What are the limitations when diagnosing mastopathy? Sanatorium treatment of mastopathy Is it possible to take mineral baths for mastopathy

For many women, the diagnosis of “Mastopathy” causes a storm of understandable emotions - fear, apathy, a feeling of confusion and panic. However, mammologists, oncologists and endocrinologists are unanimous in their opinion: “Mastopathy is not a death sentence, but a serious reason to adjust your usual lifestyle.” In the vast majority of cases, it is enough for patients to diligently follow the list of contraindications, without becoming reclusive and giving up their favorite activities.

What can’t be done with mastopathy? We will talk about this later.

The main classification criteria are:

  • morphological changes in tissues;
  • clinical picture;
  • severity of the disease;
  • forecast.

The pathological process is localized in a single node and covers several nodes. When complicated by cysts or fibrosis, a diagnosis of “Fibrocystic mastopathy”, “Cystic mastopathy” or “Fibrocystic mastopathy” is made.

Do not forget that each disease has several stages of development, which also has a direct impact on the patient’s lifestyle and methods of treatment.

That is why in the article we provide generalized preventive recommendations and give a list of the most common contraindications.

Only your treating doctor will be able to give individual recommendations, taking into account all the features and dynamics of the disease, lifestyle, age, concomitant diagnoses, etc.

  1. Bath, bath and sauna. An integral effect of any thermal procedures is the activation of metabolism, increased blood flow speed, enhanced functioning of the endocrine system, and stimulation of the process of cell division.
    The result can be not only swelling of the breast tissue and increased discomfort, but also the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one.
    Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have mastopathy? Mastopathy and a bath are incompatible things. Of course, it is not easy to give up such a habit, especially since it is usually quite useful. Most mammologists are inclined to categorically “No!” when answering the question about the possibility of visiting a sauna or steam bath for mastopathy.
    Some of them make an exception for patients with non-advanced glandular mastopathy. But is it possible to take a steam bath with mastopathy? Prolonged stay in the steam room is a mandatory contraindication.
    You should place a sheet or thin towel over the mammary glands. But you will have to temporarily forget about patting yourself with a birch broom. Dousing yourself with cold water after a “hot bath”, which many people love, should also be abandoned in order to protect yourself from the complications of mastopathy.
    The exception is warm radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromide baths. They have a sedative effect, normalize sleep, and reduce pain. As a rule, we are talking about the initial stages of mastopathy, without negative dynamics in the anamnesis.
  2. Solarium and sunbathing. Patients with all forms of mastopathy are contraindicated for prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.
    Sun rays are natural catalysts for the production of estrogen in the female body.
    And even if you are under an awning or a beach umbrella at noon, you expose yourself to the danger of scattered ultraviolet radiation. Overheating can also cause breast swelling and increased pain.
  3. Southern resorts. One of the main etiological factors of mastopathy is hormonal imbalance. A holiday in a southern resort (be it the coast of Turkey or the Krasnodar Territory) is associated with a sharp change in climate zone.
    But hormone-dependent diseases are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, changes in daily routine, etc. Such a disruption of biological rhythms is contraindicated, as it can aggravate hormonal imbalance, with a series of undesirable consequences for women.
    This warning does not imply a complete refusal of resort recreation. In Russia there are many resorts with a temperate climate, located in picturesque and ecological places. You can learn more about the effects of sunbathing and swimming in the sea for mastopathy.
  4. Massage and other physical treatments. Often, for uncomplicated forms of mastopathy, they resort to magnetic therapy, galvanization, and electrophoresis. For fibrous and cystic forms of mastopathy, these procedures are usually contraindicated.
    However, the final decision on this issue will be made by your attending physician. An important rule for physiotherapeutic effects is that all applications should be slightly warm, and hot ones are contraindicated.
    Unlike the healing power of massage for lactostasis (milk stagnation), it cannot be used for mastopathy. This leads to tissue trauma and swelling. This is especially true for the cystic form of mastopathy, since the risk of cyst rupture is high.
  5. Hormonal contraceptives. According to scientific research, hormonal imbalance is one of the five most common causes of mastopathy.
    That is why the use of hormonal contraceptives is prohibited.
    A change in a woman’s hormonal levels can trigger the growth of a tumor or its degeneration into a malignant form. Medical opinions regarding the use of Mirena-type intrauterine devices are radically opposite.
    According to some, this is an unconditional contraindication for this category of patients. Other mammologists and gynecologists insist on a positive preventive effect when diagnosed with diffuse mastopathy.
    Mixed and classified as a relative contraindication for the installation of Mirena.
  6. Breast augmentation. Is it possible to enlarge breasts with mastopathy? Progressive surgical techniques make it possible to increase the size or correct the shape of the breast in this pathology. To do this, you need to present the surgeon with a mammologist’s report, mammography results, or (maybe both).
    Breast enlargement with mastopathy is permitted in the absence of serious pathological changes in the tissues and in the absence of cystic formations. Modern implants are characterized by a high degree of safety and reliability.
    And gentle endoprosthesis replacement techniques help minimize the intensity of surgical intervention.
  7. Pregnancy and childbirth. Is mastopathy a contraindication to conceiving a baby? There are cases where, with glandular and diffuse forms of mastopathy in nulliparous young women, their disease resolved after the birth of the child and the start of breastfeeding.
    In the vast majority of cases, the mother’s condition does not in any way affect the development of the fetus, the successful course of pregnancy or the birth itself. The quality and quantity of breast milk is normal.
    However, all of the above does not apply to severe and advanced forms of mastopathy, with severe pain and extensive areas of tissue damage.
  8. Errors in nutrition. A diet is selected that regulates the level of estrogen in the body. First of all, these are cruciferous vegetables (especially cabbage in all its varieties). Patients suffering from mastopathy will have to give up alcohol and smoking.
    Frequent consumption of caffeine-containing products (coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea) is contraindicated. These products contain methylxanthines, which often provoke pain and increased cyst growth.
    For mastopathy, fried, hot, spicy and fatty foods and smoked foods are prohibited. Given the ability of salt to retain water in tissues, its consumption must be strictly controlled. It is recommended to minimize the daily amount of simple carbohydrates.

Tips for women's health with mastopathy.

Among the reasons for the prevalence of hormonal-dependent diseases of the female genital area (mastopathy, endometriosis, fibroids, menstrual dysfunction) in economically developed countries, one can highlight: reproductive function disorders and

Sexual life, traumatic situations and stress, metabolic and hormonal disorders (thyroid, adrenal glands), inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, impaired elimination function of the liver, intestines, genetic predisposition, environmental factors and lifestyle.
All these factors directly or indirectly lead to an imbalance of sex hormones in the female body: the absolute or relative predominance of estrogens - hyperestrogenism, which ultimately leads to the development of fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, menstrual disorders (premenstrual syndrome, algomenorrhea) and reproductive functions and malignant neoplasms of the uterus and mammary glands.
One of the main causes of hyperestrogenism is a change in the obstetric picture of a woman. If in the 19th century Menarche in girls occurred at approximately 17 years old, and menopause in women - at 40 years old, now - at 12-14 and 50-52 years old, respectively. In the 19th century women often gave birth and breastfed for a long time, in the 20th century. most women gave birth to 1-2 children. As a result, a woman’s reproductive age has doubled, from an average of 20 to 40 years, and the number of menstrual cycles throughout her life has quadrupled, from an average of 100 to 400. The modern woman experiences significantly longer exposure to estrogen.

Taking into account the analysis of diseases of the female genital area, an important point in therapy is the activation of the body’s own recovery mechanisms with the help of natural factors and non-drug treatment methods in a resort setting.

Modern views on the pathogenesis of hormonal-dependent diseases of the female reproductive system (genital endometriosis, fibroids, menstrual dysfunction, etc.) indicate the participation of disorders of the neuropsychic sphere and the autonomic nervous system in the genesis of these diseases. Having a general effect on the body, spa treatment normalizes higher nervous activity and restores the regulatory function of the cerebral cortex. In addition, by regulating the relationship in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, balneotherapy and climatotherapy help normalize the level of releasing hormones and harmonize the relationship between sex hormones (estrogen/progesterone).

The main criterion determining the choice of a resort for the treatment of gynecological diseases is
is the level of female sex hormones.

The history of sanatorium-resort treatment of hormonal-dependent diseases of the female genital area began long before the discovery of the nature of sex hormones in the 30s of the 20th century. In the 19th century it was believed that Bad Kreuznach (Germany) is the only resort where patients with uterine fibroids are actually treated. At the beginning of the 20th century. revealed radioactivity in the waters of this resort. An attempt to treat these patients with brine (sodium chloride) waters gave little effect, which was explained by a decrease in inflammatory exudate in the surrounding tissues. A significant effect was noted when treated with brines containing iodine and bromine.

For diseases of the female genital area accompanied by hyperestrogenism, it is indicated
resorts with radon and iodine-bromine waters.

The effectiveness of spa treatment of gynecological diseases depends on the correct choice of resort. The main methods of sanatorium-resort treatment of diseases of the female genital area are balneotherapy and mud therapy. Many Russian and foreign resorts and sanatoriums, when indicating the profile “Treatment of gynecological diseases,” do not mention hormonal levels. The main criterion determining the choice of a resort for the treatment of gynecological diseases is the level of female sex hormones.

In case of unchanged ovarian function and in the presence of hypoestrogenism,
mud and balneotherapeutic resorts with sodium chloride waters, sulfide, sulfate waters.

For diseases of the female genital area, accompanied by hyperestrogenism, as well as in combination with uterine fibroids and (or) genital endometriosis, fibrocystic mastopathy, which do not require surgical treatment, or in combination with previously performed surgical intervention for these diseases, the choice is limited to resorts with radon and iodine-bromine waters. If these diseases are present, sanatorium-resort treatment at resorts with therapeutic mud and sulfide waters is contraindicated, including for the treatment of concomitant diseases.

Sanatorium-resort treatment for diseases of the female genital area is indicated when the acute process subsides and in the stage of stable remission. Since among the methods of sanatorium-resort treatment for gynecological diseases, the main ones are abdominal procedures (vaginal irrigation), sanitation and examination with oncological alertness are mandatory. Sanitation of the genital tract includes treatment of colts, cervicitis, removal of cervical polyps with mandatory histological examination, treatment of cervical erosion. Moreover, in the latter case, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated no earlier than after 2 months. after electrocoagulation (or other minimally invasive treatment methods). In the presence of hormonal-dependent diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy), referral to sanatorium-resort treatment for gynecological or extra-genital diseases is possible only if there is no suspicion of an oncological process and if at the moment these diseases do not require surgical treatment.

In order to avoid exacerbation of diseases during spa treatment and in order to increase its effectiveness, a thorough examination is important to identify the activity of the main and concomitant diseases. When referring to a sanatorium for the treatment of gynecological diseases, the following are mandatory: examination of the vaginal flora (in case of inflammatory diseases, exclude specific etiology), examination for TBC; colposcopic examination; Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal organs; hysteroscopy, laparoscopy (according to indications); consultations of related specialists. An obligatory component of the examination of women with inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital area is to determine the initial or background hormonal function of the ovaries. The background hormonal activity of the ovaries is determined dynamically over 1-2 menstrual cycles using generally accepted functional diagnostic tests (basal thermometry, pupil symptom, cervical mucus tension) available in any medical institutions. In case of menstrual dysfunction, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist and study the hormonal profile; in case of genital infantilism, menstrual dysfunction, an x-ray examination of the sella turcica is mandatory.

A differentiated approach to choosing a resort for diseases of the female reproductive system, taking into account hormonal levels, is an exclusive development of Russian spa specialists.

A differentiated approach to choosing a resort for diseases of the female reproductive system, taking into account hormonal levels, is an exclusive development of Russian spa specialists. Among the modern publications of foreign balneologists, it was not possible to find works on the balneological treatment of gynecological diseases accompanied by hyperestrogenism.

When choosing a resort, a doctor recommending sanatorium-resort treatment for women with hyperestrogenism, incl. and for the treatment of concomitant diseases, the presence of special treatment factors must be taken into account. It should be noted that the peculiarity of a woman’s background hormonal activity should always be taken into account when it comes to choosing between mud therapy and balneotherapy for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and skin diseases

The peculiarity of a woman’s background hormonal activity (hypoestrogenism, hyperestrogenism) should always be taken into account when it comes to choosing between mud therapy and balneotherapy. It is not advisable to send women over 35 years of age to mud resorts.

With hyperestrogenism, the choice of climate zone and season is of great importance. For diseases occurring against the background of hyperestrogenism, heliotherapy is contraindicated. Conversion of androstenedione to estrone You should not sunbathe even with sunscreen.

In the sanatorium-resort treatment of gynecological diseases, combined treatment methods are used: general baths with vaginal irrigation with iodine bromide and radon waters.

Iodine, as one of the main components of iodine-bromine waters, affects microcirculation processes, elastic properties of the vascular wall, rheological properties of blood, and lipid metabolism. Accumulating in the focus of inflammation, iodine ions inhibit alteration and exudation, stimulate reparative regeneration processes (structure collagen and elastic fibers of connective tissue). Iodine is a component of the thyroid hormone - thyroxine, and bromine is found in the tissues of the pituitary gland. Under the influence of balneotherapy with iodine-bromide waters, the balance of releasing hormones of the pituitary gland and sex hormones is normalized, which is responsible for the therapeutic effect in patients with adenomyosis. The sedative effect inherent in these waters allows them to be used for menopausal syndrome with impaired excitation and inhibition processes. By their influence on the nervous system, iodine and bromine restore the normal cortical-subcortical ratio, increase the activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal system. In the mechanism of therapeutic effects, an important role belongs to the anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic effects of iodine.

The first studies of the use of radon waters in the practice of sanatorium-resort treatment of gynecological diseases were carried out under the leadership of A. L. Myasnikov, who headed the department of therapy at the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Novosibirsk and scientific work at the Belokurikha resort. Already in the 1930s. research by prof. N.I. Gorizontov and V.S. Poizner in Belokurikha proved the inhibitory effect of radon baths on the ovarian-menstrual cycle, especially when combined with radon vaginal irrigations. A.A. Novitsky, A.M. Volosovich and M.D. Pavlov in Essentuki used artificially prepared radon waters to treat gynecological diseases. The treatment of patients with fibroids was especially effective.

10 years after the start of research, a clear opinion emerged among domestic balneologists, supported by practical observations: radon procedures are absolutely contraindicated for ovarian hypofunction, infertility (at that time infertility of neuroendocrine origin had not yet been identified), pregnancy and malignant neoplasms.

Radon balneotherapy is absolutely contraindicated in cases of ovarian hypofunction, pregnancy and malignant neoplasms.

According to research from the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, the positive dynamics of radon therapy in patients with adenomyosis is due not only to a good anti-inflammatory effect, but also to the normalizing effect of radon on the endocrine status of women. Radon has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, with an increase in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in estrogen saturation of the body. In addition, as a result of radon therapy, most patients showed an improvement in the contractility of the gallbladder, which is also important in the mechanism of sanogenesis in hyperestrogenism. Radon therapy is effective in the treatment of female infertility against the background of neuroendocrine disorders and in tubal infertility with hypertonicity of the fallopian tubes.

At the Belokurikha resort in 1936, indications for sanatorium and resort treatment of gynecological patients were developed. However, many of the results of experimental and clinical observations at the Belokurikha resort were difficult to explain by the presence of radon alone in the waters of the Belokurikha springs. In recent decades, attention has been paid to the rather high content (for the manifestation of specific properties) of nitrogen and silicon. The mineral waters of Belokurikha began to be classified as radon-containing nitrogen-siliceous thermal springs. Nitrogen affects hemodynamic parameters, activates the anticoagulation system, and has a sedative effect. Biologically active silicon compounds contribute to the formation of enzymes, amino acids, and hormones. Nitrogen siliceous thermals, according to Japanese gerontologists, are a powerful geroprotector. Since the main effect of the nitrogen siliceous radon thermal baths of the Belokurikha resort is the harmonization of relationships in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and the normalization of hormonal function, a gynecological endocrinology department was opened at the resort in June 2004, and the indications for the treatment of neuroendocrine disorders of the reproductive system expanded (hyperprolactinemia, syndrome polycystic ovaries).

The complex of therapeutic measures for diseases of the female genital area includes drinking treatment with mineral waters. With hyperestrogenism, an increase in bile lithogenicity is often observed in the form of a decrease in the concentration of bile acids and an increase in cholesterol levels. In liver diseases, the hepatic clearance of estrogen is impaired, which contributes to an increase in the level of sex hormones. A course of treatment with drinking water, restoring liver function, indirectly affects hormone levels. In addition, treatment with drinking water to eliminate constipation and restore the elimination function of the intestine in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, especially adhesive disease, was considered an important task back in the middle of the 19th century.

For climacteric syndrome, climatic resorts are indicated, as well as balneotherapeutic resorts with iodine-bromide and radon waters. If you have increased weather sensitivity, it is not recommended to move to areas with a contrasting climate; it is better to undergo treatment in your region of residence.

Radon baths have a sedative effect on the central nervous system: they deepen sleep, relieve anxiety, reduce pain, and are also well tolerated by elderly patients.

Moderate insolation is indicated during menopause for the prevention of osteoporosis. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin produces calcitriol or dihydroxyvitamin D, a hormone that ensures the absorption of calcium in the intestines and thus affects bone density. Scientists at the Sochi Scientific Center for Balneology have developed highly effective methods of climatotherapy and thalassotherapy for diseases of the circulatory system, menopausal neuroses in the hot and cool seasons. Insolation in southern resorts, even in autumn and especially in spring, is much higher than in central Russia and even more so in the northern regions. It is better for women with menopausal disorders to relax by the sea and get treatment during the high season or in the off-season. The problem of treating women with various manifestations of menopausal metabolic syndrome deserves special attention. The method of choice in this case will be resorts with two factors - with radon or carbon dioxide waters and drinking water.

There are more than 300 radon sources in the world. In Russia, sanatorium-resort treatment of women with diseases associated with hyperestrogenism is carried out only in the sanatoriums of the resorts Belokurikha, Pyatigorsk, and Uvildy. Sanatorium-resort treatment at radon resorts in Russia is carried out for all gynecological diseases against the background of hyperestrogenism. First of all, this is endometriosis, uterine fibroids (not exceeding the size of 10 weeks of pregnancy) with an interstitial or subserous arrangement of nodes on a wide base, not accompanied by local pain, uterine bleeding, anemia of the patient, dysfunction of the bladder and rectum; functional tubal infertility with increased contractile activity or incoordination of the fallopian tubes.

According to the European Community of Radon Spas “Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäische Radonheilbäder”, spa treatment with radon waters is recommended for premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

Among the foreign radon resorts, for patients over 35 years of age, and especially premenopausal and menopausal women with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, skin diseases, we can recommend Bad Gastein (Austria), Bad Kreuznach (Germany) - radon adits; Baden-Baden, Bad Brambach; Sibillenbad (Germany); Momin Prohod, Pavel Banya (Bulgaria); Jachymov (Czech Republic).

Few sanatoriums can pamper their guests with delicious narzan baths. Today this procedure is very popular; it heals the entire body and allows you to get rid of most health problems. It is impossible not to love Narzan baths, and from the very first procedure. If you at least once experience the life-giving effect of mineral water, which is very reminiscent of the effect of soda, you will strive to experience it again and again.

According to patients, after a bath the skin looks as if a good moisturizer was used and becomes velvety.

The rich composition of narzan includes radioactive amanations, carbon dioxide and mineral salts. The skin actively absorbs all this and delivers it through the blood to the most remote corners of the body, while nourishing every cell.

The benefits of narzan baths manifest themselves in a beneficial effect on the heart, improving respiratory functions, and blood enriched with carbon dioxide helps cleanse blood vessels from various congestions. The reactions that are triggered during the process of taking healing baths are mainly realized through nerve formations. Therefore, most patients experience drowsiness after the procedure, followed by deep and restful sleep. Under the influence of narzan water, the skin on the body turns slightly red, this is explained by the expansion of capillaries, and is also associated with the rapid production of histamine-like substances. An increasing diuresis is noted, against the background of which urea and chlorides are removed from the body, which indicates the fact of healthy cardiac activity and dilated renal vessels.

In addition to the above, narzan baths are excellent for reducing blood sugar and residual nitrogenous components.

Features of application

While taking a mineral bath, warmth spreads throughout the body and an unobtrusive, pleasant tingling sensation is felt. Droplets appear on the skin, looking like small beads. The duration of the procedure itself can vary from ten minutes to half an hour. During this period of time, carbon dioxide manages to nourish the skin and have a healing effect on all organs. The period of stay in the bath depends on the concentration of mineral water, its volume and pressure in the system.

The optimal option is a course of treatment that includes fourteen sessions, on average it lasts twenty-one days. Depending on medical indications, the number of procedures, as well as the interval at which they will be carried out, is determined by the doctor. It is recommended to take baths in the morning after a light breakfast.

Narzan baths retain a lasting healing effect for up to six months, so the course of treatment must be completed twice a year. Already two weeks after the procedures, the first positive results will be noticeable.

Indications for narzan baths

The benefits of mineral water are best demonstrated for the following health problems:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. The effective effects of Narzan have also found their application in neurological practice; procedures with carbon dioxide are often prescribed for neuroses of various types.
  • Pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system. A course of narzan baths will be useful for most vascular and heart diseases. The main indications are ischemia, hypo- and hypertension, arrhythmia.
  • Problematic skin conditions.
  • Disruption of metabolic processes in the body.
  • General weakness, lethargy, low tone, which are inherent in the recovery period after suffering serious illnesses.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive and thyroid glands.

Remember that the fullest effect of mineral procedures is achieved by impeccably following medical instructions. And, despite all the positive properties of taking narzan baths, you cannot prescribe a course of treatment for yourself, since they have a number of contraindications and can be very dangerous for some.

Contraindications for narzan baths

Among the main contraindications for these healing baths are the following, but this is not a complete list:

  1. Impaired blood flow functions (grades I and II).
  2. Severe heart failure, some vascular diseases, recent embolism and thrombosis.
  3. Obstructed coronary blood flow (acute phase and chronic course).
  4. Complicated angina.
  5. Attacks of atrial fibrillation.
  6. Hypertension (II and III degrees), stroke, recent heart attack.
  7. Pronounced neurotic states.
  8. Active phase of rheumatism.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  10. Presence of neoplasms.
  11. Acute course of tuberculosis.
  12. Existing unhealed postoperative injuries on the body.
  13. Acute stage of development of infections and inflammations in the body.
  14. Serious liver damage.
  15. Significant purulent and ulcerative skin lesions.

Mastopathy is a benign disease that has developed as a result of an existing imbalance between hormones (progesterone, prolactin and estrogens) in the body. This leads to the growth of connective and glandular tissue in the mammary gland, so seals and/or cysts of different sizes form in it.

With the right choice of sanatorium, the effectiveness of treatment of gynecological diseases increases. Those women who want to go to sanatoriums where mastopathy treatment is carried out effectively, need to pay attention to the natural healing factors of the resorts.

Resorts with natural mud, as well as sulfide and sulfate waters, are indicated for women who have low estrogen levels. With an increased content of estrogen in combination with fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, it is advisable to undergo treatment in a sanatorium, where the treatment of mastopathy is associated with the intake of radon and iodine bromide waters. Such patients are contraindicated from visiting resorts with sulfide waters and therapeutic mud, even if this is associated with the treatment of concomitant diseases, such as skin diseases, joint diseases or diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Women over 40 years of age are not recommended to undergo treatment at mud resorts.

For those suffering from a diffuse form of mastopathy occurring against the background of diseases of the hepatobiliary system, mastopathy in combination with diseases of the appendages and uterus, as well as diseases of the thyroid gland, treatment in sanatoriums is indicated. Contraindications include the presence of a proliferative process in the mammary glands, calcifications and all nodular forms of mastopathy.

Diagnosis is carried out based on the observations of a gynecologist, consultations with a mammologist, psychotherapist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. An examination of the mammary glands, abdominal cavity, pelvis, thyroid gland is carried out, mammography and radioimmune testing of blood hormones are done, and a general urine test is taken for examination, a blood test and a number of other necessary studies.

As a treatment for mastopathy, sanatoriums prescribe mineral water, general magnetic therapy, radon baths, climate therapy, herbal medicine, vaginal irrigation, exercise therapy, psychotherapy, etc. Thanks to this course of treatment, the manifestations of the disease decrease.

Prevention of mastopathy

What should I do?

Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat well

Consume foods rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as sufficient amounts of iodine. Introduce an active lifestyle, play sports, get enough sleep and rest (sleep duration is less than 7 hours a day). This will strengthen the immune system - the main defender against all ailments.

Have regular sex life

During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences orgasm, which improves blood circulation in the pelvis and the functioning of the ovaries. In addition, the seminal fluid contains biologically active substances that also improve the functioning of the ovaries.

Eliminate strong emotions

“All diseases come from nerves” is a true statement for mastopathy. Because stressful situations are a trigger for the development of the disease. While healthy sleep, eating delicious food, sexual satisfaction, positive emotions contribute to the production of dopamine, which blocks the increased synthesis of prolactin in the pituitary gland.

Conduct self-examination of the mammary glands

For a menstruating woman, monthly self-examination is recommended from 5-6 to 9-12 days of the cycle (most optimally on days 5-7), since on these days the mammary gland is in a relaxed state. During menopause - on the same calendar day.

Wear the right bra

Choose a bra that is the right size, that is not stiff, does not press or chafe. Because the mammary gland is injured.

Undergo an annual medical examination (cancer examination)

Inspection includes:

Examination of the skin and visible mucous membranes.
Examination and palpation of the mammary glands, thyroid gland and lymph nodes (axillary, cervical, inguinal).
Gynecological examination and digital examination of the rectum.
Examination of a smear for vaginal flora and cytology (detection of cancerous or precancerous cells) from the cervical canal.

Maintain breastfeeding

Because it improves the functioning of the mammary glands and the course of mastopathy (though not always), leading to recovery. Breastfeeding is beneficial when it lasts up to one to two years (at least 6 months).

What should you avoid?

Breast injuries.
Contact with pesticides and chemicals that may be contained in food. Because they enhance the production of aromatase, which increases the sensitivity of breast receptors to estrogen.
Prolonged exposure to the sun during dangerous hours (from 11.00 to 16.00), since ultraviolet rays can provoke the development of mastopathy and/or cancer. While short sunbathing in the morning and evening hours is allowed.
Smoking, abusing alcoholic beverages and taking drugs (even mild ones), as the body’s metabolism and the functioning of the immune system are disrupted.

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