Causes and consequences of painful ovulation. Causes of painful ovulation. Is there pain?


Ovulation is the process of maturation of the follicle and the egg in it, after which this follicle ruptures, and the egg exits through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where it can be fertilized. This process occurs in a woman every or almost every month (sometimes there are anovulatory cycles) and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. One of these symptoms is pain of various types. What kinds of pain occur during ovulation, how to get rid of them and in what cases you need to seek help from a specialist - this is discussed in this material.

Are there any pains?

Is there pain during ovulation and is it normal to experience physical discomfort during this period? In most cases, pain during this period is not a pathological abnormality, and every woman has encountered it at least once. reproductive age. In general, they are usually of low intensity even compared to the symptoms premenstrual syndrome and often appear irregularly. That is, during one cycle painful sensations may appear during ovulation, but not during another. Some women have painful ovulation after childbirth.

How long do they last?

Can ovulation be painful? During this period, short-term and mild pain is possible. of different nature– headaches, in the stomach, in the side, etc. How long does pain last during ovulation? Normally, a negative state should not be too pronounced or too prolonged. In full health reproductive system There may be discomfort for 1-3 days, appearing periodically or under certain actions or conditions.


Why do discomfort and pain symptoms occur during ovulation? This is due to a number of reasons.

  1. Hormonal changes cause chest pain and mild breast tenderness, as well as headaches;
  2. The very fact of rupture of the follicles when the egg is released can be accompanied by pain as a result of injury - it can be felt in the lower abdomen, in the ovary, in the side, etc.;
  3. There are functional cysts that form on the ovaries under the influence of hormonal levels - they arise during the menstrual cycle and resolve independently after a certain stage, and they can also cause quite severe pain during ovulation.

In addition, such symptoms can be caused by many pathological reasons, such as inflammatory processes, cysts, etc. Because if throughout long period Such symptoms do not go away over time (or are accompanied by any other deviations in well-being), then you need to seek advice from a specialist.

Before her

In itself, ovulation lasts one day (or even several hours), but it is customary to allocate several days in menstrual cycle which is called ovulation. During the first day, the eggs are ready to be released and fluid accumulates in the follicles, but they do not burst yet. Then they burst and the eggs begin to exit into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. This day is considered the day of ovulation.

But the first symptoms of ovulation appear before it, that is, even at the stage of follicles being ready to rupture. Typically, this corresponds to days 12-15 of the menstrual cycle (depending on the duration).

On the day of ovulation

Sometimes during ovulation the stomach hurts, sometimes the lower back, side or ovary hurts. All this is a sign that the follicles are rupturing. It is this that feels quite painful, but such discomfort is localized mainly in the ovary. However, painful sensations from there can erode to the side and lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen can also be caused by functional cysts formed under the influence of hormonal imbalance.


The process ends completely 2-3 days after the egg is ready for release. The whole process usually takes place within 12-16 days of the menstrual cycle. Thus, on the 15-16th day the end of the process may become painful. The same discomfort persists. But by 16-17 days, such pain completely disappears.

Nature of pain

Pain does not occur in every cycle. It is normal if only a few ovulations are accompanied by noticeable discomfort, while the majority go completely unnoticed by the woman.


The nature of pain during ovulation is normally mild; it usually does not cause significant discomfort. It is nagging or aching, is not constantly present, and is quite diffuse (with the exception of pain in the ovaries - in this case it can be very localized). In most cases, the use of painkillers for such symptoms is not required, or they are used once.

A slightly more acute pain can be observed in the ovary, a little less acute and much more diffuse - in the lower abdomen. A pulling sensation usually occurs in the lower back, back or side, although more often it is dealt with solely by a feeling of heaviness.

High intensity

Some increased discomfort is possible for several cycles after childbirth. However, the condition should return to normal soon. In any other case, pathological symptoms are possible, indicating some process that needs to be treated. Therefore, if high-intensity pain occurs during this period, it is recommended to immediately consult a gynecologist.

Types of pain

Most often during ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts, but there may be more diverse negative signs. This is heaviness in the lower back, discomfort in the side, sharp pain in the ovary, migraines, discomfort in the mammary gland.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Most often, women experience abdominal pain during ovulation. These symptoms can be relieved with analgesics and drugs such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen, used in the form rectal suppositories or tablets. Such pain is associated with erosion from the ovaries, hormonal changes, the appearance of functional cysts.

Back and lower back pain

Low back pain during ovulation has the same reasons. You need to fight it in the same ways. It occurs independently or together with discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the ovary

Pain in the ovary during ovulation, as mentioned above, occurs as a result of rupture of the follicle. Since follicle maturation usually occurs only in one egg, these pains are one-sided and clearly localized. Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac, which are taken 2-3 times a day, will help get rid of them, as long as symptoms occur.

Side pain

If your side hurts during this period, then most likely this is a sign that pain in the ovary is eroding into this area. This discomfort is strictly one-sided, the pain is diffuse and not intense. May also erode into the lower abdomen. Treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. In general, you need to deal with them in the same way as with pain in the ovaries.

Pain in the rectum

If pain during ovulation radiates to the rectum, this is not a pathology. Such symptoms can be caused by a formed functional cyst, which resolves after passing through this stage of the cycle, and accordingly goes away and negative symptoms. This pain can be relieved with analgesics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs.

Chest pain

Breast pain during ovulation as a result of the negative effects of hormones. In addition to discomfort, there may be a slight, non-local compaction and engorgement of the glands, which goes away along with the end of ovulation, but this condition begins to manifest itself a few days before it begins. There is no need to relieve such pain, since normally it is not of high intensity, and painkillers may be ineffective.


Headache during ovulation as a result hormonal disorders, which can contribute to the exacerbation of migraine or its onset. This discomfort can be quite intense and constant. It can last from several hours to 2-3 days, i.e. throughout the entire process of maturation and release of the egg.

To normalize the condition, you can take painkillers, for example, analgin, but you should not drink it systematically. For prolonged attacks, use Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc. Women prone to migraines may require anti-migraine medications.

When should you see a doctor?

In what cases are pain before ovulation pathological? What to do in this case? The list below shows signs that developing condition is no longer normal, which means you should consult a doctor immediately:

  1. Very painful ovulation occurs and/or the pain has become much more intense than before;
  2. Painful symptoms are accompanied by severe bleeding that is large or lasts too long;
  3. Pain lasts longer than 2-3 days;
  4. Uncharacteristic discharge appears with unpleasant smell– purulent, curdled white, etc.;
  5. Along with the discomfort and aching sensation, lumps appeared in the chest;
  6. The intensity of the pain gradually increases, and painkillers do not help;
  7. There is a significant increase in body temperature, weakness, chills, and signs of intoxication.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, including very serious ones. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek help from a medical institution in a timely manner. Increased pain may indicate inflammatory, infectious and fungal processes, pathological neoplasms, etc., the presence of which can affect not only reproductive function, but also health in general.

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Approximately 25% of women of reproductive age are characterized by sensitive ovulation (ovulatory syndrome). They are able to accurately determine the time of release of a mature egg based on the expressed pain. The pain can be aching, spasmodic (as during menstruation, but weaker), and paroxysmal. Most often, the lower abdomen or one of the ovaries pulls or bursts, and it is also possible It's a dull pain in the lower back or rectum. Its duration ranges from several minutes to two days, but more often 12-24 hours.

Causes of pain during ovulation

For some women, the release of the egg occurs almost unnoticed or as a short illness. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body and related factors:

  • general health;
  • Availability gynecological diseases;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • individual pain threshold;
  • proximity and sensitivity of nerve endings.

Gynecologists consider pain during ovulation to be a natural phenomenon that occurs for objective reasons:

Can your stomach hurt during ovulation?

If the abdomen slightly pulls during ovulation, this is usually a manifestation of normal ovarian function and a sign that follicular fluid has entered the peritoneum (on the free fluid in the retrouterine/posterior cervical space). The response of the uterus (contractions) is reflected in the organs with which it is adjacent. Therefore, during ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts in the area of ​​the ovaries, radiating to the side or lower back, and bloating is often observed.

In order to check whether the cause of the pain is a spasm or irritation of the nerve roots, you need to drink no-shpa. If the pain is spastic, then after taking the pills it will decrease or stop completely. Otherwise, this is the sensitivity of the nerve endings and you can help yourself by taking a convenient, as comfortable position as possible.

Not excluded discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea. Vaginal discharge (colorless at the beginning of the ovulatory phase and mixed with blood at its end) - also characteristic feature ovulation.

If the ovary hurts during ovulation - the norm and deviations

The way your stomach hurts during ovulation has its own specific features, indicating that the source of discomfort is processes in the reproductive system. Pain in the ovary during ovulation is usually mild, cramping or cutting, and quickly subsides after the release of a mature egg.

As a rule, the source of discomfort is localized on the right or left. It depends on which of the ovaries the follicle matures and ruptures. Paired organs perform this mission in turn. In this way, a woman can understand where the egg matured in this cycle.

In the absence of any pathologies and high pain threshold manifestations of ovulatory syndrome can be tolerated without medical intervention. But you should definitely contact a specialist if the pain in the ovarian area is unbearable or does not go away. within three days. You should also be wary of accompanying troubles: temperature changes, painful urination, nausea, significant increase or decrease in blood pressure.

This may be a symptom of pathologies that require urgent treatment:

  • apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary;
  • appendicitis and others acute inflammation intestines;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) or appendages (adnexitis);
  • rupture or torsion of an ovarian cyst;

Painful sensations combined with abundant bloody discharge from the vagina may indicate a cyst cervical canal or inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (endometritis).

Why does the lower back hurt during ovulation?

Lower back pain during ovulation is explained by physiology - the proximity of the ovaries and uterus to the nerve roots

Approximately 70% of young women experience lower back pain during ovulation, before it begins and after it ends. This is, first of all, the result of the irradiation of pain that accompanies the maturation of the follicle and its rupture.

Painful sensations can also be caused by:

  • Hormonal changes. Before ovulation, the body actively produces lutein, which increases the tone of the uterus and the strength of its contractions. As a result, pressure on the spine in the pelvic area increases and lower back pain appears. After ovulation, the body produces a maximum of progesterone, which brings the muscles to their normal state, and the discomfort disappears.
  • Physiological feature- the closest location of the ovaries in relation to the muscles of the lower back.
  • Exacerbation chronic illness lumbar spine at the moment of increased pressure from the uterus.
  • Rebirth dominant follicle V follicular cyst with a lack of lutein in the body.

If women who have had C-section or surgery diseases of the reproductive system, painful ovulation is observed, the reasons for this may lie in adhesions and postoperative scars. They reduce muscle elasticity and increase tissue tension during uterine contraction and egg growth.

Breast pain during ovulation - normal or abnormal?

Before ovulation, a woman’s body experiences a significant increase in progesterone (up to 10 times). A side effect of the hormone is fluid retention. This is especially noticeable in the condition of the breasts; they swell a little and become painfully sensitive. The level of discomfort depends on the structure of the body, skin characteristics, and health status.

If, after ovulation, fertilization of a mature egg does not take place, the level of progesterone drops and the breasts return to normal. If pregnancy occurs, sensitivity and swelling persist.

Severe pain during ovulation - how to help

If severe menstrual pain during ovulation is a common occurrence, during the critical period you should adhere to a special regime, which implies:

If you are sure that the pain is a manifestation of ovulatory syndrome, you can take antispasmodic drug or an analgesic (no-spa - allowed when planning pregnancy). It's better if it's an option medicinal assistance The doctor will select it taking into account individual characteristics.

Important(!) But if possible, it’s better to endure it. This recommendation applies to taking absolutely all medications during planning and pregnancy. You should not saturate your body with excess chemicals without first consulting your doctor.

After ovulation during pregnancy, pain also occurs, most often during implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Sometimes during the pregnant cycle, women notice pain and tension in the lower abdomen immediately after ovulation and all the time after it. Read more about early signs pregnancy read in.

Some representatives of the fair half of humanity experience painful ovulation. Why is this happening? This frequently asked question. Let's look at it in more detail.

Nature created women as amazing creatures. Their body is too finely tuned, which is why even minor disruptions can lead to serious pain. But it should be noted that discomfort along with painful ovulation may not always be signs of a disease.

The nature of the female body

A very important part of a woman’s body is the genitals, which perform a unique job, regularly releasing eggs ready for fertilization. This process is called ovulation. If pregnancy has not yet occurred, the egg is released, and a month later the cycle repeats exactly.

Each female body reacts to this phenomenon differently. It must be said that a lot depends on genetics, and also on health status, general sensitivity and many other factors. It is almost impossible to take them all into account, but, nevertheless, modern medicine tries to do this, and the girl herself would also be better off paying close attention to the state of her body.

So, why does painful ovulation occur?

Egg release

In women, the ovaries contain follicles whose arrangement can be compared to a bunch of grapes. Every month, one follicle comes to life in one of the ovaries and begins to increase in size. As part of this process, its maturation occurs. As soon as it is sufficiently mature, it bursts, releasing the egg, which then begins its movement along the fallopian tube. Its goal: to get into the uterine cavity.

At first, the follicle is under the influence of a stimulating hormone, then under the influence of the estrogen produced, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases - then it cracks. External signs against the backdrop of this whole process is a change basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. In addition, there is an increase in the amount of secretion produced, which becomes thicker, acquiring a whitish tint.

Direction of the egg

Thanks to fimbriae - hairs covering the inside of the fallopian tube, the egg is gradually pushed towards the uterus. If during this period she meets a sperm, the process of conception will occur. If an unfertilized egg penetrates the uterus, it dies, after which, as part of the cycle, it is rejected along with the endometrial layer that was prepared for its attachment. As a rule, approximately forty-eight hours pass between the process of follicle maturation and the release of the egg into the uterine cavity.

Now let's look at the causes of painful ovulation.

Main reasons

Very often, women may experience ovulation, accompanied by pain; at this time, many ladies experience certain torment. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand how you can get rid of unpleasant sensations. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the cause of such a reaction on the part of the body. There are two main causes of painful ovulation:

  1. Genetic predisposition. About 20% of the female population suffers from this kind of sensation on the planet. Most factors can be dealt with, but others will simply have to endure, trying to suppress the symptoms. As a rule, these “others” include women who have genetic predisposition. For example, they have a special structure of the curvature of the cervix, as well as a different location of this organ.
  2. Development of diseases. But you shouldn’t count yourself among those ladies who can no longer do anything about this unpleasant problem. It often happens that in this way the body signals a woman about an emerging pathology, for example, adhesions or the development of endometriosis - such ailments must be treated as soon as possible. Painful ovulation after conception also happens very often, especially if we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy or there is a threat of miscarriage.

Other reasons

As a rule, the sensation of pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen is quite unpleasant. In addition, there is a list of other common causes of these unpleasant sensations:

  • The appearance of stretching or rupture of the ovarian capsule, which can occur spontaneously.
  • The release of blood or fluid, which can cause irritation along with a variety of discharge.
  • The process of active contraction of the tubes, which often try to draw the egg into themselves.

So, why does the ovary hurt during ovulation?

Consequences of childbirth

It often happens that women's problems begin to become active immediately after pregnancy. Symptoms of painful ovulation after childbirth may occur as a result of weakening of the body. In addition, this may be affected by hormonal imbalance. Sometimes pain can occur as a result of a number of natural injuries to the genital organs. As a rule, all unpleasant symptoms last for several months, after which they disappear without a trace, but there are also more complex cases.

Visit to the doctor

If a woman experiences very painful ovulation, she needs to immediately go to the doctor and, in addition, sign up for ultrasonography for the purpose of collecting a detailed history. It is not at all necessary that the doctor will find serious reason. On the contrary, it most often happens that, in fact, it is natural feature body. But check the condition of your women's health V similar situation still follows.

In addition to pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen, there may be other symptoms.

Additional symptoms

By the way, ovulation is accompanied not only by discomfort in the lower abdomen (although this is the main and most common symptom). Painful sensations can be strong or weak, which depends on the sensitivity of the woman, as well as directly on the complexity of the situation itself. But in some cases, painful ovulation is accompanied by more unpleasant symptoms. Typically they are expressed as follows:

  • development of noticeable weakness;
  • the appearance of nausea;
  • the appearance of headaches;
  • the occurrence of unexplained nervousness and irritability.

Every woman should know that modern medicine has the ability to treat almost any disease that could serve as the basis for the appearance of certain unhealthy sensations. Medicine today is at such a level that it can even influence the genetic characteristics of the body, having the opportunity to reduce symptoms, practically reducing them to nothing.

When the ovary hurts during ovulation, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

What to do about it?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor to correctly determine the causes of this condition and try to completely neutralize them with the help of the prescribed treatment. Every woman should be aware that if pain is constantly observed during ovulation, it is extremely important to consult a gynecologist.

It must be said that specific and special treatment this problem does not exist, but there are several comprehensive methods that will help you feel better in any conditions. Compliance with these techniques will make it possible to remain an efficient person and stay in in a great mood even in the most hard days. Thus, the answer to the question - what to do with painful ovulation - is quite simple. To do this, you need to pay maximum attention to your own body, trying to follow all the doctor’s advice.

Lifestyle change

So, to neutralize painful symptoms ovulation, you should try to change your lifestyle a little at this time. Any physical activity along with sports is strictly prohibited. In addition, it would also be better to postpone cleaning and other labor-intensive tasks for a few days. It is precisely the reduction physical activity on the body as a whole, it helps to cope well with pain during ovulation.

It is also better to postpone difficult intellectual tasks, if possible. Of course, at work you won’t be able to constantly take a day off during this period, but you shouldn’t schedule reports or other tedious tasks on these days. It will be better to complete them earlier or a little later. It is strongly recommended to completely give up bad habits, trying to stick to proper nutrition. The best way getting rid of illness is normal operation body, but to achieve it, you must constantly adhere to healthy image life.

Medicines in treatment

Medications will also not be superfluous, but painkillers can act very differently. Some of them are designed for quick response the body, while others have a long-lasting effect, but require time to eliminate symptoms. However, these are all tablets, which means they are likely side effects, therefore, before resorting to their use, you need to consult a doctor.

There are other remedies for the treatment of painful ovulation that are gentler and do not have negative impact on the body, but in order to achieve a comfortable state, it is necessary to take them according to a certain system. Many of them are made, usually based on herbs. Thus, the treatment of painful ovulation can be very different. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is best to use the products in combination, while at the same time trying to treat your body as carefully as possible these days.

By the way, painful ovulation often occurs after withdrawal. birth control pills.

Breast tenderness as a symptom of painful ovulation

It happens that on the named days not only nagging pain lower abdomen, but also discomfort in the chest area. In addition, the mammary glands become overly sensitive, swelling slightly and increasing in size. Typically, something similar can happen shortly before ovulation and two to three days after it. Such signals indicate that the egg has already matured in the body.

The feeling of pain during ovulation can also serve as a useful signal, so you should not be afraid of it and immediately treat it only with negative side. Thus, it is worth noting that some symptoms from female body, when they are not overly strong, they are definitely necessary and require attention, since with the help of this nature, as it were, communicates the possibility of planning a family.

It is during this period, against the background of all the symptoms that arise in the middle of the cycle, that the egg matures, after which it can be fertilized. And if the spouses want a child, then this period is perfect timing For intimate relationships. But when you plan to wait until you become pregnant, on the contrary, it is better to refrain from intimacy for several days after ovulation.

Every woman, one might say, is obliged to know exactly and be able to understand her body. After all, in fact, it functions quite clearly, making it easy to manage. Painful ovulation is one of the factors that definitely requires attention. Carrying out small calculations will help a woman avoid an unexpected pregnancy, even without using contraception, thanks to which every baby will become expected and desired.


We can say that nature simply mocks some women, since they experience pain not only during menstruation, but also with every ovulation. And the number of such sufferers, as already noted, is approximately twenty percent.

And for most women, the release of the egg occurs without causing pain. And they can guess about the possibility of conceiving a child only by the changed quantity and quality of discharge, as well as by the signal associated with the swelling of the mammary glands. Those who suffer from the problems described should not panic, but should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a drug that will help relieve symptoms and help find out why painful ovulation is haunting you.

Painful ovulation is observed in 70% of women. This symptom depends on various factors. The reasons why pain occurs during ovulation are varied. To determine why your stomach hurts, you need to visit a specialist. The doctor will identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Characteristics of the symptom

Painful ovulation is accompanied by various additional signs. Pain during ovulation usually goes away after a short period of time and is not intense. To confirm that lower abdominal pain is a sign fertile days, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

IN ovulatory period woman celebrates characteristic change cervical fluid. It is produced by the glands of the cervical canal. The canal serves as a natural barrier. Through it, bacteria and infections cannot enter the uterus. During the period of ovulation, the canal gradually expands. This causes a change in discharge. They become more liquid and elastic. When a drop of mucus is squeezed between the fingers, there is a strong stretch without rupture. During this period, it is recommended to begin active pregnancy planning. IN in rare cases cervical discharge changes color. Transparent mucus turns brownish or beige color. This happens due to blood fluid getting into the mucus. At the same time, a woman may experience abdominal pain.

Also indirect sign As the ovulatory period approaches, sexual desire increases. A woman’s sexual activity increases against the background of processes occurring in hormonal system. Attraction is enhanced by an increase in lutein-stimulating hormone. The same substance is responsible for the release of mature cells from the follicle. Therefore, this phenomenon is inherent at the genetic level. In this way, nature signals the couple to increase their chances of conception. After fertilization or death of the egg, the rush of sexual activity disappears.

There are other signs that the egg is about to be released. They depend on the job various systems. If a woman has a weak psycho-emotional background, then the perception of ovulation will be more acute. Such patients complain of severe sharp pain during ovulation. A detailed study of the causes reveals instability psychological state. To relieve pain during ovulation, patients are recommended to be monitored by a psychologist. It will help stabilize your condition and make it easier to perceive the changes occurring in the body.

The characteristics of pain in the lower abdomen are influenced by the presence concomitant diseases. The presence of such pathologies can be determined by what kind of pain there is. Such patients complain that the abdomen greatly increases during ovulation. A feeling of discomfort appears. Revealed severe bloating. Lower section the intestines are overstretched. To determine the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist. If pain during ovulation is accompanied by additional discomfort, it is necessary to identify the disease that affects it.

Factors that cause the problem

Stomach pain during ovulation under the influence of various factors. Why does painful ovulation occur? Reasons:

  • Physiological processes in the body;
  • Availability various problems with gynecology;
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • Features of the location of the uterus;
  • Injury to the mucous membrane;
  • Low pain barrier.

The main reason why the lower abdomen pulls during ovulation is physiological processes in gynecology. The stomach begins to ache due to the maturation of the egg. It is located in the ovary and matures every menstrual cycle. Maturation occurs in a special bag. It grows on the surface of the ovary. Under the influence of the hormone, the membrane of the follicular neoplasm ruptures. The fluid and egg leave the sac. The rupture is the reason why the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation.

Pain during ovulation is also observed during sharp increase follicle size. During this period, the woman feels pain on the side on which the ovary works. The ovaries alternate every month. Therefore, severe pain during ovulation occurs from various sides.

The release of fluid into the abdominal cavity leads to increased contractility of the muscle layer. The muscles begin to push the egg towards the fallopian tubes. During this period, fluid may be absorbed into the cavity. Due to these factors, pain appears in the lower abdomen during ovulation.

Pain during ovulation is also observed when the egg moves through the fallopian tubes. The tubes have a special layer that is necessary to move the cell into the uterus. It consists of many outgrowths - villi. They shrink to the side uterine body. With strong contractility of the fleecy tissue, pain appears in the lower abdomen during ovulation.

Nagging pain during ovulation also occurs when the egg attaches to the endometrium. Women are interested in whether the stomach can hurt during attachment. The answer in this case is yes.

During the implantation of the egg, slight damage to the tissue lining the uterine cavity is observed. She is permeated big amount small vessels. When the cell is implanted, slight bleeding occurs, which causes pain during ovulation.

Painful sensations in women suffering from various gynecological problems. Such diseases are different character. Many gynecological problems arise due to tissue infection by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria often feed on the cells of the tissue on which they settle. Inflammation occurs in this area. It affects why ovulation hurts the lower abdomen.

The problem also occurs in women who have chronic sexually transmitted diseases. The virus causes a change in the structure of the cell. Against the background of tissue infection by the virus, the symptom intensifies during smooth muscle contraction. Oncological damage to the ovaries causes painful ovulation symptoms. With ovarian cancer, a tumor forms on its surface. It begins to actively increase in size. Against the background of ovulation, the tumor increases pressure on inner side peritoneum. Due to this, during ovulation, the lower abdomen pulls.

Gastrointestinal pathologies can also affect a woman’s condition during the ovulatory period. If a girl's ovulation pulls in her lower abdomen, she needs to undergo additional examination from a gastroenterologist. A frequent factor in the disease is a violation of the microflora of the large intestine. It stops processing decay products normally. Stagnation occurs in the intestines. The accumulation of gases leads to an increase in pressure on back body of the uterus. In this case, the uterus should be able to contract. If it does not contract, the pressure is distributed to the appendages and ovaries. An unpleasant symptom appears.

The structural features of the uterus also cause the symptom to appear. In this case, should pain affect ovulation? Doctors answer positively to this question. All women have a uterus various sizes and location. In some patients, the uterus bends toward abdominal cavity. In this case, during ovulation the abdominal region hurts. The resulting release of the hormone is accompanied by increased stretching of the follicle walls. It puts pressure on the muscles. The woman experiences discomfort.

Also negative factor is also injury to the vaginal mucosa. Many planning couples begin to actively have sex during their fertile period. Aggressive sexual intercourse may be accompanied by the appearance of damage to the mucous membrane. At sexual contact the woman pays attention to the pain. It occurs when there is increased friction of the skin on the surface of the wound. The same phenomenon is observed when erosive lesion uterus Additional symptom is the appearance of blood after contact.

A low pain barrier is also one of the causes of the disease. Each woman's sensitivity to pain is individual. Some patients do not experience any sensations during ovulation, while other women complain of sharp pain. This is caused by different sensitivities. Fix the problem drug influence impossible. It is laid down at the genetic level. You can only help a woman move through the ovulatory phase more easily.

How to relieve the condition

It is impossible to completely eliminate the problem. The condition can be alleviated with the help of various analgesics. medicinal substances. For this purpose, analgin or baralgin is prescribed. The drug relieves pain and relieves general health. It is worth noting that the data medicines have a number of contraindications and side effects. If the patient does not comply with the dosage regimen, the risk of adverse reactions increases.

Painful sensations can be relieved using combination drugs. Such medicines consist of several substances. These substances must have the following qualities:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Antispasmodic effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

These drugs help relieve pain of various etiologies. They help reduce spasms in the uterus and abdominal muscles. Also, medications have a positive effect on inflammation, if present. Gynecologists prescribe the following combined medications: Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Revalgin, Tempalgin, Pentalgin, Dexalgin. It is recommended to take such drugs once. Frequent use of combination medications is addictive. A woman will not be able to relieve the problem with milder medications.

If aching symptom is not clearly expressed, you can resort to more simple treatment. To do this you need to remain calm. A woman should be in supine position during the period of ovulation. If it is observed headache, it is recommended to shade the room. A contrast shower also relieves the problem well. It promotes a sharp expansion of blood vessels. Reduction vascular tissue causes a change in the nutrition of the uterus. The pain gradually disappears.

It is impossible to determine exactly why the disease occurs during ovulation. To identify the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Only after this a method for eliminating the pathology is selected.

The female body is complex, and it must work with incredible precision. For successful pregnancy and birth healthy baby Every month, women experience changes that directly affect their ability to become pregnant. It's about about the menstrual cycle. But painful ovulation overshadows everything, and many women wait for this moment with poorly concealed horror.

Theoretically, this should not differ in any way on the health of women, but in practice everything happens differently. And it even happens that sometimes you can’t cope without strong drugs. The whole point here lies in ovulatory syndrome (German: Mittelschmerz).

The question “why is it painful” is asked by every 5 girls. They tend to feel an unpleasant heaviness, tingling or real torment in the lower abdomen, on the side where the egg will be released.

According to the theory of scientists, everything happens due to the rupture of the follicle. It represents the container in which the cell is located. This happens and affects hormone levels. Therefore, the uterine mucosa is rejected.

But don't worry. And even if the suspicions are confirmed, there is nothing terrible here. It's just individual feature body structure. Special treatment not required here.

Naturally, on such days you need to take care of yourself: limit psychological stress, and also forget about lifting heavy objects. To stop the unpleasant symptoms, it is best to drink an analgesic or apply a warm (not hot) compress. If nothing helps and you can’t stand it, you need to see a gynecologist. He will examine you and prescribe oral contraceptives.

Why does malaise occur?

The peculiarity of this type of ailment is that they last from 1 minute to 2 days - no more. Here are some factors that can provoke illness:

  1. The egg capsule stretched and ruptured.
  2. Liquid and blood came out, causing irritation, as well as discharge of various types.
  3. In an attempt to draw in the cell, the fallopian tubes begin to actively contract.
  4. The hormonal cycle is disrupted.
  5. Inflammation.
  6. Recent birth.
  7. Genetic predisposition.

Also, do not forget about additional signs:

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Nervousness.

But we must not forget that modern medicine is constantly moving forward. Take your problems to a doctor who can sort them out.

In what cases is it better to consult a doctor immediately?

Remember that everything should go away within 1 - maximum 2 days. If you suffer longer and the symptoms progress, under no circumstances self-medicate or tolerate it. You need to quickly make an appointment with a gynecologist. He will send you for an ultrasound. Ultrasound diagnostics is necessary in order to understand whether you need to worry. After all, the source can be various dangerous pathologies that can lead to various consequences. Therefore, it is better to neutralize them in their initial form.

If the lower abdomen hurts, and conception has recently occurred, this may be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy or indicate the threat of an involuntary abortion.

Remember! Before you are examined by a doctor, you should not take analgesics. Otherwise, this may affect the correct diagnosis.

When to ask for help:

  • Change in the nature of sensations. If the patient complains of sharp stabbing sensations, this may be a sign of appendicitis.
  • Signs were tolerable or absent altogether.
  • After eating, my stomach hurts more.
  • When urinating, pain, bloody and (or) purulent discharge is observed;
  • Diarrhea, heat bodies.

What else can pain signal?

Women almost always perceive pain in the middle of the cycle as a result of the egg leaving the follicle. But sometimes the sensations can be the result of other problems. Here are some examples:

  1. Minor bleeding from the ovary. It causes irritation of the abdominal wall.
  2. Diseases of the reproductive system. These include inflammation of the appendages, uterine fibroids, and infections associated with the genitourinary system.
  3. Stress. And although it seems that emotions cannot have such a strong impact on our health, if nerve endings and blood vessels become intertwined, severe spasms occur.
  4. Disorders of the reproductive system.
  5. Appendicitis.

Tests to determine the causes of discomfort

If your uterus hurts and this happens regularly every time, you need to urgently sound the alarm. Remember timely diagnosis– the key to a successful solution to the problem.

Gynecologists say that often after visiting an ultrasound or hysteroscopy, patients learned about diagnoses that they did not even know about. We are talking about endometriosis, as well as the adhesive process that was most likely caused by it. Also a rare, but still occurring phenomenon are anomalies in the development of organs responsible for reproductive function. One more important point There is a possible fluctuation in hormones. If the assumptions are confirmed, it is necessary to stabilize hormonal background. This will help improve the girl's well-being.

Does accompanying pain affect the ability to get pregnant?

Spasms cannot in any way affect the ability to conceive or the pregnancy itself if they truly belong to the above syndrome. This fact has long been proven. It's all about body structure. The only concomitant disadvantage of the situation is discomfort during sexual intercourse. But if you and your partner want to conceive a child, you need to be sexually active. Therefore, in order to get pregnant, you should endure the pain that occurs during sex or take painkillers.

Experts advise sex life make it regular. Ideally at least every 2 days. This significantly increases the chances of successful conception. This is explained by the fact that active sperm will definitely end up in Right place and ensure the conception of a child. The period in which the cervical mucus is thicker than usual is more successful for fertilization.

After childbirth, pain is felt during ovulation

Very often, discomfort during Mittelschmerz can appear after the girl has already become a mother. This may be the result of adhesions in the abdominal area, which were provoked by a caesarean section. The reason may be hidden behind the following situations:

  • The lining of the ovary is very thickened
  • The dominant follicle is very large

If you feel pain in the middle of your cycle after childbirth, the right decision would be to go to your treating gynecologist. To exclude serious gynecological diseases that could lead to complications, he will prescribe a study. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Patient interview.
  2. Clinical examination.
  3. Inspection.
  4. Lab tests.

How to alleviate the situation?

In this case they can help. If the prescribed medicine does not help you, at the discretion of the specialist, it is prescribed and hormonal drugs. But remember that the body is very sensitive. Only a highly qualified specialist can decide what is allowed to be taken, in what doses, and whether there is a need for it.

There are many current methods. Thanks to them, it is possible to alleviate the influence of “these” days with your own hands:

  1. Be exposed to stress and nervousness as little as possible.
  2. Reduce exercise and stress. Rest should be complete, and sleep duration should be at least 8 hours.
  3. Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  4. Availability of vitamins in the diet. Drink plenty of fluids.
  5. Say bad habits"NO".
  6. Exhausting diets are prohibited.
  7. Limit or stop taking foods that can cause strain on your gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, and also excite nervous system. We are talking about legumes, spicy and fatty foods, coffee, etc.
  8. Baths help with medicinal herbs or aromatic oils. This technique stimulates contraction of the tubes. But as an option, it is possible only in the absence of surgical or acute infectious diseases.

Also, when dealing with painful ovulation, a heating pad with warm water will help a lot.

But such precautions can only be used if other causes have been ruled out.


You also need to remember that better disease prevent, not treat. You need to take care of your life. Keep a notebook where you will describe each month - the beginning and end of the schedule. It's not difficult, but it's very important. Have a scheduled viewing. How often do I need to visit the clinic and get checked? It all depends on your age. If you are over 30 years old, you need to see a doctor at least once a year. Over 40 years – 2 times a year.