How to treat yellow-green snot. Nasal discharge: what they are talking about, connection with diseases, what to do Yellow thick snot how to treat

People very rarely pay attention to their runny nose. Some simply treat it with whatever is at hand, using various folk remedies. And they rarely look at the color of snot. Although it can tell a lot about the course of the disease. For example, they often indicate a possible purulent process in the nasopharynx.

What gives color to snot

Mucous healthy body secretes a colorless liquid, and its amount is small, it does not cause discomfort. When sick, the snot becomes cloudy, and after a persistent runny nose, it can even turn yellow or yellow. The explanation is simple: these are blood cells that react this way to pathogenic bacteria in the body. And the color change is caused by the death of a large number of white blood cells. It all depends on its intensity. The higher it is, the clearer and

What do changes in the mucous membrane mean?

Yellow snot in an adult should immediately alert you. They appear in a disease that has been running for a long time. It is likely that the start of treatment was missed or did not occur at all. The body rids itself of dead cells, throwing them out in the form of mucus. An adult can have yellow snot in three cases: the disease has already passed, or an inflammatory process is occurring, or an allergy has manifested itself.

What can color intensity tell you?

Colorless mucus is a normal and natural phenomenon during a cold. But if it doesn’t go away within two weeks, then it’s no longer a regular runny nose. Snot in an adult can be a consequence of allergies, although this happens quite rarely. In this case you need thorough examination from a specialist. Bright yellow snot in an adult may well indicate the onset of sinusitis, chronic otitis or sinusitis.

Harm and benefits of yellow snot

They serve to protect against harmful microorganisms, dust and various microparticles that can enter through the nose. The absence of mucus at all is harmful, a “dry runny nose” begins, but when in good condition there is little of it, it is colorless and does not bother.

When sick, sputum turns into mucus, changing color, consistency, quantity and smell. Snot yellow In an adult, they talk about dead bacteria getting into the nose. This is the body trying to get rid of unnecessary toxins. In this case, yellow snot is even useful, since the beginning of recovery can be determined by its color.

But there is also a harmful side: with a large mass of mucus secreted, snot enters the oropharynx, then into the trachea, bronchi and lungs. As a result, many diseases can develop.

What diseases are possible

If snot gets into the lungs and nasopharynx, then tracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia are possible. In the case where microorganisms get into the ears, sinusitis and otitis may begin.

Yellow snot in an adult: causes of its occurrence

There aren't many of them. Basically, such snot appears when:

  • weakening immune system body;
  • smoking;
  • viral infections;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • respiratory tract pathologies.

Can tobacco use cause yellow snot in an adult? The reasons for their appearance are different, including smoking. People addicted to nicotine have stringy snot that causes great discomfort. Due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane by nicotine, it is poorly treated, remaining inflamed for a long time. As a result, chronic sinus disease may develop. Cigarettes cause mucus to turn yellow.

When does an adult still have yellow snot? The reasons for their appearance, as mentioned above, may be different. For example, a bacterial infection, in this case pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the mucous membrane, irritating it. The color changes after resistance from the body, which partially destroys viral infection on one's own. If bright yellow snot appears in an adult, then dead bacteria contribute to this.

What is thick mucus made from?

It should be of a certain consistency - moderately liquid. But with illness it often thickens. Mucus is formed from salt, water and mucin protein. Density is acquired precisely due to an increase in the amount of the last component. In the absence of pathologies, normal mucous membrane protects the body from viruses.

Thick mucus

She doesn't become like that right away. Yellow thick snot in an adult is already advanced disease. Several days pass before the mucus changes consistency and color. Snot contains a lot of protein, and this makes it difficult to move through the sinuses. As a result, blowing your nose occurs with difficulty, and is almost ineffective, although it is accompanied by loud sounds.

In order to get rid of excess painful mucus containing dead bacteria, it is necessary to liquefy it. This can be done with medication or traditional methods. But the use of medications should be very careful and only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, by self-medicating, you can even harm yourself or worsen the condition of the disease.

Yellow snot in an adult: causes and treatment with various methods

Such snot is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. Even slight runny nose can quickly become a serious illness. And then a comprehensive fight against it is required. In this case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. If there is no opportunity and time to register a sick leave, then you can use well-known methods.

The reason may also be common cold, especially undertreated, or allergies. The main reasons are listed just above, where they are described in more detail. And now - how exactly to treat, what medicines buy at the pharmacy?

In the first two days, you can use vasodilating drops: Rinazolin, Nazol and Noxprey. They are used strictly according to the instructions that are included with each bottle. If this is not followed, the swelling may even increase and the drops will not give the desired effect at all.

How else can you treat yellow snot in an adult? The reasons for this color are listed above. The drug "Sinupret" has proven itself well, as well as various homeopathic remedies, helping to relieve It has a good effect frequent rinsing nasal cavity by physical examination. It is sold in pharmacies.

If treatment for the first time does not help and the yellow snot does not go away, then in this case you will need antiviral drugs. Usually, with their use, the disease goes away within a few days. But for correct purpose In order for them to have an optimal effect, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of yellow snot using folk methods

Thanks to these methods, the disease can be cured very quickly. People used not only instillation of the nasopharynx, although this is one of the most effective ways. Various warming and inhalations using common herbs that have medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties are very popular.

How else to destroy yellow snot in an adult? Treatment with folk remedies sometimes involves the use of certain vegetables. For example, beets and carrots are suitable. For instillation into the nose, you need their freshly squeezed juice, diluted with water in proportions of 50 to 50. Very good effect give garlic and onions. The method of preparing the solution is identical to the previous one.

Aloe juice, diluted with regular honey, is perfect for thinning thick mucus. To warm up, take hard-boiled hot eggs. Apply to the bridge of the nose through gauze, folded in several rows, or a small cloth. Hot water applied to the nose in the same way will have the same liquefying effect.

For inhalation, eucalyptus or regular boiled potatoes are used. These remedies are great for helping with difficulty breathing and smoothing it out in a matter of minutes.

You can, and even need to, drink infusions of chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, rose hips and other herbal medicinal fees. They do not cure, but they help relieve the viscosity and thickness of snot. In addition, such herbs have another useful property- increasing the immunity of the whole body.

Many experts advise steaming your feet well. To do this, pour hot water into a bath or other container, to which drops of essential oil (pine, eucalyptus, tea tree). You can steam your hands instead of your feet, the effect will be the same.

If yellow snot appears, you must take urgent measures By active treatment straightaway. So far, no complications have arisen and the disease has not progressed to a more serious and intractable stage.

To avoid subsequent treatment, it is easier to prevent the disease from occurring. To do this, you need to do wet cleaning daily and ventilate the room so that the air in the room does not dry out. Even at the slightest sign of snot, blow your nose more often. Drink tea with lemon and blackcurrant.

When yellow snot appears, treatment should not only be symptomatic, but also be aimed at eliminating the original source of the disease. Yellow nasal discharge, both in children and adults, indicates the presence of serious pathologies, and you should not delay visiting a doctor. Moreover, the brighter such a manifestation, the faster measures should be taken. Very often, timely initiation of treatment becomes a guarantee of its successful completion.

Features of yellow runny nose

Nasal secretions or snot are mucus secreted by glands in the lining of the nose to perform protective functions. The production of secretion is aimed at warming and neutralizing the inhaled air mass. IN normal conditions a volume of mucus is secreted that is sufficient to perform the assigned functions, and its discharge from the nose to the outside is not recorded.

When a number of aggressive conditions arise, protective reflex body, aimed at stimulating secretion, which causes a runny nose - the release of excess mucus from the nasal cavity to the outside. This discharge can be of varying intensity, consistency and color.

In essence, snot is not independent disease, but become a symptom of some process. Their color becomes important diagnostic sign, as it gives an idea of ​​the composition of the discharge. Under normal conditions, the secretion of the nasal glands looks like liquid, colorless, odorless mucus.

Any inflammatory reactions cause stimulation of fluid production, cloudiness and thickening of the consistency. When an infection enters the nasal cavity, white blood cells are sent to fight it. A mixture of dead bodies and pathogenic microorganisms gives snot a yellow tint. Accordingly, the thicker the consistency and brighter the color of the mucus, the more active the fight is, which means the more infection has entered the body. The appearance of a greenish tint on the yellow background of snot can be assessed similarly.

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Analysis of the yellow manifestation of a runny nose

Yellowish nasal discharge indicates the presence of infection, in addition to some manifestations of an allergic reaction and nicotine-colored snot in “hardcore” smokers. In general, the process of infectious manifestation develops according to the standard pattern: the appearance of a transparent copious discharge, subsequent thickening and clouding of the mucus, finally turning into yellow snot with gradual thickening.

Thus, a yellow runny nose indicates the advanced nature of the disease. It may indicate two possible options development of pathology: the final stage of the disease with speedy recovery(with a high density of discharge) or the appearance of new foci of the inflammatory reaction. In the first case, confirmation may be the constancy or weakening of color saturation. In the second case, there is a danger that the disease enters an advanced stage when the immune system cannot cope with the infection. In this option, the color becomes brighter, greenish impurities or purulent manifestations may be added. Most important indicator is the duration of the runny nose. If it continues for more than 7-8 days, you should consult a doctor.

What is the danger of prolonged accumulation of yellow, infected mucus in the nasal cavity? Complications may result from further penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the respiratory system. If such a runny nose is not treated, the infection spreads to the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Its development in a new place can cause diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia. Another option for the development of complications is also possible: spread to the ear and maxillary sinuses, causing otitis and sinusitis.

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Causes of yellow runny nose

The causes of yellow nasal discharge are often related to the development of infectious diseases. Such a runny nose can be a symptom of the following diseases: types of sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.), otitis media, and in children also purulent adenoiditis.

Sinusitis different types are a common cause of yellow snot. They are inflammatory reactions in the mucous membrane or paranasal sinuses under the influence of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The main types of sinusitis are: sinusitis (inflammation in the maxillary sinus), frontal sinusitis (sinusitis frontal sinus), ethmoiditis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone cells), sphenoiditis (sinusitis of the sphenoid sinus). The main symptoms of the disease (in addition to a thick runny nose): a feeling of heaviness around the nose and in the frontal area, pain syndrome worse when turning the head sharply, fever, problems breathing through the nose, sneezing.

The cause of yellow nasal discharge may be an allergic reaction. If such a symptom appears in certain time(once a year), the causative agent is often pollen from flowering plants. Thick yellow snot can be the result of excessive dry air in the room and a corresponding manifestation of an allergy to household dust or feathers (fluff) in the pillow. U heavy smokers mucus may acquire a yellowish color due to the accumulation of nicotine on the surface of the mucous membrane. It is important to remember one condition: if yellow mucus with purulent manifestation released in humans when feeling good and the absence of a previous runny nose, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This sign may indicate serious illness nasopharynx, even of an oncological nature.

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Treatment of pathology

When yellow snot appears, treatment must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor due to high risk development of serious pathologies and complications.

After agreement with a specialist, treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. Introduction into the nasal cavity of vasoconstrictor nasal drops: Naphthyzin, Rinazolin, Noxprey, Sinupret. After this, it is recommended to remove the mucus by actively blowing your nose.
  2. Flushing the sinuses with water saline solutions, saline solution, Furacilin solution and the introduction of moisturizing compositions: Salin, Aquamaris, compositions based on sea ​​water.
  3. An effective alternative to moisturizing is the introduction of Protargol containing silver ions and protein components.
  4. The use of antihistamines to reduce allergic sensitivity, both external factors, and the means used: Diazolin.
  5. Prescribing antibiotics wide range actions to destroy pathogens: Ceftriaxone.
  6. Carrying out systemic and symptomatic therapy with the use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs with antihistamine properties (Iboprofen, Paracetamol), as well as corticosteroid drugs: Prednisolone.

In the case where therapy has been carried out, but yellow snot continues to be released, treatment will have to be carried out surgically. Usually the septum is punctured to remove the purulent mass and ensure the necessary drainage of secreted mucus.

The nasal mucosa normally has scanty transparent mucus. Under the influence of allergic agents, viruses, bacteria, cold air and other irritants, mucus begins to change its consistency, color, thickness, and even smell ().

An attentive doctor will always pay attention to the condition of the snot, asking the patient to blow his nose into a handkerchief. Appearance snot is an important diagnostic clue. For example, yellow snot is a harbinger persistent runny nose and the beginning of the purulent process.

Unfortunately, many of us do not pay attention to a runny nose, letting the problem take its course. Subsequently, the snot can become chronic, and sometimes sinusitis appears. With these complications, the patient already complains of headache, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and general malaise. At this stage, a runny nose is already difficult to treat.

In order to prevent the spread of rhinitis, the first time yellow snot appears in an adult, you must immediately contact an ENT specialist and find out the reason for the color of the discharge.

Causes of yellow and thick snot in adults

Any sane person will be alarmed by the yellow color of snot with a thick consistency.

If you have a cough, elevated temperature body, general intoxication, the cause of such snot is undoubtedly a viral infection.

With reduced immunity, the virus does not go away in 5 days, but continues to attack the mucous membrane together with bacteria. As a result, a runny nose already has a viral-bacterial nature, which causes a yellow color to appear.

If yellow and thick snot is not treated, there is a high probability of developing sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and sinusitis.. Yellow snot in adults is sometimes accompanied by an allergic runny nose, which is caused by: dust, animal hair, pollen and other agents.

Some doctors put forward the theory that the yellow color of mucus is a “retreating” runny nose and a sign of the end of the disease. Indeed, such clinical picture may occur when yellow and thick mucus does not last long and goes away quickly. Unfortunately, in most cases, yellowish mucus indicates a complication of a runny nose.

For many smokers, the mucus in the nasopharynx is yellow. When blowing your nose and expectoration, they constantly secrete thick discharge having a yellowish color, which is formed under the influence of nicotine. Usually, quitting smoking relieves the problem of such a runny nose.

Most unpleasant reason yellow snot in adults can become oncological processes in the nasopharynx. To exclude this pathology carry out advanced diagnostics: x-rays, computed tomography, nasopharyngeal smears, histological examination. Oncologists deal with this problem.

What does the color of snot mean?

How to treat bright yellow snot in adults

Therapeutic therapy should begin with eliminating the cause. It is necessary to make an appointment with an ENT specialist, where a treatment regimen for the runny nose will be proposed.

At viral runny nose the doctor will suggest antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, and treatment allergic rhinitis will require the use of antihistamines.

At home, you can resort to rinsing your nose with saline solutions, infusions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus. Instillation of beet and Kalanchoe juice into the nose (5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day) will be useful.

Rinsing the nose is carried out 3-4 times a day, filling the pipette to its entire volume with the prepared solution. For saline solutions, the following dilution is used: 5 grams of salt per 200 ml of water. Herbal infusions are brewed at the rate of 10 grams of raw material per 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 20–40 minutes.

If there is no fever, you can warm your nose with hard-boiled eggs, placing them on the sides of the bridge of the nose. Carry out the procedure for 5–7 minutes. If your body temperature is elevated, you should not warm your nose!

In the first days of the disease it is used pharmaceutical drugs: nazol, rhinazoline, tizin, naphthyzin and others. These vasoconstrictors relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, facilitate breathing, thin out thick mucus and remove it from the nasal passages.

Inhalations with essential oils at home are widely used. To treat yellow snot in adults, fir, mint, eucalyptus, and sage oils are often used. The solution for inhalation is prepared as follows: per liter of water (50–60 degrees) take 5 drops of essential oil.

Sit comfortably, cover your head with a terry towel, and begin to breathe evenly through your nose over the solution for 5–7 minutes. If your nose is very stuffy, you can open your mouth slightly.

When treating a runny nose with a yellow tint in children and adults, drink vitamin teas from raspberries and currants, infusions of St. John's wort, rose hips, and chamomile. Cranberry and lingonberry juice. Drink at night warm milk with honey, in which you can put a piece of cocoa butter.

In winter and spring, eat more foods with vitamin C: lemons, oranges, grapefruits. Drink more fluids to remove toxins from your body as much as possible.

If you can’t afford to buy expensive pharmaceutical drugs, then alternative option– treatment of yellow snot in adults using folk remedies.

03.09.2016 12673

Normal discharge a person has a transparent color. A change in the color of the discharge and an increase in its quantity indicate a possible disease. The nose is the organ that first comes into contact with polluted air. Its function is to cleanse and warm the flow during inhalation. The secreted mucus serves to moisturize. It can be actively secreted by the mucous membrane when a bacteria or virus possibly comes into contact with it. This is called a runny nose. Adults are biased towards him and do not rush to consult a doctor. But when their color changes and other symptoms are added to it, a visit to the doctor becomes necessary. There are several reasons why mucus turns yellow. This color of mucus is common in adults.

Causes of yellow runny nose

At healthy condition body, the nose secretes a clear liquid. Its quantity is small and does not cause a person any discomfort. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the nasal cavity, our immune system begins its fight against them. Leukocytes fight actively reproducing bacteria. At the same time, our defenders use antiseptics that have a detrimental effect not only on foreign flora, but also on themselves. The process of death of leukocyte cells, bacteria or viruses occurs. And with the help increased amount mucus they are removed from the body. It is this process that leads to the appearance of a yellow runny nose. Moreover, the brighter the color of the discharge, the more intense the body’s fight against pathogenic microflora.

A runny nose indicates the end of an illness or the beginning of a new, more serious illness. These include sinusitis. You should be able to distinguish the difference in order to prescribe the correct treatment in time.

Yellow can also appear from nicotine. In this case, they have, which delivers a lot discomfort. When smoking, you are constantly exposed to nicotine and tar. This leads to irritation and increased mucus production. And the yellow tint appears due to coloration by nicotine and smoke. In this case, treatment of yellow snot in an adult comes down to giving up the bad habit.

This specific shade of nasal mucus can also come from tree or flower pollen. In this case, rhinitis is allergic in nature. It is easily recognized, since the consistency of the discharge practically does not change, but increases in volume and is observed during the flowering period of plants.

Yellow runny nose as a symptom

If a person is caught by a cold, then its first manifestation will be rhinitis. It is characterized by abundant transparent discharge, itching in the nasal passages. If adequate treatment is started at this stage, it is possible complete cure from illness. If the medications are prescribed incorrectly or they are not used, then the runny nose takes on a different character: it becomes cloudy and viscous. If measures to prevent the disease are not taken here, then the disease develops into severe forms.

Some otolaryngologists claim that in an adult, after rhinitis, subject to a normal course of treatment, they occur. They indicate the final stage of the disease. This is how the body cleanses the nasal passages of dead microorganisms, epithelium, and immune system cells. Such discharge ends within a few days and no longer bothers you.

A runny nose and yellow snot after it often don’t last for weeks. This obvious symptom inflammatory process, which urgently requires clarification of the diagnosis and prescription of the correct treatment.

Bright yellow snot indicates the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic otitis media

In this case we're talking about O purulent discharge from the nose. Other symptoms are added to the change in mucus color: cough, headaches, fever. Only an otolaryngologist can understand and make a diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment methods differ depending on the cause of yellow snot. If we are talking about the final stage of a cold, then adding a procedure for rinsing the nasal cavity will be sufficient. This can be done using special pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water or using tinctures medicinal herbs.

If sinusitis or sinusitis develops, treatment with folk remedies is ineffective. They can be as auxiliary methods, strengthening local immunity, restoring the nasal mucosa. Consult a doctor, he will prescribe adequate treatment, taking into account the degree of advanced disease. The otolaryngologist may also take nasal swabs. This helps to identify and determine the resistance of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics. But they are rarely used, trying to cure the disease with more gentle drugs.

  1. Vasoconstrictors, Naphthyzin, etc. are prescribed). They are used strictly for their intended purpose. Drops have a number of contraindications. Do not use for a long time, as they are addictive.
  2. Before instilling passages from accumulated mucus. For this purpose, pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water (Aquamaris, Salin, Aquanorm), furatsilin solution, saline solution, decoction of chamomile or linden flowers are used. Washing can also be carried out on an inpatient basis in a hospital department.
  3. Antihistamines. These remedies help relieve swelling in the sinuses.

These events are on early stages diseases can quickly rid the patient of yellow. If the patient seeks help very late, the otolaryngologist prescribes surgery, which involves puncturing the sinuses and removing accumulated purulent masses. After this, a course of treatment of the inflamed areas is carried out.

Works well with thick steam inhalations using soda, essential oils, medicinal herbs. The solution should not be scalding hot. The optimal temperature is 40 0 ​​C. Avoid procedures that warm the nose, as with sinusitis this aggravates the situation and creates comfortable conditions for the development of pathogenic flora.

Mucus in the nose is essential and protects the surface tissues by keeping them hydrated. But often during a runny nose, the mucus becomes abundant and yellow. What does yellow discharge mean?

Anyone has experienced symptoms of a runny nose. This state throws you out of your usual rut. Often the malaise worsens - thick yellow mucus appears in the nose. Why is snot yellow, what factors determine its color? How to quickly get rid of illness? How dangerous is colored nasal discharge?

Yellow snot is normal reaction body to “invasion of microbes”. They often indicate the appearance of:

  • rhinitis A yellow runny nose often appears with advanced acute respiratory infections. If you ignore it, you can fall out of active life for a long time;
  • development of sinusitis or sinusitis. If a runny nose lingers, it usually turns into sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus nose

Probability of appearance yellow discharge from the nose improves weakened immunity. For a runny nose with yellow snot in an adult with weak immunity Pain in the head and a feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose often appear.

Sometimes yellow snot in an adult has causes unrelated to a bacterial runny nose. Heavy smokers often suffer from them, as nicotine gives the mucus a yellow color.

Causes of yellow discharge

There are many conflicting opinions about why yellow snot appears in an adult. Common reasons include:

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis

For inflammation maxillary sinuses There is always copious mucous discharge. Yellow snot from one nostril always means the development of sinusitis. Mucus yellowish color usually signals the proliferation of bacteria in the nasal cavity. Usually, with any type of sinusitis, the temperature rises, intensifies headache. Without treatment, the situation gets worse.

An adult's bright yellow snot with mucus may appear due to improper nose blowing. If the patient blows his nose frequently, it can cause damage blood vessel, the blood gets into the mucous secretions, and then orange snot or dark yellow mucus appears.

Allergic rhinitis

When plants bloom, pollen particles float in the air. It contains carotenoids, which give nasal discharge an unusual color. This disease is also accompanied by sneezing, itching and strong burning sensation in the nose.

Usually not associated with colds. Therefore, their treatment is carried out only antihistamines, helping to cope with the allergen.

Other factors

Even absolute people can have yellow snot from the nose. healthy person, How defensive reaction to the dust, tobacco smoke, dry air, hypothermia, and other factors. Such nasal discharge leads to a feeling of stuffiness, lack of smell, and can appear several times a year.

Why is snot yellow?

Disease Cause of thick yellow nasal discharge Notes
Allergic rhinitis The presence of an allergic reaction in an adult to one of the natural allergens. It is necessary to identify the allergen and avoid contact with it.
Sluggish chronic diseases in the nasal cavity and sinuses Characterized by yellow-green snot, which mainly appears in the morning. Yellow, thick mucus indicates a bacterial infection. The breakdown products of leukocytes and microorganisms color the mucus in the nose.
Purulent process Associated with chronic sinusitis. His main feature- this is bright yellow snot from one nostril. Often there is mucus from nose goes orange color. This means that the body is actively fighting the infection. Thick snot indicates the beginning of recovery. But large number mucus can lead to the development of otitis media or bronchitis.
Cyst This pathology of the nasopharynx manifests itself in cavities of different sizes. If you blow your nose excessively, the cyst bursts and liquid light yellow mucus pours out of it.
Smoking addiction (long-term smoking) If a person smokes frequently, nicotine settles in the nasopharynx and colors the mucus. With a runny nose of this color, there is a risk of a tumor of the nasal mucosa. The only way get rid of bright yellow snot - give up your addiction.
Dry nose Yellow snot in an adult sometimes appears due to dry air. It is necessary to replace heating devices that lead to dry air or purchase an air humidifier.

Treatment methods for yellow snot

How to treat yellow snot? If colored mucous discharge from the nose appears in an adult, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor. If the causes are not identified and the treatment is carried out incorrectly, a harmless runny nose in an adult can lead to serious, difficult-to-treat diseases. How is yellow snot treated in an adult?

Drug therapy

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will order tests. Based on the transcript of the tests, medications are prescribed. If there is a suspicion of allergic reactions, first determine the stimulus and only after that prescribe necessary treatment yellow snot.

For treatment the following is prescribed:


They are available in the form of drops or sprays. Accelerate the secretion of mucus, relieve swelling, and help clear the nose quickly. The most popular: nazol, sinupret, noxprey rinazolin, tizin, naphthyzin and others.

Saline solutions for rinsing the nose

With regular and proper nasal rinsing saline solution recovery can be significantly accelerated. Common pharmaceutical solutions: aquamaris, physiomer, dolphin, humer and salin.


This group medicines used for runny nose of allergic origin. Best help allergy sufferers: vibrocil, analergin, allergodil, tizin allergy and cromosol.

Antibacterial drugs

Treatment of yellow runny nose in adults with antibiotics is prescribed when chronic form rhinitis or prolonged sinusitis. They only help when bacterial infections and do not fight colds. Particularly popular are: isofra, polydex, protargol, sofradex, bioparox and bactroba.

Drugs to support the patient’s immunity

For frequently repeated colds and after taking antibiotics, doctors usually prescribe special drugs to correct the state of immunity: timaktide, vilosen, immunofan, myelopid, splenin.

It is very important to strictly adhere to the instructions; if its requirements are not followed, the amount of discharge may increase.

If yellow snot does not give in conservative treatment, make a puncture, this helps get rid of stagnant purulent mucus.

Traditional therapy

How to get rid of yellow snot in an adult yourself? Natural remedies, which are prescribed for treatment at home, successfully help with nasal discharge.

The most popular traditional medicine methods for a runny nose with yellow discharge:

Warming up

Heat exposure has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Traditional healers recommend:

  • warming up in the bath. But such treatment is acceptable if the disease has subsided, there is no fever and blood pressure normal;
  • warming the bridge of the nose with roasted rice in bags allows you to quickly cure a runny nose;
  • warming your feet in hot water with mustard powder Helps thin yellow secretions and make breathing easier.


This method helps clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus; it is recommended to use:

  • Kalanchoe juice mixed with honey helps with thick discharge;
  • saline solution has a powerful disinfectant effect.

Homemade nasal drops

Extremely popular in folk medicine essential oils. They give quick effect, which consists in the disappearance of swelling of the nasal mucosa, reducing signs of inflammation and facilitating nasal breathing. For this you can use:

  • menthol oil, it is not only dropped into the nose, but also lubricated with it on the temples and bridge of the nose;
  • tea tree oil;
  • fir oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil and others.

Also for instillation into the nose when bacterial rhinitis in folk medicine they use:

  • juice squeezed from chopped parsley root;
  • beet juice.

It is convenient to use cotton swabs; they are soaked in juice and placed in the nostrils.


Does not appear during inhalation negative impact to other organs, and healing effect always the maximum from them. They are carried out only in the absence of elevated temperature. The best folk remedies for inhalation:

  • inhalation of potato broth vapors;
  • honey inhalations;
  • a decoction of coltsfoot herbs, thyme and chamomile.

Sinus massage

Considered the most effective acupressure. It helps relieve nasal congestion and makes breathing easier. To do this, massage the points:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • at the root of the nose;
  • at the base of the nasal septum;
  • at the wings of the nose.

Each point must be treated for at least one minute.

Decoctions for oral administration

Helps thin snot and improve immunity:

  • decoction of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile,
  • the use of vitamin infusions or tinctures from raspberries, rose hips or currants.
  • It is very useful to drink warm milk with honey at night. But only if you are not allergic to honey;
  • hot chicken broth with red pepper and garlic will help the nose breathe;

A runny nose with yellow snot from a cold often responds well to homeopathic remedies, which are a huge advantage over modern medicine. But before treatment, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance.

To quickly get rid of nasal discharge, daily wet cleaning of rooms and their ventilation are necessary.