Cornflower flowers application. Blue cornflower medicinal properties photo

For many, cornflower flowers have become a familiar decoration for eared fields, bouquet arrangements or embroidery, but only a few know about its medicinal properties. Bright blue flowers Since ancient times, they have inspired artists and poets, needle and linen craftsmen, and for herbalists the plant has always remained an invaluable cure for many diseases. Every self-respecting healer should have it. Why cornflowers are useful, what’s special about them, when and to whom they are recommended - we will talk about all this later in the article.

Chemical composition

Blue cornflowers(Centauréa cyánus) are herbaceous annuals or biennials from the Asteraceae family. They can be found in fields, vegetable gardens, and forest edges.

Found in the plant in large quantities glycosides (centaurein, anthocyanin, flavone), rutin, quercetin, tsicornin, vitamins C and A, essential oils, tannins, mucus, copper, zinc, selenium, mineral salts, saponins, cyanine, alkaloids, phenols, resins, organic acids. Thanks to glycosides, the plant has a weak toxic effect.

Why is it useful?

Official and folk medicine has recognized the medicinal properties of cornflower flowers, and their industrial use is also known. Many manufacturers prefer dry raw materials for the production of tobacco products and blue paint for painting.

Since ancient times, the plant has been indispensable for diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and genitourinary system. Herbalists also recommend decoctions, tinctures and teas from dried inflorescences as an antipyretic, diaphoretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antispasmodic agent.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that people who inhale the smoke of burnt cornflowers begin to feel fear.

Extracts and extracts from cornflowers can be found in a number of medicines from nephritis, cystitis, rheumatism, urethritis, polyarthritis, liver and biliary tract diseases, renal and cardiac edema. Large manufacturers of tea products add blue petals to their teas not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for health.
There are many recipes using cornflowers to treat eyes, eczema, ulcers, furunculosis, cough, whooping cough, uterine bleeding, diarrhea, stomach mucous membranes and calm the nervous system.

The healing effects of these simple flowers were also appreciated by cosmetologists. The plant has a tonic and regenerating effect on the skin. Many beauties admit that this is an indispensable remedy for eliminating tired looking, bags and puffiness under the eyes.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, only the marginal funnel-shaped flowers, which have received scientific name flores сentaureae cyani. When harvesting them, during flowering, the flower-bearing baskets are cut off, and the marginal flowers-petals are plucked out of them.
The collection of raw materials begins in June and lasts until autumn, while the plant blooms. You can recognize it by its large inflorescences of blue, violet, lilac-purple, and less often snow-white.

Important!Dry cornflowers can be stored for no more than 1 year.

After collection, the workpiece is laid out somewhere in the attic, away from dust and direct sun rays, onto cardboard or a piece of fabric for drying. Moreover, the procedure must be carried out quickly in a well-ventilated and dark room.

Once exposed to light, the flowers turn white and lose their healing properties. If there is no suitable place for drying, it is better to use an electrical appliance. In this case, the temperature timer is set to 40-50°C. The finished raw materials are collected in fabric bags with ties and stored in a dry and dark place.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional healers for treatment various ailments They use decoctions, lotions, teas, tinctures and even cornflower blue. Scientific medicine also recommends extracts, extracts, and essential oils from cornflowers, noting both their beneficial medicinal properties and contraindications. What and when to use so as not to harm yourself, we will look into the details below.

For a cold

For treatment colds and cough traditional healers It is advised to prepare a drink from 1 teaspoon of dry cornflowers and 250 grams of boiling water. After 2 hours, when the potion has infused well, you need to strain it and drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

For hypertension

For herbal medicine cardiovascular diseases Experienced herbalists prepare special mixtures, infusions of which are taken orally during an exacerbation. It is not difficult to prepare such a medicine: just collect cornflower flowers, grass and leaves, mistletoe leaves, valerian root, fruits and.
To collect all the ingredients you need to take 15 g. Then pour a tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. When the drink has cooled down, take it 3 times daily after meals. Single dose should not exceed 70 g of medicine.

For cystitis and inflammatory processes in the kidneys

At the first symptoms of inflammation of the ureters, kidney disease, Bladder and urethral herbalists recommend an infusion of herbal collection of bearberry leaves and cornflower flowers. Take 15 g of all ingredients and pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the potion and you can drink it. Recommended dose: 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Did you know? Field cornflower seeds are crawling. This occurs due to the white hairs of the small tuft, which is present on each grain.

Cornflowers are also effective in combination with root, bearberry foliage, and birch buds (15 g of raw materials are taken). Add 5 g to the collection horsetail, 10 g each of hernia and corn silk. Decoction prepared in a proportion of 1 liter cold water for 4 tablespoons of herbal mixture. The raw materials filled with liquid are left to stand overnight, and in the morning they are boiled for 5 minutes. The prepared liquid is divided into 5 parts, drink warm throughout the day.
Drinking five times a day helps a lot with urolithiasis herbal decoction, for the preparation of which you will need 15 g of blue cornflower flowers and strings, 10 g of leaves, stinging nettle, flowers, leaves of horsetail and 25 g of tricolor. 120 g of collection is poured into a liter ordinary water, and after 8 hours bring to a boil and keep on fire for no more than 5 minutes.

Did you know? Ancient Egyptian priests always said a spell before picking a cornflower flower. It mentioned the name of the patient and the expected result of the treatment.

For liver problems

Hepatic colic, formation of stones in the liver and gallbladder, inflammatory processes in these organs are treated by traditional medicine using alcohol tincture from cornflowers, which is equally effective for both men and women.

To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of the potion, pour one and a half glasses of vodka, and leave it in a dark kitchen cabinet. You can use the medicine after 10 days. For single dose 30 drops are enough. Traditional healers recommend taking it three times daily, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment must be agreed upon with the attending physician.
As an alternative, you can prepare a medicine from a herbal collection: 20 g of cornflowers, 30 g, 40 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of roots and. To prepare an infusion, 1 tablespoon of the collection is more than enough. Pour a liter of boiling water over it and immediately add 5 pieces of refined sugar and let it sit for an hour. Then filter and drink 200 g before meals. The resulting drink is divided into 4-5 doses.

Did you know? Many attribute to field cornflowers magical power. They say that if you carry a flower with you, you will definitely meet your love. Also the plant is mandatory attribute white sorcerers. With its help, they remove damage, drive away evil spirits and protect the biofield from demons.

For eye lotions

There is an opinion that cornflowers can restore health to the eyes. This is confirmed by numerous recipes folk medicine for conjunctivitis, lacrimation, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyeball.

Healing potion can be prepared different ways. Some healers advise brewing a tablespoon of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water, and after an hour, when it has infused, strain and make eye lotions. The procedures should be repeated up to 8 times a day. Some healers advise enhancing the effect by drinking 50 g of the prepared drug 3 times before meals. Others recommend making eye lotions with a tincture of 30 g of cornflowers and 1.5 liters of boiling water.
For conjunctivitis, a herbal mixture consisting of flowers taken one part at a time, medicinal chamomile, plantain leaves and a double dose of cornflower flowers is considered more effective. For the medicine you need 3 tablespoons of the mixture and a glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, carefully filter it, passing it through a ball of gauze and cotton wool, and drop 2-3 drops into the patient’s eyes. The procedure is carried out once a day.

To remove warts

Whenever various kinds skin diseases, including warts, use a herbal mixture of 15 g of string and flowers of blue cornflower, 10 g of nettle leaves, horsetail, walnut, speedwell, calendula flowers and 20 g of violet.

Pour 4 full tablespoons of the mixture into a jar and pour in 1.5 liters of cold water. Leave to infuse overnight, in the morning put on fire and boil for no more than 7 minutes. The drug is taken orally 200 g half an hour before meals. It is recommended to take 5 doses over 1.5 months.
You can also try to solve the problem with seeds. To do this you will need to take a large number of grains and grind them to form a powder. Then sprinkle it on the affected area of ​​the skin and cover it with a band-aid on top. The treatment must be repeated every day, results should be expected in 2 weeks.


To prepare a laxative tincture of cornflower flowers you will need only 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials and 1 glass of boiling water. When the potion has infused for 1.5-2 hours, it needs to be strained and can be taken orally 30 g before meals. The number of receptions varies depending on general condition and the expected result.

Important! Prepared tinctures from cornflower raw materials should be stored exclusively in a dark place, since when exposed to sunlight, the potion loses its healing properties. Moreover, as a result of a complex chain physico-chemical reactions becomes toxic.

Diuretic collection

If there is a need to relieve swelling caused by cardiac dysfunction or renal failure, prepare a diuretic infusion from a herbal collection: 15 g each of bearberry leaves, corn silk, birch buds, leaves, 10 g each of cornflower flowers and horsetail.
The mixture is poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid per 4 tablespoons, and left for 24 hours. Then bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. After everything, filter and drink 100 g warm 4 times a day. Receptions of the drug should be organized an hour after meals.

Application in home cosmetology

What beauties of different times and nations have not come up with to preserve and emphasize their true beauty. But only the most effective means, which did not make you wait long for results. Today's fans of home beauty treatments list cosmetic products containing the flowers of the common cornflower as affordable and effective.

Did you know? Cornflower is one of the 20 flowers of the national Ukrainian wreath, symbolizing the combination of youth, beauty, modesty and simplicity.

To strengthen hair

The chemical composition of the plant has beneficial influence on the hair, so if your hair is worn out by regular dyeing, you need to invigorate it with a specially prepared tincture. To do this, you will need to mix 250 g of water and 9 percent table vinegar, then pour the resulting liquid over a tablespoon of dry petals.
After half an hour, when the drug has infused, you can begin to heal your hair. For this purpose, it is recommended to rub the infusion into the roots twice a day. In the evening, lightly rinse your hair with plain water without using shampoo. You can wash your braid once a week or whenever it gets dirty.

For skin

Indispensable cornflowers for ladies who suffer from darkened, puffy circles under the eyes. If they are not caused by kidney dysfunction, lotions and washes made from a decoction of the petals will help. Otherwise, you will need to eliminate the original problem with the above remedies for kidney diseases.

Important! Long-term therapy Using cornflower products promotes the accumulation of cyanide compounds in the body, which are known for their toxic effects. Therefore, before starting therapy, you need to mandatory Consult with your doctor about the advisability of using and the amount of folk medicine.

To restore freshness to the skin around the eyes, every evening you need to make a lotion from 1 tablespoon of dry petals steamed in a glass of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled, soak a cotton swab in it and place it under your eyelids for 15 minutes.
It is recommended to wipe the face, neck and hands with the same product. As a result of regular procedures, you will get healthy, fresh skin without redness and pimples. Some ladies improve the effect with contrasting compresses. Half of the liquid is placed in the refrigerator and alternated when processing the epidermis. In such cases, the last one should be a cold sponge.

For acne

Blue cornflower will also help problem skin. In order to get rid of unpleasant acne, it is enough to wipe problem areas three times a day with an infusion of 200 ml of boiling water and 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials. The prepared drug should be stored in a closed jar away from light.


Treatment with these delicate flowers, which Lately increasingly found in garden compositions, not shown to everyone.
Cornflower medicine is strictly prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • women suffering uterine bleeding and long, painful menstruation.

Official medicine warns about cases of incorrect self-diagnosis and therapy, which as a result did not give the expected result, but, on the contrary, worsened the condition of patients. Therefore, before you start preparing the healing potion we described, consult with qualified specialists.

Remember that cornflowers only at first glance seem like a harmless, simple weed. In fact, as we have already mentioned, it contains toxic substances, which tend to accumulate in the body. Do not test your endurance with illiterate therapy; the doctor’s opinion should play a key role.

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37 once already

In European medicine, the medicinal properties of cornflower have been known for a long time. Herbalist Hildegard of Wingen, who lived in the 11th century, in her works on herbal medicine mentions cornflower flowers as a remedy for eye diseases.

The Latin name was given by C. Linnaeus in honor of the centaurs - creatures with the body of a horse and the head of a man. From ancient myths it is known that one of the centaurs, Chiron, healed people with the help of cornflower.

Cornflower blue


Cornflower blue(Centaurea cyanus L.) - annual, less often biennial, herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family with a thin, spindle-shaped, branched rod root, height 30-100 cm.

Stem erect, in the middle and upper parts branched, up to 80 cm tall.

Leaves alternate, gray-green; basal - trifoliate or pinnately cut, less often whole, withering by the time of flowering; stem - linear-lanceolate, coarsely toothed; the uppermost ones are narrowly linear, pointed, sessile, entire, occasionally finely toothed.

The baskets are heterogamous, multi-flowered, collected in a paniculate or almost corymbose inflorescence. The limb of the corolla of the marginal flowers is obliquely tubular-funnel-shaped, up to 1/3-1/2 separate, its lobes are oblong-ovate, lanceolate-ovate or lanceolate, obtuse, sharp, less often pointed, of unequal length. The involucre leaflets at the apex have membranous, non-spiny, very long descending leaflets in the form of a border, with fringed or irregularly toothed appendages along the edge.

Regional flowers in baskets they are funnel-shaped, blue, blue or azure, less often white, asexual, that is, they do not form seeds.

The middle flowers are violet-lilac, lilac-pink or violet-carmine, tubular; marginal blue, light blue, rarely white (albinos). Five-toothed, up to 1 cm long.

Cornflower stigma the hairs are bipartite up to the collar. Achenes are 4-5 (5.5) mm long, slightly hairy, usually with a beard of hairs along the edge of a concave hilum, smooth; crest - (3) 3.5-8 mm in length, double inner one slightly or 2-3 times shorter than the outer one, consisting of narrower setae.

Fetus- gray or yellowish-gray, slightly pubescent achene with a multirow pappus. Blooms from June to late autumn; the fruits ripen in August-October. Reproduces only by seeds.

Blue cornflower Centaurea cyanus L.


Cornflower blue Found throughout Europe as a weed.

In Russia it grows in the European part, less often in Western Siberia, as an alien - in the Caucasus and Far East.

Habitats. It grows in fields as a weed of spring and winter crops. It is also found in weedy places, the edges of fields and roads, in young fallow lands (abandoned fields), near forest belts.

Growing conditions.

Growing cornflower is very easy. This unpretentious, long-flowering plant is best sown in well-lit areas in early spring.

Grows well in poor, sandy soils.


It is propagated by seeds; freshly collected seeds have low germination rate. Therefore, it is better to sow them after storing them in a dry place for a year. Both winter and spring sowing are effective.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between rows is 20-30 cm. Shoots appear in 5-7 days.
The seeds are collected as the inflorescences fade, cleaned and sown on next year. It is better to store cornflower seeds for no more than 2 years, if more long-term storage they lose their viability.

Advice. It is best to place the plant in a mixed border or on a border along the path. Dwarf forms are suitable for this purpose. But for medicinal purposes, you should not plant forms with white flowers. Their medicinal effect will be half-hearted due to the lack of anthocyanins.



Care consists only of weeding and loosening. It doesn't even need feeding.

Chemical composition

Only the bright edges of cornflower have healing properties. blue flowers, which contain anthocyanins, coumarins, polyacetylenides, glycosides, alkaloids.

Active ingredients

The marginal flowers of cornflower contain anthocyanins and coumarins. The most common anthocyanins are centaurine and the coloring matter cyanine, and the coumarins are cichoriin. In addition, triterpenoids, sterols, polyacetylene compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids (chlorogenic and caffeic) and their derivatives, tannins were discovered.

Medicinal raw materials

Fully blossomed flowers are harvested. For this purpose, the marginal funnel-shaped blue flowers are plucked out of them, being careful not to capture the inner tubular ones. The fewer of the latter there are, the better the quality of the raw materials.
The collected raw materials are sorted, the receptacle, internal tubular and faded marginal flowers are removed and immediately dried in a warm, shaded room (in the light, the flowers quickly fade and the raw materials are of poor quality).

It is recommended to dry the raw material by spreading it in a thin, loose layer on clean paper (if these conditions are met, the flowers retain their bright azure color) or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40-50 °C.

The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.
Cornflower photo



In medicine, cornflower is used for kidney diseases and urinary tract, How choleretic agent. IN folk medicine Cornflower decoction is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

The anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties of cornflower flowers are used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, increased fatigue visual apparatus. The bitterness present in the plant improves digestive functions.

Application in official and folk medicine

IN scientific medicine infusion of flowers is used in complex therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. They are included in diuretic preparations used for urolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, and urethritis. In Indian medicine, cornflower is used as a central tonic. nervous system means.
In a mixture with other plants, cornflower is used for prostate adenoma and prostatitis. It is used in the form of lotions for inflammatory eye diseases - blepharitis, conjunctivitis, as well as for redness from overwork. Those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor should pay attention to this plant.

Use at home


As a diuretic for edema of cardiac origin, they are used in the form of an infusion. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried flowers into two glasses of boiling water, leave without boiling for 20 minutes, cool, and filter. Take ]/4 cups 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.
Flowers are part of diuretic preparations.
In folk medicine, a decoction of blue cornflower is recommended for washing the eyes and as a lotion for increased fatigue, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids) and blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids). In this case, prepare a more concentrated infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried crushed blue cornflower flowers pour into 0.5 l boiled water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 0.5-1 hour, filter and use for lotions.
Blue cornflower flowers enhance bile secretion; an infusion of them is taken for nephritis, nephrosonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis. Preparation: 15-20 g of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 2 hours. Take 1/4 cup orally 3-4 times a day.
Bulgarian herbalist P. Dimkov recommends the following recipe for strengthening vision. For myopia of more than 2 diopters, take 200 g of aloe leaves (any type), remove the thorns, chop the leaves, add 50 g of eyebright grass and blue cornflower petals and 600 g of honey, pour in 0.6 liters of red wine; Heat in a water bath for 1 hour, when it cools down, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Cornflower is a medicinal plant that helps against many ailments. We will talk about its properties, the main directions of its use, and contraindications.

The content of the article:

Nature has given us a lot of beauty that can not only feast the eye, but also take our breath away. The animal world attracts with its beauty and diversity, and the plant world never leaves anyone indifferent. Most people are forced to hold their breath at the sight of its uniqueness and powerful beauty.

Our planet is rich in so many plants that it is simply impossible to remember them all. beauty flora, these are, first of all, a variety of flowers that can amaze not only with their beauty, but also beneficial properties. One of such sophisticated, delicate, useful flowers is cornflower.

Blue cornflower (“voloshka”, “blueberry”, “rye patchwork”, “blue”) is a weedy meadow flower, a bright representative of the Asteraceae family, with a delicate aroma and beneficial medicinal properties. Known to a large number of people as a magical plant from various fairy tales and ancient legends. Today, many people know about it as a meadow weed, which few people grow on purpose. But if we talk about the purposeful cultivation of hair, then first of all it is used for the manufacture of medicines and decorative decorations for holidays.

Medicinal properties of cornflower

With the help of cornflowers you can get rid of a huge number of ailments. Thanks to him unique composition, cornflower can rightfully be called a medicinal plant.

The composition of field cornflower includes:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins, in particular vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts;
  • alkaloids;
  • coloring matter;
  • essential and fatty oil.
Thanks to this composition and healing properties, cornflower is widely used in folk medicine. Folk remedies from cyanosis have found application in the fight against various ailments and even serious diseases such as:
  • eye diseases;
  • antiviral and anti-influenza agent;
  • analgesic and wound healing;
  • antispasmodic painful sensations- removes harsh and severe cramps, during menstruation in women;
  • antioxidant and antimicrobial;
  • diuretic and pathogenic effect- removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • choleretic effect.
Volosa flowers are part of herbal gastric charges, increase appetite, significantly improve digestion and are an indispensable tool for intestinal diseases and stomach disorders. As a result of the clinical trials It has been proven that cornflower flowers can be used for diseases of the biliary tract and liver. They are a soothing and healing agent for increased eye fatigue, conjunctivitis and other eye problems.

Application and benefits of cornflower

If you want to get the most out of medicinal plant, necessary:
  • Collect flowers at a clearly established time of year (for cornflower this is the end of July - beginning of August).
  • First, carefully cut off the entire flower baskets, and only then pull out the edge flowers from them.
  • Place the cut hairs on clean paper, at least 2 centimeters thick.
  • The plant must be dried in a well-ventilated and dark room.
  • Protect cornflowers from direct sunlight. Because of which they lose not only their blue color, but also more than 50% healing properties.
  • Stir the plant periodically so that it dries well on all sides.
  • When the cornflowers are dry, they must be placed in a glass and dry container, or in fabric bags.
Dried cornflowers modern medicine have found a wide range of applications. Very often they are used to calm a cough, dull menstrual pain, have a positive effect on the body so that it quickly overcomes a cold or GRVI. Food poisoning, skin disease, blindness, gout, colic, fever or jaundice - this is all within the power of such a small and delicate plant. Using a hairbrush, you can relieve headaches and severe toothaches, as well as perform general blood cleansing.

Traditional medicine and the result of some clinical studies have long identified ailments and health problems where cornflower becomes an indispensable remedy.

When and how can you use medicinal cornflower?

As a diuretic, antibacterial or choleretic agent. Flower infusions, one of its most common uses: 1 tbsp. l. The hairs of flowers are placed in a glass or enamel vessel and 250 ml is poured. boiling water, cover tightly with a lid, and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered, the raw materials are squeezed out, and boiling water that has been prepared in advance and has already cooled is added so that the decoction is again 250 ml. You need to drink the decoction warm, 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., 15–20 minutes before meals. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Inflammatory diseases bladder, prostatitis and urethritis. To prevent these diseases, you need to prepare a tincture of cornflowers in the following proportions: pour 1 glass of boiling water into 2 tsp. hair flowers, it should brew for an hour. Take the strained decoction 3 times a day, 1–2 tbsp. l.

Urinary retention, kidney problems and bladder. If you encounter such problems, you don’t need to be upset or despair right away. You need to prepare the following collection:

  • 10 g hernia herb, corn silk and voles field flowers;
  • 15 g each of bearberry leaves, elderberry root and birch buds;
  • 5 g horsetail herb.
Mix all the herbs well and pour cold water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a glass of water, leave everything for 8–10 hours, then you need to boil the future decoction for 5 minutes. The herbs need to be infused for an hour, then they are drunk per day (1 liter in 5 doses, 200 ml at a time).

Cornflower is also used if you are worried

  • Toxicoses, a frequent occurrence during pregnancy. An infusion of hair flowers is used for toxicosis, but only in the second half of pregnancy, in the first half it is strictly prohibited. Cornflowers - can dull nausea, vomiting reflex and eliminate frequent headache. In addition, during lactation, in order to produce more milk, experts advise drinking cornflower tea.
  • Poisoning and heaviness in the stomach. To speed up the recovery process after poisoning, you need to drink cornflower tea several times a day; its ability to quickly remove toxins from the body will greatly speed up your recovery.
  • Diabetes. People who are faced with this disease quite often start taking Butamide. "Butamide" is a drug for lowering blood sugar levels and reducing its excretion from the body along with urine, even despite the large amount side effects that they are called. We must not forget about nature, because blue cornflower preparations have a much more pronounced hypoglycemic effect than Butamide, and there are significantly fewer side effects. Just remember that all medications must be prescribed by your doctor.
  • External use of cornflowers: neurodermatitis, exudative diathesis, allergic dermatosis, rashes, boils and terrible blisters.
  • Eye diseases. Irritation, conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyes and non-healing wounds, all this can be easily eliminated with the help of cornflowers. 30 grams of blueberry, you need to pour 250 grams of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and make lotions.
  • Baldness problem 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the blues, and immediately after 2-3 minutes of infusion, rub the hot water into the scalp.
  • The problem of hypertension. Herbal collection: take cornflower flowers, valerian root, yarrow herb, berries chokeberry, snow-white mistletoe leaves, horsetail grass and hawthorn fruit - 15 g each in total. Then at 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture, 200 ml. hot boiling water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the purchased product must be filtered. 70 mg each. every time after eating of this product, and you will forget about hypertension forever.
You can also make excellent tonics and lotions for the face from cornflowers, which will primarily remove oily shine and cleanse problematic skin from acne and blackheads.

Harm and contraindications of cornflower

As with almost all medicinal plants, first of all you need to pay attention to the possibility individual intolerance of this medicinal flower. It is impossible not to mention the fact that cornflowers are mildly poisonous plants, and active compounds with cyanide components make them potentially dangerous to the human body.

But besides the fact that this plant is toxic, it does more good than harm. The main thing is to take cornflowers strictly as prescribed by your doctor and do not increase the dose yourself.

Contraindications to the use of cyanosis:

  • women with diseases of the reproductive system and a predisposition to uterine bleeding;
  • pregnant women in the 1st trimester and breastfeeding;
  • too long a course of taking this plant;
  • significant and independent excess of the dosage, which can provoke poisoning.
You cannot be indifferent to yourself and your health. Do not believe in advertised drugs and chemicals that pharmacies offer you. Look around you, because what nature has given us is the most useful and harmless to the body. Medicinal plants are a salvation from all diseases, you just need to know how and in what quantity to take them. A bright representative natural and effective natural remedies is precisely the blue cornflower.

About the medicinal properties of blue cornflower, watch this video:

Pharmacotherapeuticgroup. Diuretic.

Description of the plant




Rice. 8.21. Blue cornflower - Centaurea cyanus L.

Blue cornflower flowers-flores centaureae cyani
- centaurea cyanus l.
Sem. Compositae– asteraceae (compositae)
Other names: field cornflower, blavat, voloshka, blueflower, cyanosis

One- or biennial herbaceous plant with a thin tap root and a branched thin stem 30-80 cm high (Fig. 8.21).
Leaves alternate, lower ones - petiolate, trifoliate or pinnately lobed, upper ones - linear-lanceolate, coarsely toothed or entire-edged, sessile. Like the stem, the leaves are slightly cobweb-like and gray-green in color.
Flower baskets single, large, on long peduncles located at the ends of the stems, with a wrapper of imbricated membranous leaves.
Marginal flowers blue, funnel-shaped, asexual, irregularly five-toothed; median- violet, tubular, bisexual. There are 2 times more middle flowers than marginal flowers.
Fetus- oblong achene gray with a short, easily breaking off tuft.
Blooms in June – July, fruits ripen in August.
The plant easily tolerates autumn frosts.

Composition of blue cornflower




Main active ingredients cornflower flowers are

  • anthocyanins: cyanin – cyanidin diglucoside, pelargonidin glycosides,
  • as well as flavonoids, represented by derivatives of apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol.

In addition, there are

  • coumarins (cycornine),
  • tannins,
  • a little essential oil
  • bitter glycosides.

Properties and uses of cornflower




Pharmacological properties of cornflower

Cornflower flowers as an infusion

  • increase diuresis,
  • have a choleretic effect,
  • have antimicrobial properties,
  • have an antispasmodic effect.

At clinical studies on the sick With urolithiasis It was discovered that infusions of cornflower flowers

  • increase diuresis,
  • reduce the concentration of substances involved in stone formation in the blood (calcium, inorganic phosphorus, uric acid),
  • increase phosphorus clearance in urine,
  • reduce uricemia levels and uric acid in urine.

Use of cornflower

Cornflower flowers are used

  • for edema in patients with heart disease as a diuretic;
  • as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases
    • kidney,
    • urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis),
    • prostate gland;
  • in patients with disorders salt metabolism(urolithiasis, cholelithiasis) as a means diuretic and regulating salt metabolism.

Bitters found in the plant improve digestive functions.

Choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties cornflower flowers are used for

  • cholecystitis,
  • cholangitis,
  • biliary dyskinesias,
  • hepatitis.





Spreading. A field weed, widespread throughout the European part of the country, except for the Far North and arid southern regions. In Western Siberia it is found only in the southern regions. There are winter and spring forms.

Habitat. In crops of rye, wheat and other grain crops, sometimes found in fallow lands, young fallow lands, and waste areas.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




Preparation. For medical purposes, only marginal and partially central tubular flowers without baskets are used. The raw materials are collected immediately after the flowers bloom in the basket. When harvested later, the flowers turn white. The quality of raw materials depends not only on the time of collection, but also on drying methods. When harvesting, the cornflower baskets are picked or cut off and the outer flowers are plucked out. The receptacle and involucre are discarded.

Drying. In rooms with good ventilation, arranging flowers thin layer(1-2 cm) on paper. It is better to dry quickly in artificial dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. The yield of dry raw materials is 20%.

Standardization. GF XI, issue. 2, Art. 6.

Storage. In a dry, well-ventilated area, protected from light. Shelf life: 2 years.

External signs of raw materials




Blue cornflower - Centaurea cyanus L

Blue cornflower flowers

Mixture marginal and middle flowers.
Marginal flowers asexual, irregular, with a funnel-shaped corolla up to 2 cm long, with 5-8 deeply incised lanceolate limb lobes and a tubular base up to 6 mm long.
Median- bisexual, with a tubular 5-toothed corolla about 1 cm long, sharply narrowed from the middle to the base.
Stamens 5, with loose woolly filaments and fused anthers.
Pestle with lower ovary.
Color marginal flowers blue, colorless at the base; middle ones - blue-violet.
Smell weak. Taste slightly spicy.

Cornflower (Centaurea) is a weedy field plant of the Asteraceae family, Asteraceae. Leaves are lanceolate, linear, pubescent with felt, different types from 15 to 100 cm. The stem is straight, ribbed and rough. The flowers have a color from blue to lilac and purple, in the form of single flower baskets, covered on the outside with ovoid involucres with brownish filmy fringed edges. Tap root. The fruits have a thin reddish tuft.

Cornflower - types and places of growth

Meadow cornflower, which is a perennial weed, is most often found along roadsides and forest edges. One-year or two-year Blue Cornflower, in addition to roadsides, grows in fields and vegetable gardens among cereal crops. Cornflowers grow in Europe, the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Crimea and the Far East (except for the regions of the far north and the southernmost regions).

Cornflower - medicinal properties

This plant can rightfully be called medicinal, quite big list ailments are cured with the help of cornflowers. Preparations made from it have many healing properties, including diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic and antimicrobial. With its help, you can relax, heal and anesthetize wounds, relieve spasms of smooth muscles and improve digestive processes. Cornflowers stimulate appetite and improve digestion, and a laxative is prepared from their roots. A large area of ​​application of this medicinal plant is associated with eye diseases- These are eye lotions, a cure for blindness. Jaundice, gout, fever, colic, worms - this is another list of diseases for which cornflower can be useful.

Cornflower - dosage forms

Dried marginal flowers and leaves of cornflower are used to make infusions. Grass collection should be carried out in the following way: collect baskets of flowers, pluck out the edge flowers with your hands and ventilate in a dark place. Properly collected blue cornflower flowers will be blue in color, they taste bitter and have a bitter smell. When drying flowers it is not allowed sunlight because it destroys medicinal properties. Dry the grass and roots separately.

Cornflower - recipes

IN medicinal purposes This folk remedy used internally in the form of infusions of herbs, roots or flowers and in the composition herbal infusions, also lotions and lotions.

1. To prepare a laxative from cornflowers, pour 2 teaspoons of the roots of the plant with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon shortly (15-20 minutes) before meals.

2. Infusion to strengthen hair: add 1 tablespoon of flowers to 500 ml of a mixture of vinegar and boiling water and leave for half an hour in a dark place. Rinse your hair twice a day.

3. For lotions against conjunctivitis, use a strained and cooled solution – 2 tbsp – 6-8 times a day. spoons of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water.

Cornflower - contraindications

There is evidence that the plant contains cyanide components, so before using it you should consult a doctor. Be careful!

This is interesting

Cornflower is one of the few “intelligent” flowers that communicates with insects. The collected pollen from the tube is stored in the tube petal until the insect touches the flower. The insect, by its touch, sets in motion a natural mechanism: the shrunken tube slides down and a lump of pollen is pushed out under the insect's abdomen. 5-6 servings are stored until the next push.

Myths and legends

Cornflower received its Latin name from Carl Linnaeus, who, when choosing a name for this plant, was based on an ancient Greek myth. The history of the flower is closely connected with the healing of the centaur Chiron from the poison received from the bite of the Lernaean Hydra, therefore feminine Latin name flower centaureus means "pertaining to the centaurs."
Another possible origin of the name is from the words “stab” and “bull”, that is, “stabbing a bull”.