Porridge for first feeding: rating of the best products and preparation features. The benefits of porridge for children: how to prepare healthy porridge

Porridge for a child is one of the main dishes of the daily diet, starting from the first feeding stage. And for sure, being a loving and caring parent, you feed your child porridge every day. Do you know which cereals are most beneficial for children?

Porridge is a very “important” food for growing organisms. All that remains is to figure out which cereals are really healthy for children, and which ones can be safely removed from the children’s diet.

What is porridge and what is it eaten with?

So, porridge, with rare exceptions, is a dish made from boiled grains (that is, from cereals). There are dozens of different types of cereals, and not all of them are good for you. baby food.

Moreover, it turns out that the usefulness of baby porridge can vary significantly depending on what exactly the grains were cooked in. For example: it is common knowledge that buckwheat porridge– an extremely healthy dish, both in the diet of adults and children. And all thanks to the fact that buckwheat is surprisingly rich in iron. It is so rich that regular consumption of buckwheat porridge by a child can be considered a worthy preventive measure...

However, all the benefits of buckwheat porridge will instantly disappear as soon as you add milk to it (and this is exactly what 90% of mothers do). The bottom line is that iron is not absorbed by the body in the presence of calcium, which, as you know, is invisible in milk. So it turns out that buckwheat boiled in water turns into one of the healthiest porridges for children, while buckwheat boiled in milk loses all its potential benefits.

Porridges are so healthy for children that experts advise introducing them into complementary foods from the first year of a baby’s life...

What porridges are most useful for children?

Nutritionists around the world have conducted dozens of studies in search of answers to the question of which cereals are most beneficial for children. More precisely, not so much porridge as cereal - after all, from the same cereal, a skillful and efficient mother can prepare not only porridge, but also many other dishes (for example, cookies, homemade granola, casseroles, side dishes, cutlets and even soups).

So, as a result of numerous and thorny studies, nutritionists and pediatricians have identified the 7 most beneficial cereals for children. The following three “winners” took the podium:

  • 1 Buckwheat porridge on water. Surprisingly, buckwheat cannot be called a world-famous and popular cereal in the world - in many countries they have not heard of it at all. Meanwhile, buckwheat porridge is considered the most useful for children. It contains a lot of iron (but remember, it will lose its valuable properties as soon as you combine buckwheat with milk), as well as a lot of valuable protein, easily absorbed by the child’s body.
  • 2 Oatmeal. Benefit oatmeal for children, or vice versa - its completely stupid use directly depends on how the oatmeal is processed. For example, such a common product on the shelves of our supermarkets as “oatmeal” instant cooking- porridge, which you just need to pour boiling water over before eating - no self-respecting nutritionist would call it a healthy dish, neither for adults, nor even less so for children. Healthy oatmeal for children is flakes (like the well-known “Hercules”), which require cooking for 3 or more minutes.

Oatmeal for children is a source dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, some experts believe that gluten, which properly cooked oatmeal is so rich in, helps remove harmful toxins from the body (very useful quality for residents of large cities)...

  • 3 Pearl barley porridge. But this is a surprise, you must agree! Indeed, the third place among the healthiest porridges for children was taken by pearl barley - an undeservedly forgotten dish made from barley. Like buckwheat porridge, barley is rich in both protein and iron. On the other hand, it contains no less valuable fiber than oatmeal.

No wonder pearl barley was the favorite porridge of Roman gladiators! Nutritionists have confirmed: properly prepared pearl barley is a super healthy dish for healthy eating both adults and children. The main thing is not to give in to the temptation to buy “instant” porridge! "Real" useful pearl barley porridge It takes a long time to prepare (often the cereal is pre-soaked) - but it is definitely worth the effort!

But “you won’t go far” with the three healthiest cereals for children and complete diet you can't make it up. Therefore, we suggest adding to the list a few more healthy cereals for children, which will not only diversify, but also decorate your everyday family menu. So, healthy cereals also include:

Millet porridge. The “progenitor” of millet is millet, rich in protein, fiber, as well as such valuable elements as iodine, magnesium, chromium, iron and others. Millet porridge improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the process of hematopoiesis (millet porridge is often prescribed in the diet of children with anemia), moreover, millet has amazing property remove antibiotic residues from the body. So for any antibacterial therapy millet porridge for children is the best and healthiest breakfast.

Corn porridge (aka maize porridge). It has earned an honorable place in the seven healthiest porridges for children due to its balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and its ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Glutamic acid, which is included in chemical composition maize, naturally enhances brain activity in a child.

Rice porridge. As in the case of oatmeal, the method of processing the rice and its variety directly determine the usefulness of the porridge. For example, white, polished, peeled rice is practically useless for our body. Whereas brown and unpolished rice - richest source dietary fiber, a storehouse of macro- and micronutrients, an excellent supply of protein.

Flaxseed porridge (from flaxseed). A long-forgotten and in our time still little popular dish of Russian cuisine. At the same time, it is incredibly useful, especially for a growing child’s body. At least because flax is one of the rare plants that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (the same ones that parents “push” into their children in the form fish oil). Surprisingly, in these flax seeds fatty acids contains 3 times more than in fish!

Semolina porridge is by no means manna from heaven...

And where does it stand in terms of usefulness? semolina porridge?, you ask. After all, it is precisely this – semolina porridge – that is one of the most persistent and widespread memories of childhood as such among us, Russians. And our mothers, and our grandmothers, and cooks in children's institutions - all as one for many years convinced us to eat “the healthiest semolina porridge” - a spoonful for all relatives right up to the seventh generation...

It is, of course, difficult to resist the Soviet tradition, but it will be necessary: ​​modern nutritionists have proven that semolina porridge not only falls short of the list of the most healthy porridges for children, but rather, on the contrary, tops the rating of the most dangerous healthy dishes children's diet.

Semolina porridge, in fact, is nothing but carbohydrates. For the hungry post-war period or during periods of terrible food shortages, of course, semolina porridge was a kind of manna from heaven: it did not nourish the body very well, but it satiated for a long time, it was cheap to produce and was suitable for feeding absolutely everyone - from still toothless babies to already toothless old people.

So, if your task is to save a child from hunger, then semolina porridge is quite suitable for this purpose. However, for the full growth and development of a growing organism, it is necessary not only energy (which is provided by carbohydrates), but also a whole set of certain substances - fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, etc. But, alas, there is none of the above in semolina... Just as there is none in instant oatmeal, in polished white rice, or in “semi-digested” barley.

Healthy cereals for children exist, and there are quite a few of them! And now you know exactly what kind of cereals you should have in your home in order to prepare useful, healthy and varied cereals from them not only for children, but for the whole family.

Porridge - traditional dish Many cuisines of the world occupy a special place in children's nutrition. The benefits of cereals for children can hardly be overestimated, because they contain a complex nutrients necessary for full physical development body. Modern young mothers sometimes doubt the benefits of porridge; the media especially persistently exaggerates information about the dangers of semolina porridge. Therefore, it is important to find out the opinion of nutritionists about which cereals are preferable in children’s diets.

Milk porridge is invariably one of the first products introduced into the diet of babies, which is quite reasonable. Cereal dishes are a source of many useful components, including minerals, protein, vitamins, fiber and, of course, carbohydrates. Moreover, porridges contain predominantly slow carbohydrates, which are consumed gradually, providing the growing body with energy for a considerable time. However, porridges differ in the content of components necessary for the child’s body. If you rank porridges according to their usefulness, the result will be as follows: the first places are occupied by oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn and millet porridge.

Most often, buckwheat porridge is placed at the top position of the rating. And this is true, because it contains valuable protein, many macroelements (potassium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus) and microelements, including quite rare selenium, cobalt, nickel; vitamins A, E, P, PP, group B. Buckwheat also contains organic acids: folic, malic, oxalic and citric. Nutritionists emphasize that buckwheat has the lowest glycemic index, since the chorinositol contained in it promotes better absorption carbohydrates. Another undeniable advantage of buckwheat porridge is that it does not contain gluten - protein, causing allergies. It is recommended to introduce buckwheat into the diet of babies under one year of age, due to the fact that the fiber in the cereal is not coarse, but delicate. This quality ensures good digestion of the product by the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. For very young children, when preparing buckwheat porridge, it is better to use chaff, and for older children, kernels.

Processed into cereal or muesli oatmeal is invariably one of the first cereals in a baby’s diet. It contains a lot of fiber, mineral components (magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine), vitamins A, E, K, group B. In addition, oatmeal is low in calories and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive organs, on the one hand protecting them, and on the other hand another, freeing you from harmful toxins, unnecessary fats and salts heavy metals. The main recommendation of pediatricians and nutritionists is that it is better to cook oatmeal in water, and to increase the healthfulness of the dish, it is advisable to add dried fruits and, in the absence of allergies, a little honey.

The first porridges in a baby's diet should be cooked in a dairy-free manner so as not to provoke an allergy to cow's milk protein. Pediatricians note that it is best to use rice porridge for the first complementary feeding, then other gluten-free cereal dishes – buckwheat and corn porridge – can be introduced into the baby’s diet.

In addition to buckwheat, rice porridge is also gluten-free, which means it is a hypoallergenic dish. Rice is a source of riboflavin, which is involved in metabolic and hematopoietic processes in the body; niacin, which regulates the production of enzymes and hormones; pyridoxine, which stabilizes the work nervous system. In addition, in rice cereal contains most B vitamins, including thiamine, which activates brain function. Wonderful property rice – the ability to remove antibiotic residues from the body after a course of drugs used to treat a child. Another quality of cereal is well known - it fixes loose stool, in connection with which, both folk and official medicine, it is recommended to eat rice porridge for diarrhea. Only in this case it should be cooked without milk, sugar should not be added to it and butter.

Corn porridge is easily digested by children's digestive systems. Corn reduces gas formation and has a mild laxative effect. Cereals are rich in fiber, starch, minerals (sodium, potassium, copper, iron, calcium, titanium, sulfur), vitamins A, E, PP and B. Millet is rich in fiber and leads in the content of healthy fats for humans, while at the same time not causing weight gain weight. Millet cereals contain a lot of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin B6. But since porridge is quite difficult to digest, it should not be given to children under two years of age, as well as to patients with gastritis and pancreatitis. Semolina porridge contains quite a lot of protein, but it contains fewer vitamins and minerals than other cereals. Semolina should be given to children who are not gaining weight well after two years and to patients with gastrointestinal diseases, but even in these cases you should not eat semolina porridge every day.

Wheat porridge contains quite a lot of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, but it contains gluten - an allergenic protein and phytin, which prevents the absorption of minerals. In the nutrition of infants and young children preschool age It is undesirable to use pearl barley, rye and barley porridge, because, despite the fact that they contain vegetable proteins, B vitamins and a number of minerals, these cereals are poorly absorbed by the child’s body, and their protein is of little nutritional value.

Nutritionists emphasize that multigrain porridges made from several types of cereals are especially beneficial for a developing child’s body. Porridges with vegetables and meat are well absorbed by the child’s digestive system and are recommended to be served for lunch or dinner.

The variety of cereals in stores allows you to choose at least several types of cereals that will please even a picky child. Parents should instill in their children the understanding that poor nutrition is the cause of disease and feeling unwell. Porridge – healthy food, without which it is impossible to grow strong and healthy person!

An old Russian proverb says that you cannot feed a Russian peasant without porridge. And this is the honest truth. A variety of cereals provide us with not only light and healthy breakfasts, but also help you lose weight, restore your damaged stomach after weekends or holidays, and also just feel cheerful and healthy.

Porridge is one of the most ancient dishes. Archaeologists find such food prepared by our ancestors in almost every large village, and the finds can be several thousand years old.

If ancient people used oats, millet, wheat and other cereals for its preparation, then in humans modern choice many times larger. This article will help you find the porridge that is right for you or your child.

First, let's remember what cereals we encounter on the shelves:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • peas;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley

Now you can learn more about the beneficial properties of each of them separately.

Now let's find out which porridge is the healthiest. To do this, let’s take a closer look at the main types of this dish.

Oatmeal is a storehouse of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9), vitamin E and many others. But remember that many beneficial substances disappear from oatmeal during grain processing.

Choose cereals that have not passed heat treatment, they contain all vitamins and microelements. But what exactly is oatmeal good for?

When you hear the word “oatmeal,” you immediately think of vitamin B6. This substance helps the absorption of amino acids by brain cells, which in turn improves memory and helps to think clearly and quickly.

B6 also stabilizes glucose levels in the cells of the whole body, which in turn improves the functioning of the nervous system: makes you calmer and more resistant to various stressful situations at work, on the street or at home.

It is difficult to meet a person who would eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day and, at the same time, have problems with overweight. This is thanks to the beta-glucan found in oatmeal.

This substance prevents the absorption of cholesterol, which in the future can turn into plaques on blood vessels - one of the most common causes of heart attack. Oatmeal is the key to a healthy cardiovascular system.

If you often experience heartburn and stomach pain, then best medicine than a bowl of oatmeal, it just doesn't. Oatmeal is very easy to digest, and at the same time creates a protective layer in the stomach that relieves inflammation, spasms and promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Moreover, in the stomach, oatmeal absorbs toxins and heavy metals, which can also cause problems not only with digestion, but also with other processes in the human body.

Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is the absolute record holder for protein content among all cereals, but in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins it is second only to a few other cereals. Try to choose buckwheat in the store that has not been roasted (you can recognize it by its pale brown color). It is in it that the largest amount is stored useful substances.

There are not only few carbohydrates in buckwheat compared to other products, but they are all “slow”. This property allows you to be satiated for several hours. Also this low content carbohydrates allows people suffering from diabetes to consume buckwheat.

Thanks to folic acid Buckwheat not only improves blood flow, but strengthens the immune system and increases endurance.

Buckwheat is rich in fiber. With its help, the body cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Buckwheat also helps cleanse the liver. After festive feasts It’s worth eating a couple of bowls of buckwheat porridge to cleanse the body and regain vigor and lightness.

Semolina is obtained by grinding the nutritional parts grains of wheat. Due to such rough processing, very few useful substances remain in it. But this is its main advantage.

Semolina porridge is the most dietary of all presented. Low amount of fiber and great content starch makes it very satisfying and quick to prepare. Due to its composition, semolina is digested in lower sections intestines, gently cleansing the entire intestines along the way, which makes it indispensable for people who have undergone surgery or severe intoxication (poisoning) of the body.

Peas are not a grain, but they don't pea porridge less healthy or tasty. Depending on the variety of peas, its composition will change slightly, but the main beneficial properties of the dish remain unchanged.

Depending on the processing, rice may have various properties. White rice contains a lot of starch and few nutrients. Brown rice contains more vitamins and minerals, but brown rice porridge will be more difficult to digest.

Thanks to the large amount of “fast” carbohydrates, porridge from white rice will help you quickly get enough before a hard day at work.

White rice is useful for people suffering from diarrhea and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Starch helps cure stomach upsets and normalize stool.

Brown rice contains large number Selena. This substance helps with arthritis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


The low price does not correspond to the enormous benefits of millet. The content of vitamins and healthy fats in it is several times higher than in most other cereals.

Millet contains a huge amount of B vitamins (B1, B6, B9). They help improve the functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, strengthen hair and nails, rejuvenate and heal the skin.

Unlike animal fats, which are found in meat and fish, vegetable fats do not contribute to weight gain. excess weight, education cholesterol plaques and the emergence of other diseases. Content vegetable fats in millet one of the highest.

Pearl barley

Barley is obtained from barley grains, which makes it quite cheap and healthy cereal. Barley contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, polysaccharides and silicic acid.

Eating pearl barley will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of various types of impurities, restore the body after a hectic weekend and support its functioning during weekdays.

Silicic acid will help remove stones from the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. She cleanses internal organs and will help you avoid surgical intervention. This substance is found in a very small number of foods, so it’s never too late to eat some pearl barley porridge for prevention.

What porridge is the healthiest for children?

Porridge is one of the healthiest foods you can give your child, but you need to choose it wisely. It is recommended to start feeding your baby porridge from 4-5 months, one serving every two to three days.

It could be buckwheat or rice porridge. This choice is due to the fact that these cereals do not contain gluten, which can adversely affect your child’s health. From six months, start introducing small portions of oatmeal into your diet. Although oatmeal contains gluten, the amount of gluten in this cereal is minimal.

Do not add it to porridge under any circumstances until you are one year old. cow's milk, use breast or ready-made formulas. Also avoid additives such as sugar, butter, jam and condensed milk.

The most useful porridge for a child is buckwheat. It contains a large amount of protein necessary for normal height and the development of your baby, and a large number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Only oatmeal can compete with buckwheat. The amount of carbohydrates and starch in it is the lowest. Oatmeal contains a lot of healthy fats that are necessary for a child's growing body, and little fiber, so this porridge can be given to children with gastrointestinal problems.

Rules for preparing porridge

Of all the porridges, only three need preparation.

  • peas and pearl barley need to be soaked in water overnight;
  • Rice must be rinsed in running water before cooking.

Cooking method

The porridge should be poured into boiling water or milk. Add salt to taste.

Balance the quantity with your appetite; many cereals can increase 2-4 times.

Cooking time:

  • buckwheat – 20 minutes;
  • oatmeal – 4 minutes;
  • semolina - 4 minutes;
  • peas – 40 minutes;
  • rice – 20 minutes;
  • millet – 45 minutes;
  • pearl barley – 1 hour.

You can add sugar, butter, jam, jam, condensed milk, fresh berries, nuts and much more. Experiment!

What porridges are the healthiest for weight loss: the opinion of nutritionists

In the diet of every person who leads healthy image life, includes various cereals. And this is no coincidence.

To lose weight, nutritionists advise combining cereals such as:

  1. Oatmeal. It is rich in fiber fast carbohydrates and lots of vitamins. Eating oatmeal stimulates intestinal motility and removes cholesterol from the body;
  2. Buckwheat. This porridge contains a lot of protein and microelements, and also helps strengthen vascular wall, which leads to a reduction in the chances of heart disease;
  3. Rice. The complex carbohydrates contained in rice porridge will allow you not to feel hungry for a long time, and the absorbent properties will help remove them from the body. harmful substances and burn excess fat.

Remember that porridge has dietary properties exactly until you start adding sugar, jam, condensed milk and other high-calorie foods to it. Also refrain from preparing porridge with milk, use drinking water.

Porridge is a dish that is not only tasty, but also very interesting. Here are a few facts about porridge and everything connected with it:

  1. The saying “You can’t cook porridge with him” comes from the ancient Russian custom of eating porridge during reconciliation with the enemy;
  2. Peter the Great's favorite porridge was barley. It was also fed to guests at the gala reception on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II;
  3. Army cooks are called "cooks";
  4. “Suvorovskaya” is the name for porridge, which is prepared from many different cereals. It got its name in honor of the incident: during one of Suvorov’s campaigns, a little of each cereal was left in the reserves, the commander ordered porridge from all the cereals to be cooked together, the soldiers really liked this dish;
  5. The oldest porridge found is millet. A fossilized breakfast was found in one of the ancient Chinese settlements. The age of the find is more than three thousand years.

This is such a healthy porridge interesting product. Decorate your diet with it!

A little additional information about healthy cereals - in the next video.

Every mother knows that porridge must be present in a child’s diet. Porridge is not only healthy, rich in fiber and vitamins, but tasty and nutritious. Let's figure out what the benefits of porridge are for children, which are the most popular and healthy cereals should be included in your baby's diet.
Porridge is rightfully considered one of the healthiest dishes in the whole world. Almost all cereals are rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins, which are needed for proper development and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, porridge is a real storehouse of fiber, which our body needs to improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body.. Due to complex carbohydrates Cereals are nutritious and provide us with energy for a long time, which is especially important for a growing body. Of course, you shouldn’t get too carried away with porridge, like any other product. Eating large amounts of cereals, especially those containing gluten, can, on the contrary, disrupt intestinal function, as it gives heavy load on the digestive tract.
Porridge is one of the first foods introduced into a child’s diet. If weight gain is poor, the pediatrician may recommend starting complementary feeding with porridge, starting as early as four months. If the child’s weight is normal and he is at breastfeeding, there is no need to rush, the approximate age for entry is approximately 6-7 months. Remember that up to six months better food for children this is breast milk.
If you make a kind of rating of the healthiest cereals for babies, then first there will be cereals that do not contain gluten - they are better digestible and the risk of allergies to them is minimal.
So, a list of cereals that are useful for a baby from the beginning of complementary feeding:

  1. Buckwheat.
  2. Rice.
  3. Corn.
  4. Oatmeal - is introduced if the baby does not have allergies or problems with stool after the first three. Objectively, oatmeal ranks second after buckwheat in terms of the content of nutrients, amino acids and vitamins, but due to its gluten content it remains in fourth place.

Also, up to a year, you can introduce multi-grain porridge, containing all of the above + millet (or without it). The rest are porridge in pure form– semolina, millet, barley, pearl barley are introduced to the baby after one year.

Advantages and disadvantages of cereals

Each porridge is beneficial for our body in its own way, but each of the cereals has its drawbacks. I would like to immediately make a reservation that almost every cereal is rich in vitamins B and PP, so further we'll talk about specific properties.
Buckwheat porridge.Champion in the content of B vitamins. Buckwheat is rich in various microelements and organic acids.
This porridge is recommended for use in case of anemia., since cereals contain copper and iron, which are involved in the body’s hematopoiesis, as well as zinc, which promotes better absorption of nutrients. It is also useful for the elasticity of veins and blood vessels, due to the content of rutin in its composition. Buckwheat does not contain gluten, so it is recommended for children from the beginning of complementary feeding.
The only rule is that you should not give your child buckwheat all the time, then the cereal will only bring benefits.
Rice porridge.Rice also does not contain gluten, so the porridge will be quite easily absorbed by the child’s body. The cereal is rich in potassium and manganese, as well as vitamin E. In terms of the content of complex carbohydrates, rice porridge confidently takes first place; it will provide the body with strength and energy for a long time. The specificity of rice is its absorbent properties, which means that porridge will help remove harmful substances and toxins.
Rice porridge should not be included in a child’s diet too often - due to astringent properties, cereal can cause constipation in a child.
Corn porridge.Contains carotene, iron, silicon, as well as amino acids - tryptophan and lysine. Due to the absence of gluten, like the previous two types of porridges, corn porridge can be offered to the child from the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods.
Corn normalizes cholesterol levels in the body and helps the cardiovascular system.
But this porridge has low nutritional value, since corn protein is poorly digested and absorbed by the body. Therefore, children with poor appetite and low weight corn porridge should be offered as rarely as possible.
Oatmeal.Oatmeal is rich in vitamins. In addition to the usual B and PP for cereals, it contains vitamins A, E and K, which are necessary to maintain the level of blood clotting in the body. Oatmeal contains a large range of minerals. Regular consumption of oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function, and also promotes the development of thinking and improves memory.
The disadvantage of oatmeal is that it contains gluten, so not all children will benefit from it.
Gluten intolerance is usually hereditary and symptoms include bloating, frequent stool unpleasant gray, weight loss. Children with this problem are contraindicated from eating all cereals containing gluten, otherwise it can cause not only disruption of the intestines and stomach, but also affect mental state. In medicine, intolerance to gluten-containing foods is called celiac disease.
You should also not include oatmeal in your diet every day, as this can interfere with the absorption of vitamin D, as well as calcium, which is necessary for the formation of strong and healthy bones.
Millet porridge.Millet porridge is considered quite heavy for children, so it is introduced into the diet only after one and a half years. Millet porridge can appear on a child’s menu at about two years of age, and although it is believed that cereal is difficult to digest, it also has advantages.
Millet has a beneficial effect on heart function, as it is rich in potassium, zinc and magnesium, and also has a positive effect on liver function. It is worth noting that millet porridge is not suitable for children prone to constipation due to the abundance of fiber, since cereals have a astringent action. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that millet slows down the absorption of iodine in the body.
Semolina porridge.Perhaps more than one porridge, like semolina, has not earned such close attention mom. Our grandmothers and mothers fed us semolina, but, unfortunately, modern research showed that semolina is far from healthy for small children, and its main advantage is its quick preparation.
For children under one year of age, until the digestive processes have formed, semolina is not introduced into the diet, since the cereal contains phytin, which acts as a blocker for the normal absorption of calcium in the body. children's body, of which there is already little in it, since it is constantly required for growth and development. If parents constantly include semolina in their baby’s menu, calcium deficiency may occur, which can even lead to light forms rickets
Semolina is also not suitable for babies because of complex carbohydrates that the child is not able to digest. The semolina shell contains glyodine, which damages the villi in the intestine.
In addition to phytin, semolina is a gluten-containing grain, intolerance to which has already been described above.
Of course, one should not deny that after a year (preferably closer to two years), semolina can still be introduced into the diet for variety. Semolina is rich in starch and vegetable protein; it will perfectly help fill you up and fill the body with the energy that your child needs.

Which porridge should I choose for my child?

Modern mothers are faced with a choice - prepare porridge themselves from flakes and cereals or buy instant porridge for baby food. This issue is resolved in each family separately, and it cannot be denied with certainty whether regular cereal or instant baby porridge is worse or better.
Among the undeniable advantages of instant porridges is the simplicity of their preparation, which means preservation more useful and nutritious substances. They are also additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals. One of the advantages of baby cereals is their homogeneous structure; it will not be difficult for the baby to swallow the delicacy.
However, there is one undeniable drawback of such cereals - their price. In terms of conversion, it turns out that a kilogram of cereal costs 400-500 rubles, which, of course, does not coincide with the real cost.
The choice of instant cereals is quite extensive. On the one hand, this is their advantage, and on the other, a disadvantage. Before purchasing, you need to carefully read the composition, since some manufacturers add various additives, sugar and starch to improve the taste, and this is not at all suitable for starting complementary feeding. You have to choose dairy-free porridge, which do not contain gluten or sugar, since all dishes are introduced to babies without salt, sugar and spices.
If the family’s choice fell on ordinary porridge, then when preparing it it is worth following the rules that will help preserve a large amount of useful substances:

  • the cereal should be crushed before cooking;
  • You should not give your child bran or, conversely, polished rice and millet - both of them can harm the child’s body;
  • you need to cook the porridge in water, and then add breast milk, formula, etc.;
  • the ratio of cereal and water is 1:3.

Only the mother decides which porridge to choose for her child, because it is the parents who are responsible for the harmonious development of their children. It is advisable to consider the child’s nutrition early age seriously, because this is the key to future health.

Since childhood, everyone knows that porridge is very good for health. However, many would like to know: which porridge is the healthiest. Such information is of interest to those who are used to eating right, to girls who want to lose weight, to all mothers who want to grow healthy child and athletes.

Porridges have been used for a long time. They gave strength and energy to the poorest segments of the population. They were also consumed by more prosperous people, who prepared them in addition to other dishes.

Currently there are a large number of known different types croup Many valuable varieties have been popular since ancient times.

The healthiest cereals

The benefits of a particular porridge are determined by the following factors:

  • The presence of vitamins important for the body.
  • Content of essential microelements.
  • Contains complete protein and amino acids.
  • Glycemic index value.

Cereals have many positive properties. They contain vitamins, minerals, natural fiber, organic acids and natural fats.

Advice! Do not cook porridge in an enamel container. The cereal will burn, and the enamel will crack and get into the food.

Oatmeal, sir!

Oatmeal is obtained from oats. Useful properties determined by the quality of grinding. The rougher it is, the more useful the product.

Rolled oats have a minimal degree of processing. It is healthier than oatmeal.

Cereals are distinguished by an abundance of microelements and fiber. The grains contain insoluble fibers that help remove waste.

Most people who lead a healthy lifestyle start their day with oatmeal.

This product has the following beneficial properties:

  • Has a beneficial effect on skeletal system and its development.
  • Recommended for pain in the abdominal area.
  • Increases the body's resistance to various diseases.
  • Cleanses the intestines of excess substances.
  • Renders good influence on the skin. Normalizes activity digestive system, blood sugar, and also strengthens blood vessels.

It is oatmeal that contains tocopherol, which helps maintain smoothness. skin and also improve complexion. Biotin helps strengthen nails and hair, and B vitamins protect against depression.

To prepare tasty porridge, you need to cook it in three stages. First, the flakes are filled with water and cooked over low heat until thickened. Then some milk is added. After the porridge thickens, add another portion of the milk and cook over low heat until cooked.

Advice! Oatmeal is considered an excellent source of energy, which allows you to feel full for a long time and avoid unhealthy snacks.


Buckwheat is considered the best cereal By nutritional value with a minimum calorie content. This product is rich in magnesium and iron, which is important for heart function.

Buckwheat is prescribed by doctors as the main component of the diet of diabetics. It does not increase blood sugar levels.

Many people don’t realize, but buckwheat is not a cereal crops, but to herbaceous ones. Sorrel is considered its relative, so the product has minimal calorie content.

Porridge has the following advantages:

  • Positively affects the immune system.
  • Improves digestion, blood supply, and vascular system.
  • Prescribed for diseased liver and atherosclerosis.

  • Affects the reduction of bad cholesterol.
  • Buckwheat contains selenium, which is strong antioxidant and allows you to freeze the aging process of the body.
  • Folic acid contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Buckwheat is versatile. It can be prepared with meat, vegetables, mushrooms, milk or cottage cheese.

Advice! This product does not cause allergic reactions. When growing it, no chemicals are used and genetic engineering, so buckwheat can be recommended to those who care about their health.

Pearl barley

One of the most ancient grains is barley. When its grains are polished, pearl barley is obtained. In ancient times, this product was used to restore strength, as it is rich in protein.

Barley, in addition to protein, contains fiber, potassium and phosphorus.

When choosing which porridge is considered the healthiest for breakfast, you should try barley. It allows you to normalize intestinal function.

Porridge has the following beneficial properties:

  • Prevents the occurrence of early wrinkles.
  • Promotes collagen production, which helps maintain smooth skin.
  • Positively affects the condition of hair and skin.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Promotes good digestion.

Useful components pearl barley raise protective functions body to fight viral infections.

Advice! In order to cook pearl barley deliciously, you need to soak it in water for at least 12 hours. The porridge is cooked over an open fire until it boils, and then simmered in a water bath for six hours. You can put the porridge in a slow cooker on the simmer mode.


Millet is a healthy, minimally processed product that retains a large amount of fiber.

When deciding which cereal porridge undergoes little processing and is therefore the healthiest, you should choose millet. It allows you to cleanse the intestines well and removes metal salts and toxins from the body. Cereals help reduce the development of atherosclerosis and affect the quality of blood vessel cleansing.

Millet is considered very useful product for the heart, this porridge contains a large amount of magnesium and potassium.

The porridge contains iron, zinc and manganese, which improve metabolic processes. It also contains substances that help remove antibiotics, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

Millet has the following advantages:

  • Is prophylactic for constipation and a natural diuretic.
  • Accelerates wound healing and bone fusion.
  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps cleanse the body.

Millet can be cooked with milk. It is also prepared with meat, chicken or pumpkin.

Advice! The cereal contains polysaccharides, so it is not recommended for use for pancreatitis. Millet porridge should not be used by people with diabetes.


Corn is not very common on our table. But this product has excellent properties.

Corn porridge contains large amounts of potassium and magnesium, which makes it very beneficial for heart function. It reduces cholesterol and also cleanses the intestines.

Corn grits have the following properties:

  • Influences the normalization of metabolism.
  • Has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Strengthens gums and teeth.

Advice! When cooking, the porridge should not boil too much. It is not recommended to add water during the cooking process. Viscous porridges are cooked with milk, and crumbly porridges are cooked with broth or water.


Rice is a staple food in many countries around the world. Unpolished and brown rice is considered the most valuable.

This product allows you to effectively cleanse the body of toxins. Rice porridge has sorbent properties, normalizes digestion and coats the intestinal walls.

Many athletes consume healthy porridge, as the main source of carbohydrates.

Rice is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and waste.
  • Helps improve the functioning of joints, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

You can cook porridge from brown rice in a slow cooker. The cereal should first be soaked in salted water for an hour, and then put in a slow cooker, add water and cook in porridge mode. Then heated milk, salt and butter are added and set to simmer.

Advice! Substances contained in rice help stabilize the water-alkaline balance. That is why rice water is recommended for diarrhea and intestinal disorders. The cereal does not contain gluten, so it can be given even to small children.


Has unique properties flaxseed porridge. Flax is considered an invaluable source of youth. It contains a large amount of microelements, especially potassium.

The most harmful cereals

There are not very healthy cereals that contain virtually no fiber and have a high glycemic index.

It is worth highlighting the following options:

  • White rice contains minimal amounts of minerals and vitamins.
  • Instant oatmeal is not particularly beneficial.

Advice!Gluten is present not only in various cereals, but also in products made from them. It is present in pasta, bread, sausage and canned food as additives.

What cereals help you lose weight?

Experts, when asked: which porridges are effective and the healthiest for weight loss, answer that those consisting of whole grain, not crushed particles.

  • The feeling of fullness lasts for a long time.
  • Porridges charge you with energy and give you vigor.
  • Maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • They are low in calories.
  • They have many minerals and vitamins.
  • The best cereals for weight loss are buckwheat, pearl barley and brown rice.

Advice! Instant cereals do not have healthy fiber and essential microelements, so you should choose natural cereals.

What cereals are good for children?

There are several answers to the question which porridge is the healthiest and best for children. For children over one year old, buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the healthiest.

  • Oatmeal is essential for vision and good brain function. It contains components that strengthen capillaries and vessel walls.
  • Many cereal products contain zinc, which protects against all kinds of skin diseases.
  • Buckwheat is rich in calcium and iron. Millet cereal removes excess salts from the body.
  • At the same time, corn porridge is recommended for dental health.
  • It is worth remembering that rice porridge should be given with caution to children who are prone to constipation.
  • If you are gluten intolerant, you should consume buckwheat, rice and corn. These cereals do not contain this component.
  • In terms of protein content, oatmeal and buckwheat are considered the healthiest. In terms of the content of useful microelements, buckwheat is in first place.

Advice! There is no need to rush to add sugar and salt to small children’s porridge. At the same time, taste preferences are easily deformed. Having tried sweetened porridge, the baby will not eat unsweetened porridge.

Cooking features

For porridge to be as healthy as possible, it must be prepared correctly. Some subtleties proper preparation products will help you create a wonderful dish:

  • The less processing, the healthier the cereal. It is worth using coarse and unpolished grains.

  • The cereal must be washed thoroughly. This will clear the grains of dust, but will not wash away the beneficial substances.

The menu is varied with tasty additions. You can use a variety of fruits, berries and nuts.

Regular consumption valuable cereals, will bring great benefits and health to the body.