How to properly train a Yorkie to use the house toilet? Toilet training a Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier how to litter train

Unlike other dogs that defecate outside, Yorkies prefer to relieve themselves in an apartment. Therefore, for people who just got a puppy, it is important to quickly and easily teach him to go to the toilet in a strictly designated place.

What should a toilet look like?

Some owners use regular rags or cat litter. These are not the best options.

If the owner for a long time is missing, and the animal has already wet the rag once, he will do it a second time in a drier place.

Dogs like to play with the litter and the granules will be scattered throughout the apartment.

Experienced breeders advise training Yorkies to wear a diaper. It can be special or disposable, which is intended for small children. Having bought one large size, you can cut it into several pieces.

Ideally, place the diaper in a special tray. Finding one will not be difficult in any pet store. Manufacturers have improved it for males by adding a column.

To determine whether training will be easy, pay attention to the puppy's parents. If they are clean, it means that the baby will also easily learn all the rules of hygiene.

Before purchasing, visit the breeder and observe the dogs. Congenital uncleanliness or the fact that the breeder simply did not deal with them should raise red flags.

How to diaper your Yorkie

Simple rules and a little patience will allow you to quickly toilet train not only a puppy, but also an adult dog if, for example, you have moved and the usual location of the litter box has changed.

  1. For the first time, limit the animal's movements. The ideal option is to use an enclosure or enclosed space. Put a diaper there. At first, you will need to carry the puppy to her immediately after he wakes up or eats. Do not listen to those who consider this method inhumane. Yorkies are so small that they can easily get scared in a new large space. In addition, she could get hurt, eat something dangerous, or, in general, accidentally be crushed.
  2. Put several diapers on at once. Gradually, you will be able to see which ones the dog uses much less than others and remove them one by one, bringing the number to one. It will be enough for the whole day.
  3. If you couldn’t keep track of your Yorkie, blot the puddle with the same diaper and place it in the chosen place. You can't poke your nose, it will lead to stress. Consistent actions over the first few days will definitely lead to a positive result.
  4. You can transfer the puppy to a diaper 15-20 minutes after eating. Dog breeders are sure that it is at this time that they have a desire to defecate. If the dog runs away, hold it tighter. Despair will lead to the fact that the “wet job” will be done in right place, which means there will be a smell there that the Yorkie will use to navigate next time. Every positive result should definitely be encouraged.
  5. If the puppy still walks straight to the floor, there is also a way out. True, it takes a little longer. You need to cover the entire floor with newspapers. When your baby has done his job, gradually begin removing the sheets one at a time. Tested: the dog will go to the toilet where there are newspapers, ignoring the empty areas. Gradually, removing the newspaper, direct it to the area where it will be located in the future.

Belongs to the terrier family. Each species is unique. Yorkies are also distinguished by their size and chic appearance. Sometimes they look like toy dogs and look like small children.

History of the breed

Yorkies are native to two counties in England. One is called Yorkshire. Actually, as a result of this, the type of dog began to be called that way. The progenitor is considered to be the Waterside Terrier. This is a small dog with fairly long hair. gray color. Their purpose was to exterminate rodents.

Comfortable dogs

When choosing a pet, each owner selects a pet according to his capabilities. For example, the size of the animal affects many factors. Namely, the amount of space allocated to the dog, time for walking, volume daily diet etc.

If you take these factors into account, Yorkshire Terriers are very comfortable pets. Sometimes they are called pocket-sized and for good reason. The breeds come in different sizes: mini and standard. If you can’t quickly toilet train your Yorkie, you can let the dog walk at home. During the cold season, owners often practice this method.

Puppy in the apartment

When a family is preparing for a new addition and responsibility for little treasure, this is the most happy time. Both children and adults enjoy this. The initial concern should be high level. Don't forget about the surprises associated with questions about how to toilet train a Yorkie puppy. At first, your pet can do this anywhere. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if you have not vaccinated your pet, you should do so.

At this time, it is not recommended to walk the animal so that it does not come into contact with anyone. If the breeder has not instilled the first hygiene skills in the puppy, the owners will have to do this themselves. So, how to toilet train a Yorkie at home quickly and without consequences? Let's try to figure this out.

Preparing the premises for a new family member

In order to get an animal, you must first prepare for its appearance in the apartment. What important things will you need:

  • litter (house);
  • two plates for water and food;
  • toys;
  • tray (special with a removable post);
  • replacement diapers for the toilet or newspapers;

It is necessary to designate a place for sleeping and rest.

How to train a Yorkie to go to the toilet?

First, tune in to the idea that a puppy is a child. He, like all children, requires affection, care, attention, and praise. Now, mistakes by the tray will be perceived less painfully, and the stages of teaching a new family member hygiene skills will go smoothly.

Most often, the breeders themselves inform about how to train a Yorkie to use the toilet at home when communicating with new owners. Usually, owners teach fragile puppies themselves at first; in addition, the example of adult dogs helps the kids.

So, what needs to be done before you bring your pet to his new home? For two to three months, remove all carpets and rugs so that you don’t have to remove the smell of urine. This can sometimes be difficult to do. In addition, you should temporarily move various figurines, decorative items, and outdoor flowers to another place. Puppies are very active and mobile during play. It's better not to risk the things you care about.

So, a place to sleep and rest has been chosen. It is recommended to place a tray nearby. It will be very correct if all these items are fenced off with an enclosure. When you notice that the puppy wants to go to the toilet, take it and transfer it to the tray. When your baby has done everything on the spot, generously reward him with tasty things. Otherwise, the pet must be scolded in an authoritative, decisive tone. Most often, puppies go to relieve themselves after vigorous play, drinking and rest. Usually addiction takes several months. Many Yorkies do this. How to toilet train your pet? Surely everyone thinks this is difficult. It depends on the dog itself, on its character, gender, temperament.

Tray training a male dog

The process of instilling good manners and potty friendships in a dog is labor-intensive and can even take several months. But it is quite feasible. The distinctive manner of male dogs is their desire to mark their area. Accordingly, in the houses of owners who have male dogs, the corners, legs of chairs or tables always come under attack, open doors. To more thoroughly accustom your pet to the tray, it is recommended to place a post in the middle of the allocated space. A one and a half liter bottle can serve for this purpose. plastic bottle with water, a cat scratching post or a block made especially for these needs. Currently, in stores you can find a universal toilet for male dogs with a column in the middle.

If your baby doesn't like the tray

Be patient and understand some details, that this business requires consistency, gradualism and perseverance of the owners. It is best to stay at home for the first time so that the dog learns to understand what they want from it. Sometimes it happens that the tray is too big for little puppy(with high sides), in connection with this he ignores all attempts to climb in there and relieve himself. It also happens reverse effect, when the toilet is too small and the dog is uncomfortable and uncomfortable visiting this place.

It is important to note the fact that when the puppy is close to his mother, he gets used to her smell. Yorkies are no exception. How to toilet train a baby so that he immediately feels not only care, but also the smell of his mother? You need to take with you a piece of diaper or newspaper with urine from the previous owners adult dog. Then put it in a new and clean tray and show it to the puppy. At first, his sense of smell will remind him of the correctness of actions, and an error-free hit will be a reward for the owners. But the tray needs to be changed periodically at least once every two days. Now it’s time to manipulate the smell of the puppy’s urine.

To scold or not to scold?

An important point is the punishment of the puppy. If you notice late that the dog relieved itself in the wrong place, do not scold it under any circumstances. The animal will not understand what exactly you want to say. When the owner behaves correctly, raising a pet will become easy and not labor-intensive. In this case, you should arm yourself professional literature or consult with specialists.

Tray training is in full swing. The baby does not always understand what is required of him. If your Yorkie puppy has done something wrong near the toilet, you should never resort to physical punishment. What a vulnerable breed this Yorkie is. How to toilet train a small cub without bad consequences, because you can harm a wonderful creature with an accidental movement?

If time during the day does not allow you to monitor the progress of training, it is recommended to spread newspapers or diapers over the surface of the enclosure in all available places. Then, as the puppy needs it and understands what they want from him, they are gradually removed. You should leave only one diaper, which is then placed in the tray.

If it is not possible to be with your baby all day, send him to a special pen, which has two sections: a toilet and a place to sleep. A puppy, being in such a limited space, will never confuse these parts of its temporary home. Be sure to place a plate with food and drink and toys there.

What comfortable dogs these Yorkies are! How to toilet train so that your pet can be an exclusively domestic animal? You don’t have to walk your pet outside at all, but then he will be scared of everything, including communication with other animals. It all depends on the owners and their preferences.

You need to start training your Yorkie as early as possible. This requires consistency and a certain amount of toughness. After all, despite the fact that the Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, it always strives to become a leader.

And since owners often treat such dogs as eternal babies, they become especially aggressive and are capable of terrorizing the entire family and its guests. Urgent measures are necessary if your Yorkie's behavior suddenly begins to deteriorate. In general, any terrier, regardless of its size, must undergo a training course, at least for obedience.

Important points in education and training in basic commands for training a Yorkshire Terrier

  • When training a Yorkie, you will have to be patient; it takes time to learn.
  • When raising a Yorkie, it is important for the owner to constantly insist on his leadership. He must always give commands himself. He should also eat first and not give anything from his table.
  • Commands such as “Ugh!” have a huge impact. or “Place!” They must be clear and confident.
  • “Lie Down” is also important, as it teaches the animal to discipline.

Some Yorkies love to bark uncontrollably (read how to properly wean a dog from barking). Therefore, it will also be important for them to learn the “Quiet” command. When raising a Yorkie, it is imperative that he be taught to go to the toilet in a special tray. Every time he relieves himself in a designated place, the dog is rewarded. Then learning goes much faster.

The owner’s task in this training is to right moment take the puppy to his “toilet”. First of all, this is done after sleep, after eating and when he begins to “circle” around the room in search of a secluded place. And after success, praise and give a treat. It is also important not to train your Yorkie to sleep in his owner's bed. He should have his own crib.

For a dog to sleep with its owner means that it is in charge. Yorkie training can take place in the form of a game, then it becomes exciting for the dog.

It should be remembered that in this breed there are no fundamental differences between males and females. They are equally affectionate, willing to live in the house and do not differ in size. The first principle that must be observed in raising a Yorkshire Terrier is the principle of consistency. A Yorkshire Terrier puppy must first learn to recognize its name and be able to walk on a leash. To achieve optimal results, you need to use its ability to associative learning.

For good behavior, reward him with kind words or a treat; for bad behavior, give him a firm reprimand. A lot depends on the right choice name. Give your pet a short and easy recognizable name. During the first days, pronounce it so that he associates it with something pleasant. But when you reprimand him, under no circumstances call him by name. Otherwise, your Yorkshire Terrier puppy will begin to associate its name with unpleasant situations.

Anyway physical punishment is completely excluded. To teach your Yorkshire Terrier to walk on a leash, start. For example, invite him to walk holding your left foot, and if he obeys, praise him. Try to take your first walks where there are few people and cars, so that your pet does not associate his first experiences with something unpleasant. Despite its small size, the Yorkshire Terrier needs more varied diet than large dogs.

  • It's better to train every day. If the owner is not confident in his abilities as a trainer, then it is better to contact. Although it is possible to learn self-study Yorkshire Terrier.
  • You need to start training your Yorkie at the age of one and a half to two months.
  • Commands are pronounced clearly and decisively, but not intimidatingly. All training should be reward based. right actions praise and treats.

When training a Yorkie, you should not hit, just like any other dog. You can’t shake him by the scruff of the neck like a cat. You can call him to order and draw attention to yourself by loudly clapping, for example, a newspaper on the table.

Very active and agile dogs. It is very difficult to get your pet to walk alongside you on a walk. They are constantly running somewhere, jumping. Dealing with restlessness can sometimes be very difficult.

This breed requires close attention from the owner's side. And you definitely need to educate York from birth. If you neglect simple rules, you can end up with an uncontrollable dog. Agree, the prospect is very unattractive.

How to raise a puppy at home?

More often getting a dog for the family. Education is done at home. Great difficulties in training they do not deliver. Dogs are highly trainable.

They're smart, and often understand immediately what the owner requires of them. But character in a Yorkshire terrier difficult. It requires strict discipline and consistency.

There are several good rules , following which, at home it is possible to successfully raise a Yorkshire terrier:

  1. Training must be planned. Nothing should distract you. Classes take place in comfortable conditions.
  2. Encourage the puppy needed immediately after correct execution teams.
  3. In one lesson work only 2 commands. Consolidating an already familiar command and introducing a new one. This way your pet won’t have time to get tired.
  4. Training should lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is advisable to do several short workouts a day. If this is not possible, then you can conduct one longer lesson, but with breaks for games and rest.
  5. One more thing main rule for home exercises: do not raise your voice at the dog. You must be calm and reserved. Your pet should feel your positive attitude.
  6. Commands must be pronounced clearly and in a commanding tone.

Important! It is forbidden punish puppies for unsuccessful execution of a command.

Stages of training to a diaper and subsequently to a tray

Toilet training your pet important point . Start off should from day one appearance Yorkshire Terrier at your home.

In the first days of life, babies mark their territory anywhere. As soon as they find a place where the mother relieves her natural needs, the puppies begin to go there.

At first the puppies will not succeed, but over time everything will return to normal.

Encourage your puppy for successful attempts.

You can use special means for training pets to use the tray.

  • Disposable diapers;
  • Newspapers;
  • Tray.

Disposable diaper most ideal option . It will perfectly absorb all the liquid. It will need to be changed periodically.

How can plant more often puppy in a diaper. At first, you need to be prepared for spontaneous peeing. You shouldn't scold your dog. Still persistently place the baby in the diaper.

When leaving home, limit the spaces puppy, this will prevent the apartment from getting dirty during your absence.

When the puppy already understands that he needs to “do his business” on the diaper, start putting it in the tray and the pet will, without any doubt, start going there. Next, you can decide for yourself whether you will stop putting the diaper in the toilet or not.

Remember! If the puppy, after you have removed the diaper, suddenly begins to be perplexed and go to another place, then it is better to put the diaper on for a longer time, as before.

What to do if your dog barks at home, bites and marks?

What to do if your puppy barks loudly and frequently. This causes discomfort not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Exists proven and very effective method.

You will need spray bottle with water. When your puppy tries to bark, simply point it at him with the command “No” and lightly spray with water. Also can be used a folded newspaper that can be used to lightly spank a puppy.

Also, to wean a puppy from biting, methods of physical influence are used.

They are not cruel in themselves, but very effective. Will help in short term rid your Yorkshire Terrier of a bad habit.

Eat two ways such impacts:

  • When the puppy tries to bite, use your palm to squeeze the puppy's muzzle and press it to the floor.

Important! Do not use strong physical pressure, but only lightly!

  • You can take the puppy by the withers and shake it. At the same time, pronounce the commands “Fu”, “No” in a rude tone.

Useful video

How educate correctly Yorkie?

The upbringing and training of Yorkshire terriers should be done with early age. Show persistence and consistency. In the future, by following clear rules, you can avoid unpleasant surprises.

Yorkshire Terrier - decorative breed dogs intended only for keeping in an apartment, such a dog should absolutely not be kept in the yard or on the street. And, if you are not in the mood to take your pet out for walks all the time, then when buying a puppy you should immediately think about how to toilet train your Yorkie.


When to toilet train a puppy

You need to train your Yorkshire Terrier to go to the toilet in a designated place in the apartment from the very beginning. small age. Just a week after birth, babies can crawl out of their “nest” to perform natural needs, so right at the exit sleeping place You can lay down an absorbent diaper.

Usually, if a puppy is purchased from a good nursery, then the Yorkshire Terrier learns from its parents to use a diaper or litter in the litter box. But sometimes even a previously toilet-trained puppy, when changing its place of residence, can get lost in the house and do its business in an unexpected place.

Methods of training to a tray or diaper

If for some reason your Yorkie zealously ignores the amenities provided to him in the house, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several ways on how to train a Yorkshire Terrier to the toilet:

  1. For the smallest dogs, this method is often used: you need to make a small enclosure for the Yorkie, fencing off an area of ​​1.5-2 square meters. In this area, only the bare floor and the tray (or absorbent diaper) remain. The dog usually chooses a place to sleep on the floor, and will go to the toilet in the opposite corner. Gradually, the territory is expanded, but the diaper or tray that is familiar to the touch remains the same.
  2. If your pet goes past the litter box, you need to wipe up the puddle with a napkin or absorbent diaper and place it in the desired toilet area in the apartment. Dogs are good at recognizing their latrine by smell, so all odors from “unauthorized” areas of the house need to be thoroughly washed away.
  3. Dogs usually go to the toilet after sleeping, playing or eating. Immediately after the Yorkie puppy has woken up or played and began to characteristically sniff the floor, looking for a place to do its business, you need to put it in the place allocated for the toilet.
  4. There are special veterinary sprays for dogs that can repel or attract animals. Some are used to scare the puppy away from a favorite but unwanted place by the owner. Others do the opposite, to lure the baby to go to his designated corner in the house.
  5. You can use the “carrot and stick” method. If a Yorkie uses his litter box or diaper in the house, he is immediately rewarded with affection or treats. And if the baby goes in a completely different direction than he should, the owner must show him his disapproval.

Should you punish your dog and how?

If your Yorkie does everything right, he is praised and encouraged to form the correct behavior pattern for the dog. And if a pet constantly misbehaves in the apartment and refuses to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter box, then it is necessary to punish it.

With a Yorkshire Terrier at home it will be easy to learn commands such as “Come” and “Place”. To do this, they first sit him at the far end of the room and move away, luring him with his favorite toy or treat and repeating the command “Come to me.” When a dog approaches its owner when called, it is treated to a treat.

The "Place" command is taught by the pet in the same way. To do this, the Yorkie is left on his bedding, a treat is placed nearby and the command is spoken out loud. Next, you need to step back a couple of steps and watch York’s reaction.

The first few times the puppy may not understand what they want from him and run up to the owner, then he is patiently returned to his place and the training is repeated again. If the dog remains lying down at the “Place” command, the result is reinforced.

Every owner should be prepared for the fact that a Yorkshire Terrier may take several weeks or even months to train, and it is advisable to train him every day.

As the puppy grows up and forms friendships with him, there will definitely be various problems. The process requires attentiveness, patience and prudence from the owner.

A small Yorkshire Terrier kept at home is like a child who is still unclear what “good” means and what “bad” means. A responsible owner should help him figure this out. And it depends only on the owner what they will turn into life together in the house with a new pet - into a daily nightmare or true sincere love.

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Video “How to teach a Yorkie to go to the litter box”

This video tells you a few more ways to teach your Yorkie to go to the toilet in a litter tray or in a diaper.

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