The concept of scientific and technological progress. Scientific and technological progress

History of scientific and technological progress

Scientific and technological revolution, world economic leaders of technical progress

Section 1. The essence of scientific and technological progress, scientific and technological revolution.

Section 2. World economic leaders.

Scientific and technological progress - is the interconnected progressive development of science and technology, driven by the needs material production, growth and complexity of social needs.

The essence of scientific and technological progress, scientific and technological revolution

Scientific and technological progress is inextricably linked with the emergence and development of large machine production, which is based on the increasingly widespread use of scientific and technological advances. It makes it possible to put powerful natural forces and resources at the service of man, to transform production into a technological process of conscious application of data from natural and other sciences.

With the strengthening of the relationship between large-scale machine production and science and technology at the end of the 19th century. XX century Special types of scientific research aimed at translating scientific ideas into technical means and new technology are rapidly expanding: applied research, development and production research. As a result, science is increasingly turning into a direct productive force, transforming an increasing number of aspects and elements of material production.

Scientific and technological progress has two main forms:

evolutionary and revolutionary, meaning a relatively slow and partial improvement of the traditional scientific and technical foundations of production.

These forms determine each other: the quantitative accumulation of relatively small changes in science and technology ultimately leads to fundamental qualitative transformations in this area, and after the transition to a fundamentally new technique and technology, revolutionary changes gradually outgrow evolutionary ones.

Depending on the prevailing social system, scientific and technological progress has different socio-economic consequences. Under capitalism, the private appropriation of means, production and the results of scientific research leads to the fact that scientific and technological progress develops mainly in the interests of the bourgeoisie and is used to increase the exploitation of the proletariat, for militaristic and misanthropic purposes.

Under socialism, scientific and technological progress is put at the service of the entire society, and its achievements are used to more successfully solve the economic and social problems of communist construction, the formation of material and spiritual prerequisites for the comprehensive development of the individual. During the period of developed socialism the most important goal The economic strategy of the CPSU is to accelerate scientific and technological progress as a decisive condition for increasing the efficiency of social production and improving product quality.

The technical policy developed by the 25th Congress of the CPSU ensures the coordination of all directions of development of science and technology, the development of fundamental scientific research, as well as the acceleration and wider implementation of their results in the national economy.

Based on the implementation of a unified technical policy in all sectors of the national economy, it is planned to accelerate the technical re-equipment of production, widely introduce progressive equipment and technology that ensures increased productivity and product quality, savings material resources, improvement of working conditions, security environment and rational use of natural resources. The task has been set - to carry out the transition from the creation and implementation of individual machines and technological processes to the development, production and mass application highly efficient machine systems;

equipment, instruments and technological processes that ensure mechanization and automation of all production processes, and especially auxiliary, transport and warehouse operations; make wider use of reconfigurable technical means that allow you to quickly master the production of new products.

Along with the improvement of already mastered technological processes, groundwork will be created for fundamentally new equipment and technology.

Scientific and technological revolution is a radical transformation in the system of scientific knowledge and technology, occurring in inextricable connection with the historical process of development of human society.

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th-19th centuries, during which handicraft technology was replaced by large-scale machine production and capitalism was established, was based on the scientific revolution of the 16th-17th centuries.

The modern scientific and technological revolution, leading to the replacement of machine production with automated production, is based on discoveries in science of the late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. The latest achievements of science and technology are bringing with them a revolution in productive forces ah society and create enormous opportunities for production growth. Discoveries in the field of atomic and molecular structure of matter laid the foundation for the creation of new materials;

advances in chemistry have made it possible to create substances with predetermined properties;

the study of electrical phenomena in solids and gases served as the basis for the emergence of electronics;

research into the structure of the atomic nucleus opened the way to practical use atomic energy;

Thanks to the development of mathematics, means of automation of production and management were created.

All this indicates the creation of a new system of knowledge about nature, a radical transformation of technology and production technology, and an undermining of the dependence of production development on the limitations imposed by human physiological capabilities and natural conditions.

The opportunities for production growth created by scientific and technological revolution are in blatant contradiction with the production relations of capitalism, which subordinate the scientific and technological revolution to an increase in monopoly profits and the strengthening of monopoly dominance (see Capitalist monopolies). Capitalism cannot set before science and technology social tasks that correspond to their level and nature, and gives them a one-sided, ugly character. The use of technology in capitalist countries leads to such social consequences as increased unemployment, increased intensification of labor, and an increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of financial magnates. The social system that opens up space for the development of scientific and technological revolution in the interests of all workers is socialism.

In the USSR, the implementation of the scientific and technological revolution is inextricably linked with the construction of the material and technical base of communism.

Technical development and improvement of production is carried out in the direction of completing the comprehensive mechanization of production, automating processes that are technically and economically prepared for this, developing a system of automatic machines and creating the prerequisites for the transition to complex automation. At the same time, the development of labor tools is inextricably linked with changes in production technology, the use of new energy sources, raw materials and materials. Scientific and technological revolution has an impact on all aspects of material production.

The revolution in the productive forces determines a qualitatively new level of society's activities in production management, higher requirements for personnel, and the quality of work of each worker. The opportunities opened up by the latest achievements of science and technology are realized in the growth of labor productivity, on the basis of which prosperity is achieved, and then an abundance of consumer goods.

The progress of technology, primarily the use of automatic machines, is associated with a change in the content of labor, the elimination of unskilled and heavy manual labor, an increase in the level of professional training and general culture workers, transferring agricultural production to an industrial basis.

In the future, by ensuring complete well-being for everyone, society will overcome the still significant differences between city and countryside under socialism, the significant differences between mental and physical labor, and will create conditions for all-round physical and spiritual development personality.

Thus, the organic combination of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution with the advantages of the socialist economic system means the development in the direction of communism of all aspects of society.

The scientific and technological revolution is the main arena of economic competition between socialism and capitalism. At the same time, this is an arena for intense ideological struggle.

Bourgeois scientists approach revealing the essence of scientific and technological revolution primarily from the natural-technical side.

For the purpose of apologetics of capitalism, they consider the changes occurring in science and technology, outside of social relations, in a “social vacuum.”

All social phenomena are reduced to processes occurring in the sphere of “pure” science and technology, they write about the “cybernetic revolution”, which supposedly leads to the “transformation of capitalism”, to its transformation into a “society of general abundance” devoid of antagonistic contradictions.

In reality, the scientific and technological revolution does not change the exploitative essence of capitalism, but further aggravates and deepens the social contradictions of bourgeois society, the gap between the wealth of the small elite and the poverty of the masses. Capitalist countries are now as far from the mythical “abundance for all” and “general prosperity” as they were before the scientific and technological revolution began.

Potential development opportunities and production efficiency are determined, first of all, by scientific and technological progress, its pace and socio-economic results.

The more purposefully and effectively the latest achievements of science and technology, which are the primary source of development of productive forces, are used, the more successfully the priority tasks of society are solved.

Scientific and technological progress (STP) in a literal sense means a continuous interdependent process of development of science and technology, and in a broader sense - a constant process of creating new and improving existing technologies.

STP can also be interpreted as a process of accumulation and practical implementation of new scientific and technical knowledge, an integral cyclical system of “science-technology-production”, covering the following areas:

fundamental theoretical research;

applied research work;

experimental design developments;

mastering technical innovations;

increasing production new technology to the required volume, its use (operation) for a certain time;

technical, economic, environmental and social aging of products, their constant replacement with new, more efficient models.

The scientific and technological revolution (STR) reflects a radical qualitative transformation of conditioned development based on scientific discoveries (inventions) that have a revolutionary impact on the change of tools and objects of labor, production management technologies, the nature of labor activity people.

General priority areas of NTP. Scientific and technological progress, always carried out in its interconnected evolutionary and revolutionary forms, is a determining factor in the development of productive forces and the steady increase in production efficiency. It directly influences, first of all, the formation and maintenance of a high level of technical and technological base of production, ensuring a steady increase in productivity social labor. Based on the essence, content and patterns of modern development of science and technology, we can identify the general directions of scientific and technical progress characteristic of most sectors of the national economy, and for each of them priorities, at least for the near future.

In the conditions of modern revolutionary transformations of the technical basis of production, the degree of its perfection and the level of economic potential as a whole is determined by the progressiveness of the technologies used - methods of obtaining and converting materials, energy, information, manufacturing products. Technology becomes the final link and form of materialization of fundamental research, a means of direct influence of science on the sphere of production. If earlier it was considered a supporting subsystem of production, now it has acquired independent significance, turning into an avant-garde direction of scientific and technical progress.

Modern technologies have certain development and application trends. The main ones are:

firstly, the transition to few-stage processes by combining in one technological unit several operations that were previously performed separately;

secondly, ensuring in new technological systems little or waste-free production;

thirdly, increasing the level of integrated mechanization of processes based on the use of machine systems and technological lines;

fourthly, the use of microelectronics in new technological processes, which allows, simultaneously with an increase in the level of automation of processes, to achieve greater dynamic flexibility of production.

Technological methods increasingly determine the specific form and function of means and objects of labor, and thereby initiate the emergence of new areas of scientific and technical progress, displace technically and economically obsolete tools from production, and give rise to new types of machines and equipment, automation equipment. Now fundamentally new types of equipment are being developed and manufactured “for new technologies,” and not vice versa, as was the case before.

It has been proven that the technical level and quality of modern machines (equipment) directly depend on the progressive characteristics of the structural and other auxiliary materials used for their production. This implies the enormous role of the creation and widespread use of new materials - one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress.

In the field of objects of labor, the following trends in scientific and technical progress can be identified:

significant improvement in the quality characteristics of materials of mineral origin, stabilization and even reduction in the specific volumes of their consumption;

intensive transition to use in more light, strong and corrosion-resistant non-ferrous metals (alloys), made possible due to the emergence of fundamentally new technologies that have significantly reduced the cost of their production;

noticeable expansion of the product range and accelerated increase in production volumes artificial materials with predetermined properties, including unique ones.

Modern production processes are subject to such requirements as achieving maximum continuity, safety, flexibility and productivity, which can only be realized with an appropriate level of mechanization and automation - an integrated and final direction of scientific and technical progress. Mechanization and automation of production, reflecting different degrees of replacement of manual labor with machine labor, in its development sequentially, parallelly or parallel-sequentially passes from a lower (partial) to a higher (complex) form.

In conditions of intensification of production, the urgent need to repeatedly increase labor productivity and radically improve its social content, and radically improve the quality of manufactured products, automation of production processes is becoming a strategic direction of scientific and technical progress for enterprises in most sectors of the national economy. The priority task is to ensure comprehensive automation, since the introduction of individual automatic machines and units does not provide the desired economic effect due to the remaining significant amount of manual labor. A new and quite promising integrated direction is associated with the creation and implementation of flexible automated production. The accelerated development of such industries (primarily in mechanical engineering and some other industries) is due to the objective need to ensure highly efficient use of expensive automatic equipment and sufficient mobility of production with constant updating of the product range.

World economic leaders

Developed countries of the world, countries of the “golden billion”. They are seriously preparing to enter the post-industrial world. Thus, the states of Western Europe joined forces within the framework of a pan-European program. Industrial developments are underway in the following areas of information technology. Global mobile telephony (Germany, 2000-2007) - providing universal teleaccess to any subscribers and information and analytical resources of the global network from a personal handset (such as a cell phone) or a special mobile terminal.

Teleconferencing systems (France, Germany, 2000-2005) an opportunity for subscribers remote from each other to quickly organize a temporary corporate network with audio-video access.

Three-dimensional television (Japan, 2000-2010).

Full use of electronic media in everyday life (France, 2002-2004).

Creation of virtual reality networks (Germany, France, Japan, 2004-2009) - personal access to databases and a system for synthesizing multi-sensory (multimedia) display of an artificial image of the environment or scenarios for the development of hypothetical events.

Contactless personal identification systems (Japan, 2002-2004).

In the USA in 1997-1999. Experts from George Washington University prepared a long-term forecast for the development of national science and technology for the period until 2030 based on repeated surveys of a large number of heads of research institutions.

It was deeply developed in the State Department, the Department of Justice, in large manufacturing companies and in the banking industry.

The program provides prompt global high-speed network access to any national and major global information resources.

The organizational, legal and financial foundations for its implementation have been determined, and measures have been provided for the rapid development of powerful computing and analytical centers.

Since 1996, the implementation of the program began, a multi-million dollar budget was allocated and corporate investment funds were formed. Analysts note the very rapid growth of the information technology industry, exceeding government plans.

The maximum surge in “breakthrough” information technologies is predicted from 2003 to 2005. Period rapid growth will take 30-40 years.

In the field of computer systems, by 2005 there will be personal computers compatible with cable television networks. This will accelerate the development of interactive (partially programmed) television and will lead to the creation of home, industrial and scientific-educational collections of television recordings.

The development of such local funds and large image databases will be ensured by the creation in 2006 of a new generation of digital memory systems and storage of practically unlimited amounts of information.

At the turn of 2008, the creation and widespread distribution of pocket computers and the increased use of computers with parallel information processing are expected. By 2004, the commercial introduction of optical computers is possible, and by 2017, the beginning of serial production of biocomputers built into living organisms.

In the field of telecommunications, by 2006 it is predicted that 80% of communication systems will switch to digital standards, and there will be a significant leap in the development of microcellular personal telephony - PC5, which will account for up to 10% of the world mobile communications market. This will ensure the universal possibility of receiving and transmitting information of any format and volume.

In the field of information services, by 2004, teleconferencing systems will be introduced (via voice and video communications using computer devices and fast digital networks for transmitting audio-video information between several subscribers in real time). By 2009, the possibilities of electronic banking payments will significantly expand, and by 2018, the volume of trade transactions carried out through information networks will double.

Lytro employees presented a fundamentally new approach to photography. They presented a camera that saves not an image, but light rays.

In traditional cameras, a matrix (film) is used to create a picture, on which the light flux leaves a trace, which is then converted into a flat image. The Lytro camera uses a field light sensor instead of a sensor. It does not save an image, but rather captures the color, intensity and direction vector of light rays.

This approach allows you to select the subject of focus after shooting, and the special image format Lytro LFP (Light Field Picture) allows you to change the focus in the image as much as you like.


Humanity has been looking for ways to transmit information since time immemorial. Primitive people exchanged information using branches folded in a certain way, arrows, smoke from fires, etc. However, a breakthrough in development occurred with the advent of the first forms of writing around 4 thousand years BC.


Printing was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century. Thanks to him, the world's first printed book, the Bible, appeared in Germany. Gutenberg's invention turned the Renaissance green.

It is this material, or rather, a group of materials with common physical properties, made a real revolution in construction. The ancient builders had to go to great lengths to ensure the strength of their buildings. Thus, the Chinese used glutinous rice porridge with the addition of slaked lime to hold together the stone blocks of the Great Wall.

Only in the 19th century did builders learn to prepare cement. In Russia, this happened in 1822 thanks to Yegor Cheliev, who obtained a binding material from a mixture of lime and clay. Two years later, the Englishman D. Aspind received a patent for the invention of cement. It was decided to name the material Portland cement in honor of the city where they mined stone similar to cement in color and strength.


The first microscope with two lenses was invented by the Dutch optician Z. Jansen in 1590. However, the first microorganisms were seen by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek using a microscope he made himself. As a merchant, he independently mastered the craft of a grinder and built a microscope with a carefully ground lens that increased the size of microbes 300 times. Legend has it that since van Leeuwenhoek examined a drop of water through a microscope, he began to drink only tea and wine.


Until recently, people on the planet slept up to 10 hours a day, but with the advent of electricity, humanity began to spend less and less time in bed. Thomas Alva Edison, who created the first electric light bulb, is considered to be the culprit of the electrical “revolution”. However, 6 years before him, in 1873, our compatriot Alexander Lodygin patented his incandescent lamp - the first scientist who thought of using tungsten filaments in lamps.

The world's first telephone, which was immediately dubbed the miracle of miracles, was created by the famous Boston inventor Bell Alexander Gray. On March 10, 1876, the scientist called his assistant at the receiving station, and he clearly heard on the phone: “Mr. Watson, please come here, I need to talk to you.” Bell rushed to patent his invention, and a few months later the telephone was in almost a thousand homes.

Photography and cinema

The prospect of inventing a device capable of transmitting images haunted several generations of scientists. Back in early XIX century, Joseph Niepce projected the view from his studio window onto a metal plate using a camera obscura. And Louis-Jacques Mand Daguerre improved his invention in 1837.

The tireless inventor Tom Edison made his contribution to the invention of cinema. In 1891, he created the kinetoscope - a device for displaying photographs with the effect of movement. It was the kinetoscope that inspired the Lumiere brothers to create cinema. As you know, the first film show took place in December 1895 in Paris on the Boulevard des Capucines.

The debate about who first invented radio continues. However, most representatives scientific world This merit is attributed to the Russian inventor Alexander Popov. In 1895, he demonstrated a wireless telegraphy apparatus and became the first person to send a radiogram to the world, the text of which consisted of two words “Heinrich Hertz”. However, the first radio receiver was patented by the enterprising Italian radio engineer Guglielmo Marconi.


Television appeared and developed thanks to the efforts of many inventors. One of the first in this chain is professor of the St. Petersburg Technological University Boris Lvovich Rosing, who in 1911 demonstrated an image on a glass screen of a cathode ray tube. And in 1928, Boris Grabovsky found a way to transmit a moving image over a distance. A year later, in the USA, Vladimir Zvorykin created a kinescope, modifications of which were subsequently used in all televisions.


The World Wide Web, which has enveloped millions of people around the world, was modestly woven in 1989 by Briton Timothy John Berners-Lee. The creator of the first web server, web browser and website could have become the richest man in the world if he had patented his invention in time. As a result, the World Wide Web went to the world, and its creator received a knighthood, an order British Empire and a Technology Prize of 1 million euros.

a qualitative leap in the development of science and technology, which determines the formation of a new system of scientific knowledge and a change in the relationship between man and technology, the goal of which is a deeper knowledge of the laws of nature, the use of knowledge to create and operate equipment, technology and increase efficiency creative activity people, increasing the degree of human freedom. Scientific and technological progress arises with the advent of large-scale machine production, when two streams - scientific and technical, which occasionally came into contact with each other, merging into a single scientific and technical stream. Key directions of modern scientific and technological progress: 1) transformation of science into a direct productive force; 2) automation, robotization and computerization of production; 3) development of knowledge-intensive, resource- and labor-saving technologies; 4) improvement of nuclear energy production technology, search and use of new energy sources; 5) creation and use of effective structural materials. Modern scientific and technical progress is the most important factor in the transition of industrial society to its post-industrial or information phase, the globalization of production and other forms of human life. Therefore, NTP is the object of attention political parties And state power.

Excellent definition

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unified, interdependent, action. development of science and technology.

Origins of N.-t. items are rooted in manufacturing production of the 16th-18th centuries, when scientific and theoretical. and technical activities begin to converge. Before this, material production had slowly evolved. due to the accumulation of empirical experience, the secrets of the craft, collecting recipes. Along with this, there was equally slow progress in scientific and theoretical research. knowledge about nature, which was influenced by theology and scholasticism and did not have a constant or significant influence on creatures. influence on production. Scientific and technical progress was two, although indirect, but relatively independent. streams of people activities.

In the 16th century the needs of trade, navigation, and large factories required theoretical and the experimental solution of a whole series is quite definite. tasks. Science at this time, under the influence of the ideas of the Renaissance, gradually breaks with scholasticism. tradition and turns to practice. The compass, gunpowder and printing (especially the latter) were three great discoveries that laid the foundation for a strong scientific union. and technical activities. Attempts to use water mills for the needs of expanding manufacturing production prompted theoretical research into certain mechanical processes. processes. The theories of the flywheel and flywheel movements, the theory of the gutter, the doctrine of water pressure, resistance and friction are created. “... The manufacturing period developed the first scientific and technical elements of large-scale industry” (Mark and K., see K. Marx and F. Engels, Works, vol. 23, p. 388). G. Galileo, I. Newton, E. Torricelli, and then D. Bernoulli, E. Mariotte, J. L. D Alembert, R. A. Reaumur, G. Davy, L. Euler and many others. others have given science a reputation as “the handmaiden of industry.”

The emergence of machine production in the end. 18th century was prepared by the results of previous scientific and technical. creativity of a large army of mathematicians, mechanics, physicists, inventors, craftsmen. J. Watt's steam engine was the “fruit of science”, and not just design and engineering. activities. Machine production, in turn, opened up new, almost unlimited possibilities for technology. applications of science. Its progress is increasingly determined by the progress of science, and it itself, in the words of K. Marx, for the first time appears as “objectively embodied science” (ibid., vol. 46, part 2, p. 221). All this means a transition to a new, second stage of N.-t. etc., which is characterized by the fact that science and technology mutually stimulate each other’s development at an ever-accelerating pace. Specials arise. scientific research units activities designed to bring theoretical decision before technical implementation: applied research, development, production. research. Scientific and technical activity is becoming one of the most extensive areas of human application. labor.

The third stage of N.-t. n. associated with modern scientific and technical revolution. Under its influence, the scientific front is expanding. disciplines focused on the development of technology. In the decision technical. Biologists, physiologists, psychologists, linguists, and logicians participate in the tasks. To speed up technical progress directly or indirectly also influence many. directions of societies. Sciences: economics and organization of production, scientific. economic management and social processes, specific social studies, production aesthetics, psychology and logic of technology. creativity, forecasting. The leading role of science in relation to technology is becoming more and more obvious. Entire branches of production arise in the wake of new scientific research. directions and discoveries: radio electronics, nuclear energy, synthetic chemistry. materials, computer production, etc. Science is becoming a force that continuously revolutionizes technology. In turn, technology also constantly stimulates the progress of science, putting forward new demands and tasks for it and providing it with increasingly accurate and complex experimental equipment. Characteristic feature modern N.-t. The point is that it captures not only the industry, but also many others. other aspects of society: p. agriculture, transport, communications, medicine, education, everyday life. A vivid embodiment of scientific unity. and technical activity is found in humanity’s breakthrough into space.

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Science helps us to penetrate into the essence of phenomena occurring in nature and society, to understand the patterns that govern the development of the natural and man-made environment around us.

It shows people ways to influence and direct this development. Technology arises as a material embodiment of experience and knowledge accumulated by science and practice, and is an instrument of human practical activity. Thanks to technology, people interact more actively with the world around them and have the opportunity to improve the conditions of their existence. Technology also becomes a powerful stimulus for further development scientific knowledge, since with its help, either immediately or after a certain time, it becomes possible to evaluate the results of scientific research.

The interaction of science, technology and production, leading to the improvement of the productive forces of society, gives rise to scientific and technological progress.

For many centuries, science and technology have developed without showing any obvious relationship with each other. Science gravitated towards speculative constructions, logical conclusions and philosophical generalizations, while technology and engineering were improved mainly on the basis of experience, intuitive guesses and random finds. The secrets of mastery were often passed down only by inheritance. This prevented the widespread dissemination of technological discoveries. Science was not closely related to human production activities.

In the 16th century the needs of trade, navigation and large factories required theoretical and practical solutions to a number of problems. Under the influence of the ideas of the Renaissance, science gradually begins to turn to practice.

In subsequent centuries, scientists in different countries - G. Galileo, E. Torricelli, R. Boyle, I. Newton, D. Bernoulli, M. V. Lomonosov, L. Euler, A. Volta, G. Davy and many others - studied mechanical processes, thermal, optical, electrical phenomena. The results of their scientific discoveries contributed to the rapprochement of science and practice.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. With the development of machine production, science is becoming more and more closely connected with the practical activities of mankind. The Russian scientist-encyclopedist M.V. Lomonosov was the initiator of a wide variety of scientific, technical and cultural events aimed at developing the productive forces of Russia. The English inventor J. Watt created a universal steam engine. The French chemist A. Lavoisier explained the process of roasting metals and combustion using the law of conservation of mass of matter. The French physicist S. Carnot gave a theoretical justification for the working cycle of a steam engine. The famous Russian metallurgical engineer D.K. Chernov laid the foundations of metallurgy.

In the 20th century Scientific and technological progress is associated with the scientific and technological revolution. Under its influence, the frontier of scientific disciplines focused on the development of technology is expanding.

Entire branches of production arise in the wake of new scientific directions and discoveries: radio electronics, microelectronics, nuclear energy, chemistry of synthetic materials, production of electronic computer equipment, etc. Science stimulates the development of technology, and technology puts forward new tasks for science and provides it with modern experimental equipment.

Scientific and technological progress covers not only industry, but also many other aspects of the practical activities of society, agriculture, transport, communications, medicine, education, and everyday life. A striking example fruitful connection between science and technology - human exploration of outer space.

Scientific and technological progress serves as the basis social progress. However, in a capitalist society, the progress of science and technology occurs mainly in the interests of the ruling class, the military-industrial complex, and is often accompanied by the destruction of the human personality.

Under socialism, scientific and technological progress is carried out in the interests of the entire people, the successful development of science and technology contributes to the solution of economic and social problems of communist construction, the creation of material and spiritual prerequisites for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

The XXVII Congress of the CPSU highlighted the task of accelerating the socio-economic development of our country on the basis of scientific and technological progress. One of its most important directions is the widespread development of advanced technologies: laser, plasma, membrane, radiation, electron beam, technologies using ultra-high pressures and pulsed loads, etc. Another direction is comprehensive automation and mechanization of production, designed to make the work of workers, collective farmers, intelligentsia more productive and creative. The modern stage of automation is based on the revolution in electronic computing technology, the rapid development of robotics, rotary conveyor lines, and flexible automated production facilities that ensure high productivity.

Drawing (see original)

Recently, based on the experience of leading scientific organizations in our country, intersectoral scientific and technical complexes have been created, which are new effective form connecting science with production. The Comprehensive Program of Scientific and Technological Progress of the CMEA member countries for the period up to the year 2000 is being implemented.

3. Scientific and technological progress in the conditions market economy


1. Scientific and technical progress is the basis of development and intensification of production.

Scientific and technological progress- This is a process of continuous development of science, technology, technology, improvement of objects of labor, forms and methods of organizing production” and labor. It also acts as the most important means of solving socio-economic problems, such as improving working conditions, increasing its content, protecting the environment, and ultimately increasing the well-being of the people. Scientific and technological progress is also of great importance for strengthening the country's defense capability.

In its development, NTP manifests itself in two interrelated and interdependent forms - evolutionary and revolutionary.

Evolutionary the form of scientific and technological progress is characterized by a gradual, continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies, the accumulation of these improvements. Such a process can last quite a long time and provide, especially at its initial stages, significant economic results.

At a certain stage, technical improvements accumulate. On the one hand, they are no longer effective enough, on the other, they create the necessary basis for radical, fundamental transformations of the productive forces, which ensures the achievement of qualitatively new social labor and higher productivity. A revolutionary situation arises. This form of development of scientific and technological progress is called revolutionary. Under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, qualitative changes are taking place in the material and technical base of production.

Modern scientific and technological revolution based on the achievements of science and technology. It is characterized by the use of new energy sources, the widespread use of electronics, the development and application of fundamentally new technological processes, and advanced materials with predetermined properties. All this, in turn, contributes to the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy. Thus, the reverse influence of the scientific and technological revolution on the acceleration of scientific and technological progress is manifested. This is the relationship and interdependence of scientific and technological progress and the scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological progress (in any form) plays a decisive role in the development and intensification industrial production. It covers all parts of the process, including fundamental, theoretical research, applied research, design and technological development, the creation of samples of new technology, its development and industrial production, as well as the introduction of new technology into the national economy. The material and technical base of industry is being updated, labor productivity is growing, and production efficiency is increasing.

2. Main directions of scientific and technological progress

This complex mechanization and automation, chemicalization, electrification of production.

One of the most important directions of scientific and technological progress at the present stage is comprehensive mechanization and automation of production. This is the widespread introduction of interconnected and complementary systems of machines, apparatus, devices, equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It helps to intensify production, increase labor productivity, reduce the share of manual labor in production, facilitate and improve working conditions, and reduce the labor intensity of products.

Under the term mechanization is understood mainly as the displacement of manual labor and its replacement by machine labor in those links where it still remains (both in the main technological operations and in auxiliary, auxiliary, transportation, shifting and other labor operations). The prerequisites for mechanization were created during the period of manufacture, and its beginning is associated with industrial revolution, which meant the transition to a factory system of capitalist production based on machine technology.

In the process of development, mechanization went through several stages: from the mechanization of the main technological processes, which are characterized by the greatest labor intensity, to the mechanization of almost all main technological processes and partially auxiliary work. At the same time, a certain disproportion has arisen, which has led to the fact that in mechanical engineering and metalworking alone, more than half of the workers are now employed in auxiliary and auxiliary work.

The next stage of development is comprehensive mechanization, in which manual labor is replaced by machine labor in a comprehensive manner in all operations of the technological process, not only the main ones, but also auxiliary ones. The introduction of complexity sharply increases the efficiency of mechanization, since even with a high level of mechanization of most operations, their high productivity can be practically neutralized by the presence of several non-mechanized operations at the enterprise. auxiliary operations. Therefore, integrated mechanization, to a greater extent than non-integrated mechanization, promotes the intensification of technological processes and the improvement of production. But even with complex mechanization, manual labor remains.

The level of production mechanization is assessed by various

Production mechanization coefficient - a value measured by the ratio of the volume of products produced using machines to the total volume of products.

Work mechanization coefficient - a value measured by the ratio of the amount of labor (in man-hours or standard hours) performed in a mechanized way to total amount labor costs to produce a given volume of output.

Labor mechanization coefficient- a value measured by the ratio of the number of workers engaged in mechanized work to the total number of workers at a given site or enterprise. When conducting a more in-depth analysis, it is possible to determine the level of mechanization of individual jobs and various types of work both for the entire enterprise as a whole and for a separate structural unit.

In modern conditions, the task is to complete comprehensive mechanization in all sectors of the production and non-production spheres, to take a major step in the automation of production with the transition to workshops and automatic enterprises, to automated control and design systems.

Automation of production means application technical means with the aim of completely or partially replacing human participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transmitting and using energy, materials or information. There are partial automation, covering individual operations and processes, and comprehensive, automating the entire cycle of work. In the case when automated process is implemented without direct human participation, they talk about complete automation of this process.

Historically, automation of industrial production. The first arose in the 50s and was associated with the advent of automatic machines and automatic lines for mechanical processing, while the execution of individual homogeneous operations or the production of large batches of identical products was automated. As they developed, some of this equipment acquired a limited ability to be reconfigured to produce similar products.

The second direction (since the early 60s) covered such industries as the chemical industry, metallurgy, i.e. those where continuous non-mechanical technology is implemented. Here, automated process control systems (ACS 111) began to be created, which at first performed only information processing functions, but as they developed, control functions began to be implemented on them.

The transfer of automation to the basis of modern electronic computer technology contributed to the functional convergence of both directions. Mechanical engineering began to develop machine tools and automatic lines with computer numerical control (CNC), capable of processing a wide range of parts, then industrial robots and flexible production systems controlled by automated process control systems appeared.

The organizational and technical prerequisites for production automation are:

The need to improve production and its organization, the need to move from discrete to continuous technology;

The need to improve the nature and working conditions of the worker;

The emergence of technological systems, the control of which is impossible without the use of automation tools due to the high speed of the processes implemented in them or their complexity;

The need to combine automation with other areas of scientific and technological progress;

Optimization of complex production processes only with the introduction of automation tools.

Automation level characterized by the same indicators as the level of mechanization: production automation coefficient, work automation coefficient and labor automation coefficient. Their calculation is similar, but is carried out using automated work.

Integrated production automation involves the automation of all main and auxiliary operations. In mechanical engineering, the creation of complex automated sections of machine tools and their control using a computer will increase the productivity of machine operators by 13 times and reduce the number of machine tools by seven times.

Among the areas of complex automation is the introduction of rotary and rotary-conveyor lines, automatic lines for mass products and the creation of automated enterprises.

In the conditions of multi-item complex-automated production, a large amount of work is carried out on the preparation of production, for which systems such as an automated scientific research system (ASNI), computer-aided design systems for design and technological work (CAD) are functionally linked with the main production.

Increasing the efficiency of production automation involves:

Improving the methods of technical and economic analysis of automation options for a specific facility, informed selection of the most effective project and specific automation equipment;

Creating conditions for intensive use of automation equipment, improving their maintenance;

Improving the technical and economic characteristics of manufactured equipment used for production automation, especially computer technology.

Computer Science It is increasingly used not only for production automation, but also in a wide variety of areas. Such involvement of computer and microelectronic technology in the activities of various production systems is called computerization of production.

Computerization is the basis for the technical re-equipment of production, a necessary condition for increasing its efficiency. On the basis of computers and microprocessors, technological complexes, machines and equipment, measuring, regulating and information systems are created, design work is carried out and scientific research, are carried out information service, training and much more, which ensures an increase in social and individual labor productivity, creating conditions for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

For the normal development and functioning of a complex national economic mechanism, a constant exchange of information between its links and timely processing of a large volume of data at various levels of management are necessary, which is also impossible without a computer. Therefore, economic development largely depends on the level of computerization.

In the process of their development, computers have gone from bulky machines on vacuum tubes, communication with which was possible only in machine language, to modern computers.

The development of computers occurs in two main directions: the creation of powerful multiprocessor computing systems with a performance of tens and hundreds of millions of operations per second and the creation of cheap and compact microcomputers based on microprocesses. Within the second direction, the production of personal computers is developing, which are becoming a powerful universal tool that significantly increases the productivity of intellectual work of specialists in various fields. Personal computers are distinguished by their work in interactive mode with an individual user; small size and autonomous operation; hardware based on microprocessor technology; versatility, providing orientation to a wide range of tasks solved by one user using hardware and software.

It should be noted that such an important element of computerization of production is the widespread use of microprocessors themselves, each of which is focused on performing one or more special tasks. Integrating such microprocessors into components of industrial equipment makes it possible to solve assigned problems at minimal cost and in an optimal manner. The use of microprocessor technology for information collection, data recording or local control significantly expands the functionality of industrial equipment.

The development of computerization creates a need for the development and creation of new computer technology. Their characteristic features are: the formation of an element base on ultra-large integrated circuits; ensuring performance up to 10 billion operations per second; availability artificial intelligence, which significantly expands the computer's capabilities in processing incoming information; the ability for a person to communicate with a computer in natural language through verbal and graphic exchange of information.

In the future, the development of computerization includes the creation of national and international communication and computing networks, databases, and a new generation of satellite space communication systems, which will facilitate access to information resources. A good example is the Internet.

Chemicalization of production - another important area of ​​scientific and technological progress, which provides for the improvement of production as a result of the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products for the purpose of intensification, obtaining new types of products and improving their quality, increasing the efficiency and content of labor, and facilitating its conditions.

Among the main directions for the development of chemicalization of production, one can note such as the introduction of new structural and electrical insulating materials, the expansion of consumption of synthetic resins and plastics, the implementation of progressive chemical technological processes, the expansion of production and widespread use of various chemical materials with special properties (varnishes, corrosion inhibitors, chemical additives for modifying the properties of industrial materials and improving technological processes). Each of these areas is effective on its own, but greatest effect provides their comprehensive implementation.

Chemicalization of production provides great opportunities for identifying internal reserves for increasing the efficiency of social production. The raw material base of the national economy is significantly expanding as a result of a more complete and integrated use of raw materials, as well as as a result of the artificial production of many types of raw materials, materials, and fuel, which play an increasingly important role in the economy and provide a significant increase in production efficiency.

For example, 1 ton of plastics replaces on average 5-6 tons of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, 2-2.5 tons of aluminum and rubber - from 1 to 12 tons of natural fibers.

The most important advantage of chemicalization of production is the possibility of significantly accelerating and intensifying technological processes, implementing a continuous flow of the technological process, which in itself is an essential prerequisite for comprehensive mechanization and automation of production, and therefore increasing efficiency. Chemical technological processes are increasingly being implemented in practice. These include electrochemical and thermochemical processes, application of protective and decorative coatings, chemical drying and washing of materials and much more. Chemicalization is also carried out in traditional technological processes. For example, the introduction of polymers into the cooling medium during steel hardening ( aqueous solution polyacrylamide) allows for virtually complete absence of corrosion of parts.

Indicators of the level of chemicalization serve as: the share of chemical methods in the production technology of this type of product; the share of consumed polymer materials in the total cost of manufactured finished products, etc.

Comprehensive automation of all sectors of the national economy based on its electronization - the introduction of flexible production systems (consisting of a CNC machine, or the so-called processing center, computers, microprocessor circuits, robotic systems and radically new technology); rotary conveyor lines, computer-aided design systems, industrial robots, automation equipment for loading and unloading operations;

Accelerated development of nuclear energy, aimed not only at the construction of new nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors, but also for the construction of high-temperature nuclear power technology plants for multi-purpose purposes;

Creation and implementation of new materials with qualitatively new effective properties(corrosion and radiation resistance, heat resistance, wear resistance, superconductivity, etc.);

Mastering fundamentally new technologies - membrane, laser (for dimensional and heat treatment; welding, cutting and cutting), plasma, vacuum, detonation, etc.;

♦ Scientific and technological progress (in any of its forms, both evolutionary and revolutionary) plays a decisive role in the development and intensification of industrial production.

♦ The main directions of scientific and technological progress are comprehensive mechanization and automation, chemicalization, and electrification of production. They are all interconnected and interdependent.

♦ The economic effect of scientific and technical progress is the result of scientific and technical activities. It manifests itself in the form of increased production, reduced production costs, as well as reduced economic damage, for example, from environmental pollution.

♦ Economic effect is defined as the ratio of effect to costs. In this case, the effect is, as a rule, an increase in profits as a result of a reduction in production costs, and the costs are additional capital investments, ensuring a reduction in costs according to the best option.

♦ During the formation of a market economy scientific and technical progress will be facilitated by the development of healthy competition, the implementation of antimonopoly measures, and changes in forms of ownership in the direction of denationalization and privatization.


1. Goremykina T.K. Industry statistics: Tutorial. – M.: MGIU, 1999

2. Zabrodskaya N.G. Economics and statistics of enterprise: Textbook / N.G. Zabrodskaya. – M.: Publishing house of business and educational literature, 2005

3. Krasilshchikov V. Landmarks for the future in a post-industrial society, Social Sciences and Modernity, N2, 1993

4. Dizard W. The Advent of the Information Age, [Sb. New technocratic wave in the West, - M., 1986]

Sites used: Scientific electronic library

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1. The essence of the concept of scientific and technological progress

1.1 Main forms of scientific and technical progress

1.2 Main directions of scientific and technological progress

4. State of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine



implementation technical economic

The subject of study of this work is scientific and technical progress as the main factor of economic growth.

The purpose of this work is to highlight and analyze the most important features, forms and types of scientific and technological progress, as well as the state of scientific and technological progress in Ukraine.

Based on the goal, the following work tasks can be identified:

To study the factors influencing the emergence and acceleration of scientific and technical progress,

Consider the general concepts of NTP,

The essence of NTP,

Its types

The state of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine at this point in time.

In my comprehensive work I will focus on revealing such a topic as the level of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine.

Scientific and technological progress is one of the factors determining economic growth in the state. STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and the implementation of scientific knowledge. The basis for the effectiveness of the national economy of any modern country is, along with natural and labor resources, the scientific and technical potential of the country. Economic growth is achieved through the introduction of new equipment and technology into production, as well as the use of improved technologies for using resources, which in fact is the basis of scientific and technical progress. As a result of scientific and technological progress, the development and improvement of all elements of the productive forces occurs: means and objects of labor, labor, technology, organization and production management.

The relevance of this topic is determined by the emergence of new external and internal factors influencing the state of the economic system.

Also, the relevance of the research topic led to the appearance of numerous works devoted to the problems of preserving and developing scientific and technical potential. Domestic theorists made a great contribution to the development of this direction, among them the following can be distinguished: Goncharova V.V., Zavlina P.N., Kazantseva L.E., Kortova V.S., Andreyanov V.D., Abramov, Malkova I.V. , Basovsky L.E. and others, whose works are widely represented in the literature.

1. The essence of the concept of scientific and technological progress

Scientific and technological progress (STP) is a continuous process of discovering new knowledge and applying it in social production, allowing for new connections and combinations of existing resources in order to increase the output of high-quality final products at the lowest cost. It also acts as the most important means of solving socio-economic problems - improving working conditions and increasing its content, protecting the environment, increasing the well-being of the people. Scientific and technological progress is also of great importance for strengthening the country's defense capability.

In a broad sense, at any level - from a company to the national economy - scientific and technical progress means the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, materials, the use of new types of energy, as well as the emergence of previously unknown methods of organizing and managing production.

Scientific and technological progress is the gradual improvement and dissemination of equipment and technological processes in production within the framework of existing scientific and technical principles.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

Development and widespread use of fundamentally new machines and machine systems operating in automatic mode;

Creation and development of qualitatively new production technologies;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy;

Creation and widespread use of new types of materials with predetermined properties;

Widespread development of automation of production processes based on the use of numerically controlled machines, automatic lines, industrial robots, flexible production systems;

Introduction of new forms of labor and production organization.

At the present stage, the following features of scientific and technological progress are observed.

There is an increase in the technological focus of scientific and technological progress, its technological component. Progressive technologies are now the main link of scientific and technological progress, both in terms of the scale of implementation and results. STP is intensifying: the volume of scientific knowledge is growing, the quality of scientific personnel is improving, the cost efficiency of its implementation is increasing and the effectiveness of STP activities is increasing.

At the present stage, scientific and technological progress is becoming more and more complex and systemic. This is expressed, first of all, in the fact that scientific and technical progress now covers all sectors of the economy, including the service sector, and penetrates all elements of social production: the material and technical base, the process of organizing production, the process of personnel training and the organization of management. In quantitative terms, complexity is also manifested in the mass introduction of scientific and technical achievements. An important pattern of scientific and technological progress is the strengthening of its resource-saving orientation. As a result of the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, material, technical and labor resources are saved, and this is an important criterion for the effectiveness of scientific and technical progress. There is an increase in the social orientation of scientific and technological progress, which is manifested in the increasing impact of scientific and technological progress on the social factors of human life: the conditions of work, study, and life.

There is an increasing focus on the development of science and technology towards preserving the environment - the greening of scientific and technological progress. This is the development and application of low-waste and non-waste technologies, implementation effective ways integrated use and processing of natural resources, more complete involvement of production and consumption waste into economic circulation.

1.1 Main forms of scientific and technical progress

Scientific and technological progress, in other words, the progress of science and technology, is accompanied by many factors that influence social development to one degree or another. The combination of these factors led to two forms of scientific and technological progress: evolutionary and revolutionary.

The evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress is a relatively slow improvement of the traditional scientific and technical foundations of production. It's about not about speed, but about the rate of growth of production: they can be low in a revolutionary form and high in an evolutionary one. For example, if we consider the growth rate of labor productivity, then, as history shows, rapid development can be observed with the evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress and slow development at the beginning of the revolutionary stage. Currently, the revolutionary form prevails, providing a higher effect, large scale and accelerated rates of reproduction. This form of scientific and technological progress is embodied in the scientific and technological revolution, or STR.

1.2 Main directions of scientific and technological progress

IN modern period The rapid development of scientific and technological progress in its traditional directions, the realities of life add many significant things, both in general and from a sectoral perspective. However, traditional ones operate constantly, remaining the basis for the development of the industry and increasing its efficiency.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress include:

1. Rapid development of science itself, as the basis of the technical revolution and technical progress.

2. Electrosaturation of production.

3. Electronization of production.

4. Large-scale use of computing and information technology.

5. Mechanization and automation of all production processes.

6. Rational chemicalization, supplemented with biological agents and methods.

7. Modern and cutting-edge trends related to the use of the laser effect, space instruments, microbiology, bionics, bioengineering, genetic engineering, etc.

8. Creation advanced technologies taking into account the achievements of all named areas of scientific and technological progress.

9. Improving the organization of production, labor and management is adequate to the introduction of new technology and other areas of scientific and technological progress.

All these areas of scientific and technological progress are very important. However, in real life, adjustments are needed for priority and opportunity. In this regard, the highest priority areas are new technologies, mechanization and automation of production processes. It is also necessary to reorient the import of products towards the acquisition of technology.

2. Scientific and technological revolution and its consequences

Economists especially highlight the “scientific and technological revolution” (STR) - a qualitative leap in the development of the productive forces of society, a revolution in technology and production technology.

The scientific and technological revolution is a qualitative transformation of the productive forces, the transformation of science into a productive force and the corresponding radical change in the material and technical basis of social production, its form and content, the nature of labor, and the social division of labor.

Thus, scientific and technological progress and scientific and technological progress are interconnected and mutually conditioned, they correlate as evolutionary and revolutionary forms of development of the material and technical base of society. The revolutionary form of scientific and technological progress means a transition to the use of qualitatively new scientific and production principles in production (and not only in its material sphere, but also in the service sector). Scientific and technological revolution transforms the entire technological method of production, all its aspects and components.

Main features of the scientific and technological revolution:

Universality - covers almost all sectors of the national economy and affects all spheres of human activity;

Rapid development of science and technology;

Changing the role of man in the production process - in the process of the scientific and technological revolution, the requirements for the level of qualifications of labor resources are increasing, and the share of mental labor is increasing.

The modern scientific and technological revolution is characterized by the following changes in the production sector:

Firstly, the conditions, nature and content of labor change due to the introduction of scientific achievements into production. Previous types of labor are being replaced by machine-automated labor. The introduction of automatic machines significantly increases labor productivity, removing from production restrictions in speed, accuracy, continuity, etc., associated with the psychophysiological properties of a person. At the same time, the place of man in production changes. A new type of “man-technology” connection is emerging, which does not limit the development of either man or technology. In automated production, machines produce machines.

Secondly, new types of energy are beginning to be used - nuclear, sea tides, and the bowels of the earth. There is a qualitative change in the use of electromagnetic and solar energy.

Thirdly, natural materials are being replaced by artificial ones. Plastics and polyvinyl chloride products are widely used.

Fourthly, production technology is changing. For example, mechanical impact on a work item is replaced by physical and chemical impact. In this case, magnetic-pulse phenomena, ultrasound, ultra-frequencies, electro-hydraulic effect, various types of radiation, etc. are used. Modern technology is characterized by the fact that cyclic technological processes are increasingly being replaced by continuous flow processes. New technological methods also impose new requirements on tools (increased accuracy, reliability, ability to self-regulate), on objects of labor (precisely specified quality, clear feeding mode, etc.), on working conditions (strictly specified requirements for illumination, temperature the regime in the premises, their cleanliness, etc.).

Fifth, the nature of management is changing. Application automated systems management changes the place of a person in the management and production control system.

Sixth, the system of generation, storage and transmission of information is changing. The use of computers significantly speeds up processes associated with the production and use of information, improves methods of decision-making and evaluation.

Seventh, the requirements for professional training are changing. The rapid change in the means of production poses the task of constant professional improvement and raising the level of qualifications. A person is required to have professional mobility and more high level morality. The number of intellectuals is growing, and the requirements for their professional training are increasing.

Eighth, a transition is taking place from extensive to intensive development of production.

3. Scientific and technological progress as a factor of economic growth

Economic growth is an important economic goal as it promotes prosperity and increases national wealth. It allows you to solve socio-economic problems - to implement social programs, develop science and education, solve environmental problems, etc. Economic growth increases the production capabilities of the economy. Thanks to it, new types of resources are created, new efficient technologies production processes that allow increasing and diversifying the production of goods and services and improving the quality of life.

Among the intensive factors of economic growth, the most significant is scientific and technological progress (STP), based on the accumulation and expansion of knowledge, on innovations, which serve as a form of implementation of scientific discoveries and inventions. It is scientific and economic progress that ensures the improvement of the quality of resources, the gradual improvement of technology and technological processes within the framework of existing scientific and technical principles and their dissemination in production. The evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress is constantly inherent in social production and presupposes the steady development of technology and an increase in the level of technical knowledge. A revolutionary form of scientific and technological progress - the scientific and technological revolution (STR) - is a qualitative leap in the development of science and the productive forces of society, a revolution in technology and production technology.

The beginning of the modern scientific and technological revolution is usually attributed to the mid-50s of the 20th century. Its main characteristics:

Automation and computerization of production, transformation of computer science into a new resource and element of technological progress;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy - nuclear, thermonuclear;

Creation and use of new types of materials unknown to nature, with predetermined properties;

The discovery and application of new technologies (chemical, biological, laser, etc.), which come into life under the general name “ high technology»;

Formation of a new type of worker - cultural and educated, disciplined, capable of operating complex technical and information systems, thinking creatively.

Of course, the use of high technologies makes it possible to better satisfy the needs of society with a more gentle impact on the environment, determines the increasing efficiency of production of final products, and contributes to the achievement of economic growth goals. However, economic growth itself cannot solve all economic, social, environmental and other problems of human society. Recently, experts studying the problems of economic growth have come to the conclusion that the continuation of unbridled economic growth on the existing basis will lead humanity to a catastrophe that threatens its existence. This conclusion is based on a number of interrelated arguments.

Firstly, if existing production conditions are maintained, the resource component of production may be exhausted in the near future.

Secondly, the technologies and social relations prevailing today can lead humanity to an environmental disaster. Since the beginning of the 20th century. humanity began to face a number of increasing problems of a planetary nature, called global. If back in the 60-70s. While the main problem was the prevention of world nuclear war, now experts put the environmental problem in first place. Industrialization and economic growth give rise to such negative phenomena as pollution, industrial noise, emissions, deterioration of the appearance of cities, etc.

Thirdly, a serious danger lies in the increasing social stratification of society. The problem of income inequality and, as a consequence, the problem of poverty are becoming increasingly acute. Approximately 2/3 of the world's population constantly ekes out a miserable existence or is dangerously close to it. Today, developing countries account for almost 80% of the world's population and about 40% of global GDP.

Fourth, rapid economic growth, especially the technological innovation that underlies it, creates anxiety and uncertainty among people about the future. Workers at all levels fear that their accumulated skills and experience may become outdated as technological advances rapidly evolve.

4. State of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine

Ukraine is among the top 20 leaders in scientific and technological progress.

In the first half of November, at least three events became significant for the Ukrainian scientific community. Firstly, on November 1, Time magazine published a list of the best inventions of 2012, in which the development of the Ukrainian team “Enable Talk Gloves” took 7th place out of 25 possible. (Enable Talk is a student project whose main goal is to translate sign language into speech. The project concept presented included two sensor-equipped gloves and mobile device, where the recognition itself took place). Secondly, on November 12, the 100,000th patent for the invention was registered. As stated in the press announcement Civil service intellectual property of Ukraine, on November 20, the applicant of the invention will be issued a security document for a period of 20 years for a method of increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy for malignant tumors. And finally, within the framework of the international PCT system for 2011, Ukraine took 7th place in the TOP 15 countries with middle income levels in terms of the number of applications filed for patents. At the same time, according to the dynamics of the number of applications for registration of innovations, Ukraine is among the top 20 leaders in scientific and technological progress.

According to ICSI data, from 1992 to 2012, 203,294 patents were registered in Ukraine. There are more than 2 thousand inventions per one million inhabitants. With this indicator, according to the Global Innovation Rating 2012, Ukraine, along with China and India, found itself in the “newcomers” group. As noted in the report, despite a weak economy with low and middle incomes, the state is experiencing an increase in achievements in the field of innovation. This is facilitated by the improvement of the institutional structure, the availability of qualified specialists and close integration into the global financial market. Based on statistics published on the website of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine, it can be calculated that in 2012 the state earned more than 35.3 million hryvnia from the registration of inventions, utility models and industrial designs. The bulk of this amount, about 33.4 million hryvnia, is made up of annual fees for maintaining patents.


Having studied the proposed topic, it should be concluded that the scientific and technical potential of any country is the main engine of the countries' economies and its development is one of the most relevant for the economy at the present time. This comprehensive work examined the main issues that reveal the essence of scientific and technical progress as the main factor of economic growth.

Based on the results of this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Scientific and technological progress is one of the factors determining economic growth in the state.

STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and the implementation of scientific knowledge.

NTP is characterized by:

Development and widespread use of fundamentally new machines and machine systems operating in automatic mode;

Creation and development of qualitatively new production technologies;

Discovery and use of new types and sources of energy;

The creation and widespread use of new types of materials with predetermined properties;

The economic effect of scientific and technical progress is the result of scientific and technical activities. It manifests itself in the form of increased production, reduced production costs, and reduced economic damage, for example from environmental pollution.

For Ukraine, the creative use of the experience of developed countries in implementing measures of state support for innovative processes in the economy has now acquired particular significance, which will ultimately allow the formation of a domestic incentive system innovation activity. The effectiveness of innovation depends on a number of factors - this is effectiveness. Any result obtained by investing investments and all resources (monetary, material, information, labor) into a new product or operation (technology).

List of used literature

1. Enterprise economics. I.V. Sergeev. - M.: Phoenix, 2003.

2. Enterprise economics. Edited by D.E. Sc., prof. Karlika B.A. - M.: Nik, 2000.

3. Blyakhman L.S. Economics, management organization and planning of scientific and technical progress. M.: Higher School, 2001.

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