage of this drug is that the effect of its use is rapid and almost does not cause allergies. It is usually prescribed when a diagnosis is made for the first time; with frequent and prolonged use, drug resistance appears in the pathogen.

Irunin. These are vaginal tablets that actively eliminate thrush. The product should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy; in the remaining trimesters it should be used with caution. Adverse reactions include skin rash and burning. itching, redness. It is recommended to carry out treatment before bedtime, for one to two weeks.

The drug is highly effective in cases of recurrent disease and resistance to other antifungal drugs; among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the drug is prohibited for use in the first months of gestation.

Nifuratel, Nystatin. During pregnancy, these products are approved for use; the only contraindication for these suppositories is the presence of hypersensitivity. Among the side effects, noteworthy is a rash on the skin, the appearance.

The suppositories are used intravaginally, for 8 days, one suppository before going to bed at night. The main advantage is that there is the possibility of treatment during pregnancy. The downside is that it is overpriced.

Clotrimazole. These suppositories are effectively used to treat thrush. It is forbidden to use them in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as for patients who are breastfeeding. When using the drug, certain side effects may occur, including cystitis, headache, pain during sexual intercourse, and frequent urination.

Clotrimazole is used over a six-day period, the suppository is inserted before bedtime as deep as possible into the vagina.

The advantage of this remedy is that it is not expensive, the disadvantage is the frequent manifestation of negative reactions of the body. rapid emergence of resistance in fungi.

Miconazole. Contraindications for use are high sensitivity; caution should be exercised when using this product during the lactation period, as well as while expecting a baby. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment with the drug. In addition, people who have impaired liver function, diabetes mellitus, or herpes should refrain from using these products.

Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, itching, abdominal pain, and discomfort. Typically, all of the above symptoms occur at the beginning of therapy. Method of use: one suppository for one week, drink alcoholic beverages during therapy. Among the advantages - the effect occurs quite quickly, a wide spectrum of activity, a highly effective remedy for frequent occurrences of the disease, and does not provoke dysbacteriosis. The disadvantage is that it is dangerous to use while waiting for the baby and during breastfeeding.

Miconazole. It is not recommended to use this drug in the first trimester; it can be used in the second and third trimester, but with great caution. During the period of use of the product, you should stop breastfeeding for a while. Side effects include itching of the skin, rash, and local irritation.

Use - treatment is carried out over two weeks. Even if the signs of the disease disappear, treatment should still be continued. These suppositories, according to reviews, are quite effective in eliminating diseases such as thrush.

Nystanin. Complex products containing nystanin. This remedy is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as at any stage of pregnancy. When used, the following negative reactions of the body may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills.

It is recommended to use candles for two weeks twice a day - in the morning and evening. Among the advantages, it should be noted that the drug is cheap compared to other drugs; candida does not develop resistance to the active component of the drug, so it is often recommended for the treatment of recurrent, chronic diseases. Among the disadvantages of this product are the presence of complex side effects, twice a day use, and a long course of use.

Iodoxide, Povidone-Iodine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. If the disease has an acute course, then it is prescribed to use one suppository for one week; if the disease has a chronic course, then treatment is prescribed for two weeks, one suppository at a time.

Contraindications for use include the first trimester of pregnancy (with caution in the second and third), thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, kidney failure, individual sensitivity; when breastfeeding, the product is used with caution. Suppositories can provoke local hyperemia and allergic manifestations.

The drug can be used during menstruation, as part of complex therapy for bakvaginosis.

Contraindications for use include the period of waiting for a child; use during menstruation is prohibited if a woman has an individual intolerance to the drug’s nutrients. Among the side effects, allergic manifestations should be noted - erythema, urticaria, rash on the skin, mild signs of irritation, which go away very quickly on their own and do not require cessation of treatment.

Fluomizin. This remedy is presented in the form of vaginal tablets that have an antiseptic effect. Used to treat candidal vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and also before childbirth.

The product is suitable for use by girls who have not yet begun to be sexually active, for cervical ulcers, for vaginal ulcers, as well as in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Fluomizin can provoke adverse reactions from the body such as erythema, urticaria and rash. The tablets are used for six days, at night. During menstruation, therapy must be completed, and upon completion, it must be resumed.

In addition to suppositories, there are creams that have an antifungal effect - Econazole cream, Butoconazole, Lomexin, Travogen, Ecodax.

Pros and cons of using suppositories to treat thrush

  • When the product is introduced into a place where fungi multiply with great activity, the result of local therapy will be achieved much faster than with the use of current highly effective products such as Zalain or Livarol.
  • Current antifungal drugs can be used once.
  • Since topical medications have low systemic absorption, the incidence of negative reactions is significantly reduced, in contrast to the use of oral medications.

Disadvantages of local therapy:

  • local therapy is a little inconvenient - sex life is limited, underwear is constantly dirty.
  • A good effect from such treatment can be manifested only in the treatment of uncomplicated forms of candidiasis, but when the course of the condition is severe and prolonged, then local treatment must be prescribed in conjunction with taking tableted antifungal agents. For this reason, it is often necessary to repeat the therapeutic course after a certain period of time.
  • When using combined antimicrobial agents, a negative reaction of the body often manifests itself in the form of vaginal dysbiosis. This condition requires additional therapy.

Often, during pregnancy, women experience a physiological deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. The body becomes weakened and this causes the development of thrush, and many products are prohibited for use during this period, or there is no accurate information about safety for the child. Among the large selection of local medications, such suppositories can be used while waiting for the baby:

  • Suppositories, Primafugin and Pimafucin;
  • A combined product called Macmiror complex.
  • Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Ginofort - all of these drugs can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes them if the possible risk to women's health is much higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Some doctors recommend a combination remedy called Terzhinan. The product is allowed for use only if the possible benefit for the mother is higher than the risk for the baby, since the product contains hormones and can provoke the development of many negative reactions in the body.


If you follow all the rules of hygiene and adhere to doctor's recommendations, then the prognosis is favorable. It is no secret that this disease occurs against the background of unfavorable factors. These include weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, severe hypothermia, and failure to comply with sanitary hygiene standards.

To prevent the development of thrush, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, increase the protective functions of the genitourinary system and the entire body through the use of immunomodulatory drugs.

You should not change sexual partners frequently, since the microflora each time begins to adapt to new conditions, protective functions decrease and there is no barrier to infectious processes.

Consequences of thrush

If this disease is not treated, it can provoke the development of cystitis, the occurrence of ulcers and erosions on the uterine cervix, and changes in the structure of the genital organs. and sometimes even infertility! Therapy should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Complex treatment, which includes the use of suppositories, will help overcome the disease.

When prescribing medications that contain antifungal components, suppositories are far from the last place. But you need to understand that even the most highly effective candles cannot replace a set of measures that are aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus. Before you start using any products with an antifungal component.

You should definitely consult a doctor. Only he can choose the right treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to use several remedies simultaneously, but only a doctor can decide this.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in women negatively affect the reproductive system. Untimely treatment of female pathologies can make it difficult to conceive, and in some cases even lead to infertility. Vaginal candidiasis itself is not a fatal disease, but its complications can be very serious. The simplest method of treatment is antifungal suppositories for thrush. The pharmaceutical market today can offer a huge selection of vaginal suppositories.

Vaginal candidiasis (simplified - thrush) is a fungal infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The process starts due to changes in the vaginal mucosa. Pathology develops under the influence of factors such as decreased immunity, taking certain medications, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

As the pathogenic microflora grows, characteristic signs of the disease appear:

  • curdled vaginal discharge;
  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse and urination.

Vaginal candidiasis - what is it and what does it look like?

The presence of the above symptoms causes concern in women, as a result of which they turn to a gynecologist. The diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed by examining a smear. In most cases, complex treatment is prescribed, the main component of which is drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories.

Thrush is often accompanied by other infectious diseases: mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and others.

How to properly use suppositories against thrush

Rules for inserting suppositories vaginally

If thrush is detected in a woman, her sexual partner must also undergo a pathology test. Very often, candidiasis in men occurs secretly. Treating only one partner is not practical.

Treatment for thrush involves avoiding sexual intercourse or using condoms. Otherwise, the fungal infection will recur.

For maximum effectiveness of treatment, suppositories for thrush must be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

The duration of treatment depends on how far the infection has progressed. In mild cases, the use of 1 suppository is sufficient, in more severe cases, long-term treatment will be required.

Every woman needs to become familiar with the general principles of using suppositories:

  • suppositories are not used during menstruation;
  • suppositories such as Lomexin and Zalain can be used 1 at a time;
  • topical drugs Ginopevaril and Livarol are used in 3 suppositories;
  • 5–14 suppositories are indicated for treatment with Ginesol, Clotrimazole, Nystatin, Iodoxide, etc.
from 487 rub.
from 559 rub.
from 21 rub.
from 112 rub.
from 316 rub.

During treatment, it is necessary to avoid wearing synthetic, tight-fitting underwear. It is important to pay special attention to intimate hygiene. Do not use sanitary pads or toilet paper with fragrances.

List of the most effective suppositories for thrush

Suppositories for thrush are prescribed by a doctor after confirming the diagnosis. Since their choice is large, a woman can be offered several options to choose from, which are similar in effect, but may differ in price.

Before using vaginal suppositories, it is necessary to study their components in detail, and only then give preference to one or another drug. Betadine suppositories, for example, cause itching and burning in many women due to an allergic reaction to iodine. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a medication based on the individual characteristics of the body. The most effective and popular suppositories for the treatment of thrush:

  • Pimafucin;
Pimafucin from 290 rub.
from 58 rub.
from 487 rub.
from 426 rub.
from 391 rub.

The drug Nystatin has a destructive effect on pathogenic pathogens. It acts locally without being absorbed through the mucous membrane. It is prescribed for both treatment and prevention of candidiasis. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, pregnancy, stomach ulcers, liver dysfunction.


These are antifungal suppositories, the action of which is aimed at destroying the cells of the pathogen, as a result of which it dies. This drug is taken in a course lasting from 3 to 6 days. The only contraindication to the use of Pimafucin is individual intolerance to its components.

This medication comes in the form of waxy vaginal suppositories. It has an antifungal effect and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. The advantage of Zalain is that to treat a mild form of candidiasis, 1 suppository is enough, which is inserted deep into the vagina at night. If the symptoms of thrush persist, it is necessary to reintroduce the suppository, but not earlier than after a week.

Antiseptic for intravaginal use. The advantage of the drug is that it does not have a negative effect on the vaginal microflora.

If necessary, Hexicon is prescribed during pregnancy. For the treatment of thrush, a 10-day course of 1 suppository twice a day is indicated. For prevention, a single use of a suppository is sufficient.

Suppositories in capsule form for single use. The drug has a pronounced antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Lomexin is a strong remedy, but it acts locally without provoking systemic reactions. If after the first use alarming symptoms persist, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after three days. The use of Lomexin vaginal suppositories is prohibited during pregnancy and in case of intolerance to its components.

These are suppositories for thrush that contain ketoconazole, an active ingredient. Penetrating a pathogenic pathogen, the agent destroys the composition of its membrane and leads to death. It has a local effect, but there is also a slight absorption into the bloodstream. Depending on the clinical case, the course of treatment varies from 3 to 10 days, 1 suppository at night.

These are iodine-based suppositories. The drug is endowed with a spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Once on the mucous membrane, iodine binds to the proteins of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and destroys them. Has minimal absorption into the bloodstream. Betadine suppositories for thrush are not prescribed while taking radioactive iodine, or for diseases of the thyroid gland.

The active ingredients are:

  • ternidazole;
  • neomycin sulfate.

This drug has a combined effect. Actively fights fungi and microbes, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Indicated for fungal infections and lesions of the genital organs, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process. Terzhinan is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes before surgery.

Effective suppositories for thrush with extensive action that destroy the cells of fungal microorganisms. Approximately 10% of the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it remains for three days. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation. Absolute contraindications for use are pregnancy, menstruation and hypersensitivity to the components of Clotrimazole.

Vaginal suppositories, the active ingredients of which are miconazole nitrate and metronidazole. The drug has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Before insertion into the vagina, the tablets are moistened in water. Usually the course of treatment does not exceed 10 days, 1 suppository per night.

Treatment is supplemented with oral antimicrobial agents. In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the use of the drug is prohibited; the need for treatment at a later stage is determined by the attending physician.

The drug contains components such as nystatin and nifuratel. Macmiror has virtually no contraindications and does not cause side effects. Helps reduce itching and other unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis after the first use. The advantage of Macmiror is that it is allowed during pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages of suppositories for thrush

Suppositories for thrush have a number of advantages. They have a rapid therapeutic effect and act locally on pathogenic microorganisms. Once on the mucous membranes, local preparations contribute to the death of fungi and eliminate the symptoms of thrush.

One of the main advantages of vaginal suppositories for candidiasis is that the chance of them harming you is very low.

A huge advantage of suppositories is minimal absorption into the bloodstream, which minimizes the body’s negative reaction. Candidiasis suppositories, which the pharmaceutical market offers today, can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with just one use.

The disadvantages of this treatment include the ability of suppositories to leak onto underwear, as a result, not the entire amount of the drug reaches the affected area. In advanced cases, independent use of topical medications will not bring the desired effect, so their use is advisable only as part of complex therapy.

Another nuance that not all women will like is that at the time of treatment with vaginal suppositories it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse.

Some topical medications, which contain antibacterial substances, often provoke vaginal dysbiosis. For this reason, after a therapeutic course, the use of suppositories with lactobacilli is required. They are necessary to restore microflora.

Since a small percentage of the components of the suppository enters the bloodstream, at the time of treatment it is necessary to refrain from alcohol and medications that are incompatible in their composition with vaginal suppositories.

Suppositories for thrush that can be used by pregnant women

During pregnancy, the female body experiences large-scale hormonal changes. Often this process becomes the background for the exacerbation of chronic pathologies, since the immune system is significantly weakened.

The appearance of thrush in pregnant women is a very common occurrence, and like all pathological processes, it requires a special approach to treatment. The situation is complicated by the fact that not all drugs can be used by expectant mothers. Many of them can negatively affect the development of the child, and in some cases even provoke a miscarriage. Particular care must be taken in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of thrush in pregnant women?

However, there are “soft” medications that are completely safe for both the expectant mother and her child. Below is a list of suppositories for thrush that can be used during pregnancy:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Natamycin;
from 184 rub.
from 799 rub.

From the 2nd and 3rd trimester, with extreme caution and under close medical supervision, the following vaginal suppositories can be prescribed:

  • Rumizol;

When breastfeeding, suppositories are selected that do not penetrate into breast milk. These are drugs with low systemic absorption. This includes all vaginal suppositories that are allowed during pregnancy, the same Macmiror, Zalain, Natamycin and others.

Video: How to get rid of thrush once and for all

The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of a wide variety of medicines that effectively fight the disease. Drugs can be prescribed in a variety of dosage forms: tablets, vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams, etc. Today we will look at the best suppositories for thrush.

Many of these medications are really quick and effective in dealing with the infectious process and fungal infection, while others may be less reliable or simply not suitable for a particular patient. How to choose the optimal remedy?

The prescription of the drug must be prescribed by a doctor and in each case it may differ. Much depends on the severity of the fungal infection, concomitant pathologies, etc. Self-medication can lead to the disease becoming chronic, which will be more difficult to combat.

Vaginal suppositories are one of the most common dosage forms that experts recommend purchasing. Let's look at the top 5 best candles that have earned a good reputation and have shown high effectiveness in the fight against illness.

Which suppositories are best for thrush?

Vaginal suppositories offered by the pharmaceutical industry for candidiasis may differ depending on the presence of the main active ingredient. Each drug has its own treatment duration, effectiveness, as well as contraindications and side effects.

The best suppositories for thrush must meet certain criteria:

  • pronounced therapeutic properties;
  • high antifungal activity;
  • minimal risk of side effects.

The best suppositories for thrush: top 5

Let's take a closer look at five vaginal suppositories that have proven their effectiveness:

  • nystatin;
  • pimafucin;
  • livarol;
  • zalain;
  • terzhinan.

Nystatin suppositories

Nystatin has pronounced antifungal properties. The polyene antibiotic element is the main component of the drug. If we talk about the mechanism of action, nystatin binds to sterol molecules - components of the cell membrane of yeast-like fungi. As a result of this interaction, the protective membrane of the fungal infection cell begins to weaken and eventually it dies.

If we are talking about small concentrations of nystatin, then they can stop the proliferation of a fungal infection, and large dosages can completely destroy it. Vaginal suppositories should be administered twice a day. Typically the course of treatment ranges from ten days to two weeks.

Despite the positive aspects, nystatin has some limitations, namely:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

As for side effects, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  • redness;
  • burning;
  • irritation.

If you want to avoid the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and follow these simple rules:

  • do not take during menstruation;
  • do not combine with clotrimazole;
  • during the treatment period, refuse sexual intercourse;
  • treat your sexual partner.

The average price is from 50 rubles per package. These are the cheapest candles.

Pimafucin suppositories

Pimafucin is a well-known remedy for thrush that is used to treat men, women and even children. The main active component of pimafucin is natamycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The only contraindication to the use of pimafucin is hypersensitivity to the drug. As for side effects, it is worth noting that the drug is quite well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, local reactions may occur: itching, redness, swelling, burning of the genitals. At the very beginning of treatment, there may be nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

It is worth noting special instructions:

  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment;
  • the drug can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is not recommended to use the product during menstruation.

The method of using pimafucin for thrush is as follows: one suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once a day before bedtime. The course of treatment is about a week.

Treatment tactics consist of two stages:

  • identifying the root cause;
  • prescribing pimafucin as a complex therapy. Pimafucin is not prescribed in combination with systemic antifungal agents.

The average price is around 450 rubles per package.

Livarol candles

Livarol is another well-known antimycotic drug. The drug is not used in the treatment of men or children due to the lack of clinical data regarding safety. The main active element of these suppositories is ketoconazole.

What is the principle of action of livarol? As you know, the cell wall of a fungal infection includes a substance called ergosterol. So ketoconazole inhibits the synthesis of this component. As a result, the metabolic processes in the cell are disrupted and it dies.

As for contraindications, there are no absolute restrictions, there are only relative ones, which means that in some cases the doctor can still decide to prescribe suppositories. Such contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the potential benefit outweighs the perceived danger and risks, then in certain cases suppositories may be prescribed.

If we talk about side effects, then it is extremely rare that the drug leads to any systemic disorders or an overdose. Sometimes patients report nausea and dizziness after using suppositories. In rare cases, local reactions may still occur, namely:

  • itching of the external genitalia;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • swelling.

Let's consider special instructions in connection with the use of livarol:

  • You should not drink alcoholic beverages during treatment. Otherwise, the risk of toxic effects on the liver increases, and the following symptoms may appear: tachycardia, hypotension, skin hyperemia, fainting;
  • During the treatment period, it is better to refuse intimacy, especially unprotected sexual intercourse. If this condition is neglected, the medicinal substance can lead to an allergic reaction in the sexual partner.

When it comes to the method of application, Livarol is definitely used as part of a complex treatment. Before starting treatment, a comprehensive diagnostic study is carried out, which helps to identify the true causes of fungal infection.

Suppositories are inserted into the vagina every evening for ten days. They cannot be used during menstruation.

Usually, one insertion of the suppository into the vagina is sufficient. If the symptoms of fungal infection remain, then no earlier than a week later you can introduce another vaginal suppository. Side effects are rare and may include mild itching and burning.

The price of Zalain in pharmacies averages 400-500 rubles per box.

Terzhinan candles

According to experts, terzhinan is effective against any form of candidiasis. Terzhinan is a complex antibacterial and antifungal agent, which includes the following active components:

  • ternidazole;
  • nystatin;
  • neomycin.

In general, the composition of terzhinan acts very harmoniously. Together, all these three components help ensure that the vaginal mucosa remains intact and the acidity of the environment remains within normal limits.

In addition, the effectiveness of terzhinan is enhanced by the presence of an auxiliary component - prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate. What properties does this substance have? This is a corticosteroid that helps suppress the inflammatory process that is caused by diseases of an infectious fungal nature.

The drug is widely used due to the absence of side effects and minor contraindications: individual intolerance and hypersensitivity.

You can use suppositories even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the only thing is that it is better to avoid using terzhinan in the first trimester, because this is an important period for the formation of organs and systems of the fetus.

The course of treatment is usually ten days. Both acute and chronic forms are treated according to the same scheme: one suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once a day. If it is not possible to administer the product in the evening, then after the procedure you need to lie down for half an hour in a horizontal position.