White rice: the pros and cons of your favorite grain. Rice diet for weight loss: pros and cons

Like any weight loss method, the rice diet for weight loss helps you effectively lose weight, but with one “BUT” - there is no physical activity and constant monitoring of your own nutrition - the weight will return.

Let's discuss how to correctly apply all the benefits of the rice diet and not harm your body. At the moment, the rice diet is relevant because fasting is underway. And what could be better than lean rice with vegetables and fruits?

Here are the first two advantages: we will cleanse the body, and we will spend the whole fast with benefit for the spirit.


1. Needed to cleanse the body. The fact is that rice is a natural absorbent, in other words, it is like, for example, activated carbon is able to remove all waste and toxins from the body.

Based on this, following the rice program for at least three days will have a positive effect on all systems of our body. This is why many people note an improvement in the appearance and structure of nails, hair and skin after finishing the rice diet. This is especially noticeable in those who suffer from acne.

2. It has been seen that in osteochondrosis it has a positive effect on skeletal system. Accumulated deposits of salts between the joints and in the cartilage and the characteristic crunching sound they cause when turning the neck or bending the back forward go away if rice is used correctly as a medicine.

This must be done in the morning on an empty stomach - eat 2 tablespoons of boiled rice, without drinking anything or adding anything. And at the end, withstand at least 2 hours without food and water.

The longer you hold out, the greater the benefits. After finishing, vegetables and fruits, but no later than 19.00. My advice and experience with relative health: 40 days of fasting according to this program will allow you to not feel heaviness in your joints for about six months.

3. Rice diet for weight loss, it is especially effective in the first week, since rice well removes accumulated excess fluid in the skin. Due to this, weight is reduced. Make no mistake, it is possible to eat mountains of rice all day and lose weight.

No, the volume of rice intake is also limited - no more than one glass of dry rice per day. Rice is a pure carbohydrate and unless you accompany a large meal of rice physical activity, then carbohydrates accumulate at your waist or a little lower.

Some of the least successful dieters noted that the weight did not decrease for a long time, almost for seven days, with constant intake of rice. Rice is not buckwheat, you need much less and in mandatory dilute with silage (vegetables and fruits).


Breakfast: boiled rice with various additives such as lemon or orange zest, raisins or dried apricots, dates or bananas, tea or fruit salad.

Dinner: rice soup made only from rice and vegetable broth, accompanied by any one boiled vegetable: carrots, broccoli, zucchini, beans, plus vegetable salad with herbs, perhaps a little olive oil or low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Repeat lunch with other vegetable variations.

This diet lasts 14 days, but it is possible to fast for 4 days. By the way, read how to cook delicious rice several methods here.


  1. Weight returns quickly if you return to your previous diet immediately.
  2. An unlimited amount of rice will transform your diet into rapid weight gain.
  3. If there are any chronic diseases, then it is fundamentally important to monitor the unspecialized condition so as not to complicate health problems.
  4. The rice is getting stronger, watch your stool. It is very bad if the body cleanses itself irregularly (at least once daily). This leads to stagnation of toxins, which, thanks to this diet, must leave the body.

In general, the rice diet leaves mostly good reviews: wellness throughout the diet, no emotions of hunger, dizziness, an improving state of the whole body at the end of it and, of course, lost quickly overweight.

Rice diet. Up to -5 kg ​​per WEEK. Rice diet menu for 3 days.

In the process of cleaning rice grains from the peel and germs, a large amount of biologically active substances. That's why passed the processes The rice contains very little grinding and polishing useful elements. An attempt was made to fight the purification technology in the United States of America. It was the military of this state who invented the method of preparing steamed rice fifty years ago. The culture processed in this way becomes easy to prepare and does not lose its nutritional and positive biological qualities. This article will discuss specifically steamed and harmful to the body, beneficial properties, use of dishes for weight loss or as part of therapeutic diets. Looking ahead, it can be noted that the product has quite positive impact on the body.

Method of obtaining the product

First, what is it? The benefits and harms of eating a product largely depend on the method of its preparation. Steam processing technology is designed to preserve the quality indicators of the grain crop. The point of this processing is that part useful vitamins and microelements passes into the grain from the shell parts. As a result, the glassiness of the grain increases, which is characteristic of crops of this type.

As a result of steaming, rice acquires a yellowish tint with an amber tint, and its fragility decreases. When steamed, the starch contained inside is destroyed. The kernels become monolithic, are saturated with moisture and warm up at the same time.

The use of steam treatment technology allows you to increase the yield of the finished crop. In the following, rice, which is used in cooking variety of dishes, it turns out crumbly and airy. IN lately The product is becoming quite popular. But what effect does steamed rice have on health: is it beneficial or harmful to the body? This is worth dwelling on in more detail.

Composition of parboiled rice

Steamed rice is distinguished by a fairly rich composition of vitamins and microelements (the benefits and harms of any product depend on the presence and variety of groups useful substances, nutritional value), since when treated with steam it retains up to 80% of useful biologically active substances.

The composition of steamed rice includes mono-, di- and polysaccharides (pectin), as well as high-molecular compounds: proteins (7.4%), lipids (0.7%) and carbohydrates (77.6%). Pectin compounds stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels and normalize microflora gastrointestinal tract. Monosaccharides provide the body with energy for growth (which is especially important in childhood), disaccharides perform the same function, but if consumed excessively, they can cause obesity and development cardiovascular diseases, and proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are involved in thermoregulation processes, metabolic processes, saturate and provide required quantity energy.

Vitamins are represented mainly by substances of group B. Steamed rice contains elements E and PP, which respectively resist the destruction of body cells, have a positive effect on the health of the skin and hair and regulate the activity of the nervous system, hormonal balance. As for B vitamins, steamed rice contains the following substances:

  • Thiamine (B1), involved in the body's basic metabolic processes.
  • Riboflavin (B2), promoting the synthesis of other important elements and transformation of amino acids.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5), which takes part in the production of adrenal hormones and corticosteroids.
  • Pyridoxine (B6), which ensures the exchange of amino acids and is especially important for the origin and preservation of life.
  • Folic acid (B9), involved in the production of “happiness hormones”.

Lecithin, methionine, cysteine, lysine, choline - this wealth represents a group of such nutrients, like amino acids. They are the main building element proteins. The microelements that make up the grain crop are also diverse: steamed rice contains iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, calcium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.

Uses of parboiled rice

Steamed rice, however, just like regular rice, can be cooked in huge quantities. various dishes. First of all, this is, of course, porridge. Among the sweet dishes with rice, the most famous are casseroles and puddings. The grain is placed in soups and used as fillings. Rice goes great with both meat and seafood; it perfectly complements and complements sour, spicy and salty dishes.

It is due to the presence of a huge amount of biologically active elements that steamed rice is used to feed infants. Experts advise giving it to children as early as six months of age. Known property of this culture, which consists in positive impact on peristalsis, widely used in folk medicine. But, like any product, rice has positive properties and can have a negative effect on the body.

Beneficial properties of parboiled rice

What are the benefits and harms of parboiled rice? Useful properties product is largely determined by the rich composition and preservation of the culture shells during processing, which preserves biological value rice

Due to the content of lecithin and B vitamins, steamed rice improves brain activity, thereby favorably influencing the central nervous system generally. The benefits of dishes from this culture also extend to the functioning of the hematopoietic system and heart muscle. The consumption of steamed rice is recommended for patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis, as the product helps improve the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. This property is also useful for people old age. In addition, the product effectively removes waste and toxins from the body and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The positive effects of steamed rice do not go unnoticed. genitourinary system. The product improves the functional capacity of the kidneys and the performance of waste channels digestive system from the body, normalizes water-salt balance.

The main feature of the product, which allows people with various disorders digestion is the absence of gluten. Steamed rice envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby protecting its mucous membrane from irritation. The product also reduces the activity gastric juice. This culture can be consumed by those who suffer from diseases such as enteritis, gastritis and ulcers.

The starch contained in steamed rice is slowly destructured, which contributes to the slow and constant absorption of glucose into the blood. This property This is especially true for those patients who this process is problematic. This group of patients includes people suffering diabetes mellitus. They quite often use steamed rice for cooking. The benefits and harms of this culture have been scientifically proven by many doctors.

Negative effects of the product on the body

But buyers pay attention not only to the advantages of this culture. Quite a lot of people are interested in whether it is true that steamed rice is harmful (what exactly and how to minimize negative impact, if the use of the product is necessary, for example, as part of a therapeutic diet).

The main disadvantage of steamed rice, which at the same time is a plus, is its ability to affect intestinal motility. That is, in simple language, overuse product leads to constipation. But this drawback can be easily eliminated: just add fresh fruits and vegetables to your dishes.

Parboiled rice in weight loss diets

Parboiled rice, benefits and harms, preparation and use in weight loss diets are discussed among nutritionists and those losing weight. Parboiled rice is low in calories (only 123 kcal/100 g), and its energy value practically imperceptible to the body, so it promotes rapid release extra pounds.

Nutritionists advise using this crop as the main product of your general diet or during fasting days. Various mono-diets using steamed rice are based on the same principle, but getting carried away with them long time not worth it. The best option will be maintaining a mono-diet for three days. During this period, it must be consumed exclusively without additives - salt, oil or spices. The diet will effectively get rid of several extra pounds, allow you to cleanse the body of toxins and is quite gentle on the body. To use steamed rice for weight loss for a longer time without harm to health, you simply need to combine it with various types of meat and vegetables.

How else to use parboiled rice to maintain health

Parboiled rice contains complex carbohydrates that take a long time to break down, so a serving of porridge as a breakfast would be an excellent choice. The dish will be an excellent source of energy that will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Method for preparing parboiled rice

Steamed rice, the benefits and harms of which have already been discussed above, retains its positive properties with further heat treatment, i.e. cooking porridge. The preparation of the dish is described below.

You need to fill a pan with water and put it on the fire; there should be twice as much water as rice. By the way, the quality of the liquid also needs to be paid attention. It is advisable to use purified water rather than tap water.

While the water is heating up, you need to rinse the rice well. cold water. Even though the product has passed various stages processing and cleaning, but may still contain residues of shells or impurities in the form of other plant crops. After the water boils, you need to salt it a little, because all cereals cook faster in salted water. Cook the rice over low heat under a tight-fitting lid. Please note that steamed rice generally takes longer to cook than regular rice. Cooking time is twenty to twenty-five minutes.

After this period, it is necessary to remove the lid from the pan, cover it with a towel and allow excess moisture to drain. This will ensure that in the end the rice will not be viscous and mushy, but crumbly. You can tell when a dish is ready by its color. The rice will turn from amber yellow to snow white. After all the above manipulations, the dish can be served. This rice will look great with greens.

Benefits of Parboiled Rice for Diabetics

The grain crop is used as part of various therapeutic diets. But what are the benefits and harms of parboiled rice for diabetes? Of course, it is impossible to treat diabetes solely with rice, but the use of the product in for preventive purposes entirely justified. Parboiled rice significantly diversifies the diet of patients with diabetes. In addition, as mentioned above, steamed rice will promote the slow and gradual absorption of glucose and once again enrich the body with biologically active elements.

So, good digestibility, the ability to provide the body a large number vitamins and microelements, promoting weight loss and the possibility of using the product as part of therapeutic diets - all this distinguishes steamed rice. The health benefits and harms have been studied, it has been proven that the positive properties of steamed rice dishes significantly exceed the possible ones negative consequences its excessive use.

From the many rice diet options, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

A strict diet for three days, when you can eat only one glass of rice per day, or try to lose weight for one to two weeks by adding greens, vegetables and other foods to your diet. However, despite all the advantages of this diet, the diet also has its disadvantages.

Rice, particularly brown rice, is very rich in vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It consists of more than seventy percent complex carbohydrates, due to which the body receives so much energy. But as for salt, there is almost no salt in rice, so it will be useful for people suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Due to its properties, rice also cleanses the body and removes toxins.

Short rice diet

There are several options for the rice diet. If you plan to lose weight quickly, then your diet should include only one glass of boiled rice. The duration of this diet is three days. A serving of rice can be eaten immediately or spread over several meals. If hunger is simply unbearable, you can add two or three green apples to the menu.

Weekly rice diet

There is also a more loyal rice diet, designed for a week, in which the diet includes various vegetable broths, fruits, salads, vegetable oil, fermented milk products, herbal teas and bran bread. However, rice remains the main product. In seven days, with this diet, up to three kilograms are lost.

Five volumes

And for those who want not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body, there is a rice diet called “5 volumes”. You will need any five containers.

Next, put two tablespoons of rice in each, cover with water and leave overnight. Change the water in the morning and repeat this procedure three more times. Then, eat the rice from the first container raw on an empty stomach, and put two tablespoons of rice into the newly emptied jar.

Eating is allowed no earlier than two to three hours later. Continue this for two weeks, eating one serving of rice every day. In this case, it is necessary to exclude salt consumption from the diet. It is worth noting that rice purified in this way intensively absorbs toxins from the body, removing them naturally.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the rice diet are obvious: metabolism accelerates, the body is cleansed and accordingly improves general health. Besides this, this diet does not require the purchase of expensive products.

However, despite such an effective cleansing of the body, the rice diet still has many disadvantages. First of all, rice removes from the body not only harmful salts, but also potassium, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this, eat foods rich in this mineral: raisins, dried apricots.

Also, with a rice diet, your stomach may be affected, for example, constipation. In such cases, it is necessary to drink special herbal teas. But the most serious disadvantage is that water is removed from the body in large quantities, due to which weight is lost. That is why it is recommended to do additional exercise: go to the pool, run in the morning and drink at least two liters of water a day.

Thus, after calculating all the pros and cons, decide for yourself whether the rice diet is suitable for you to lose weight.

Rice, especially unpeeled rice, is rich in B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and iron. It contains 78% complex carbohydrates, through which the body receives a lot of energy. But there is almost no salt in rice, so it is useful for people suffering from kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to its adsorbing properties, rice absorbs toxins and cleanses the body: metabolism improves, which, in turn, helps burn excess fat.

There are several ways to make rice. If you want to lose weight quickly, you can try eating only one glass of boiled rice throughout the day. The duration of this diet is 3 days. A portion of rice can be eaten immediately or spread over several meals. If hunger is unbearable, you can add 2-3 green apples to the menu.

A more gentle one is rice for 7 days, in which the menu includes various vegetables and broths made from them, salads, vegetable oil, fermented milk products, bran bread, and herbal teas. But the main product is still rice. In a week, with this diet, up to 3 kg of weight is lost.

For those who want to not only lose weight, but also remove toxins from the body, there is “5 volumes” of rice. It's very simple. You will need 5 containers (glasses, jars), put 2 tablespoons of rice in each and fill with water. The next day, change the water and do this for another 3 days. And then eat the rice from one container raw in the morning on an empty stomach, and put 2 tablespoons of cereal back into the empty jar. Eating is allowed no earlier than 2-3 hours later. Continue this for 2 weeks, eating a portion of washed rice every day. At the same time, salt consumption should be limited. Purified rice acquires a porous structure and intensively absorbs toxins and salts from the body, removing them naturally.

Thus, it is clear that the advantages of the rice diet are obvious: the body is cleansed, metabolism improves and, accordingly, overall well-being. Excess weight is lost. In addition, this diet does not require much effort in preparing meals and purchasing expensive products.

Despite this cleansing effectiveness, the rice diet also has many disadvantages. Firstly, rice removes from the body not only unnecessary salts, but also useful potassium, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart. To avoid this, simultaneously consume foods rich in this mineral: dried apricots, raisins. Or take potassium supplements.

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted, for example, constipation will appear. In such cases, drink laxative herbal teas. But the biggest disadvantage is that mostly water is removed, due to which weight is lost, and the fat itself is burned in small quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to do additional physical exercise: run in the morning, go to the pool or fitness club and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

After calculating all the pros and cons, decide for yourself whether it is worth choosing the rice diet.

One of the most popular programs Losing weight is the rice diet. It is based on the consumption of dishes made from brown (brown) or wild (black) rice. They differ from white in their impressive content of fiber and beneficial microelements. This is achieved without grinding the grains. After all, after it, very few useful substances remain in the rice that we usually consume.

The rice diet is a complex carbohydrate, low-fat diet with low content fat and low in sodium. It is intended for rapid decline weight for 2-4 weeks or more for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and kidney failure.

The origins of the rice diet

This diet was first developed in 1939 by the American doctor Duke Walter Kempner, born in Germany in 1903, to treat obesity. While researching the impact of diet on disease, he found that people who ate rice as a staple food were less likely to be obese and suffer from diseases that lead to excess weight.

Based on his research, he developed a diet consisting of rice, fruits, juices, sugar with added iron and vitamins to help people cope with their health problems.

This diet gained new popularity in 2006.

What is the essence of the rice diet?

The rice diet is based on healthy carbohydrates that are low in salt and fat. Its main part consists of vegetables, fruits and grains with high content fiber. In the first days of cleansing, you need to eat only rice and fruits.

Rice is one of the most common grain crops, accounting for almost 50 percent of the diet in some countries.

Brown and black rice are unrefined whole grains. They are nutritious, rich in fiber and antioxidants.

White rice– This is a refined grain, during the processing of which some of the beneficial substances have been removed. It tastes better, but is less healthy. As a result, he was left with mostly carbohydrates and long chains of glucose.

Different types of rice contain different amounts of these starches, which affects their texture and digestibility. Rice that does not stick together after cooking contains more amylose, while sticky rice (husked white) contains more amylopectin.

Due to these changes in starch composition various types rice can have different consequences for health.

Rice cleanses the body of toxins and salts, eliminating excess liquid. Due to this, the process of weight loss occurs. Thanks to a rice-based diet, you can improve the functioning of not only the digestive system, but also the nervous system.

After all, in it great content B vitamins and magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system due to the content of potassium and iron. And phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the formation and maintenance of bone tissue.

Principles of the rice diet

The rice diet is quite easy to follow, as it itself is very nutritious. During a diet, those losing weight will not be constantly haunted by the feeling of hunger. With the help of rice you can really lose weight very well extra pounds, if you comply with the requirements of a specific program.

In order for the result to truly make you rejoice, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. On an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast, you need to drink a glass every morning cool water. It will start the digestion process. This rule can be followed further after the end of the diet.
  2. Adhere to a specific, chosen program throughout the diet.
  3. It is better to exclude any sauces, especially those based on mayonnaise and spicy ones. Replace them vegetable oils(olive), soy sauce or balsamic vinegar.
  4. Limit salt intake.
  5. Drink enough plain water.
  6. Avoid sweets: candies and desserts such as chocolate, cakes, pies, ice cream, etc.
  7. Eliminate pork and fatty meats.

You can eat:

Brown rice It is rich in carbohydrates and is more effective for weight loss. But its consumption should not be in too large quantities.

Fruits. Control your intake of snacks that are high in calories and fat. Instead, include more fruits such as grapes, pineapples, apples and oranges. You can eat fruits or drink fruit juice. It’s better to cook it yourself rather than buy it ready-made in bags, which contains a lot of sugar.

Nuts and dried fruits. Add nuts such as almonds, apricots and raisins, which help reduce weight and control appetite.

Dairy products. Turn on low fat yogurt and milk Boiled eggs nutritious and healthy for diets.

The rice diet menu is divided into starches, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

The starch could be one slice of bread, 1/3 cup of rice, or 1/2 cup of pasta.

A fruit is one whole fruit or fruit cup.

One vegetable - one cup, raw or half a cup cooked.

Dairy products are one cup of milk, yogurt or half a cup of cottage cheese.

This rough plan menu for the phase that limits protein intake. Later you can include eggs, fish and lean meats.

In the first days sample menu should consist of:

Breakfast: one serving of starch, low-fat dairy products and fruit;

Lunch: three servings of starch, three vegetables and one fruit;

Dinner: same as for lunch.

Sample menu for 7 days

The program of this diet is designed for 2 weeks. The menu compiled for 7 days is repeated in a circle.

For the first meal you need to eat 100 grams of brown rice, with dressing from lemon juice, then you can drink unsweetened green tea.

The second breakfast will consist of one green apple.

Lunch includes a serving of brown rice with olive oil and a vegetable salad topped with low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, a serving of brown rice with boiled carrots. You can drink vegetable broth.

Breakfast: a serving of brown rice with low-fat yogurt, green tea without sugar.

For lunch: one grapefruit.

For lunch, 200 ml of vegetable soup, 100 grams of brown rice. Green tea or water.

Dinner duplicates lunch: vegetable soup and a portion of rice. Tomato juice.

Sweet breakfast brown rice with apple and cinnamon. Tea.

For lunch, rice with champignons, celery salad, dressed with olive oil. Low fat yogurt.

For dinner, steamed rice with cauliflower and vegetable broth.

In the morning, milk rice porridge and green tea without sugar.

The second breakfast consists of low-fat cottage cheese with chopped apple.

For lunch, a portion of steamed rice with broccoli. Fresh radish and lettuce.

For dinner, brown rice with fresh herbs and lemon juice. Fresh celery.

Breakfast. A serving of brown rice with almonds and raisins. Unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Dinner. 100 grams of brown rice, steamed with vegetables and herbs. Herbal infusion.

Dinner. A portion of rice with asparagus stewed in olive oil. Tomato juice.

In the morning, brown rice and a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, green or herbal tea without sugar.

For lunch, 100 grams of brown rice seasoned with olive oil. Salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, brown rice and chopped apple, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. Vegetable broth.

The first meal is 100 grams of brown rice, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Lunch. Salad from fresh fruit, dressed with honey-lemon dressing.

For lunch: 100 grams of brown rice, steamed with green beans. Fresh celery.

Dinner: 100 grams of brown rice with stewed squash in olive oil. Vegetable broth.

This rice diet program, compiled for 2 weeks, is the maximum allowable without the supervision of a specialist. If it seems too heavy, you can add it to the menu lean fish steamed.

In the program, as can be seen from the menu plan, only brown rice is used, since the white rice that is familiar to everyone does not have the necessary cleansing properties and is noticeably inferior in the content of nutrients.

One of the indicators of the usefulness of this diet is that it is often prescribed for medical reasons.

There are more gentle options for the rice diet. Some programs add lean meat. Rice fasting days are also popular, the essence of which is to choose any day, once a week, when a person will eat only brown rice. But don’t be alarmed, you can snack on fruit, as well as drink green tea without added sugar and water.

Pros and cons of the rice diet

A rice-based diet has its advantages and disadvantages. First, we should note the effectiveness of the diet. In a short period of time it allows you to achieve very good results, and in combination with physical activity, its effectiveness will be even stronger.

The big advantage is the presence large quantity vitamins and beneficial microelements. Thanks to this, there is no need to take additional multivitamin complexes.

While following a diet, the entire body is cleansed of toxins. After which the digestive system and liver begin to work better.

It helps get rid of edema by removing excess salt and, accordingly, excess fluid, which also stabilizes blood pressure. Will help cope with joint and back pain.

Most people who have followed this program respond positively to this method losing weight.

The disadvantages include big list contraindications, which include all acute diseases digestive system, tendency to constipation, pregnancy and lactation.

If you find at least one of them on this list, you must stop it immediately.

Of course, as when leaving any diet, it is also important to end this one correctly. Although she is not a very strict type, after any restrictions there is always a risk of breaking loose and attacking the nearest “forbidden fruit”.

It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content of meals and try to eat small portions.

Of course, even after leaving you must adhere to healthy image life in general, and proper nutrition, in particular.

The diet should mainly consist of dietary products. Of course, one cannot demand eternal abstinence from sweets and fatty foods, but nutrition needs to be controlled.

The advantages of the rice diet are much greater than the disadvantages. She is perfect choice for those who want not only to lose extra pounds, but also to do it correctly, for the benefit of the body.

Many who have completed it note improved performance blood pressure And general condition health.
