Colds on the lips - quick treatment at home. Cold Sore Lip Remedy - General Overview

Any sores on the lips are most often called a “cold.” In most cases they really are a symptom of colds or provoked by them.

What does a cold on the lips look like?

Diseases on the lips are expressed by three main manifestations:

  • herpes;
  • jams;
  • stomatitis.


Seizures are cracks in the corners of the lips. Occurs more often in children. Basic The cause of seizures is a lack of vitamin B2, causing the skin to become dry. Bacteria, fungi or viruses provoke the appearance of long-term non-healing cracks and ulcers. They prevent the wound from healing quickly. For treatment, you should use remedies and ointments for colds on the lips:

  • acyclovir, oxolinic ointment- at viral nature;
  • tetracycline– if jams are caused by bacteria;
  • antifungal agents, such as clotrimazole– with a fungal nature;
  • fucorcin, miramistin, metrogil denta– if the cause could not be determined.

In addition, you definitely need to take a course of B vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs so that the body copes with sores faster.


Stomatitis refers to ulcers on the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth. There are several main types of stomatitis on the lips:

  1. herpetic;
  2. aphthous,
  3. fungal;
  4. allergic.

Depending on the cause, stomatitis manifests itself as follows:

  • herpetic blisters, which affect not only the border of the lips, but also the lips inside;
  • aphthae - single round sores with a red border and white or gray coating inside, formed on inside lips and mouth;
  • curdled white coating;
  • isolated blisters and ulcers.

Blisters on the lips, but not herpes - this is common allergic stomatitis . It differs from herpes in its slightly larger size and fewer blisters. Herpes is multiple blisters grouped together, and allergic stomatitis can appear as individual blisters larger size. Treatment of lip allergies is carried out as part of complex antiallergic therapy.

Stomatitis usually appears on the inside of the lower lip. It rarely spreads to the visible part of the lips, and if this happens, it means that the cause of stomatitis is herpes.


This is what is called a cold sore on the lips. The easiest way to say it is herpes. It is the herpes simplex virus that in the vast majority of cases causes and seizures and stomatitis. The disease on the lips manifests itself in the form of blisters that turn into ulcers. Even if you are not sure what kind of disease has affected your lips, it always makes sense to use antiviral ointments– they will help against herpes, and against seizures caused by viruses, and against viral stomatitis.

Causes of cold lips

As has already been said, herpes is caused by a virus. It can live in the body for many years, without showing himself at all, and at one “beautiful” moment comes out in the form of painful and itchy blisters, which after a couple of days burst and turn into ulcers. The most common place for herpetic rashes is the border of the lips. This herpes even has a name - labial, that is, located on the lips. The symptoms of a cold on the lips are known to many - itching, painful blisters and sores, increased body temperature and enlargement of the lymph nodes located near the sore.

How long does it take for a cold sore on the lips to go away?

In the normal course of the disease, all stages take no more than two weeks. The prodromal (that is, the previous stage characterized by itching) lasts up to two days. Then pour out the bubbles with clear liquid inside. Within two to three days the liquid becomes cloudy and the bubbles burst. In place of the bubbles, ulcers form. Without treatment, these sores can take 7-10 days to heal.

Colds on the lips are most contagious at the stage when the blisters burst and liquid - lymph - pours out of them. It is in the lymph that the virus is contained in a concentrated form. If not used antivirals, lymph can affect areas of the skin located next to the sore, that is, the spread of herpes will occur.

The virus is transmitted from person to person through direct contact with biological fluids body or damaged tissues. The virus can also be transmitted to a newborn from the mother. The virus is quite tenacious, so you can become infected by using the same dishes or towel with infected person. The virus enters the body through mucous or damaged skin. In children, the virus can also penetrate through intact skin. Cold sores are contagious, and about 90 percent of people are infected with the herpes virus.

The virus is embedded in cells and cannot be eliminated. Visible symptoms, the same blisters that appear on the lips, appear when immunity decreases, namely:

  • at colds;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in women - during the premenstrual period;
  • with seasonal lack of vitamins.

Treatment for colds on the lips

What to do if you have herpes on your lips? Treatment begins at the very first signs– with characteristic itching in the lip area. If you start antiviral therapy At this prodromal stage, it is possible to completely avoid the eruption of blisters. It is advisable to combine the use of antiviral drugs with a course of immunomodulatory or immunostimulating agents.

Antiviral agents

Cold sore medications should fight the virus. Effective antiviral agents that really help with herpes are:

  • acyclovir- the most famous good remedy for colds on the lips, available in the form of ointments and tablets by different manufacturers. The most popular brand is Zovirax, but cheaper analogues also work. Ointment for malaria on the lips is applied to the lips already at the first stage of the disease - when itching begins, but even if you skipped this stage, you need to use the ointment to speed up recovery and prevent the cold from growing. Apply the ointment to the affected area every 4 hours for 5 days. If you have frequent colds on the lips, if blisters on the lips are accompanied by high temperature, and also with a large number of bubbles, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs in tablets; they affect not only the lips, but also the entire body affected by the virus.
  • Viru-Merz serol– an effective remedy for colds on the lips. The gel is applied to the blisters up to five times a day. If after 2 days there is no improvement, you need to consult a doctor to select another remedy.
  • valacyclovir and famciclovir- drugs that, when entering the body, turn into the same acyclovir. There are many drugs based on famciclovir and famciclovir. These are Valtrex, Famvir, etc. Famciclovir is believed to be effective even in cases where acyclovir does not help.
  • oxolinic ointment for herpes on the lips it is effective and at the same time safe for the treatment of colds on the lips in children. Usually oxolin is used for newly manifested or rare herpes. If colds on the lips appear frequently, you need to use other remedies.

How to quickly cure a cold on the lips, you can ask your pharmacist. Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of creams, gels, and ointments for colds on the lips. Any of these remedies can help quickly, especially if you start using them at the first symptoms. But what to drink for herpes on the lips, it is better to consult a doctor. When herpes first appears, acyclovir tablets can help. It is believed that the virus can adapt to acyclovir, so if a cold on the lips, despite taking acyclovir, appears several times a year, it is better to choose another drug.


A cold or lichen on the lips is always a sign of reduced immunity. Healthy body can resist the herpes simplex virus. If the virus has “reached the surface”, this means that protective system a gap appeared in the body. To prevent colds from appearing on the lips, you need to stimulate the body to more effective fight with the virus. Most often, herpes appears on upper lip or in the corners of the lips. If herpes appears on lower lip, this may be evidence that the virus has seriously established itself in the body, which means that it needs to be combated comprehensively.

Courses of immunostimulating drugs can be carried out both during the treatment of herpetic eruptions, and separately from it. Immunomodulators effective in the treatment of herpes include:

  • interferon preparations (Viferon, Cycloferon, etc.);
  • bacterial and plant immunomodulators natural origin(Bronchomunal, Imudon, Immunal, Ribomunil, etc.);
  • synthetic drugs(Polyoxidonium, Levamisole, Lykopid, etc.).

Colds on the lips - treatment with folk remedies

Cold sores on the lips are considered the most mild manifestation herpes. Instead of using medications, many people prefer folk remedies for colds on the lips:

Cold on the lips of a child

In children, the frequency of colds on the lips is associated with the formation of immunity. It is believed that by the age of 3, the child’s supply of immunity transmitted from the mother is depleted. It is at this age that herpes often first appears. Then outbreaks and relapses of herpes occur at primary school age. This is due to poor hygiene and the child’s growing social circle - at that age children easily exchange chewing gum from mouth to mouth, for example.

How to treat a cold on the lips of a child? Acyclovir and oxolinic ointment can be used to treat childhood herpes However, it is better to consult a doctor and take any medications under his supervision. Folk remedies are suitable for treating colds on the lips of a child. It is better to use them to heal ulcers. It is worth paying attention to the child’s immunity. A course of immunomodulatory drugs will not only prevent herpes rashes, but also help children's body cope with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other colds.

Herpes in pregnant women

Cold sores in pregnant women are common. Treating it with antiviral drugs is usually not recommended. In the annotations for medications it is written that they can be used only in cases where the harm from the disease exceeds the harm from the drug. However You can use a cream containing acyclovir for colds on the lips, since acyclovir, when applied topically, does not enter the general bloodstream or the placenta, and therefore cannot harm the fetus. You can also use oxolinic ointment. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy does not mean that the child will necessarily inherit this virus.


Reception of any oral medications(tablets, capsules) for a pregnant woman to treat herpes is carried out strictly under medical supervision.

Diet for herpes on the lips

There are no products that would fight colds on the lips. However, doctors recommend include foods containing lysine in the diet of people suffering from herpes– an amino acid that prevents the virus from strengthening. Lysine is found in the following foods: chicken, vegetables and fruits. But arginine, an amino acid that strengthens the herpes virus, is found in chocolate and raisins. These products should be excluded.

Colds on the lips poison the lives of many. To avoid its occurrence, you need to avoid catching a cold and healthy image life. It is not worth leaving a cold on the lips without treatment, because in this case the virus will get stronger, develop and appear not only on the lips, but also on the body in much more dangerous forms.

The appearance of a cold on the lips or herpes often complements various viral diseases and a cold. It can appear in anyone because it is in an inactive state in nerve ganglia in the body of every person, and its active reproduction is caused by a decrease in the immune system. At the same time, a rash begins to appear on the lip; the blisters are filled with transparent contents, which is accompanied by itching and pain in the area where future rashes are located.

The following can trigger the appearance of herpes on the lips:

  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • viral and bacterial infectious diseases;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • prolonged stress;
  • poisoning;
  • bad habits;
  • exhaustion due to poor diet.

Drug treatment

Huge selection

Treatment with medications can effectively cope with the symptoms of exacerbation. herpetic infection. For this purpose, various containing antiviral drugs are used. If rashes often appear on the lip, doctors recommend always having home medicine cabinet most effective drug For local application Zovirax or any other with a similar effect.

To eliminate rashes, it is necessary to apply the ointment to the affected area from the periphery to the center several times a day. It allows you to completely eliminate the rash that appears in a few days. Effective use of liniment cycloferon, per oral administration, flucinar ointment.

Herpes pills

Treatment can be carried out at home. But it must be remembered that regardless of the type used medicine, is carried out course treatment lasting at least 10 days. But if the rash does not go away and new blisters appear, the body temperature rises; then you need to visit a doctor:

  • dermatologist;
  • herpetologist.

He will explain how to quickly cure a cold on the lips. In many ways integrated approach provides higher efficiency than only treatment of local manifestations of pathology. For this purpose, patients are prescribed not only drugs for topical use, but also drugs with systemic effects - tablets or injections, immunostimulants, vitamins and other drugs. When a secondary infection occurs, patients must be prescribed antibacterial agents.

The course of this infectious disease can be complicated by the spread of the virus throughout the body, which is accompanied by damage various organs and systems. This severe course observed in severe somatic diseases, HIV, AIDS, malignant neoplasms.

If a rash appears, apply antiviral ointment several times a day, it is advisable to prevent chapped lips during this period and not to use lipstick.

Folk remedies for herpes on the lip

We use homemade

In the question: how to bake to cure a cold on the lip at home, they will provide help various means from traditional medicine. At the same time, the effect of using products prepared at home independently: infusion, decoction, ointment; not inferior to medications.


To prepare the decoction, you will need a tablespoon of the dried plant, placed in a container and poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water. Cover it and keep it in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Strain and cool, only then can you start making lotions every hour for 15 minutes on the area where the rash is located.

If a fresh medicinal plant is used, it is recommended to prepare an infusion for lotions. To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of thoroughly washed and crushed leaves, which are infused in 0.25 liters of boiling water. After cooling, strain and you can make lotions.


ABOUT useful qualities Even small children know garden raspberries. But it is worth noting that not only the fruits, but also other parts of the plant are used for colds. To combat a cold on the lip, you can use fresh twigs. They must be thoroughly washed and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is applied to the affected area for half an hour; to achieve a therapeutic effect, this procedure must be repeated up to 4 times a day.


For this disease, you can use a decoction of chamomile not only for lotions, but also for oral administration. To enhance the effect of the lotions, it is recommended to add a little 10% to the decoction. alcohol infusion propolis. Therapeutic effect achieved by applying lotions every hour.

Birch buds

To treat colds on the lips, you can use an alcohol tincture of birch buds. To prepare it at home you need: 2 tablespoons of birch buds and 0.25 liters of 70% alcohol. Place everything in a container and leave for 2 weeks in a place protected from sunlight. The resulting tincture must be lubricated over the affected area.

Add a tablespoon of birch buds to 0.25 liters of boiling milk, turn it off and let it brew for a third of an hour. To make lotions you will need kidneys placed in gauze several times a day.


For lotions, you can use alcohol tincture; you will need 10 g to prepare it. fresh leaves and alcohol. Leave for several days and you can use it several times a day. Useful to use essential oil from this medicinal plant.

Essential oils

They have high efficiency when there is a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching and slight pain in the area where the rash appears, but there are no signs that blisters have begun to form. If a rash is present you can use fir oil.


Cure a cold is difficult, but prevention is much easier!

Cold sores on the lips are quite contagious infectious diseases, which can be infected by kissing a sick person, contact with household items, etc. In this case, the disease can appear not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body. And in the presence of severe immunodeficiency, the herpes virus can infect internal organs and the brain. To reduce the risk of infection, you should take some precautions:

  1. Try not to touch the patient’s utensils; if you do touch, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
  2. To prevent infection of other areas, patients are also advised to wash their hands after applying medications to the area where the rash is located.
  3. For the same purpose, it is prohibited to burst existing bubbles on the lip or remove the forming crust.
  4. If there is a source of infection on the face, you should not use cosmetics.
  5. It is not recommended to touch your eyes because there is a risk herpetic lesion organs of vision is high, and this can affect the acuity and quality of vision.
  6. Patients must use separate utensils to protect others from infection. This also applies to towels, toothbrushes and other household necessities.
  7. After recovery occurs, it is necessary to disinfect personal belongings or boil them, this is necessary to prevent the appearance of new rashes.
  8. If there are unhealed rashes, it is not recommended to kiss children and loved ones.
  9. Patients should avoid direct contact until complete healing. sun rays, as this leads to increased reproduction of the herpes virus, which leads to increased burning, itching and pain.

To prevent aggravation chronic disease experts recommend playing sports, taking long walks on fresh air, avoid stress and hypothermia. Try to use healthy food, get rid of bad habits. Take courses of multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants.

When the first signs of the development of the disease appear, do not delay the start of treatment, but to prevent the spread of the virus to other areas of the body, otherwise after a while, rashes may appear on the chin, mucous membranes of the eyes, and genitals. If the disease develops for the first time, it is better to go to see a doctor, who will prescribe treatment and give medical recommendations for the future.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the areas of the rash?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence...
  • And it’s somehow embarrassing, especially if you suffer from genital herpes...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medications recommended by doctors are not effective in your case...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already become a part of your life...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • An effective remedy from herpes exists. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

You can often see a person who has small ulcers and swelling on their lips. Typically, such rashes appear in the off-season, in autumn or spring. In fact, these are manifestations of the herpes virus, so it will not go away on its own; treatment is necessary.

Watery blisters on the lips are a sign of labial herpes. The main reason for such manifestations is reduced immunity. There are also factors that provoke a cold:

  • severe stress;
  • intoxication;
  • ARVI, flu, sore throat;
  • exhaustion of the body due to unbalanced nutrition, long-term dieting;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • mental or physical fatigue;
  • smoking;
  • caffeine and alcohol abuse.

Herpes on the lips is contagious. The virus can enter the body through contact with objects used by a sick person. Therefore, the disease must be treated quickly, otherwise the virus will spread, affecting healthy areas of the skin and internal organs.

Treatment and prevention

Your doctor will tell you how to get rid of a cold. The most effective are ointments. But it is better to treat them before the bubbles appear, at the stage when a slight tingling or burning sensation is felt on the lips. As a last resort, the ointment is used in the first couple of days after the rash appears. Treatment antiviral drugs It is advisable to carry out along with taking immunostimulants.

To help get rid of herpes on the lips:

  • Acyclovir and Zovirax are applied every 4 hours for at least 5 days. When a fever appears, in addition to the ointment, you must take antiviral tablets.
  • Oxolinic ointment 3% will cope with primary herpes. The product instantly eliminates inflammatory process. Oxolinic ointment Children and pregnant women can be treated.
  • Gel Viru-Merz Serol is used up to 5 times a day. If after 2 days the fever on the lips does not disappear, then you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe another drug.
  • Famciclovir and Valaciclovir actively fight the virus.

If rashes appear several times a year, this indicates a weakening of the body's defenses. The use of immunomodulators is indicated; they are prescribed in courses as part of complex therapy. Basically, experts prescribe 3 groups:

  • Interferon preparations, in particular Viferon, Cycloferon, Interferon.
  • Immunomodulators of natural origin. These include Bronchomunal, Immunal, Imudon, Ribomunil.
  • Immunostimulants artificial origin, such as Polyoxidonium, Lykopid, Levamisole.

It should be noted that getting rid of colds on the lips when the blisters are opened is somewhat more difficult, since the virus has already gained strength. You will have to wait for the rashes to disappear on their own. But the ointment can be used at this stage, treating the lips with it as an antiseptic. This will prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin.

A cold requires long-term treatment. Therefore, it is best to take preventive measures that will prevent the appearance of bubbles, such as:

  • hardening;
  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • do not visit crowded places;
  • maintaining a daily routine to avoid overwork;
  • you need to get enough sleep.

In the off-season, when colds often appear on the lips, it is necessary to take Aflubin, Anaferon or a natural alternative - tincture of Echinacea purpurea, garlic. They will provide additional support to the body and prevent weakening of the immune system. When in crowded places, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment.

Treatment begins at the first symptoms. But if this fails, then preventive measures should be taken to prevent further infection:

  • Do not touch the affected lip. If this happens, you should wash your hands with soap.
  • The patient should have a separate towel and utensils for the period of exacerbation.
  • During a relapse of herpes, kissing is prohibited.
  • It is contraindicated to peel off the dried crust or squeeze the liquid out of the bubbles. This leads to the spread of infection.
  • Cold ointments are applied with a cotton swab, but not with your hands.

If the patient wears contact lenses, then he should not moisten them with saliva. Infection in the eyes is very dangerous.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of an unpleasant cold at home:

1. Fir oil is applied to the lips every couple of hours from the moment the first signs of herpes appear.

2. Prepare a composition based on calendula petals and petroleum jelly and lubricate the affected areas with it.

3. Alcohol tincture propolis is used to cauterize blisters. In order to remove discomfort, in 10 minutes sore spot lubricate with emollient cream. This will help prevent burning.

4. One of available funds is table salt, which is in every home. The bubbles that have not yet opened are sprinkled on it, and several crystals are dissolved in the mouth.

5. Dry the bubbles in the tea bag. It is pre-brewed and applied to the lips.

6. Ice helps relieve colds at home. It is wrapped in a napkin and applied to the sore spot.

7. Baking soda bred in hot water to thick gruel and apply to the affected area. Soon a crust will form on this place, which cannot be removed.

8. Fever on the lips can be treated at home with aloe juice. It can also be mixed with honey and consumed internally. This remedy will strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of infection.

9. Birch buds can also treat colds. A tablespoon of raw material is placed in a glass of hot milk. Insist for a quarter of an hour closed. Next, the composition is filtered and the buds are applied to the vials.

10. Raspberry branches remove herpes. To do this, they need to be chewed in the mouth.

11. Film with eggshells. It is separated and applied to the affected area for several minutes.

12. Toothpaste will help remove rashes. It is used to lubricate the lips before and after the onset of a cold. After 20 minutes, wash off the paste.

13. For itching and burning use earwax. The bubbles dry out quickly.

14. Apple cider vinegar. They lubricate the sore spot with it, and also take it orally in diluted form.

15. Rashes are treated with sea buckthorn or almond oil, alcohol or valocordin.

16. Applying gruel from beet tops, carrots or parsley to the lip helps increase local immunity.

If you have an important event coming up soon, it is important to know how to quickly cure a cold. You can use the following homemade remedies:

  • Melissa tincture. Plant materials are poured with alcohol in an arbitrary proportion and infused for several days. If herpes recurs, soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to your lip.
  • You can cure the disease quickly at home birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and fill them with 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. After time, the tincture is filtered and applied externally.
  • Ordinary celandine will help you get rid of rashes as quickly as possible. The freshly squeezed juice of the plant is poured into a bottle so that there is a little space left on top, and placed in a dark place. Periodically shake the product and open it to release the gas. After a week, the medicine can be applied externally.
  • Juniper. The fruits of the bush are crushed into flour and poured with vodka. In a day the tincture will be ready. They burn the blisters on her lips.

You should not hope to get rid of the disease in 1-2 days. Therapy will last at least 5 days. After external manifestations disappear, treatment is still continued, since the virus is still in the body and can become active again.

Cold on the lips that wears medical name herpes, quite unpleasant disease. According to statistics, 85% of the world's population suffers from this disease.

It is impossible to get rid of the disease. The pathogens that cause the disease are constantly present in the human body and manifest themselves when favorable conditions. There are many various methods treating colds on the lips at home with folk remedies. In this article we will look at the most effective of them.

Why does a cold appear on my lip?

The causative agent of colds on the lips is considered to be the herpes simplex virus. The disease is transmitted from person to person when the virus enters the mucous membranes of various organs. Contact can occur through hands, utensils, (forks, spoons, cups) food, kisses. The main site of manifestation of the herpes simplex virus is often the lips.

When a person is healthy, the immune system performs its function well, then the pathogens are in a state of “sleep”. As soon as favorable conditions arise: nervous overstrain, brought on colds, vitamin deficiency, anemia, the virus immediately manifests itself as rashes on the mucous membranes.

Often, exacerbation of the disease occurs twice a year - in autumn and spring. But if a cold appears three, four, five times a year, this is a reason to pay attention to protective forces body. Needs to be strengthened immune system and cleanse the body of accumulated “garbage”, waste and toxins.

Causes of colds on the lips

Once a person becomes infected with the herpes virus, it will remain with him for life. The disease cannot be cured forever, but it can be prevented by knowing the main causes of its occurrence.

  • Stress, nervous overstrain, very often lead to activation nasty herpes. This is due to the fact that the body spends a lot of effort to calm down nervous system, as a result, protective functions are weakened.
  • Hormonal imbalance, which often affects women during menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. Very often, along with the onset of menstruation, a cold on the lips appears, this is due to hormonal changes.
  • Poor immunity is a very beneficial factor that helps herpes viruses multiply. As soon as protective function weakens, pathogens begin to actively multiply. The body's defenders, white blood cells, try to quickly find the “key” to the DNA of herpes viruses, but since the immune system is weakened, it will take time to destroy the culprits of the disease.
  • Bad habits—alcohol abuse, smoking—increase the possibility of the disease becoming more frequent.
  • Injuries to the mucous membranes of the lips, abrasions, provoke the release of colds on them.
  • Vitamin deficiency, depletion of the body after illness, plays into the hands of herpes viruses.

The main symptoms of a cold on the lips

Usually a person wakes up in the morning with bubbles on his lips. Sometimes the disease begins with itching. It is important not to miss this signal. At an early stage, you can quickly prevent the occurrence of a cold if you start treatment right away.

Itching, redness, swelling of the lips, the appearance of blisters filled with liquid, a slight increase in temperature. These are the most basic symptoms of rashes.

First aid for incipient colds on the lips

As soon as it occurs unpleasant itching on the lips, you need to act immediately: moisten a cotton swab in boric alcohol and wipe the itchy area as often as possible.

Eat a large portion of a product containing vitamin C: orange, lemon, currants, kiwi, bell pepper. Or accept ascorbic acid in the form of tablets.

Treating colds on the lips at home

On early stages will help cope with the disease toothpaste. It is necessary to lubricate painful areas several times a day.

Antiviral ointments that destroy the causative agent of the disease can also be found in a home medicine cabinet. When a cold has already popped up on your lip, you can apply Acyclovir ointment. It is cheap and has a pronounced antiviral effect. Apply to affected areas up to five times a day.

An alcohol solution of Echinacea should be taken orally at the first symptoms of the herpes virus. Ten drops medicinal product dilute with a glass of water. Take three times a day. Also, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and cauterize the affected areas.

Clove oil is a wonderful disinfectant. It is necessary to lubricate the bubbles three times a day.

As soon as the skin begins to itch, you need to apply it to this area. cold compress. Wrap a bag of ice cubes in a soft cotton cloth and keep it on the affected area for several minutes.

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

  • Apply a bag of drunk black tea to the sore for 20 minutes.
  • Pine sap and Vaseline. To prepare the product, you need to squeeze the juice from young pine buds and mix with Vaseline. Rub in the product three times a day.
  • Onion juice will help quickly cure a cold on the lip. Cut a small onion and apply the cut to the herpes for 10 - 15 minutes several times a day. For each subsequent use, the cut must be fresh.
  • Garlic has the same property. It is also applied to the blisters several times a day. But it is important to remember that it will be very difficult to quickly get rid of the smell of garlic; you will have to stay at home.
  • At home, you can prepare an alcoholic birch tincture that will help get rid of colds on the lips. Pour 200 grams of birch buds and leaves into a glass of vodka. Leave for ten days. Store in the refrigerator and use as needed. Treatment is carried out by cauterizing the herpes several times a day.
  • Honey and aloe juice. Mix a teaspoon of aloe juice and a teaspoon of honey. Apply to affected areas several times a day.
  • Laundry soap. Rinse carefully laundry soap sore, then apply antiviral ointments for colds on the lips.
  • Wormwood decoction. Pour a tablespoon of medicinal plant into a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Take a sip three times a day.
  • Vitamin cocktail. Aloe juice 100 milliliters, orange juice 100 milliliters, lemon juice 100 milliliters, water 100 milliliters, honey 1 teaspoon. Mix all ingredients and take three times a day.

  • Honey cake. One teaspoon of oatmeal, half a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon coffee grounds. Prepare a cake from the products and apply to the painful area. This treatment carried out 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Calendula juice. Combine the squeezed juice of the plant with. Rub into cold-affected areas three times a day.
  • Walnuts and lemon peels. It's simple folk remedy for a cold on the lip can be prepared at home. Grind 300 grams in a meat grinder walnuts, 200 grams of washed lemon peels. Mix everything together, adding honey to taste. Take a tablespoon of the product several times a day. This delicacy quickly shakes up our immunity, raising the body’s defenses to normal, so treatment occurs much faster.

Prevention of herpes

Strengthening the immune system comes first preventive measures. Adjusting your diet, getting rid of bad habits that are harmful to your health, a healthy lifestyle, active recreation and sports will help strengthen the body's defenses.

Avoid hypothermia, as this puts the body into shock and requires additional energy expenditure to warm up. As a result, the body weakens and illnesses occur.

It is important to avoid stress nervous tension, overwork.

It is necessary to replenish vitamin C in a timely manner. This vitamin is the most important enemy of colds. Regularly eat foods containing it and ascorbic acid to make treatment faster and more effective.

You cannot use other people’s personal hygiene items, dishes, or decorative cosmetics.

Every time you wash your hands with soap, many different diseases are transmitted through dirty hands.

Very important before menstrual cycle and during pregnancy, avoid stress and overwork. Female body during this period it needs care and attention. A whirlwind of hormones, especially before menstruation, combined with stress can cause a cold on the lips.

Probably every person has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cold on the lips in their life. This unpleasant, painful bubble on the lip causes great discomfort and is also extremely unpleasant aesthetically. Therefore, as soon as a cold appears on the lip, there is a desire to cure it as quickly as possible.

In fact, a cold on the lips is a herpes virus, and this virus is popularly called that because it most often manifests itself after hypothermia. Almost all adults are carriers of this virus; it cannot be cured. But you can avoid the manifestations of the virus if you maintain your immunity good condition. At moments of decreased immunity, the herpes virus is activated from a “dormant” state and is sent along the nerves to the skin. The nerves through which the virus is sent innervate the earlobes, gums, and oral mucosa. Therefore, it is these places that are affected by the virus. A painful sensations appear due to inflammation nerve tissue in these zones. Most often, the following factors contribute to the activation of the virus:

  • A cold that occurs as a result of hypothermia or exposure to influenza viruses and other types that cause acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. It is this factor that most often causes the so-called cold on the lips.
  • Overwork
  • Lack of vitamins in the body
  • Severe emotional stress
  • Ultraviolet irradiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun can also contribute to the activation of the virus
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, and smoking are predisposing factors for the manifestation of herpes on the lips.

As a rule, colds on the lips appear in every person with a frequency of at least 1 or 2 times a year. If the virus appears on the lips, then you don’t have to treat it, it will go away on its own, but after a very long time for a long time, this may drag on for several weeks. Few people want to walk around with an unpleasant sore, so the question of how to quickly cure a cold on the lips is very relevant for most people. In this article we will look at many ways to treat the manifestations of herpes on the lips. Developed for the treatment of herpes virus large number medical supplies, and there are also many folk recipes, allowing you to quickly treat colds on the lips. We’ll look at each method in more detail a little later, and understanding the stages of manifestation of this sore will help you choose the most suitable remedy for colds on your lips.

Stages of manifestation of a cold on the lips

  1. First, a slight burning and tingling sensation begins on the lip. This stage lasts from several hours to several days.
  2. Inflammation of the lip area. The area of ​​the lips begins to turn red, swell, and painful blisters appear.
  3. The blisters burst and ulcers appear.
  4. The appearance of crusts instead of ulcers. The crusts dry and then fall off.

Methods for treating cold sores on the lips

Medication. The pharmacy market offers a wide selection of treatments for colds on the lips. Among them are a large number of ointments. Therefore in right moment A logical question arises: what exactly should I use to smear a cold on my lip?

At the first stage, antiherpetic ointments such as Zovirax, acyclovir, herpevir, and cycloferon liniment are very effective. These ointments should be used for five days. After bubbles have formed, you can use products that have drying properties, for example fucorcin, propolis, and brilliant green solution. At the stage of crusting, you need to use skin softening agents, which can be used baby cream, fir oil, cream with chamomile or calendula.

In addition to ointments, there are antiviral agents that act from the inside. These are acyclovir and valacyclovir tablets, but you should consult your doctor before using them. At the first signs of the appearance of sores on the lip, taking these tablets will help avoid further development of the disease and will prevent the spread of the virus.

With the use of ointments and antiviral medications, it would be useful to drink vitamins in order to help a weakened body and increase immunity, which will fight the manifestations of the virus.

Folk. IN folk medicine There are a huge number of ways to cure a cold on the lip, among them the most popular and effective are the following recipes:

  • As soon as you feel that your lip is starting to itch and a sore appears, you need to lubricate the area with Valocardin or Valoserdin once every 2 hours.
  • Lubricating the sore spot with propolis tincture. Propolis has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps accelerate wound healing processes. After propolis, the sore must be lubricated with a softening and soothing cream.
  • Lubricating the sore with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Treatment onions. Cut the onion in half and apply it to the sore spot from the side of the cut (juicy side) several times a day. You can use one onion, but each time you need to cut off the side that was applied to the sore spot.
  • Lubricating the bubbles with regular toothpaste. Effective at the first warning signs of herpes.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. Squeeze the juice from the plant, moisten a bandage or cotton wool and apply to the sore spot.
  • It is good to lubricate the herpes on the lip with garlic juice. To do this, cut the garlic clove in half and rub it on the sore spot. It will help to enhance the effect of the method if you lubricate the wound with honey after rubbing it with garlic. Do the procedure several times a day and also before bed.
  • Lubricating sores with oil tea tree, which has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. The oil significantly reduces the size of rashes and speeds up the healing process significantly.

All these methods of treatment have proven themselves well, but each method will help someone get rid of a cold on the lips very quickly, while for others the same method will work more slowly. Therefore, everyone chooses a remedy for colds on the lips individually through testing. It is also necessary to remember that a cold on the lips requires timely treatment. This will guarantee that you will be able to quickly get rid of it and avoid complications.

Complications of colds on the lips

At the stage of the appearance of blisters on the lips, a person becomes very contagious. Moreover, he can infect not only those around him, but also himself, no matter how strange it may sound. A person with a cold on the lips can infect others through kisses, dishes, or a towel. Therefore, if you have herpes on your lips, you should avoid kissing and carefully maintain hygiene, i.e. use separate dishes, towels, etc.

A person infects himself, spreading the herpes virus throughout his body. For example, after a patient touches a sore on his lip, he can spread the virus with unwashed hands into his eyes, other parts of his face, or onto his genitals. To avoid this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly after application. medicinal ointments or other means to the affected areas. And also there is no need to peel off the scabs from the sores, since there is high risk spread the infection afterwards.

If it is not possible to cure a cold for more than 10 days, then you should mandatory contact a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist, as this may indicate serious illnesses in the body.

Preventing colds on the lips

In order not to wonder how to treat colds on the lips, you should remember that the most effective and efficient prevention of this unpleasant phenomenon– taking care of your health. Correct and varied diet; good sleep; drinking plenty of fluids clean water(at least 1.5-2 liters per day); walks in the fresh air; avoiding stress, overwork, hypothermia and overheating are all factors good immunity, in which the virus will not be able to manifest itself.