Causes of redness of the right eye. Treatment of red eye syndrome. Using herbal compresses

Are you worried about red eyes, don’t know what to do, how to get rid of red eyes? Let's find out the causes of red eyes and what home treatment will help relieve red eyes.

On the surface eyeball located large number blood vessels. Unfavorable factors or serious illnesses cause them to expand, due to which the whites of the eyes may become red.

My eyes are red - what to do?

It is very unpleasant when in the morning in the mirror you see that your eyes are red, because this gives your appearance sickly look. In addition, in some cases the eyes are not only red, but also painful.

Many people, seeing reddened whites of their eyes, think that their blood vessels have “burst.” In fact, the eye vessels rarely burst, and this requires quite serious reasons.

Many people, seeing reddened whites of their eyes, think that their blood vessels have “burst.” In fact, eye vessels rarely burst, and this requires quite serious reasons. The whites of the eyes usually turn red due to some kind of eye disease or injury, due to overwork, taking medications, etc. If eye redness is chronic, it may indicate an infection, allergy, or reaction to contact lenses. In such cases, you should not self-medicate, as this can have a detrimental effect on your vision.

Sometimes the whites of the eyes turn red as a result of severe physical activity or severe muscle tension during coughing, which is why minor hemorrhages occur. If the redness of the eyes is not accompanied by pain, then there is no particular cause for concern; after one to two weeks, the redness usually goes away on its own.

In this article we will not dwell in detail on eye infections, including infectious ones, since in such cases treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, whose instructions must be followed.

Causes of redness of the whites of the eyes

The most common cause of reddened whites is conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye. Conjunctivitis is divided into allergic, viral and bacterial. If the disease was caused by bacteria or viruses, remember that it is contagious and a necessary condition For speedy recovery is strict adherence generally accepted rules of personal hygiene. Otherwise, the infection will develop and spread further.

When the very first signs of infectious conjunctivitis appear, such as purulent discharge, redness of the eye, a feeling of sand in the eyes, doctors recommend antibacterial drops and eye ointments, for example, such as Floxal, antimicrobial drug With wide range action that quickly and effectively leads to the death of the most common bacteria that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. Drops are instilled into the eyes 2-4 times a day, the ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day.

Another fairly common eye condition that causes redness is blepharitis, which can also be contagious. There are such types of blepharitis as allergic, ulcerative and seborrheic. All of them are very serious and must be treated by an ophthalmologist. Redness of the whites in blepharitis may be due to inflammation choroid eyes or cornea, eye damage from poisons, autoimmune diseases, etc.

In addition to infections, redness of the whites of the eyes can be caused by burst blood vessels. This usually happens when there is serious illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, various vascular pathologies, blood diseases, etc. However, red whites of the eyes can be a consequence of a head injury. Eyes with such hemorrhages look terrible, but the redness usually goes away without any serious consequences.

Vessels in the eye can also “burst” due to alcohol consumption or as a result of chronic lack of sleep, as they expand and become much more noticeable. Try to normalize your lifestyle, and the blood vessels will immediately return to normal.

It also happens that several red blood vessels are constantly visible on the white of the eye. Most often this is due to the structure of the eye, and there is no need to worry about this. Just make sure that the vessels do not become even more noticeable. And use vasoconstrictors less eye drops, in this case they are useless.

Episcleritis (inflammation of the episclera) is another disease that can cause the whites of the eyes to turn red. Typically, women aged 30-40 years are most susceptible to this disease. The reasons for its occurrence are different. Episcleritis can be either infectious (for example, with herpes, tuberculosis, gout, rosacea) or non-infectious (with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis etc.). It is worth noting that this disease is accompanied not only by redness of the eyes, but also by pain, especially when pressing on the eyelids.

There are other eye diseases in which the whites of the eyes turn red. These include keratitis, often caused by vitamin deficiencies, injuries, infections or serious illnesses; as well as iridocyclitis, in which the iris of the eye becomes inflamed. In both cases, the eyes not only turn red, but also water, hurt, and photophobia appears. These diseases are extremely dangerous, so you should not delay visiting an ophthalmologist.

Various allergic reactions, hypothermia, corneal injuries, foreign bodies, poor clotting bleeding (including those caused by taking medications) can also lead to redness of the proteins. In addition, red whites of the eyes can be caused by an acute attack of glaucoma, with increased intraocular pressure. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self-medication of reddened whites of the eyes is possible only in cases where this is not caused by any diseases. This happens if you are in a poorly ventilated area, or in a room where there is a lot of smoking, air conditioning or other household appliances, which can cause dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye. To avoid all this, ventilate the room more often, spend more time in the fresh air and use moisturizing eye drops.

How to get rid of red whites of eyes

Red eyes are caused by a lack of vitamins. Varied diet, vitamin-containing eye drops and tableted vitamins are links in the same chain. All of them affect the healing process of the eye with different sides, enhancing the effectiveness of each other’s influence.

To get rid of reddened proteins, you can resort to the help of vasoconstrictors eye drops, for example, such as Vizin, Naphthyzin, Octilia, Okumetil (as emergency assistance). It is not recommended to abuse them, as they frequent use can lead to addiction, and the walls of blood vessels can lose their strength. In such cases, the redness not only does not go away, but also intensifies due to constantly dilated blood vessels.

Try to narrow the blood vessels using simple and easily accessible means such as ice, compresses, massage or eye exercises. Be sure to pay attention to your diet, which must include required quantity vitamins and minerals.

When you notice blurred vision and eye fatigue after prolonged exposure to the computer, it is useful to take riboflavin in the form of drops. Riboflavin with the addition of vitamin A can even “heal” the consequences associated with eye injuries and burns.

Popular drugs are Quinax and Taufon. "Taufon" is useful for eyes with weakened function in the evenings, with insufficient lighting (a symptom of the onset of " night blindness"). "Quinax" most effectively stimulates metabolic processes and slows down the growth of cataracts of any type.

In case of excessive eye fatigue, overstrain, irritation of the mucous membrane due to an allergic reaction, as well as in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, it is important for the prevention and treatment to instill “Ifiral”, “Aktipol”, “Opticrom”, “Okumetil”, “Oftan Idu”, “Vizin”, "Opatanol" "High-Krom". It is recommended to start using them 2-4 weeks before the allergen appears. If the allergy has already begun, you can use Alomide, which acts faster.

Cooling the eyes causes blood vessels to constrict without harming them. For this purpose, you can arrange cold eye baths at home or apply ice to your eyelids. If you are not at home, but at work, a handkerchief applied to your eyes, previously moistened with clean water, helps a lot. cool water. Compresses made from tea or medicinal herbs. Periodically apply cotton pads soaked in infusions of herbs such as mint, chamomile, linden, parsley, mallow, to your eyes. blue cornflower. An even greater effect can be achieved by alternating warm and cold compresses. If you are making a tea compress, unflavored loose leaf tea is best. food additives, or tea bags.

Diversify your diet. This will ensure your eyes are healthy and resilient. Be sure to include it in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, especially yellow, orange, red and green (oranges, grapefruits, carrots, cabbage, parsley, etc.), seeds, nuts, fatty fish, eggs, dark berries (for example, blueberries). Take vitamin and mineral complexes for your eyes from time to time.

Be sure to do eye exercises at least once a day. You can do it not only at home, but also at work, because it only takes a few minutes. To do this, sit on a chair, relax, then sharply “throw” your gaze in this order: up, left, right, down; and then vice versa. After completing this exercise, engage in circular eye movements, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. The next exercise is to look into the distance first, and then move your gaze to a close object. Charging should be completed frequent blinking within one minute. Instead of exercise, you can do a massage. To do this, simply stroke your eyelids in a circular motion, or simply close your eyes, press your palms against them and relax for a few minutes.

If you use contact lenses to correct your vision, do not neglect to consult a specialist - an ophthalmologist if something bothers you. It is the doctor who will be able to adjust your choice taking into account your lifestyle and medical history. Typically, ophthalmologists recommend silicone hydrogel lenses, but lenses made from hypergel material are now gaining popularity. This material fully matches the moisture content of the cornea and imitates the action of the natural lipid layer of the tear film, which greatly increases the comfort of wearing lenses and is well tolerated by patients experiencing dry eyes. Lenses made from hydrogel include BiotrueONEday lenses. When recommending them, ophthalmologists specifically indicate that these lenses are ideal for people whose activities involve strong tension eyes, since the lenses not only transmit oxygen well, but also have an optimal moisture content equal to the amount of moisture in the cornea of ​​the human eye. These lenses remain comfortable even when worn for more than 16 hours, thanks to their unique ability to retain moisture, which is beneficial to the eyes, reducing the risk of eye fatigue and redness at the end of the day.

Be sure to follow correct mode day. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, do not sit at the computer all day long, try to regularly take a 10-15 minute break to rest your eyes.

Protect your eyes from harmful radiation. Be sure to wear sunglasses with UV protection, not only in summer, but also in winter. When working at a computer or watching TV, wear reflective glasses that protect against radiation. Before purchasing glasses, be sure to consult your doctor. Buy glasses only from optical stores.

If a person’s eye turns red, this does not always indicate pathology. This symptom can occur during strenuous work or when exposed to irritating substances. However, if the redness continues long time and does not go away, then this should be alarming. This manifestation can be a symptom of both ophthalmological and internal diseases.

Why do eyes turn red?

The whites of the eyes contain many vessels necessary to nourish the visual organs. In normal conditions, they are almost impossible to see. But when the vessels dilate, blood shines through their walls. The eye looks red. This phenomenon is associated with increased blood supply to the sclera. Reasons for expansion ocular vessels may be different.

Causes not related to pathological processes

It often happens that a person’s eyes become red after working at the computer for a long time, reading books or watching TV. The reason for this is not related to pathology. The intense work of the organ of vision requires additional blood supply to the sclera, and vasodilation occurs. If you give your eyes rest, the redness will disappear. However, if overexertion occurs systematically, this can lead to the development of myopia. In addition, constant heavy load on vision causes an increase inside eye pressure.

It often happens that a person's eye turns red after drinking alcohol. Ethanol causes the release of the hormone norepinephrine, which dilates blood vessels. As a result, the sclera becomes red, sometimes even hemorrhages are observed on them.

Eyes may become red after severe physical work. Muscle tension causes increased blood circulation, including in the sclera. This redness may last for several days, even after resting.

Many people use contact lenses. This may not cause any discomfort for a long time. But suddenly one day a person notices that his eye is red. The reason for this is a violation of the rules for wearing and storing soft optics. Under no circumstances should you sleep in the lenses; you must ensure that no eyelashes or particles of cosmetics get under them. Contact optics should be stored in a special solution.

Motes getting under the eyelid can also cause dilation of the blood vessels in the sclera. The redness goes away after the foreign body is removed. The smaller the speck, the sooner the color of the eye whites normalizes.

Eye irritation and injury

Sometimes a person notices that the whites of his eyes turn red after being in a smoky room. Tobacco smoke irritates the sclera. However, this quickly passes. It is enough to go to fresh air, and the eye vessels will quickly narrow.

Also, redness of the proteins is often noted when soap or shampoo comes into contact with the conjunctiva and sclera. These detergents contain substances that are irritating to the eyes. Often after hygiene procedures a man notices that his eye is red. What to do in this case? It is enough to rinse your eyes a large number water, and then treat with strong tea leaves. This will help remove particles detergents and relieve irritation. Usually this inflammation goes away quickly.

However, there are more serious causes of scleral hyperemia due to irritation. Particles of deodorant, cologne and other alcohol-based liquids can get into the eye. Such substances can cause not only inflammation, but also burns. A person feels strong burning sensation and notices that his eye is red. What to do if hyperemia is caused by exposure chemicals? It is necessary to immediately rinse the eye with water and drop medications with an anesthetic effect into it: Alcain, Naklof, Octilia. This will help relieve the burning sensation and eliminate redness. Then you need to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Another dangerous cause of scleral hyperemia can be injury. After a blow or bruise, a person notices that his eye is swollen and red. The organ of vision is very sensitive to any mechanical influences. Even after a minor injury, swelling, pain and redness occur. In such cases, it is necessary to seek medical help. It is not always possible to cure the consequences of an eye injury on your own.

Internal diseases

If a person's eye is red, attention should be paid to their general health. This may be one of the symptoms of internal diseases. Scleral hyperemia is a sign of the following pathologies:

  1. Allergies. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to determine why the eye is red. This may be a consequence of contact with an allergen that went unnoticed by the patient. This happens, for example, with increased sensitivity to plant pollen or animal hair. Usually this sign is accompanied by other symptoms: itchy skin, urticaria-type rash, runny nose. But in some cases, redness is observed only in the sclera area, this is called allergic conjunctivitis.
  2. Colds. With ARVI and rhinitis, hyperemia of the whites of the eyes is often observed. The redness usually goes away after recovery.
  3. High blood pressure. With systematic high blood pressure in the walls of the retinal vessels there are pathological changes. Blood circulation is disrupted. Because of this, the sclera turns red, and in some cases, hemorrhages appear in the whites of the eyes.
  4. Diabetes mellitus. With this disease, the same changes occur in the retinal vessels as with hypertension. However, if a diabetic's eye turns red, this can be a very unfavorable sign. Vascular disorders can lead to clouding and detachment of the retina, which causes a significant decrease in vision.

Also, scleral hyperemia may be associated with low blood clotting. Sometimes this is a consequence of overuse medicines: Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants.

Eye diseases

Pathologies of the organ of vision are quite common cause redness of the sclera. The following ophthalmological diseases can cause this symptom:

  1. Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which occurs due to infection. With this disease, not only the whites of the eyelids turn red, but also the eyelids. There is a burning and itching sensation, and pus is discharged from the eyes.
  2. Glaucoma. With this disease there is an increase intraocular pressure. A person’s health deteriorates: dizziness, nausea occur, and colored circles float before the eyes. Visual acuity decreases, pain is felt in the sclera.
  3. Iridocyclitis. This inflammatory process in the iris of the eye. It occurs as a result of infection or is a complication of internal diseases. A person’s vision decreases, swelling of the eyelids appears, and tears constantly flow. The iris may change color and the shape of the pupil may become deformed.
  4. Keratitis. Inflammation occurs in the cornea. This can be a consequence of infection, injury, as well as a complication of rheumatic pathologies. A person is bothered by a constant feeling foreign body in the eye, lacrimation, fear of light. The cornea becomes cloudy and vision deteriorates.
  5. Blepharitis. Inflammation occurs on the eyelids, near the eyelashes. This disease is infectious in nature and is caused by many bacteria and viruses. Microorganisms enter the eyes from the nose, throat and mouth. The eyelids become red and itchy, and sometimes purulent discharge appears.
  6. Inflammation sebaceous gland near the eyelash (stye). With this disease, an abscess forms on the edge of the eyelid. This is a consequence of infection in the gland. Usually, with barley, the eyelid turns red, but scleral hyperemia can also be observed.
  7. Episcleritis. This is an inflammatory process on the outer shell of proteins. Signs of the disease are mild, with redness of the sclera and discomfort in the eyes.
  8. Dry eye syndrome. With this pathology, tears are produced in insufficient quantities. The patient is bothered by pain in the eyes and increased sensitivity to the light.

Many of these diseases require persistent and long-term treatment. Redness of the sclera may be the first sign of serious ophthalmic pathologies.

If your eye itches

Often, scleral hyperemia is accompanied by itching. If the eye is red and itchy, this may indicate the following diseases:

  • allergies;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • blepharitis.

For allergies, redness goes away after taking it antihistamines. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and lack of tear fluid require treatment by an ophthalmologist.


If the eye is red and watery, this may be a sign of serious diseases such as keratitis and iridocyclitis. This symptom can also be observed when irritated by chemicals, as well as when particles enter the area. released in order to remove the foreign body.

In some cases this is a sign viral infection. If a person’s eye is watery and red, then such a manifestation may be initial symptom herpes eyes. On early stages This disease resembles many others inflammatory pathologies organ of vision. And only then do they arise specific signs: rashes on the eyelids and conjunctiva in the form of blisters.

The eye is festering

If the eye is red and purulent, then this is always a manifestation of an infectious lesion. This symptom is typical for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and barley. Also, the discharge of pus is observed with dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac. This disease is accompanied severe swelling eyes. When you press on the swelling, you may notice the release of pus.

If purulent contents are released after an eye injury, then this may be bad sign. This symptom indicates an ulcerative process in the cornea, which may end without treatment. complete loss th view.

Eye hurts

Very often, redness of the sclera is accompanied by pain in the eyes. Unpleasant sensations can range from a slight burning sensation to severe stinging. If such a symptom is caused by fatigue and tension, then it does not require special treatment, it is enough just to give rest to the organ of vision. However, if the eye is red and hurts for a long time, this may indicate diseases such as iridocyclitis, keratitis, glaucoma, or eye herpes. Pain and flushing are often noted after injury and chemical irritation. Stinging and discomfort can persist for a long time after large foreign bodies enter the eye.

Pain is also felt when small eye vessels rupture. Sometimes even a small amount is enough for this physical stress. A focus of hemorrhage appears on the white, and then pain is felt.

Eye swollen

If the eye is swollen and red, this may be a symptom of both ophthalmological and internal diseases. This phenomenon is observed in inflammations: blepharitis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, barley. Eyes can also swell with glaucoma due to increased intraocular pressure.

Dangerous cause swelling and redness of the eye can become cellulitis. This is purulent. It occurs when an infection enters the skin. In this case, the swelling is quite large, the body temperature rises sharply, and the skin in the affected area becomes hot to the touch.

Swelling of the eyelids and redness of the sclera can also be caused by malfunctions internal organs. For example, when excessive consumption fluid, the eyes become swollen and red. The same symptom is observed in diabetes mellitus.

What to do if your eye is red

If a person has a red eye, treatment will depend on the cause of the symptom. For diseases of internal organs, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy. Hyperemia will disappear after healing.

For allergies, taking antihistamines is indicated: Suprastina, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine. This will eliminate all symptoms of the disease, including scleral hyperemia.

If redness is caused by excessive strain on the eyes, then it is necessary to take rest for the eyes. It is useful to periodically turn your gaze to large distant objects. You should also spend several minutes every hour with your eyes closed.

Treatment eye diseases requires consultation and observation by an ophthalmologist. Therapy often takes quite a long time. Redness of the eyes in this case is only one of the signs of pathology; in order to get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the dilation of blood vessels.

Before contacting a specialist, you can try to relieve red eyes at home:

  1. If a person’s eye is red and hurts, then compresses can be applied. Gauze should be moistened in chamomile infusion and placed on the eyelids. This herbal remedy They also rinse the eyes.
  2. For compresses you can also use cucumber slices or raw potatoes.
  3. You can place used tea bags on your eyelids.

For quick fix redness can be used vasoconstrictor drops: "Vizin", "Naphthyzin", "Octilia". But we must remember that these drugs only relieve external signs, but do not in any way affect the cause of vasodilatation. In addition, such drops are addictive and can be used for no more than 3 days.

The drug "Lutein complex" contains many substances that are beneficial for the eyes (vitamins, minerals, carotenoids). However, it does not relieve redness quickly. This remedy protects the organ of vision from fatigue during hard work.

There are times when a patient’s eye suddenly becomes inflamed and red. How to treat such a disease? Typically, inflammatory diseases have a viral or bacterial etiology. In these cases, anti-infective drugs are used eye ointments: "Tetracycline", "Acyclovir" and "Ophthalmovit". But these products are not recommended to be used without a doctor's prescription.

The drugs "Artificial tear" and "Gilan Comfort" are prescribed for dry eye syndrome and other ophthalmological pathologies. They moisturize the sclera, eliminate pain and burning. These drops do not immediately relieve red eyes. But they are more useful than vasoconstrictors. However, if the patient uses contact lenses, then Artificial Tears should not be used. For those who wear soft optics, there are special moisturizing drops.

As first aid for red eyes, it is better to use traditional medicine recipes. After this, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe all the necessary medications.

Redness of the eyes is the dilation of small blood vessels that are located on the surface of the eyeball. This pathology can be caused by external stimuli or a certain pathological process. Enlarged blood vessels lead to redness of the eye, and blood spots can be seen in the sclera area. It should be noted that this symptom is often accompanied by severe itching. In such cases, you should consult a doctor rather than self-medicate, as there is a high risk of developing serious complications, complete loss of vision is no exception.


Clinicians highlight the following possible reasons redness of the whites of the eyes:

  • external irritants - too dry air, high temperature indoors, increased concentration dust or chemicals in the air;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • foreign bodies getting into the eyes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • incorrectly selected contact lenses;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • long work at the monitor without protection;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision;
  • low coagulability blood;
  • autoimmune diseases;

Also, redness of the eyeball is no exception when using certain medications. This reaction can occur if eye drops for redness are chosen incorrectly. Redness of the white may be due to prolonged crying. If there are no such visible causes, and additional symptoms are present, then you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment.


Redness of the eyeball may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching, which only intensifies after rubbing the eyes with your hands;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • decreased visual acuity.

These symptoms can be attributed to general symptoms, which manifests itself under external irritating factors. Depending on the underlying pathological process, the clinical picture may be supplemented by certain specific signs.

At inflammatory diseases organs of vision, the clinical picture may manifest itself as follows:

  • sticking of eyelids;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • redness of the skin around the eyes;
  • severe itching and burning;
  • hypersensitivity to light stimuli.

In some cases, the body may also be observed. In such cases, you should urgently seek medical help.

At autoimmune diseases unambiguous clinical picture no, but the following symptoms may occur:

  • skin rashes in the form of spots, pimples or blisters with liquid;
  • headaches;
  • unstable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders mental nature;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • deterioration of sensory perception - hearing and vision deteriorate.

Only a doctor can tell you how to relieve redness of the eyes, after examination and determination of the root cause. Self-medication is unacceptable.


First of all, the patient’s complaints are clarified, the medical history and life history are clarified, and then a detailed physical examination is carried out. The standard diagnostic program includes the following:

The exact diagnostic program will depend on the current clinical picture and general condition patient.


Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of red eyes, after precise setting diagnosis. If the cause of this symptom is a third party pathological process, which does not relate to the organs of vision, then appropriate basic therapy is carried out.

In general, the treatment program may include the following drugs and methods:

  • drops to relieve irritation and redness;
  • "artificial tears";
  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for the visual organs;
  • hardware methods of treatment are often used for such purposes “Sidorenko glasses”.

Traditional medicine is no exception in this case. However, you need to remember that you can use them in practice only in consultation with your doctor, since you may be allergic to some components, especially when it comes to treating a child.

You can eliminate the symptom of red eyes using compresses based on the following ingredients:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • decoction of oak bark;
  • ice cubes, which can also be made from chamomile infusion;
  • cold tea bags;
  • raw potato slices.

Redness of the eyeball, even if caused by a slight mechanical damage, always requires consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended to take any measures to eliminate redness of the eyes on your own, as this can lead to complete loss of vision.


  • at long work for PC you need to use special glasses or drops, which should be selected by an ophthalmologist;
  • use only safe cosmetics;
  • at the first of the above symptoms or if a foreign body gets into the eye (even if it is a small speck), you should consult a doctor.

In addition, you should be systematically examined by

Date: 02/23/2016

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  • Red eyes: main groups of possible causes
  • Treatment of eye diseases
  • Glaucoma - dangerous disease eye
  • Conjunctival disease
  • Xerophthalmia: highlights

Many people have encountered vision problems in their lives. For example, in red eyes, the reasons for this condition may be the following:

  • allergies to medications, cosmetics, animal fur, etc.;
  • diseases such as colds, conjunctivitis, etc.;
  • ingress of foreign objects (cilia, specks, etc.);
  • Very long work at the computer, insomnia, dust, unsuitable lenses;
  • arterial hypertension caused by vascular diseases.

Why do my eyes turn red? The cause of eye strain is working for a long time at the computer or reading a book. Then you need to perform simple exercises every 30 minutes:

  1. In elementary grades, such exercises are carried out with schoolchildren. Close your eyelids, rub your hands together and place them against your closed eyes.
  2. You can look out the window into the distance.
  3. Apply a compress (herbal decoction, strong tea moisten the cotton pad).
  4. Drops or tears can be used to moisten the eyelid if it is blown by the wind.
  5. Causes of redness of the eyeball can occur as a result of improper wearing of lenses. In this case, special lubricating drops are effective.

Red eyes: main groups of possible causes

Pink sclera of the eyes, accompanied by pain, burning and unbearable itching, causeless lacrimation, “spots” or a veil before the eyes - why do these symptoms appear? A very common pathology that affects almost every person on Earth. So that the disease does not lead to serious consequences, you should not ignore its first symptoms. It doesn’t matter whether this phenomenon is temporary or the symptoms occur periodically.

The causes of redness of the whites of the eyes are divided into two main groups.

The first group occurs as a result of exposure to some factor on the eye (wind, sun, water, influence of chemicals), during crying, as a result of foreign bodies; at chronic fatigue associated with intense visual stress (watching TV for many hours, driving for long periods of time, accompanied by poor lighting and focusing the eyes at a short distance).

The second group appears due to various diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • obstructed venous outflow from the head and increased intracranial pressure;
  • arterial hypertension due to damaged blood vessels;
  • incorrect selection and use contact lenses, capable of irritating the ocular mucous membrane;
  • patients with visual impairment due to intense visual load;
  • xerophthalmia - inflammation hair follicle- stye, blepharitis, corneal ulcer.

If the causes of red eyes belong to the first group, then a person suffering from this disease can independently alleviate and eliminate this symptom:

  • minimize climatic, chemical exposure and ingress of foreign bodies by using protective equipment(special glasses),
  • reduce visual tension by performing eye exercises recommended by ophthalmologists,
  • reduce the intensity of physical training
  • get a full eight hours of sleep
  • improve workplace lighting.

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Treatment of eye diseases

Often in such cases it will help traditional medicine. The use of cooled and contrasting compresses from ordinary water or a decoction of chamomile/oak herbs, using tea lotions, potato and cucumber eye masks for 20 minutes will eliminate the causes of red eyes and restore them healthy looking. You can also apply a cotton pad soaked in tea, pre-cooled, to reddened eyes.

A potato mask is made from raw or boiled potatoes, grated and wrapped in a bandage.

Warm mashed potatoes are wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelid. Helps quickly relieve eye redness. The cucumber mask is also wrapped in a bandage or gauze and applied to the eyes.

For all of the above diseases, treatment will most likely be medicinal with the use of drops that can constrict blood vessels; vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein; antibiotic eye ointment.

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Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease

Why are the eyes red? Some people ask this question when looking in the mirror in the morning. By contacting an ophthalmologist, the doctor can determine a serious pathology. Many people do not know that the vessels on the whites can become red from ordinary overwork, but this may also be the first sign of glaucoma. If you have this cause of red eyes, then you should not self-medicate under any circumstances. The fact is that the described disease can manifest itself due to a defect in connective tissues, therefore self-treatment may cause significant harm to your health.

Glaucoma appears as redness and painful sensations in the eyes due to increased eye pressure. Acute attacks Glaucoma must be treated correctly and immediately, as this disease can lead to necrosis optic nerve and subsequently to blindness.

Since the ocular symptoms of this disease are not very pronounced, sometimes correct diagnosis difficult. Glaucoma is characterized by symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, which is typical and intestinal infection, And hypertensive crisis. Therefore, to establish or refute the diagnosis of glaucoma, it is necessary thorough examination eyeballs. The presence of glaucoma will be indicated by the above symptoms: a hard eyeball, the appearance of red spots on the whites.

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Conjunctival disease

IN medical practice enough a common occurrence considered to be a disease of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane covering the eyelids, which serves as a protective membrane for the eyeball due to the fact that it adjoins it all the way to the cornea. Since the conjunctiva is connected to both the eyelid and the iris, the inflammatory process can occur in both directions. In the first case, inflammation of the eyelids can cause keratitis or blepharitis. In the second case, the conjunctiva itself may become inflamed, which can lead to additional complications. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the eye and the nasal cavity are connected by tear ducts, so eye inflammation and sinus problems may occur.

The causative agents of this disease are viruses, bacteria, and infections. There may be several reasons for eye redness: genetic predisposition or allergic form caused by external stimuli. As a rule, vision is not affected by this disease, but vision may become cloudy for a while. Fever, headache, and weakness are also possible.

There are two types of conjunctivitis: chronic and nonspecific. With nonspecific conjunctivitis, the whites of the eyes turn red due to irritating factors of gas or dust. The recovery process in this case is long; during the treatment process, both recessions and exacerbations of the disease may occur.

Diphtheria conjunctivitis is expressed in the form of swelling and thickening of the eyelids. In this case, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, mucous and purulent discharge. This disease requires immediate medical care as it may turn out creeping ulcer cornea.

A person's eyes are always the center of attention. Eye color, shape and expression are what people notice first. If a person has red eyes, this will attract much more attention than if he has red palms, although the former may not require treatment, and the latter is a symptom of severe pathology. "Doctor! A blood vessel in my eye burst!” - one of the most typical complaints when the eye is red. Our article will help you understand that such a complaint often does not reflect the actual state of things.

What diseases can cause redness of the eyes?

First of all this conjunctivitis, the most frequent illness eye. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the outermost layer of the eye. General signs conjunctivitis: redness of the eye, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation, swelling of the conjunctiva (though this is difficult for a non-specialist to understand). They are of bacterial, viral and allergic origin, depending on this their manifestations may vary.

If it is of bacterial origin, there is a purulent discharge that can stick together the eyelids; one eye is often affected, but later the process spreads to the second (this also applies viral conjunctivitis). Infectious conjunctivitis is often accompanied by signs common cold. At allergic conjunctivitis There is severe itching, both eyes are affected, and the eyelids swell. It rarely comes alone, and other manifestations of allergies can usually be found.

What to do? Show your conjunctivitis to your doctor. A specialist must determine the cause of the disease; a mere mortal cannot always do this. Treatment will depend on the cause. Special attention You need to pay attention to not infect others with your disease. To do this, rub your eyes less and wash your hands more often, refrain from going to the pool and use personal hygiene items.

Another problem of red eyes is associated with the conjunctiva - subconjunctival hemorrhage. This is the case when you can really proudly say that a blood vessel in your eye has burst. Blood vessel is damaged, and blood accumulates between the conjunctiva and the sclera (the sclera is the white membrane of the eye, located under the conjunctiva). Why does this happen? This occurs more often in people with increased blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, pathology of the blood and blood vessels, but sometimes it’s enough just to “get it in the eye.”

The hemorrhage looks scary, a bloody spot against the background of the white part of the eye, but it does not pose a danger. There is often no pain and this condition does not require treatment. However, the cause of such hemorrhage may require treatment, so if hemorrhage is detected for the first time, you should consult a doctor.

It is also a common complaint that “blood vessels in the eyes burst” after drinking alcohol or lack of sleep. Usually, for these reasons, the vessels do not burst, but become more noticeable. Normalization of lifestyle removes these manifestations. Another one who doesn't need special correction complaint – a vessel or several vessels are visible on the white of the eye (lifestyle does not affect them). If the severity of the vessel does not change, if new vessels do not appear, then there is no point in worrying; most likely, this is a variant of noma, a structural feature of the vessels. Please note that this cannot be corrected with eye drops.

The following pathology that causes redness of the eyes is episcleritis. This is inflammation connective tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera (“neighboring” membranes of the eye). This misfortune can happen to a person without any apparent reason, women are more likely to suffer from it. The causes are quite varied, including infections (tuberculosis, herpes, etc.). With episcleritis, in addition to redness, there is also pain in the eye, including when pressing through the eyelid.<

What to do? Of course, see a doctor. Treatment may not be necessary, but you cannot recognize this illness yourself. In addition, it may be a sign of more serious problems.

Scleritis, inflammation of the sclera, is quite rare, since there are almost no vessels in the sclera. It is more common as a manifestation of common diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis and a number of others. Scleritis is characterized by dull severe pain, general or partial redness, sometimes photophobia and decreased vision. Seeing a doctor is a must; don’t wait for it to “go away on its own.” However, pain usually contributes to making the right decision.

Keratitis- a very dangerous disease that also fits the definition of “red” eye. It is an inflammation of the cornea, which is located in the center of the visible part of the eye (opposite the pupil and iris). It can be caused by injuries, infections, general diseases, vitamin deficiencies and degenerative changes. Its danger lies in the fact that as a result, a persistent decrease in visual acuity may occur, and in severe cases, inflammation of all eye tissues. The eye turns red around the affected area (actually, the conjunctiva turns red), photophobia, pain, and lacrimation are characteristic. Considering the danger of the disease, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor and carefully and conscientiously be treated.

And the last pathology that we will consider in this review is iridocyclitis. Inflammation of the iris (the part of the eye whose color is usually admired) and the ciliary body (part of the choroid of the eye). The origin of this pathology is not always clear. The eye turns red, waters, there is severe photophobia, pain, and constriction of the pupil. Such a diagnosis, of course, can only be made by an ophthalmologist, to whom any conscious reader of this article will turn.

These are the main cases when people complain of red eyes. There are a number of other cases when a vessel can burst, for example, hemorrhage into the vitreous or retina, but the eye in these cases does not turn red, and the complaints are completely different. Also, it is necessary to remember that the eyes are the mirror of the body; often, by changes in them, diseases affecting the body are first identified. We hope that after reading the article it became clear to you why, if your eyes are red, it makes sense to consult a doctor, and not sit at home and wash them with tea. Be healthy!