Ear nerve how to treat. Acoustic neuritis: symptoms, treatment

Neuritis auditory nerve is a disease in which the most common symptoms are tinnitus and hearing loss. It is as a result of neuritis that seemingly harmless tinnitus most often occurs, so if such a symptom occurs, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist for consultation and diagnosis.

Causes of neuritis

The reasons why auditory neuritis may occur may vary. Doctors note the most common of them:

    complication after meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, ARVI, influenza;

    side effects of pharmaceuticals with strong toxic components (after prolonged use antitumor drugs and antibiotics);

    intoxication with nicotine, alcohol, gasoline, phosphorus, arsenic, lead, mercury;

    allergic reaction;

    circulatory disorders in the brain;

    traumatic brain injury;

    hypertension, vascular disorders;

    damage to the auditory nerve as a result of natural aging of the body;

    prolonged exposure to vibration and noise.

Neuritis can be of an occupational (harmful working conditions), age-related, mechanical (injury), toxic (when the quality of hearing is affected by toxins) nature.

Symptoms and treatment of acoustic neuritis

The main symptom of neuritis is ringing and noise in the ears and decreased hearing. In some cases, the patient may note the presence of partial or complete deafness, and both or only one ear may be affected at once. Ringing and noise can have different intensities. These symptoms quite often lead to the fact that a person begins to lose balance, he develops attention disorders, dizziness, headaches, and his general condition also worsens significantly.

With a simple examination by a doctor, diagnosing neuritis is quite difficult. The final diagnosis can only be made with the help of a special hearing level test - audiometry.

This pathology must be treated quickly to prevent the development of irreversible changes in the nervous tissues of the ear. In the presence of an acute form of pathology, patients should be hospitalized. Therapy begins with determining the cause of neuritis, after which medications are prescribed that will help restore nerve tissue and establish normal metabolic activity. Patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, vasoconstrictors and biogenic stimulants. Treatment must be comprehensive.

If neuritis recurs or becomes chronic, it is recommended to undergo preventive courses of therapy 1-2 times a year. It also happens that deafness after neuritis cannot be cured. In such cases, doctors may recommend prosthetics: selection of the most suitable hearing aid. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that hearing will be restored completely and only thanks to drug therapy.

Prevention of neuritis includes control over the impact on the hearing organs of constant and loud noise, toxic components and vibration. Also important point is the prevention and timely adequate treatment of infectious diseases, namely: influenza, ARVI. Routine vaccination against mumps, rubella and measles is required.

Sometimes harmless tinnitus can indicate the presence of a dangerous and serious illness. Therefore, you should not wait for hearing loss; it is better to immediately contact an otolaryngologist, because there is a possibility that the cause may be acoustic neuritis.

Acoustic neuritis is a pathology of the nervous system, which is characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process with impaired auditory function.

Provoking factors for the development of auditory neuritis

The causes of development are varied, but most often the disease develops as a complication infectious process in the body. This could be influenza, acute respiratory viral infection or rubella, when the pathogen spreads through the blood through the body. With meningitis, mumps main role plays a role in the proximity of the source of infection to the auditory nerve. Toxic nerve damage occurs due to uncontrolled long-term use of medications or exposure to harmful substances at work. In addition, do not forget about the effect of alcohol and smoking on the nervous system. Damage to the cochlear nerve is observed with traumatic brain injury, as well as under the influence of harmful professional factors(noise, sound or vibration). Neuritis due to age-related changes is especially difficult to treat, since several damaging factors act simultaneously. In addition, cochlear neuritis may have an allergic origin.

Clinical symptoms of auditory neuritis

When the cochlear nerve is damaged, hearing loss comes to the fore, since it is this symptom worries the most. The degree of hearing dysfunction ranges from minor to complete loss. In addition, if left untreated, the disease gradually progresses and hearing loss increases. A constant companion to hearing loss is ringing or noise in the ears, but with a complete loss of hearing function, these symptoms are absent. Other clinical manifestations may be disturbing depending on the degree of inflammation activity, the duration of the course and the involvement of additional structures in the pathological process. These include dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness when walking, ear pain, increased blood pressure, hyperthermia, headache and other symptoms of acoustic neuritis.

Treatment directions for acoustic neuritis

If a diagnosis is made of neuritis, how to treat it depends on the nature of its occurrence, because the tactics used in one case may be categorically unacceptable in another. To begin with, it is worth examining the most common cause of the development of neuritis - this is an infectious pathogen, as well as methods of influencing it. Before starting treatment for auditory neuritis, it is necessary to find out the type of pathogen. Thus, in the case of a viral etiology, one should use antiviral drugs, and in case of bacterial infection, it is rational to use antibiotics. To select the correct drug, it is necessary to first grow the culture on a nutrient medium and determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to antibacterial agents. Thus, the drug will specifically act on the pathogenic microorganism, which will shorten the duration of treatment. However, in addition to pathogenetic therapy, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations and improve human well-being. For this purpose the following are used:

  • antioxidants in the form of vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid. It prevents damage to cells and tissues;
  • a plentiful drinking regimen is necessary to stimulate the elimination of toxic waste products of viruses and bacteria, thereby reducing the severity of intoxication syndrome;
  • peace and good nutrition necessary to maintain strength and receive a source of energy.

How to treat neuritis if the cause of its development is intoxication. It may arise as a result chronic poisoning various substances, the harmful effect of which is directed on the auditory nerve. Due to the long-term influence of the destructive factor, gradual destruction of the nerve is observed. To reduce its impact, use:

  • special antidotes that can bind toxic substances and remove them from the body;
  • symptomatic therapy, which includes the use of drugs that eliminate adverse reactions and symptoms caused by a toxic substance;
  • to consolidate the result and finally remove toxins, it is necessary to use physiotherapeutic methods, balneotherapy, mineral baths, mud therapy and spa treatment.

If acute poisoning is observed, then an ambulance should be called, which will provide first aid and transport to the hospital for hospitalization. Specialized assistance includes:

  • detoxification therapy, the purpose of which is to remove toxins from the body. For this purpose they are used special solutions for intravenous infusions and antidotes of those substances that caused poisoning;
  • symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating or reducing the severity of clinical manifestations of intoxication;
  • neurotropic drugs and vitamins, in particular group B, which provide protection nerve cells and improve their functioning;
  • resuscitation measures using mechanical ventilation, chest compressions and special medications required in cases of clinical death due to poisoning.

In case of traumatic brain injury it is necessary to use complex treatment to prevent the development serious complications, including acoustic neuritis. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of specialists. So, you need to use diuretics, which reduce the swelling of the brain tissue, which prevents the medulla oblongata from being wedged into the large foramen of the skull. In addition, medications are needed that control blood pressure and improve blood circulation through the vessels of the brain. Painkillers are used to reduce the intensity of pain, and if seizures develop, anticonvulsants should be used. In order to visualize damage to the tissue and bones of the skull, as well as determine the degree of severity, it is advisable to carry out x-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging and ECHO-encephalography. In addition, an examination by a neurologist and an ophthalmologist is necessary to exclude pathology. In the future, if the auditory nerve is damaged, surgical intervention is required, but while maintaining its integrity, it is recommended to use drugs that improve cerebral circulation, support the functioning of nerve cells, as well as vitamins and mineral complexes. Treatment of ear neuritis caused by occupational hazards will not be effective enough if exposure to the damaging factor continues. Maximum result will be achieved by changing jobs where there are no harmful data. For specific and nonspecific protection of the body from damaging effects, you can use:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures, in particular electrophoresis on the skull area. Thanks to the electric field, penetration occurs medicinal substances through all layers of skin directly into the auditory nerve;
  • balneotherapy, mud therapy, the use of radon baths and sanatorium-resort treatment have a stimulating and strengthening effect, and also activate regeneration processes, resulting in rapid healing of microtraumas of the nerve fibers that form the auditory nerve;
  • Magnetic therapy affects the structure of nerves, changing their physical chemical properties;
  • acupuncture is used for therapeutic purposes and to reduce pain;
  • biostimulants and biologically active substances increase the nerve’s resistance to action wide range harmful physical and chemical factors and agents;
  • vitamins - to activate and normalize metabolic processes in the auditory nerve.

Such therapy should be repeated a couple of times a year and registered with an audiologist (a doctor who deals with hearing pathology). In case of complete loss of hearing function as a result of prolonged or intense exposure to harmful production factors, it is necessary to carry out prosthetics. At acute injury sound should use painkillers, medications that activate the blood supply to the nerve and nervous system as a whole through small vessels, as well as sedatives for human sedation. Antibacterial drugs and antiseptics necessary to prevent the activation of pathogenic flora in the ear. In the future, it is rational to use physiotherapeutic procedures, take vitamins and biostimulants (adaptogens). Treatment of auditory neuritis, the development of which is based on age-related changes, will not be able to ensure complete restoration of the nerve structure. It is used to improve local blood circulation, support cognitive functions of the brain, control blood pressure, cholesterol and much more. Since the atrophic process is characterized by a chronic course, restoration and treatment of ear neuritis also require long-term medication:

  • those that lower blood pressure, used to normalize it and prevent sudden rises;
  • drugs that have a hypocholesterolemic effect, which is necessary for atherosclerotic damage to the blood vessels of the brain;
  • medications that can affect the blood coagulation system. Used in the presence of thrombosis or high risk its development;
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation, which ensures adequate oxygen supply and necessary substances auditory nerve;
  • trophic agents that support the full functioning of brain cells and tissues;
  • vitamin complexes and biologically active substances;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • balneotherapy and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Despite the cause of neuritis and the degree of its activity, the key to success is timely contact with a specialist for the purpose of early diagnosis and pathogenetic treatment. If therapy is started at an early stage of the disease, the probability of complete restoration of hearing function can reach 100%. The longer the pathological process, the less chance of normalization of hearing.

In otorhinolaryngology, a disease such as acoustic neuritis is often encountered. This pathology manifests itself as hearing loss. With this disease, a person cannot perceive sounds normally. This reduces the quality of life.

Auditory nerve damage

The activity of all organs is controlled by the central nervous system. The auditory nerve is connected to the structures of the brain. Its main function is to transmit information from the analyzer to other departments. This is the VIII pair cranial nerves.More than 70% of cases of hearing loss in adults are caused by sensorineural hearing loss.

The disease is characterized by unilateral lesions. Cochlear neuritis almost always manifests itself as tinnitus. The risk group includes elderly and young people working in hazardous working conditions. Hearing loss is an occupationally induced disease. Most often it develops in people who work in noisy environments.

Acute acoustic neuritis is a non-infectious inflammatory disease, which is accompanied by hearing loss and noise. The prevalence of this pathology reaches 5%. Men get sick more often than women. According to statistics, neuritis is most often diagnosed in people over 55 years of age. In ICD-10 this pathology is referred to as sensorineural hearing loss.

What is neuritis like?

There are several types of cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve. It can be congenital and acquired, unilateral and bilateral, prelingual and postlingual, central and peripheral, acute, subacute and chronic. Depending on the nature of the pathological changes, stable, reversible and irreversible neurites are distinguished.

There is a classification based on the main cause of inflammation. According to it, they stand out the following types neuritis:

  • Professional
  • Medication
  • Toxic
  • Infectious
  • Ischemic
  • Ray
  • Traumatic
  • Allergic

Most often, the development of the disease is observed in old age. The congenital form is diagnosed very rarely. It may be caused by fetal developmental abnormalities. The prelingual form develops in young children before they can speak. Acquired neuritis can be acute, subacute and chronic. It is based on how long ago the disease occurred.

Inflammation of the ear nerve is called acute if the first symptoms appeared no more than a month ago. Under acute neuritis characterized by the duration of the onset of the first symptoms from 1 to 3 months. If this period is more than 12 weeks, then the inflammation is called chronic. The loudness of any sound is measured in decibels (dB). With neuritis, hearing loss develops. This is a condition in which the hearing threshold increases.

Depending on this, 4 degrees of hearing loss are distinguished against the background of inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve. Neuritis mild degree characterized threshold values perceived sounds from 26 to 40 dB. If this indicator increases to 41–55 dB, this indicates moderate hearing loss. The severe form is characterized by an increase in the threshold to 56–70 dB. An increase in this indicator to 71–90 dB indicates an extreme degree of hearing loss. Such patients practically do not perceive surrounding sounds. As neuritis and hearing loss progress, complete deafness develops.

Main etiological factors

Inflammation of the auditory nerve is a polyetiological disease. The following factors play an important role in the development of acquired neuritis:

  • Viral diseases (measles, rubella, influenza, ARVI, herpes)
  • Bacterial infections (syphilis, scarlet fever)
  • Irrational treatment with ototoxic drugs (aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, diuretics, salicylates)
  • Poisoning chemicals(arsenic, mercury, cadmium, phosphorus)
  • Harmful occupational factors
  • Vascular pathology
  • Internal otitis
  • Mechanical injuries
  • Operations
  • Barotrauma; sudden changes in atmospheric pressure
  • Allergic reactions
  • Brain tumors
  • Paget's disease
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Sickle cell anemia

In older people, the aging processes of the body are of great importance in the development of this pathology. A common cause of damage to the VIII pair of cranial nerves is exposure to physical factors. These include noise and vibration. The risk group includes people who long time work in hazardous conditions. In this case, the disease develops gradually.

Often such people become disabled. Most often, neuritis and hearing loss develop when working in hot shops, in the engineering and metallurgical industries. Bell ringers face a similar problem. Almost all of them are deaf due to constant exposure to loud noise.

The condition of the ear largely depends on blood circulation. Causes of nerve damage include vascular disorders. These include atherosclerosis, thrombosis, arterial hypertension, acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident. Very often the auditory nerve becomes inflamed after suffered a stroke. Sometimes a congenital form of the disease is detected.

It is caused by genetic factors and trauma during childbirth. Cochlear neuritis develops with Stickler, Usher, Pendred, Alport and Waandenburg syndromes. In the presence of this pathology, hearing loss is combined with other disorders. Possible causes of the development of the disease include prolonged labor, fetal hypoxia, improper management of pregnancy, and trauma to the child during passage through the birth canal.

Clinical manifestations of neuritis

With this disease, the function of only one nerve is most often impaired. The main symptoms are noise and hearing loss. Additional symptoms diseases include dizziness, nausea, imbalance, headache, weakness, pale skin. Blood pressure often increases. Possible visual disturbances in the form of flashing flies.

If inflammation of the nerve in the ear area occurs as a result of infectious diseases (influenza or ARVI), then there may be an increase in body temperature, a cough and general malaise. Occupational neuritis of the auditory nerve develops over a long period of time. Hearing can decrease after 20 or even 30 years from the start of work in hazardous work.

It is impossible to cure such patients. With unilateral inflammation, sound is better perceived by the healthy ear. If both nerves are inflamed, then the person perceives information better from the side that is less affected. The acute form of neuritis develops suddenly within 4–5 hours or several days. The progressive form of the disease is more dangerous, as it often leads to deafness.

At chronic form neuritis general health patients is not significantly disturbed. There are no signs of intoxication. Constant symptom neuritis is ringing (noise) in the ears. It occurs regardless external factors. Noise can appear even when a person is in absolute silence. The degree of hearing impairment is assessed using audiometry.

Stage 1 disease is characterized by the fact that a person hears whispering at a distance of no more than 3 m, and spoken speech is detected at a distance of 3–6 m. Treatment at this stage of the disease is most effective. Hearing loss of severity 2 is characterized by the perception of information when speaking in a whisper at a distance of 1 m. Speech is audible if the sound source is 1–4 m away.

Neuritis with grade 3 hearing loss is severe. With it, a person does not hear whispers at all. He can distinguish spoken speech at a distance of 1 m. The most dangerous is grade 4 hearing loss. It is given to those people who can at least hear something. Without proper treatment, a person becomes completely deaf.

Patient examination plan

If the auditory nerve is damaged, treatment is carried out after excluding other diseases and comprehensive examination. It is necessary to establish the exact cause of the pathology. A correctly collected anamnesis is of great importance. The impact of potentially harmful factors (noise and vibration) must be assessed. If neuritis is suspected, the following studies are performed:

  • Audiometry
  • Otoscopy
  • Auditory evoked potential testing (for children)
  • Microotoscopy
  • Acoustic impedance measurement
  • Vestibulometry
  • Stabilography

If necessary, consultation with several specialists is required. Acoustic neuritis should be treated after pure tone threshold audiometry. It allows you to estimate the minimum sound intensity that the patient's ear perceives. This is the most reliable research method. It helps determine the degree of hearing loss.

Very often, neuritis is caused by purulent inflammation of the hearing organ (otitis). It can be identified during the inspection process. This is called otoscopy. Additional tests include MRI or CT scan of the brain, Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck, blood and urine tests. In order to exclude diseases associated with impaired sound conduction, acoustic impedance testing is required. Differential diagnosis is carried out with otosclerosis, Meniere's disease and labyrinthitis.

Therapeutic tactics for neuritis

Every otorhinolaryngologist knows how to treat neuritis. In case of infectious etiology of the disease, it is carried out drug therapy. You must first determine the species of the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Neuroprotectors
  • Venotonics
  • Vasodilators
  • Nootropics

Medicines such as Vinpocetine, Trental, Piracetam, Cerebrolysin, Cavinton, Mexidol are often used. If neuritis is infectious, you need to remain calm, drink more fluids and eat well. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamins. In case of acoustic neuritis, its symptoms and treatment are determined by the doctor.

A remedy such as Betahistine is often used. It allows you to get rid of noise in the ear and dizziness if the neuritis is caused by pathology of the labyrinth located in the internal part of the hearing organ. In case of nerve inflammation due to intoxication, treatment involves the use of specific antidotes, taking symptomatic medications, physiotherapy, and detoxification of the body.

If neuritis is caused by traumatic brain injury, then the main way to cure patients is to eliminate brain edema and inflammation. The most difficult form of inflammation to treat is inflammation of the hearing organ, caused by occupational hazards (noise and vibration). In this case, you need to change your job. Additionally, adaptogens, neuroprotectors, physiotherapy (electrophoresis), and radon baths are prescribed.

Treatment includes several courses with a frequency of 1-2 times a year. When complete deafness develops, prosthetics are required. If neuritis is provoked acoustic trauma, then painkillers, medications that improve blood circulation, antibiotics and sedatives are prescribed. Treatment of acoustic neuritis with folk remedies is ineffective. Before use herbal remedies you need to consult your doctor.

Conservative treatment is effective for early stages diseases. With bilateral hearing loss and a threshold of 40 dB, prosthetics are performed. Surgical treatment involves cochlear or stem implantation. In cases of complete deafness and grade 4 hearing loss, operations on the cochlea can be performed.

Methods for preventing neuritis

Cochlear neuritis can be prevented. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Treat hearing diseases in a timely manner, respiratory tract and heads
  • Avoid contact with toxic substances
  • Don't listen to loud music on headphones
  • Refuse long-term use ototoxic drugs
  • Treat cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension)
  • Quit smoking and alcohol
  • Avoid head injury

For acoustic neuritis, treatment with folk remedies does not help good results. Often a hearing aid is required. To avoid this, you need to be in a quiet environment more often and avoid exposure to sharp and loud sounds on your hearing. Prevention of occupational neuritis is of greater importance. It assumes:

  • Application of sound-absorbing building materials
  • The use of special structures that dissipate noise
  • Application of silencers
  • Timely repair of broken equipment and its replacement with new ones
  • Using earplugs or headphones

Noise has an adverse effect on a person if it is combined with vibration and a cold microclimate. Sources of loud noise can be ventilation, presses, jackhammers and other equipment. It is necessary to influence both the source of noise and the path of its propagation. Cochlear neuritis is a common disease. At early diagnosis hearing is restored in half of the patients. Chronic (occupational) neuritis leads to irreversible consequences. Such people become completely deaf. In this case, prosthetics are required.

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Acoustic neuritis is a pathology of the nervous system caused by inflammation of the auditory nerve and impaired hearing quality. The disease usually affects older males over 60 years of age, who rarely seek help from a specialist, believing that hearing loss is normal at this age.

Cochlear neuritis is more often diagnosed in urban residents. Intense background noise in the city constantly affects the human hearing organ.

According to the location of the lesion, the pathology is classified into:

  • Cochleitis- inflammation of cochlear receptors auditory analyzer,
  • Neuritis- direct inflammation of the nerve.

Auditory nerve

The auditory nerve consists of 2 branches - vestibular and cochlear. The vestibular branch originates from the organ of balance, and the auditory branch originates from the auditory apparatus. Symptoms of inflammation include not only hearing loss and hearing loss, but also dizziness and unsteadiness of gait.

In inner ear In humans, receptors are located - hair cells. Movements of the stapes cause fluid vibrations in the membranous labyrinth, which are converted in the nerve into electrical impulses that enter the brain.

The perception of sound by the ear and its processing in the cerebral cortex is complex physiological processes, ensuring a person’s ability to hear sound and determine where it comes from.

When exposed to etiological factors, the vessels of the hearing organ are affected, microcirculation is disrupted, hypoxia of the cells of the nerve trunk develops, which becomes inflamed and ceases to function normally.


Acoustic neuritis is a polyetiological pathology that develops under the influence of various environmental factors.


The disease is a complication of any infectious pathology of the head and neck organs.


  • Poisoning medicines- uncontrolled use of antibiotics, cytostatics, salicylates. Ototoxicity is more pronounced in children.
  • Industrial hazards - lead, mercury, heavy metal salts, phosphorus, arsenic, gasoline and other petroleum products, carbon monoxide, aniline dyes.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Tobacco smoking.

Traumatic injury

Traumatic brain injury is characterized by the following pathological processes: circulatory disorders, edema, pinpoint capillary hemorrhage. Such vascular changes result in the development of neuritis.

Fracture of the base of the skull with lesion temporal bone leads to inflammation of the auditory nerve, which is caused by vascular disorders, damage to nerve fibers by bone fragments, infection.

Occupational pathology

Cochlear neuritis is an occupational pathology for persons constantly exposed to adverse physical factors - noise, vibration, pressure.

  1. People who work in workshops with equipment that makes noise are most susceptible to developing the disease.
  2. Shots, whistles and other loud sounds have an acute effect on the ear, increase pressure and injure the auditory nerve. Acoustic injury may develop.
  3. Vibration disease is manifested by symptoms of cochlear neuritis, as well as worsening general condition, asthenia of the body, dizziness, pallor and coldness of the extremities.

Old age

Senile cochlear neuritis usually develops in people over 60 years of age. It is associated with age-related changes in the auditory nerve. Atherosclerosis, hypertension, tendency to thrombus formation are processes that disrupt the trophism of the internal structures of the body, including nerve fibers.

Cochlear neuritis is a consequence of a previous stroke.

Other reasons

  • Allergy,
  • Barotrauma,
  • Tumor - neuroma,
  • Hypothyroidism,
  • Syphilis.


Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve occurs suddenly against a background of complete well-being and progresses rapidly. Painful sensations and other signs of inflammation in patients are absent. Otoscopy reveals no pathological changes. Tests with a tuning fork allow you to determine a violation of sound perception.

The main symptoms of acoustic neuritis:

  1. Hearing loss is the main symptom of the pathology varying degrees expressiveness. If the pathology is not treated, then it begins to progress and develops.
  2. Constant and intense noise, humming, ringing in the ears.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Patients who have serious vestibular disorders and do not see a doctor in time develop irreversible changes in the organ of hearing.

The chronic form of the disease develops unnoticed and occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions. Chronic cochlear neuritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Unsteadiness of gait and dizziness are unstable signs of pathology associated with inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
  • Neuralgia is paroxysmal pain in the ears resulting from mechanical damage structures of the hearing aid.
  • Symptoms of intoxication: weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, pallor appear if the cause of neuritis is acute poisoning.
  • Hypertension, “floaters before the eyes,” and headache occur in the presence of cerebrovascular accident.
  • Hyperthermia, runny nose, cough, sore throat are signs of an acute viral infection, the course of which was complicated by the development of cochlear neuritis.


The main diagnostic method is audiometry, during which the doctor tests hearing at different frequencies. The patient's lack of perception of high-frequency sound is a sign of cochlear neuritis.

Using a tuning fork, bone conduction of sound and vibration sensitivity are assessed.

To determine the cause of the disease, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is performed, ultrasound examination vessels of the neck, heart, ECG, blood and urine testing for basic indicators.

If bacterial neuritis occurs, then it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics. To do this, a microbiological examination of the ear discharge is carried out for microflora.


Before you begin treatment of the disease, it is necessary to find out its cause, on which the patient’s management tactics depend.

Treatment of patients with acute cochlear neuritis carried out in the ENT department for 10 days. For this use:

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease begins with eliminating etiological factor. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of chronic neuritis. If the patient does not experience hearing loss within a year, then treatment is not even started.

For treatment of infectious neuritis patients are prescribed:

  • Antiviral drugs – “Ingavirin”, “Arbidol”;
  • Antibacterial agents – “Amoxicillin”, “Amoxiclav”;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Ortofen;
  • Immunomodulators – “Imunorix”, “Ismigen”;
  • Vitamins and antioxidants to improve metabolism in nerve cells.

Treatment of toxic neuritis consists in the use of special substances - antidotes that bind and remove toxins. Patients are prescribed symptomatic, detoxification therapy, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation measures.

Treatment acute poisoning carried out in a hospital setting. The state of clinical death requires resuscitation measures - chest compressions, artificial ventilation.

The specialist prescribes treatment of traumatic neuritis of the auditory nerve after an X-ray of the skull, encephalography, consultation with a neurologist and ophthalmologist. Victims are prescribed analgesics, diuretics and anticonvulsants, as well as drugs that improve cerebral circulation. After the patients’ condition has stabilized, they move on to restorative therapy using biostimulants, vitamins, and nootropic drugs.

Treatment of cochlear neuritis caused by occupational hazards will be ineffective if a person continues to work in production with high level noise and vibration. First of all, you should change your place of work, and then proceed to direct treatment. Patients are prescribed sedatives and painkillers, biostimulants and vitamins, physiotherapy - electrophoresis, balneotherapy - mud therapy, radon baths, magnetic therapy, acupuncture. These procedures strengthen the body and stimulate regeneration and repair processes.

If as a result long-term exposure Due to unfavorable production factors, complete hearing loss has occurred and the patient requires hearing aids.

It is almost impossible to cure acoustic neuritis in older people. Patients take medications for the rest of their lives:

  1. Antihypertensive drugs
  2. Antisclerotic agents,
  3. Antiplatelet agents
  4. Nootropics,
  5. Physiotherapy - electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, acupuncture.

With the progression of the disease and a sharp decrease in hearing, patients are recommended hearing aids and learning to read speech from lips.

Traditional methods of treating cochlear neuritis are less effective than traditional therapy. Means traditional medicine complement the main treatment, but do not replace it completely. Among them, the most common are: hop herb decoction, propolis tincture, camphor oil.


Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating the factors leading to the development of the disease.

Such pathological processes include cochlear neuritis, which is a consequence of inflammation in the inner ear. If left unattended, this phenomenon can lead to hearing impairment and even complete deafness. That is why doctors advise paying attention to the symptoms in case of auditory neuritis and treatment in this case will be carried out in a timely manner.

Cochlear neuritis can occur directly from birth or at any other age. This pathology is characterized by tinnitus and painful attacks, as well as irreversible consequences, such as hearing loss. It can occur in one ear or in both ears at once. In the case of acute inflammation ear nerve process ends in deafness in 2-3 days.

Causes of neuritis

Damage to the auditory nerve occurs due to many factors, and the main ones are:

  • Dystrophic disorders located in articular cartilage cervical region;
  • Malfunctions cardiovascular system;
  • Serious head injuries, especially localized in the temporal region;
  • Neoplasm in the auditory nerve bundle;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Deposits of atheromatous plaques in blood vessels (atherosclerosis);
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Hemorrhage occurring in the inner ear;
  • A complication after an infection, such as meningitis, shingles, or typhus;
  • Otitis of acute, chronic and purulent nature;
  • Pathological growth of bone in the middle ear, which arose against the background of disruptions in the ear circulatory system;
  • Flu, ARVI;
  • Atrophic changes that have occurred in the nervous tissue due to a long course of taking medications (antibiotics, diuretics, etc.) that contribute to the development of intoxication in the ear apparatus.

Cochlear neuritis occurs due to many reasons, but most often appears due to previous or complicated infectious diseases that are prone to the appearance of an inflammatory process. In addition to the factors mentioned above, less common ones should be noted:

  • Tendency to bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • Constantly being in a noisy environment;
  • Work involving prolonged sensation of vibration.


When the auditory nerve is damaged, people are most often tormented by constant noise or ringing in the background. general deterioration hearing Such attacks can haunt the patient around the clock or occur spontaneously. This pathological process manifests itself due to spasms in the ear vessels, which are a consequence of a failure in the blood circulation of the hearing aid. Over time, hearing loss develops (hearing acuity decreases) and if inflammation of the auditory nerve is not treated, the person will become completely deaf.

Initially, the symptoms affect only one ear, but as the disease progresses, it spreads to the healthy ear. Further, the patient begins to suffer from nausea, even vomiting and dizziness. Over time, a person’s hearing becomes worse and worse, and the manifestations of the disease intensify.

Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve is quite rare, and it is especially dangerous, since the symptoms develop at lightning speed and literally within 2-3 days the patient becomes completely deaf. This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Rhinitis (runny nose);
  • Rapid increase in temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Cough;
  • Hyperemia (overflow of blood);
  • Dizziness;
  • Failures in coordination of movements.

A painful attack occurs mainly due to rapid movements of the head, as well as during walking or bending. If the disease affects both ears, then the patient has difficulty speaking and must be urgently hospitalized. Treatment of acoustic neuritis in this situation takes place exclusively in a hospital setting with the help of intensive therapy aimed at avoiding hearing loss.


An ENT doctor will have to diagnose cochlear neuritis after conducting all the necessary tests. The specialist will determine the cause of the pathological process, the degree of damage to the auditory nerve and prescribe a course of therapy.

Initially, the patient is examined and interviewed, and then instrumental methods are used to diagnose deterioration in hearing acuity. One of them is pure-tone audiometry. It determines the threshold of frequencies that the patient can hear, as well as the degree of damage to nerve fibers. If signs of pathology (poor perception high frequencies) were found in both ears, this indicates the presence of pathology of the auditory nerve.

The doctor, relying on the results of the study, will prescribe a course of therapy and prescribe a hearing aid with the required frequency of perception. This procedure effectively helps even small children, since it can be performed during play or if the child is sleeping, and the examination is absolutely painless.

In case of head injury, brain tomography (computer, magnetic resonance imaging), as well as x-rays and encephalography are additionally prescribed. Such examination methods will allow the expert to assess the extent of damage.

Course of therapy

Understanding how to treat acoustic neuritis is quite difficult, because the course of therapy consists of a whole range of procedures aimed at restoring hearing. This cannot be done in all cases, since after typhus, malaria and others infectious pathologies Hearing loss occurs suddenly and people can become completely deaf in a matter of days. The same applies to the toxic effects of various toxic elements.

It is virtually impossible to restore hearing completely in such situations.

The course of therapy is drawn up by a doctor who selects procedures and medications depending on the cause of the pathological process:

  • If the culprit is viral infection, then medications with an antiviral effect are prescribed;
  • When neuritis is a consequence of bacteria, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics;
  • To treat the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to additionally use iodine-based drugs and nicotinic acid, as well as glucose injections.

This type of pathology is treated by an audiologist. Patients, especially those with chronic cochlear neuritis, undergo routine diagnostics by this specialist at least 2 times a year.

For any pathogen, the patient’s body will benefit from vitamins to improve immune defense. In addition to them, a person suffering from acoustic neuritis must stay in bed constantly and drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins, for example, warm tea.

If head trauma is the main cause of nerve damage, treatment is symptomatic. It is necessary to take diuretics (diuretic medications) to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. Medicines with anticonvulsant and analgesic effects will help eliminate a painful attack or spasm that occurs.

In case of poisoning by toxic substances, it is necessary to drink drugs to remove them (sorbents) and go on a special diet. It should contain more vegetables and dairy products. Physiotherapeutic procedures and mud treatment have a good effect.

For blue-collar workers, the main factor influencing the development of pathology is poor working conditions. For example, construction workers are constantly in a noisy environment and experience vibrations. The problem can be eliminated by changing your place of work, since nerve inflammation cannot be cured otherwise.

If a person has completely lost their hearing due to an external stimulus, they will need a hearing aid. In addition, in case of an injury of this type, the patient is prescribed medications with a sedative effect, as well as to improve blood circulation. In any case, hearing acuity decreases over time and in old age it will be lower than at a young age. It is impossible to completely eliminate such consequences and older people will need to constantly monitor their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Afterflight atrophic changes auditory muscles have a chronic course.

Hearing prosthetics is usually prescribed by a specialist if the patient’s perception of sounds has decreased to 40 dB or lower and there are problems with speech, which is the reason for wearing a hearing aid. Prosthetics are performed individually depending on the degree of hearing impairment.

Sometimes ear treatment requires surgery. It is performed to remove tumors, hematomas, and also for implantation. If the patient is constantly bothered by ringing in the ears and dizziness, the doctor may amputate the tympanic plexus or perform a cervical sympathectomy (blocking the nerve trunk).

To protect the body from the effects of environmental irritants and to enhance the main course of treatment, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Mineral baths, treatment with healing mud and relaxation in a sanatorium can speed up the healing of nerve fibers and eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • The physical and chemical properties of nerve fibers can be normalized using magnetic therapy;
  • You can improve nutrition and speed up regeneration using physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, since electric field penetrates well into tissues;
  • To reduce pain and speed up the recovery of the auditory nerve, acupuncture can be used. In addition to her, it provides good influence acapuncture, phonopharesis and oxygen barotherapy for damaged nerve fibers.

Often, complications can be avoided in any course of cochlear neuritis and for this it is enough to contact an ENT doctor in a timely manner for examination and examination. A timely course of therapy allows you to avoid hearing loss, but if the situation is advanced, then it is virtually impossible to completely restore hearing.

Traditional medicine methods

It is not possible to completely get rid of acoustic neuritis using folk remedies, but you can alleviate the condition and improve the effect of the main course of therapy. The use of such methods is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

The following traditional methods can be used as a supplement to the course of ear treatment:

  • The auditory nerve can be treated with a compress. It is based on garlic ground into a pulp and 2-3 drops of camphor oil. The finished mixture should be placed on gauze and then applied to the ear. It is better to do this at night, and if a burning sensation occurs, you need to urgently remove the compress and rinse the auricle;
  • A decoction made from golden mustache can help relieve inflammation. To prepare, you need to take 3 leaves of this plant and pour 1 liter of them. water and then boil for 5 minutes. Next, the medicine should be allowed to brew for 24 hours, and then you can drink this remedy 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely treatment, acoustic neuritis resolves without any complications. Basically, it is possible to restore hearing acuity entirely, but in some cases it is only possible to stop the pathological process and remove inflammation.

In a situation where the nerve began to die, the prognosis is extremely disappointing. The patient will most likely lose his hearing and in such a situation it is necessary to undergo a prosthetic procedure in order to regain the ability to fully perceive the world around him. The rhythm of life with a properly selected hearing aid will not change much and the person will be able to continue to work and go about their business.

It is better to avoid pathology than to treat it, but to do this you must follow the rules of prevention:

  • Do not overcool;
  • Completely treat all pathologies of the ENT organs;
  • If the work process takes place in constant noise, then it is necessary to wear special headphones to protect the hearing;
  • Drink a vitamin complex, especially in spring and autumn;
  • Try to comply healthy image life;
  • Do not use toxic drugs;
  • If the work is associated with a danger to the hearing aid, then you should undergo audiometry 2 times a year.

Acoustic neuritis is not fatal disease, but it can lead to disability, as hearing will gradually deteriorate. This can be prevented by following the rules of prevention, but if symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact an ENT doctor for examination.

The information on the site is provided solely for popular information purposes and is not intended to be reference or medical precision, is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

Acoustic neuritis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

What is acoustic neuritis?

Acoustic neuritis is a disease of the nerves that make up the nervous system of the auditory organs. It manifests itself as tinnitus and impaired hearing quality. Currently, there is no unified classification of auditory neuritis. Based on audio-logical data, depending on the localization of the process, they distinguish: cochleitis - mainly damage to the receptor apparatus of the cochlea, neuritis - pathological changes in the nerve trunk and retracochlear lesions of the auditory analyzer when the process is localized in the auditory nuclei and overlying pathways of the brain stem.

Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve is a non-infectious inflammatory disease that is accompanied by hearing loss and noise. The prevalence of this pathology reaches 5%. Men get sick more often than women. According to statistics, neuritis is most often diagnosed in people over 55 years of age. In ICD-10 this pathology is referred to as sensorineural hearing loss.


Neuritis is an inflammatory disease peripheral nerves, in which, along with pain, symptoms are identified, so-called loss, i.e. loss or decrease in sensitivity, as well as paralysis and paresis. Special shape neuritis consists of polyneuritis, in which many nerves are involved in the painful process.

Some polyneuritis is caused by a neurotropic virus and is usually accompanied by simultaneous damage to the spinal roots (polyradiculoneuritis), often the spinal cord and even the brain. Most common cause polyneuritis are chronic exogenous (alcohol, botulinum toxin, lead, etc.) and endogenous (diabetes, uremia) intoxication. Patients experience pain in the limbs, muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders, muscle atrophy and paresis, changes in skin color, sweating, chilliness, etc.

Causes of acoustic neuritis

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance auditory neuritis. First of all, these are various inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as: otitis media, influenza, ARVI. It can also be the consequences of injuries, for example, after a traumatic brain injury. In medical practice, there are neuritis of the auditory nerve of allergic origin. There are a lot of patients with occupational auditory neuritis. This occurs due to prolonged exposure of the auditory organs to noise or vibration. People over 60 years of age also suffer from this disease as a result of general aging of the body.

Other causes of acoustic neuritis include:

  • pathological changes;
  • congenital anomaly of the ear structure;
  • complication of flu or cold;
  • frequent drinking or smoking;
  • toxic effects;
  • mechanical damage;
  • injury to the ears or head;
  • formation of atherosclerosis;
  • the appearance of tumors or cysts;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics or other drugs.

Symptoms of acoustic neuritis

The obvious symptoms of auditory neuritis are noise and ringing in the ear. This leads to the patient beginning to hear much worse. Noise and ringing in the ear can be of varying strength and frequency. With the development of this disease, a person’s hearing may completely disappear. A patient with auditory neuritis feels dizzy and is unable to maintain balance. Most often, during a routine examination of the ear, the doctor cannot detect any changes in it. Only audiometry can show the presence of this disease.

Treatment of acoustic neuritis

When treating auditory neuritis, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of this disease. Treatment should begin as early as possible, while the nerve tissue is still amenable to some kind of treatment. In case of acute auditory neuritis, the patient must be hospitalized in the ENT department.

Drug treatment

For auditory neuritis, the patient is prescribed medications that can improve metabolic processes and restore nervous tissue. Among these drugs are vitamins A, B, and E, biogenic stimulants, such as, for example, aloe extract. Very often, the doctor prescribes various means to dilate blood vessels and improve microcirculation. Among them are nicotinic acid, trental, cavinton, stugeron. A medicine such as prozerin is also used, which improves the conductivity of nerve tissue.

If you become ill with auditory neuritis again, then treatment is aimed at stopping the process of death of the auditory nerve. Once or twice a year the patient undergoes a course of maintenance treatment. This treatment is most often based on vitamins and biogenic stimulants.


Physiotherapeutic treatment methods have a positive stimulating effect:

  • reflexology: electropuncture, laser puncture, acupuncture;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • phonophoresis of drugs;
  • oxygen barotherapy.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of acoustic neuritis is carried out to perform stem or cochlear implantation, removal of acoustic neuroma, hematoma or brain tumor. Necessity surgical treatment may be due to painful tinnitus or bouts of intense dizziness. In such cases, delete stellate node, resection of the tympanic plexus or cervical sympathectomy, for deafness or hearing loss of IV degree - destructive surgery on the cochlea.

Hearing aid

If the patient has completely lost his hearing, then a hearing aid is selected for him. Analogue, digital and linear hearing aids can be used. The selection and adjustment of the device is carried out by a hearing prosthetist. The sooner you begin the process of treating neuritis, the more effective its results will be.

Prevention of acoustic neuritis

In order to prevent auditory neuritis, the patient must protect the auditory organs from strong noise, vibration, as well as from the effects of various toxic substances. It is also very important to protect yourself from influenza, ARVI or measles. If you do get sick with one of these diseases, try to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Acoustic neuritis is a complex disease that requires special attention, both from doctors and from the patients themselves. Be careful. Do not put off treatment for auditory neuritis if you do not want to remain deaf for the rest of your life. Try to monitor your health as closely as possible always and everywhere. Even the simplest wearing of a hat in the cold season is one of the very important points in order not to catch auditory neuritis.

Diagnosis of acoustic neuritis

When diagnosing acoustic neuritis, the ENT doctor must not only establish accurate diagnosis, but also to determine the causes of damage to the cochlear analyzer, to assess the level and dynamics of the process of hearing loss.

  • Whispering hearing test colloquial speech allows us to identify a decrease in perception of high-pitched sounds. However, with pronounced atrophic-degenerative changes, the perception of low sounds may decrease.
  • A positive Rinne test is noted in the initial manifestations of neuritis and a negative one - with a developed process.
  • Research according to Weber, when there is bilateral neuritis, does not lateralize the sound, when there is unilateral neuritis, the lateralization of the sound will be in the healthy direction.
  • The Schwabach test is sharply shortened, the Jelly test is positive.

However, the main diagnostic tool is audiometry. It helps to identify a decrease in the perception of sounds (especially high-frequency waves) and the degree of damage to hearing function. In some cases, a paradoxical increase in volume is observed. To exclude other ear diseases, electrocochleography, otoscopy and microotoscopy are performed. It is necessary to differentiate between acoustic neuritis and otosclerosis, in which bone conduction is well preserved.

Questions and answers on the topic “Acoustic neuritis”

Question: I am 57 years old. Around the age of 35, I began to hear a noise in my left ear, similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, very weak, usually at night in absolute silence. Over the years, this noise grew and grew, which forced me to contact the appropriate doctors. Hearing loss was found in the left ear (40%). Diagnosis of acoustic neuritis. Treatment: Betaserx, vitamins B and that’s it. At the age of 50 day hospital Emoxipine was instilled intravenously (previously - a course of emoxipine intramuscularly). Effect this treatment didn't work at all. Currently, I have very poor hearing - the noise in my left ear drowns out external sounds. Please answer, is it possible to remove this noise in the ear and restore hearing? Thanks in advance.

Question: Hello! Since childhood (I’m 41 years old) I have had otitis media. At the age of 30, I had rhinoplasty of the eardrum on my right ear. After 8 years, hearing began to disappear and doctors diagnosed hearing loss of 3-4 degrees. In June of this year, after suffering from a cold, hearing began to decrease in the left ear. As a result, doctors made a diagnosis of auditory neuritis and grade 2 hearing loss. I underwent treatment - droppers, a pressure chamber, acupuncture, I take Betaserc tablets 24 g 2 times a day and Cavinton 3 times a day. There is constant noise in the left ear. Vacation is coming soon, let’s fly, tell me if it’s possible to fly, whether the flight will affect further hearing loss. And another question is whether auditory neuritis can be cured, if we can, what effective treatment is there? Thank you.

Question: Hello! Please help us with advice. On March 1, 2012, the telephone rang in my ear. Diagnosis: acute neuritis of the auditory nerve on the right. Treatment completed: Cavinton, Dexamethasone, Actovegin, vitamin B, nicotine. Next are the tablets: Cavinton, Cytoflavin. My ear still hears poorly and the tinnitus persists. Does this mean that nothing helped and will not help? Or may the noise persist for some time after treatment? Is there any hope that the noise will go away and the hearing will be restored? Thank you.

Question: Good afternoon My mother is diagnosed with bilateral cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve, and her hearing is completely lost. Hearing loss began at the age of 15 for an unknown reason (possibly drug poisoning) and gradually complete loss of hearing occurred. All her life she was treated according to the well-known method: injections, aloe, vitamin B6 and electrophoresis. Nothing helped, the hearing still disappeared. She is now 56 years old. We want to find out about the possibility of installing an “Electronic Ear.” According to the audiogram, hearing loss is grade 4, and no hearing aids help. As I understand it, my mother needs to be examined again, please tell me where we should start. Thank you in advance, we are waiting for your response.

Question: How to cure acoustic neuritis?

Question: Hello! Doctors diagnosed me with “Acoustic neuritis”. Left ear He hasn't heard at all for 8 years now. They said the hearing could not be restored. Only hearing aids will help. I have several questions: 1) is it possible to restore hearing with neuritis at this time. 2) Are there any new treatment methods? 3) What do you recommend to me? If there are any new methods of hearing restoration in any country that you are aware of, please tell me.

Is it possible to cure acoustic neuritis (sensorineural hearing loss)

Acoustic neuritis (inflammation of the auditory nerve, cochlear neuritis, sensorineural hearing loss) is a congenital or acquired disease,…

Acoustic neuritis (inflammation of the auditory nerve, cochlear neuritis, sensorineural hearing loss) is a congenital or acquired disease characterized by damage to the nerve responsible for hearing. The main symptoms of the disease are hearing loss (hearing loss), loss of balance, dizziness, but the most unpleasant thing for patients is constant noise, ringing in the ears of varying intensity and character. Acoustic neuritis can occur due to many factors, but the leading place is still occupied by infections (otitis, ARVI, influenza), so the disease can occur in people of different age groups. In young people, especially women, a common cause of hearing loss is otosclerosis ( pathological growth bone tissue in the inner ear). In older people, neuritis is often caused by vascular diseases and insufficient blood supply to the auditory nerve.

Cochlear neuritis is a progressive disease that can occur in both acute and chronic forms, periodically exacerbating. And with each exacerbation, some of the auditory nerve cells die. At first, their function is taken over by neighboring cells, and symptoms do not appear. But, as the disease progresses, there are so few auditory cells that the remaining ones are unable to perform their function, and hearing loss will inevitably occur. If the disease is not treated, it can result in complete deafness, so it is important not only to promptly treat exacerbations, but also to prevent them.

Symptoms of cochlear neuritis

Acoustic neuritis usually manifests itself as a combination of the following symptoms:

1. Constant noise, hum, ringing in the ears - usually it is extremely intense. If the neuritis proceeds with lightning speed, leading to complete loss of hearing, the tinnitus stops.

2. Hearing loss from mild, barely noticeable, to more pronounced - up to complete deafness.

3. Loss of balance, dizziness, nausea. These symptoms occur when the vestibulocochlear nerve, which runs in close proximity to the auditory nerve, is also involved, and most often both nerves are affected.

4. Ear pain, fever, cough, runny nose, general weakness - if neuritis is caused by infection.

5. Increased blood pressure, headache when vascular pathology brain. The pathological process can be acute or chronic, unilateral or bilateral.

Acute cochlear neuritis can develop at lightning speed, within a few days or even hours, and very often along with hearing loss and tinnitus this form accompanied by imbalance and nausea. As a rule, it occurs quickly, and without appropriate treatment it can result in complete irreversible deafness.

Chronic neuritis in the early stages proceeds unnoticed; hearing begins to decline only when a significant portion of the auditory nerve is damaged. The disease progresses steadily and slowly, and is prone to periodic exacerbations.

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss

The list includes many items:

  • infectious diseases (influenza, ARVI, meningococcal, herpes infection);
  • otosclerosis, which often develops in girls during puberty. The process gradually progresses, leading to hearing loss;
  • circulatory failure (atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine);
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), in which the body produces specific antibodies that “kill” the cells of the auditory nerve;
  • the use of antibiotics (streptomycin, neomycin) that have toxic effect to the auditory nerve. The use of drugs in this group during pregnancy can cause congenital deafness in the child;
  • trauma to the skull, eardrum (strong bang, shot, whistle directly near the ear);
  • poisoning with ototoxic (affecting the auditory nerve) poisons (gasoline, mercury, lead);
  • work associated with constant noise and vibration;
  • tumors of the auditory nerve.

Diagnosis of the disease

Acoustic neuritis is usually diagnosed in the following order:

1. Complaints and history of the disease (how and how it started, what triggered the onset of the disease).

2. Examination by an ENT doctor. Usually, no changes in the ear are detected, only a decrease in hearing is observed when testing hearing acuity using the whispered speech method. Audiometry helps to objectively assess the degree of hearing loss, which will reveal the stage of damage to the auditory nerve.

3. Assessment of bone conductivity and vibration sensitivity using tuning forks.

4. When identifying pathology of the auditory nerve, you must definitely try to find out its cause. To do this, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head, ultrasound of the heart, general clinical tests ( general analysis blood, urine, blood glucose test, biochemical parameters blood).

Treatment: is it possible to restore hearing?

Treatment of auditory neuritis (especially the acute form) should be started immediately after the disease is detected; any delay can result in decreased or lifelong hearing loss. In case of chronic hearing loss, it is recommended to prevent exacerbations.

1. Antibiotics, antiviral, anti-inflammatory for infection.

2. Administration of large volumes of liquid, diuretics (in order to dehydrate the body and quickly remove toxins).

3. Drugs to lower blood pressure, to thin the blood, vascular drugs, to lower cholesterol levels (if the nature of the neuritis is vascular in nature).

4. Biostimulants, nootropics, neuroprotectors (to improve the nutrition of the auditory nerve and accelerate the regeneration of nerve cells, increasing their resistance).

5. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupuncture).

Alternative treatment for acoustic neuritis
  • Garlic with camphor oil. Chop a clove of garlic, add 2-3 drops of camphor oil, wrap in gauze and place in the sore ear. Hold until a slight burning sensation appears.
  • Juniper tincture. Pour juniper berries halfway into a 100 ml bottle or bottle, add vodka, leave in a warm place for 3 weeks. Place 3 drops in each ear.
  • Lemon with honey and garlic. Juice of two lemons, 500 ml of liquid honey, 1 head of garlic (chopped), mix and consume 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

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Acoustic neuritis disease

Inflammation of the nerve ending in the ear cavity, which ensures the functioning of hearing - common occurrence among adults and children. There is a name for this disease - acoustic neuritis. It is often confused with sensorineural hearing loss, but this is incorrect, since neuritis is one of the causes of this disease, and not its synonym.

Symptoms of cochlear neuritis

Before moving on to the symptoms and treatment of a hearing aid, it is necessary to understand what causes such a serious disease. The reasons that can lead to hearing loss and neuritis are the following:

  • Any inflammatory infection, including influenza, ARVI, lichen, typhus.
  • In middle age, the cause may be poor circulation.
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease.
  • Reception medications which lead to nerve atrophy. The use of strong antibiotics is especially dangerous for a child.
  • Possible manifestation of allergic neuritis.
  • Tumor of the auditory nerve.

The most important symptoms of this disease are hearing loss and the presence of noise that is heard constantly. Often patients begin to complain about similar manifestations after sleep. The disease develops up to 3 days and can progress to the chronic stage. Symptoms include malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus:

  • dizziness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • uncertainty when walking.


The disease develops very quickly and enters the acute stage, and bilateral neuritis occurs. All the above mentioned symptoms are noted here. The acute stage of cochlear neuritis affects the internal auditory canal and leads to complete hearing loss. Under such circumstances, hospitalization and prompt treatment are urgently needed. Otherwise, there is a possibility of permanent hearing loss.


Cochlear neuritis can become chronic disease if the treatment is incorrectly structured. If you neglect all the doctor’s recommendations and contraindications, you run the risk of remaining with neuritis for the rest of your life, which will cause many uncomfortable situations in your social life. What to avoid during hearing aid treatment:

  • dangerous antibiotics;
  • toxic harm from pathogenic substances at work;
  • alcohol and nicotine.

Diagnosis of the disease

During a visit to the doctor, the specialist will need to diagnose cochlear neuritis as accurately as possible. To do this, he will have to exclude many other pathologies that are also directly related to the deterioration of the hearing aid: otitis media, otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, ear plug. The doctor will conduct several special tests, including audiometry, Weber, and acoustic impedance testing.

If you bring your baby to the appointment, calm him down and explain that there is nothing to be afraid of. Doctors always have special techniques, which help to painlessly, in a playful way, complete full examination to identify diseases of the auditory nerve. The youngest patients, who cannot yet speak, are examined while they sleep. Do not forget that only a high-quality and thorough diagnosis of auditory neuritis will allow timely identification of the disease, and then prescribe the correct hearing treatment.

How to treat neuritis

Neuritis is completely curable if you seek help in time. Modern medicine will help completely restore hearing even with acute form. To do this, you will be prescribed a prescription that includes medications to improve your hearing:

  • vasodilators;
  • disaggregants;
  • neuroprotectors;
  • nootropics;
  • venotonic;
  • hormonal drugs.

Treat damage to the auditory nerve neglected form difficult even for the most experienced doctor. Self-medication and applications folk recipes can help with initial stage neuritis, but a visit to a specialist should not be canceled under any circumstances. The sooner you contact him, the sooner you can get rid of the ill-fated disease and surgical intervention.

Treatment of acoustic neuritis with folk remedies

There are quite a few folk ways treatment hearing diseases. Experts do not recommend contacting them from the very beginning, but be sure to undergo a preliminary examination by a doctor. All folk remedies can be used only after a doctor has prescribed medications. Self-medication can take place in combination with prescribed medications.

One of the most effective plants for the treatment of neuritis is considered to be golden mustache. Its leaves must be cut and a decoction made in water. It is best to use a thermos so that the product is well infused for 12 hours. You need to take the decoction 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The same remedy is added to creams for the treatment of open wounds. The approximate course of treatment with decoction is 14 days.

Auricular neuritis is well treated with garlic. To prepare the product, you need to rub the clove until a paste forms and add camphor oil (3 drops). Mix the mixture well and place in cheesecloth. Ready product inserted into the ear. It must be left for a while until you feel a slight burning sensation. This method of treatment should be used every day until you are completely recovered.