Treatment of herpes on the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils. Herpes in the throat - a childhood disease in adulthood Herpes in the throat symptoms

Herpes is a common viral disease of our time. The infection, entering the human body, multiplies quite quickly, but may not make itself felt for years. Most often, the manifestation of this virus is a rash in the form of blisters filled with liquid. They can appear on the face, lips, and genitals. But this, unfortunately, is not the entire list of places where this insidious virus can manifest itself. Sometimes blisters appear on the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat.

Reasons for appearance

This disease is transmitted in several ways:

  • sexually, through unprotected contact with a virus carrier;
  • through everyday life, when using the same household items with the patient (in the active stage);
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • infection of a child from an infected mother during childbirth.

An organism with a weakened immune system is a favorable environment for herpes. Most often it affects people suffering from immunodeficiency. And the herpes virus itself has a destructive effect on the body’s immune system, gradually killing protective cells and opening the door to other infections. Therefore, for prevention, it would be useful to consult an immunologist. His advice will help avoid relapse of the disease.

Symptoms, signs, diagnosis

In its symptoms, herpetic disease resembles sore throat and stomatitis. There are several types of damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities:

  • Herpetic laryngitis (throat);
  • Herpetic stomatitis (cheeks);
  • Herpetic glossitis (tongue).

According to the forms, acute and chronic recurrent herpes can be distinguished.

Herpetic laryngitis, in simple words herpes in the throat, is manifested by characteristic rashes on the mucous membrane of the throat. These are bubble lesions (vesicles) that cause a sore throat when swallowing, an increase in temperature from 38 to 39.5 degrees, chills, and headache. As a rule, with such symptoms a person does not want and cannot eat. This leads to general malaise of the body.

The nature of the vesicles can only be determined by a doctor. Sometimes it is enough to look at the lesions and the picture becomes clear. But still, for a complete diagnosis, one examination is not enough. A swab taken from the mucous membrane of the sore throat should be tested to determine the presence of the virus.

Treatment of herpes in the throat

Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate, so as not to make yourself even worse. After all, if you do not fully treat herpes in the throat, you can get a chronic form of the disease. And repeated treatment will no longer give such good results, due to the adaptation of the virus to certain medications.

Drug treatment of herpes in the throat

  • The treatment regimen for herpes in the throat is not very different from the treatment of other forms of herpes, and consists of the complex use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. These include Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Vidarabine, Panavir, etc. They are taken according to the scheme described in the instructions for the drug, depending on the age and individual characteristics of the body.
  • To treat vesicles, it is also necessary to use anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, for example, Pentsivir, Tromantadine, Giporamine, etc. Treatment of ulcers should continue until they disappear completely.
  • In addition, you should treat the throat mucosa with antiseptic sprays and absorbable tablets, which also kill viruses and relieve sore throat. These include Hexoral, Faringosept, etc.
  • Also, in combination with the drugs described above, you should take antihistamines: Zyrtec, Erius, Claritin. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and relieve pain and tension.

All these drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy at an affordable price.

How to treat herpes in the throat with folk remedies

In the treatment of this disease, traditional medicine did not stand aside. There are many recipes that help alleviate the patient’s condition during an exacerbation of herpes. Here are some of them:

Chamomile infusion

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chamomile herbs pour 200 gr. boiling water, leave for an hour.
  2. Gargle with the infusion throughout the day.

Burdock infusion

  1. 2 tsp. pour 250 grams of common burdock. boiling water
  2. Leave for 2 hours, strain.
  3. Rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day.

Decoction of a mixture of herbs

  1. Take common dubrovnik (3 parts), salvia officinalis and cordifolia linden (2 parts each), fragrant woodruff (1 part). Mix all herbs thoroughly.
  2. Take 1 tsp. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 2 minutes.
  3. Then wrap tightly and leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Drink this decoction 2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  5. Gargle with this decoction throughout the day.


To prevent herpes, you should follow simple rules:

  • lead an active, healthy lifestyle;
  • eat right;
  • do not neglect the rules of hygiene and use only personal items - comb, toothbrush, towel, etc.;
  • be more selective in choosing sexual partners;
  • increase immunity.

According to statistics, 90% of people suffer from herpes, including children. But only 20% are able to manifest this virus. Most often it manifests itself as rashes on the lips. And even though it cannot be cured completely, but by leading a healthy lifestyle and increasing your own immunity, you can live calmly with it, avoiding its frequent relapses.

Herpes on the tonsils can develop in children and adults. In the first, it occurs with characteristic symptoms of pharyngitis. In the second, clinical signs may be absent. The disease most often spreads from the pharynx to the larynx.

Transmission routes

Children most often become infected with herpes in kindergarten, where mutation occurs, acquiring new forms. Infants rarely get sick; they receive immunoglobulins from their mother's breast milk.

Distribution routes:

  • through blood;
  • airborne;
  • household contact;
  • vertically (from mother to fetus).

Infection through the blood occurs through contact with a wound or injury to the placenta in a pregnant woman.

The virus is large enough to pass through the placenta. Getting into the amniotic fluid, it infects the fetus, which is how congenital forms of herpes disease appear. Infection is possible during childbirth, especially with injuries and cracks.

A sick person has a large amount of virus in their saliva, so when they sneeze or cough, it spreads to other people through the air. Or, getting on the dishes, after eating food, it passes through the pharynx into the body of another person.


The virus enters the human body from sick people. He remains dormant for a long time. Activated when immune function decreases. This occurs under the influence of factors:

  • colds (ARVI);
  • hypothermia;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • taking medications (steroids, antibiotics);
  • infections;
  • living in unfavorable conditions, poor nutrition;
  • the presence of stress and fatigue.

Incubation period

The virus, entering the body, passes to the lymph nodes. There the lymphocytes attack him. The disease can take the form of a carrier state when it is retained in the nodes. If the infection spreads to the mucous membranes of the organs, herpes blisters begin to form. The incubation period ranges from one day to several months, depending on the speed of spread of the disease and the activity of the immune response.

Symptoms of herpetic infection on the tonsils

The symptoms resemble those of the herpetic form of sore throat. It is impossible to visually catch the difference. For differential diagnosis, laboratory tests are done.

Upon examination, they are found on the wall of the throat. They are located in groups of several. The internal contents are pus with blood. The blisters should not be opened, as this may cause an acute attack of pain.

The following clinical signs are observed:

  • the pharynx is hyperemic, swollen;
  • the temperature rises to critical levels;
  • the work of the salivary glands increases, causing profuse salivation;
  • acute sore throat;
  • submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache.

The rash in the throat is located depending on the herpetic form:

  • disseminated– vesicles accumulate in groups distant from each other;
  • migrating - a rash in a new place in the upper palate each time;
  • edematous form without rash;
  • hemorrhagic– the presence of blood in the blisters, ulcers and necrotic lesions appear.

Symptoms of herpes in children and adults, depending on location:

  1. On the tonsils. The throat is red, swollen, with vesicles. If left untreated, erosions with crusts form. The voice is hoarse. Herpes on the tonsils causes a sore throat or stomatitis.
  2. On the front wall of the throat. General signs of the presence of a virus in the body. Easily viewed by a doctor.
  3. On the back of the throat. It is difficult to recognize, the bubbles are deep. Manifested by signs of pharyngitis. Complications: spread to the gums, tongue and esophagus.


Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of clinical indicators and laboratory tests.

Laboratory methods:

  • general blood test (detects inflammation and lymphocytosis);
  • saliva and scraping from the inside of the cheek for ELISA, PCR.

The viral form of a certain group is recognized. Based on this, treatment is carried out.

For differential diagnosis, culture is carried out on a nutrient medium. With viral etiology there is no growth.


Antiviral and symptomatic therapy is carried out to treat herpes in the throat, relieve pain and malaise. It is necessary to eat warm, soft food to maintain tissue integrity. Avoid cold, hot and spicy foods.

Antiviral agents

The following medications are used: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex. The pediatrician or therapist selects the dosage. If a child is sick, the tablet is divided into four parts or in half (depending on age).

Local antiseptics

Antiseptics are used in the form of aerosols and lozenges. They are used after rinsing to improve the disinfecting effect. Drugs used: Miramistin, Panavir, Lizobact. They can be prescribed to adults, children and pregnant women.

Local painkillers

Used for severe pain in the throat and inability to swallow. Antispasmodics (Nurofen) are prescribed in the form of tablets (for adults) and syrups (for children).

Sprays with lidocaine are indicated only for adults. After three years, the following are allowed: Tantum Verde, Septolete, Hexoral.

Drugs in this group are approved for use for no more than 7 days. They have an analgesic and antiseptic effect. They are used in complex therapy, since after their use the infection may reappear.


Immunostimulating agents are used for the appearance of herpes on the tonsils in a child and other diseases many times throughout the year. They are used in courses. Suppositories, tablets, ointments are used. Medicines: Lavomax, Kagocel, Viferon, Kipferon, Alpizarin.

Regulating immunity has a detrimental effect on the child’s body if done incorrectly. Therefore, consultation with an immunologist is mandatory.

Traditional medicine

Home remedies used to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation include:

  • Gargling with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile). It is carried out every forty minutes to prevent an increase in the number of microorganisms.
  • Rinse with baking soda or salt. Alternate with herbal rinses.
  • Lubricating the throat with oils (sea buckthorn oil). It is used for severe pain and sore throat, after gargling.
  • Warm tea with honey and lemon.

Herpetic sore throat or herpes in the throat is a rare and insidious pathology. It does not occur very often, but when it appears it develops very actively. Let's learn more about the main symptoms and causes of localization of the herpes virus in the throat, as well as its treatment.


First, let's answer the question: “Can herpes be in the throat?” The sore most often appears on the lip; it often affects other parts of the face and body. So the throat is not a barrier to herpetic infection.

The disease can be caused by 2 types of herpes - I and II:

  1. Herpes simplex virus type I. The most common causative agent of viral herpes on the oral mucosa. It provokes herpetic rashes on the face. It happens when the bubbles on the lips burst and the virus penetrates the inside, then “spreads” throughout the entire oral cavity and throat in particular. It is also possible for infection to penetrate through the mucosa in the presence of microtraumas. Children often suffer from this disease due to their habit of putting their hands in their mouths.
  2. Herpes simplex virus type II. The route of infection can be oral sex - direct contact of mucous membranes. Moreover, the carrier of the disease may not exhibit viral pathology, and the person may not be aware of it at all.

The resulting ulcer must be treated with special means.

Herpes in the throat, as well as other types of this disease, is more susceptible to people with weak immune systems.

Factors that can trigger the appearance of the virus:

  • HIV or AIDS;
  • acute diseases of a viral or bacterial nature;
  • stress, negative emotions and overexertion;
  • bad habits;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • lack of routine and proper sleep;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids).

Symptoms and first signs

Now that we have found out whether herpes occurs in the throat, we can find out how it manifests itself. Often, mouth ulcers that form in the back of the throat, on the roof of the mouth or on the gums can be confused with other ailments. Transparent or white blisters can resemble in their manifestation a sore throat, stomatitis and many other diseases of an antibacterial nature. The range of laryngeal diseases in children is greater than in adults.

Main symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • the appearance of a feeling as if something is bothering the roof of the mouth, in the larynx or on the back of the throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • redness and inflammation of the throat;
  • itching, burning, swelling;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat are signs of herpes

During illness, children may experience seizures.

The patient experiences loss of appetite, irritability, lethargy, sleep disturbance, and decreased performance. Due to the fact that the throat hurts, problems arise with eating: it becomes difficult to swallow, and food with pronounced tastes (salty or spicy foods) can get into the affected areas and cause burning and soreness.

Herpetic rashes on the tonsils can lead to signs of intoxication - causing nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the main symptoms are combined with trigeminal neuralgia, which is accompanied by shooting pain in the mouth and nose.

You can see what herpes looks like in the throat in the photo.

Herpetic eruptions on the back of the throat, lips and tongue

How long does the illness last?

The disease lasts from 5 to 15 days. Vesicles in the throat are the primary manifestations; they become cloudy and turn white a couple of days after their occurrence. It is not always possible to recognize the bubbles, since they are covered with a white coating, which is more reminiscent of a fungal infection.

After 3-4 days, the blisters burst and red sores form in their place. At this time, a healing period begins: the wounds are gradually covered with a white film and, with proper care and compliance with all doctor’s instructions, can disappear in 3-4 days.

In case of complications, recovery takes much longer. The herpes virus can spread throughout the entire oral mucosa, affecting the palate, cheeks, gums, and the inside of the lips and descend through the respiratory tract to the internal organs.

Treatment of herpes at home

Today, there are many different drugs for treating diseases of viral etiology. They are offered by traditional medicine specialists and adherents of alternative methods of therapy.

It is worth remembering that treatment should be based on restoring the body and increasing immunity. Therefore, the patient must first be provided with bed rest, plenty of fluids to drink and a gentle diet (meals should be warm, salty, spicy and sour foods should be excluded).

Let's find out how to treat herpes localized on the walls of the throat.

Boosting immunity promotes recovery

Of the medicinal antiviral drugs, drugs are most often prescribed in tablet form. Since treatment with ointments and gels is difficult if the herpes has reached the throat.

But a variety of tablets can be affordable for everyone. - the cheapest of them, average price: 15 rubles. Other options are most often its derivatives and analogues for pharmacological action:

  • Valacyclovir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Virolex;
  • Gerpevir.

Absorbable tablets with antiseptic properties will help cure herpes: Faringosept, Septolete, Imudon.

In some cases, it is necessary to take antihistamines: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Diazolin, Cetrin. They are used to eliminate symptoms such as swelling and inflammation.

Groups of tablets to combat herpes


Among preparations for topical use, you can use sprays that have antiviral, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Based on patient reviews, Hexoral and Miramistin are considered the most effective. Orasept has proven itself well. Panavir-Inlight spray will help restore the immune system, speed up the healing of ulcers and relieve itching.

Other medications and homeopathy

Since the main cause of herpes lies in the weakening of the body's defenses, doctors prescribe immunostimulants. Usually these are interferon preparations (Viferon and Cycloferon) and interferon inducers (and Levamisole), immunoglobulins.

In acute cases of the disease and with frequent relapses, patients are prescribed an antiherpes vaccine every six months.

In the treatment of herpes, homeopathy is also relevant. The disadvantage of homeopathic therapy is its duration. The drugs should be taken for up to 2 months, and after a short break the course of treatment should be repeated. For herpetic symptoms in the throat, “Caustic Buttercup” is prescribed.

Vaccine against herpes

The course and regimen of treatment depends on the stage and severity of the affected areas.

How to get rid of herpes: folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treatment. Doctors strongly recommend combining them with medications. Below are recipes for gargling.

A sage-based medicine helps relieve pain and inflammation:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over sage;
  • let it brew for 2 hours;
  • strain and gargle.

Sage will help get rid of herpes

Collection of herbs

You can increase the effectiveness of rinsing by preparing a decoction of plant components that have various beneficial properties:

  • prepare a mixture of chamomile, sage, plantain, calendula and mint in equal proportions;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture;
  • put on fire, bring to a boil;
  • let simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.

Gargle with the prepared decoction, cooled and strained, as often as possible.

Flaxseed has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and enveloping properties. To prepare a decoction of flaxseed, you need 1 tsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the raw materials and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. The procedures must be performed using the warm product obtained every hour.

A decoction of flax seeds helps with herpes in the throat

Flaxseed decoction promotes healing, prevents bacterial infection, and also protects the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx from thermal damage.

Treatment of herpes in the throat of a child

Herpes virus in the mouth of a child is treated in the same way as in adults: with the help of antiviral, immunomodulating, immunostimulating drugs and traditional medicine. Older children are recommended to rinse their mouths with furatsilin solution and herbal decoctions. Since babies are not yet capable of such actions, their mothers treat their throats with gauze swabs. Your doctor should determine which medications are suitable for your child.

Taking Nurofen and Panadol helps improve the baby's condition - they can eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. Moreover, in children the disease is often accompanied by fever, so if necessary, these medications can also reduce the fever.

Treatment of viral disease in children

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the treatment of herpes in the throat? The virus lives in the body of every person; you can only get rid of its symptoms, but not the herpes itself.

Herpes virus type 6

The situation looks worse in the case of herpes in the throat caused by pathogen type 6. Failure to contact a specialist in a timely manner can lead to complications. For herpes infection of this type, you should take the same medications. But treatment must take place in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

So that you do not have to deal with herpes treatment, take care of your health in advance. Fresh air, walks, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and good hygiene can prevent the development of the disease.

When a baby begins to complain of a sore throat, not many parents rush to seek help from a specialist. It seems that treatment can be done with the use of special antiviral sprays. Meanwhile, it could be a herpes infection, which requires a completely different approach. If a child is capricious and refuses to eat, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

What is herpes?

Herpes infection can affect any tissue of the baby. Most often, transparent blisters appear on the mucous membranes. The disease can develop in various forms. The most difficult of them is herpes meningitis. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, you may lose your little patient. Less terrible is in the throat. Only a qualified specialist can tell you what to do with the pathology.

Statistics indicate that the disease most often occurs in children aged 6 months to three years. In infancy (under the age of six months), herpes practically cannot appear on a child’s throat. Komarovsky claims that this is due to the presence of antibodies to the virus, which are transmitted by the mother at birth. As the baby approaches one year of age, the baby's immune system begins to work less vigorously. The likelihood of infection increases. The modes of transmission of infection are contact and airborne droplets. In this case, you can become infected both from the carrier of the virus and from the patient. The absence or presence of antibodies in a child’s body is not the only factor. Children who live in poor sanitary conditions, are poorly nourished, and have reduced immunity are more susceptible to infection.

Why does infection occur?

So, the main cause of the disease is the lack of appropriate antibodies in the baby’s body, reduced immunity. Experts say that if you have already encountered the herpes virus once, it will no longer be possible to completely cure the disease. It will only be possible to remove the unpleasant symptoms. With hypothermia, stress or other factors affecting the immune system, the disease may appear again.

Favorable factors for the development of herpes in the throat of a child include the following: the presence of sores in the mouth, a recent cold, chicken pox. It often appears in children's throats after meningitis. Pediatricians usually take into account the likelihood of developing complications. Therefore, therapy includes antiherpetic drugs.

What happens during infection?

The virus enters the body, as a rule, through damaged mucosal membranes. It is no coincidence that herpes appears in a child’s throat immediately after a cold. The reasons are inflammation of the tonsils. Damaged tissue easily allows infection. The further development of the disease depends on the functioning of the immune system of a particular baby. In some cases, the disease manifests itself only in a few blisters, which go away without additional therapy. However, it is worth considering that if the virus is already present in the blood, the disease can appear again at any time.

A relapse may occur due to weakening of local immunity due to overheating, hypothermia or stress. Even heatstroke in the summer often provokes the reappearance of blisters in the throat. In addition, the herpes virus tends to infect other organs and systems. One time the disease manifests itself as herpes stomatitis, another time unpleasant blisters appear on the genital area.

in the throat

Initially, the child may complain of discomfort in the tonsils. Most parents decide that they have once again encountered an acute respiratory infection and begin treatment without consulting a pediatrician. In fact, it turns out that it is herpes in the child's throat. Only a qualified specialist can tell you how to treat it. The following symptoms will indicate that you have had to deal with this particular disease: rashes in the throat (small transparent blisters), pain, increased body temperature.

In some cases, the temperature may rise even before blisters begin to appear in the throat. The baby suddenly becomes lethargic, drowsy, and begins to act up. However, there are no other symptoms of the disease at all. Parents do not even realize that their child is developing herpes in the throat. What to do in such a situation? Be sure to call an ambulance! Self-treatment can lead to complications.

Diagnosis of the disease

Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. However, it is not enough to determine what disease you have encountered. It is imperative to identify what type of virus causes the disease. The first thing a qualified specialist will do is examine the baby. Small transparent bubbles will indicate this. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in only one of the tonsils. Next, laboratory tests are prescribed. The child has to donate urine and blood. Additionally, a smear may be prescribed.

The specialist must determine whether you have encountered a recurrent virus or whether the disease is local in nature. In the first case, treatment will be longer and more expensive. It is not possible to completely get rid of the herpes virus. With local infection, the outcome will be more favorable. The most complex is considered to be congenital herpes in the throat of a child. How to treat such a pathology? The main task is to maintain the baby’s strong immunity. In this way it will be possible to get rid of the manifestations of the virus.

Drug treatment of the disease

Herpes stomatitis, which appears for the first time, is easily eliminated with the help of topical medications. Acyclovir ointment gives a good effect. Using a cotton swab, treat the affected areas several times a day. After the acute phase of the disease has passed, the blisters will turn into ulcers; they can be treated with an antiseptic. A solution is suitable. The product “Stomatidin” also gives an excellent effect. It can be used even at the stage of bubble formation.

Increased body temperature is a symptom that appears even before the appearance of a rash in the throat. You can improve the baby’s condition with the help of such products as Interferon, Panadol, Nurofen. These products are available in the form of tablets and syrup. The last option is more suitable for children under three years old. With the help of antipyretic drugs, it is possible not only to reduce the temperature, but also to relieve pain and eliminate the symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

The recurrent course of the disease requires more attention. The pediatrician may prescribe a course of the antiviral drug “Viferon” and vitamin therapy. In the most severe cases, you have to seek help from an infectious disease specialist who can prescribe a special antiherpetic vaccine.

Traditional medicine against herpes

Along with medicines from the pharmacy, you can use traditional medicine recipes. However, even here you cannot self-medicate. Seemingly harmless plants can cause serious complications. Any actions should be discussed with your doctor. Chamomile has an excellent antiviral effect. You can purchase a ready-made alcohol infusion or prepare a medicinal product yourself. To do this, pour hot water over the dry plant and leave it for half an hour. The resulting liquid must be wiped over the affected areas.

Infusions of burdock, white oak, and meadow clover also have a good effect. With the help of these plants, you can not only overcome the symptoms of the disease, but also generally strengthen the child’s immune system. This is especially important for recurrent herpes infections.

If the herpes virus appears quite often in a child’s throat, treatment should be based on strengthening the body’s defenses. It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely “kick out” the virus. You can just make sure it doesn’t show up. It’s worth including more seasonal vegetables and fruits in your baby’s menu. Vitamins are the enemy of any infection.

A little about the type 6 virus

You will have to face difficulties if during the diagnostic process it was discovered that the disease is caused by a type 6 virus. Types 1, 2 and 3 are characterized only by rashes on the mucous membranes, as well as mild malaise. In most cases, the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees (no more). Herpes type 6 is very dangerous. Additionally, the child may experience the following symptoms: red-pink rash all over the body, swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the throat. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees and becomes difficult to break down.

Often you have to go to the hospital if herpes appears in a child’s throat. How to treat type 6 virus? The nature of therapy is the same as for other types of infection. Antiviral drugs, vitamins, and antipyretics are used. The only condition is 24-hour medical supervision. High temperature can lead to seizures. In addition, there is a risk of developing complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, etc.

Prevention methods

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection with the herpes virus. Especially if the infection was transmitted to the baby at birth. But it is possible to protect a child from manifestations of the disease. Even if the herpes virus lives in the body, you may never encounter the disease. All you need to do is regularly strengthen your immune system. It is necessary to harden the baby, regularly spend time with him in the fresh air, and monitor his nutrition. The diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the child.

If a woman is a carrier of the herpes virus, it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection of the fetus during pregnancy. This is done by administering immunoglobulin after the 30th week of gestation. If genital herpes is detected immediately before childbirth, the fetus is removed by caesarean section.

Let's sum it up

There is no reason to panic if herpes has been detected in a child’s throat. A qualified pediatrician will tell you how to treat the disease. Trying to overcome the disease on your own is undesirable. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. In addition, local infection can trigger the development of a recurrent form of the disease.

Herpetic infection is a common pathology among adults. However, herpes in the throat is a very rare type of this disease. It is difficult and indicates a severe form of damage. Herpes on the throat requires immediate medical attention and comprehensive treatment.

Transmission routes

The virus itself can enter the human body in many ways. These include:

  • oral mucosa;
  • nasal mucosa;
  • mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • The infection is transmitted through contact with a sick person or a carrier of the virus.

Herpes on the throat can be caused by a virus of the first or second type (it develops less often in adults than in children). In medical practice, infection is transmitted in two ways:

  • in severe and/or advanced forms of stomatitis, secondary infection of the oral cavity occurs;
  • the virus can enter the throat along the nerve endings (the infection is transmitted through the nerve ganglia).


Almost the entire population of our planet (up to 90%) can be a carrier of the virus that causes herpes infection. When it penetrates into the body, the symptoms of the disease appear at the wrong time.

The virus can be in a “dormant” state and become active for a number of reasons. The most common include:

  • stressful situations;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • past infectious diseases.

Herpes on the throat in adults can be caused by the following situations:

  • inflammation of various localizations: throat mucosa, otitis, damage to the genitourinary system, acute intestinal infections;
  • surgical operations;
  • constant stressful situations and overwork;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system (for example: glucocorticosteroids - Prednisolone, Metipred);
  • diseases of the immune system (for example, with AIDS, the manifestation of the symptom of herpes on the throat is one of the markers of the disease).

Herpes in the throat must be distinguished from diseases such as:

  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases caused by bacterial infection.

Symptom complex

Herpes on the throat has an acute, sudden onset. General symptoms of the disease:

  • body temperature rises to 39-40˚C, is practically not affected by medications and remains stable throughout the entire illness;
  • redness of the mouth and throat, symptoms disappear within a week;
  • painful blisters with liquid inside appear;
  • Not only the throat hurts, but also the ears, nasopharynx, eyes;
  • itching and burning in the affected areas, these symptoms disappear after a week;
  • it becomes painful to swallow;
  • excessive salivation;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • symptoms of decreased appetite;
  • submandibular lymph nodes and lymph nodes located under the chin become painful on palpation and increase in size (symptoms of lymphadenitis);
  • pain in the head area;
  • general weakness;
  • the mood changes sharply, the patient becomes whiny and capricious.

The main symptom is rash

A distinctive feature of the disease herpes in the throat will be characteristic rashes. They are located on one side of the throat. Bilateral herpes on the throat is quite rare.

The blisters, in appearance, are very reminiscent of herpetic rashes on the lips. Herpes in the throat is characterized by vesicles filled with watery contents, yellowish in color, most often transparent. Sometimes there may be a slight admixture of blood in it.

The rashes are located in groups that tend to merge. The blisters are surrounded by hyperinflamed tissue. After they burst, ulcers form and heal very slowly.

If you are infected with the herpes virus once, it will remain in the human body for life. And in any unfavorable situations (especially when immunity decreases), it will manifest itself. More often the rash on the lips reappears. Herpes in the throat reoccurs much less frequently.

Complications of the disease

If herpes in the throat is not treated, or treated incorrectly, or the prescribed therapy is not effective enough, the following complications may occur:

  • candidiasis, or any other fungal infection of the body;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, characterized by severe pain in the nose, forehead, eyes and muscle spasms;
  • generalization of infection (herpes infection covers all internal organs, it is quite rare if the disease is not treated at all).

Diagnosis of the disease

Until characteristic rashes appear, herpes on the throat is very difficult to distinguish from other inflammatory diseases. But as soon as bubbles appear, diagnosis does not cause problems.

If the patient does not suffer from immunodeficiency conditions, laboratory typing of the virus is not performed due to the high cost of the latter.

If it is necessary to determine the type of virus that caused herpes on the throat, the following laboratory diagnostics are performed:

  • conduct a saliva test;
  • take a scraping from the oral mucosa;
  • carry out a blood test;
  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • methods of growing crops.

General principles of therapy

Treatment must begin with a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Herpes on the throat must be treated comprehensively. The earlier treatment is started, the less chance there is of a recurrence of the disease or complication. Treatment is symptomatic. Includes:

  • antiviral drugs in tablet form; for severe lesions, injections are used;
  • in case of severe intoxication of the body, rehydration therapy is used;
  • sorbents – treatment is carried out to reduce the amount of absorbed toxins;
  • means to reduce body temperature;
  • to relieve swelling - treat with antihistamines;
  • immunomodulators, with a severe decrease in immunity - the treatment contains drugs that include thymus hormone;
  • vitamin preparations of groups A, C, E - to reduce the side effects of antiviral drugs and treatment with them can strengthen the body.

Complex therapy includes local treatment of the affected areas. It includes:

  • treatment with antiviral ointments;
  • rinsing the mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted with water;
  • treatment of rashes with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • the use of local antiseptics to reduce pain;
  • resorption of tablets for local disinfection and prevention of secondary (bacterial) infection.

Among the methods of general therapy, the following can be distinguished:

  • exclude very hot or cold foods;
  • drink as much water as possible;
  • completely eliminate solid foods, which can cause additional injury to the affected throat;
  • eat only semi-liquid or well-ground food;
  • carry out wet cleaning as often as possible in the room where the patient is located;
  • ventilate the room for constant access to fresh air.

Herpes on the throat responds well to treatment. The main thing is not to let the disease progress and consult a doctor in time. A complete cure is possible.