Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations. What refers to protective equipment in electrical installations? Insulating protective equipment




SO 153-34.03.603-2003

Moscow 2003

The instructions contain a classification and list of protective equipment for work in electrical installations, requirements for their testing, content and use.

The Instructions contain standards and methods for operational, acceptance and type testing of protective equipment, procedures and standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.

For managers, specialists and workers organizing and (or) performing work in electrical installations, as well as specialists involved in the development of protective equipment.


IN This edition of the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations” (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) has been amended and supplemented to take into account the process of introducing modern protective equipment, the changing requirements of standards for specific types of protective equipment, as well as the results of an analysis of experience in their operation and testing .

The sections devoted to specific means of protection have been reworked, taking into account the updated range of products. In particular, significant changes have been made to the sections devoted to indicators and voltage alarms, and the standards for electrical testing of the working parts of indicators have been adjusted.

The section “Portable grounding” has been significantly revised. The requirements for portable grounding wires and the methodology for selecting their sections in operation have been clarified and brought closer to the requirements of European countries and brought into compliance with current Russian standards. A number of requirements for portable grounding rods have been clarified in connection with the trend of using methods for installing grounding connections in electrical distribution networks without lifting personnel onto the supports of overhead power lines.

IN the list of protective equipment includes kits for protection against electric arcs, the range of protective equipment for the face, eyes, and respiratory organs has been expanded, stationary voltage alarms, ladders and insulating fiberglass stepladders have been introduced. At the same time, a number of products that are not widely used are excluded from the list (cable damage indicator, voltage difference determination device

in transit).

The order of construction and presentation of the Instructions, if possible, has been preserved according to the 9th edition. “Rules for the application and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them,” with the exception that all standards and terms of operational electrical tests are excluded from the main text and are given only in the appendices.

The list of annexes has been generally shortened, but has been supplemented with a list of regulatory documents and government documents used in the preparation of the Instructions


With the release of this edition of the Instructions, the 9th edition of the “Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them” (Moscow: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1993) becomes invalid.

The instructions were developed by Elektrotekhnika&Composites LLC (Electrocom®), SKTB VKT - a branch of Mosenergo OJSC with the active participation of specialists from the State Energy Supervision Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia. During the development, numerous comments and suggestions from users of the Instructions were taken into account.

All comments and suggestions regarding this edition of the Instructions should be sent to Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (103074, Moscow, Kitaigorodsky Ave., 7), Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia (Moscow, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) or directly to the developers: SKTB VKT Mosenergo, (115432, Moscow, 2nd Kozhukhovsky pr. 29), LLC "Electrical Engineering & Composites" (111250, Moscow)

Moscow, Aviamotornaya, 53, [email protected]).



1.1.1. This Instruction applies to protective equipment used in electrical installations of organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens-owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and establishes the classification and list of protective equipment, the volume, methods and test standards, the procedure for their use and maintenance, as well as standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.

1.1.2. The main terms and their definitions adopted in the Instructions are given in the table

1.1 .

Instructions for labor protection at workplaces must be brought in accordance with these Instructions.

1.1.3. The protective equipment used in electrical installations must meet the requirements of the relevant state standard and these Instructions.

1.1.4. When working in electrical installations the following are used:

- means of protection against electric shock (electrical protective equipment);

- means of protection against high-tension electric fields, collective and individual (in electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above);

- personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the state standard (protection for the head, eyes and face, hands, respiratory organs, against falling from a height, special protective clothing).

Table 1.1


Collective protective equipment

Personal protective equipment Electrical protective equipment

Basic insulating electrical protective agent


insulating electrical protective agent


touch voltage step

Safe distance

Voltage indicator

Voltage indicator

Work without stress relief

Electric field influence zone Safety poster (sign)


undistorted electric field

1.1.5. Electrical protective equipment includes:

- insulating pliers;

- voltage indicators;

- individual and stationary voltage indicators;

- devices and devices to ensure the safety of work during measurements and tests in electrical installations (voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, electrical clamps, devices for puncturing cables);

- dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots;

- protective fences (boards and screens);

- insulating linings and caps;

- hand insulating tool;

- portable grounding;

- safety posters and signs;

- special protective equipment, insulating devices and devices for work under voltage in electrical installations with voltages of 110 kV and above;

- flexible insulating coatings and linings for live work in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V;

- insulating fiberglass ladders and stepladders.

1.1.6. Insulating electrical protective equipment is divided into basic and additional. To the main insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations

voltages above 1000 V include:

- insulating rods of all types;

- insulating pliers;

- voltage indicators;

- devices and devices to ensure the safety of work during measurements and tests in electrical installations (voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, electrical clamps, devices for puncturing cables, etc.);

- special protective equipment, insulating devices and accessories for work under voltage in electrical installations with voltages of 110 kV and higher (except for rods for transferring and potential equalization).

Additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V include:

- dielectric gloves and boots;

- dielectric carpets and insulating supports;

- insulating caps and linings;

- rods for transferring and leveling potential;

- ladders, insulating fiberglass stepladders.

TO The main insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V include:

Insulating rods of all types; - insulating pliers; - voltage indicators;

Electrical clamps; - dielectric gloves;

Hand-held isolating tool.

TO Additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V include:

Dielectric galoshes; - dielectric carpets and insulating supports;

Insulating caps, coverings and linings; - ladders, insulating fiberglass stepladders.

1.1.7. The means of protection against high-intensity electric fields include individual shielding kits for work on the potential of an overhead power line (OHT) wire and on the ground potential in an open switchgear (OSD) and on an overhead line, as well as removable and portable shielding devices and safety posters.

1.1.8. In addition to the listed protective equipment, the following personal protective equipment is used in electrical installations:

Head protection (protective helmets); - eye and face protection (goggles and protective shields);

Respiratory protection equipment (gas masks and respirators); - hand protection (mittens);

Means of protection against falls from height (safety belts and safety ropes);

Special protective clothing (electric arc protection kits).

1.1.9. The selection of the necessary electrical protective equipment, means of protection against high-intensity electric fields and personal protective equipment is regulated by this Instruction, Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations, sanitary standards and rules for performing work in conditions of exposure to electric fields of industrial frequency, guidelines for protection of personnel from exposure to electric fields and other relevant regulatory and technical documents taking into account local conditions.

When choosing specific types of PPE, you should use the appropriate catalogs

1.1.10. When using basic insulating electrical protective equipment, it is sufficient to use one additional one, except in special cases.

If it is necessary to protect someone working from step voltage, dielectric boots or galoshes can be used without basic protective equipment.


1.2.1. Personnel carrying out work in electrical installations must be provided with all necessary protective equipment, trained in the rules of use and must use them to ensure the safety of work.

Protective equipment must be located as inventory in the premises of electrical installations or be included in the inventory of field teams. Protective equipment may also be issued for individual use.

1.2.2. When working, you should use only protective equipment that is marked with the following instructions: manufacturer, name or type of product and year of manufacture, as well as a test stamp.

1.2.3. Inventory protective equipment is distributed between facilities (electrical installations) and between field teams in accordance with the operating system, local conditions and acquisition standards (Appendix

Such distribution, indicating the storage locations of protective equipment, must be recorded in lists approved by the technical manager of the organization or the employee responsible for electrical equipment.

1.2.4. If protective equipment is found to be unsuitable, it is subject to confiscation. The removal of unsuitable protective equipment must be recorded in the logbook for recording and maintaining protective equipment (the recommended form is given in the Appendix 1) or in operational documentation.

1.2.5. Workers who have received protective equipment for individual use are responsible for their correct use and timely monitoring of their condition.

1.2.6. Insulating electrical protective equipment should be used only for their intended purpose in electrical installations with a voltage not higher than that for which they are designed (the highest permissible operating voltage), in accordance with the operating manuals, instructions, passports, etc. for specific means of protection.

1.2.7. Insulating electrical protective equipment is designed for use in closed electrical installations, and in open electrical installations - only in dry weather. They are not allowed to be used in drizzle or precipitation.

Outdoors in wet weather, only protective equipment of a special design designed to work in such conditions should be used. Such protective equipment is manufactured, tested and used in accordance with specifications and instructions.

1.2.8. Before each use of the protective equipment, personnel are required to check its serviceability, the absence of external damage and contamination, and also check the expiration date on the stamp.

It is not allowed to use protective equipment that has expired.

1.2.9. When using electrical protective equipment, it is not allowed to touch their working part, as well as the insulating part behind the restrictive ring or stop.


1.3.1. Protective equipment must be stored and transported under conditions that ensure their serviceability and suitability for use; they must be protected from mechanical damage, contamination and moisture.

1.3.2. Protective equipment must be stored indoors.

1.3.3. Protective equipment made of rubber and polymer materials that are in use should be stored in cabinets, on racks, shelves, separately from tools and other protective equipment. They must be protected from acids, alkalis, oils, gasoline and other destructive substances, as well as from direct exposure to sunlight and heat radiation from heating devices (no closer than 1 m from them).

Protective equipment made of rubber and polymeric materials in use,

Do not store in bulk in bags, boxes, etc.

Protective equipment made of rubber and polymer materials that are in stock must be stored in a dry room at a temperature of (0-30) °C.

1.3.4. Insulating rods, clamps and voltage indicators above 1000 V should be stored

V conditions that prevent their deflection and contact with the walls.

1.3.5. Respiratory protection equipment must be stored in dry rooms in special bags.

1.3.6. Protective equipment, insulating devices and devices for working under voltage should be kept in a dry, ventilated area.

1.3.7. Shielding protective equipment should be stored separately from electrical protective equipment. Individual shielding kits are stored in special cabinets: workwear -

on hangers, and safety shoes, head, face and hand protection - on shelves. During storage, they must be protected from moisture and aggressive environments.

1.3.8. Protective equipment used by field teams or for individual use by personnel must be stored in boxes, bags or cases separately from other tools.

1.3.9. Protective equipment is placed in specially equipped places, as a rule, at the entrance to the premises, as well as on control panels. Storage areas must have lists of protective equipment. Storage areas must be equipped with hooks or brackets for rods, insulating clamps, portable grounding, safety posters, as well as cabinets, racks, etc. for other means of protection.


1.4.1. All electrical protective equipment and personal protective equipment in use must be numbered, with the exception of protective helmets, dielectric carpets, insulating stands, safety posters, protective fences, and rods for transferring and potential equalization. Serial numbers may be used.

Numbering is established separately for each type of protective equipment, taking into account the adopted operating system and local conditions.

The inventory number is usually applied directly to the protective equipment with paint or stamped on metal parts. It is also possible to apply a number to a special tag attached to the protective equipment.

If the protective equipment consists of several parts, a common number for it must be placed on each part.

1.4.2. In departments of enterprises and organizations, it is necessary to keep logs of records and maintenance of protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment issued for individual use must also be recorded in a journal.

1.4.3. The presence and condition of protective equipment is checked by periodic inspection, which is carried out at least once every 6 months. (for portable groundings - at least once every 3 months) by the employee responsible for their condition, recording the inspection results in a journal.

1.4.4. Electrical protective equipment, except for insulating stands, dielectric carpets, portable grounding, protective fences, posters and safety signs, as well as safety belts and safety ropes received for operation from from manufacturing plants or warehouses must be inspected according to performance test standards.

1.4.5. Protective equipment that has passed the test, the use of which depends on the voltage of the electrical installation, is stamped with the following form:

№ _______

Valid up to _____ kV Next test date “____” __________________ 20___

(laboratory name)

For protective equipment, the use of which does not depend on the voltage of the electrical installation (dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots, etc.), a stamp of the following form is placed:

Next test date “____” __________________ 20___


(laboratory name)

The stamp must be clearly visible. It should be permanently painted or adhered to the insulating portion near the boundary ring of insulating electrical protective equipment and live devices or at the edge of rubber products and safety devices. If the protective equipment consists of several parts, the stamp is placed on only one part. The method of applying the stamp and its dimensions should not impair the insulating characteristics of protective equipment.

When testing dielectric gloves, overshoes and overshoes, markings must be made according to their protective properties Ev and En, if the factory markings are lost.

On protective equipment that did not pass the test, the stamp must be crossed out with red paint.

Insulated tools, voltage indicators up to 1000 V, as well as safety belts and safety ropes may be marked using accessible means.

1.4.6. The results of operational tests of protective equipment are recorded in special journals (the recommended form is given in Appendix 2). In addition, test reports must be issued for protective equipment owned by third parties (the recommended form is given in Appendix 3).


1.5.1. Acceptance, periodic and type tests are carried out at the manufacturer according to the standards given in Appendices 4 and 5, and the methods set out in the relevant standards or technical specifications.

1.5.2. In operation, protective equipment is subjected to regular and extraordinary operational tests (after a fall, repair, replacement any parts if there are signs of malfunction). The standards for operational tests and the timing of their implementation are given in Appendices 6 and 7.

1.5.3. Tests are carried out according to approved methods (instructions).

Mechanical tests are carried out before electrical tests.

1.5.4. All testing of protective equipment must be carried out by specially trained and certified personnel.

1.5.5. Before testing, each protective equipment must be carefully inspected to check the presence of manufacturer's markings, numbers, completeness, absence of mechanical damage, and the condition of insulating surfaces (for insulating protective equipment). If the protective equipment does not comply with the requirements of this Instruction, tests are not carried out until the identified deficiencies are eliminated.

1.5.6. Electrical tests should be carried out with alternating current of industrial frequency, as a rule, at a temperature of plus (25±15) °C.

Electrical tests of insulating rods, voltage indicators, voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, insulating and electrical clamps should begin with checking the dielectric strength of the insulation.

The rate at which the voltage rises to 1/3 of the test voltage can be arbitrary (a voltage equal to the specified voltage can be applied by a push); a further increase in voltage should be smooth and fast, but allowing the readings of the measuring device to be read at a voltage of more than 3/4 of the test voltage. After reaching the rated value and holding at this value for a rated time, the voltage must be smoothly and quickly reduced to zero or to a value not exceeding 1/3 of the test voltage, after which the voltage is turned off.

1.5.7. The test voltage is applied to the insulating part of the protective equipment. In the absence of an appropriate voltage source for testing entire insulating rods, insulating parts of voltage indicators and voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, etc. It is allowed to test them in parts. In this case, the insulating part is divided into sections to which a part of the normalized full test voltage is applied, proportional to the length of the section and increased by 20%.

1.5.8. Basic insulating electrical protective equipment intended for electrical installations with voltages above 1 to 35 kV inclusive are tested with a voltage equal to 3 times linear, but not lower than 40 kV, and those intended for electrical installations with a voltage of 110 kV and above - equal to 3 times phase.

Additional insulating electrical protective equipment is tested by voltage according to the standards specified in Appendices 5 and 7.

1.5.9. The duration of application of the full test voltage is usually 1 min. for insulating protective equipment up to 1000 V and for insulation made of elastic materials and porcelain and 5 min. - for insulation from layered dielectrics.

For specific protective equipment and working parts, the duration of application of the test voltage is given in Appendices 5 and 7.

1.5.10. Currents flowing through the insulation of products are standardized for electrical protective equipment made of rubber and elastic polymer materials and insulating devices for live work. Operating currents flowing through voltage indicators up to 1000 V are also standardized.

Current values ​​are given in Appendices 5 and 7.

1.5.11. Breakdown, flashover, and surface discharges are determined by turning off the testing facility during testing, by readings from measuring instruments, and visually.

1.5.12. Electrical protective equipment made of solid materials should be checked by touch immediately after testing for the absence of local heating due to dielectric losses.

1.5.13. If a breakdown, flashover or surface discharge occurs, the current through the product increases above the rated value, or local heating occurs, the protective equipment is rejected.



2.1.1. The insulating part of electrical protective equipment containing dielectric rods or handles must be limited by a ring or stop made of electrical insulating material on the side of the handle.

For electrical protective equipment for electrical installations above 1000 V, the height of the restrictive ring or stop must be at least 5 mm.

For electrical protective equipment for electrical installations up to 1000 V (except for insulated tools), the height of the restrictive ring or stop must be at least 3 mm.

When using electrical protective equipment, it is prohibited to touch their working part, as well as the insulating part behind the restrictive ring or stop.

2.1.2. The insulating parts of electrical protective equipment must be made of electrical insulating materials that do not absorb moisture and have stable dielectric and mechanical properties.

The surfaces of the insulating parts must be smooth, without cracks, delaminations or scratches.

The use of paper-bakelite tubes for the manufacture of insulating parts is not allowed.

2.1.3. The design of electrical protective equipment must prevent the entry of dust and moisture or provide for the possibility of their cleaning.

2.1.4. The design of the working part of the insulating protective equipment (insulating rods, clamps, voltage indicators, etc.) should not allow the possibility of phase-to-phase

short circuit or phase-to-ground fault.

2.1.5. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, insulating rods, clamps and voltage indicators should be used with dielectric gloves.

2.2. INSULATING RODS Purpose and design

2.2.1. Insulating rods are designed for operational work (operations with disconnectors, changing fuses, installing parts of arresters, etc.), measurements (checking insulation on power lines and substations), for applying portable grounding, as well as for releasing the victim from electric current.

2.2.2. General technical requirements for operational insulating rods and portable grounding rods are given in the state standard.

2.2.3. The rods should consist of three main parts: working, insulating and handle.

2.2.4. Rods can be composed of several links. To connect the links to each other, parts made of metal or insulating material can be used. It is permissible to use a telescopic structure, but reliable fixation of the links at their joints must be ensured.

2.2.5. The rod handle can be one piece with the insulating part or be a separate link.

2.2.6. The insulating part of the rods must be made of the materials specified in paragraph.

2.1.2 .

2.2.7. Operating rods can have replaceable heads (working parts) to perform various operations. At the same time, their reliable fastening must be ensured.

2.2.8. The design of portable grounding rods must ensure their reliable detachable or permanent connection with grounding clamps, installation of these clamps on live parts of electrical installations and their subsequent fastening, as well as removal from live parts.

Composite portable grounding rods for electrical installations with voltages of 110 kV and higher, as well as for applying portable grounding to overhead line wires without lifting them to supports, may contain metal current-carrying links if there is an insulating part with a handle.

2.2.9. For intermediate supports of overhead power lines with a voltage of 500–150 kV, the grounding structure may contain, instead of a rod, an insulating flexible element, which should be made, as a rule, of synthetic materials (polypropylene, nylon, etc.).

2.2.10. The design and weight of operational, measuring and relief rods for releasing a victim from electric current at voltages up to 330 kV must ensure that one person can work with them, and the same rods for voltages of 500 kV and higher can be designed for two people using a support device. In this case, the maximum force on one hand (supporting it at the restrictive ring) should not exceed 160 N.

The design of portable grounding rods for applying to overhead lines with a person lifting to a support or from telescopic towers and in switchgear with voltages up to 330 kV should ensure that one person can work with them, and portable grounding rods for electrical installations with voltages of 500 kV and higher, as well as for applying grounding to overhead line wires without lifting a person to a support (from the ground) can be designed for work by two people using a supporting device. The greatest force on one hand in these cases is regulated by technical conditions.

2.2.11. The main dimensions of the rods must be no less than those indicated in the table. 2.1 and 2.2.

Table 2.1

Minimum dimensions of insulating rods

insulating part



Above 1 to 15

Above 15 to 35

Above 35 to 110

Above 330 to 500

Table 2.2

Minimum dimensions of portable grounding rods

Purpose of the rods

Length, mm


insulating part

For installation of grounding in electrical installations with voltage

Not standardized, determined by convenience


For installation of grounding in switchgear above 1 kV to 500 kV, at

According to the table 2.1

According to the table 2.1

overhead line wires above 1 kV to 220 kV, made entirely of

electrical insulating materials

According to the table 2.1

grounding to overhead line wires from 110 to 220 kV

Composite, with metal links, for installation

According to the table 2.1

grounding to overhead line wires from 330 to 1150 kV

lightning protection cables for overhead lines from 110 to 500 kV

For installation of grounding on isolated from supports

lightning protection cables for overhead lines from 750 to 1150 kV

For installation of grounding in laboratory and testing


To transfer the wire potential

Not standardized, determined by convenience


Note to table 2.2:

The length of the insulating flexible grounding element of a rodless design for overhead line wires from 35 to 1150 kV must be no less than the length of the grounding wire.

Performance tests

2.2.12. During operation, mechanical tests of rods are not carried out.

2.2.13. Electrical tests with increased voltage of the insulating parts of operational and measuring rods, as well as rods used in testing laboratories for supplying high voltage, are carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 1.5. In this case, voltage is applied between the working part and a temporary electrode placed at the restrictive ring on the side of the insulating part.

The heads of measuring rods for monitoring insulators are also tested.

V electrical installations voltage 35-500 kV.

2.2.14. Portable grounding rods with metal links for overhead lines are tested according to the method of paragraph. 2.2.13 .

Testing of other portable grounding rods is not carried out.

2.2.15. An insulating flexible grounding element of a rodless design is tested in parts. For each 1 m section, a portion of the total test voltage is applied, proportional to the length and increased by 20%. It is allowed to simultaneously test all sections of an insulating flexible element wound into a coil so that the length of the semicircle is 1 m.

2.2.16. The standards and frequency of electrical tests of rods and insulating flexible grounding elements of a rodless design are given in the Appendix 7 .

Terms of use

2.2.17. Before starting to work with rods that have a removable working part, you need to make sure that the threaded connection of the working and insulating parts does not “jam” by screwing and unscrewing them once.

What refers to protective equipment in electrical installations?

Basic and additional means of protection up to 1000 V and above 1000 V.

Standards for completing PPE. Requirements for recording protective equipment.


Protective equipment is divided into 2 categories: collective and individual.

Protective equipment is classified into:

1. Insulating
2. Fencing
3. Devices for working at height
4. Accessories
5. Shielding.

Insulating protective equipment.

They provide electrical insulation of a person from live or grounded parts of electrical equipment, as well as from the ground.

All insulating protective equipment is divided into:

  1. Basic
  2. Additional

Basic insulating protective equipment- means, the insulation of which reliably withstands the operating voltage of electrical installations and with the help of which it is possible to touch live parts that are energized without the danger of electric shock.

Additional insulating protective equipment are those that, having insufficient insulation, cannot ensure the safety of the worker. They can only be used in combination with basic means, enhancing their effect.

In electrical installations up to 1000 V:

  1. dielectric gloves,
  2. insulating current clamps,
  3. installation tool with insulated handles,
  4. current detectors.
  1. dielectric galoshes
  2. rugs
  3. insulating stands

In electrical installations above 1000 V:

main insulating agents:

  1. insulating rods
  2. insulating current clamp
  3. voltage indicators

additional insulating agents:

  1. assembly tool with insulated handles
  2. dielectric gloves
  3. rugs
  4. insulating stands


In accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations SO 153-34.03.603-2003

Switchgears with voltage up to 1000 V

According to local conditions

Voltage indicator

Insulating pliers

Dielectric gloves

Dielectric galoshes

Dielectric carpet or insulating pad

According to local conditions

Safety barriers, isolation pads, portable posters and safety signs

Protective shields or glasses

Portable grounding

According to local conditions

Switchgears with voltages above 1000 V

Insulating rod (operational or universal)

2 pcs. for each voltage class

Voltage indicator

Insulating pliers (in the absence of a universal rod)

1 piece for each voltage class (with appropriate fuses)

Dielectric gloves

At least 2 pairs

Dielectric boots (for outdoor switchgear)

Portable grounding

At least 2 for each voltage class

Protective fences (shields)

At least 2 pcs.

Safety posters and signs (portable)

According to local conditions

Insulating gas mask

Protective shields or glasses

Requirements for protective equipment

All electrical protective equipment and personal protective equipment in use must be numbered, with the exception of protective helmets, dielectric carpets, insulating stands, safety posters, protective fences, and rods for transferring and potential equalization. Serial numbers may be used.

In departments of enterprises and organizations it is necessary to keep logs of records and maintenance of protective equipment. Personal protective equipment issued for individual use must also be recorded in a journal.

Name Periodicity
examinations tests
Dielectric gloves before use Once every 6 months
Tool (for insulation) before use Once a year
Pointers (UNN) before use Once a year
Insulating pliers Once a year Once every 2 years

Protective equipment that has passed the test, the use of which depends on the voltage of the electrical installation, is stamped with the following form:

For protective equipment, the use of which does not depend on the voltage of the electrical installation (dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots, etc.), a stamp of the following form is placed.

The instructions contain a classification and list of protective equipment for work in electrical installations, requirements for testing, content and use.

The Instructions provide standards and methods for operational, acceptance and type testing of protective equipment, and provide the procedure and standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.

For managers, specialists and workers organizing and (or) performing work in electrical installations, as well as specialists involved in the development of protective equipment.

This edition of the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations” (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) has been amended and supplemented to take into account the process of introducing modern protective equipment, the changing requirements of standards for specific types of protective equipment, as well as the results of an analysis of the experience of their operation and tests.

The sections devoted to specific means of protection have been reworked, taking into account the updated range of products. In particular, significant changes have been made to the sections devoted to indicators and voltage alarms, and the standards for electrical testing of the working parts of indicators have been adjusted.

The section “Portable grounding” has been significantly revised. The requirements for portable grounding wires and the methodology for selecting their sections in operation have been clarified and brought closer to the requirements of European countries and brought into compliance with current Russian standards. A number of requirements for portable grounding rods have been clarified in connection with the trend of using methods for installing grounding connections in electrical distribution networks without lifting personnel onto the supports of overhead power lines.

The list of protective equipment includes kits for protection against electric arcs, the range of protective equipment for the face, eyes, and respiratory organs has been expanded, stationary voltage alarms, ladders and insulating fiberglass stepladders have been introduced. At the same time, a number of products that are not widely used (cable damage indicator, device for determining the voltage difference in transit) are excluded from the list.

The order of construction and presentation of the Instructions, if possible, has been preserved according to the 9th edition. "Rules for the application and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them", with the exception that all standards and terms of operational electrical tests are excluded from the main text and are given only in the appendices.

The list of annexes has been generally shortened, but has been supplemented with a list of regulatory documents and state standards used in the preparation of the Instructions.

With the release of this edition of the Instructions, the 9th edition of the “Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them” (Moscow: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1993) becomes invalid.

The instructions were developed by Electrical Engineering & Composites LLC (Electrocom Æ), SKTB VKT - a branch of Mosenergo OJSC with the active participation of specialists from the State Energy Supervision Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia. During the development, numerous comments and suggestions from users of the Instructions were taken into account.