Japanese Chin care. Japanese Chin: an unusual breed - main features. Should I get a haircut?

Another name for Japanese Spaniel. The “sofa” dog comes from Japan. For a long time, only a select few could afford to have such a pet.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Chin came to Japan from China. The monks of Tibet created a decorative dog, whose purpose was to entertain the court nobility. Ordinary people were forbidden to have an elite pet, and they were inaccessible. Hin means jewel. They were given as gifts and used as payment, or sold. It is believed that the baby came to Japan in 732, as a gift from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese.

After the formation of trade relations with Japan, the ports became open. The sailors bought or simply stole the “overseas miracle” and took it home. Many dogs died, unable to endure the long journey on the ship. But those that came to Europe were in incredible demand among representatives of high society. But some dogs settled in the families of sailors.

By the mid-19th century, the Japanese Chin became the most sought after breed in Europe and America. At that time they were called Japanese spaniels, although they are not related.


According to the ICF classification, “Japanese” belong to the Toi and Companion group.

A small dog, square in size, body length should be equal to the height at the withers. The baby's height is 20-27 cm. Weight can range from 1.4 kg to 6.0 kg. But on average, the optimal weight is 4 kg. Frail physique.

The head is round and looks disproportionately small compared to the body. The muzzle is short, brachycephalic.

The coat is long and straight, silky to the touch. Has no undercoat. Characteristic feathering appears on the neck, tail and ears.

The tail is wrapped in a ring and inclined to one side. Most dogs are black -white color, but red spots are also acceptable.

The paws are “hare” with hair between the toes, this gives the limbs an elongated shape.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin shows tongue.


The dog, which has served as decoration since time immemorial, is very attached to humans. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. From lack of attention, she can withdraw into herself and become nervous and capricious. Little ones who are averse to leadership. Punishment of chins is unacceptable; the maximum that can be done is to imitate the behavior of the mother and shake him by the withers. An affectionate little one with a soft, easy-going character, well suited as a first dog. This is the only dog ​​that washes itself with its paw, like a cat. She loves to lie on the high backs of the sofa.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Content Features

Due to the lack of undercoat, the dog hardly sheds. But grooming should be daily. Brushing with a single-row comb will protect your pet from tangles. Wash only when necessary.

The dog's eyes and nasal folds require special care. Without proper attention, the bulging eyes begin to fester, and the muzzle begins to ooze bad smell. It is good to clean your ears with a cotton swab and peroxide and ventilate them from time to time. To do this, you just need to wrap your ears for a few minutes. Nails are trimmed once or twice a month, or as needed. The Japanese Chin makes an ideal companion for older people. He does not require active walks and will be happy to accompany you on leisurely walks. Not recommended for families with children under 4 years old. Not because a dog can bite a baby, but quite the opposite. A child through negligence can cause serious injuries to a baby.

Young Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin girl with puppies.

Japanese Chin champion.


On average, Japanese Chins live 10-12 years. But they are not distinguished by enviable health. They are characterized by diseases of all decorative dogs and breeds with a brachycephalic appearance.

  • Exposure heatstroke;
  • Cataract;
  • Turn of the century;
  • Retinal atrophy;
  • Dislocated knee;
  • Possible heart problems.

To reduce the risk of a dog getting sick, a puppy should be purchased only from proven and reliable nurseries. A responsible breeder will never breed a genetically problematic dog.

Despite the fact that the Japanese Chin appeared in our country recently, it is considered one of the most ancient dogs, and the dogs immediately found their admirers. Externally, Japanese Chins resemble Pekingese, but they also have significant differences. What is known about these cute little dogs and what should future owners prepare for?

Study of ancient breeds - difficult task, and researchers are not always able to figure out all the nuances of the origin of dogs. The same thing happened with Japanese chins. There are suggestions that they came to Japan in the 3rd century AD along with monks from Tibet. Most likely, they were presented as a gift to the emperor of the country, thus the imperial court became their place of residence. Back then, puppies of this breed were given exclusively to important, noble guests. In addition, they were kept in temples. There was a belief that quinines were able to ward off evil spirits.

Even then, dogs had an amazing appearance, and it was believed that they were the result of crossing dogs with other creatures. But geneticists managed to find out that spaniels were used to create this breed. For hundreds of centuries, no one really knew about the existence of this breed of dog. Their penetration into the countries of Europe and America occurred only in 1853.

Description of the Japanese Chin breed

The first thing that comes to mind when you see these funny creatures is how cool they are! You have to fight the irresistible desire to embrace the animal and squeeze it. But the owners hasten to assure that the chin is not so simple and will not allow such an attitude. Yes, doggie for a long time was a favorite of emperors and their entourage, however, he had security and protective qualities in his blood. This is a decorative breed, but the dog will be able to fend for itself and its household.

As for appearance, what immediately attracts attention is the long, luxurious coat of the Chin. It does not have a dense undercoat and is especially lengthened in the area of ​​the tail, head and ears. But the tip of the dog’s muzzle is practically hairless.

Maximum height Japanese chins are 25 cm, and weight depends on the category, the first includes tiny individuals weighing from 2 to 4 kg, the second includes larger dogs, whose weight can reach 8 kg. According to standard data, representatives of the breed must meet the following description:

In general, Japanese Chins have an amazing appearance, the features of which appear already in puppyhood.

Colors of the breed

There are two colors of dogs of this breed:

According to the standard, there must be spots around the eyes, ears, it is also desirable that they be on the body. The advantage is the notch white, located in the center of the bridge of the nose and on the top of the head.

Personality of the Japanese Chin

It is not for nothing that the Japanese Chin is considered the best companion dog, because almost every individual of this breed has a set of qualities that are wonderful for these purposes. They honed their skills for many centuries, living in noble families. Chins are distinguished by extreme affection for their family. They can be called real suckers, and the dogs do not become attached to only one person. Such a pet is always open to new acquaintances, but at the first meeting he is suspicious of strangers.

For little ones decorative dogs An important component is early socialization, otherwise the puppy will become shy and it will be difficult to tolerate new acquaintances. Chinchines are kind, affectionate and excellent as a pet for an elderly person. But in a family with children, difficulties are possible, since the Chin does not like careless attitude or rudeness. Also, such a dog does not like noise, screams and may show dissatisfaction.

When purchasing such a pet, future owners should take into account that it needs to communicate with people, and prolonged loneliness can cause depression. Japanese Chin will a great option for beginners, as it does not require rigidity and exactingness. Some habits make these dogs look like cats. For example, they are able to climb almost any furniture, like to clean themselves for a long time and thoroughly, and rarely speak out.

Pets are moderately playful, happy to be near the family, even if each of them minds their own business. They love to accompany their owner everywhere. And if the majority ornamental breeds are quite noisy, then chins are an exception. Whatever happens, they will silently watch.

Chins rarely exhibit the dominant quality, so they get along well with other pets. This is one of the breeds, representatives of which can be kept several individuals at a time, and the gender is absolutely unimportant. But keep them together with large dogs not recommended, however, quinines react painfully to roughness. As for cats, a Japanese Chin that has been socialized will respond favorably to them. Otherwise, it may drive, but it won’t cause serious damage.

The liveliness and activity of chins is touching, but they cannot be called overly energetic. Yes, they need to be taken out for walks every day, where they run around with pleasure, but this is quite enough for pets. Therefore, a puppy of this breed can be safely purchased by families that are not particularly different. in an active way life. Among the Chins, there are often real lazy people who can bask and lie down for days, and are reluctant to go for walks, especially in bad weather. But in any case, you should definitely drive them.

Features of education and training

Towards the appearance small pet you definitely need to prepare. First of all, you should determine a place for it and buy or build a special lounger. Subsequently, the dog will consider this territory his own; here he will rest and hide from the hustle and bustle. You will also need to purchase two bowls - one for food, the other for water, a collar, a leash, accessories for games and a tray in which the puppy will relieve himself until he has received all his vaccinations.

It is important to remove all wires from the floor, place things and shoes in a locker, otherwise the puppy, not yet knowing the rules of behavior, may damage property. Although chins do not require strict training, the owner must determine the hierarchy - his own and the pet's. Only after realizing that the owner is one step higher will the pet completely obey.

When raising a child, it is important to use both encouragement and punishment. In the latter case, it is enough to raise your voice a little or spank, for example, with a rolled up newspaper, but strong physical impact is not recommended. Raising a Chin is not difficult; it is enough to accompany your own actions with words or phrases. For example, say “eat” when inviting your pet to eat, “wash paws” before this procedure, “not allowed” if the dog does something forbidden, etc.

You can't call the Japanese Chin the most smart dog, in this regard they are somewhere in the middle of the list. However, their intellectual abilities are quite enough to carry out commands, the main thing is that the owner is not lazy and exercises the pet regularly. You can exercise at home, devoting 7-10 minutes daily, this will be enough for the dog to become obedient and well-mannered.

To make the process easier, you should work with the dog in a comfortable environment for it, using your favorite treat and only in a good mood for both participants. Also, when training a Japanese Chin, constant reinforcement of the material is required, otherwise the dog may quickly forget the acquired skills. Chins are excellent tricksters and are able to amaze with their intelligence, naturally, if you approach the issue seriously and take into account their characteristics.

How to care for a Japanese Chin

Representatives of this breed require special care, although this becomes clear at the first glance at the dogs. And first of all, you will have to take care of their coat. Chines are brushed regularly, using a furminator only as necessary - during seasonal shedding periods. Their fur is not prone to tangling, so it is quite easy to deal with.

Photo of Japanese Chin

Video about Japanese Chin

How much does a Japanese Chin puppy cost?

If, after studying the information and deciding for yourself that the Japanese Chin is what you need, you should check out the prices:

  • The starting cost of a Japanese Chin puppy is 10,000 rubles. This is exactly how much you can buy a pet for secondhand. But in this case, there is a risk of buying not a purebred puppy, but a mixed breed, since Chins are often bred with representatives of another oriental breed- Pekingese. And that's the best case scenario.
  • In nurseries, the cost of puppies will be higher - on average, 25,000-30,000 rubles. But here you don’t have to worry about the purity of the breed, the kids will have all the vaccinations and documents.

The Japanese Chin is a dog that lives with equal dignity in an imperial palace and an ordinary apartment. He knows how to inspire respect and at the same time be very affectionate and flexible. Able to empathize and feel the mood of the owners. Such a pet needs respect and constant attention, so if you don’t have time for a dog, it’s better to choose a puppy of a different breed.

Japanese Chin nurseries

  • Moscow https://www.imperiumauri.ru/
  • St. Petersburg http://parrima-arih.ru/

Japanese Chin - native to the Country rising sun. Bred to be a source good mood in the imperial palace. In the animal’s homeland, the word “dog” will never be used in relation to it. She is a treasure for the local people. Let's take a closer look at this beautiful creature.

Description and photo

Let's start the description of the breed with the appearance of the animal.

Standard and appearance

Chins get along well with children, but only school age and older. They don’t really like little ones, as they can easily offend them. They get along easily with other pets, even with.

Important! Due to the fact that chins have flattened faces, it is difficult for them to breathe in the heat and severe frost. Therefore, they live better in an apartment or in a house, but not on the street.

How to care for a dog

The breed does not require special care. and curls are not for her.


The dogs are very neat. After walks, even in terrible slush, the white fur will remain clean, since the dirt does not stick to it, but simply rolls off. But you need to constantly comb a long fur coat - it gets tangled very quickly.

The fur on the paw pads requires trimming as it grows.


Clean Chins are rarely bathed. Only if the animal is very dirty, or before an exhibition. You can use dry shampoo, but only in extreme cases. To make the coat shine better, after water procedures apply a special cream to it. If you need your animal's fur to dry faster, you can use a hairdryer.

Inspect for irritations and infections

This inspection should be carried out regularly, especially after walks. Ears and eyes are cleaned approximately once a week using a cotton swab and special solution. The veterinarian picks him up. Teeth are brushed weekly. Claws are trimmed as they grow.

Walking and physical activity

When walking, the chin constantly strives to climb somewhere. Therefore, it is better to walk him within the city on a leash, and outside the city, where there are no buildings, you can let the dog run. Before a walk, it is advisable to wear a tick collar, as these insects can easily crawl from the grass onto your pet’s long fur coat.

If you are an active person and like to jog, be sure to take your pet with you. Despite their graceful appearance, chins are very hardy and are able to cover long distances.

You are a calm and balanced person - nothing to worry about. Hina will be happy to commit walking with you. This will be enough for them. If there is no time for a walk, the animal will understandably go to the toilet for a potty or a newspaper.

What to feed your pet

Puppies love to eat. But you shouldn’t overfeed them, otherwise it will lead to obesity and a number of health problems. The menu for both adult and small dogs should include: beef, fish, poultry, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir.

If it is convenient for you, you can feed the animal with special ones.

If your female has given birth to offspring, then one month old babies should be given cottage cheese mixed with milk or kefir. When the puppy learns to eat this mixture on its own, you can gradually introduce minced meat. At 1.5 months, porridge is added to the diet, at two - boiled vegetables, at three - fresh vegetables, fish.

About training and education

The breed is easy to handle, unlike other small dogs. When training, always be gentle and praise your pet as much as possible. Doesn't always accept rewards in the form of treats. You need to train every day, but exercises should be alternated so as not to get tired.

Having mastered basic commands, Chin can easily learn unusual tricks.

Important! No aggression, cruelty or harsh words during training. Otherwise it will only get worse.

Breed health

They have no particular health problems. If the disease overcomes, it can strike:

  • endocrine system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • eyes;
  • reproductive system;
  • skeleton.

The appearance of these ailments is associated with his genetic feature - dwarfism. Violation of proportions in the skeleton leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs. This does not mean that your pet will necessarily develop one of the listed ailments. Follow all the rules for caring for and maintaining your pet, and it will live with you for many years.

Japanese Chin- a peace-loving animal that is always near its owner. The older the pet, the stronger its devotion and stronger the bond with its owner. Therefore, do not leave your pet alone for a long time and do not hand it over to the wrong hands, otherwise it will be very stressful for him.


Origin: Japan


Usage: Indoor decorative dog

Color: white with black or red spots. Red Chins come in a variety of shades, from very light to almost brown. The spots are well defined. Characteristic sign breeds - colored ears and spots around the eyes

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - about 25 cm, females a little smaller; weight: usually from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, but there are also larger individuals

Lifespan: on average 10-12 years, but chins often live up to 20 years

In their homeland, Japan, these little graceful creatures are treated with reverence.

"Hin" means jewel in Japanese. The Japanese never use the word "dog" ("inu") to refer to chins.

There are dogs, and there are chins - the Sacred Lions of the Buddha. According to legend, chins originated from the union of a lion and a butterfly, and have the ability to ward off evil spirits.

The Japanese Chin is a small, slender, graceful dog with a proud posture, a wide, short head, with huge eyes and long hair.

Japanese Chin dogs, photos of which you have seen more than once, are recognized as a unique breed.

History of the breed

Chin tribal books have been preserved since the 14th century. Their ancestors were dogs that were brought to Japan from China by Buddhist monks.

Another probable version: the Korean emperor gave the ruler of Japan a pair of chins as a token of gratitude in 732.

Until now, many chin nurseries are patronized by the imperial family.

It is almost impossible to buy a dog from such a kennel - they become a precious gift.

The Japanese Chin breed (photo) has long enjoyed special privileges - they had their own servants and doctors, and only royalty could own this treasure.

The Englishman Matthew Colbright Parry brought the chins to the mainland and presented the unprecedented rarity to the queen.

Soon, all of Europe was carried away: chins were smuggled by sea, doomed to certain death.

You can see a true Japanese Chin outside Japan only occasionally at shows.

In their homeland, they are still considered national wealth and do not allow themselves to make a profit from breeding and selling chins.


Miniature Chins are intelligent, emotional, affectionate and playful, like .

They are happy to perform simple tricks and always count on praise; they love to be the center of attention.

Chins are surprisingly loving - they are ready to rejoice at every person they know, but they treat strangers with disdain rather than wariness.

Dogs love walks, but they cannot be called too active.

Favorite places are the back of the sofa and unexpected corners that cats usually choose.

Another similarity with cats is that if you manage to earn the love of a Chin, he will be very gentle and responsive.

The pet will do its best to show you its affection and affection, making sounds that are more similar to purring and gurgling than to a dog barking.

Chins are more obedient than most miniature breeds, although sometimes they are stubborn and show character.

Don't be surprised if your treasure avoids communication, it means that the day before you were inattentive and forgot to witness your tender feelings to "Mr. Hin".

Active and cheerful dogs are balanced and devoted to their owners, just like with.

They are excellent companions for those who want to little friend calmly basked on his knees, quietly snoring in his sleep.

Please note that Chins really need communication with their owner and constant confirmation of their special relationship.

Khin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick.


Japanese Chin – ideal pet for living in an apartment.

Many owners never tire of praising the quiet, calm temperament and good manners of this dog.

How to choose a puppy

Purebred dogs are divided into several classes:

  • Pet class. Dogs are pets for the soul.
  • Breeding class. Esterter of high-level breeding class dogs.
  • Show class. These are real aristocrats, there are not many of them. To buy such a dog, you will have to wait a long time for your turn and pay the full price.

If you decide to purchase a breed or show class china, start by visiting exhibitions.

There you will determine which kennel dogs you like, and you will be able to negotiate with the owner about purchasing a puppy from certain parents.

Chins really need communication with their owner and constant confirmation of their special relationship. Khin must be sure that he is the most loved, beautiful and smart, otherwise he will be nervous and may get sick

As in other breeds, quinine males are larger than females, they are more independent and express their gender more clearly.

Male puppies need to be raised strictly; walks with them last longer, and constant supervision is required.

Chin bitches are flexible and obedient, all their attention is focused on their owner.

When contacting a breeder, clearly formulate your requirements, and they will select a suitable dog for you.

If you decide to trust your heart and choose a puppy yourself, pay attention to the following points:

  • The puppy's development should correspond to its age.
  • Between the plump and skinny puppies, choose the first.
  • The coat should be, like that of dogs of the breed, shiny and without bald spots, the skin should be free of scratches and wounds, the eyes and ears should be clean.
  • The dog should not limp.
  • Bloated tummy and warm nose they talk about feeling unwell.
  • In a healthy puppy good appetite, cheerful mood and clear eyes.

All puppies are adorable, but you must understand that they will soon grow up and lose their childish charm.

Chat with the puppies, and you will definitely develop a mutual sympathy with one of them.

At such moments, buyers forget about their demands and take away with them the chin that first climbed onto their laps or licked their nose.

Features of care


Caring for quinines is not difficult. Their coat is straight, so it does not tangle; dogs need to be combed only when shedding in spring and autumn.

There will be no problems with bathing either - three times a year is enough.

The coat is dry, without undercoat, and has a wonderful ability to repel dirt.

Even if the dog has been fussed over during a walk, all it needs to do is let it dry, and very soon the lumps of dirt will fall off on their own, and the fur will shine clean again.

Caring for Japanese Chins boils down to examining the ears and eyes.

At the first symptoms of eye inflammation, you need to rinse with tea and carefully wipe the ears with a medicine recommended by a veterinarian.

You can read more about what to do if your dog has pus in his eyes in the article

If the fur between the toes becomes too long, it needs to be trimmed carefully.

Claws are trimmed every 7-10 days so that they do not have time to grow.


The Japanese Chin is very clean; it never picks up anything from the ground or takes anything from the hands of others.

If the owner does not have enough time, the chin does not need to be taken outside; he has been accustomed to neatness since childhood, and immediately understands why a newspaper is laid out in a certain place.

This lap dog feels great at home and does not require daily walks.


Small chins can be voracious, but you should not follow their lead, otherwise the dog will get fat and get sick.

Your dog's diet should include:

  • Animal proteins. Beef, fish, poultry. Fatty meat is excluded.
  • Carbohydrates. Porridges and vegetables must be mixed with meat or fish.
  • Calcium. For breakfast, cottage cheese diluted with kefir is suitable.

There is no need to share “human” food with your dog.

Japanese Chins are not fussy eaters, so you can maintain the diet they were accustomed to from the breeder.

For example, you can feed Chinchina if you are comfortable with it.

Japanese Chins are excellent mothers, so the puppies are always well fed and washed.

From one month on, babies should be fed cottage cheese, diluted milk or kefir.

First, feed the cottage cheese from your finger, then teach the puppies to eat from a saucer.

Only after the kids get used to this diet can you move on to minced meat, and then to small pieces.

By one and a half months, porridge is added to the diet, by two months - boiled vegetables, by three months - raw fruits and vegetables, fish.

Important! Chins sometimes become depressed from jealousy or resentment towards their owner. During such periods, the dog may go on a hunger strike. Don't try to quell a riot by removing the food bowl - you may escalate the situation.

Japanese Chin: the oldest breed of indoor dog

Japanese Chin. Description of the Japanese Chin dog breed. History of the breed. The character of Japanese Chins and their habits. How to choose a Japanese Chin puppy. Features of care and nutrition. What diseases do Japanese Chins suffer from?

The Japanese Chin will make a good companion and will delight all family members with its friendly and reserved disposition. Caring for the animal is not difficult, because Japanese chins are unpretentious in feeding and walking.

This is a breed of decorative, miniature dogs, originally from Japan. Particularly friendly and sociable animals, friendly and endlessly devoted to their owners. They are considered the best companions.

Representatives of this breed are also called “Japanese spaniel”. The stern Japanese call these animals “jewels,” since the word hin literally means “precious.”

  • If you believe ancient legends, dogs originated from the union of a monkey with a lion, so they can easily behave like cats - meow and talk. A description of the breed is given below.

In ancient times, only emperors and noble people could buy a dog, since spaniels were very expensive.

  • They were bred in special nurseries, where an entire army monitored the health of the animals. veterinarians. Rich Japanese carried dogs with them everywhere in cages or attached them to the sleeves of their kimonos.

Japanese Chin - small dog, its height at the withers is 24-26 cm, weight no more than 3.5 kg. Wool medium length, the color is white with black spots and white with various inclusions of brown - from chocolate to light apricot.

  • Dogs live for a long time- up to 14 years old. The muzzle is upturned, the nose is flattened, the eyes are wide open.
  • The coat is of medium length and sheds moderately, with bitches shedding more intensely. Especially long hair cover the back of the legs, ears, chest and neck. The spaniel has a so-called “collar” at the withers; it is soft and silky to the touch and does not fall into tangles.
  • The color of the nose depends on the color of the coat: with a white-black exterior the nose is black, with any shade of red the nose matches the shade of the coat.

  • A characteristic feature of the breed is the tail, curled into a tube towards the back. It is fluffy and unfolded like a fan. The eyes are expressive, large and round.

The dog walks proudly next to its owner, raising its paws high and fluffing its tail.

Character of the breed

These are calm and balanced animals that will not bark over trifles. They may show concern when the doorbell rings or a stranger visits, but they will never burst into heart-rending barking - Japanese restraint does not allow this. A playful and cheerful disposition will quickly make your pet a family favorite.

The Japanese Chin dog breed will save you from depression in difficult times; they are always ready to communicate and will please the eye with their beautiful appearance.

Japanese Chins especially love to climb cabinets and climb high furniture; in addition, spaniels love to wash themselves, which really reminds them of a cat. Dogs also have special jumping ability and can cover distances much greater than their height.

  • The Japanese Chin gets along well with all family members and is patient with children and family members.

However, the spaniel is devoted to only one person, whom he considers his master. He considers the rest of his household to be his equals, as members of the same pack.

The pet is distinguished by its fearlessness, it is not afraid of anything big dogs, nor strangers and will do his best to protect his beloved owner. This quality of the spaniel imposes obligations on the owner: he requires good care.

You need to walk, communicate, play and love with your chin, then the spaniel will grow up docile and obedient. Caring for a pet becomes a source of joy for the pet and its owner.

The dog remains friendly with other animals that live in the house. However, it is not always clear what is going on in the head of a little spaniel.

The animal requires attention to its person, and in the absence of communication it can become jealous and irritable. Loneliness is so unacceptable for him that the pet misses and yearns for its owner.

Trainability is average, but spaniels are happy to perform various tricks. The pet will complete tasks if it is interesting to him.

  • If you show enough patience, training your Chin will be successful. You should work with the animal for 10-15 minutes a day, repeating commands. In just a few days he will master the requirements and begin to do what his owner requires him to do.


Since the nose of the Japanese Chin is not very flattened, there are no particular problems with breathing and cardiovascular system does not arise. With proper care, chinas will live a long time. Heart disease is possible in old age, as in all other dogs.

There are no specific diseases. The animal can withstand heat and cold and does not require additional wrapping in the cold.

  • Correct physique and proportional head ensure easy childbirth in bitches.

The only danger that awaits the Japanese Chin is eye injuries, since they are large and round. In the corners eyeball Dirt may accumulate, so they should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in tea.

These activities ensure proper care for your pet. In hot weather, heat stroke is possible, so you should not walk with your pet when high temperature air.

Japanese Chins are unpretentious dogs; they can easily live in a small room. There is no need to bathe your pet often, and besides, they don’t like it.

  • The structure of the hair is such that dirt does not accumulate in it. For hair care during water procedures, it is advisable to buy special shampoo. You should dry your hair with a hairdryer, but not with hot air.

  1. Daily grooming involves short brushing of the coat.
  2. Thorough cleaning is carried out once a week. This should be done not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also because the animal’s fur is capable of matting.
  3. Long hair between the claws should be trimmed. Keeping an animal does not cause any big problems.
  4. Dirt may accumulate in the corners of the eyes, so they should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in tea. If suppuration appears, the disease cannot be started; you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Nails are trimmed once a week.

Cinchona nutrition

It is up to the owner to decide how to feed the pet: dog food or specially prepared food. However, you cannot include in the menu products containing harmful additives- dyes and flavors.

  • Fatty meat, sausage and bones are contraindicated for animals. They can cause digestive upset.
  • Vegetables should also be included in the diet, but there is no need to offer them separately; it is better to mix vegetables with meat.
  • The Japanese Chin is fed twice a day; after eating, the bowl is removed.
  • What should be constantly in front of your pet’s eyes is clean water.

The Japanese Chin is an ideal dog for keeping in an apartment. Caring for and maintaining the animal does not take much time; chins do not require long walks, but they should be outdoors every day.

Many people are afraid to get a dog because of long hair, assuming that it will be scattered throughout all the rooms. However, this is not true. The breed does not have an undercoat, so shedding is very moderate.