Causes of eye pain. Why does my eye hurt? Associated symptoms and solutions to the problem

Pain inside the eye is a phenomenon that in most cases occurs spontaneously and without any apparent reason, which is why such a phenomenon prompts us to a variety of disturbing thoughts, because in most cases we cannot understand the nature of the appearance of such painful sensations. So why can the inside of the eye hurt? And how dangerous is it? In this article we will answer these questions for you.

Why does the eye hurt inside: reasons

There are quite a lot of reasons why we can experience pain inside the eyes - these are various diseases and pathologies of the eyes themselves, and various external factors, which can also lead to a similar result. Next, we will tell you in more detail about why the inside of the eye can hurt.

Diseases that cause pain inside the eye:

    Sinus diseases. It's no secret that the sinuses and eyes are connected, which ultimately allows the infection to freely “move” along the passages from the nose to our eyes. It is a similar process that occurs in diseases such as sinusitis and tonsillitis - with the above diseases, the patient, as a rule, notices shooting pain inside the eyes, which in turn is due to the fact that it is the back surface of our eye that contains greatest number nerve fibers. Very often, patients note that quite strong painful sensations appear even with slight movement of the pupils or eyelids;

    Conjunctivitis. The essence of this disease consists in the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eye, which develops against the background of contact directly with the eye itself various viruses, fungi and bacteria, and which, in addition to pain in the eye, is also accompanied by symptoms such as redness of the eyelids and purulent discharge from the eye.

Quite often, this disease affects children who simply rub and scratch their eyes with dirty hands, however, in most cases, such a pathology is childhood“formed” against the background of any existing colds– influenza, sore throat or acute respiratory viral infection. As a rule, after recovery from the cold itself, “children’s” conjunctivitis disappears without a trace. As for adults, in this situation the course of this disease can be more severe.

In total, there are three forms of conjunctivitis - allergic, viral and bacterial. It is worth noting that the last two forms are contagious and are easily transmitted through contact with a sick person. In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to follow basic rules of personal hygiene - use only a personal towel, wash your hands regularly, especially when in public places;

    Glaucoma. With this disease, damage occurs optic nerve, as a result of which vision deteriorates, which can ultimately lead to the development of blindness. The causes of this disease are not fully understood today, however, it is known that glaucoma can be transmitted genetically along the hereditary line. As for the main symptoms of this disease, they include the following: fairly intense painful sensations in the eyes, which indicate an increase in inside eye pressure, discomfort and discomfort in the forehead, temples and cheekbones, as well as headaches;

    Vascular diseases. If there is a malfunction throughout the body and the functioning of blood vessels is impaired, then, as a rule, this also affects the health of our eyes - their blood supply deteriorates, as a result of which we feel pain and pressure inside the eyes. In order to identify this pathology, you need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and undergo ultrasound examination. In addition to the ophthalmologist, you should also visit a cardiologist, who, after examining and passing all necessary procedures, will be able to identify a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that can eliminate the “root” of the problem.

It is worth considering that ischemia is a very dangerous disease, which if left untreated can lead to very sad consequences, so you should not ignore such a symptom as pain inside the eyes - be sure to get examined by the above-mentioned specialists.

Other factors that cause pain inside the eye:

    Fatigue. Fatigue and overwork are the most common cause of regular pain inside the eye. Typically with data painful sensations Often we have to deal with those whose professional activities are associated with a certain strain on the eyes: collecting small objects, working with documents, as well as working at the computer: with all these activities, our eyes are focused almost all the time, which in turn becomes the cause of pain. As for the pain itself, its intensity can vary, which in turn is determined by the initial endurance of the nerves and muscles of the ocular system, as well as the duration of activity.

In addition to pain inside the eyes, quite often patients notice a feeling of sand in the eyes, which is also provoked by prolonged concentration of the eyes; in this situation, in order to get rid of such a pain syndrome, it is necessary to regularly rest your eyes throughout the day - gymnastics and special exercises will help you get rid of such pain. Another additional measure that will have a beneficial effect on your eyes is a properly equipped workplace with lighting;

    Incorrectly corrected vision. If the lenses were chosen incorrectly for you, or the diopters of the glasses do not suit you, then in this situation, symptoms such as pain and pain in the eyes will accompany you throughout the entire time you use certain vision correction devices. As a rule, any discomfort or discomfort goes away as soon as you remove your lenses or glasses. In order for similar painful sensations you were not disturbed in the future, it is necessary to mandatory contact your attending ophthalmologist for additional examination;

    Eye injury. Regardless of the extent to which the eye is damaged, the first sign of injury is intraocular hemorrhage, in which multiple ruptures of the intraocular vessels occur, which ultimately leads to redness of the eyeball. As a rule, after a minor blow or bruise, after a few days, all painful sensations inside the eye, as well as the hematoma itself, go away, however, in cases where the pain does not recede or, on the contrary, becomes more intense every day, then in this situation it is strongly recommended contact an ophthalmologist, as there is a risk in the future not only of severe deterioration of vision, but also of its complete loss.

If the eye is cut or punctured, then in this situation a blood clot forms in the eye itself, which in some cases can be quite voluminous. If a foreign object gets into the eye, then in this situation the patient, as a rule, experiences pain in the eye and severe discomfort, and the object itself, which constantly “moves” along the mucous membrane of the eye, creates abrasions and wounds that subsequently hurt. If any foreign object gets into the eye, it is necessary to remove it as quickly as possible, because this can cause retinal detachment, which in turn can lead to lifelong vision problems. varying degrees gravity.

How to get rid of eye pain

As you can see, pain inside the eye can be caused by many diseases, which is why if you experience regular eye pain, you need to contact medical institution, which has all the necessary equipment for effective diagnostics, as a result of which it will be possible to prescribe adequate treatment.

However, in some cases we are faced with spontaneous pain inside the eye, and we do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist in the near future. In order to alleviate your suffering in this situation, you can resort to several methods that will help temporarily reduce pain:

    Take a pill for a headache - perhaps the pain inside the eye is a side “symptom” of a migraine or the stress and anxiety you have endured;

    Use chamomile tea as an eye compress. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over several tablespoons of chamomile, let it brew for half an hour, then strain the resulting decoction and cool to room temperature. In this decoction, you need to moisten a cotton pad, which should be used to wipe your eyes several times. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a day.

Of course, all of the above measures will only give a temporary effect and will not eliminate the problem itself, which is why if there is pain inside the eye, it is imperative to contact the appropriate specialist, namely an ophthalmologist, who, after examination, will identify the cause of the pain and will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. As a rule, the treatment itself consists of taking eye drops and tablets, which in turn are aimed at “eliminating” various infections inside the body, as well as intraocular infections.

And remember that pain inside the eyes is very serious problem, which, if not detected and treated in a timely manner, may in the future cause loss of visual acuity or its complete loss.

Modern people are subject to a colossal load on the visual system. After all modern technologies filled almost all areas of professional activity. Also, every person has a computer or TV at home, the use of which negatively affects visual acuity and eye condition. What is evidenced by the malaise when the eyes hurt, as if they are pressing. The causes and methods of eliminating such pain should be considered in more detail.

Causes of pressing pain in the eyes

More often this symptom indicates a jump in blood pressure. At what pressure does eye pain occur? This happens when sharp increase blood pressure. A person feels a throbbing pain that intensifies with the slightest movement of the head. Also pressing pain in the eyes may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Pre-stroke condition. This symptom is usually observed in people old age. Minor movements at this moment, in addition to pain, cause severe dizziness.
  2. Diseases of the nasopharynx infectious nature, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis. In addition to unpleasant sensations in the eyes, there is also a severe headache that radiates to the temple.
  3. Brain tumors. Painful sensations in the eyes are often accompanied by headaches and severe nausea, leading to vomiting.
  4. Visual fatigue. Most often, the eyes become overtired from the computer or TV. Long stay near the monitor leads to dry eyes, a pressing sensation gradually arises.
  5. Incorrectly fitted glasses or contact lenses. In addition to the pressing sensation in the eyes, severe headaches occur.
  6. Emotional fatigue. Nervous strain cause sensations of pressure, the picture before the eyes becomes cloudy.
  7. A sharp increase in blood pressure. In such cases there is strong desire close your eyes as your eyelids become heavy.
  8. Allergic reactions. They are also accompanied by itching and hypersecretion of the lacrimal glands.
  9. Glaucoma. This disease is also characterized by decreased vision and redness of the eyes.

Important to know! Many diseases of the visual system are accompanied by pain in the eyes of a pressing nature! Therefore, in order to avoid painful sensations, it is necessary to carry out timely diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic diseases.

Diseases of the visual system that cause eye pain

A pressing sensation in the eyes in some cases is caused by various diseases visual apparatus. The most common diseases are:

  1. Blepharitis. Represents inflammatory process or eyelid infection.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the eye membrane, which occurs as an allergic reaction or as a result of infection. Accompanied severe itching and redness of the white of the eye.
  3. Corneal injuries. Scratches or foreign bodies in the cornea create a foreign-object sensation, which results in pressing pain in the eyes.
  4. Keratitis. Characterized by infection in the cornea. It is usually observed in people who do not follow the basic rules of wearing contact lenses.
  5. Iritis. It is an inflammation of the iris of the eye. Accompanied by a feeling as if pressing from the inside.
  6. Neuritis. The disease develops due to inflammation optic nerve. At the same time, vision is significantly reduced.
  7. Sinusitis. An infectious disease that is an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. Causes painful sensations in the eyes, the patient feels pressure on the eyeballs from below.
  8. Barley. An inflammatory process that develops in the eyelids or at the base of the eyelashes.

Important to remember! The appearance of any disease of the visual apparatus requires immediate treatment! Indeed, as it develops, the patient feels many unpleasant sensations, including pressure in the eyes, accompanied by pain.

Eye exercises

If the pressing pain in the eyes does not arise due to various diseases, and from overwork, in such situations it is useful to do gymnastics. Most effective exercises to relieve pressure and pain are:

  1. Look up and then look down.
  2. Look around, slowly moving your gaze.
  3. Visually draw geometric shapes. This procedure carry out slowly, clockwise, and then in the opposite direction.

The above exercises will help to gradually alleviate the condition. Such gymnastics should be given 5-10 minutes of time.

Elimination of painful sensations

What to do with pressing pain in the eyes? If the cause of pressing pain in the eyes is increased intraocular pressure, the condition can be improved using various eye drops. What drops are used for this purpose? The most effective medications are:

  1. Azopt. It is used for increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), as well as for the treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus. Has many possible side effects. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a specialist. He will prescribe the maximum safe dosage.
  2. Trusopt. Also prescribed to people suffering from glaucoma. Reduces intraocular pressure and relieves discomfort associated with this ailment. Helps normalize the production of intraocular fluid.
  3. Travatan. Normalizes intraocular pressure. Can be used for preventive purposes.
  4. Xalatan. Helps alleviate the condition of glaucoma and other diseases of the visual system.
  5. Timolol. Helps improve the condition various forms glaucoma.
  6. Betoptik. Reduces intraocular pressure, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

Important to remember! Before using a certain medicinal product You need to consult a specialist! He will prescribe the most effective and safe dosage, taking into account individual characteristics body.

If pressing pain in the eyes is caused by visual fatigue, you can use recipes alternative medicine. They will help to significantly reduce discomfort. The advantage of this effect is practically complete absence contraindications. There are many recipes for treating the eyes.

Tea brewing

The most popular and simplest method of treatment. Its essence is to apply cotton pads soaked in tea leaves to the eyes. The procedure must be carried out in a horizontal position. Keep the discs for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the strength of the pain localization.


To prepare the medicine you will need 3 tbsp. l. dried chamomile herb, which should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Place on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Then strain the prepared broth. Wait until it cools down a little, wet a cotton pad and wipe your eyes well.

Hawthorn and yarrow

These ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. Mix the herbs thoroughly. 5 tbsp. l. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the resulting mixture and cook for 15 minutes. Let it brew for about 1 hour. At the end of the time, strain the prepared broth and consume 1 glass 3 times a day. This medicine helps normalize intraocular pressure.

Aloe vera

Cut 1 medium-sized aloe leaf, chop using a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Add 1 cup of boiling water to the resulting slurry and leave to steep for 3 hours. Then strain the prepared medicine and treat the eyes 3 times a day.

Important to remember! When using traditional medicine recipes to relieve pressing pain in the eyes, you need to take into account individual intolerance And increased sensitivity to some ingredients!

Prevention of pressing pain in the eyes

In order to avoid this occurrence unpleasant symptom, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • promptly treat diseases of the visual apparatus;
  • monitor blood pressure;
  • spend a minimum amount of time in front of a computer or TV;
  • do gymnastics and eye massage after eye strain.

You should also remember to regularly visit an ophthalmologist for preventive examinations.

The human eye seems to be a very vulnerable and fragile organ, so if there is a feeling that the eye hurts from the inside, then we tend to assume the worst. Let's figure out what could be causing this phenomenon, and whether you should panic if your eyeball hurts.

The nature of the pain can be sharp and intense or monotonous and dull. Pain inside the eye may be accompanied by warmth, redness, ulceration, numbness, double vision, weakness, sensitivity to light, pressure from the nose, or pain when moving the eyes.

Pain inside the eye can have causes that vary in severity. Your main task is to determine whether there is a threat to your vision and whether you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Dangerous conditions

Glaucoma attack

A large volume of formation of intraocular fluid or its difficult outflow causes an increase in pressure in the anterior chamber of the eye. Intraocular fluid puts pressure on the eyes from the inside. In this case, damage to the optic nerve head and retinal vessels occurs, which causes Symptoms characteristic of an attack of glaucoma:

  • the appearance of a halo around light sources;
  • reduction of visual fields (so-called peripheral scotoma);
  • worsening vision at dusk;
  • impaired color perception;
  • decreased vision;
  • the eye hurts from the inside, there is a sensation in it foreign body.

As you can see, the symptoms are not specific, so if you suspect an increase in intraocular pressure, you should definitely contact an ophthalmologist for additional examination - tonometry (measurement of eye pressure) and gonioscopy (examination of the anterior chamber of the eye).


Simply put, this is swelling of the optic nerve head - where it attaches to the eyeball. Swelling of the optic nerve nipple creates a protrusion into the eyeball and puts pressure on the eye from the inside.

The cause of papilloedema is an increase intracranial pressure. But only if the symptoms of optic disc edema and increased intracranial pressure are observed simultaneously, we speak of papilloedema.

This occurs as a consequence of inflammation of the brain or its membranes, hemorrhage in the skull, or tumor processes.

Swelling may develop over several hours or weeks. When sneezing and coughing, the condition usually worsens, the pain intensifies, vision is blurred, the image is double, and headaches intensify. Lying on your back usually brings little relief.

This condition requires immediate appeal for medical care and treatment of the underlying disease.

Intraocular pain occurs with neuritis and swelling of the optic nerve

Optic neuritis

The symptoms of inflammation of the optic nerve are similar to papilloedema, but there is no increase in intracranial pressure. According to the observations of experts, most often this disease is associated with demyelination of nerve fibers, which occurs in multiple sclerosis.

In this case, the eye hurts from the inside in the orbital area, especially when moving. Violated color vision, overall visual acuity decreases, manifestations of photopsia may be observed - luminous dots or lightning on the retina.

It can be very difficult to establish the correct diagnosis of optic neuritis, since there may be no visible signs on the fundus or optic nerve nipple. Diagnostics is mainly aimed at establishing the presence multiple sclerosis with further treatment or transfer to a state of remission.


It happens that the inside of the eye hurts due to a headache.

Particularly acute pain occurs with the cluster type of pain, when attacks follow one after another, and then disappear for several months or even years. In this case, only one half of the head is affected. The right eye hurts or the left eye hurts from the inside so much, as if it had been “pierced with a hot knitting needle.” Cluster headaches are triggered by the sudden release of histamine or serotonin and their effect on nerve fibers. Other symptoms include redness, swelling of the cornea, watery eyes, nasal congestion and rhinitis.

The headache can also be a type of migraine. At the same time, it presses the eye from the inside with a special pulsating wave, which is very intense and painful. Seizures can begin suddenly in response to certain smells, flickering lights, noises, sunlight, food, etc. Each person suffering from this disease has their own personal “triggers”.

Another reason why there is pressure in the eyes is increased blood pressure. In this case, discomfort in the organs of vision is created by increasing blood pressure in the central ophthalmic artery and obstructing the outflow venous blood from the central retinal vein. When you press on the eyeball, you feel increased elasticity and pain from the touch. Often, high blood pressure is accompanied by headache and dizziness, and a person sees “spots.”

Pain as a secondary symptom

Often, in search of the reason why the eye hurts, we do not pay attention to the structures surrounding it. But inflammation or disease can occur in a completely different organ.

For example, with sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, when the paranasal or frontal sinuses, V eyeball a pressing pain may be felt. It is created by swelling of the mucous sinuses, which are anatomically very close to the eye sockets.

Internal pain in the eye can be due to inflammation trigeminal nerve

Sometimes if your eye hurts, you should pay attention to... your teeth. The fact is that the structures of the facial skull are innervated by various branches of one trigeminal nerve.

The top branch is responsible for the eyes, the middle branch is responsible for upper jaw, cheeks and lips, lower - behind the lower ones. For dental infections, gumboil, deep caries Inflammation of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve may occur, which will painfully affect all innervated organs.

In addition, any systemic infectious disease accompanied by fever and symptoms of intoxication usually causes pain inside the eyes.

Ophthalmic causes


While the diseases listed above are difficult to see, most problems affecting the eyes themselves can be recognized visually.

When the inner corner of the eye hurts, you should carefully examine this area; you may find inflammation, redness, pus, and swelling. There may be several reasons.

Young children most often suffer from partial or complete obstruction of the lacrimal ducts or inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis). The child does not have a physiological opening of the tubules immediately after birth, which creates conditions for the accumulation and growth of bacteria.

Inflammation of the lacrimal sac can occur in children and adults

In adults, this condition provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which blocks the outflow from the lacrimal sac. In conditions bacterial infection Pus forms and can be seen in the corners of the eyes.

Inflammation of the tear ducts (canaliculi) is called canaliculitis. It is characterized by pain in the inner corner of the eye, swelling and redness of the eyelids, profuse lacrimation mixed with pus.

This area is also affected separate species conjunctivitis - angular. Its cause is the penetration of the Morax-Axenfeld bacterium onto the conjunctival mucosa. The skin of the corners of the eyes is affected. Here pain, redness and microcracks occur, which increase when blinking.

Other bacterial or viral infections provoke inflammation outer shell eyes (conjunctivitis) or internal (uveitis, iritis). Typically, swelling during inflammation causes pain; it can be stabbing in nature and intensify with eye movement.

Other symptoms include sensitivity to light and redness, with purulent or sticky mucus draining from the eye. As a rule, conjunctivitis first occurs in one eye (for example, the right one), but then quickly spreads to the second eye.


The organs of vision can hurt from the inside as a result of vision problems - farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism. The pain is caused by the brain and eye trying to correct vision errors. Intense focusing leads to overstrain of the oculomotor and ciliary muscles. Discomfort also occurs with incorrectly selected glasses with insufficient or overcompensation or with an incorrect center distance.

General visual fatigue (long reading, watching TV, working on a computer) also leads to a feeling of tension and pain inside the eyeballs.


Pain inside the eye can be caused by a penetrating injury, foreign objects entering the eyeball, as well as by bruising, swelling internal edema or hematomas. In addition to acute pain, partial or complete loss of vision may be present.

Appear dark spots or a veil, signaling a violation of light access to the retina due to the presence of a foreign formation.

It is important not to confuse pain in the eye itself with the sensations that cause foreign objects, caught under the upper eyelid.

How to behave correctly

What to do if your eye hurts?

First of all, inspect it for damage, hemorrhages, and foreign bodies. If you notice an injury, seek medical attention. If visible damage no, you can rinse your eyesight special solutions(such as artificial tears) or clean water.

If you have chronic diseases, For example, arterial hypertension– measure your blood pressure; you may need to take your usual medications to lower it. The same applies to attacks of glaucoma and migraines.

Periodically give your eyes a rest, do special relaxing exercises and self-massage. A cool compress or tea lotions may also help.

If there are signs of conjunctivitis or another infectious disease, you need to use drops with an antibacterial or antiviral effect.

If you have ARVI or another disease accompanied by fever, then you can relieve discomfort (including in the eyes) by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, ibuprofen.

In any case, if the pain is intense, accompanied by blurred vision, or remains long time, you need to visit a doctor to rule out serious pathology and receive treatment recommendations.

To understand why your eyes hurt, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, the time and conditions of its occurrence, duration and other features. Sharp acute pain may indicate damage to the structures of the eye (,) due to injury, hemorrhage, or inflammation. When your eyes hurt due to something eye diseases, painful sensations develop gradually, their intensity increases, sometimes it is possible to identify their relationship with certain factors environment(long-term work at the computer, exposure to contact allergens, seasonality) or time of day.

Let us dwell in more detail on the most common causes of eye pain.

Eye inflammation

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes (,) are usually accompanied by severe pain, redness and are often observed general symptoms(malaise, increased body temperature), purulent discharge appears from the eyes. Typical sign inflammatory process of the eyes - sticking of the eyelids after sleep. When your eyes hurt, become red and watery, you should immediately consult a doctor. Avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid spreading the infection and worsening the symptoms of inflammation. To prevent eye inflammation, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands regularly, use only an individual towel, handkerchief, and decorative cosmetics.

Visual fatigue

This is one of the most common reasons the appearance of pain in the eyes. Long work working at the computer is extremely tiring for the eyes and causes overstrain oculomotor muscles. The consequences of spending many hours in front of a monitor screen will not be long in coming, and usually avid “computer geeks” have a very characteristic appearance, and their eyes hurt, water and turn red.

To understand why your eyes hurt, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, the time and conditions of its occurrence, duration and other features.

Eye diseases

Enough large number eye diseases are accompanied by symptoms such as eye pain. One of the most dangerous diseases the eye that causes gas pain is. The pain in glaucoma is chronic, quite intense, sometimes intensifies and sometimes weakens, and only one eye may hurt. Glaucoma is often accompanied by headache, nausea, dizziness, and narrowing of the visual field.

Diseases of the peripheral or central nervous system

Migraine-type headaches may be accompanied by eye pain. With the so-called ophthalmological form of migraine, one eye often hurts, “flashes” and “lightning” may appear before the eyes, a transient disturbance.

In some cases, the eyes hurt due to inflammation of the trigeminal or facial nerves; in this case, on the affected side there is an acute “jerking” pain radiating to the eye area, reminiscent in nature and intensity of toothache.

Allergic eye diseases

With allergic eye lesions, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes are observed; these symptoms are often accompanied by pain. The allergic nature of eye damage may be indicated by following symptoms: sudden appearance the above symptoms, excessive lacrimation, impaired visual acuity, severe itching of the eyes, runny nose.

Eye injury

Sometimes the cause of pain in the eyes can be trauma (for example, a bruise in the eye area) or microtrauma (when a foreign body enters). If, some time after the injury, your eyes hurt, you need to urgently see an ophthalmologist, since a person who does not have special education, is usually unable to adequately assess the severity of the injuries received and their danger to health.

Traumatic factors, even minor ones, violate the integrity of the eye tissues: the cornea and conjunctiva, which is manifested by swelling, redness, pain and burning, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. To restore eye tissue after injury, products containing dexpanthenol, a substance characterized by a regenerating effect on tissue, have proven themselves to be effective, in particular, the Korneregel eye gel. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Systemic connective tissue diseases

At systemic diseases connective tissue(periarteritis nodosa, SLE) the vessels that feed are often affected, which may be accompanied by pain in the eye area.

Infectious diseases

Often, pain in the eyes can occur due to inflammation of the organs that are located next to the eyes (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), as well as infectious diseases accompanied by intoxication and fever (flu) or damage to the central nervous system(meningitis, encephalitis).

Spinal diseases

Often, pain in the eyes can occur in the absence of infection or inflammation, for example, with diseases of the spine. Very often the eyes hurt when cervical osteochondrosis, since this pathology is accompanied by impaired circulation in the arteries of the spine.

Wearing contact lenses

Pain in the eyes when used indicates trouble: usually the eyes hurt when too much long-term wearing lenses during the day, using expired lenses, or lenses that are not suitable in size or optical power.

It is very important to choose the right contact lenses. First of all, you should seek advice from an ophthalmologist, who will explain to you how important it is that contact lenses not only allow sufficient oxygen to pass through to the cornea, but also remain moisturized throughout the day. That is why recently most doctors advise paying attention to lenses made from modern material called hypergel. This material fully matches the moisture content of the cornea and imitates the action of the natural lipid layer of the tear film, while allowing sufficient oxygen to pass through for healthy eyes. Some of these lenses include daily lenses Biotrue ONEday. These lenses remain comfortable even when worn for more than 16 hours, thanks to their unique ability to retain moisture, which has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes at the end of the day.

Discomfort in the eyes has become a common occurrence for many people. It is provoked by factors such as prolonged work at a PC, reading books in the dark, etc. All these are direct factors in the growth of many negative signs. The human eye cannot withstand prolonged stress of this kind. If you do not take proper care of your eyes, this causes an increase in serious diseases, the result of which in many cases is sad.

Causes of eye disease

The only factor that causes diseases of the organ of vision is pathology. The only question is how serious this anomaly is. To our joy, serious illnesses in many cases are painless and difficult to ignore, however, there are exceptions. Pain may indicate the presence of such a disease:

  1. Inflammation of the eyes. This disease includes conjunctivitis. This is an inflammatory process of the conjunctiva, i.e. membranes of the eyeball. It does not pose a danger to vision, but it causes many uncomfortable phenomena, and is also simply transmitted from the carrier to another person.
  2. Uveitis is the most difficult to treat. These are pathologies characterized by an inflammatory process choroid eye. They are dangerous due to their dynamic course: the inflammatory process quickly spreads to the retina of the eye, which can cause partial or complete loss of vision.
  3. Keratitis. Infection of the cornea of ​​the organ of vision. Inflammation can cause clouding of the cornea and strong decline vision.

The basis of these diseases is infectious infection. These diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

  1. Eye damage. Various mechanical, temperature, chemical injuries to the organ of vision, accompanied by pain.
  2. Overvoltage. This occupational diseases office workers, jewelers, students, computer technicians. Eye strain cannot be called a disease. When looking for a long time at an object that is at the same distance from the eyes, the eye muscles get tired.
  3. Ocular abnormality. Very dangerous and serious illness accompanied by pain - glaucoma. This disease most often goes unnoticed: the patient does not even know about his problem, attributing regular pain in the eyes to overwork.
  4. NS diseases. Migraine is always accompanied by severe pain.
  5. Allergic reactions. They can be expressed in different ways: asthma attacks, swelling, inflammation. It is very difficult to distinguish an allergy from an infection on your own.
  6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pain syndrome can provoke neck osteochondrosis.
  7. Other mechanical factors. Prolonged use of lenses may cause pain syndrome.

Signs of eye disease

Eye pain can be caused various factors. In addition to pain with these problems, other manifestations are observed:

  1. Eye strain is accompanied by pain and tearing. The eyes turn red, objects become blurry, and vision is greatly impaired. This is a short process that passes without a trace after two days. If the tension continues regularly, then there is a high probability of myopia. This disease is difficult to cope with.
  2. Pain is always present, but you need to be a little observant to detect the presence of the disease. Glaucoma very often disguises itself as neurological abnormalities: headache, osteochondrosis. The pain is one-sided and can be very strong. The eyes turn red, the pupil enlarges and reacts poorly to light.
  3. With osteochondrosis, pain accompanies not only the eyes. Discomfort is growing, its source is in the spine. Quite often the patient speaks of heaviness and throbbing pain in the back of the head. It is quite difficult to distinguish osteochondrosis from other anomalies that can cause eye pain. Only a specialist can determine osteochondrosis.

Inflammatory processes are accompanied by severe constant or sharp pains, which are localized on the eyeball. With posterior uveitis, pain is felt somewhere inside the organ of vision, and this serious sign. In addition to pain, symptoms such as:

  1. Profuse lacrimation. This is due to overworking of the lacrimal gland. The eyes try to eliminate the causative agent of inflammation, while simultaneously accumulating a significant number of leukocyte cells at the affected area.
  2. Red eyes. The blood supply to the organ increases sharply. Blood carries cells to the affected area that fight infection.
  3. Discharge of pus. Many people wake up in the morning and cannot open their eyes, which are stuck together with pus. Purulent discharge are a common process when infectious disease. This is confirmation of the dynamic functioning of our immunity.

Very often the inflammatory process is accompanied high temperature bodies. Signs of body poisoning are spreading: migraine, lethargy, etc.

To prevent the occurrence different types eye diseases and normalize eye function, modern ophthalmology offers various medical supplies to improve vision. Traditional medicine also has a number of healing remedies. They can only be used as preventive measures.

There are many recipes for pain relief:

  1. Eye drops. All ingredients should be taken one teaspoon at a time. Mix mint juice, honey and water. Water must be taken from natural sources; water from a spring is perfect. You need to put three drops in your eyes every day, in the morning and at night, for ten days. After the course of treatment, the patient sees the world in new colors. If necessary, therapy can be repeated.
  2. Helps improve vision and relieve muscle strain herbal compress from cilantro. You need to finely chop the cilantro and add chalk and aloe juice in equal proportions. Apply the compress at night, for a quarter of an hour on the eye area. In the morning you need to perform a therapeutic eye massage.
  3. An excellent preventive measure would be the following: mix a teaspoon of onion juice with big spoon honey Let the mixture sit for a day. Lubricate your eyelids with this mixture. After this, wash your eyes with warm water.
  4. You can make lotions from fresh cucumbers. Pour half a glass of cucumber peel hot water and add a pinch of soda. Mix everything well. Apply eye lotions every day in the evening. Except medicinal properties, these lotions also have cosmetic value, the result of which will be smooth skin near the eyes.
  5. One part of dill, marshmallow and horsetail, mix with two parts of chicory flowers and rose petals. Three large spoons of this mixture are poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and allowed to cool. Apply three drops to your eyes three times a day.

Apply traditional medicine not allowed for people suffering allergic reaction to components.

In addition to compresses, infusions and mixtures, it is necessary to pay attention to natural products foods that contain vitamins and minerals. You need to eat foods such as:

  • Blueberry;
  • Carrot;
  • Spinach;
  • Liver;
  • Dairy products.

Every day you need to perform eye exercises, which will help strengthen the eye muscles. It doesn't take much time.

Today it is quite common to meet people with “syndrome computer vision" It is typical for people who spend most of the day at a PC. This causes the development of temporary myopia, decreased sensitivity and visual acuity, and difficulties in the functioning of the eye muscles.

The negative impact of a PC is associated with the monotony of the alphanumeric image, flickering and pulsation of the monitor. In addition, regular concentration is required, which is also a factor in high stress on the eyes. As a result, the eyes become very tired, their blood circulation changes and oxygen deficiency appears. This leads to the accumulation of metabolic products in the tissues of the eye. Blood circulation returns to normal due to the expansion of capillaries, which causes the eyes to become red. The same effect occurs when small vessels rupture. Along with red eyes, pain occurs due to prolonged use of a PC. Dry eye syndrome may occur.

Pain in the eyes after welding

Welders quite often complain of eye pain. They appear due to poor protection of the organ of vision. Welding work cause burns, occur severe pain and the inability to open your eyes. When opening the eyes, a person feels significant pain. Many patients simultaneously feel pain and pain, as if sand had been poured into their eyes. Acute inflammation needs to be cured medical supplies.

If your eyes hurt after welding, then you cannot use medications without the permission of a specialist. You only need to use medications prescribed by the doctor.

It is very important in the initial days after welding, as soon as the eyes begin to hurt, to apply effective therapy. Certain eye drops and creams will relieve corneal swelling, reduce inflammation, redness and pain. You need to lie down at home for several days, not go to work and not strain your eyes. The room where the patient lies should be in twilight.

Age changes

Eyes, as statistics show, inevitably undergo age-related changes. Pensioners quite often develop cataracts, which are accompanied by pain. Over time, the mucous membrane of the eye is not so well supplied with blood, dries out quickly, and as a result, pain and burning appears. Multivitamins, antioxidants and constant exercises for the organ of vision will help slow down the aging of the eyes.

The eye muscles require constant and competent exercise. If a person selects competent gymnastics and carries out it constantly, he will be able not only to eliminate pain, but also to prevent the decline in vision associated with age.

What are the benefits of eye gymnastics?

Eye gymnastics is an effective method of combating signs of significant stress and preventive measure decreased vision in people with high visual load. Certain exercises should be performed during breaks at work.

If a person feels visual fatigue or pain symptoms when rotating the eyes, then a short break is necessary. You need to lean back in your chair and close your eyes. At this time, the eye muscles are in a relaxed state and are overstrained. To enhance the effectiveness of a short break, you need to cover your eyes with warm palms and sit like that for a while. Then you need to open your eyes and take turns looking at objects nearby and at a distance. With this exercise, the eye muscles are trained, which prevents their stagnation.

There is a set of exercises for the organ of vision, suitable for people who work in hazardous industries and in offices.

  1. Sitting on a chair you need to relax as much as possible. Close your eyes and count to ten, then open them slightly for the same time. The exercise must be performed ten times. It improves metabolism and helps eye muscles relax.
  2. Wink your eyes actively for three minutes. Then close your eyes, sit like that for a minute, while you need to relax as much as possible.
  3. Move your finger at a distance of thirty centimeters from your face. Watch him for five seconds, then lower your hand. You need to perform the exercise ten times. It will relieve eye fatigue.
  4. Close your eyes and gently massage them with your fingers for a minute.

You can come up with your own exercises that will relieve pain caused by overwork or age. Eye gymnastics is harmless, but it cannot be performed when acute inflammations and in cases where it is necessary medical therapy. You can do gymnastics with chronic diseases And good health, however, you should not neglect the medications prescribed by a specialist.

Video: what to do if your eyes hurt?