How to make fluffy rice as a side dish. Delicious rice side dish, recipe with photo

Cooking rice, like cooking, is a seemingly trivial matter, which in practice can end in failure. Depending on the type of rice and its further purpose, cooking technologies may differ, and what you previously considered ideal rice may in fact be very far from the classical understanding of this term. We will discuss how to properly cook rice as a side dish below.

How to properly cook short grain rice as a side dish?

Cooking round rice can be the biggest challenge since round grains have the highest starch content. Here it is necessary to strictly adhere to proportions and preparation time.


  • round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 1/4 tbsp.


First, wash the rice grains in plenty of water, changing the liquid 3-4 times. Pour a new portion of fresh water over the rice grains and leave for half an hour. This procedure will restore the moisture content in the dried grains and avoid them from overcooking in the future. After time has passed, let the excess liquid drain, pour the rice into the pan and fill with water and calculate 1:1.2. After placing the pan over the fire, immediately cover it with a lid and leave everything to cook for 12-13 minutes over low heat. After time has passed, look under the lid to make sure all the water has been absorbed. Cover the pan again and leave the rice for 10 minutes, no longer over the heat. The preparation of the fluffy rice for the side dish is finished, all that remains is to mix it with a special spatula and you can try.

The rules for cooking long grain rice are similar if you want to get crumbly cereal, only in the case of long grain rice, cooking water should be added based on a 1:1 ratio.

Before preparing delicious rice as a side dish, rinse the cereal until clean, fill it with fresh water and leave for half an hour. Place the rice in a colander and allow all excess water to drain, then pour the cereal into a bowl with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. Pour in twice as much water and leave the grains on low heat for 12-14 minutes. Once cooking is complete, allow the remaining liquid to be completely absorbed, leaving the rice covered for another 20 minutes.

You can also cook by selecting the appropriate mode on the device for an automatically set time. At the end of cooking, stir the rice with a fork and season with butter.

Rice cereal is one of the most popular types of side dish, so every housewife should know how to cook fluffy rice from the component that is on hand. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to use long grain rice to get the right texture.

If you approach the process correctly, steamed or even round varieties of cereal will turn out no worse. The main thing is not to always act according to the same scheme, but to use an individual approach in each case. For example, some types of rice are best cooked in a saucepan, while others make an ideal side dish using a slow cooker.

Today you can find rice on sale already packaged in bags with small holes. To prepare it, you simply place the product in boiling water, wait the time indicated on the label, and remove the contents from the package. But a truly tasty side dish is obtained only when the cereal is boiled in a free mass. In this case, everything is a little more complicated and you should remember a few rules:

  • The dry component must be washed, and the water must be changed several times. As much as is needed to obtain clear water during the manipulation. But it is not recommended to soak the composition; this can lead to softening of the outer shell of the cereal, causing the grains to cook unevenly.
  • The product should be boiled in a pan with thick walls and bottom. In this case, the heat will be distributed more evenly, which will allow you to get a homogeneous side dish rather than numerous lumps.

Tip: Despite the fact that the most delicious rice is the one that is boiled in vegetable or meat broth, this approach is recommended to be used only if you need to boil a steamed product. Even a long-grain analogue usually swells too much from such exposure, especially if it is polished.

  • If, during handling, the steamed or polished rice begins to stick to the bottom of the container, this may indicate that the heat is too high.
  • To achieve a richer aroma from the dish and get not just boiled rice, but a tasty and satisfying side dish, when boiling the cereal, you need to add a little vegetable oil, a little bouillon cube or spices.

Properly cooked rice can be kept covered in the refrigerator for 24 hours. True, after this it should be heated not in a water bath or in the microwave, but in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.

How to properly cook long grain and round rice?

Fortunately, long grain rice is very difficult to cook. But when working with it, you should take into account some of the nuances of the process in order to get the perfect dish.

  • For half a glass of rice, take a little more than a glass of water and half a teaspoon of salt. Additionally, prepare spices to taste, bay leaf or a sprig of rosemary.
  • Rinse the component until clear water, place in a colander to drain excess liquid, and dry slightly. Then we put the product in a pan, fill it with water, add salt and put it on fire.
  • As the liquid heats up, stir the mixture a couple of times, otherwise the grains will stick to the walls and bottom. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and cover the container with a lid.
  • Do not stir long grain rice during the cooking process (whether it is steamed or not), because of this it may cook unevenly. Just wait 20 minutes, turn off the heat and let the dish sit for 10-15 minutes right on the stove.
  • Only after this do we remove the lid and run a fork over the surface of the mass to release the steam that has accumulated between the grains. If additional components were used during the cooking process, they must be removed and the dish can be served.

Boiling a crumbly side dish using round rice is a little more difficult. Here, to do everything right, you will have to constantly monitor the process.

  • For a glass of round rice, take three tablespoons of butter, 2 glasses of water and a little salt. Spices and flavor enhancers at your discretion.
  • Lightly dry the washed component several times. It should be boiled not in cold, but in already boiling water. Immediately after boiling, add butter and salt.
  • After the product boils again, reduce the heat to low, cover the mixture with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. It is not recommended to stir the composition in a pan; you can damage the grains, which will affect the final result.
  • After the specified time, we check the condition of the product. Short grain rice should completely absorb the liquid. Then close the lid again, wrap the container in a towel and leave for 10 minutes.

In both cases, if after opening the lid it is discovered that the main component is still in water, but there is not much of it, put a paper towel on the composition, it will absorb excess moisture. Serve the finished side dish immediately, before it cools down.

The best option for processing parboiled rice

Parboiled rice is a special product that requires specific handling. It is difficult to say how much to process it with the traditional approach. You will have to control every minute of the process, but even this does not guarantee an optimal result. To prepare a delicious side dish, it is best to use a slow cooker.

  1. Take a glass of steamed rice, 2 glasses of water or broth, 2 tablespoons of butter, spices and salt.
  2. First, we wash the component as usual; 1-2 approaches will be enough. You can even soak the cereal for a quarter of an hour, then put it in a sieve and just wait until the water drains.
  3. Now place the product in the heated bowl of the multicooker, stir constantly until the grains dry out. Add broth and spices, adding salt if necessary.
  4. Close the lid, set the “Rice” or “Spaghetti” mode, wait for the signal to finish cooking. In order for the steamed component to turn into a full-fledged side dish, it should be left for another 10 minutes under a closed lid. Only after this add oil to the dish and serve.

Of course, when boiling grains, we must not forget about the instructions given on the product packaging. They help to more clearly determine the processing time of the component, indicate the optimal ratio of dry composition to liquid, and identify the need for pre-soaking. If you use parboiled or polished rice as a side dish very often, it is better to purchase a rice cooker for cooking it. This device will save you all the hassle; you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

Rice cereal is known and loved on all continents. It is impossible to find a kitchen that does not feature rice in one form or another.

In the countries of the Far East, this dish is so popular that, for example, in China they ask as a greeting: “Have you eaten rice today?”

Rice cereals appeared in Europe relatively recently, during the late Middle Ages and the great geographical discoveries. When people began to actively explore space. Having quickly gained popularity, rice has become the national dish of almost all European countries.

Rice cereal does not contain gluten, the most allergenic vegetable protein. That is why it is included in the children's menu as the first porridge.

In addition, rice is actively used to prepare slimy and creamy soups in various therapeutic diets.

Types of rice grains

There are incredibly many varieties of rice. In total, botanists identify 20 cultivated varieties and several hundred varieties.

Based on the appearance of the grains, rice is distinguished:

  • Long-grain – narrow and long, up to 2 cm, these grains practically do not stick together when cooked – they are ideal for a crumbly side dish;
  • Medium grain – semi-circular, short grain with medium gluten content, for example the “risotto” variety, ideal for the dish of the same name, this also includes the famous “devzira” rice for preparing pilaf;
  • Round grain - rice is round and short, contains a lot of gluten, ideal puddings, casseroles, pureed and slimy soups are made from such grains.

According to the processing method, rice can be distinguished:

  • Polished. Grinding is the most common method of processing rice grains; the grains are white, practically devoid of plant fiber and vitamins, but such rice is very nutritious and cooks quickly;
  • Unpolished or brown. The grains undergo minimal processing, retaining a maximum of vitamins and fiber, but they take much longer to cook and the finished side dish turns out to be too “rough” in taste;
  • Steamed. The most optimal option for rice is that the grains are treated with steam before grinding, thanks to which a fairly large part of the beneficial substances from the shell enters inside.

Methods for preparing fluffy rice

Depending on the desired result, the most optimal method of preparing rice cereal is selected. You can cook:

  • In the water;
  • Steamed;
  • Mixed method (Chinese).
Any type of rice absorbs water quite strongly, this must be taken into account when preparing it, but the thicker the grain, the stronger its hygroscopicity. Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse the cereal thoroughly, rubbing it with your hands, and finally rinse it under running water.

In order to get crumbly porridge in a saucepan, the rice is washed, thrown into a sieve and poured over with boiling water. Then pour into boiling salt water in a ratio of one to one and reduce the heat to a minimum.

During cooking, the grain is not stirred, but pierced in several places for better steaming. If all the water has already evaporated and the cereal is not ready yet, carefully add a little boiling water. If desired, the finished rice can be washed, but only with boiled water.

Steamed rice is the easiest way to cook. The result is an invariably crumbly side dish. The grains must be washed and poured into the bowl of a double boiler, salted, and filled with water one to one. Steam until done for about half an hour.

The Chinese cook rice in very large quantities. They cook several kilograms at once - it is the basis for many other dishes.

The cereal is boiled in a large container with a ratio of one to five to water. Having brought it to half-cookedness, they throw it onto a large sieve, and then steam it in it.

We present to you a video that shows the Asian method of cooking rice:

How to properly cook fluffy rice as a side dish in a saucepan

Round grain - this type of grain is the most difficult to cook crumbly porridge. It contains a lot of gluten and is very absorbent.

This variety must be washed only under running water, otherwise it will swell and stick together before cooking. And be sure to rinse the finished side dish.

Long grain polished rice is great for making fluffy side dishes.

The varieties “Jasmine” and “Thai” are especially different. They have a delicate, subtle taste and a pleasant creamy texture, while the finished grains do not stick together into an unpleasant lump.

Brown (brown) or unpolished rice is preferred by people who care about their health and adherents of proper nutrition. It takes much longer to cook than polished one; it must be pre-soaked.

But such a side dish will definitely be crumbly and healthy.

Parboiled rice cooks slightly faster than unpolished rice. You can prepare almost any dish from it: semi-liquid risotto and fluffy Chinese rice. It is also ideal for pilaf if you couldn’t find devzira.

Regardless of what type of rice you choose, to obtain a crumbly side dish you must follow certain rules:

  • Keep an eye on the expiration date of the cereal. This is especially true for unpolished rice - it does not last long. Grains that are stored for a long time become brittle and stick together when cooked;
  • To obtain a crumbly side dish, maintain a water/cereal ratio of 1/1;
  • Rinse the rice before adding it, this way you will wash away grain dust, which also contributes to the sticking of the finished dish;
  • Choose the right utensils for cooking. A steel pan with a thick, multi-layered bottom is ideal. In them, the heat is distributed evenly and the cereal does not stick to the bottom;
  • Observe the optimal temperature regime - first we cook on high heat, then reduce it to a minimum, and be sure to let the porridge brew, without heating.

Steps to prepare fluffy rice:

  • We choose the “right” variety of rice - long grain, unpolished or steamed;

  • We wash the cereal;

  • Pour into boiling salted water, observing the ratio - one part rice to one part water;

  • Let it boil again, reduce the heat to a minimum, close the lid;

  • When almost all the water has been absorbed, check for readiness and, if necessary, add a little boiling water;
  • Almost finished rice is pierced in several places with a wooden stick (for example, for sushi);
  • After half an hour, remove from the stove and cover with a towel;

  • After another 10 minutes, the finished rice can be washed with boiled water, or you can simply stir it.

  • In the following video, you'll learn how to cook rice until it's fluffy in just 60 seconds!

    The most common mistakes that cause cereal to stick together

    • Unsuitable type of grain - it is quite difficult to cook a crumbly side dish from round grain;
    • Too much heat - in this case, there is a very high probability that your side dish will burn and not cook evenly;
    • Unsuitable cooking utensils;
    • Too much water - rice, regardless of the variety, absorbs liquid too much, and as a result, it boils and sticks together.

    Preparing a fluffy rice side dish is not difficult, you just need to practice a little and follow the rules.

    Rice is a popular cereal crop all over the world, and this is not surprising, because it goes well with any meat, fish, and vegetables. Rice is suitable for preparing all kinds of soups, puddings, casseroles, desserts, and cereals. However, in order for the listed dishes to be tasty, you must be able to properly prepare this universal cereal. For experienced housewives, cooking rice will not seem difficult, but for novice cooks it can be a real challenge. How to cook fluffy rice so that it turns out appetizing while maintaining its beneficial properties?

    Which type of rice to choose

    To cook fluffy, tasty rice, it is important not only to follow the rules of its preparation, but also to choose the type of cereal suitable for a particular dish. Depending on a particular recipe, different varieties of rice are used, which differ in beneficial properties, shape, color, processing method, and cooking time. A universal type of cereal for crumbly dishes is steamed rice. This type does not stick together during cooking and does not require long-term heat treatment, due to which it retains a maximum of useful components. There are such varieties:

    • Long grain rice, also known as basmati, is ideal for cooking crumbly porridge. Thin oblong grains do not stick together during cooking. The long-grain variety is often used to prepare a side dish for meat or fish.
    • Round rice is not a good option for cooking a crumbly dish, as it absorbs liquid very quickly and sticks together. It is better to use round grains for making rolls, casseroles, and puddings.
    • Medium-grain rice, like short-grain rice, is not suitable for preparing crumbly porridge. The reason for this is the high starch content and, in addition, this variety absorbs too much water, turning out viscous. Medium-grain grains are often used for risotto or soups.

    Step-by-step recipes for preparing fluffy rice with photos

    The main rule that any housewife who wants to learn how to cook fluffy rice should know is that before cooking, the cereal should be rinsed several times until the water passing through it becomes clear. This way you will rid the rice of excess starch, husks and dust. After this, you should soak the grains in cold water for at least half an hour. This is necessary so that the rice is saturated with water, then it will be easier to cook the cereal crumbly.

    Recipe for fluffy rice in a slow cooker

    Grains cooked in a slow cooker turn out soft and crumbly. In addition, cereals with this method of heat treatment retain a maximum of useful substances. By adding different spices to the dish, you can get different tastes and give the cereal an appetizing color. For example, seasoning a dish with curry or turmeric can easily achieve a beautiful golden hue.


    • 3 multi glasses of water.
    • 2 multi cups rice.
    • Salt, seasonings.
    • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

    How to cook fluffy rice using a multicooker:

    1. Rinse the cereal several times, place it in a multicooker container and fill it with hot water so that the liquid covers the grains by 1.5 fingers.
    2. Add salt, spices, vegetable oil. Stir the contents of the bowls.
    3. Close the multicooker with a lid and turn on the “Buckwheat”, “Pilaf” or “Normal Cooking” mode. If you decide to use the “Pilaf” option, then a few minutes before the dish is ready, switch the program to “Warming” so that the bottom layer of cereal does not burn.

    How to cook fluffy steamed rice in the oven

    With all the variety of rice recipes, one of the most successful is considered to be cooked in the oven. This dish has a unique taste. Despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of time, as a result you will get an original and healthy dinner. Using the oven allows you to combine cereals with any meat, vegetables, fish, as well as various seasonings and spices. Below is a recipe for rice with chicken and vegetables.

    You will need:

    • 1 kg of any chicken parts (fillet, drumsticks, wings).
    • 700 g rice.
    • 2 onions.
    • A can of canned peas.
    • 1 carrot.
    • Spices, bouillon cube.

    How to cook rice in the oven:

    1. Peel and chop the onion into thin rings. Fry it until golden brown. Cut the carrots into slices and add to the pan with the onions.
    2. At the same time as you fry the vegetables, make the rice. Rinse it, changing the water several times.
    3. Strain the peas until there is no moisture left in the jar.
    4. Wash the chicken, cut the meat into small pieces.
    5. Place all the ingredients one by one on a foil-lined baking sheet (or mold). First onions and carrots, then peas, clean raw rice. Level the surface and sprinkle with crushed bouillon cubes.
    6. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dish and place the spiced meat on top.
    7. Cover the baking sheet tightly with a piece of foil and place in the oven for 90-120 minutes. If, after turning off the oven, you leave the rice in it for another half hour, it will become even more aromatic and tasty, absorbing the remaining broth.

    Cooking long grain fluffy rice in a saucepan


    • A glass of rice.
    • One and a half glasses of water.
    • Salt.

    How to cook rice as a side dish in water:

    1. Rinse the grains thoroughly in a colander under running water until you see clear liquid running through them.
    2. Wait for the rice to dry, pour it into a saucepan, add water, salt and put on fire.
    3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat to low, cover the container with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes. Moreover, you should not constantly stir the rice, just leave it for a while.
    4. When the dish is ready, give it time to sit and absorb any remaining moisture. To do this, cover the pan with a towel.
    5. Before serving, fluff the rice a little with a fork. If you did everything correctly, you will get a delicious, fluffy side dish that should be served with absolutely any main dish.

    How to cook fluffy rice in the microwave


    • A glass of rice.
    • Two glasses of water.
    • Salt and spices as desired.

    How to cook crumbly rice porridge using a microwave:

    1. Pour clean cereal into a microwave-safe bowl and fill with water.
    2. Wrap the container with cling film and place it in the microwave oven for 4-5 minutes, turning on maximum power. Switch the power to medium and cook the grains for another 15 minutes.
    3. Leave the finished rice under the film for another five minutes after turning off the oven. You can serve the dish as a side dish for fish or meat, or use the product as an ingredient for salads.

    Video recipe for cooking fluffy rice as a side dish

    Fluffy rice is prepared by gourmets all over the world. For example, residents of eastern countries eat it daily. There is a theory that this makes them healthy and ensures longevity. Cooking crumbly porridge is not as difficult as it may seem to inexperienced cooks, but it is worth knowing the basic rules for its preparation. Incorrectly cooked cereal will have an unappetizing appearance, not to mention the loss of taste and valuable substances. With the help of the video you will learn how to cook rice so that it turns out fluffy, tasty and healthy.

    Rice cereal is known and loved on all continents. It is impossible to find a kitchen that does not feature rice in one form or another.

    In the countries of the Far East, this dish is so popular that, for example, in China they ask as a greeting: “Have you eaten rice today?”

    Rice cereals appeared in Europe relatively recently, during the late Middle Ages and the great geographical discoveries. When people began to actively explore space. Having quickly gained popularity, rice has become the national dish of almost all European countries.

    Rice cereal does not contain gluten, the most allergenic vegetable protein. That is why it is included in the children's menu as the first porridge.

    In addition, rice is actively used to prepare slimy and creamy soups in various therapeutic diets.

    Types of rice grains

    There are incredibly many varieties of rice. In total, botanists identify 20 cultivated varieties and several hundred varieties.

    Based on the appearance of the grains, rice is distinguished:

    • Long grain– narrow and long, up to 2 cm, these grains practically do not stick together when cooked – they are ideal for a crumbly side dish;
    • Medium grain– semicircular, short grains of medium gluten content, for example the “risotto” variety, ideal for the dish of the same name, this also includes the famous “devzira” rice for preparing pilaf;
    • Round grain– grains of rice are round and short, contain a lot of gluten, such grains make ideal puddings, casseroles, pureed and slimy soups.

    According to the processing method, rice can be distinguished:

    • Polished. Grinding is the most common method of processing rice grains; the grains are white, practically devoid of plant fiber and vitamins, but such rice is very nutritious and cooks quickly;
    • Unpolished or brown. The grains undergo minimal processing, retaining a maximum of vitamins and fiber, but they take much longer to cook and the finished side dish turns out to be too “rough” in taste;
    • Steamed. The most optimal option for rice is that the grains are treated with steam before grinding, thanks to which a fairly large part of the beneficial substances from the shell enters inside.

    Methods for preparing fluffy rice

    Depending on the desired result, the most optimal method of preparing rice cereal is selected. You can cook:

    • In the water;
    • Steamed;
    • Mixed method (Chinese).

    Any type of rice absorbs water quite strongly, this must be taken into account when preparing it, but the thicker the grain, the stronger its hygroscopicity. Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse the cereal thoroughly, rubbing it with your hands, and finally rinse it under running water.

    In order to get crumbly porridge in a saucepan, the rice is washed, thrown into a sieve and poured over with boiling water. Then pour into boiling salt water in a ratio of one to one and reduce the heat to a minimum.

    During cooking, the grain is not stirred, but pierced in several places for better steaming. If all the water has already evaporated and the cereal is not ready yet, carefully add a little boiling water. If desired, the finished rice can be washed, but only with boiled water.

    Steamed rice is the easiest way to cook. The result is an invariably crumbly side dish. The grains must be washed and poured into the bowl of a double boiler, salted, and filled with water one to one. Steam until done for about half an hour.

    The Chinese cook rice in very large quantities. They cook several kilograms at once - it is the basis for many other dishes.

    The cereal is boiled in a large container with a ratio of one to five to water. Having brought it to half-cookedness, they throw it onto a large sieve, and then steam it in it.

    We present to you a video that shows the Asian method of cooking rice:

    How to properly cook fluffy rice as a side dish in a saucepan

    Round grain - this type of grain is the most difficult to cook crumbly porridge. It contains a lot of gluten and is very absorbent.

    This variety must be washed only under running water, otherwise it will swell and stick together before cooking. And be sure to rinse the finished side dish.

    Long grain polished rice is great for making fluffy side dishes.

    The varieties “Jasmine” and “Thai” are especially different. They have a delicate, subtle taste and a pleasant creamy texture, while the finished grains do not stick together into an unpleasant lump.

    Brown (brown) or unpolished rice is preferred by people who care about their health and adherents of proper nutrition. It takes much longer to cook than polished one; it must be pre-soaked.

    But such a side dish will definitely be crumbly and healthy.

    Parboiled rice cooks slightly faster than unpolished rice. You can prepare almost any dish from it: semi-liquid risotto and fluffy Chinese rice. It is also ideal for pilaf if you couldn’t find devzira.

    Regardless of what type of rice you choose, to obtain a crumbly side dish you must follow certain rules:

    • Keep an eye on the expiration date of the cereal. This is especially true for unpolished rice - it does not last long. Grains that are stored for a long time become brittle and stick together when cooked;
    • To obtain a crumbly side dish, maintain a water/cereal ratio of 1/1;
    • Rinse the rice before adding it, this way you will wash away grain dust, which also contributes to the sticking of the finished dish;
    • Choose the right utensils for cooking. A steel pan with a thick, multi-layered bottom is ideal. In them, the heat is distributed evenly and the cereal does not stick to the bottom;
    • Observe the optimal temperature regime - first we cook on high heat, then reduce it to a minimum, and be sure to let the porridge brew, without heating.

    Steps to prepare fluffy rice:

    In the following video, you'll learn how to cook rice until it's fluffy in just 60 seconds!

    The most common mistakes that cause cereal to stick together

    • Unsuitable type of grain - it is quite difficult to cook a crumbly side dish from round grain;
    • Too much heat - in this case, there is a very high probability that your side dish will burn and not cook evenly;
    • Unsuitable cooking utensils;
    • Too much water - rice, regardless of the variety, absorbs liquid too much, and as a result, it boils and sticks together.

    Very often, rice porridge is served with gravy. With these recipes, your rice will never be dry!

    Read about the beneficial properties of balsamic vinegar and how it is used. In the same article you will find a lot of other educational information about this essence.

    If you are looking for recipes for appetizers for the holiday table, then you will find Quick recipes and detailed descriptions of preparation.

    Choose the type of rice depending on what kind of porridge you want - sticky or crumbly. Long grain, unpolished and parboiled rice varieties do not stick together during cooking.

    Buy a thick-bottomed steel pan; it makes cooking fluffy rice porridge much easier.

    Rice strongly absorbs not only water, but also sauce, so you should not mix them for further storage in the refrigerator.

    Preparing a fluffy rice side dish is not difficult, you just need to practice a little and follow the rules.

    Let's see a method for cooking crumbly rice in a frying pan: