Healthy cat skin and coat. To make your cat's fur shine

Cats are clean and handsome. In nature, whiskers take care of their fur on their own, but at home you can help them look even more luxurious. We will give 5 tips on how to improve your cat's coat.

Appearance pet- a mirror of his health. If the cat bad wool, the first thing to do is take the animal to the veterinarian. Dull hairs, too much and sudden shedding, and the appearance of bald spots can be symptoms of serious illnesses. And here you can’t get by with special food, vitamins or bathing.

1. Adjust your cat's diet

A balanced diet will 99% help improve your cat's coat. If you feed an animal natural food, be sure to discuss the menu with your veterinarian. He will tell you which products to add and which to exclude.

If you feed a tailed industrial feed, pick up good food for cats to improve coat. This could be GO complete cat food. It fits both adult animals with different levels activity, and for kittens.

2. Sow grass for the cat

Set aside a place on the windowsill for a small tray of wheat germ, oats, or a special collection of “Grass for Cats” (sold in pet stores and seed stores). Such an addition to the diet will not immediately improve the cat’s fur, but the “apartment” resident will definitely like it and will affect her appearance over time.

Greens will help remove hairballs from the stomach easily. This will help avoid serious problems with health (sometimes so much hair and undercoat accumulates in the stomach that it requires surgery). Sprouted grass is especially relevant in the cat's menu during periods of molting.

What can you do to make your cat have beautiful fur? Brush it regularly. Buy a good comb/brush that matches the length of the hair and the size of the animal. Train yourself and your pet to brush at least every other day. A furminator is also a special “comb” that effectively removes dead hairs from the undercoat. It is enough to use it once a week, during the molting period - 2 times.

The cat has bad fur. What to do? Perhaps this is a seasonal molt and you just need to get through it.

Brushing does more than just improve your cat's coat. This is a simple and enjoyable procedure for most furry pets:

  • prevents the formation of tangles. Mats often appear in long-haired breeds with abundant undercoat; removing them is not always a pleasant procedure for the animal. Therefore, it is better to prevent tangles than to cut them later;
  • reduces the amount of scattered hair on furniture, floors, clothes, as dead hairs are removed with a comb;
  • prevents the stomach from becoming clogged with hairballs. Yes, it is impossible to remove all the dead hair from a cat, but it is possible to reduce what it eats with each wash.

4. Keep your skin healthy

5. Stop bathing your cat often

If a cat has bad fur, it is not enough to know what to do. You need to determine what not to do. For example, do not bathe your cat more than once a year. Why?

  • firstly, it is stress, both for the animal and for you. And stress is bad for everyone;
  • secondly, you wash away the natural protective layer from the fur and skin.

Fluffy takes care of his hygiene on his own. Without bath procedures not necessary in several cases:

If your pet has dirty its paws or other parts of its body, you should not bathe it all. It is enough to wash only the dirty part of the body.

There are medicated shampoos and special care products that can improve a cat's coat. Use them only after consulting a veterinarian or groomer.

What do you do to make your cat have beautiful fur? What cat food do you choose to improve their fur? Share your tips in the comments!

Leaving hairs all over the apartment is common for most domestic felines. A cat's hair will fall out regardless of its breed and hair length. The only exceptions are hairless cat breeds (Sphynxes) and pets with plush skin, for example, the British.

In this article we will tell you about what it is cat hair, why a cat can rapidly begin to lose precious hairs and how to solve the problem of hair loss in a pet.

Let's start with the fact that regardless of the breed of the cat, the type of its coat (smooth, velvety or wavy), as well as the length of the hair, the coat consists of two layers: a thin inner (undercoat) and a coarser outer (protective).

The main function of cat skin is thermoregulation and protection of the skin from adverse effects. environment. In the hot season, the cat “sheds” its undercoat, the skin becomes lighter and the animal tolerates it more easily. high temperature air.

The coat is also renewed in cold weather: the pet loses fine hairs that have served the whole summer and acquires new ones, fluffier and warmer, according to the season.

Causes of hair loss in cats

Intense hair loss can be a symptom of a disease. Therefore, carefully monitor the well-being of your tailed friend.

However, it is too early to sound the alarm. If your pet shows no changes in behavior, is active and eats well, then there is most likely no cause for concern. His seasonal molting has begun.

The cat's hair is falling out: features of shedding in modern pets

Molting is common to all living things, even insects molt. And this process also does not bypass the cat. However, shedding in cats that constantly live in an apartment is special. Let us explain why.

Cats living in natural natural environment, molt twice a year - in spring and autumn. The processes of hair loss and regrowth are regulated in their body by the changing seasons. Pets who constantly live in an apartment lose their biorhythms that regulate the molting process. Their bodies are affected central heating, their metabolism is disrupted by stress, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity.

That is why for a cat living in a city apartment, it is important to talk about constant shedding, which does not stop throughout the year, and intensifies during the off-season.

Unbalanced diet. Common cause of hair loss in pets

If the diet is incorrectly formulated, cats often develop problems with their fur. This happens due to the fact that the pet’s body lacks nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This problem occurs when feeding a cat low-quality food or products from your own table.

Prevention of seasonal shedding. Keep your cat's fur smooth and fluffy

The basis for caring for a cat's fur during shedding is:

  • Proper nutrition.

    In order for the cat's fur to remain perfect appearance, choose only high-quality premium food. The composition of the feed must take into account individual characteristics animal: its age, needs, existing problems. A pet store consultant will help you choose the most suitable food to maintain the health of your cat's fur.

  • The use of vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen the coat and increase the body's immunity.

    Modern manufacturers of vitamin-mineral complexes offer cat owners all kinds of products that solve various problems on different stages animal life. There are also special vitamins to solve problems associated with hair loss. Their use is especially important before spring and autumn molt animal, although vitamins for fur will be useful for a cat at any time of the year.

  • Regular brushing with special brushes and combs.

    The assortment of pet stores includes many products for caring for the hair of your beloved cats. According to the owners, the most effective “comber” is the furminator. This device doesn’t just comb out the cat’s loose hair, but removes hairs that are about to fall out. The pet does not experience any discomfort, and combing is more efficient.

By following these rules, you can significantly reduce the amount of hair loss in your cat. However, it is not always possible to reduce shedding using these methods. In some cases, the pet requires more serious help.

Hormonal disorders in cats. See a doctor urgently

Hormonal imbalances are characterized by localized hair loss. The cat develops bald spots on its back, belly, and tail. The skin in these areas turns red and peels. The animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses its appetite. At hormonal disorders cat needs special treatment, which is prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis.

Weakened immunity. The pet requires special care

Deterioration in the quality of the skin is typical for pets who have suffered serious illnesses and operations. In this case, cat hair loss is temporary. At proper care and with care, your pet's skin will be restored and will delight you again.

Worms: dull and sticky fur will not take long to appear

Worms weaken the cat’s body from the inside: they disrupt metabolic processes, suppress the pet’s immunity, causing concomitant diseases. A cat's fur, like a litmus test, reflects general condition health.

Fleas: cause scratching, scabs and allergic dermatitis

A pet infested with fleas cannot be happy. An unbearable itch torments him day and night. Fleas feed on blood and make the cat itch by making tiny bites in the animal's skin.

When treating a cat, the owner will encounter the following difficulties:

  • Choose and buy two different products;
  • Spend a lot of time - the anthelmintic is applied no earlier than 7-10 days after using the insectoacaricidal agent;
  • Encounter difficulties in use - often it is not easy for an animal to give medicine into the mouth.

Protection against internal parasites.

Your cat sheds constantly and you're tired of cleaning up fur all over your apartment?

Find out what to do to solve the problem of heavy shedding and help your animal.

What is shedding in a cat?

Shedding in a cat is a natural process during which old hair falls out and new hair grows. Seasonal molting occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn. At this time, the pet changes its coat from winter to summer and vice versa.

Cats living in apartments lose hair almost constantly. For pets walking outside, shedding occurs seasonally.

Cat Breeds That Don't Shed

Many people ask the question, which cats don’t shed? You will be surprised, but there are no such cats. Almost all cats shed. This physiological process which the pet needs. However, there are breeds that shed the least. One of them is the sphinxes. These cats have minimal fur. There are completely bald individuals who do not even have a mustache or eyebrows, and there are cats that are covered with thin and short fluff. Also, cats of the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex and Serkirk Rex breeds practically do not shed.

Causes of severe shedding and dull fur in cats. When to sound the alarm

Wool is one of the indicators of a pet's health. fur coat healthy cat should be smooth and shiny. If the pet heavy shedding, and the fur is dull and disheveled, the cat may have health problems. In this case, you must contact your veterinarian.

  • Skin diseases (dermatitis);
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Allergic reaction to cosmetics, food, household chemicals;
  • Ringworm;
  • Worms.

How to reduce shedding in a cat. Pet care rules

An effective way to combat shedding in cats is grooming. The main thing is to carefully comb the cat and comb out dead hairs. A brush, a special rubber glove or a furminator will help you with this. The Furminator is especially useful for owners of long-haired cats.

Also bathe your cat periodically, but do not overuse this procedure. Frequent washing will negatively affect the cat's coat.

Normally, hairs fall out evenly and bald spots do not form. If you notice a receding hairline on your cat or the fur is shedding too much, consult a doctor immediately. This can be a symptom of several diseases. After examining your cat and conducting a series of tests, your veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of hair loss.

What else should the owner do to prevent the cat from shedding too much:

5-7 days after using the insectoacaricidal drug, give your pet a dewormer. Preventive deworming of cats is carried out once a quarter. Pets that do not go outside are advised to be treated once every six months.

Suspension Prasitel. Protect your pet from worm infection

Most cat owners are wondering: which deworming drug to choose for their pet? Many veterinarians and breeders recommend Prasitel suspension.

Prazitel – domestic drug wide spectrum of action. Designed for the treatment and prevention of infection by round and tapeworms cats and kittens from three weeks of age. Prazitel suspension can be given to pregnant cats in the second half of pregnancy and to lactating females three weeks after birth.

1 ml of the drug contains: praziquantel – 3 mg, pyrantel pamoate – 30 mg.

Reasons why cat owners and breeders choose Prazitel

Effective against helminths at all stages of development

Prazitel suspension is effective against the main types of helminths. The drug has wide range action and destroys internal parasites at all stages of development: eggs, larvae, adults.

The general condition of your cat's coat and skin is good indicator her health. A healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not rough or brittle, but healthy skin should be elastic and clean, not greasy or flaking. However, while the shine and texture of a cat's coat are affected by its health and nutrition, regular external grooming of a cat's coat also helps keep it in good condition. good condition, clean and tangle-free, no matter what type of coat he or she has.

What types of hair do cats have?

Together with the selection of breeds, today the coat of cats varies from completely hairless Sphynxes to smooth-haired Orientals, from domestic shorthairs to long-haired cats with truly silky fur, while some cat breeds practically do not shed.

Some cats that live in cold climates, especially in open areas, have two heavy seasonal sheddings per year (spring and late fall), during which entire clumps of undercoat may fall out. However, many cats in our homes shed lightly almost all year round.

How does a cat's diet affect its fur and skin?

The skin is the largest part of the body, and skin cells change very quickly. Most pets have almost all their skin covered with hair and change it several times a year. To keep the skin and fur in healthy condition, your cat needs balanced diet, which contains easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, and provides the appropriate amount of calories to meet all the animal's energy needs.

If nutrients are poorly absorbed, then they will not only be unavailable to meet the body’s needs, they will also create excessive load to the liver and kidneys, which must eliminate indigestible waste. Ideal Diet should be individual and suitable for the specific age of the cat and its health. High quality and balanced diet, as a rule, is the key to good and beautiful wool. A cat whose diet is not sufficient to meet her needs will have a dull, dry coat with increased shedding.

What role does medicine play in ensuring a cat’s healthy coat?

Many skin diseases affect the shine and appearance of your pet's coat. Allergic diseases skin and seborrhea cause itching and changes in normal sebum secretion, which also leads to excessive shedding or even patchy hair loss.

If your cat's skin or coat problems are caused by a medical condition, the overall condition of both the cat's coat and skin often improves dramatically once the disease has been treated or brought under control.

How important is regular grooming to ensure a cat's healthy coat and skin?

Daily brushing also reduces the amount of hair your cat may ingest while grooming itself. Another benefit of brushing your cat daily is the dramatic reduction in the amount of hair and dander that can be scattered throughout the house. For some people with mild cat allergies, daily brushing can reduce the allergens enough that they can comfortably share their home with such a cat.

Regardless of coat type, you should check your cat every day for mats, which may form behind the ears, in the groin, or in the armpits. If you check your cat's fur and skin regularly, you will also have a better chance of catching any lumps, lumps, or tumors on her body early.

How often should you bathe or wash your cat?

Most healthy adult cats are finicky and rarely need a bath. The frequency of bathing your pet may need will depend on his age, lifestyle, and any health problems. For example, an older cat with arthritis who has difficulty grooming himself may need fairly regular baths. If your cat has skin allergies, your veterinarian may prescribe a wash with medicated shampoo as an additional therapy.

Cats should only be washed with shampoos that have been specifically formulated for them, as their skin has different thicknesses and a different ph than human skin, so even baby shampoo may be too harsh for their skin. Since all cats lick themselves vigorously after bathing, it is extremely important to completely rinse off any detergents and shampoos to prevent your pet from swallowing them, otherwise this could lead to digestive upsets and other harm.

Why might a cat have fur problems at certain times of the year?

Some cats may suffer from skin irritation associated with low winter humidity in our homes. Other cats are allergic to tree and plant pollen - this problem is especially acute in spring period. And another group of cats are allergic to fleas or other insects, where even one bite can cause a rash and hair loss.

If you bathe or groom your cat and she quickly develops fur or skin problems again, you should take her to veterinary clinic for examination. Sometimes skin problems such as rashes, itching, large number dandruff, increased shedding, oily coat or bad smell may indicate serious illness. In many cases, the disease can be easily diagnosed and treated, but sometimes diagnostic problems arise and you may need to see a dermatologist.

The main takeaway is that the appearance of your cat's fur and skin are the first indicators possible problems with her health. A healthy animal does not shed excessively, and there should be no dandruff or oiliness on the top layer of fur.

However, if your pet cannot or does not want to properly clean his coat, he will need to be bathed more often.

  • The frequency of bathing depends on the cat's breed and activity level. For example, long-haired or very active cats should be bathed more often. More frequent bathing will also be necessary if the animal suffers from arthritis and finds it difficult to care for its coat.

Prepare your pet for a bath. Some experts recommend putting a few drops of mineral oil in your pet's eyes before bathing to protect them from shampoo. You can also plug them with cotton balls to prevent water from getting into your cat's ears.

Brush and wash your cat. Before bathing, you should thoroughly comb the animal's fur. After this, soak a soft washcloth in clean warm water and wipe gently ears and the area around the ears. You can also lightly wipe the animal's face.

Prepare a bath. Fill the bathtub or sink with some warm (not hot) water. There should be enough for you to wash your cat, but not too much so that the animal becomes completely submerged in it. If you are bathing your cat in a bathtub or basin, place a towel or non-slip rubber mat in the bottom. This will make the cat feel safer.

Carefully place the animal in the bath. You may need someone's help to hold your cat in the bath. Cats generally do not like water, and your pet may resist.

  • To protect your hands, you can wear long sleeves and gloves to prevent your cat from scratching or biting you while bathing.
  • Use suitable shampoo. Cat skin is different from human skin, and you should not use human shampoo or soap when bathing your pet. Look at your local pet store for a shampoo or conditioner that is specifically made for cats, or consult your veterinarian.

    • If your pet skin allergy or other skin problems, your veterinarian will be able to recommend special shampoo. Please follow the instructions for use supplied with it.
  • Wash your cat carefully. Dial warm water, add a little shampoo to it (one part shampoo to five parts water) and gently rub it over the animal’s fur. Act quickly, but confidently and calmly, and give special attention problem areas (dirt, tangled hair, etc.). Lather your cat from head to tail and be careful not to get the shampoo into the animal's eyes or ears.

    Rinse the animal thoroughly. Since cats constantly groom their fur, your pet will most likely begin to lick his fur after a bath. Before letting your cat out of the bath, rinse off any remaining shampoo or conditioner to prevent your cat from accidentally ingesting it. Otherwise, your cat may experience an upset stomach and other problems.