How to care for snails at home, how to set up a terrarium. How to care for a snail at home Proper care for snails at home

Brief characteristics of African snails

The African snail Achatina lives in the tropics and subtropics of our planet. Scientists have identified more than 60 varieties of these exotic animals. Domestic species include fulica and reticulata. The body of Achatina is soft, the pointed shell of some mollusks reaches 30 cm.

Representatives of this species can be of the following colors:

  • black-brown;
  • swamp;
  • brown with dark stripes;
  • other colors.

There is also an albino species that is white in color and smaller in size.

The color of the shell depends on the diet. In an adult snail, it usually takes on a greenish tint. The shell has a pattern of zigzag and spiral lines.

The visual organs are located on the horns. Achatina sees no further than 1 cm, but can smell the aroma of your favorite cabbage or adored salad at a distance of 1.5 m. The individual weighs from 0.3 to 0.45 kg.

Achatina are very funny. These exotic animals are very observant. They quickly remember their owner, get used to him and subsequently distinguish him from other people.

Typically, gastropods are purchased from breeders, less often in pet stores. Sometimes they are given away for free due to the excessive fertility of shellfish.

Terrarium equipment for the Achatina snail

Care and maintenance of Achatina snails are not complicated. First you need to buy special equipment and accessories. In our conditions, representatives of this species are kept in terrariums. Another option for keeping gastropods is an aquarium without water or some kind of glass box. The container can be made not only of glass, but also of plastic (preferable, since traces of mucus are too noticeable on glass). For young animals, a small plastic box is suitable, in which small animals are usually transported.

One individual requires approximately 5 liters of container. The more free space, the better - the future size of the mollusk depends on this.

The pets' home should be equipped with a lid with small holes to allow fresh air to enter. In addition, this way the pet will not be able to escape.

At the bottom of the terrarium there should be soil without any fertilizers. Ordinary garden soil has a disadvantage - dirty aquarium glass and the gastropod itself. It is better to use pure peat or a special substrate (for example, orchid), which can be purchased at a pet store. Make sure that this substrate does not get into your pet's food.

It is not recommended to use soil mixtures from flower shops, as they contain various fertilizers and even pesticides. It is also prohibited to sprinkle the bottom of the terrarium with cat litter, as these granules have strong moisture-absorbing properties.

Achatina loves to burrow into the substrate with a shell, so it is advisable that the litter be deep, approximately 4–7 cm. Clear the ground of stones, otherwise they may injure the delicate body and shell.

It is necessary to equip the pets' home with driftwood and shards from clay pots, under which they will hide. You can also put moss in the bottom of the container (you can buy this at a pet store or plant store). It is recommended to plant plants in the ground that are covered with small fibers: ivy or fern. Over time, the plantings will have to be updated, since Achatina eats greenery with pleasure. You can place several small artificial plants in the container - this will create a pleasant atmosphere.

A plastic tray with low edges can serve as a feeder. It should not be too deep, easy to remove and wash. A great idea is plastic saucers and plates from a doll kitchen set. Instead of drinking bowls, you can use plastic lids.

So, the accessories necessary for arranging the house of the African Achatina snail are:

  • fragments of clay ceramics;
  • driftwood;
  • moss, ivy, fern;
  • artificial plants;
  • feeder;
  • drinking bath.

It is recommended to clean the house once every 1.5-2 months. What needs to be done? Wash the container using environmentally friendly detergents. Replace the soil bedding or disinfect the soil: bake it in the oven at 180°C for 12 minutes - this will rid the soil of insects and their larvae.

Before you let your pet out for a walk around the apartment, look around! There should be no sharp objects, various obstacles, dirty areas, or drafts in the room. It is also not recommended to walk the gastropod for a long time, so as not to harm it.

Climatic conditions for keeping Achatina at home

It is very important to keep shellfish properly. It is necessary to create conditions similar to natural ones. Be sure to purchase a thermometer to monitor the microclimate inside your home. +20-25°C is the optimal temperature for keeping African snails.

If gastropods climb up the walls, it means there is high humidity in the terrarium. If they hide in the ground, it means that their house is too dry.

Clams should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is also contraindicated to place the container next to a radiator or heater, as this risks drying out the soil. In winter, use special lamps that are used when caring for reptiles. They need to be installed outside the container.

Increased dryness is very harmful to the gastropod shell. Periodically spray the litter and snails with water using a spray bottle. But do this very moderately so that your pets’ home does not turn into a swamp.

With the onset of cold days, representatives of the species fall into suspended animation. To wake up your pet, the home must have high humidity and warmth (+28°C). Sprinkle warm water on the sleeping clam.

What to feed Achatina snails?

Achatina feeds mainly on plant foods. In the wild, it can even harm agricultural crops, trees, and flowers. In addition, Achatina is a natural orderly, eating the rotting remains of plants, insects, and animal excrement. Regardless, feed your pets clean and fresh food.

The Achatina menu at home should be varied. The mollusk most of all loves fresh cucumber, apple, and lettuce.

Basic list of what Achatina evidence eats:

  • boiled eggs;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • banana;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • potatoes (boiled);
  • porridge (boiled);
  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • bread soaked in milk.

In the summer, give your pets more greens, clover, dandelion leaves, berries, pieces of fruit and vegetables. Snails can be treated with mushrooms and dry rolled oats flakes. They happily gobble up dry food for aquarium fish or food for cats. And since representatives of this species do not hesitate to eat carrion, they will enjoy bone meal and meat puree.

Achatina, with a calcium deficiency in the body, can attack their relatives and gnaw their shell. In this case, you should immediately add the following components to the snails’ diet:

  • sepia (cuttlefish bone or comb);
  • special additives for reptiles;
  • feed chalk (crush the main feed with it);
  • daphnia (small shrimp);
  • crushed shell rock;
  • egg shells crushed to dust;
  • cottage cheese;
  • unleavened cheese;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • cereal mixture and grain mixture (ground in a coffee grinder).

Fill your pets' bodies with the above-mentioned foods and supplements that are necessary for their functioning.

It is advisable to feed in the evening, as snails are more active at night. The babies are fed every day, but are guarded only 2-3 times a week.

The Achatina snail, which eats a lot and variety, becomes very large. Because of this, she has difficulty fitting into her molluscarium. Owners should not worry: if this happens, the snail will limit itself in food and its growth will stop.

Be sure to give your pets clean, fresh water. It is very important not only for quenching thirst, but also for producing mucus. In addition, it is recommended to spray the container with water daily to keep the walls of the pet’s home and objects moist.

It is contraindicated to feed Achatina snails with the following products:

  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • salty;
  • pickled;
  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • sour;
  • alcohol-containing;
  • potato eyes.

From such food, shellfish can wither and even die.

It is strictly contraindicated to give salt to gastropods! Be sure to read the ingredients on the packaging of store-bought food. Even in small quantities, salt is detrimental to shellfish.

Make sure that there are no pieces of food left in the container after feeding your pets, as it will rot. Another important point is that although the waste products of the mollusk have no odor, over time they emit a delicacy. Therefore, you need to periodically clean the walls of the terrarium from the mucus of crawling gastropods.

Hygiene procedures, bathing

Gastropods of this subspecies love to take water procedures. Place a small bath in the terrarium with filtered and non-cold water where your pets can splash around. If there are young animals in the container, then there should be little water in the bath (according to the depth level).

Give your pets a warm shower periodically. How to do this? Hold your pet in your hand over the sink. Direct a gentle stream of warm water at it. The duration of the procedure is no more than three minutes. The mollusk perceives such bathing with great enthusiasm - it stretches out to its full length and tries to expose all parts of its body to the stream of water.

Reproduction, care of small Achatina

Interestingly, achatina is a hermaphrodite! She has both male and female genital organs. The duration of the incubation period is 28–56 days, depending on the type of gastropod and the conditions of their detention.

Achatina is hyperfertile! If the owners of Achatina do not want their pets to reproduce, it is worth placing them in different places or simply washing away the clutch of eggs that appears. If the owners want the pupils to give birth, they should be extremely careful in cleaning their home so as not to damage the eggs. And most importantly, monitor the air humidity.

Newborn snails are separated from adult snails. It is advisable to place lettuce leaves under the babies, so they will not suffocate in the loose substrate. Make the soil layer less than 3 cm. It is recommended to give small Achatina liquid porridge and grated carrots to strengthen their shell.

Please note: until the snails are 1.5 years old, they should not be given the opportunity to reproduce.

How long do Achatina snails live?

By one year, representatives of the species reach sexual maturity. Achatina grows all its life, but after the second year of life, the speed of their development slows down. On average they live up to 7-8 years. Proper care will help the clam live 10 years.

You should know that the enemies of the gastropod include:

  • birds;
  • mice;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • toads;
  • beetles;
  • centipedes;
  • African snail gonaxis.

However, the most common problem that breeders face is cracks and chips in the shell. Sometimes a mollusk crawling along the upper edge of the terrarium falls down and hits sharp or hard objects. Often such “flights” lead to shell injuries. In this case, you need to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic and remove the injured mollusk from its relatives (snails like to rub against each other).

To prevent your pupils from getting sick, you should not hold them in your hands too often: the skin of gastropods is delicate, vulnerable, and it is also susceptible to infection by microbes. Don't forget this.

Thus, if you decide to keep a terrarium with African snails and provide them with proper care and maintenance, do everything possible to arrange the house according to the requirements of the pet, feed it the right food and closely monitor its behavior and health.

Achatina snails

As a rule, when we see an aquarium, we don’t even think that anyone other than fish and other aquatic inhabitants could live in it... However, fans of exotic pets never cease to amaze with their imagination and... keep snails in the house.

It is these domestic snails – Achatina – that we invite you to talk about today. Who knows, perhaps after reading this publication you will realize that you have dreamed of an Achatina snail all your life. Our article will tell you about the features of keeping this pet, and the advantages of this choice. So, stay with us, we guarantee you that we will surprise you today...

Who are Achatina snails?

Achatina snails or giant African snails (they are tens of times larger than ordinary snails) are a new hobby for shellfish fans, who are pleased that these creatures can be kept at home. Such snails are usually classified as belonging to the family Arhahatinidae, which includes several genera. The family itself unites more than 60 different species, including representatives of the genus Achatina and Arhahatina.

Types of snails Achatina

Representatives of the genus Arhahatin can be considered more primitive than the representatives of the genus themselves Achatina. They have a rounded shape, with a blunted crown of their shell. And, the length of such a shell in the largest representative of this genus can reach 12 centimeters in length. The shell itself has a characteristic yellow stripe, which is located inside the mouth protrusion. The body of the mollusk is brown or brown in color. Arachachitines can also be smaller in size, if they have a lilac-colored mouth and a dark stripe along the body of the mollusk - then this is in front of you Arhahatina degneri.

The Achatina snails themselves are similar in appearance to the Achatina snails, but the top of their shell is elongated and pointed. It is noteworthy that Achatina is distinguished by extraordinary fertility. So, in one clutch there can be up to 500 eggs, which look like chicken eggs, but only in miniature. Achatina Achatina It is considered the largest land snail and has a yellow-brown shell with a zigzag pattern on its surface. The body of the mollusk is soft, gray or black with small white tubercles. There is evidence that

the heaviest specimen of such a snail weighed 450 grams, and the length of its shell was as much as 37 centimeters.

You may not be able to grow such a giant Achatina at home, but the snail will delight you with its large size. Achatina and snail are similar in appearance to Achatina Achatina fulica, however, the tubercles on her body are more pronounced than those of the previous species.

These are the types of Achatina snails (as a rule, sellers do not particularly bother to specify which genus is in front of you, and use one general name for all snails of this species - Achatina) you can find in a pet store.

Which snail from the genus Achatina is best to get?

Despite the fact that there are a sufficient number of species of such snails from the genus Achatina and Akhakhatina, the conditions for keeping them are almost the same, therefore, When choosing such mollusks for the role of a pet, you should be guided by aesthetic preferences - the color of the shell, the size of the snail itself...

Benefits of keeping Achatina snails

The structure of the Achatina snail

Many breeders of such snails (it happens!) claim that they have an ideal pet living in their house - the Achatina snail. Firstly, these creatures are not whimsical in matters of care. Secondly, they are not “talkative”; thirdly, they do not impose their company on you. Fourthly, if you need to leave for duty or go on vacation, you do not need to pester your friends with a request that they look after your pet. Your snail will live quietly without you for a week or two.

There are many other advantages of choosing a snail as a pet, but we will tell you about them in the following paragraphs of this publication.

Features of keeping the Achatina snail at home

So, you have decided to have such an exotic pet in your home. To do this, you will have to take care to provide him with comfortable living conditions. The snail will not and will not sleep in the same bed with you, therefore, you will need to purchase a special house for it (container, aquarium,) in which it will live. You will also need other accessories, which we will tell you about.

Container for Achatina snail

As a home for the snail, you can purchase a terrarium made of plastic, plexiglass, or use an aquarium that you have left over from the fish. True, consider the fact that

For a medium-sized snail, in order for it to feel comfortable, a volume of space of at least 3 liters is required. Accordingly, if you are planning to have a family of snails, then the aquarium should be large.

Don’t forget that both the aquarium and the terrarium are equipped with special lids with small holes (the holes should be such that your Achatina cannot escape through them).

Container filler

The bottom of the snail's house - be it a terrarium or an aquarium (without water) - must be lined with a layer of substrate. It is better to take flower compost without additional fertilizers, or pure peat (however, it is worth remembering that it creates a too acidic environment). This is necessary so that your snail can burrow into this layer of filler - they love to do this, especially in the daytime. Make sure the substrate is constantly moist. If you overdry it, the snail will have to moisten it with its own mucus and in the process of this action it will inevitably get dirty, and the glass of its terrarium will also “decorate” its marks. Therefore, moisten the substrate layer yourself - then it will be easier for the snail and more pleasant for you. But what cannot be used as a substrate layer is clay and fatty loams; it is also not recommended to add pieces of bark or wood to such a substrate. You can also sprinkle loose sand or line the bottom with hazelnut shells or walnut cores.

By the way, Achatina themselves love sand - for them it is a natural habitat in which they become unusually animated and... begin to multiply intensively, laying eggs. But from a practical point of view, sand is not very convenient, since the snails get dirty on it and stain the glass of the terrarium.

Oh, here's a nut shell - in this regard, it is much more convenient, however, if you do not clean the snail's house too often, then flies can appear in such a substrate, which do not harm the snails, but fly throughout the apartment.

Remember, no matter what filler you choose, its layer must be at least 4 centimeters.

How to clean a terrarium

Depending on the type of filler in such a terrarium, cleaning procedures are carried out 2-3 times every 3-4 months. Cleaning the terrarium includes washing it completely (without using chemicals, use ordinary baking soda as a cleaning powder), and replacing the substrate layer. If you notice that the walls of the terrarium are covered with mucus, which is left by crawling snails, or an unpleasant odor emanates from the terrarium, carry out an unscheduled cleaning of the snails’ habitat.

Lighting for a terrarium with snails

Additionally, there is no need to install any lighting fixtures in the terrarium in order to create special lighting for snails. Because light intensity does not particularly affect the life processes of mollusks. For them, only the alternation of day and night is important, since these creatures are still more active at night, while during the day they prefer to hide in a layer of substrate away from prying eyes and rest. In this case, lighting is necessary more for you, and not for the mollusks. However, even if you decide to illuminate the life of your pets, be sure to take the lighting device outside the container, since if the lighting is inside, a snail can crawl in and damage the system itself - a short circuit may occur with a fatal outcome for your pet.

Temperature for a terrarium with snails

Since you have brought a tropical animal into your home that is accustomed to high temperatures, be prepared for the fact that the air in the terrarium will need to be “warmed up” to 20-28 degrees above zero. At this temperature, the snails feel familiar and behave actively. However, you should not try to heat the air in the terrarium using direct sunlight or heating devices located near the terrarium. This idea will not end well, and the mollusk may suffer from the temperature contrast in your home.

Additional accessories for a terrarium with snails

In order to have a little fun for your snail and decorate the interior of the terrarium, you can put pieces of wood, moss, and splinters (not sharp) from clay flower pots inside. All this will become not only a decoration of the “landscape”, but also a shelter for your pet. However, make sure that all these items that you place inside the terrarium are clean and safe.

Some terrarium owners even manage to plant living plants inside. They look extremely original and create a cozy atmosphere inside the snail’s home. But, make sure that when watering them, you do not over-moisten the soil of the substrate. Also, when choosing plants for planting, give preference to those species whose leaves have small fibers. As for ferns and ivy - although they look beautiful, but... snails will eat such leaves, therefore, you will not get aesthetics from such a green oasis.

Features of caring for Achatina snails at home

What to feed Achatina snails

Achatina snails are vegetarians

The larger the snail, the less often you can feed it(feeding frequency is allowed once every few days). But, if you have small Achatina, they need to be fed daily. True, fortunately for you, these mollusks are vegetarians, therefore, you will need to provide them with the most “green” diet possible, taking into account the permitted foods and combining all this with the personal taste preferences of your Achatina.

Vitamins for Achatina snails

In order for snails to grow well and quickly, they need a source of vitamins and calcium carbonate. Place a piece of chalk in the terrarium or sprinkle some eggshells - the snail will be grateful to you for such care. By the way, chalk must be natural; factory-made chalk obtained by chemical means will be ignored by her. As for vitamin and mineral mixtures, they can be purchased at a pet store. Complexes that are created specifically for reptiles will suit you.

Do Achatina snails drink water?

Achatina snails not only eat, but also drink, therefore, there should always be a container with fresh and clean water in the terrarium. However, make sure that the container is not too large or deep, as the clam may drown. To humidify the air, it is also recommended to occasionally spray the walls of the terrarium from the inside with water, but you should not be too zealous - the snail is not aquatic, and it will not be comfortable for it to live in a swamp.

When the snail grows up, it will be possible to install a small pool for it - since they really love water, which they need for the processes of mucus secretion.

Land snails are unusual and very cute creatures that make friendly and unpretentious pets. The life of gastropods is interesting to observe; they do not require large material costs for maintenance, do not require special nutrition and are content with minimal care, so many fauna lovers get themselves fancy mollusks and take pleasure in caring for them at home.

The life of gastropods is interesting to observe; they do not require large material costs for maintenance and do not require special nutrition.

Types of gastropods and their advantages

The most popular pets suitable for indoor keeping are land animals. They come from East Africa, so they love warm and humid climates. The leisurely creatures are quite large in size - adult individuals can reach up to 27 cm in length. In Russia and European countries they are kept as pets.

Breeds of land mollusks

There are several varieties of Achatina. They all feel good around people and live well in captivity. Land mollusks vary in size, color and temperament. Among them the following breeds are known:

In the wild, the African Achatina is usually gigantic in size and spotted in brown tones. At home, its parameters are much more modest, and the color contains calmer shades.

Some residents of our country prefer to have grape snails. They are very bright, colorful and not too large. The height of their shell is 4.5-5 cm, and the body length does not exceed 4 cm. Caring for and maintaining land snails does not pose any problems, since grape mollusks are undemanding, calm and tolerate human society well.

The benefits of exotic pets

Gastropods living at home are not considered rare today. Many owners of unusual creatures claim that they recognize their owner, are inquisitive and good-natured, but unlike other animals they do not need constant attention, so they are ideal for busy people. Land snails have the following advantages:

  • do not make all kinds of sounds;
  • take up minimal space in the room;
  • have a neutral odor;
  • do not need walks;
  • eat available foods;
  • do not leave behind dirt on clothes and furniture;
  • can remain alone for a long time or travel with the owner;
  • will never bite a person;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • live long and are practically not susceptible to disease;
  • are satisfied with simple care.

Although mollusks are undemanding creatures, they need a suitable house to live in, as well as nutritious and regular food. In this case, exotic pets will always be cheerful, healthy, open to communication and will often be able to surprise you with interesting moments in their lives.

Home improvement and care

At home, gastropods live well in small terrariums. Snails require a warm and moist environment, therefore, a glass aquarium or a plastic container will suit them as a home, where it is easiest to maintain these parameters. You need to choose a spacious home, its size should correspond to the number of pets. It is advisable to keep 2 or 3 Achatina, as they feel better in the company of their relatives. The container must be transparent, since land mollusks need light.

It is necessary to drill ventilation holes in the house and install a reliable lid that will retain moisture well in the interior space and will not allow pets to escape. It is recommended to hang a thermal mat on the back wall outside, and attach a thermometer on top to know that the snails are not cold and comfortable. It should not be forgotten that Achatina is most comfortable at a temperature of +22-25 °C.

It is better to use coconut substrate or flower soil without fertilizers as bedding. Mollusks love to burrow into it, so the thickness of the earthen covering should be about 4-5 cm. Do not put sawdust or sharp pebbles on the bottom, because the pets can be seriously injured. The substrate should always be a little wet, so it must be sprayed with water every day.

It is better to use coconut substrate or flower soil without fertilizers as bedding.

It is advisable to plant moss, lettuce or grass in the terrarium, put wooden branches, build a pond from a shallow bowl - the snails will really like it. You can also use plastic plants as decoration - it will be easier to put them in order. All material for arrangement must be purchased at a pet store, since soil or plantings taken from a park or garden may contain dangerous microbes that will cause diseases in Achatina.

Snails in a terrarium do not need to be looked after very often. The leisurely creatures are usually nocturnal, and during the day they prefer to bury themselves in the sand or sit motionless on the wall of a container. But Achatina still needs attention: you must remember to feed your pets and regularly clean their house. The basic rules for caring for pet snails are as follows:

Unusual creatures must be handled very carefully, since various injuries are very dangerous to their health. If you find cracks in the shell, you can try to seal it with medical glue or take the snail to the veterinarian. It is important to remember that if the shell breaks badly, the pet will die.

Proper feeding

Land snails need to be fed once a day. There should also be water for drinking in the house. Shellfish are very fond of vegetables, herbs and fruits. It is important to provide them with a nutritious diet, otherwise they will become accustomed to one type of food and refuse other foods. Such nutrition negatively affects the development of pets. To avoid this, It is important to give them a variety of foods:

  • fresh vegetables: cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • sweet fruits: grapes, pears, melon, bananas, watermelon, plums, apples;
  • oat flakes;
  • peanut;
  • beans;
  • soft bread;
  • mushrooms;
  • field grass, dandelion leaves, fruit trees and clover;
  • milk and fermented milk products (with a small amount of fat);
  • boiled eggs;
  • compound feed;
  • bone meal.

With great pleasure, Achatina eat foods rich in proteins, for example, fish or meat puree, cottage cheese and even fish food. Greens, fruits and vegetables should always be washed to remove dirt and chemicals from their surface. Uneaten food remains should always be removed from the terrarium.

It is strictly forbidden to feed gastropods with spicy, salty, sweet, fried and smoked food. It should be remembered that salt is very harmful and dangerous to their health and life. Raw potatoes, pasta and citrus fruits should not be offered to shellfish.

The snails diet is varied, consisting of vegetables and fruits

Snail breeding

Regular care is the key to the health and well-being of African snails. If you keep several adult animals, feed them well, treat them kindly and ensure silence, then soon your pets will have children.

Mollusks become sexually mature at the age of 6 months to one and a half years. Each snail has male and female reproductive organs, but they still need a partner for fertilization. After one mating, Achatina can bear offspring 4-6 times a year.

The snail buries a clutch of eggs in the ground, so you need to check the substrate once a week for the presence of translucent balls. If there is no desire to raise future babies, then the eggs can be removed from the soil. Having decided to leave the masonry, it is necessary to more carefully monitor the humidity of the substrate and maintain a temperature of about +28 °C.

When the little clams hatch, they can be seen on the surface of the earth. They require virtually no care, but it is better to feed them solid food and place lettuce leaves instead of soil. When the snails get stronger and grow a little, they can look for a good owner.

When the little clams hatch, they can be seen on the surface of the earth.

A healthy Achatina interacts with people with interest, has a clean, moist body and a strong, brightly colored shell. So that she always remains like this, Snail owners need to consider the following:

  1. The terrarium should be placed away from sunlight and drafts.
  2. You should not leave your pet outside the house unattended, as you may not be able to find it later.
  3. Shellfish love cucumbers very much, but they do not have much nutritional value.
  4. It is not recommended to feed snails peaches, as this causes their mucus to become too liquid.
  5. It is very important that Achatina does not come into contact with pesticides, household chemicals, and does not eat salt and sugar.

By following simple rules of care, you can raise a beautiful and cheerful pet. He will always feel the kind attitude of the owner and will definitely repay him in kind.

Caring for Achatina snails at home is very simple and does not require significant expenses. You will be interested in reading the article if you want to have a pet and don’t know where to choose, how to care for and feed it.

Such a pet will not create much trouble for the owner

Who would have thought that a French delicacy or field pest would become a pet. Achatina are smart mollusks that can remember their owners and are harmless in communication with small children and adults. Thanks to its simple and easy care, minimal costs, and the ability to go without feeding for a long time, Achatina is an ideal pet. More details in our article.

Most lovers of this type of mollusk are convinced that their pets are very loyal to their owners and do not like to communicate with strangers again. Keeping and caring for Achatina snails is quite simple; they do not require a lot of time, effort and, most importantly, money. African snails belong to the Archatina family; there are many varieties of them. In their homeland, they are considered pests; in a short period of time, one large individual can destroy a reed bush. In our area, “huge” snails are a variety of pets.

Achitins are one of the quietest and calmest household residents.

Before purchasing an Achatina, you should prepare all the “conveniences” for it; there are not so many of them. Only special conditions will help the land mollusk lead an active way of life, for such creatures.

How to keep Achatina snails at home

Achatina are the largest land mollusks and can grow up to 30 cm in length. With proper handling and care they can live up to 9 years, the average life cycle is about 6 years. They are quite funny creatures, despite their pedigree, they are smart, they remember the situation and their owners. They often give preference to their favorite corner in the terrarium, which they choose independently.

Large snails do not create noise or unpleasant odor

In order for the Achatina snail to live well and long, its maintenance at home should be as follows::

  • Choosing a terrarium. You need to decide on the volume and material from which the new house will be made before you purchase the mollusk. One individual should require from 10 to 20 liters, so the “housing” should be spacious, preferably transparent with ventilation and a heavy lid. The terrarium should be closed at all times, as your pet may crawl out and it will not be easy to find it.
  • Lighting is an equally important detail; it should not be very bright, as Achatina can go blind. Her visual apparatus is very sensitive, because... located on the antennae.
  • The soil for Achatina snails is selected to be soft and loose, without sharp and small particles that can injure the pet’s delicate body or damage the shell. It is best to use coconut shavings, and soil is prohibited as it contains fertilizers and sawdust, which have sharp edges. The thickness of the flooring should be the size of a snail’s house so that it can freely burrow into it.
  • An important point is the temperature, both in the room and in the house itself. African Achatina love a warm climate in which they actively move; if the temperature drops below 24 degrees, they may hibernate or slow down when moving, become lethargic and apathetic.
  • Although these snails are not aquatic creatures, the humidity in their home must be constant. You can place a small container of water in the terrarium, which should be heavy so that Achatina cannot turn it over. Or you can constantly wet the walls of the house and the soil, and also bathe the pet itself. When the air is dry, the snail will often hide in its shell.
  • You need to clean the terrarium weekly, but change the substrate as it gets dirty.

A glass aquarium or a plastic box can become a home for snails

Proper care will ensure your pets have a long life and create comfortable conditions for reproduction or solitary existence. A livestock specialist can tell you in more detail how to keep Achatina snails at home.

How long do Achatina snails live at home?

With the correct content of Achatina, their life expectancy can be 6 years. If you look after them more carefully, constantly feed them, treat them, give them vitamins, maintain the temperature and cleanliness in the terrarium, you can live up to 9 years. In captivity, their lifespan is about 5 years, or maybe less, since these land animals are considered terrible pests and easily destroy entire fields with crops, so in many countries they are actively exterminated.

It is necessary to place soil at the bottom

Now you know how long Achatina snails live at home, everything directly depends on the quality of their maintenance, i.e. it's completely up to you.

What do Achatina snails eat at home?

Achatina must be fed strictly with products from the permissible list

Many lovers of exotic animals, including land mollusks, are interested in the question of what do Achatina snails eat at home? You don’t have to worry too much about this, since they are quite omnivorous. Young animals should be fed daily, but individuals older than 6 months should be fed at intervals of several days.

Pet owners are given the following in their diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, lettuce and cabbage leaves, apples, bananas and even watermelon rinds are suitable.
  • It is imperative to give crushed chalk and egg shells, which are rich in calcium, which is necessary for the strength and growth of the shell.
  • Protein foods, any boiled meat, egg whites or even mushrooms.

Types of snails Achatina

There are several types of giant snails, they differ in the size and color of the house

The species of Achatina snails are diverse; in the wild there are about one hundred varieties. Their differences are in the color scheme of the shell, ranging from light tones to dark brown stripes and stains. The body itself is also of different colors from light milky to dark brown.

Let's look at the most popular and favorite types:

  • Achatina fulica is an unpretentious giant snail with a variegated color. They are calm, unpretentious and like to rest a lot in secluded dark places.
  • Achatina reticulata - also in great demand for home breeding; they are often colored in the form of stripes or spots of different colors. She is much more active, smarter and more mobile.

The conditions for their reproduction and living are practically the same. Exotic lovers are mainly interested in their sizes and colors.

African Achatina snails care and maintenance

Houses made of cardboard are not suitable for such snails, because they can escape from them

To breed African Achatina snails, care and maintenance are not considered difficult; even a cracked aquarium is enough for them, since there is no need to fill it with water. In addition to such houses, you can also take plastic containers, but due to the cloudy walls, the pet will be difficult to see, and it will be more difficult to monitor its movements. It is better to immediately discard cardboard products; thin walls are not a barrier for them; they can gnaw a hole.

Giant Achatina snails

Giant Achatina snails do not need a special approach. Humidification remains important; for this you can place a container of water in the aquarium and constantly change it.

These pets love bathing in water; it is necessary to wash their legs regularly

You should also clean the terrarium once a week, and change the soil at least once a year. Do not forget to feed them, sometimes you should wash them under warm running water and make sure that when crawling around the house the snail does not run into sharp small objects.

How do Achatina snails reproduce?

Beginners in breeding land mollusks need to know how Achatina snails reproduce. According to their reproductive system, they are hermaphrodites, that is, they have no sexual differences. They prefer to produce eggs in pairs, especially after cleaning the soil in a practically sterile terrarium. Therefore, if you do not want to add to the family, it is better to keep one individual. An older snail is suitable for the female role, but a young representative of the Achatina can also play the male role.

Achatina snails: reproduction and egg care

Giant snails become sexually mature around 6 months of life, although many factors depend on the conditions of detention; the worse they are, the longer and slower the individual develops. Fertilization in this species is internal, and the brood appears from eggs; one female can bear about two hundred.

They reproduce with white eggs that look like capsules.

Clutches of eggs are often placed in groups at the bottom of the aquarium, so that all the offspring are preserved, they should be given due attention in a timely manner. First of all, make sure that the bottom is not too wet or, conversely, dry. Many snail keepers recommend separating the young from the adults once every couple of months, selecting the largest ones; the parents, as a rule, do not harm their offspring.

How long does it take for Achatina snail eggs to hatch?

An equally important and interesting question is, how long does it take for Achatina snail eggs to hatch? Individuals often lay eggs for about two days, scattering them along the bottom of the house or grouping them in dark corners. Pecking begins at 1-3 weeks, it all depends on the ambient temperature; the babies that appear are very tiny, only about 5 mm in size. To prevent the offspring from dying, you should monitor the humidity and cleanliness in the place where the eggs are laid.

Achatina snails: benefits and harm to humans

Getting used to people, these pets stop being afraid of them

Achatina snails: benefits and harm - two sides of the same coin. The thing is that these creatures produce mucus, which is very useful for the human body, for sliding. It quickly heals wounds, smooths out scars, and also fights expression lines. If you want to apply the healing properties on yourself, you should first of all wash your pet thoroughly and only then use its saliva for cosmetic purposes.

The mollusk can also be dangerous, because... it is a carrier of various bacteria and, if washed poorly, it can cause infection in wounds on the skin. If ingested, an allergic reaction may develop.

Snails, which previously caused only disgust and association with pests or French delicacies, are now gaining increasing popularity as a pet.

Snails are silent and harmless creatures; they do not smell, do not cause allergies and take up little space in the apartment. Easy care, minimal maintenance costs, and the ability to leave your pet at home while on vacation make the snail an ideal pet even for people who are rarely at home. Even a child can easily take care of such a pet.

Photo: Snails are the perfect pet!

It’s hard to believe, but most snail owners are confident that their pets are able to recognize their owners and prefer to avoid communicating with people they don’t know. A snail accustomed to humans does not hide in its shell and without fear allows itself to be stroked on its wet body. Large snails of the Achatina reticulata species are considered the most sociable and not shy.

  1. Soil, which can be coconut substrate, earth, moss or sphagnum.
  2. Several bowls for food, grain mixtures and calcium.
  3. A bathing suit made of non-solid materials so as not to damage the snail shell in case of a possible fall.
  4. Thermometer and hydrometer for monitoring temperature and humidity in the terrarium.
  5. A personal sponge for washing the terrarium and the shells of the snails themselves, never in contact with detergents.
  6. Spray bottle with clean, settled or filtered water.

In nature, snails are inhabitants of the subtropics, which means that the terrarium should also maintain a humid and warm microclimate throughout the year. For most varieties of snails, a room temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is acceptable, however, for particularly heat-loving species, additional heating of the home is necessary. Humidity is one of the most important factors in the comfortable life of snails. In the terrarium, it is created by daily spraying with filtered water from a spray bottle and is maintained by the presence of soil and a swimming pool. With insufficient humidity, the snail becomes less active, loses its appetite and burrows deep into the ground.

Cleanliness in the terrarium is maintained by daily cleaning of remaining food and excrement. Depending on the contamination of the soil, it is replaced with fresh one, after washing the terrarium with hot water and a sponge without detergents.

Over the past 10 years, many different species and variations of snails have appeared in Russia, differing from each other not only in size and color, but also in the shape of the shell and body. It is not recommended to keep different types of snails in the same terrarium due to differences in living conditions. Even if the temperature and humidity levels in the terrarium are similar, snails may not tolerate the company of another species well, and as a result experience stress, refuse food and not grow.

The diet of a domestic snail consists mainly of vegetables, fruits and herbs. Snails find cucumbers, carrots, apples, zucchini and lettuce especially tasty. Eating only one type of food, the snail quickly gets used to it and loses all interest in everything else, which affects its growth rate, so the snail’s menu should be as varied as possible. It is strictly forbidden to use spicy, salty or fried foods. A mandatory addition to the main diet is calcium, grain mixtures and animal protein (gammarus, boiled eggs or chicken). Calcium is necessary for snails to grow their shells; it is given in the form of feed powder or lump chalk, cuttlefish shell (sepia) or crushed eggshells. You can sprinkle it on succulent food or leave it in a separate container in the terrarium.

You can look at the snail in all its glory and have a good conversation with it while swimming, when even the most timid individual truly enjoys the process and does not try to hide in the shell. Bath the snail under a gentle stream of lukewarm water, holding it in the palm of your hand to avoid contact with the sink or bathtub, where traces of detergents that are poisonous to the snail may remain. Bathing is a great way to establish contact with a snail that is wild or not used to you. It is recommended to bathe the snail at least a couple of times a week, however, the pet’s genuine joy during water procedures forces owners to do this much more often.

Being crepuscular animals, snails are more active in the morning and evening, when all family members are at home and can watch the pet. Many people believe that snails have the ability to calm and relieve stress, just like aquarium fish do.

If you need a pet that does not require complex care and does not need the constant presence of a person, if your child really asks for an animal, but you are worried about possible noise, smell and dirt, or if you do not want to spend a lot of money on keeping a pet, a snail can turn out to be the perfect animal you've been looking for!