Why does a cat have bad fur? Why does a cat have oily fur?

cat hair pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the touch. There can be up to 130,000 hairs per square inch of wool. These hairs perform several functions: they serve as a “sensor” for the animal, protect against cold and rain, and even help the body produce important nutrients (for example, vitamin D).

Why isn't your cat's fur shiny?

There are many factors that can cause the coat to fade and the skin to become dry and flaky. Let's look at a few basic ones.

Poor nutrition . Maintaining a healthy coat and skin requires a high-quality cat food with the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If your pet consumes low-quality food that is difficult to digest, it will lack vital minerals and vitamins.

Weight problems. There are estimates that 57% of cats in the United States are obese. Fat cats have difficulty cleaning certain areas of their body (that they cannot reach). This can result in a dull, unkempt coat.

Age. Aging cats become less flexible and may develop arthritis. They can no longer squirm the way they used to, says Arnold Plotnick, a veterinarian in New York City. As in the previous case, age or pain may make it difficult to clean certain areas of the body.

Bathing too often. In an attempt to get rid of fleas (or prevent their appearance), many owners bathe their pets. If you do this too often, the animal may develop problems with its fur.

Bringing back shine to wool

Here's what you can do...

Improve the quality of your diet. The condition of the skin and coat is a reflection of the condition of the body, says Susan Wynn, veterinary nutritionist and co-author of The Natural Health Guide. veterinary medicine"(Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine). If the fur becomes dull or the skin becomes dry, first of all, you need to pay attention to what the cat is eating, advises Vin.

Cat food should contain more protein compared to dog milk. To maintain a healthy body and a shiny coat, you need fats and complex carbohydrates. If the diet does not contain enough fat or consists of low-quality products, this will almost certainly lead to problems with the coat, says Arnold Plotnik.

Both veterinarians recommend starting with switching to a premium food. In addition, in pursuit of the shine of your cat's coat, you can try various supplements with fatty acids, such as salmon oil (remember to consult your veterinarian). According to Plotnik, the first improvements will appear no earlier than 4-6 weeks.

Fight obesity. Problematic hair on the back and at the base of the tail may be a signal that the cat cannot reach there due to its fullness. Loss of flexibility is just one of the consequences of obesity. Overweight increases the risk of many chronic diseases: diabetes, osteochondrosis, cancer, etc.

If your pet is obese, contact your veterinarian for a suitable diet. Don't do this yourself. Only a specialist will be able to correctly calculate the number of calories that an animal should consume every day. Cats should lose weight slowly. Losing weight too quickly can cause serious liver problems.

Help an elderly cat with cleaning its fur. Even if your pet is shiny and the diet is ideal, over time the cat may have difficulties with self-cleaning, and subsequently - problems with fur and skin. In this case, the fate of the wool is in your hands in the literal sense of the word. Brush your older cat frequently. You can also try adding omega-3 fats to your older cat's diet (if your veterinarian approves).

Sacrifice your bath for wool. Arnold Plotnik believes that frequent baths can cause dry skin. Like most veterinarians, he recommends taking baths only if the cat is very dirty (in soot, in something greasy, sticky, etc.). Finish your bath with a conditioner designed specifically for cats.

Washing your cat to control your cat dander allergy is not advisable. The effect of taking a bath wears off after a few days. It is better to wash your hands more often, take anti-allergy medications and clean your apartment more often.

If fleas are the cause of frequent baths, consider using special medicines against fleas for cats. Do not use any products for dogs under any circumstances. If there is a serious flea infestation, your apartment may need to be treated.

The general condition of your cat's coat and skin is good indicator her health. A healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not rough or brittle, but healthy skin should be elastic and clean, not greasy or flaking. However, while the shine and texture of a cat's coat are affected by its health and nutrition, regular external grooming of a cat's coat also helps keep it in good condition. good condition, clean and tangle-free, no matter what type of coat he or she has.

What types of hair do cats have?

Together with the selection of breeds, today the coat of cats varies from completely hairless Sphynxes to smooth-haired Orientals, from domestic shorthairs to long-haired cats with truly silky fur, while some cat breeds practically do not shed.

Some cats that live in cold climates, especially in open areas, have two heavy seasonal sheddings per year (spring and late fall), during which entire clumps of undercoat may fall out. However, many cats in our homes shed with little intensity, almost all year round.

How does a cat's diet affect its fur and skin?

The skin is the largest part of the body, and skin cells change very quickly. Most pets have almost all their skin covered with hair and change it several times a year. To keep the skin and fur in healthy condition, your cat needs balanced diet, which contains easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, and provides the appropriate amount of calories to meet all the animal's energy needs.

If nutrients are poorly absorbed, they will not only be unavailable to meet the body's needs, they will create excessive load to the liver and kidneys, which must eliminate indigestible waste. Ideal Diet should be individual and suitable for the specific age of the cat and its health. High quality and balanced diet, as a rule, is the key to a good and beautiful coat. A cat whose diet is not sufficient to meet her needs will have a dull, dry coat with increased shedding.

What role does medicine play in ensuring a cat’s healthy coat?

Many skin diseases affect the shine and appearance of your pet's coat. Allergic diseases skin and seborrhea cause itching and changes in normal sebum secretion, which also leads to excessive shedding or even patchy hair loss.

If your cat's skin or coat problems are caused by a medical condition, general condition Both the pet's coat and skin often improve dramatically after the disease has been treated or brought under control.

How important is regular grooming to ensure a cat's healthy coat and skin?

Daily brushing also reduces the amount of hair your cat may ingest while grooming itself. Another benefit of brushing your cat daily is the dramatic reduction in the amount of hair and dander that can be scattered throughout the house. For some people with mild cat allergies, daily brushing can reduce the allergens enough that they can comfortably share their home with such a cat.

Regardless of coat type, you should check your cat every day for mats, which may form behind the ears, in the groin, or in the armpits. If you check your cat's fur and skin regularly, you will also have a better chance of catching any lumps, lumps, or tumors on her body early.

How often should you bathe or wash your cat?

Most healthy adult cats are finicky and rarely need a bath. The frequency of bathing your pet may need will depend on his age, lifestyle, and any health problems. For example, an older cat with arthritis who has difficulty grooming himself may need fairly regular baths. If your cat has skin allergies, your veterinarian may prescribe a medicated shampoo bath as additional therapy.

Cats should only be washed with shampoos that have been specifically formulated for them, as their skin has different thicknesses and a different ph than human skin, so even baby shampoo may be too harsh for their skin. Since all cats lick themselves vigorously after bathing, it is extremely important to completely rinse off any detergents and shampoos to prevent your pet from ingesting them, otherwise it can lead to digestive upsets and other harm.

Why might a cat have fur problems at certain times of the year?

Some cats may suffer from skin irritation associated with low winter humidity in our homes. Other cats are allergic to tree and plant pollen - this problem is especially acute in spring period. And another group of cats are allergic to fleas or other insects, where even one bite can cause a rash and hair loss.

If you bathe or groom your cat and she quickly develops fur or skin problems again, you should take her to veterinary clinic for examination. Sometimes skin problems such as rashes, itching, large number dandruff, increased shedding, oily coat or bad smell may indicate serious illness. In many cases, the disease can be easily diagnosed and treated, but sometimes diagnostic problems arise and you may need to see a dermatologist.

The main takeaway is that the appearance of your cat's fur and skin are the first indicators possible problems with her health. A healthy animal does not shed excessively, and there should be no dandruff or oiliness on the top layer of fur.

All this is the most harmful myths! An experienced groomer of the Zoki group of companies, Elena Kositskaya, is sure that very serious problems can be hidden behind the unkempt appearance of a cat. All you need to do is watch your pet carefully and perform a few simple steps.

About this and we'll talk in our material.

Seasonal shedding and more

As a rule, molting occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. Spring - from February to April, autumn - from September to October.

Each animal has its own rhythm, it depends on genes and nutrition. The first molt in kittens occurs at 5-7 months, it begins from the head, so from the top of the head you can understand what the permanent color of the cat will be.

Seasonal molting is due to the fact that the length of daylight hours changes and temperature regime. Cats that go outside feel this better and react faster to it. Domestic cats react to the changing seasons differently. In the apartment, the lighting is on almost constantly, the air temperature is also constant, so pets shed all year round.

Shedding is a natural process for animals. But if the fur falls out in clumps, you need to be wary. One of the reasons heavy sheddingpoor nutrition.

The first way is to watch your diet.

Most often, cats are fed from the table, believing that it is tasty and nutritious. But that's not true! A cat's body is not the same as a human's. Cats don't need variety. On the contrary, the more monotonous an animal’s food, the better it is. But food should be balanced.

Elena Kositskaya herself is a supporter of dry food. It already calculates how much fat, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins should be. It is not recommended to feed a cat only meat. The animal has an excess of protein, but the pet does not receive fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. And very often, when an animal “sits” on meat alone, it becomes aggressive. It has a lot of energy that it simply doesn’t know where to use. That’s why tattered wallpaper and curtains appear in apartments, and the owners end up with scratched legs and arms.

Method two - no stress!

Cats are gentle and timid creatures. Stress can cause coat problems. And anything can become stressful for an animal - from noise to a tray or saucer of water being moved to another place. Even when it appears in the family new person(child, friend), cats begin to worry.

Watch your pet, and you will notice that in some situations the cat licks itself excessively... For example, the door is closed in front of it, it does not know how to get out, and instead of asking, it begins to actively lick itself. For her, this is peace of mind. This is also how we humans tend to twirl our hair when we are nervous. You need to watch and feel the cat. And what a cat is afraid of is best removed from her life.

Method three - visit the veterinary clinic regularly

Method four - water procedures

Cats' fur grows throughout their lives, so it is very important, says Elena Kositskaya, to properly care for it. At the same time, it is better to wash the animal well once than to comb the animal ten times. Many owners are convinced that cats do not like to wash themselves. This is wrong! If a kitten is accustomed to washing from childhood, for example, from the 1st month, he will love bath days. If, of course, the owner takes into account all the subtleties.

It is important to choose the right shampoo and conditioner. Elena recommends cutting the claws first before any manipulations with the animal. This is your safety! The bath should be quiet - cats react quickly to noise. A solution of shampoo and conditioner in different containers should be prepared in advance (if the shampoo is concentrated, it must be diluted according to the recommendations on the package). Bathing water should be 37.5 degrees.

It is better to wash together - one holds the cat, the second person wets the fur, moisturizing it. It is better to apply the prepared solution to the animal’s fur with a sponge or rubber brush. Cleanly washed wool squeaks.

We pay a lot of attention to the collar, the area behind the ears and the tail. Uncastrated cats have a very greasy tail, says Elena Kositskaya. The fur sticks together there, which causes great discomfort to the animal. It happens that a cat pulls out dirty fur to get rid of a problem area.

After shampoo, you should definitely use wool conditioner. The cat can stand in the bath for a while so that the conditioner is absorbed, then we wash it off and wrap the cat in a towel to remove excess moisture. After a bath, the animal must be combed well in the direction of hair growth or against it, it depends on the breed.

Method five - proper drying

If the animal is not accustomed to blow-drying, it is best to accustom it in advance. For example, leave a hairdryer on the floor or next to a food bowl. When the cat stops reacting to the hair dryer, you can turn it on. You can blow candy wrappers with air to make your pet run and jump. Only when the animal gets used to the “terrible unit” can the wool be dried. But if the hair dryer still causes stress in the cat (we understand this from big eyes, protruding tongue and rapid breathing), it is better after washing to dry the cat with several towels and let the animal “freely dry” around the apartment, but so that there are no drafts.

Method six - beautiful hairstyle

When a cat is shedding, it is necessary to brush the animal every day. There are a lot of special combs for this.

For everyday hairstyle, it is better to use a single-row comb. The length of the teeth depends on the length of the wool. Owners often buy slicker brushes, but they are used only to lay the wool on top. They will not be able to comb out the dead undercoat.

In the care of short hair and fur medium length A tool called a furminator will help. This is the salvation of all owners. Often clients, says Elena Kositskaya, do not even expect how much hair can be combed from one pet.

There is no need to force the cat to stand during the procedure. She can lie down or sit. When everything is combed, the wool stops clinging to the comb. But most importantly, the groomer believes, the whole process should bring pleasure to both the animal and the owner.

Method seven - no tangles!

Mats (or trichomes) are dangerous pathological condition animal's fur. Hairballs adhere tightly to the skin of cats and cats. Under the tangles, the skin becomes warm and itches. And when an animal tries to gnaw out matted fur with its teeth, it injures itself. Therefore, tangles need to be removed immediately, small ones - with scissors, and those matted and fused with one another - using a machine, at the groomer...

Method eight - vitamins

Even if the animal’s nutrition is correct, and its coat is shiny, smooth and beautiful, it will not hurt vitamin complex. Like humans, cats and cats are recommended to take vitamins 2 times a year, in spring and autumn.

And finally, the most important rule - The cat and the owner must have mutual love and respect!

Health to your pets!

For all questions caring owners G
Let the specialists of the Zoki group of companies answer.

Groomer - tel. 771-799 .

Store addresses inKirov and region:

Vorovskogo street, 112, Atlant shopping center. Tel: 210-739

St. Vorovskogo, 71, shopping center "Rosinka-Bis". Tel: 210-129

St. Ulyanovskaya, 22. Tel: 771-765

St. Leningradskaya, 4. Tel: 210-639

St. Shchorsa, 37. Tel: 771-768

Oktyabrsky Ave., 84. Tel: 210-239

St. Popova, 24. Tel: 771-783

Oktyabrsky Ave., 24. Tel: 771-764

St. Karla Marksa, 26, Tel. 210-839

St. Lenina, 205, Green House shopping center. Tel: 218-170

St. Privokzalnaya, 1, shopping center "Leto". Tel: 771-742

St. Lenina, 169, shopping center "Mix". Tel. 210-309

Novovyatsky district, st. Sovetskaya, 85. Tel: 771-754

Kirovo-Chepetsk, Mira Ave., 18. Tel: 771-769

Taking care of the beauty of the coat is not only the owner’s desire to have an aesthetically attractive animal nearby, which is admired by family and friends. Bright and shiny wool pet reflects the state of its health, and increased attention To appearance, first of all, is due to the desire to prevent the emergence of dangerous diseases.

Causes of dull hair in cats

In veterinary practice, there are often situations when a seemingly healthy animal’s coat becomes dull, hairs begin to break and fall out. In ideal cases, such symptoms are observed during periods of seasonal molting - autumn and spring. The rest of the year dull coat and its increased loss is the first sign of impending diseases. The cause of the changes is metabolic disorders and a lack of vital microelements.

It is important to understand that dull fur is not an independent symptom, but acts as a kind of marker feeling unwell animal.

Ways to solve the problem

Considering the multifactorial reasons why cats experience dullness and excessive hair loss, it is necessary to diagnose pathological changes should only veterinarian. Qualified medical care will allow you to promptly identify disorders in the body and stop the disease by initial stage. Treatment is prescribed depending on the identified problem:

  • at hormonal imbalance therapeutic regimens aimed at stabilizing the background are considered;
  • decline protective forces the body is corrected by immunostimulating therapy;
  • fungal skin infections require careful diagnostic measures and prescribing individual treatment regimens.

Important role in maintaining perfect condition coat plays balanced diet. Optimally selected diet in the best possible way affects the health of the skin and the beauty of the coat, maintaining its healthy shine, preventing excessive hair loss and the formation of tangles. When choosing food, attention should be paid to its composition, which should contain vitamins B, E, zinc, dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Healthy ingredients fully meet the needs of cats nutrients and have a beneficial effect on general health animal.

Cosmetics against dull fur

Grooming, which includes brushing, massage, trimming, removing tangles and bathing, is of no small importance. During the procedures, dead undercoat and weak hairs are removed, the skin is massaged, which stimulates blood flow to the upper layers of the epidermis. Correctly selected shampoos, conditioners and nourishing masks will help restore abundant hair growth and its structure, ensure skin hydration and regeneration. The cosmetic treatment for a cat's fur includes the following steps:

  • bathing, aimed at cleansing of impurities, giving the coat shine and a more pronounced color;
  • conditioning to make combing easier;
  • haircut or hair correction.

If the tarnishing of the coat is not caused by internal problems, then the Royal Groom series will help to refresh the natural shade, give a healthy shine and silkiness. Cosmetics contain only natural color enhancers and are biologically active ingredients that help restore hair structure: provitamin B5, olive oil, aloe vera extract. For animals with light-colored hair, shampoo “” is suitable; the red and chocolate shade will sparkle with new facets after use detergent" ". Shampoo “” will help highlight the nuances of dark-colored fur.

When used regularly, tinting agents revitalize coat color, adding contrast and shine and highlighting natural beauty natural color.

Cats are clean and handsome. In nature, whiskers take care of their fur on their own, but at home you can help them look even more luxurious. We will give 5 tips on how to improve your cat's coat.

Appearance pet- a mirror of his health. If a cat has bad hair, the first thing to do is take the animal to the veterinarian. Dull hairs, too much and sudden shedding, and the appearance of bald spots can be symptoms of serious illnesses. And here you can’t get by with special food, vitamins or bathing.

1. Adjust your cat's diet

A balanced diet will 99% help improve your cat's coat. If you feed an animal natural food, be sure to discuss the menu with your veterinarian. He will tell you which products to add and which to exclude.

If you feed a tailed industrial feed, pick up good food for cats to improve coat. This could be GO complete cat food. It fits both adult animals with different levels activity, and for kittens.

2. Sow grass for the cat

Set aside a place on the windowsill for a small tray of wheat germ, oats, or a special collection of “Grass for Cats” (sold in pet stores and seed stores). Such an addition to the diet will not immediately improve the cat’s fur, but the “apartment” resident will definitely like it and will affect her appearance over time.

Greens will help remove hairballs from the stomach easily. This will help avoid serious problems with health (sometimes so much hair and undercoat accumulates in the stomach that it requires surgery). Sprouted grass is especially relevant in the cat’s menu during periods of shedding.

What to do so that the cat has beautiful wool? Brush it regularly. Buy a good comb/brush that matches the length of the hair and the size of the animal. Train yourself and your pet to brush at least every other day. A furminator is also a special “comb” that effectively removes dead hairs from the undercoat. It is enough to use it once a week, during the molting period - 2 times.

The cat has bad fur. What to do? Perhaps this is a seasonal molt and you just need to get through it.

Brushing does more than just improve your cat's coat. This is a simple and enjoyable procedure for most furry pets:

  • prevents the formation of tangles. Mats often appear in long-haired breeds with abundant undercoat; removing them is not always a pleasant procedure for the animal. Therefore, it is better to prevent tangles than to cut them later;
  • reduces the amount of scattered hair on furniture, floors, clothes, as dead hairs are removed with a comb;
  • prevents the stomach from becoming clogged with hairballs. Yes, it is impossible to remove all the dead hair from a cat, but it is possible to reduce what it eats with each wash.

4. Keep your skin healthy

5. Stop bathing your cat often

If a cat has bad fur, it is not enough to know what to do. You need to determine what not to do. For example, do not bathe your cat more than once a year. Why?

  • firstly, it is stress, both for the animal and for you. And stress is bad for everyone;
  • secondly, you wash away the natural protective layer from the fur and skin.

Fluffy takes care of his hygiene on his own. Without bath procedures not necessary in several cases:

If your pet has dirty its paws or other parts of its body, you should not bathe it all. It is enough to wash only the dirty part of the body.

There are medicated shampoos and special care products that can improve a cat’s coat. Use them only after consulting a veterinarian or groomer.

What do you do to make your cat have beautiful fur? What cat food do you choose to improve their fur? Share your tips in the comments!