Anechoic formation in the brain of a newborn. Brain cyst in newborns: early diagnosis and first signs. Cystic neoplasms near the pituitary gland lead to

Almost no one has heard the brain of newborn children. IN lately Every third child is born with this disease.

A brain cyst in young children occurs when fluid accumulates in areas of dead tissue. It looks like a ball filled with liquid. Sometimes a cyst forms in the walls of the membrane, which have stuck together due to the inflammatory process.

A cavity formation can appear both inside the brain and on its surface, and be located in any part of it, in one or several.

A brain cyst is not cancer, and in itself is completely safe. But it gradually progresses and puts pressure on other parts of the brain, causing irreversible consequences in them. Therefore, the presence of such a formation in the brain cannot be ignored.

Classification of brain cysts

Depending on the location, time of appearance and properties in newborns, there are 3 types of brain cysts: choroid plexus cyst, arachnoid or cerebrospinal fluid cyst, and subependymal cyst.

Choroid plexus cyst most often formed during intrauterine development. If it appears at the beginning of pregnancy, it usually does not pose any danger even before birth or at infancy disappears. After childbirth, such a cyst develops mainly if a woman suffered from infectious or inflammatory diseases during pregnancy. Often it is caused by a difficult birth or a difficult pregnancy.

Cerebral or subependymal, the cyst occurs inside the brain. Its formation is caused by insufficient blood circulation in the brain, which causes oxygen starvation and tissue death. Therefore, such a neoplasm should be under constant surveillance.

Arachnoid, or cerebrospinal fluid, cyst formed on the surface of the brain - between meninges and the brain. Its cavities are filled with liquor. The causes of such a cyst are mainly inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders in the brain and trauma. Such formations grow quickly, increasing in size and squeezing nearby parts of the brain. An arachnoid cyst is very rare anomaly. It is diagnosed in only 3% of newborns. In most cases, this type of cyst is observed in boys.

Dr. Komarovsky about brain cysts in children.

Causes of cysts

Most often, a cyst in the brain is formed as a result of:

  • congenital pathologies central nervous system;
  • birth and postpartum injuries;
  • inflammatory diseases (especially meningitis and encephalitis);
  • penetration of the herpes virus into the body;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • insufficient blood circulation to the brain, leading to oxygen starvation and poor nutrition of cells with useful substances.

All of the above factors cause degeneration of brain tissue and its death.

The cyst may remain in place and not change in size. But in some cases, the growth of cavity formation is possible.

It mainly occurs when:

  • increasing pressure in the cavity space;
  • further development of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • concussion in a child who has a cyst;
  • bruises and head injuries in infants with existing pathology.

Symptoms of a brain cyst

Often the occurrence of cavity formations is asymptomatic.

But sometimes the cyst announces itself:

  • profuse regurgitation and vomiting;
  • swelling of the fontanelles and the appearance of pulsation in them;
  • slow physical and psychomotor development.

As the cyst grows, its pressure on surrounding tissue increases, worsening the baby's condition.

An increase in the size of the cavity formation is accompanied by:

  • headaches: spasmodic, aching and constant;
  • impairments of vision, hearing, smell;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • pulsation and;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • delayed movements;
  • hypertonicity or hypotonicity of muscles;
  • impaired coordination of movements; v
  • seizures and epilepsy;
  • sudden fainting;
  • hand tremors;
  • numbness and partial paralysis of the limbs;
  • mental disorders;
  • hallucinations.

The degree of manifestation of symptoms is influenced by the location of the cyst. If she hits occipital part head, then the child’s vision deteriorates, he begins to see double, and a veil appears before his eyes. If the cavity formation is located in the cerebellum, then the patient’s gait and coordination of movements are impaired, and dizziness appears. When it is localized near the pituitary gland, the work is disrupted endocrine system and there is a delay in the child’s sexual development, and sometimes also in physical and mental development.

Diagnosis of a brain cyst

Helps identify pathological changes in the brain pediatric neurologist. If a newborn is diagnosed with a “brain cyst,” he will be registered with a neurosurgeon.

Cavity formations in infants are detected using neurosonography - an ultrasound examination of the brain, which is completely harmless. Diagnosis is first carried out before birth, and then upon reaching one month old. At this time, the fontanel is not yet closed, which guarantees high accuracy of the examination.

It is imperative to carry out diagnostics for premature infants and infants who require intensive care, as well as those who underwent resuscitation measures after birth. It will also be needed in the event of an unfavorable course of labor and pregnancy, as well as if the fetus was observed. These children are at risk and have a high chance of getting a cyst.

Then the diagnosis is carried out at 3 months, six months and a year. At this age, the disease is detected using magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

With a progressive subependymal cyst, it is necessary to undergo magnetic resonance imaging several times a year.

To determine the causes of the cyst, additional methods are used:

  • Dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • cardiography;
  • measurement ;
  • blood tests: for coagulation, cholesterol levels, the presence of infectious agents and autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of brain cysts

The choice of treatment method is influenced by the type of cyst. Treatment of cavity formations includes their observation by a neuropathologist or neurologist and surgery.
For a choroid plexus cyst that occurs in embryonic period, usually no treatment is required: it is enough to eliminate the cause of the disease and the cavity formation will resolve on its own during the first year of life. If a cyst forms after birth, it may disappear, or it may lead to serious consequences. Therefore, constant monitoring is necessary.

In the case of a subependymal cyst, intensive therapy is also not required. Regular monitoring and examinations are sufficient.

An arachnoid cyst requires radical treatment. Formations of this type do not disappear on their own and are actively growing. Therefore, most often the doctor prescribes surgery.

Surgical treatment of cysts can be radical or palliative.

In radical therapy, the skull is trephinated and the cavity formation along with the fluid in it is removed. This operation is performed only in extreme cases due to its traumatic nature.

An alternative to radical treatment is palliative therapy methods - bypass surgery and endoscopy.

When shunting, the contents of the cavity formation are removed using a shunt system. This method is less traumatic compared to radical treatment, but has its drawbacks: the shunt, due to its long stay in the brain, can cause infection and it does not remove the cyst, but only the cavity fluid.

During endoscopy, small punctures are made in the skull and the contents of the cyst are removed through them using an endoscope. The operation is low-traumatic and safe, but the surgeon performing it must be highly qualified.

Successful recovery depends on timely contact with a neurologist, correct diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Complications of a brain cyst

The danger of a brain tumor depends on its size and degree of progression.

Typically small, slow-growing cysts in infancy show no signs. But that doesn't mean they don't need attention. IN adolescence such cysts may begin to progress unexpectedly.

Absence timely treatment can lead to irreversible pathologies:

  • blindness and deafness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • divergence of seams between bones;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • hydrocephalus - accumulation of fluid in and disruption of its functioning;
  • cerebral hemorrhages and death.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis of the disease will be favorable if diagnosis and treatment are carried out in a timely manner, the cyst is small in size and does not grow.

Spruce cavity formation is characterized large sizes and rapid growth, the prognosis depends on the timely operation and its result.

A cyst in newborns is a benign formation and usually resolves in the first year of the baby’s life. But in any case, diagnosis and medical supervision are necessary.

Women strive for motherhood, although this is associated with many not only pleasant moments, but also anxieties and worries about their child. One of the problems that parents face is in the head of a newborn. By international classification(ICD) this disease is coded ICD-10. We will tell you why it appears, what it is, how to treat it, what not to do, and whether prevention is possible.

The very diagnosis of “brain cyst in a newborn” sounds ominous, but it is quite often given to infants. This disease is treatable and is not as terrible as it seems. According to statistics, out of 100 newborns, 40 have a brain cyst of small diameter, which does not bother them. Sizes and quantities may vary, therefore the therapy will differ. Modern drugs allow you to cure a cyst quickly and without complications, but it is important to start treatment at the first symptoms.

The essence of pathology

The fact that, according to statistics, the disease has become much more common than before is not due to the fact that the pathology has become more frequent, but to the improvement of diagnostic methods. They have become more accurate and accessible.

A cyst is a pineal-shaped cavity that contains fluid inside. It can be found in almost any part of the body. Do not be afraid that this tumor has appeared on the brain of a newborn. Often it disappears on its own, simply dissolving. These tiny bubbles do not always pose a serious danger; multicystic brain disease is more dangerous.

Brain cysts are often found in children. It can be single or multiple (polycystic), can grow quickly or stop growing altogether. The tumor can grow on only one side of the brain tissue or on both sides at once. Very often, small bubbles with liquid resolve on their own. Not only newborns, but also adolescents, adults, and the elderly can suffer from this phenomenon. In general, this is a multifaceted pathology.

A vascular cyst in a child’s brain can be detected in the womb. It is normal and often resolves on its own. Despite this, the disease is considered dangerous, since if its location is unsuccessful, large size, it can prevent the brain from performing its functions correctly. It is also dangerous if the tumor interferes with the functioning of the endocrine glands. There are cases fatal outcome with such a pathology.

Often a brain cyst is observed with. This is extremely serious illness which requires long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

Today, diagnostic methods have reached amazing heights. They have become very accurate and accessible. Even during pregnancy, you can determine the presence of a cyst. Most often it is a choroid plexus cyst (CPC).

Diagnosis can also be carried out in a newborn. It is recommended to carry out a study of the newborn’s brain if a birth injury has occurred, the pregnancy has been problematic, or suspicious signs have appeared. These tiny bubbles can be unmistakably detected immediately after the baby is born.

If there are no direct indications, then newborns do not undergo brain ultrasound. Certain symptoms may indicate that there is a cyst.


A small cyst has virtually no effect on the baby’s body. It's just small bubble with liquid, which dissolves on its own over time. With a large tumor, compression of the tissues begins, they swell, grow intracranial pressure. Due to pressure and swelling, an irreversible process of tissue death begins. The symptoms are different. They directly depend on the size and location of the tumor.

There are areas that are extremely important for proper operation the most important sense organs. It is their defeat that poses the greatest danger. Speech, coordination, and mental development may be impaired.

Parents should be alert to the following alarming symptoms:

  1. A newborn often burps, and this is not associated with eating or swallowing air.
  2. The baby does not latch on to the breast.
  3. There is a lack of coordination, the baby moves his arms and legs strangely.
  4. There are cramps.
  5. Reaction inhibition is observed.
  6. The baby doesn't sleep well.
  7. The baby is lagging behind in weight gain and growth.

If there are similar problems, you urgently need to show the baby to a neurologist.

As the cyst grows, even more dangerous manifestations appear:

  1. Severe vomiting occurs.
  2. Limbs are shaking.
  3. Sleep is disturbed.
  4. There is muscle tension (hypertonicity).
  5. The baby cries all the time.
  6. The sensitivity of the limbs decreases.
  7. The fontanel area protrudes.

Polycystic lesions are especially dangerous, which often provokes several complications at once.

Let's understand the reasons

The causes of a cyst in the head of a newborn child are even now questionable. It has been noticed that such a pathology often appears after meningitis, hemorrhage, or injury. Often, a neoplasm appears in the child’s brain tissue.

Among the reasons are the following:

  1. Impaired fetal development due to virus penetration.
  2. Birth trauma.
  3. Inflammation of the brain tissue of a newborn, head trauma after birth, tumors.
  4. Circulatory disorders.

There is a main reason - the development of the fetus was disrupted during pregnancy. Some diseases of the expectant mother may also be the culprits.

During pregnancy, doctors advise constantly monitoring your health, taking care of your immune system, and avoiding hypothermia and direct contact with patients. Viruses are very dangerous for the fetus, because they can penetrate to it through the placenta, causing irreparable damage to tissues.

If an inflammatory process has started in the baby’s brain, cells and tissues begin to die, and they are replaced by a cavity with fluid – a cyst. Their appearance is most often provoked by the herpes virus - it is extremely dangerous even for adults, and can cause irreversible changes in the fetus.

Birth injuries are caused by the fact that sometimes the newborn's skull cannot pass through the birth canal correctly. It is compressed too much, causing tissue and bone injury. It is especially dangerous if the fetus is poorly positioned in the uterus. Trauma causes a brain hematoma; instead of cells, fluid appears, filling the cyst.


Eat different types cysts, or rather two:

  1. Arachnoid.
  2. Cerebral (retrocerebellar).

The arachnoid is located between the brain and the membrane. Cerebral appears in the brain itself, where the area of ​​inflammation is directly located.

There are also types of cysts:

  1. Colloidal. It is characterized by the fact that it grows very slowly, and no symptoms are observed for a long time.
  2. Epidermoid. It consists of horny scales, which are surrounded by an epithelial capsule.
  3. Dermoid. It consists of the germinal parts of the skin (dermis). They make up such a neoplasm hair follicles and pigment cells.
  4. Pineal. This rare variety affects the pineal gland.

Another type is a cyst located in the choroid plexuses. It is often diagnosed in the womb, in the early stages of fetal development. The brain has a plexus of blood vessels that produce cerebrospinal fluid. It is they that can often be affected, becoming the area where the cyst is located. With such a neoplasm, brain functions are not impaired; it develops normally. Choroid plexus cysts are often diagnosed in newborns. Often it goes away on its own without requiring any treatment, but you still need to consult a pediatric neurologist.

A subependemal cyst is considered a serious pathology. If it is diagnosed in a newborn, the child must be constantly monitored by a doctor. Among the causes are circulatory disorders in the vessels of the ventricles of the brain. Because of this, brain tissue suffers from oxygen deficiency. As a result, they begin to die off and are replaced by cavities with liquid.

Diagnostic methods

It is easy to diagnose children under one year old, since their fontanel has not yet had time to close. In this case, it is enough to carry out ultrasound examination– neurosonography. The cyst is anechoic and can be easily seen on the screen. For children over one year of age, tomography is performed.

It is especially important to conduct neurosonography if the child is born premature. Also, such a diagnosis is indicated if the newborn has undergone resuscitation measures at birth, or is undergoing intensive care.

Another reason is problematic pregnancy or fetal hypoxia. In such cases, an ultrasound is performed in the maternity hospital.


First of all, with such a diagnosis, parents need to cope with their feelings and proceed to therapy as calmly as possible. Correct treatment most often leads to full recovery. If the cyst is small and does not grow, and the baby does not change his behavior, it may not require treatment at all. It is enough just to show it to the doctor regularly.

The safest is considered to be a choroid plexus cyst. They do not treat it, but only observe the dynamics. The brain does not suffer in any way. But this does not mean that everything should be left to chance. It should be understood that the cyst appeared for some reason: an inflammatory process, an infectious lesion. This means that the doctor must identify what specific infection led to the death of brain cells and urgently eliminate it. After a few months, even if the child’s condition does not cause any concern, you still need to repeat the ultrasound.

For subependymal cysts, it is necessary to conduct an MRI examination several times a year (done under general anesthesia in a closed loop) or MR. Treatment is not required if the cyst does not grow. Most likely, the brain tissue will recover on its own. Such cysts most often resolve without outside intervention, but they can cause serious complications if the cystic cavity enlarges. This leads to a lot of fluid accumulating inside it, and pressure increases. Over time, the cavity begins to put pressure on adjacent brain tissue.

Sometimes the tumor can grow quickly. At the same time, it has a negative effect on tissues and blood vessels. A large cyst in a newborn compresses tissues and changes their position. Because of this, the baby may experience seizures, which, if untreated, quickly progress. Neurological symptoms in such cases, the child’s condition worsens, and a hemorrhagic stroke may even occur.

It is especially important to treat arachnoid cysts. It doesn’t go away on its own, so it will take surgery. If such a neoplasm occurs, the child must be constantly monitored by a neurologist.

If a neoplasm is detected on early stage, it will be enough conservative treatment. Three main groups of drugs are used:

  1. antiviral;
  2. to strengthen general condition immune system;
  3. to improve blood circulation in the brain.

Medicines must be taken strictly according to the schedule until the doctor stops them. It is important to choose the dose accurately, since it is very easy to overdose on drugs for a newborn. To improve blood circulation and better lymphatic drainage, massage is recommended.

If it is definitely established that the cyst in a newborn continues to grow, the help of a surgeon may be required. He will have to remove the tumor. There can be two types of operation:

  1. Palliative. The surgeon will remove the contents of the cyst without removing its walls. The disadvantage of this method is high probability relapse. For surgery, bypass or endoscopic intervention may be used. When a shunt is performed, the surgeon creates a channel in the child's head through which fluid is drained. Due to the shunt, brain tissue can become infected, which is a big disadvantage of such operations. With the endoscopic method, a tiny puncture is made in the head, through which the contents of the cyst are removed. This method cannot always be used, since some areas of the brain simply cannot be reached with an endoscope.
  2. Radical. This open surgery on the brain, in which the bones of the skull are opened (the bone is drilled). Through the resulting hole, the cyst and adjacent tissue are removed. This is a traumatic method, after which a long recovery is required.

It is imperative to remove those cysts that grow quickly. They can seriously damage the brain and even threaten life.

When the baby is born, doctors carry out various studies to determine his health status. One of them is an ultrasound, which can detect cysts in the brain - they are diagnosed very often in newborns (according to some sources, in every fourth child).

However, this disease is not a reason for parental panic, since some types of cysts do not require intervention at all, while others can be cured. Let's figure out what kind of disease this is, how it is diagnosed, treated, and what consequences cysts have.

What is a cyst

This is the term used by doctors to call benign formations, which are localized in various parts brain or near it and are cavities with fluid inside. Depending on the time and cause of its appearance, the cyst may disrupt the development of the baby, but may not have any effect. negative influence to your health.


The question of why cysts form in infants is quite complex even for neurosurgeons themselves.

There can be many reasons, and the time of cyst formation plays a role. If it is congenital, most likely, the appearance of the neoplasm is caused by the genetic characteristics of the fetus or the mother herself, or a “failure” in the process of intrauterine development. Sometimes cysts are formed due to infectious or inflammatory processes that occurred during pregnancy.

As for cysts that appeared after birth little man, here are the following reasons:


Mothers do not always suspect that something is wrong with their baby. Often, the brushes in the baby’s head do not manifest themselves in any way and do not bother the newborn. However, there are some signs that suggest that the baby has cysts:

Although cysts most often do not change in size, they can sometimes become larger. This is evidenced by the following symptoms:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs;
  • headaches;
  • change in intracranial pressure;
  • epileptic seizures or fainting;
  • lack of coordination.

Types of cysts

Important! A cyst is not a death sentence! In some cases, after diagnosis, doctors do not prescribe treatment, but simply observe over time. Most types of such neoplasms resolve on their own.

Today, doctors identify several types of brain cysts in a newborn, which differ both in the localization of the formations and in the possible consequences or treatment method.

  • Educations that are located in the area of ​​the choroid plexus (or “pseudocyst”). They appear during the fetal development of the baby - in this case, the prognosis is favorable, and cysts in most cases do not require treatment. They are also formed in more late age as a result of penetration of the herpes virus, difficult birth or complications during pregnancy. Possible here unpleasant consequences Therefore, the correct treatment strategy should be chosen.

If several cysts are found as a result of the study, they speak of multicystic brain disease, which can be localized in one department or in different ones. Moreover, the formations themselves may vary in type and require different treatment strategies.

Treatment options

First of all, it’s worth remembering: if a child has been diagnosed with this disease, you should repeat examinations regularly. Their frequency, depending on the type of formation, is determined by the neurosurgeon.

  • As for the treatment strategy, depending on the size, type and location of the cyst, it may not be prescribed.
  • If the neoplasm does not disappear on its own, they select medications, surgical intervention is used, which can be palliative or radical.

Important! Most often, operations are performed on children after one year of age; before one year of age, they are performed only in exceptional cases.

  • Palliative techniques include endoscopic operations(cysts are punctured using an endoscope, the contents are sucked out) and shunting (the fluid that “filled” the cyst is removed using shunts). It should be emphasized that shunting can lead to infection of the brain due to long stay the shunt itself in the body.
  • In the most difficult cases An open operation is performed, that is, craniotomy. It allows you to remove the tumor as completely as possible, with its walls and all its contents.

Cyst in a baby’s head – video from Dr. Komarovsky

This diagnosis is very frightening for parents, but pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky is convinced that there is no reason to panic. By watching the following video, you can find out what he advises parents. In addition, Komarovsky explains the essence of such a diagnosis.

In most cases, a brain cyst is not as scary as it might seem to parents at first glance. Most often it goes away on its own, but if not, neurosurgeons select an appropriate treatment strategy. However, you should not ignore the disease - at a minimum, you should undergo regular examinations. What do you know about this disease, have your kids had it? Tell us about it in the comments.

A cyst is an accumulation of fluid in the cavity of a dead area of ​​the brain. A cyst can occur in any area of ​​the brain as a single or multiple formation. According to medical statistics, about 40% of newborns are born with this diagnosis.

Often these formations are detected even at the stage of the fetus being in the womb, but some of the cysts in the brain by the time the child is actually born resolve on their own without outside influence.

A brain cyst is not tumor disease and does not pose a direct threat to the child’s life.

However, this pathology can affect full development the developing organism. The presence of a cyst is fraught with undesirable consequences, so ignore it this pathology shouldn't.

Causes of formation of brain cysts

The main factors influencing the formation of cysts;

  • congenital pathologies of the development of the central nervous system;
  • birth and after birth injuries;
  • transferred inflammatory diseases(meningitis,);
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • infection by the herpes virus;
  • insufficiency of cerebral circulation, leading to deterioration of cell supply nutrients and oxygen;

All these factors lead to degeneration of brain tissue, their necrosis (death) and the formation of empty space in this area, which is gradually filled with fluid. This leads to the appearance neurological symptoms affecting the child’s growth and development.


Arachnoid cyst

This type of cyst may have various sizes and shape and is localized between the surface of the brain and its arachnoid membrane. The cause can be both inflammatory processes and injuries of various etymologies.

A feature of an arachnoid cyst is its ability to grow rapidly, which can lead to tissue compression and the development of complications. More common in boys.

Subelendemal cyst

This type of cyst may also have serious consequences and complications for the child. The occurrence of a subelendemal cyst is influenced by the lack of blood circulation in the brain in the area of ​​its ventricles, causing oxygen starvation tissues, their death and the formation of a cavity in this place, so it is important to examine a child with this diagnosis several times a year.

For this purpose, the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) method is used. If the baby experiences further growth of the cavity and the fluid pressure in it increases, this may have negative impact to nearby tissues: they change their position and structure.

Choroid plexus cysts

This type of cyst is observed during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Medicine considers this phenomenon to be relatively normal, since it usually occurs at a certain stage of pregnancy. These cysts tend to resolve naturally as the fetus grows.

At later stages, after the birth of the child, choroid plexus cysts can become a consequence of inflammatory and infectious processes suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or due to a difficult pregnancy and difficult childbirth.


The presence of cysts can provoke pathological disorders in all tissues and organs of the newborn. What matters is the size of the cyst and its tendency to grow. Cysts can grow for the following reasons:

  • increase in fluid pressure in the cavity space;
  • further development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the child’s body;
  • in children with existing cysts, bruises and head injuries in such children;

Cysts of small and constant size in most cases do not manifest themselves in any way. childhood. However, such cysts also require regular medical monitoring.

IN adolescence, When children's body will undergo significant changes, brain cysts that previously showed no tendency to change may suddenly begin to grow.

Large cysts as a result high blood pressure on surrounding tissues can cause various painful symptoms:

  • headaches of varying intensity and duration - spasmodic, aching and constant;
  • disturbances of the sense organs - vision, hearing, smell;
  • insomnia and drowsiness;
  • motor coordination disorders;
  • hypertonicity (or hypotonicity) of muscles;
  • noise, sensation of pulsation in the head, increased intracranial pressure;
  • convulsions and sudden fainting;
  • hand tremors;
  • vomiting, regurgitation;
  • swelling of the fontanel and pulsation in it;
  • epilepsy;
  • partial transient paralysis of the limbs;
  • numbness of the limbs;

The presence and severity of symptoms depends on the location of the formation.

So, if the cyst is located in the back of the head, this leads to visual disturbances, such as diplopia (double vision), deterioration of visual acuity, and the appearance of a veil before the eyes.

A cyst in the cerebellar region affects coordination of movements. If the cavity formation is localized near the pituitary gland, it can affect the activity of the endocrine system and sexual development child. In severe cases, sutures in the bones of the skull may diverge and physical and mental development may be delayed in children.


In newborn children under the age of one year (while the fontanel is not yet closed), the presence of a cyst is detected using ultrasound diagnostics(neurosonography).

These studies are carried out primarily in premature, weakened children who are at risk for this disease. Also follows in mandatory examine for the presence of cysts children who have undergone hypoxia and resuscitation procedures during childbirth.

To clarify the diagnosis and at later stages, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are performed.

To establish the causes of infections and circulatory disorders that led to the formation of a cyst, additional indirect studies may be required:

  • Dopplerography of blood vessels (carried out to identify narrowing and other vascular pathologies);
  • Blood tests for coagulation, cholesterol levels, infections and autoimmune diseases;
  • Study of heart function;
  • Study blood pressure;


Therapy is carried out depending on the type of cyst. In case of choroid plexus cyst special treatment usually not required: cavity formations resolve on their own. It is only important to promptly eliminate infections and inflammations that led to the formation of a cyst.

Subelendemal and arachnoid cysts require regular monitoring and MRI studies.

If cavity formations have large size and tends to increase, surgery may be required. Surgical treatment there can be 2x types: radical And palliative.

Radical treatment

This method involves craniotomy and removal of the cyst along with intracavitary fluid and walls. Due to the fact that the operation is performed on the open brain, it is associated with high trauma and is used only in the most extreme cases.

Palliative care

Palliative therapy methods include shunting—removal of the cyst through a shunt system. The method is less dangerous and traumatic than radical intervention. However, it has its drawbacks - the risk of infection due to the long stay of the shunt in the cranial cavity. In addition, this method allows you to remove only fluid from the cyst cavity, and not the formation itself completely.

Another method is endoscopy: removal of the cyst through narrow punctures in the skull. This method is safe and has low morbidity, but requires high surgical skill.

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A successful prognosis depends primarily on timely diagnosis. If the cyst is detected in time and has a small and constant size over a long period of time, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Intensive growth of the cyst cavity, leading to compression of brain tissue, can lead to increased blood pressure, the development of complications and cerebral hemorrhage. In this case, the forecast depends on timely surgical intervention. If the cyst is removed before complications develop, no painful consequences there won't be.

Possible complications

Untimely detection of a cyst, especially one prone to enlargement, can lead to irreversible pathological changes in brain tissue. This can lead to lifelong problems with hearing, vision and motor coordination.

More serious complications may also develop - hydrocephalus (a condition of the brain in which an excessive amount of fluid accumulates in its ventricles, which leads to disruption of the central nervous system and the structure of the skull).

In some cases, the rapid growth of a cyst can lead to cerebral hemorrhages and sudden death.

This is why regular examinations of newborn children, especially those at risk, are so important.

Video highlighting the main causes of brain cysts in newborns:

The birth of a baby is one of the most joyful events in the life of any parent. However, from the first days, mothers and fathers closely monitor the baby, wanting to make sure that he was born healthy and does not have any developmental disabilities. These worries are not unfounded, because in recent decades pathologies that have never been heard of before have been increasingly discovered in newborns. One of them is a cyst in the head of a newborn.

Upon hearing such a diagnosis, parents experience a real shock, because all this directly threatens a person’s life! That is why in this article we will look at why a cyst occurs in a baby’s head, how this anomaly manifests itself and how it threatens the young body.

What is a cyst in the brain

Statistics show that a cystic neoplasm in the head occurs in every 100th baby. Essentially, a cyst is a bubble of fluid that can appear in any part of the brain. In the vast majority of cases, such a cavity does not pose a threat to the baby’s life and resolves after certain time, however, the pathology cannot be called harmless. Be that as it may, a cyst is a tumor that, as it increases in size, can compress important blood vessels and nerve endings, causing serious developmental abnormalities, and even threatening the baby’s life.

A cyst in the head of a fetus can be detected during an examination during pregnancy, or in a newborn baby immediately after birth, but only in the case certain indications, such as pregnancy problems or birth injuries. If there are none, the baby’s brain is not examined, which means that neither parents nor doctors know about the problem.

It is worth noting that a new growth that appears in a baby’s head manifests itself as neurological problems, which parents themselves cannot always notice. This is the lot of specialists, and therefore in the first year of life the baby undergoes three planned preventive examinations a pediatric neurologist - at birth, at six months and at one year. Early detection Such a neoplasm allows you to timely correct the child’s condition or cure the cyst.

Types of cysts and reasons for their appearance

A cyst in a baby’s head can form both outside the brain and inside. Depending on this, these formations are divided into several types:

Arachnoid cyst

Such a tumor appears on the surface of the brain, that is, in the space between the meninges and the brain itself. The resulting bubble contains liquor ( cerebrospinal fluid). The cause of this neoplasm in the fetus in the womb may be some infectious diseases of the pregnant woman (herpes virus, influenza virus, encephalitis or meningitis). In this case, it is customary to talk about a primary cyst. When a cyst appears during a child’s life, it is usually caused by injuries and brain tumors. Such an arachnoid cyst is usually called secondary.

In any case, such a problem must be solved, and it must be fought surgical methods. Early detection of such an anomaly and timely surgery can avoid serious complications in the future.

Retrocerebral cyst

A retrocerebral cyst is usually called a cyst formed inside the brain due to the death of its cells. As a rule, such a growth appears as a result of trauma and hemorrhage in the brain, which often happens during childbirth. The fact is that the still very soft cranial bones cannot fully protect the newborn’s brain from traumatic moments during pushing and walking birth canal. In this case, hemorrhage may occur in the brain tissue, which forms a cyst. In addition, a cyst inside the brain can form as a result of inflammatory processes.

In any case, the appearance of a bubble of fluid in the brain poses a serious health hazard, i.e. can cause necrosis of brain cells, as a result of which the brain will lose some of its functions.

Choroid plexus cyst

This is another type of neoplasm that doctors can detect as early as the 6th week of pregnancy through screening. Such a cyst appears in the process of proliferation of cerebral vessels, against the background infectious disease pregnant. As a rule, this is a small tumor that most often appears on early stages pregnancy, and by the time of delivery it manages to resolve and disappear without a trace. In any case, such a cyst does not affect the functioning of the brain on its own, however, in combination with other complications it can pose a threat to the child’s health.

Pineal cyst

This serious disease develops in the epiphysis of the brain, leading to disruption visual function and problems with movement coordination. True, it should be said that cystic neoplasm in the epiphysis is quite rare, and its causes, as in the case of others benign growths, birth injuries and cerebral hemorrhages occur. In some cases, such a cyst resolves on its own, and therefore it is necessary to monitor it with regular ultrasound scans of the brain.

Symptoms of a cyst in the head of a baby

According to doctors, as the cyst increases in size, the newborn develops such pathological symptoms, How:

  • breast refusal;
  • constant regurgitation;
  • psychomotor retardation;
  • underweight;
  • growth retardation.

Neurological symptoms of the disease include:

  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • decreased pain sensitivity;
  • bulging fontanel;
  • anxiety and constant tearfulness (due to headaches);
  • impaired coordination of limb movements;
  • seizures.

The fact is that the constant influx of cerebrospinal fluid into the formed cavity leads to an increase in the size of the cyst, which causes increased intracranial pressure and disrupts the functioning of the vital system. important centers. This process provokes constant headaches, as well as “fountain” vomiting after eating.

Typically, depending on the location of the growth, symptoms may differ. For example, the appearance cystic formation in the back of the head affects vision, and if the cerebellar tissues are compressed, the baby has problems with speech development and coordination of movements is impaired. A cyst at the base of the skull causes delay mental development baby, and if the growth occurs in the temple area, the baby’s hearing may be affected.

The biggest danger of a cyst is that the growing ball causes compression of the brain, squeezing the surrounding tissue, and this requires immediate surgical intervention. Without adequate treatment, the baby may develop swelling and death of brain tissue, which can lead to death.

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Diagnosis of cystic formation

If you notice similar symptoms in your baby, you need to show him to a doctor. After examination by a neurosurgeon, such a child is prescribed comprehensive examination, including neurosonography, i.e. Ultrasound of the brain, which is absolutely harmless to the baby’s health. Is it true this method Research is carried out only in infancy, until the baby’s fontanel is overgrown. By the way, this procedure is mandatory for weak and premature newborns, as well as for babies who have undergone resuscitation procedures after childbirth. If they suspect a cyst, such children undergo an MRI or CT scan to confirm the diagnosis.

To identify the cause of circulatory problems or the development of an infection that provoked the appearance of a cyst, such newborns may be prescribed:

  • blood tests (for cholesterol levels, for coagulation, for the presence of infectious pathogens and autoimmune diseases);
  • measuring blood pressure in the brain;
  • heart cardiogram;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

How to treat a cyst in the brain of a newborn

Let's say right away that for successful treatment this serious illness It is important to know the cause of cyst formation. The choice of treatment method directly depends on this. If the growth does not show symptoms and does not interfere with the development of the baby, doctors choose observation tactics.

In case of choroid plexus cyst surgical treatment not required. Doctors choose conservative therapy which involves taking medications that improve cerebral circulation(Longidaza, Karipain). The duration of such therapy is 3-4 months, and treatment can be carried out 2 times a year. Statistics show that in 90% of cases, such a cyst completely resolves by the first year of a baby’s life. If troubleshooting is required concomitant diseases, the baby may be prescribed immunostimulating drugs and antivirals. And given the frequent regurgitation of the newborn, medications are administered parenterally.

As for arachnoid and retrocerebral cysts, such growths must be eliminated surgically. The baby also requires surgery if the cyst progresses and increases in size. Having prescribed an operation, doctors choose one of two main methods of surgical intervention:

1. Palliative treatment. In this case, specialists remove the contents of the cyst, leaving the membrane in the brain. This operation avoids open surgery, and therefore is less traumatic for the child. However, it has a significant disadvantage - the likelihood of relapses. Surgeons choose one of two types of such operations, namely:

Bypass surgery, i.e. creation of a special channel in the newborn’s brain through which a shunt is inserted to remove the contents of the cyst. However, in this case, due to the long stay of the shunt in the skull, the risk of infection in the brain increases.

Endoscopic method. In this case, the contents of the cystic neoplasm are removed through a puncture in the skull. This operation is the least traumatic, however, it has some limitations due to the inaccessibility of the cyst in some parts of the brain.

2. Radical treatment. This is an open operation in which a newborn undergoes craniotomy, after which the cyst along with its walls is removed. However, surgeons decide on such intervention only in the most extreme cases, when the cyst threatens the life of the baby, and there are no other ways to cope with it. Such an intervention is highly traumatic and requires long-term recovery and can lead to undesirable consequences in the future.

Consequences of a cyst in the head

Many parents want to know what the consequences of a cyst appearing in the head of a newborn are. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because much here depends on the size of the cyst and the growth dynamics of the tumor. The cyst can resolve on its own or remain the same size all its life, at which it does not cause harm to health. In this case, no treatment is required, and the growth must be monitored regularly.

If the cyst becomes large, it begins to compress the brain tissue and leads to the appearance of severe symptoms, including visual impairment, sensitivity, problems with coordination of movements, hand tremors, epilepsy or seizures, the doctor decides what treatment will help get rid of existing problem. If drug treatment does not lead to resorption of the cyst; it is removed surgically. According to doctors, timely surgery allows you to avoid severe consequences this pathological condition.
Take care of your children!