Which dogs are banned in Australia. List of prohibited aggressive dog breeds with photos. Banned dogs in Europe and America

Some of the bred breeds are now considered dangerous, and in most countries such dogs are banned or have certain restrictions on their keeping. These prohibitions are regulated by special laws. Their main goal is to prevent injuries and deaths from dog bites.

Let's try to understand which countries have introduced bans and restrictions on which dogs.

American Bulldog. These dogs are officially banned in Singapore, Denmark and some other countries. The breed has become famous since late XIX century. It is one of the closest and untouched relatives english bulldog. The breed originally appeared in the south of the country, where these bulldogs were used as watchdogs. They were especially trained to hunt wild pigs. But these creatures weigh several hundred pounds and are quite ferocious. That is why the trained dogs were large, strong and quite dangerous. When attacking its victim, the American bulldog would cling to its throat until its owner approached. The peculiarity of the breed is its high pain threshold. And American bulldogs weigh from 27 to 54 kilograms.

Bloodhound. Since the Middle Ages, the word “bandog” has been used to refer to big dogs, used as guards. Modern bloodhounds have lost their purebred nature; they are bred from breeds such as mastiffs and pit bull terriers. The size of such a dog is comparable to a Great Dane. Veterinarian John Swynford began breeding the breed in the late 1960s, and it soon became famous. The most famous representative, the Bantu dog, was extremely cruel and famous for its military exploits. Now this breed is banned almost everywhere. And these aggressive animals can weigh from 30 to 50 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff. Another nickname for the breed is neo. She was born in Italy. This type of mastiff was immediately used as a military dog ​​by Roman legionnaires. She also acted as a kind of gladiator in bloody fights. Today, Neapolitan Mastiffs serve as guard dogs. The breed is large and has wrinkled skin, sagging cheeks and loose fur. It was the Neapolitan Mastiff that was taken as the basis for creating the image of the giant Hagrid from the epic Harry Potter. Dangerous dogs are prohibited by law in Singapore, and in Romania, the owner, before acquiring such a pet, must undergo a preliminary interview with a psychologist.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog). This breed was developed in 1955 in Czechoslovakia by crossing German Shepherd with the Carpathian wolf. The intertwined genetic structure gave the wolfdog an unpredictable character. It's difficult to say when she will behave like a wolf and when like an ordinary dog. Representatives of the breed have a clearly expressed prey drive. This is why sometimes a child is seen as a potential victim, resulting in cases of attacks on children. In general, the dog is considered a good pet, but keeping it is prohibited in Norway.

Boerboel. This dog became widespread in South Africa. Outwardly, she somewhat resembles a sporting bull. The name of the breed literally means “farm dog” in Dutch. Boerboels take their origins from African and guard dogs. In 1920, the breed appeared on the mainland from Europe, specifically for the protection of diamond copies in South Africa. Dogs are excellent guards, they love children and do not show outright aggression. Huge dogs reach a weight of 60 kg and are prohibited in Denmark. Boerboels are very strong and resilient, however, the owner is required to carry out constant grueling training.

Dogo Argentino In 1928, the breed was created by Dr. Antonio Martinez. 10 people took part in the creation process various breeds. This includes the Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Irish Wolfhound, and English Pointer. Each of them gave the new breed something of its own. Irish Wolfhound - speed, Great Pyrenees - endurance and white color, Great Dane - growth. The breeder bred these dogs specifically for hunting mountain lions and pumas. In a pack of five dogs, at least two turn out to be suicide bombers, which requires courage from the dogs. They are a real pile of muscles, and weigh up to 65 kg. The Dogo Argentino looks like an enlarged pit bull. Breeding this breed is prohibited in 10 countries, including Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. True, despite scary looking, the dog has never been used as a fighting dog.

Presa Canario. The Dogo Canario comes from Spain. The breed was recognized relatively recently, in 2001. At the same time, a dog marked the first case of killing a person. The victim died right in the corridor of his house. The owners of that dog were found guilty of murder and sentenced to long prison terms. She guards well and senses her territory, loves tranquility. The appearance of an uninvited guest can lead to an outbreak of aggression. The dangerous animal is banned in New Zealand and Australia. The history of the development of Great Danes goes back several centuries. They were not bred artificially, this breed developed naturally in the Canary Islands.

Fila Brasileiro. The large Brazilian Mastiff was once used to hunt jaguars and wild boars. The ancestors of the breed are most likely mastiffs. Of all the prohibited dogs, this is the most disobedient. The Brazilian Mastiff is an excellent guard dog who does not trust strangers. Some fanciers even value this breed for its aggressiveness. Even at exhibitions, judges are not recommended to touch them. This breed is banned in the UK. Although the dog is loyal to its owner and his family, numerous guests can cause aggression.

Japanese Tosa Inu. This breed is also called the Japanese Mastiff. She was bred at one time in the Principality of Tosa just for dog fighting. Local Japanese dogs crossed with bulldogs, mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards imported from Europe. The result is a breed that can fight silently and is distinguished by increased durability. She does not rush at the enemy and does not growl, but tries to pin him with her body. Although sales of Tosa Inu from Japan itself are extremely rare, this breed is banned in Malta, Norway, Denmark and other countries.

American Pit Bull Terrier. This dog is a real terror to man. Meanwhile, most fears are in vain. Pit bulls were bred from early bulldogs and terriers specifically to fight other dogs. In this they really have no equal. This is a strong breed, capable of fighting to the end and winning no matter what. However, today, unfortunately, pit bulls are a symbol of criminal offenses associated with dogs. But an attack on a person is associated only with poor care of the dog and its poor training. Initially, she was not bred to attack people, so she does not show aggression. Don't consider this good-natured pet as a deadly enemy. True, it was banned in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the Canadian province of Ontario and some countries.

Thus, if the country does not strictly prohibit the ownership of dangerous breeds of dogs, a person can keep such a pet, strictly observing the rules of ownership restrictions, walk dogs correctly and be sure to muzzle them in public places.

It was previously reported that in 100 years

The most dangerous dogs in the world: prohibited “cholerics” and permitted “hypocrites”

Although “Dog is Man’s Friend,” there are breeds that were clearly not bred to be human friends. They can be not so much good guards as a potential danger both for uninvited guests and for the owner himself.

It is difficult to determine exactly which is the most dangerous dog in the world: the seemingly cute American pit bull terrier, the lion hunter Dogo Argentino, or the Caucasian shepherd dog familiar to Russian people. In any case, among those who received the title of “the most evil” there are many both frequently occurring and quite rare breeds.

Prohibited dog breeds

This collection contains sufficient characteristics famous breeds, which are prohibited or limited in breeding due to their bad character.

The American Pit Bull Terrier often receives the title of the most dangerous dog in the world. The breed is banned in many countries of the world: from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.) and Asia (Israel, Singapore, etc.) to Europe (Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain, Denmark, etc.) and America (some states of the USA and Canada ).

Despite its small size (weight about 30 kg with average height), the dog is dangerous - without a doubt, the winner in dog fights, the best “policeman” and bodyguard.

She is affectionate towards children by nature - loves to play with them, good-natured towards children, devoted to her owner, intelligent. It is this breed, despite its bad “reputation” in many countries, that is considered one of the best for family and protection.

Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano)

The breed was bred in Italy a long time ago for baiting wild animals in arenas. Ancient Rome and security. Nowadays it is used for guard duty. An interesting fact is that it was Mastino Napoletano that was used in the filming of the famous “Harry Potter” in the role of Fang, the giant Hagrid’s pet.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is very loyal, even too loyal. He can easily become jealous of his owner, showing his displeasure in an aggressive manner. He is also unkind towards children and other animals.

For the reasons described above, breeding of the Napoletano Mastino is limited in Romania, Singapore, and prohibited in some states of America and Bermuda.

This is not a breed, but rather the name of a cross between an American Pit Bull Terrier (or a Staffordshire Terrier) and a Neapolitan Mastiff.

The translation of the name – “chain dog” – fully corresponds to the character of the bandogs. They are fearless, bold and aggressive. This is not surprising, because initially their main purpose was to participate in dog fights. The hopes of the breeders were not justified. Bandogs are inferior in battle to their “parents” - American pit bull terriers, quickly retreating before their pressure and refusing to fight.

Ownership of bandogs is limited in Belarus and Romania, the “breed” is prohibited in Switzerland and some states of America.

Like Bandogs, Tosa Inu were designed to participate in dog fighting. The only difference is that the Tosa Inu did not have to “bite” the opponent, but pressed him to the ring. Dogs were forbidden to bark in the ring or cause damage to the opponent - such participants were disqualified.

Representatives of the breed are calm and very “silent”, usually unobtrusive and not aggressive. But they are difficult to train, stubborn, and sometimes unpredictable towards strangers and other dogs.

The breed is prohibited in Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Bermuda, some states of America, etc.

Although this breed is recognized as potentially dangerous in Russia, it is common among dog breeders in the country. Large size (males reach 75 centimeters in height and 50 kilograms in weight), thick coat that protects well from frost, courage and distrust of strangers - characteristics due to which the dog is increasingly used for protection.

Originally bred to protect sheep from wolves. Now it is used for guard duty.

Due to its ferocious nature and intractability to train, the breed is banned (or restricted in breeding) in Denmark and Italy.

Another prohibited breed of dog familiar to Russian people. Interestingly, this is one of the oldest breeds. It was developed in the middle of the 18th century in Germany.

Rottweilers are large, hardy and energetic. They have a fairly balanced character, treat strangers calmly, and love children. At the same time, Rottweilers are quite independent (but not stubborn, like, for example, the already mentioned Tosa Inu!), and require a serious approach to training. The Rottweiler's bite is considered the strongest of all dogs.

The breed is prohibited or restricted in breeding in Spain, France, Israel, American states, Italy, etc.

The breed originally appeared to hunt bears, jaguars, and even track down escaped slaves in Brazil in the mid-20th century. Like the Caucasian Shepherd, the dog is quite large - males reach 70 centimeters in height and weigh 50-60 kg.

Fila Brasileiro can truly be called a man's friend. Dogs of this breed feel their duty to their owners and persistently protect them. This is the problem. There are frequent cases when Phils attack people because of their distrust of strangers.

The breeding and import of the breed is prohibited (or limited) in Cyprus, Malta, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and in a number of European countries - Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Denmark.

This breed appeared as a result of crossing the Carpathian wolf and the German shepherd. It is dangerous because its representatives can behave unpredictably and often attack small children, considering them prey.

Czechoslovakian wolfhounds are very “universal”. Although they were bred to participate in military operations, the dogs were subsequently used as rescuers, search engines, shepherds, and in protective guard service.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfhound is banned in Norway and military camps in the United States.

This breed, as the name suggests, was developed in Argentina almost 100 years ago. Its representatives are not very large size(males weigh on average 50 kg with a height of 64 cm), when compared with a mastiff or Caucasian Shepherd. However, this fact does not make the Great Dane safer. Dogs are characterized by an athletic body structure, the ability to “jump” high and the character of a hunter.

The Dogo Argentino was originally bred to hunt mountain lions, pumas and peccaries. Now they are purchased for security, protection and simply as a companion. Despite this, Dogo Argentinos are banned in 10 countries: Australia, Great Britain, Israel, Spain, Norway, etc.

Allowed dog breeds

Below are breeds whose breeding is not limited, but they are considered potentially dangerous. This means that it has not yet been registered large quantity cases of a dog attacking a person, but the size, character or improper training of the dog can pose a danger to both the owner and strangers.

Another name for the breed is “lion dog”. It is associated with the purpose of Ridgebacks - they were used as assistants by lion hunters. Despite this fact, representatives of the breed are patient, child-friendly, and quiet.

The problem with Rhodesian Ridgebacks is that if not trained correctly they can become unmanageable. Manifests natural character hunter, the dog becomes dominant in the relationship with the owner. Breed not suitable weak people, who are accustomed to allowing their pet a lot.

Most people associate the Chow Chow with good nature, fluffy fur and a sweet look. So it is, representatives of this breed are usually melancholic, constantly “flying in the clouds” and do not particularly pay attention to what is happening around them.

At the same time, Chow Chows do not like strangers and do not trust strangers. Representatives of the breed especially do not like the excessive love of strangers. If the dog doesn't like the desire to be too persistent stranger play or hug, she may attack. If something makes a Chow Chow angry, she is capable of turning from a detached melancholic into an aggressive defender at one moment.

The crossing of bulldogs and terriers by the British gave rise to the history of bull terriers. The result was terrifying: strong body, elongated muzzle, scissor bite. Despite this appearance, the breed is quite peaceful and friendly.

However strong jaw with a "death grip" is dangerous characteristic dogs. If suddenly your pet doesn’t like something, he is capable of biting. Bull Terrier bites are the most dangerous of all dogs.

Gul Dong, bulldog, Pakistani mastiff – there are many different names for this breed. It was originally used in colonial India (modern Pakistan) for baiting wild animals and participating in dog fights.

The dogs' flexibility, strength and strong muscles are combined with their intractability to training, making them one of the most dangerous dogs. They are especially aggressive towards other animals, children and teenagers. They act with lightning speed. Only an experienced dog handler can conquer this breed; an amateur dog breeder cannot handle the task.

The Doberman appeared for the first time in Germany for guard duty. Today they are often used by the military and police. Dobermans have amazing sense of smell and sense of smell. These are very loyal dogs to their owner. They are friendly towards children, peaceful and true "family men".

Despite their moderate temperament, there are frequent cases of Dobermans attacking humans. The fact is that representatives of this breed have poor self-control if they see a threat to their family from a stranger.

In fact, there are no 100% dangerous dog breeds. There are only poorly controlled and tightly built ones. It all depends on the level physical training the owner and his readiness to be the “leader of the pack” in relation to his favorites. Love your dog, train and educate it, and then even the stubborn Ghoul Dong will become an obedient companion!

December 18, 2011, 6:39 pm

10. American Bulldog
Banned in Denmark, Singapore and several municipalities. The breed originated in the far south, where dogs were bred as farm dogs. The bulldog was trained to catch wild pigs, which weigh several hundred kilograms and have a pair of dangerous tusks. If cornered, hogs become dangerous opponents, which requires the dog to great strength and athleticism. Therefore, the bulldog has a high pain threshold. The dog weighs 35-60 kg, although it can be more. 9. Bandog
This term was used back in the Middle Ages to describe big dog, which was released from the chain at night to guard the territory. The modern Bandog is not purebred, there are several "recipes" for how to get a Bandog, including American Pit Bull Terriers and some Mastiffs. The goal is to create a dog with the size of a mastiff and the attack of an American Pit Bull Terrier. The breed became famous in the late 60s when veterinarian John Swinford began breeding them. Now bandogs are banned almost everywhere. 8. Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff, or Neo, originated in Italy, where it competed in gladiator fights at the Colosseum. Such dogs were also used in war. Today they are the defenders of the home. Mastiffs are easy to distinguish by appearance. The largest specimens can weigh up to 100 kg. The Neapolitan Mastiff was used as Hagrid's dog in the Harry Potter films. You cannot have such a breed in Singapore, and in Romania you must be declared sane to do so. 7. Wolfhound
There are many famous breeds of wolves and domestic dogs, including the Czechoslovakian Wolfhound and the Saarloos Wolfdog. Probably the most famous wolfhound is the dog invented by Jack London. White Fang. These dogs are very unpredictable, reacting like a wolf in one case and like a dog in another, and are not considered good pets. There have been several attacks by wolfhounds on humans, usually on small children, who are perceived by the dog as prey. Banned in Norway. 6. Boerboel
Comes from South Africa and resembles in appearance an athletic mastiff. The name translates from Danish as farm dog. They were bred from local African dogs and guard dogs. In the late 1920s, De Beers brought Mastiffs to South Africa to guard their mines, where these dogs made major contributions to the modern breed. Excellent home defenders without unnecessary aggression, they also treat children well. Banned in Denmark. 5. Dogo Argentino
First appeared in Argentina in 1928. Great Danes were developed by crossing the extinct Cordoba fighting dog with several other breeds, including Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux and Irish Wolfhound. Antonio Nores Martinez bred these dogs as mountain lion hunters. They were also used for fighting. They are white in color and resemble a pit bull. The Dogo Argentino is banned in 10 countries, including Australia. New Zealand and Portugal. 4. Preso Canario
This is a massive fighting dog native to the Canary Islands. Weighs more than 50 kg. The dogs were originally bred for the fighting ring. The breed became infamous after dogs named Bane and Hera mauled a 33-year-old lacrosse coach. The dog's owner was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Preso Canario is banned in Australia and New Zealand. 3. Brazilian Fila
This is a large dog that was bred to hunt bears and jaguars and was even used to track down escaped slaves. The family members of these dogs include mastiffs, bulldogs and bloodhounds. A very aggressive breed. Fila doesn't like strangers, and dog show judges are asked not to touch the dog. Banned in the UK. 2. Japanese Tosa Inu
Tosa Inu can weigh 40-100 kg. They are a cross between native Japanese dogs and various Western breeds such as the mastiff and bull terrier. Tosa is also fighting dog, although the Japanese idea of ​​combat is different from others. Before dog fights there is a whole ceremony. The fights are reminiscent of sumo wrestling, with the winner receiving the title of Yokotsuna. Tosa displays unusual durability, fighting silently without growling. It is banned in Denmark, Norway and Malta, among other countries. 1. American Pit Bull Terrier
Pit bulls were bred by crossing bulldogs and terriers for dog fighting. In this matter, the pit bull has no equal. Prized for his strength and tenacity, the pit bull soon became the city's symbol of male crime. Due to poor breeding and training, dogs began to attack people, most often with fatal results. In the old days, pit bull owners washed their dogs before fighting to eliminate the risk of poisoning. Banned in Miami-Dade, Ontario and many countries.

A dog is man's friend. However, many people forget that this is still a wild animal, which is not always successfully trained. For example, in the late 1980s, cases of dog attacks on people became more frequent. As a result, pit bulls and related breeds fell into disrepute.

There was even a wave of bans on certain types of dogs. For example, in 1991, the Parliament of the United Kingdom officially banned the adoption of dangerous dog breeds such as Japanese Tosa Inu, Dogo Argentino, pit bulls and Fila Brasileiro.

This initiative was supported by several other countries. Even in those states where such breeds have been officially approved, owners have found it quite difficult to obtain insurance.

American Bulldog. These dogs are officially banned in Singapore, Denmark and some other countries. The breed has become famous since the end of the 19th century. It is one of the closest and most intact relatives of the English Bulldog. The breed originally appeared in the south of the country, where these bulldogs were used as watchdogs. They were especially trained to hunt wild pigs. But these creatures weigh several hundred pounds and are quite ferocious. That is why the trained dogs were large, strong and quite dangerous. When attacking its victim, the American bulldog would cling to its throat until its owner approached. The peculiarity of the breed is its high pain threshold. And American bulldogs weigh from 27 to 54 kilograms.

Bloodhound. Since the Middle Ages, the word “bandog” began to refer to large dogs used as guards. Modern bloodhounds have lost their purebred nature; they are bred from breeds such as mastiffs and pit bull terriers. The size of such a dog is comparable to a Great Dane. Veterinarian John Swynford began breeding the breed in the late 1960s, and it soon became famous. The most famous representative, the Bantu dog, was extremely cruel and famous for its military exploits. Now this breed is banned almost everywhere. And these aggressive animals can weigh from 30 to 50 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff. Another nickname for the breed is neo. She was born in Italy. This type of mastiff was immediately used as a military dog ​​by Roman legionnaires. She also acted as a kind of gladiator in bloody fights. Today, Neapolitan Mastiffs serve as guard dogs. The breed is large and has wrinkled skin, sagging cheeks and loose fur. It was the Neapolitan Mastiff that was taken as the basis for creating the image of the giant Hagrid from the epic Harry Potter. Dangerous dogs are prohibited by law in Singapore, and in Romania, the owner must undergo a preliminary interview with a psychologist before acquiring such a pet.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog). This breed was developed in 1955 in Czechoslovakia by crossing a German shepherd with a Carpathian wolf. The intertwined genetic structure gave the wolfdog an unpredictable character. It's difficult to say when she will behave like a wolf and when like an ordinary dog. Representatives of the breed have a clearly expressed prey drive. This is why sometimes a child is seen as a potential victim, resulting in cases of attacks on children. In general, the dog is considered a good pet, but keeping it is prohibited in Norway.

Boerboel. This dog became widespread in South Africa. Outwardly, she somewhat resembles a sporting bull. The name of the breed literally means “farm dog” in Dutch. Boerboels take their origins from African and guard dogs. In 1920, the breed appeared on the mainland from Europe, specifically for the protection of diamond copies in South Africa. Dogs are excellent guards, they love children and do not show outright aggression. The huge dogs reach a weight of 60 kg and are banned in Denmark. Boerboels are very strong and resilient, however, the owner is required to carry out constant grueling training.

Dogo Argentino In 1928, the breed was created by Dr. Antonio Martinez. 10 different breeds took part in the creation process. This includes the Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Irish Wolfhound, and English Pointer. Each of them gave the new breed something of its own. Irish Wolfhound - speed, Great Pyrenees - endurance and white color, Great Dane - height. The breeder bred these dogs specifically for hunting mountain lions and pumas. In a pack of five dogs, at least two turn out to be suicide bombers, which requires courage from the dogs. They are a real pile of muscles, and weigh up to 65 kg. The Dogo Argentino looks like an enlarged pit bull. Breeding this breed is prohibited in 10 countries, including Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. True, despite its terrible appearance, the dog was never used as a fighting dog.

Presa Canario. The Dogo Canario comes from Spain. The breed was recognized relatively recently, in 2001. At the same time, a dog marked the first case of killing a person. The victim died right in the corridor of his house. The owners of that dog were found guilty of murder and sentenced to long prison terms. She guards well and senses her territory, loves tranquility. The appearance of an uninvited guest can lead to an outbreak of aggression. The dangerous animal is banned in New Zealand and Australia. The history of the development of Great Danes goes back several centuries. They were not bred artificially; this breed developed naturally in the Canary Islands.

Fila Brasileiro. The large Brazilian Mastiff was once used to hunt jaguars and wild boars. The ancestors of the breed are most likely mastiffs. Of all the prohibited dogs, this is the most disobedient. The Brazilian Mastiff is an excellent guard dog who does not trust strangers. Some fanciers even value this breed for its aggressiveness. Even at exhibitions, judges are not recommended to touch them. This breed is banned in the UK. Although the dog is loyal to its owner and his family, numerous guests can cause aggression.

Japanese Tosa Inu. This breed is also called the Japanese Mastiff. She was bred at one time in the Principality of Tosa just for dog fighting. Local Japanese dogs crossed with bulldogs, mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards imported from Europe. The result is a breed that can fight silently and is distinguished by increased durability. She does not rush at the enemy and does not growl, but tries to pin him with her body. Although sales of Tosa Inu from Japan itself are extremely rare, this breed is banned in Malta, Norway, Denmark and other countries.

American Pit Bull Terrier. This dog is a real terror to man. Meanwhile, most fears are in vain. Pit bulls were bred from early bulldogs and terriers specifically to fight other dogs. In this they really have no equal. This is a strong breed, capable of fighting to the end and winning no matter what. However, today, unfortunately, pit bulls are a symbol of criminal offenses associated with dogs. But an attack on a person is associated only with poor care of the dog and its poor training. Initially, she was not bred to attack people, so she does not show aggression. This good-natured pet should not be considered a deadly enemy. True, it was banned in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the Canadian province of Ontario and some countries.

In the 80s, due to the frequent attacks of dogs on people of breeds such as Pit Bull and other breeds close to it, keeping these dogs at home was prohibited. Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - photos and descriptions of breeds. After the UK authorities decided to ban many Japanese breeds dogs posing a threat to humans, other states supported this initiative.

Moreover, even in those countries where there are no restrictions on keeping dogs, you have to work hard to get insurance for aggressive dogs.

Banned dogs in Europe and America

American Bulldog

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - American Bulldog

Dogs of this breed are prohibited in countries such as Singapore, Denmark and many others. American Bulldogs were bred to watchdog. The American Bulldog was supposed to catch pigs, which have a powerful body and are very aggressive in nature. To catch such a dangerous and wild animal, you must have an aggressive dog. When attacking a victim, the bulldog grabs it with its fangs and holds it tightly until it sees its owner. Bulldogs are distinguished by the absence pain threshold. The average bulldog's weight ranges from 80 to 120 pounds, although larger varieties are also found.

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Bloodhound

This name in the distant past was applied to all large dogs, who were bred as guards. Today, the Bloodhound is a cross between breeds such as Mastiff and Pit Bull, but is similar in size to average dog. First time breeding this breed became zoologist John Swynford in the 60s, as a result of which they quickly gained popularity. The veterinarian's favorite dog, Bantu, was famous for his incredible cruelty and excellent fighting skills. Currently, bloodhounds are banned in almost all countries of the world. Bloodhounds grow from 70 to 140 pounds.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Neapolitan Mastiff

This dangerous breed is briefly called Neo. The Neapolitan Mastiff's homeland is Italy, where in ancient times the dogs were used as gladiators. Dogs participated only in the bloodiest battles to add spectacle to the performance. Today Mastiffs are bred as guard dogs. Mastiffs have wrinkled skin, sagging cheeks and short hair. It was his image that helped create one of the main characters of Harry Potter - Hagrid. Neo is prohibited in Singapore, but in Romania, before getting insurance for the dog, the owner will have to visit a psychologist.

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Volchak

The name itself suggests that Volchak is a cross between a wolf and a dog. To create this breed, scientists used the Carpathian wolf and the German shepherd. Since the dog has a very unusual genetic structure, it behaves extremely unpredictably, thereby presenting a danger to others. Sometimes the behavior of a dog can be felt as if it were a real wolf, and sometimes the qualities of a German Shepherd appear. These dogs are distinguished by their well-developed prey instinct. It is not surprising that most often animals attack small children, since for them they are just prey. In Norway, the Wolfdog is banned, although in fact he is not an aggressive dog.

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Boerboel

This breed of dog with such a funny name looks very similar to Mastiffs. Boerboel means "farm dog" in Dutch. Dogs were actively bred in the 20s of the last century in the countries of Southern Africa, where they served as guards. The dogs were brought there from Europe so they could guard the diamond company. The dogs are absolutely not aggressive, love people and children very much, are excellent guards, and weigh about 150 pounds. The Boerboel is banned in Denmark.

Dogo Argentino

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Dogo Argentino

This breed first saw the light of day in 1928 and since then it has been actively propagated. The dog is a cross between a Dogue de Bordeaux, an Irish Wolfhound and a Great Dane. Antonio Nores originally planned to create a dog that could easily hunt mountain lions. Outwardly, the Dogo Argentino is very similar to Pit Bull, although the Dogo is noticeably larger than him in size. Currently, Dogo Argentinos are banned in 10 countries, including Portugal, Australia and New Zealand.

Banned dogs in Europe and America – Presa Canario

The dogs were bred in Spain and gained worldwide fame for killing a person in a residential building. Initially, the creators planned to breed dogs that could become excellent fighters. After the incident, the dog's owners were found guilty and sentenced to 15 years to life imprisonment. The Presa Canario breed is banned in Australia and New Zealand. Animals can weigh up to one hundred kilograms or even more.

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Brazilian Mastiff

Another name for this breed is the Brazilian Mastiff. These thugs are used by people to hunt dangerous animals such as jaguar and wild boar. Of the entire list of dogs, the Brazilian Mastiff is considered the most naughty, because it is almost impossible to train. Mastiffs are famous for their extreme aggressiveness and mistrust of strangers. These animals are so dangerous that even during exhibitions they are kept under special strictures. The Brazilian Mastiff is banned in the United Kingdom.

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - Tosa Inu

The breed was developed in Japan, and its ancestors are breeds such as Mastiff, Bull Terrier and some other aggressive dogs. Japanese Tosa Inu are distinguished by the fact that they never growl or even whine. Today they are banned in Malta, Norway, Denmark and a number of other countries.

American Pit Bull

Prohibited dogs in Europe and America - American Pitbull

Everyone knows this dog as a killer machine, because no breed has been slandered as much as it. As many have already guessed, dogs were bred to fight other dogs, which, by the way, the animals excelled at. Pit Bull is famous for his strength and speed, and for the sake of victory he is ready to make any sacrifice. In fact, dogs are not as scary as they seem, since the only thing that can make them dangerous is poor care. Pit Bulls were not created for the purpose of attacking people, so these dogs never show aggression towards people. And yet, in some countries, the Pit Bull is considered a dangerous animal, which is why the dog is banned in Florida, Miami-Dade and Canada.