Thor is a Bengal cat with the most beautiful fur. Bengal cat. “Thor is a very active and charming cat!”

Bengal cats are a special breed of cat. Let's try to figure out what makes it unique.

It is known from history that the credit for developing the Bengal breed belongs to the biologist Jane Mill (Sajen) from America. A new breed of animals that never ceases to amaze with its “wild” color and gentle character, originated from crossing a domestic cat and a wild Asian leopard cat (Felis Bengalensis).

The main idea of ​​the project to obtain a new, unusual breed was that people, having turned their love to pets similar to wild predators, would pay more attention to protecting against the extermination of predatory animals in the wild. As a result, people got a tame animal that resembles a typical representative of the jungle.

The appearance of this breed is more than attractive. All individuals of the Bengal cat breed have a muscular body of medium and large size, which indicates their mobility and endurance, powerful paws with sharp claws, a special head structure (“wild” type), short, thick and shiny hair of almost all colors with characteristic distinct spots and stripes, which makes their color fantastic. An adult animal weighs from 4 to 8 kg, depending on gender and living conditions. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The character of representatives of Bengal cats combines a huge number of qualities. Possessing a good hunting instinct, they lead an active and mobile lifestyle, love to conquer peaks, are playful and curious.

Important: Such cats should be given daily attention, play with them, creating conditions in your home where he can run and jump. Or get ready for your pet to quickly go wild.

Bengal cats are friendly and responsive, despite their wild origin, they love to spend time with their owner and love affection. The lack of aggression makes it possible to have them in families with children or other pets. Unlike most cat breeds, Bengals enjoy playing in the water, so bathing is not a problem.

In Russia, Bengal cats are still very rare. This is due to the difficulty of breeding and small numbers. Another reason is the price; a Bengal kitten is not cheap. But still, the Bengal breed is gaining popularity, because you really want to have a little leopard at home with a color reminiscent of the wild jungle and the character of a domestic cat.

Important: If you decide to purchase a kitten, it is better to do this in a licensed nursery or from a breeder who has a breeding license. This way you will protect yourself from purchasing an “unclean” Bengal cat, which over time may reveal aggressiveness in its behavior.

The miracle of the Internet named Thor

Why did a cat named Thor, who became an Internet star and already has his own admirers and fans on Facebook and Instagram, attract so much attention?

Looking at photographs of a cat posted on the Internet, you never cease to be amazed at the beauty and unusualness of its color, those leopard spots and tiger stripes on its skin, its grace, which is more inherent to wild predators than to a domestic pet with green eyes.

As you know, spots and stripes in the coat color are characteristic of all Bengal cat breeds, but these bright orange-brown colors make the color of Thor the cat truly unique, giving him a resemblance to the Bengal tiger.

Rani Cucicov and Hilde De Coster from Belgium had no idea how their desire to buy a Bengal cat would turn out. On a visit to a cattery in the Netherlands in 2013, they came to look at a kitten, then the breeder told them she had another one and brought Thor. The choice was made as soon as they saw it. Since then, they have never regretted it, finding in him not only a uniquely colored cat, but also a family favorite who reciprocates their feelings.

The first photos of Thor the cat, posted on the Internet, left no one indifferent. Some admired it, others expressed disbelief, considering it a photoshop: “they drew a cat and added the bodies of tigers.”

Now no one doubts the uniqueness of his coloring, and periodically posted photographs of the cat on Facebook and Instagram introduce all subscribers to his page to his character and habits. According to the owners, three-year-old Thor is a very active, sweet and friendly cat. He loves to play and can even get angry if you don't give him attention and ignore his meowing.

Reading comments on photos of Thor on the Internet made by his owners, one feels love, tenderness and pride in their pet. And this is mutual, in his numerous replies to subscribers, the owner of the cat Thora writes: “... I must admit, in return we get a lot of love!”

Having found the family pet, the owners of the famous cat, Rani Cucicov and Hilde De Coster, did not even imagine that people from all over the world would write to them, asking where to buy a kitten like Thor. Having learned all the positive and negative aspects of raising and keeping a cat, having three years of experience, in their answers they warn everyone about responsibility.

They tell subscribers that people often do not understand what they will have to face when raising a Bengal kitten, which requires a lot of time and attention to raise and care for it.

Having acquired a Bengal cat and being faced with some of the animal’s habits inherited from its wild ancestors, the owners may not be ready to accept them. Rani Cucicov and Hilde De Coster advise making the decision to get a Bengal cat carefully, so that in the future, your pet will bring joy to your family, and will not join the ranks of stray cats and end up in a shelter.

A kind and playful animal with a beautiful color - this is a brief description of the Bengal cat, which is also called the domestic leopard.

Wild bengal cat

These wonderful pussies live in the Ussuri taiga, the Philippines, Burma and India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand, as well as Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The appearance of wild Bengal cats, as well as their size and weight, depends on the habitat, and, naturally, may differ in some way from the corresponding characteristics of domestic leopards. Leopard cats weigh from two to six and a half kilograms. Their body length varies from approximately 60 to 90 centimeters. The color of such animals is gray, golden, reddish or pale yellow. Spots are scattered on the main background of the neck and back. Bengals have a white chin, chest and belly. These animals are quite picky about their living conditions, and therefore they are equally comfortable in savannas, coniferous and tropical forests, as well as mountains. Bengals are nocturnal inhabitants, preferring to sit in burrows during the day. If a leopard pussycat accidentally sees a person, it will most likely run away. These cats cannot tolerate noise and unusual surroundings, and therefore will not be able to adapt to human society.

History of breeding domestic breed

In the mid-twentieth century, the outrages of poachers almost completely destroyed wild Bengals as a species. For the American scientist Jean Mill, this circumstance served as a reason for breeding a domestic cat of the Bengal breed. For these purposes, wild leopards began to be crossed with cats of various species. And after twenty years of experimentation, it was possible to breed a tame pet that retained its wild spotted pattern and the gorgeous shine of its coat, called glitter.

Description of the breed

Description of the domestic leopard breed includes:

  • Appearance;
  • Colors;
  • Character;


The description of the Bengal cat breed should begin with their appearance.

These purrs have a wedge-shaped head and a square muzzle.

Their high-mounted, distinctive short ears are rounded at the tips.

The Bengal cat breed is distinguished by a wide curved nose, chubby cheeks, and golden or green almond-shaped eyes.

The Bengal's neck is muscular and thick.

The body of such pets is large and strong. Adult cats can weigh 7-8 kilograms.

These purrs have a not fluffy, but dense tail, as well as large round paws.

The Bengal cat, whose size ranges from 80-90 centimeters in length, has medium or short fur that is quite soft, but at the same time dense in texture.

You can admire the appearance of the pets of the above breed by looking at the photos of Bengal cats.


The colors of Bengal cats are a separate issue, since this breed has several varieties.
  1. The marbled color on a cat's fur is rich in small specks, as well as stains of various tones. The marbled color of each cat is individual, and therefore it is not possible to reproduce an exact copy of the pattern. When breeding domestic leopards, you should keep in mind that a marbled Bengal kitten can only be born from parents of the same color.
  2. The basis of the most popular and sought-after spotted color of Bengal cats are round brown or black spots that evenly cover the entire body of the pussy. Horizontal streaks on the shoulders are acceptable.
  3. Snow Bengals are distinguished by a light background, the pattern on top of which can have any shades of brown and orange.
  4. Domestic golden leopards have a yellow or golden background complemented by a chocolate or black pattern.
  5. A white and silver background with a black pattern - this is exactly what the silver Bengal cat looks like, the photo of which is located below.
  6. Charcoal color. A black pattern covers the cool background of the cat's fur.
  7. The rarest color is blue. The gray-blue background with pale orange highlights on the chest and belly is complemented by spots of gray.


By the way, due to the disgust of domestic leopards, preference should be given exclusively wood fillers, which are better able to mask odors than others.

The kitten may initially ignore the potty if it has chosen another place for this purpose. It is advisable for owners to listen to this request of their pet and move the tray there. If this is not possible, treat the place chosen by your pet with a special spray that will help discourage the desire to relieve itself there.

To wash the tray, it is not permissible to use caustic agents; the pussy should feel a little of its own smell in the tray.


Sociable and inquisitive Bengal cats, due to the characteristics of their breed, need to spend a huge amount of energy. And if the cat owner takes an active part in this, the pet will definitely thank him with attention and love.

Train your cats to use simple commands.

Violence towards domestic leopards is permissible only during treatment and other extreme cases.

There are often cases when the owners of one Bengal get another kitten, thus taking care of company for their pet.


Complete and balanced feeding of Bengals will provide them with thick and shiny coat, which will not cause any problems in caring for it. Once a week you can comb them and that’s it.

Once a week you should also trim your pet leopard’s claws; use a special nail clipper for this.

There is no need to bathe Bengal cats (even with dry shampoo) if there is no visible dirt.

The ears should be wiped with a swab, again only if there is visible dirt.


Such an inquisitive pussy needs increased control. You need to keep a close eye on the windows and not open them if there is a pet in the room.

You will need to put all electrical wires into boxes or under the baseboard.

You need to wash the floors in your house as often as possible, because if a Bengal kitten inhales dust, it can negatively affect the condition of its lungs.

Provide your cat with unhindered access to drinking water.

Do not leave your purr in the car unattended.

Who are Bengal pussies suitable for?

Despite the increased popularity of pet leopards, these pets are not suitable for everyone. Good reviews about Bengal cats can be read on forums, mainly from experienced owners. Pussies with such a character are not suitable for people who love peace and quiet, since in this case the pet will require a lot of attention. Bengals are active purchased by allergy sufferers, since the presence of a domestic leopard in the apartment reduces the likelihood of allergic attacks.


Proper breeding of Bengal cats will require cat owners to have knowledge about the characteristics of estrus, mating, pregnancy and genera of representatives of the above cat breed.


Puberty in domestic leopards begins already in the first year of their life. The reproductive cycle of these animals is determined by the following indicators.

  1. Physiology of pets.
  2. Length of daylight.
  3. Conditions for keeping pussies.
  4. Diet.
  5. Presence of chronic diseases.

Bengal cats rarely experience cycle irregularities, and estrus in most cases stops immediately after ovulation. The absence of copulation extremely rarely threatens pathological deviations.

Estrus in Bengal cats occurs in two periods.

  • Estrus - the pet experiences libido and can allow the male to approach her.
  • Proestrus – usually occurs in the first four days in heat During this period, domestic leopardesses behave as if in estrus, but do not allow cats to approach them.

Please note: Determining proestrus from estrus is often difficult even using clinical methods.

Bengal cat Thor

Rani Kuchkov, the owner of a Bengal cat named Thor, recently posted a photo of his “eared cat” on Instagram. Within a few days, the number of visitors to his page exceeded 50 thousand people. The emerald green-eyed Thor, with his silky coat covered in spots, is recognized as the most beautiful pet leopard in the world.

Mr. Kuchkov said that he and his entire family are literally ready to serve their Bengal, receiving a lot of love and attention in return. Thor is ready to talk with his household members all day long. But your pet can become seriously angry if its meows are ignored.

This cat loves to jump on the walls before going to bed, and always greets guests with a cheerful purr.

How to choose the right Bengal kitten

Buy Bengals from licensed catteries or breeders who can provide all the required documents regarding the pedigree and vaccinations of the kittens. Prospective cat owners should also inspect the pussy before purchasing. She shouldn't hiss or be afraid. If the purr breaks out, it means that insufficient attention was provided to him, and the pet simply went wild. This Bengal is no longer suitable for sale.

A sign of disqualification in this case is also white spots on the cat's abdomen, neck and chest.

How much does a Bengal cat cost? Depending on the purpose of the purchase, the class and color of the pet, its cost can vary between 50-150 thousand rubles.

Incredible cat!

The Bengal cat Thor is one of those cats who look straight into your soul and even deeper. Just look at his emerald green eyes hidden behind his beautiful sandy fur - is he even real?!

This cat's fur is so perfect that he even has spots on his belly! Could this cat be any more majestic? No, we don't think so. And the Internet agrees with us, because photos of Thor have gone viral since they appeared on the Internet.

“I definitely feel like I’m his servant!” — said the owner of Tora Rani Kuchikov. “As soon as he opens his mouth, we are all ready to serve him, but I must admit that in return we get a lot of love!”

“I definitely feel like I’m his servant!” — said the owner of Tora Rani Kuchikov

“As soon as he opens his mouth, we are all ready to serve him.”

“But I must admit that in return we get a lot of love!”

“Thor is a very active and charming cat!”

“He talks all day and gets angry if we don’t respond to his meows.”

“And once a day, usually before bed, he goes crazy and climbs the walls.”

“He looks like a child who doesn’t want to go to sleep.”

“But after a few minutes he calms down and goes to bed.”

“When someone comes to us, he doesn’t run away like some cats, but goes to check who it is and sniffs him.”

“And if he likes this person, Thor himself will tell about it with a couple of loud meows.”

Thanks to Rani Kuchikov for the story about her incredible cat!