How to make cottage cheese at home. How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk - recipes for making homemade cottage cheese

It is important for mothers that children receive all the healthiest things in their diet, and therefore factory-made fermented milk products are increasingly being replaced by homemade ones. For example, cottage cheese is excellent at home from raw and boiled milk, fresh whole natural cow's milk, and from a pasteurized store-bought product. There are a lot of different recipes that can teach us how to make the most delicious, environmentally friendly cottage cheese by cooking and even using a non-thermal method.

How is cottage cheese made from milk?

Today, in the age of widespread distribution of genetically modified goods, the dangers of which are trumpeted from all over, trust in factory products is melting before our eyes. I become scared not only for myself, but also for my children.

That is why more and more people are striving to purchase a natural, rustic assortment of dairy products. Villagers and farm owners skillfully manage milk, preparing a lot of tasty and healthy products from it. However, many city residents don’t even realize that it’s quite simple to get the same cottage cheese from milk with your own hands, the main thing is to know the algorithm of this process.

So how can you make your own organic cottage cheese?

Homemade cottage cheese from village milk

First, you need to decide what kind of milk homemade cottage cheese is made from. Undoubtedly, homemade fresh milk from milking Burenka is the best raw material for curdling.

This cottage cheese turns out soft, tender, juicy and very nutritious. From 1 liter of milk yield you can get up to 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.

Even if homemade milk has been passed through a separator, skimmed milk will still be an excellent solution for making low-fat cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese from store-bought milk

However, very often city housewives are asked the question: is it possible to make homemade cottage cheese from store-bought milk, since in the city it is not always possible to buy farm goods?

Yes, of course, you can resort to factory-made milk, it curdles perfectly and it doesn’t even matter so much whether the raw materials are fresh or boiled. At home, even from low-fat, pasteurized and lactose-free milk, you can make a good curd product.

To obtain 1 kg of cottage cheese you will need at least 4 liters of milk.

How does the curdling process occur?

Everything is simple here. First, the milk must be allowed to sour and curdle, that is, turn into curdled milk.

This can be done in various ways, from simply keeping the drink warm for about a day, to using various natural starters (sour cream, kefir, bifidumbacterin), acids (citric acid, vinegar, lemon juice) and chemicals (calcium chloride).

Next, the fermented milk is subjected to thermal and cryo treatment, as a result of which the curdled milk breaks up into two fractions, one of which is cottage cheese. That's all science is. Everything looks quite easy and simple, even without visual video lessons.

Let's now put theoretical knowledge into practice.


  • — 5 l + -
  • Kefir - 1 l + -

Making homemade cottage cheese from milk

This recipe for making homemade cottage cheese can rightfully be called classic or even traditional, because this is how this product has been prepared from time immemorial, mainly from natural cow’s milk.

In order to make homemade cottage cheese, we will need both milk and kefir as a starter.

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat it over medium heat with occasional stirring to prevent it from burning.
  2. As soon as the milk boils, pour all the kefir into it and, continuing to cook, actively mix the entire mass from top to bottom so that the starter is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of milk.
  3. After a few minutes, you will notice that the milk has curdled and protein grains have risen to the top - this is the curd itself separated from the whey.
  4. Now we need to filter it from the whey liquid, for which we line a sieve placed on an empty pan with gauze folded in two or three times and drain the entire contents of the pan through it.
  5. The curd remained in the gauze, and the whey was glassed into a container. We tie the edges of the fabric in the form of a bag and hang it so that the excess whey completely drains from the curd.

The cottage cheese is ready! Now you can make cheesecakes with it, stuff it, or simply mix it with sugar and raisins and eat it for breakfast.

Among the huge variety of different options for making cottage cheese, there is naturally an express recipe that will tell us how to quickly make cottage cheese at home from fresh and boiled milk from the store.

To do this, we don’t even need a starter, but we will use a pharmaceutical preparation called calcium chloride. Using this method, back in Soviet times, mothers tried to make calcium-enriched homemade kefir and cottage cheese for their children.

These products are not only very tasty, but can also strengthen teeth and bones, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.


  • Pasteurized milk – 0.5 l;
  • Calcium chloride 10% solution – 1.5 tbsp;

Preparation of calcined cottage cheese

The prepared products are just enough to prepare one serving of cottage cheese for a child.

  • So, we heat the milk in a saucepan to 40 o C, after which, with vigorous stirring, we introduce a ten percent solution of calcium chloride into the liquid.
  • Then bring the milk to a boil and cook until the mixture curdles. Next, remove the brew from the stove and, after cooling, place the curd on a strainer. After 15 minutes, the excess liquid will drain and the cottage cheese will be ready to eat.

In this recipe, you should strictly adhere to the stated proportions, because if you add too much CaCl 2 to the milk, the cottage cheese will taste bitter, which will definitely not appeal to either children or adults.

Absolutely healthy people can consume any dairy products without fear for their own health, however, for people with lactose intolerance, the permissible range of dairy products is very limited.

And if in megacities you can still find lactose-free products, then for small cities this is sometimes an outlandish product. And therefore, people with such a diagnosis have no choice but to prepare special cottage cheese at home on their own, since such milk is available today in almost every major market.

And in order to make a product even more useful, we will resort to the help of bifidobacteria instead of sourdough, and we will not cook fermented milk, but will use a gentle cryo curdling method.


  • Lactose-free milk – 1 l;
  • Bifidumbacterin – 2 ampoules;

Making homemade lactose-free cottage cheese

  1. First, we need to bring the milk to a boil, then cool it to 38 o C and pour it into a thermos, where we also add diluted bifidumbacterin.
  2. After 10-16 hours, a luxurious kefir, lactose-free and enriched with bifidobacteria, is formed in the thermos. To preserve all the benefits of this product, we use the freezer, not fire, to prepare cottage cheese.
  3. So, pour the kefir into a bag and put it in the freezer for 8 hours, or best of all, overnight. And in the morning we take out the bag, cut it, take out the ice floe and put it on a sieve lined with three layers of gauze. During the thawing process, the whey will flow through the holes, and the most delicate, juicy and soft cottage cheese will remain in the gauze bag.

Yes, undoubtedly, this method takes a lot of time, but after enjoying the taste of this curd and having gained the lion's share of the benefits, we really understand that it is worth it and then making cottage cheese at home from any type of milk will become your constant activity in the kitchen.

A wonderful delicacy and an invaluable product containing calcium. Homemade cottage cheese is loved by adults and children. You can use it to prepare countless delicious dishes and sweet desserts. Regular consumption is beneficial for any age, especially when it comes to a homemade product. To protect your family as much as possible, it is advisable to choose only proven recipes. How to make cottage cheese at home, useful recommendations and many simple recipes can be found in our article.

The composition of cottage cheese is rich in natural proteins and a record calcium content. In addition, you can choose a product with minimal fat content, which is important for baby food. Ideally, the human body should receive it at least once every two days, and for children and the elderly, cottage cheese is simply a necessary product.

Modern supermarkets have a huge selection of a wide variety of dairy products, including cottage cheese. By purchasing products from trusted manufacturers, you can provide your family with everything they need, but in some cases it is better to make cottage cheese yourself. This is especially important for babies, whose digestive system is just beginning to adapt to new foods.

How to make cottage cheese at home

It would be optimal to use homemade milk and dairy products for these purposes. Making homemade cottage cheese is as easy as shelling pears, even for an inexperienced housewife. In addition, the process will not take much time, which is ideal for always busy mothers.

The specificity of curd products is that they are usually consumed without preliminary heat treatment.

This creates a certain threat, because bacteria develop well in such an environment. This is why it is necessary to use boiled or pasteurized milk. The main nuances of home cooking are described below.

Secrets of successful cooking:

  • Cottage cheese can be obtained from almost any dairy product. In addition to the traditional milk recipe, you can use kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, sour cream or cream as raw materials. The fat and calorie content of homemade cottage cheese directly depends on the raw materials, so it is better to prepare dietary cottage cheese for baby food from regular milk.
  • If you have chosen a recipe with natural fermentation of the milk mass, the main thing is not to let it sit for too long. Otherwise, the cottage cheese will acquire a sour taste, which will make it not very suitable for desserts or baby food.
  • The pharmacy has special starter cultures for these purposes. With their help, you can quickly ferment milk and prepare yogurt, curdled milk and other fermented milk products. In addition to the speed of preparation, such starters contain additional substances: vitamins, bifidobacteria, etc. The disadvantage will be the increase in the cost of products, and ordinary homemade cottage cheese can be made without extra expenses.
  • The first complementary food for infants can be made from homemade cottage cheese. For this, only non-sour milk and kefir are used.

Cottage cheese at home from milk can be prepared using different methods. Usually the natural fermentation method is used, but for quick results it is better to boil milk or other raw materials and then quickly cool. Such temperature changes contribute to the rapid formation of semi-solid clots, from which the final product is obtained.

On average, to prepare one kilogram of cottage cheese you will need about five to six liters of milk.

Homemade cottage cheese recipes

Such processes are not complicated, because this product can be obtained in different ways. Usually, thrifty housewives use substandard dairy products, for example, sour milk or leftover kefir and milk mixtures. If you need to get a fairly large amount of cottage cheese, for example, to bake delicious pies or make cheesecake, you can buy homemade milk in advance and make the cottage cheese yourself. The taste of such a product will be significantly superior to the store-bought version, so it is better to spend a little time preparing it than to risk buying a low-quality or suspicious composition.

Manufacturers often add special substances that slow down processes and promote long-term storage. If it is not possible to prepare cottage cheese yourself, it is better to choose products with a minimum shelf life produced at a nearby enterprise. You should not buy super-pasteurized milk to make cottage cheese. Any natural product of this type simply cannot be stored for up to six months, and without temperature control. Cottage cheese made from powdered milk also has a grainy consistency and often an unpleasant bitter taste.

Several quick and simple technology recipes are given in our article. With their help, you can easily prepare this healthy product yourself.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe from milk

It is advisable to purchase homemade whole milk. If you are confident in its quality, you don’t need to use boiling. To prepare, you need to leave the milk in a glass container for a day or two. To enhance the fermentation process, you can use special starter cultures, which are sold in pharmacies or supermarket departments. A “homemade” method would be to add kefir, sour cream or just a piece of black bread.

The taste of cottage cheese prepared in this way is no different from factory production; its consistency can be adjusted independently. But its main advantage is its natural composition without foreign impurities and strict compliance with all hygienic standards and storage conditions.

Homemade kefir cottage cheese

You can make delicious cottage cheese from any dairy product, but to do this you need to start the fermentation processes. It is optimal to use sour milk or ready-made kefir. The fat content of the cottage cheese will depend on the original product.

On the other hand, a dietary product will not provide enough raw materials to form curd lumps, so it is better to choose kefir of medium fat content.

Algorithm for making cottage cheese from kefir:

  • The mixture is heated over low heat. Do not boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out too dry.
  • Once solid clumps begin to form on the surface of the mixture, you must remove it from the stove.
  • Pass the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze.
  • The “bag” of cottage cheese is suspended above the container to drain the whey. For the same purposes, oppression is often used, then the structure of the cottage cheese will be more dense.
  • The resulting product can be used immediately or can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. To do this, it is advisable to wrap it in a dry cotton towel or napkin, but do not use a plastic bag.

You can take a mixture of milk and kefir, and also add any other dairy product. For young children, it is best to keep the ratio of milk and kefir within 2:1. Additionally, you can use calcined powder, which is also sold in pharmacies. Its use is often recommended when there is a lack of calcium in the body, but it should not be abused, so as not to increase the load on the kidneys.

The main condition of safety- pre-boiling if there is any doubt about the quality.

For the lucky owners of reliable sources of supplies of homemade milk, there will be no such problem; the original products will not need to be boiled.

Homemade cottage cheese from sour milk

If you find sour milk in the refrigerator, and you don’t have time for baking, you can use it to make delicious cottage cheese. To do this, pour the milk into a suitable container and put it on low heat. An increase in the temperature of the liquid will cause gradual thickening and the formation of curd lumps. Having almost brought the mixture to a boil, you must quickly move the container and cover with a lid. This must be done for better formation of the curd mass.

After the milk has cooled to a comfortable temperature, place several layers of clean gauze on the bottom of a metal colander and strain the resulting mixture. The whey that is formed when cottage cheese is heated can also be used to prepare cold milk soups (okroshka) or baked goods. All semi-solid residues will linger at the bottom of the colander, so all that remains is to carefully squeeze out the excess liquid and hang the gauze for the final drainage of the whey. For these purposes, you can use a press, leaving the curd lump directly in the colander.

This method will allow you to use those products that were previously simply thrown away as unnecessary. Cottage cheese made from sour milk does not have any differences in taste, the main thing is that the milk is simply sour and not completely gone. You can experiment a little by mixing the mixture with yogurt or adding fruit filling. If you do not want to use such a product in its pure form, there is always the opportunity to use it for baking, preparing, for example, a delicious casserole.

Homemade goat milk cottage cheese

The algorithm for preparing such a product is practically no different from the “classic” recipe using cow’s milk. A characteristic feature of such a product will be a slightly specific taste, but in terms of calcium content and other useful substances it will not be inferior to the traditional one. This will be an excellent alternative for congenital indigestibility of cow's milk. In addition, such products will be useful for young children and are perfect for first feeding.

Goat milk must first be fermented a little. In order to ensure maximum naturalness of the process, place a crust of black bread in a container with milk. A day later, the milk had already become sour milk and acquired a slightly heterogeneous consistency. For convenience, you can use a water bath. When the container is placed in boiling water, care must be taken to ensure that the milk does not boil. After 15 - 20 minutes, you can drain the resulting mixture in a colander and then put it under pressure, the cottage cheese is ready.

Quick and original methods for making cottage cheese

Even with minimal effort, it is possible to obtain this product at home. For those who are always busy with other things, we offer a selection of the fastest methods for making cottage cheese at home.

Place the initial mixture: milk, yogurt, kefir or a set of fermented milk products in a suitable container. Then put everything in the microwave and set the power to maximum. Cooking time is around 10 minutes, you can periodically look at the mixture.

When the curd mass becomes thick and heterogeneous, you can safely strain. Using this method, you can quickly prepare a child’s breakfast, especially since in a family with children there is usually no shortage of raw dairy products. Many mothers even try to make cottage cheese from breast milk, but in this case it is better to use a traditional stove rather than a microwave oven.

Freezing the original product

The original recipe for making cottage cheese from kefir is freezing the original product. For convenience, kefir is used in a cardboard box. In the evening, such a bag is placed in the freezer, and in the morning it is laid out to defrost at room temperature.

For quick results, it is advisable to open the package, transfer the contents to a sieve and leave indoors. After some time, the mixture will thaw and the result will be the most delicate cottage cheese with a soft consistency. The good thing about this method is that it requires virtually no effort to prepare.

Of course, such recipes now cannot be done without the use of an indispensable modern assistant - a multicooker. With its help, you can also quickly prepare cottage cheese, especially if it has a special “yogurt” program. Housewives have experimentally figured out other methods.

You can set the “baking” mode (about 80º C) or just heating (the temperature depends on the brand of equipment). In the first case, cooking will take 10 - 15 minutes, when heated - about an hour. With the automatic yogurt preparation function, the production speed will also depend on the multicooker model.

Using a conventional oven

Using a conventional oven, you can also pamper your household with homemade cottage cheese. Pour the milk and curd mixture into a suitable container and heat to 150º C for half an hour. After this, drain the whey, the cottage cheese is ready. An unusually delicious curd dessert can be prepared in clay pots.

To do this, add sour cream or cream, a little sugar to the pre-fermented milk and set for the same time and temperature. Cottage cheese prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant taste and delicate texture. Alternatively, this can be a delicious dessert for dinner, especially since preparation requires minimal effort.

Homemade cottage cheese is a wonderful food for any occasion. Children love its delicate taste, and adults love its rich composition and the ability to use it for a variety of dishes.

It can be used to make desserts, used in baking and added to salads. A “classic” dish, a favorite since childhood, is cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, and most people still associate the taste of kindergarten cottage cheese casserole with the best moments in life. You can prepare this healthy product at home; this does not require special culinary skills or complex equipment. Using the recipes in our article, you can easily master this simple technology and be able to pamper your family and friends with delicious and healthy dishes.

Cottage cheese dishes are not only cheesecakes and casseroles. You can use this healthy ingredient to make a pie, cookies, and even a holiday snack.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings

Required Products:

  • three large spoons of flour;
  • 200 grams of 5% cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two spoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Knead the indicated amount of cottage cheese well with a fork, mix with all the other ingredients on the list, knead into a homogeneous dough.
  2. We form a sausage (not too thick), cut it into small pieces, which we roll on both sides in flour.
  3. We place the preparations in already boiling water, keep it on the fire for about five minutes, after which we serve, for example, with sour cream. They can be frozen and used as needed.

Diet cheesecakes without eggs

For those who want to lose weight, dietary dishes made from cottage cheese are suitable. Please note that it is better to take a dairy product with a minimum amount of fat or without it at all.

Required Products:

  • 0.25 kg cottage cheese;
  • a large spoon of flour;
  • one spoon of sugar or to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the specified amount of cottage cheese with sugar and mash with a fork until smooth.
  2. When the mixture becomes soft enough, add flour, mix again and form balls from this dough. Press them a little between your fingers to form a flat cake.
  3. Place the pieces in a hot frying pan (preferably a non-stick one so as not to use oil) and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Alternatively, you can put the semi-finished products in the oven for 25 minutes, setting the heat to 180 degrees.

Curd pie in the oven

Required Products:

  • tsp baking powder;
  • 0.25 kg cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • 120 grams of butter;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • one and a half cups of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine flour with baking powder and half of the specified amount of sugar. Then add the butter, pre-cut into pieces (it should be chilled). Rub this mass with your hands to form a sticky crumb.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese well with a fork or grind through a sieve, mix with yolks and sour cream.
  3. Combine the remaining sugar with the egg whites and beat with a mixer until foam forms. The result should be a mass approximately three times larger than the original one.
  4. Add the resulting mixture to the cottage cheese and bring until smooth.
  5. First we place half of the dough into the mold, and then the cottage cheese with proteins, which we also cover with the remaining dough.
  6. We put the future dessert in the oven for 30 minutes, warming it up to 180 degrees in advance.

If you are a fan of homemade dairy recipes, then this article is for you. Delicate homemade cottage cheese is an ideal breakfast, the basis for baking and desserts, and it should be prepared from sour milk (yogurt), which helps to dispose of the spoiled product in a timely manner.

To prepare yogurt and cottage cheese from it, you should take only homemade milk, there are reasons for this: firstly, cottage cheese from such milk turns out fattier and tastier, and secondly, homemade milk sours correctly, forming a jelly-like mass (yogurt), unlike store-bought milk, which quickly acidifies and acquires an unpleasant odor.

A simple recipe for yogurt cottage cheese

So, after purchasing a 3-liter jar of homemade milk, it’s time to figure out how to make cottage cheese from yogurt. After your milk has soured to the point of curdled milk (this takes about a day in the summer and up to two days in the winter), you should place the jar in a pan of hot water on the stove. At the same time, make a cross-shaped cut in the curdled milk to the very bottom so that the product sours more evenly. As soon as the contents of the jar warm up to a temperature of about 35-40 degrees (it is better to use a thermometer to determine), the fire can be turned off and the curdled milk can be left to warm up evenly.

We move the heated product into a new pan, the bottom of which is covered with a rag or a special mat used during preservation. Pour warm water into the pan and put the curdled milk on the fire. Now all that remains is to wait, because it is impossible to judge exactly how long to cook homemade cottage cheese from yogurt - it all depends on the milk and the heat. A sign of readiness will be the whey, which is very clearly separated from the curd mass. As soon as the curd separates, let the mixture cool completely and place it on cheesecloth. Usually, 6-8 hours in a suspended state is enough for the cottage cheese to get rid of excess whey without losing softness, but if you like drier cottage cheese, extend the time for another 4-6 hours or put the yogurt cottage cheese under a press.

How to cook cottage cheese from yogurt in a slow cooker?


  • milk - 3 l;
  • sour cream - 200 g.


In order to speed up the process of souring milk, it should be mixed with sour cream and left warm. As soon as the milk has curdled and yogurt has formed, pour it into the multicooker bowl and set the “Warming” mode for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, place the curd mass in a colander lined with gauze, tie the ends of the gauze and leave the excess whey to drip off. The time that the curd mass should spend in a suspended state is calculated by everyone: if you want to get a wetter curd, leave it for 4-6 hours, drier curd will be ready in 8-12 hours.

How to make cottage cheese from yogurt?

There is also a less labor-intensive process for making cottage cheese. In this case, you can take ready-made store-bought yogurt and leave it to drain in the evening. In the morning, tender cottage cheese will be waiting for you.

To prepare, we only need a half-liter sachet - a liter, depending on how much product you want to get out. Homemade curdled milk can be poured into a simple plastic bag. So, before making cottage cheese from yogurt, we freeze the yogurt itself directly in the package, and transfer the resulting lump into a gauze bag. We tie the edges of the bag and hang the contents over a saucepan into which the whey will drain. After 8-10 hours, the excess whey will completely drain, and you will have a delicate curd mass for breakfast or an excellent base for sweet dishes.

People have been eating cottage cheese since ancient times. There is a belief that this dish first appeared by accident: whey spilled out of sour milk. In Rus', in the old days, cottage cheese was called “sour cheese,” which is probably why we still call cottage cheese pancakes syrniki. Previously, it was prepared exclusively from yogurt; now there are many known ways to prepare this product.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to buy cottage cheese both in the market and in stores. But hardly anyone will disagree with the fact that it has a lot of advantages. First of all, it preserves vitamins and microelements. And besides, which is important, it tastes different from store bought. Let's look at several ways at home.

Real cottage cheese

This product is prepared from You must be absolutely sure of its quality and freshness, since it cannot be boiled - real cottage cheese does not tolerate high temperatures. For example, a product made from skim milk will have a fine-grained structure.

Milk in a three-liter jar is placed in a warm place. In order for it to ferment faster, a small piece of rye bread is placed in it. Milk turns into curdled milk after a day if the process occurs in summer, and after 3 days if in winter. There is no need to stir it at this time. The readiness of curdled milk can be determined by the bubbles that should rise to the top and form “passages”.

After this, you need to carefully skim off the cream and pour the yogurt into a large saucepan. If the milk was of high quality and the curdled milk turned out good, it does not flow freely. That is, in order to pour it, the jar needs to be shaken periodically. If the yogurt pours easily, the curd will not be as tasty and will not have the desired structure.

Place the pan on low heat for 10 minutes until the mass is at the required temperature. You can check it in two ways. Touch the container in two places - near the top and near the bottom. The top of the pan should be slightly warm, and at the bottom it should be much warmer, but not hot. You can stir your yogurt with a spoon from bottom to top and dip your finger into the pan; the mass should be slightly warm. If the desired temperature is not yet, cook it for another 5 minutes. The main thing is not to overheat the curdled milk, since in this case the curd will taste unpleasant, hard and fine-grained.

Now you can turn off the heat and leave the pan to cool overnight. By morning the mass will separate, with cottage cheese on top and whey below. The mixture should be poured into a large bowl lined with gauze. The gauze is then tied and suspended over the whey collection container. When it drains, homemade cottage cheese from milk will be ready.

You can not heat the yogurt, but place it on several layers of gauze immediately after ripening. But for this it must be uniform and thick, otherwise it may all seep through the gauze. Cottage cheese prepared according to this recipe at home turns out incredibly tender; it is not recommended to use it for baking, as it will spread. From 3 liters of milk this recipe produces about 700 grams of cottage cheese.

There are also simpler recipes. Homemade cottage cheese can also be made from store-bought milk with the addition of sour cream. For this you will need:

Sour cream - a glass;
- milk - a glass;
- sugar;
- rye bread.

First, mix a tablespoon of sour cream in a glass of milk. Add a piece of rye and leave the mixture warm overnight. In the morning, carefully take out the bread so that it does not crumble. The sour milk is filtered through gauze folded three times. The cottage cheese is ready.

In order to get a larger amount of cottage cheese, you need to pour a pack of milk into an enamel pan, add sour cream (2-3 spoons), mix and also leave overnight. In the morning, heat on the stove until the sour milk becomes warm (do not boil). Turn off the heat, after 2-3 hours, when the milk has curdled, you need to strain it.

Add a spoonful of sour cream and a little sugar to the finished dish. You can store the cottage cheese for up to three days in the refrigerator.

As you can see, making cottage cheese at home is not at all difficult. This dish will undoubtedly appeal to all household members, and especially children.