Traditional recipes for bronchitis. How is acute bronchitis treated in adults using folk remedies - the secrets of healers

Added: 2015-09-07

4 years ago

Bronchitis – inflammatory disease bronchi, characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and bronchial tree. Often the disease is accompanied by a malfunction of the upper respiratory tract - larynx, nasal mucosa, trachea, nasopharynx. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Active phase acute bronchitis lasts from several days to several weeks. The symptoms of the acute form of the disease are similar to acute respiratory infections. The main problem of the chronic form of bronchitis is a constant, persistent cough. The cause of this type of disease is damage to the respiratory tract and smoking. long time.

Many people have heard that all diseases are associated with disruption of the digestive system and contamination of the gastrointestinal tract. However, not many people know that chronic bronchitis is also partly related to this.

According to statistics, bronchitis most often affects people in adulthood, after about 50 years of age. Men suffer from bronchitis 2-3 times more often than women. You need to know that chronic bronchitis can lead to fatal outcome. This is due to the fact that there is a strong expansion of air spaces and pulmonary heart failure quickly develops.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis also causes inflammation and affects the bronchi. In this case, the processes of ventilation of the lungs are disrupted. Main symptom chronic bronchitis - continuous cough with sputum, shortness of breath.

Main symptoms of bronchitis

Symptoms indicate problems that have arisen. You need to be very attentive to your health and promptly identify the first signs of disorders in the body. This will help you quickly deal with the problem, avoiding serious consequences. Bronchitis can occur in different forms and in some cases call serious complications. In addition, this disease occurs in people of any age. There are 3 types of this disease in children:

  • Simple acute bronchitis;
  • Acute obstructive;
  • Acute bronchiolitis (occurs in newborns and infants, and small bronchi are affected).

In adults there are 2 forms of the disease - acute and chronic.

Symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis:

  • Severe cough (at first dry, and then with sputum);
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Weakness;
  • Pain in the chest area.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease. Almost every person has encountered this disease at least once in their life. The symptoms of bronchitis are well known and quickly recognized. If you have a runny nose, a severe headache, a fever and a cough, these are sure signs of illness. Symptoms of bronchitis are similar to those of colds and flu, so they can be easily confused.

To quickly get rid of the disease, you need to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a qualified doctor can do this. He conducts an examination, collects information on the patient’s complaints and draws up an overall picture. The main difference between bronchitis is a strong cough, sometimes with wheezing. Chronic bronchitis can occur in people who work in hazardous environments or smoke for a long time. But in most cases, the disease is associated with infection in the body.

The acute form of the disease can last from several days to several weeks. In this case, the patient complains of a dry cough, runny nose, headache, and elevated body temperature. Coughing with sputum in children may be accompanied by yellow-gray or greenish discharge, which indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If the discharge white, then there is no infection. Wet cough much more beneficial for the body than dry, since this way the accumulated mucus is released. A cough with wheezing means that mucus has formed in the respiratory tract. With proper treatment, acute bronchitis goes away after 10 days.

If you do not start treatment and the disease progresses, then acute form may become chronic. In this case, the cough will linger for several months and coping with the disease will be much more difficult. In some cases, coughing up blood occurs. It is imperative to ensure that phlegm comes out when you cough. In newborns, bronchitis first manifests itself in the form of a dry, debilitating cough without sputum. Shortness of breath also becomes noticeable, the temperature rises, and wheezing appears.

IN neglected form bronchitis can turn purulent. This form of the disease occurs against a background of reduced immunity. Symptoms of purulent bronchitis: weakness, cough with discharge of pus and sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath, high fever, headache, heavy sweating.

In addition, allergic tracheal bronchitis occurs. With this type of bronchitis, the main symptoms include rapid breathing, a burning sensation in the area chest, state of weakness, lack of appetite. Due to a strong cough, pain occurs in the nasopharynx and the voice disappears. In this case, a cough can accompany the patient from several months to several years. If you have any symptoms of bronchitis, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Especially if the cough is accompanied by discharge in the form of blood or pus.

What causes bronchitis?

The main factors causing bronchitis:

  • Infections: fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Physical impact: too hot, cold or dry air;
  • Chemical exposure: vapors of alkalis, acids.
  • Bronchitis is provoked by bad habits and other external and internal factors that reduce the body’s protective functions, namely:
  • Passive and active smoking;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Frequent colds, ARVI;
  • Unfavorable climate;
  • Pathologies of the nasopharynx: pharyngitis, sinusitis, polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • Congestive processes in the lungs (with heart failure);
  • Heredity (congenital alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency);
  • Difficult working conditions, hazardous production (dampness, frequent hypothermia, prolonged stay in a room with polluted air).

Bronchitis appears very quickly in conditions where there is regular damage to the bronchi and mucous membranes by small particles floating in the air. Another common reason is unsuitable climate. Many people leave cities with constant dampness and humidity, and only after that they stop getting sick.

When some particles, dust, or acrid smoke constantly enter the bronchi, the body turns on a defense mode, which is expressed by the production of sputum. Coughing is our body's way of clearing foreign substances from our respiratory tract.

Most often suffer from chronic bronchitis heavy smokers. People working in bakeries, chemical and wool industries are also at risk.

How do infections affect the development of bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis develops faster in the presence of microbes and foci of infection. Bronchitis can greatly aggravate chronic tonsillitis, and also poor circulation. If a person has already suffered from acute bronchitis more than once, then the risk of acquiring chronic form disease increases significantly. Infections complicate the development of the disease and increase the amount of mucus produced.

Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis often occurs due to the ingestion of streptococci, staphylococci, viral infection, as well as pneumococci.

Bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies

  • A very effective folk remedy for bronchitis is inhalation. They can be made with essential oils, such as eucalyptus and lemon essential oils. You can also use the old method - boil the potatoes and breathe steam over the pan. This method must be used very carefully so as not to cause burns to the mucous membranes and not to aggravate the disease.
  • At chronic bronchitis It is useful to use herbal preparations. The combination of the following herbs helps very well: coltsfoot, thyme, linden, plantain, oregano, licorice. To prepare a decoction, mix all the herbs, take 1 tablespoon, pour 500 g of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. The product is taken 3 times a day, a third of a glass. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.
  • For bronchitis, it is recommended to use a mixture of honey and onions in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is passed through a meat grinder and taken 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon for 10-14 days. If you don't like onions, replace it with garlic. Many patients experience relief after using this remedy. This recipe is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Another way to get rid of bronchitis is kumiss. During illness, you should drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

If you are diagnosed with bronchitis, treatment with folk remedies will help cope with the disease. Use proven methods:

  • Make juice from onions and take it as an expectorant. Also helps a lot onion broth with added sugar. Wash the onion in the peel, cover with water, add about 100 g of sugar, simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes, and then drink the resulting decoction a day.
  • The patient should receive plenty of hot drinks and sweat profusely. To do this, you can make a decoction of diaphoretic herbs: raspberries, sage, red clover, elecampane, elderberry, plantain, ginger root with lemon, violet, elderberry, mint, linden color.
  • Do inhalations over a decoction of potatoes, with the addition of 2 drops of fir oil.
  • Pour a glass of milk into an enamel bowl, add 1 tablespoon of dry sage herb, cover tightly with a lid, bring to a boil over low heat, cool and strain. Next, bring to a boil again, covering with a lid. Drink the finished product hot before bed.
  • Boil unpeeled potatoes, mash them with a fork, add 2-3 drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Stir all the ingredients, put it on a cloth and make a compress on the chest. On top you need to wrap yourself in a warm scarf or scarf. It is advisable to do this procedure at night. When the compress has cooled, it can be removed.
  • When coughing, use birch sap in combination with burnt sugar.
  • Prepare this remedy: remove the core of the radish, cover it with honey or sugar, and put it in a cool place overnight. The radish will give juice, which you need to take 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • Take freshly squeezed turnip juice 5-6 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
  • For acute and chronic bronchitis, grind the root of marshmallow, pour 200 g of cold water into it, and leave for 8-10 hours.
  • Take 2 parts licorice root and 1 part linden blossom. Make a decoction of the herb and use it for dry cough or excessively thick sputum.
  • Prepare an expectorant: take 5 teaspoons of ground wheatgrass root, 3 teaspoons of mint, pour 3 glasses of water over the herbs, put on fire and bring to a boil. Next, remove from heat, cover and leave until cool. Strain the product and take a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • It is useful to consume fresh fruit as an expectorant. cabbage juice with sugar. You can take it several times a day, 1 teaspoon. For respiratory diseases, a decoction of white cabbage with honey.
  • Put milk (about 250 g) on ​​low heat, add fresh figs and simmer a little. Next, eat the fruit and drink the milk hot.
  • For coughs, bronchitis, colds, and headaches, the following recipe helps well. Take 1 tablespoon of linden flowers, pour 250 g of boiling water over them, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Next, strain, add 200 g of boiled water and take half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of bronchitis with honey

  • Take 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, mix with a few tablespoons of natural honey, and take the resulting product 4-5 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Prepare a drink from hot milk with a pinch of soda and honey.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of viburnum berries and chop them thoroughly. Next, heat 2 cups of honey in a water bath, stirring it constantly with a wooden spatula. When the honey becomes quite hot, pour it over the viburnum, cover the container with a lid, wrap it in a warm scarf and leave for 5-6 hours. The mixture can be taken 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Grate fresh apples and mix them with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Use 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • At severe cough make a compress of honey and flour. Take 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, the same amount of vodka, honey and sunflower oil. Mix all the ingredients well to form a kind of dough. Place the dough on a piece of gauze folded several times and apply it to the place where you feel pain or wheezing. Place cling film on top and wrap with a warm scarf. Keep the compress for up to 40 minutes. This procedure is best done at night.

Effective folk recipes for bronchitis

Recipe 1– vegetable oil for bronchitis. Take a quarter glass of unrefined vegetable oil and boil it in a water bath. Next, take a large towel, soak it in warm (not hot) oil and wrap it around the patient. The towel can be secured with cling film and additionally wrapped in a warm blanket. This oil bath is suitable for both adults and children.

Recipe 2– butter for illness. So, take 1 teaspoon butter, 2 teaspoons of natural honey, put the ingredients in an enamel container and place on the stove. Mix the product until a homogeneous mass is formed. Let it cool and spread the mixture overnight without rubbing it into the body. You can wrap the top with cling film. Do this procedure for a week and you will definitely feel relief.

Recipe 3– carrots and sunflower seeds for bronchitis. We take carrot and sunflower seeds, put them in a bottle, fill them with water and alcohol in equal proportions. The product must be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon between meals. The tincture should not be washed down or eaten with anything. After a few days you will feel much better.

Recipe 4suet from bronchitis. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: lard, buckwheat honey, unsalted butter, sugar. Take 500 g of all components and mix, after melting and straining the lard through cheesecloth. Next, boil the product on the stove for 5 minutes. Then add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and put on the stove for another 7 minutes (pour in the honey at the end so that it does not lose its beneficial substances). The medicine is ready. It should be consumed only in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon, washed down with milk.

Recipe 5– wax and honey. Take 250 g of flower honey, 250 g of crushed wax, 250 g of sunflower oil, 250 g pine resin. Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan and put on the fire, stirring thoroughly, but without bringing the mixture to a boil. At the end you will get 1 liter of mixture. Put it in the refrigerator.

This remedy can be given even to children. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals with half a glass of hot milk. You will forget about bronchitis before the jar runs out.

Recipe 6– inhalation with sea salt. Inhalations help well with bronchitis. Sea salt should be poured into a small saucepan or frying pan and heated. Add a collection of crushed herbs to the hot salt: wild strawberry leaves, wild mallow flowers, coltsfoot, black elderberry flowers, thyme herb. You can also add pine buds. Inhalation is carried out in the usual way: we bend over the pan. We cover ourselves with a towel and breathe in the vapors. You should only take sea salt, since it contains a large amount of useful substances. After the procedure, the cough will decrease, the bronchi will dilate, and sputum will be released better. It is enough to take several such inhalations and bronchitis will go away.

Recipe 7– needles and pine buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water into one glass pine buds, then steam the mixture for 30 minutes and leave for 15 minutes. The finished product has a disinfectant and expectorant effect. Take the product 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can make inhalations based on pine buds. They help make breathing much easier. In addition, pine needles make excellent vitamin drink. To prepare it, you need to pour 4 cups of winter pine needles with 1 liter of cold water, and add 2 teaspoons hydrochloric acid 5%. The infusion should be placed in a dark place for 3 days, and then take half a glass of the finished product.

Features of nutrition for bronchitis

For chronic bronchitis it is useful to do physical therapy, including breathing exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the muscles in the bronchi.

In case of bronchitis, nutrition plays an important role. Since the body experiences severe stress, he needs good nutrition. The patient is recommended to eat 4 to 6 times a day. The diet should contain a lot of protein products, the proportion of fats and carbohydrates remains normal.

It is very important to ensure that during illness, a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C, and E is supplied with food. In addition, for bronchitis, plenty of hot drinks are prescribed. The most useful are decoctions of linden flowers, tea with honey or raspberry jam, natural vegetable and fruit juices and clean water.

If you have bronchitis, it is good to eat a lot of onions. It acts as an antimicrobial, antiviral and expectorant, effectively liquefying mucus. Onions can be added to vegetable salads, first and second courses.

For chronic bronchitis, a remedy made from chicory with honey is excellent. To prepare it, you need to dry the chicory root, grind it to a powder, add honey in a ratio of 1:2 (two parts of honey for one part of chicory). Take this remedy 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

In general, meals should be balanced and high in protein. You should definitely drink more water and warm drinks.

Sholokhova Olga Nikolaevna

Reading time: 7 minutes


Effective recipes for treating bronchitis at home

Inflammation of the bronchi () is a disease that occurs in both children and adults. Everyone is susceptible to it. It occurs due to the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, when it is affected by viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergic irritants, foreign bodies or microparticles of chemicals. The result of all these reasons is a narrowing of the airways and the production of large amounts of mucus. As a result, symptoms of inflammation of the bronchial tree occur.

Main manifestations of the disease

Timely treatment of any disease quickly leads to recovery. The same applies to the treatment of bronchitis. With bronchitis, symptoms can develop quite quickly, and young patients and adults then suffer from the development of complications. You can find out that a child or adult has bronchitis by the following symptoms:

A persistent cough and wheezing will not go away on its own. When a person coughs, the bronchi swell greatly inside, and the lumen becomes very small. And in order to remove microbes from the bronchi, the glands inside them begin to actively produce mucus. The phenomenon in which mucus clogs the lumen of the bronchi, and air cannot reach its destination, is called obstruction - this situation is often found in children.

Treatment for bronchitis and cough is aimed at normalizing all processes: relieving inflammation of the mucous membrane, reducing the intensity protective reflex bronchi (this is a cough), reducing the amount of mucus, restoring the body’s defenses. Bronchitis can be cured without antibiotics if you respond to the disease in a timely manner. Basic ones are also effective folk recipes in the fight against this disease. Below we will look at the most effective and patient-tested folk remedies for bronchitis.

Inhalations for illness

Since ancient times, they have been considered very effective for treating cough and inflammation of the bronchi. Many years ago, they performed inhalation-like procedures over pots and something hot. Now there are 2 main types of inhalations: steam and using special devices (the medicine is not heated).

The importance of inhalations for bronchitis

During inflammation of the bronchi, the mucous membrane may dry out, which externally manifests itself as a dry cough. This complex condition, since bacteria and viruses cannot leave the respiratory tract naturally together with sputum, therefore they continue to actively reproduce in them. For bronchitis, together with the use of traditional inhalation drugs, they are used for the following effect:

  • dilution of bronchial secretions;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • therapeutic actions depending on the patient’s condition (this is expansion of the lumen of the bronchi, relief of inflammation, assistance in expectoration);
  • improving blood supply in the mucous membrane itself, restoring its normal functions.

Recipes for inhalations

Inhalations are effective for restoring bronchial function; they are used for bronchitis. steam inhalations with the following substances:

  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot;
  • linden;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fir;

You can use collections of these herbs and their essential oils if the patient is not allergic to them.

Treatment with a nebulizer involves the use of medications, the dosage and course of treatment of which must be discussed with your doctor.

Using “natural pantry” - plants

Bronchitis treatment with folk remedies is not complete without the use of plants. There are a large number of herbs and plants that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and expectorant effects. We have selected some of the most effective recipes for the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies.

Aloe juice and leaves

Aloe is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect and is an excellent bactericidal and immunomodulatory agent.

To treat bronchitis with folk remedies, it is necessary to grind the leaves of the plant to obtain 1 liter of finished pulp. Add the same amount of melted lard. Then add 1 kg of any honey and half a kilogram of dark chocolate. Keep this entire mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous mass resembling a paste is formed. Use after cooling half an hour before eating.

Raspberry leaves

This is generally a unique plant, since both the berries and leaves are very useful for many diseases. It can rightfully be said that recipes with raspberries and their leaves are the most effective remedy for treatment viral diseases. The leaves of the plant contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tannins, salicylates, organic acids.

To treat bronchitis, you need to chop the leaves and brew 2 tbsp. in boiling water (2 cups), leave. Drink the decoction warm. Improves expectoration of sputum.

Use of herbal preparations

Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis are not limited to 1-2 components of the drug. You can use whole collections of herbs to cure bronchitis using folk remedies.

To prepare the collection, you need to prepare the following in equal quantities: thyme, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and chamomile. Boil, wait 1-2 hours. During the day, drink 500 ml of infusion, dividing this dose into several doses.

Usually not necessary, but indispensable during bronchitis, onion peels

It is little known, but onion peels give a person more health than some pills. It promotes the production of antibodies, the body’s defense mechanisms, stimulates the immune system, cold remedy, antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, contains antioxidants.

For the medicine, you need to place the husks in a pan (a centimeter from the bottom), add water so that it exceeds the husks by the palm of your hand, and boil for an hour. Add 1 tbsp to the broth. honey Take 100 grams up to 5 times a day warm.

Effective recipes using products

Uses of lemon

Lemon is an excellent multivitamin fruit. It contains a lot minerals, but is especially popular due to high content vitamin C.

Need to take 1 whole lemon, cut, simmer for about 10 minutes. Then squeeze the fruit thoroughly to get all the juice out of it. To sour lemon juice add 2 large spoons of glycerin, the same amount of honey. Mix thoroughly. For severe dry cough, the product is used up to 6 times a day, 1 tsp. For wet periodic cough, this mixture can be taken up to 3 times a day.

Milk efficiency

This product contains immunoglobulins that help a person fight viral infections.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies is not complete without the use of milk. It especially helps with debilitating coughs at night. Need to get a glass warm milk, add a pinch of soda or pour Borjomi, a spoonful of honey, a piece of butter, stir and drink.

Onions in the fight against pathology

To cure bronchitis using folk remedies, onions are used. This vegetable is rich in vitamin C, phytoncides (substances that affect bacteria), iron and other trace elements.

Grind 3 onions, add 200-300 grams of sugar, 50 g of honey, 700 water. Boil the entire mixture for 2-3 hours, strain. Store in a cool place. During the day, consume 1 tbsp. 6 times.

Badger fat therapy

A well-known folk remedy for bronchitis is badger fat. It is necessary for the anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the body's defenses, saturates the body with various microelements, as well as a large number of vitamins. There are several recipes for using it.

Use of vegetable oil

This remedy is also very effective for chronic bronchitis. It is also used for obstructive bronchitis in children, relieves suffocation and restores calm breathing.

Prepare the oil; it should be unrefined. For treatment you need to take a quarter glass. Place and boil in a water bath. Take a warm towel, soak the slightly cooled oil, and wrap the child or adult. Wrap the top of the towel in cellophane and cover with a warm blanket. After removing the compress, it is important not to overcool the patient, otherwise there will be no effect. This oil procedure is done once every few days, since children's body gets used to oil well.

Black radish therapy

The effect of this vegetable is not inferior to onions, honey, and garlic. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

The fairly well-known recipe for black radish with honey is indeed very effective in treating bronchitis and its main symptom – cough. When using it, you need to be guided by the rule - everything is good in moderation, since black radish has several contraindications. To prepare a healing syrup, you need to make a hole in the root vegetable, place honey there, leave and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Propolis in the fight against disease

Propolis contains almost all the beneficial properties of bee products. It is used when various diseases, not only for the treatment of bronchitis. This product kills pathological bacteria without affecting beneficial flora intestines. It is an excellent antiseptic and immunomodulator. If there is no allergic response of the body to this remedy, an effective medicine will be obtained.

Prepare 20 g of propolis, 200 g of honey, the same amount of butter. Propolis should be finely crushed and mixed with soft oil and honey. It must be used diluted: dilute one teaspoon of the mixture in half a glass of water. Keep refrigerated.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies is quite effective and also absolutely safe if there are no contraindications to the ingredients used.

  • Collection of antipyretic herbs. When the disease worsens and the temperature rises, a decoction of herbs is used: sage, mint, raspberry, elderberry. Drink this decoction warm, 3-4 cups in a short period of time.
  • Wine and aloe. Take a bottle of wine (0.5 l), add 4 aloe leaves to it. Leave for 3-4 days, use 1 small spoon up to 3 times a day.
  • Collection of herbs. An infusion of coltsfoot herbs, elderberry, and asparagus will help thin phlegm. Take 5 grams of each herb, brew with 1 glass of boiling water. This mixture of herbs is effective not only for bronchitis, the infusion is also used during pleurisy, pneumonia, severe course bronchitis. Take 3 times a day as tea.
  • Elecampane. Elecampane is famous for its effect on chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, headaches and other diseases. You need to infuse the crushed herb (1 tsp) in cold water, take 1 glass, for 30 minutes. Use a quarter glass up to 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. You can add a little honey for better taste during treatment.
  • Nettle. Nettle has a good expectorant effect. You need to brew a pinch of herb in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Use as tea.
  • Bran. Exacerbation of bronchitis will be relieved by boiled bran. To do this, you need to boil 1.8 liters of water, add 400 g of bran from any crop. Boil for 10 minutes, add burnt sugar. Take as a hot drink throughout the day instead of tea or coffee.
  • Cherry resin. In chronic form of the disease effective way: a piece of cherry resin (white) the size of walnut Boil in a liter of water. After straining, add honey (200 g), clove seeds (3 pieces), chopped ginger on the tip of a teaspoon. Take before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Onions and sugar. A syrup made from onion and sugar will help to clear the bronchi after an inflammatory process: chop 1 onion, add 1 tbsp. sugar, insist. Drink a spoon 3 times a day.

Which methods to trust is up to you. The main thing is that there are no allergic reactions of the body. Be healthy!

Acute bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea. Main features– cough, dry or with sputum production, feeling unwell, pain or tightness in the chest, weakness, fever.

If you start treatment immediately, you won’t need it, it gives a good effect.

Important! During illness, the body needs increased amount vitamins, especially vitamin C. Use pharmaceutical preparations or vitamin preparations, rosehip infusion, currants, cranberries, oranges, lemons. It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. At high are unacceptable physical activity, to prevent complications it is recommended bed rest.

For treatment, diaphoretics, expectorant herbal preparations, cough inhalations, compresses and rubbing are used. Drinking plenty of hot infusions alleviates the patient’s condition and helps cleanses the body, reduces temperature. Berry, fruit and vegetable juices used in its natural form or with the addition of honey. Many of them are not only a source of vitamins, but also have a bactericidal effect.

Fact! Humidifying the air in the apartment and regular ventilation helps quick recovery. Dryness, dust, smoking and untimely treatment provoke the disease to become chronic.

Vitamin fees

  • 50 g rose hips, 50 g lingonberries.
  • Nettle leaves 30 g, rowan berries 70 g.
  • Rose hips 45 g, lingonberries 15 g, nettle leaves 40 g.
  • Rosehip 30 g, currant berries 10 g, nettle leaves 30 g, carrot root 30 g.
  • Rose hips 50 g, raspberries 50 g.
  • Rose hips 25 g, raspberries 25 g, black currant leaves 25 g, lingonberry leaves 25 g.

Sweatshop fees

Largest give a diaphoretic effect raspberries, linden blossom, black elderberry and chamomile flowers. To prepare the mixtures, both individual components and their mixtures in arbitrary proportions are used.

  • A mixture of chamomile flowers, linden, elderberry, leaves peppermint 1:1:1:1.
  • A mixture of linden flowers with dry raspberries by weight 1:1.
  • Lingonberry and coltsfoot leaves, anise seeds, linden flowers, dry raspberries 1:1:1:1.
  • Dry raspberries, coltsfoot leaves, oregano branches 2:2:1.
  • Licorice root (40 g), linden flowers (60 g).

    Fact! The collection not only has diaphoretic properties, it relieves inflammation and helps with sputum production.

Thoroughly grind 75 g of the collection, place in a thermos, pour in 750 ml of boiling water, strain after 40 minutes. Divide the resulting daily dose into three doses and consume the infusion hot.

Cough and expectorant preparations

  • 20 g marshmallow root, 20 g coltsfoot leaves, 10 g oregano branches.
  • 15 g licorice roots, 15 g blue cyanosis roots, 20 g chamomile flowers, valerian roots, 10 g motherwort leaves 10 g, mint leaves 20 g, St. John's wort herb 10 g.
  • Plantain leaves 30 g, licorice root 30 g, coltsfoot leaves 40 g.

Grind 75 g of the collection, pour into a thermos, pour in 750 ml of boiling water, strain after 40 minutes. Drink a hot infusion every three hours.

  • Anise seeds.
  • Marshmallow root 20 g, licorice root 20 g, anise seeds 20 g, sage leaves 20 g, dry pine buds 20 g.
  • Marshmallow root 40 g, licorice root 40 g, fennel seeds 20 g.

Cook in a thermos. For 15 g of collection, 150 ml of boiling water, divide the infusion into 3 parts, drink before meals.

  • Finely chop the elecampane root, place 25 g in a thermos, pour in 250 ml of boiling water, strain after 2-3 hours. Drink the entire infusion in three doses before meals.

Attention! Do not use during pregnancy! People with kidney disease should consult a doctor.

Berry and vegetable juices

  • Grape juice makes coughing easier. Suitable for treatment fresh berries, raisin. Add a glass of water to 100 g of raisins, boil for 15 minutes, squeeze out the juice, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Instead of boiling, you can pour boiling water over the raisins in a thermos and leave overnight.
  • Cherry juice reduces inflammation and helps with sputum removal. Freshly squeezed juice diluted hot water and drink a third of a glass before meals. Heat canned food sufficiently without diluting. If you have homemade preparations, this is the best option.
  • Pomegranate juice not only reduces cough, but also strengthens the immune system. Drink with hot water shortly before meals.
  • Cabbage juice relieves inflammation well. A decoction of cabbage with honey is taken a quarter glass a day before meals. Fresh juice is diluted warm water for gargling.
  • Cranberry juice – strong bactericidal agent. A fruit drink is prepared from cranberries and drunk 2-3 glasses a day. Adding honey enhances the healing effect and improves the taste of the drink.
  • Onion juice is diluted with honey (1:1) and drunk a teaspoon 3 times a day.

    Important! Do not use if you have a stomach ulcer!

  • Carrot juice is used with honey (1:1). Instead of juice, you can take grated carrots boiled in milk.
  • Radish juice is a traditional antitussive remedy. Scrap out the core of the root vegetable, add honey or sugar. Drink the resulting juice one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Blackcurrant juice with sugar or honey is both a vitamin, bactericidal and antitussive agent. Drink with hot water.

Compresses and rubbing

To improve blood circulation in the bronchi, warm compresses and rubbing are applied to the sternum and back.

Important! At elevated temperatures, compresses and rubbing (except alcohol) are contraindicated!

  • soak in warm water, place on the chest for a dry cough. Cover the patient warmly and hold until a strong burning sensation appears, no more than 20 minutes. To prevent burns, mustard plasters are placed on gauze folded in half.
  • Mix mustard with sunflower oil and honey until a semi-liquid porridge forms, apply to thick fabric or paper, apply to your chest, cover with a blanket, and leave for half an hour.
  • Rubbing with pork lard gives a good effect. The melted internal fat is rubbed into the skin of the upper back and chest, and the patient is wrapped warmly. The procedure is done at night. Instead of lard, you can use goose fat.
  • Moisten a soft cloth with warm vegetable oil (unrefined), apply to the chest and back, and cover with film. Wrap the patient up and leave the compress overnight.
  • Mash 250 g of boiled potatoes in their skins together with the peel, add a spoonful of mustard and vegetable oil, stir the resulting mass, apply to a cloth and apply to the chest. Cover with oilcloth and a blanket and leave for half an hour.
  • Apply a piece of propolis rolled out into a flat cake to your chest and leave overnight.
  • Chop a large head of garlic and mix with raw egg. Apply the resulting mixture to a cloth and use as a compress on the chest and back.
  • For sensitive skin, use as a compress cabbage leaf, keep in boiling water for a couple of minutes and brush with honey. Cover the sheet placed on the chest with film and a warm blanket. Leave for at least an hour, after removal, wipe the skin with a wet cloth and apply cream.
  • At high temperature Rubbing with vodka or alcohol diluted 1:1 helps. Rub the surface of the chest, back, arms and legs with a palm moistened with alcohol. This method allows you to quickly reduce the temperature, although not for long. Instead of alcohol you can use food vinegar, diluting with water 1:5.


Steam inhalations increase blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, relieve coughs, and thin mucus. Are good adjunct to other treatments. For inhalation, take one or more of the components:

  • infusion of pine buds (20 g per 200 ml of water);
  • infusion of anise seeds (20 g per 200 ml of water);
  • 2% solution of baking soda (2 g per 100 ml of water), recommended for dry cough;
  • essential oils of any medicinal plants, especially coniferous ones (add a few drops of oil to heated water);
  • boiled potatoes in their jackets (2-3 washed potatoes, finely chopped and boiled).

To inhale, just lean over a vessel with a hot solution, covering your head with a towel, breathing deeply for several minutes.

The effectiveness of the procedure will increase if immediately after it you warm your feet in a mustard solution, put on wool socks and go to bed.

Attention! Hypertension and heart patients should use these treatment methods only with the permission of a doctor! Cold inhalations with essential oils. Caution should be exercised by people with lung problems.

Balms and oils

Compositions based on butter relieve chest pain and soften coughs. For the same purposes, pork lard, badger fat and hot milk with the addition of butter, honey and cocoa are used. To relieve inflammation, fats are mixed with aloe leaves. Take balms and oils a dessert spoon before meals. Commonly used compositions:

  • Heat 100 g of butter and lard each and bring to a boil. After cooling, stir with 50 g of honey.
  • Dilute a spoonful of lard in hot milk and drink immediately. You can add a spoonful of honey and cocoa; instead of lard, take butter or other fat.
  • Grind 15 g of washed aloe leaves, add 100 g of oil, pork or goose fat and honey, store in the refrigerator. It is better to use with hot milk, but you can also use it without it. Cocoa is added for taste.
  • Mix 250 g of crushed aloe with 350 g of honey, add 0.5 l of Cahors. Keep refrigerated.
  • Boil the milk with a teaspoon of coltsfoot herb or sage, when it cools a little, strain and add a teaspoon of lard or butter. Drink in one gulp.
  • Propolis oil is prepared from 1 kg of butter and 100 g of crushed propolis, heating the mixture at a temperature of 80° for 30 minutes. Can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Take a teaspoon in between meals.
  • Mix fresh fig puree with an equal amount of butter or any fat. Consume freshly prepared.

Important! Aloe should not be used by pregnant women or those suffering from women's diseases and kidneys.


For the patient, light food with a high content of vitamins and proteins is preferable: boiled meat, fish and vegetables, meat broths, compotes or jelly, juices, fruit drinks, citrus fruits. Fresh or dried figs, jam or compote made from it. Tea with lemon, currants or raspberries significantly alleviates the patient's condition.

It is better to exclude fried foods, sweets, baked goods and smoked foods; they require increased energy consumption for digestion. Spicy seasonings are annoying sore throat and larynx. It is worth minimizing salt intake, as it retains water in the body, and the patient needs drinking plenty of fluids. You should eat food often, but in small portions. At high temperatures you can limit yourself chicken broth. In the absence of appetite, refusing food for 1-2 days will not interfere with recovery and will not lead to negative consequences for the body.

Acute bronchitis is not considered serious illness, but a disease that is not completely cured can go into a chronic stage. You can cope with the disease, combining various ways traditional medicine, while following a diet and giving up bad habits at least for a while.

For treatment, it is advisable to use the entire arsenal of traditional medicine at the same time: inhalations, compresses, herbal mixtures and healing balms. Integrated approach and regular implementation of all procedures will speed up recovery. In this case, be sure to follow the recommended dosages.

Attention! Pregnant women should know that some herbs contribute to miscarriage, so you need to carefully consider the presence of contraindications.

The main rule when treating any disease is to do no harm. Put correct diagnosis and only a knowledgeable specialist can determine treatment methods. It is especially important to consult a doctor for people with chronic diseases, since self-treatment often leads to their exacerbations.

Fact! Herbal preparations, bee products and aromatic oils may cause allergic reactions, so new to myself medicines It is better to take it at first in a reduced dose. People prone to allergies should be especially careful.

Bronchitis is a pulmonary disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of the bronchi. This disease can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute bronchitis can often develop against the background of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. As a rule, this disease begins with nasal congestion. The point is that prolonged runny nose provokes the movement of pathogenic microflora from the upper respiratory tract downwards, where it causes the onset of the inflammatory process. The transition of the disease from acute to chronic form is the result of untimely and illiterate treatment. Folk remedies for bronchitis are quite varied and are often used by our population.

Symptoms, causes, possible complications

Most common cause The development of bronchitis is a previous viral infection (ARVI, influenza), as a result of which the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (lower) is affected. Bacterial infection is also one of the causes of bronchitis. The cause may be mixed, that is, both viral and viral infections can enter the respiratory tract at the same time. bacterial infection. In some cases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

What contributes to the occurrence of bronchitis:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • long stay in a room with high humidity or in a room contaminated with hazardous chemical compounds;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • chronic diseases that reduce immunity.

The main symptom of bronchitis is a cough, with the help of which our smart body tries to get rid of pathogenic agents (germs, viruses and bacteria) present in the respiratory tract. Cough is one of the body’s protective functions.

At the very beginning of the disease, the cough is usually dry and sharp, but then it becomes wet. This happens when mucus begins to separate. Expectorated sputum can be either completely transparent, or have a greenish, and in some cases, yellowish-gray tint.

If the respiratory tract is damaged to a significant extent, then there may be blood impurities in the expectorated mucus. This occurs due to damage to the small pulmonary vessels. Acute period with bronchitis it usually lasts 3-4 days.

Acute bronchitis (infectious), which most often occurs in winter period, accompanied by:

In severe cases of the disease, the high temperature can last from 3 to 5 days, after which many symptoms disappear. But the cough sometimes does not go away for several weeks.

In cases where the airways are narrowed, the patient may have difficulty breathing, wheezing is present, especially audible after clearing the throat. This type of bronchitis is called obstructive. Obstruction may be caused by swelling of the mucous membrane and increased secretion.

Sometimes, as a complication of bronchitis, pneumonia can develop. If symptoms continue long period time (or worsen), then an x-ray should be taken to make sure that it is not pneumonia.

Chronic bronchitis (irritative) has the same symptoms as infectious, except elevated temperature and other signs of viral infection.

Treatment of bronchitis

At the first signs of an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection, treatment measures should be started in full to prevent complications in the form of bronchitis. Never cause a runny nose, use for complete cleansing nasopharynx all the remedies available to you, including folk ones, for example, onion juice, inhaling garlic aroma, fresh juice aloe, rinsing with solution sea ​​salt etc.

Diagnosis and treatment of bronchitis should be carried out by a doctor. Depending on the degree of development of the disease (the severity of symptoms), the patient is treated either at home or in a hospital setting. In the case of bacterial bronchitis, after identifying a pathogenic pathogen, it is advisable to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy.

One of the main tasks when healing from bronchitis is to get rid of cough. For this purpose, both the most modern pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine proven over the years are used. A patient with bronchitis should remain in bed and receive plenty of warm fluids (2-4 liters per day). During illness, you should refrain from smoking.

Folk remedies for bronchitis

Raspberry with linden

On the first day, a patient with acute bronchitis should sweat thoroughly. 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberry berries (jam, frozen, dry or fresh) and the same amount of dried linden blossom, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it boil. Leave for about 30 minutes, strain and drink in small sips before bed.

Milk with honey

It is considered the most popular cough remedy. Milk should be drunk as hot as possible, and it is better to eat honey from a spoon, as a bite with milk, since when dissolved in hot liquids it loses most of its medicinal properties.


The following types of honey help best against coughs: raspberry, linden, sage, eucalyptus or mixed honey (flower, alpine, forest, multi-herb).

Black radish

Cut off the top of the root vegetable, make a depression in the center, which is filled with a small spoon of honey. In a few hours the hole will be full healing juice, which should be taken three times a day, 1-2 tablespoons. After removing the juice, a little honey is put back into the radish, and the juice is formed again.


A good expectorant is a decoction of nettle flowers. A pinch of them is brewed with 4 glasses of boiling water and drunk instead of tea.


Half a kilogram of onion is chopped and 400 grams are added. granulated sugar, 50 gr. honey and one liter of water. Everything is simmered over low heat for about 3 hours, cooled, filtered and poured into a bottle, which is then stored in a dark, cool place, sealed with a stopper. Take the product 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Whole milk with sage

Boil a tablespoon of sage in a glass of milk, let it brew for 40-50 minutes, strain the liquid and bring to a boil again. Take before bed.


Before cutting, agave does not need to be watered for 2 weeks. Take 250 gr. finely chopped leaves wiped from dust and placed in a glass container. Pour in half a liter of vintage Cahors and 350 grams of uncandied honey. Mix everything well and leave for 2 weeks in a cool place. After this, filter and squeeze. Reception: in the first two days - 1 tbsp. three times a day; then - 1 teaspoon. spoon also three times a day. The medicine strengthens the lungs not only for bronchitis, but also for other pulmonary diseases.


400 gr. any bran is poured into 1.8 liters. boiled water and cook for 10 minutes. Sweetened with burnt sugar. The resulting decoction is drunk instead of tea, coffee and other liquids throughout the day. The medicine must be very hot.

Herbal collection

Prepare the mixture: 4 tbsp. spoons of coltsfoot and chamomile, 2 tbsp. spoons of oregano. Steam 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a half-liter thermos overnight, strain and take 50 ml 4 times a day. The course lasts 30 days, it can be repeated after a week's break.

Oil compress

Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil (unrefined and non-deodorized) in a steam bath and soak it in a woolen scarf, which should be placed around the upper part of the sternum, wrapping the patient. Cover the scarf with film and wrap the patient in a warm blanket. It is best to sleep during this procedure. The procedure is carried out once, maximum twice, as it quickly becomes addictive and becomes ineffective.

Compress of oil, honey and mustard

Vegetable oil mix with melted honey and mustard powder to the consistency of a batter. Apply the mixture onto parchment or wax paper, and place the compress on the patient’s chest (paper side on the skin). Place a layer of plastic film on top and wrap the patient with a scarf and then with a warm blanket. The compress should be kept for as long as possible, based on the patient’s feelings. Warming compresses should not be applied at high temperatures.

Herbal infusions

Herbal infusions with the addition of plantain, elecampane, raspberry fruits and leaves, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, licorice, black elderberry, viburnum, cranberry, motherwort, wild rosemary, and linden have a pronounced therapeutic effect for bronchitis.

Mineral water

Warm up mineral water(alkaline), for example, Essentuki 4, with the addition of honey, is an excellent drink for a patient with bronchitis.


With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to improve the body’s overall resistance to various infections. For these purposes, it is recommended to take a course of immunomodulatory drugs (after consultation with a specialist) or use traditional medicine recipes. For example, the following drinks are great for boosting immunity: ginger tea, rosehip infusion, natural yogurt and kefir, chamomile tea, cranberry juice and various herbal preparations. Regular inclusion of garlic, horseradish, radish, onion, ginger, and citrus fruits in your diet will help the body effectively resist infections.

It is advisable to clean the air in your own home from harmful substances and dust. Natural essential oils not only perfectly aromatize the room, but also fill the air with beneficial volatile compounds that boost immunity and kill pathogenic bacteria. In particular, it would be useful to use an aroma lamp daily with the following essential oils or mixtures of them: eucalyptus, cedar, tea tree, rosemary, cypress, maritime pine, sage, St. John's wort, lavender. Wearing an aroma pendant with these oils also activates the body's protective functions and protects against viruses.

Taking vitamin-mineral complexes, daily walks fresh air, playing sports, hardening procedures, morning exercises - all these methods of strengthening the body significantly reduce the likelihood of catching a cold and, subsequently, getting bronchitis.

If symptoms appear - cough with sputum, wheezing, fever - you should consult a doctor. Treatment usually includes antiviral drugs or medications to thin sputum and make it easier to cough up, antipyretics and vitamin complexes.

The so-called distraction or reflex therapy, as well as oral administration, are of certain importance herbal remedies, improving the condition of the bronchial tree. These treatments can be used at home, are simple and are traditionally used for airway inflammation.

"Reflex" therapy

The following means are used:

  • medical banks;
  • mustard plasters;
  • warm foot baths.

All of them have one main contraindication: elevated temperature over 37.5˚C. At a lower, but still abnormal level of body temperature, thermal procedures are recommended to be reduced in time or abandoned altogether. It depends on how you feel and how it changes after the thermal procedure.

Medical cupping causes an increase in blood supply to the skin and tiny hemorrhages in it. This leads to a reflex improvement of blood flow in the underlying tissues. At the same time, lymphatic drainage is normalized in them. As a result, tissue supply improves nutrients and oxygen, foci of inflammation resolve faster, and the disease is cured faster.

To place the cups, the skin of the interscapular area and under the shoulder blades is lubricated with a rich cream (you can use baby cream). Prepare tweezers, cotton balls and alcohol. Having grabbed the ball with tweezers, moisten it with alcohol, set it on fire and quickly heat the air inside the jar, and then apply it to the skin. As the air cools, it decreases in volume, sucking in some of the skin and subcutaneous tissue inside the jar. Place them for 15 minutes and then carefully remove them, lightly pressing the glass edge with your finger and tilting the jar in the opposite direction with your free hand.

Mustard plasters are also intended for reflexology at home. Mustard oil causes local irritation of the skin and dilation of its blood vessels. At the same time, blood flow is activated in deeper organs.

Before use, mustard plaster is dipped in warm water for 5 seconds and apply to the interscapular area and side surfaces chest for 5-15 minutes, cover the patient with a towel and blanket on top. Mustard plasters must be installed with great care when allergic diseases, as well as for skin diseases.

Warm foot baths for bronchitis are very useful to do at night. They usually contain mustard. The water temperature should be 39 -40˚С. For 10 liters of water take a tablespoon of dry mustard powder, stir it in a small amount of water, filter and add to the basin. It is better to cover the top of the basin with a towel. The patient takes a warm foot bath while sitting, with the legs bent at the knees at a right angle. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Then you should wipe your feet dry with a towel, put on clean thin socks and woolen ones over them, and go to bed. Foot baths can be done every day or every other day as long as the cough continues.


During inhalation, the patient inhales an aerosol formed by medicinal or biological active substances. In this article we will not touch on inhalations using. This device uses only ready-made medications prescribed by a doctor. Let's talk a little about ordinary steam inhalations that can improve coughing up phlegm.

For acute and chronic bronchitis, steam inhalations with soda or table salt. To prepare a solution of 2% soda solution for inhalation, you need to take a small heaped teaspoon of soda, dissolve it in 2 glasses of water, heat the water in a small saucepan until steam forms. You can lean over such a container, covering yourself with a towel, or you can make a cone out of cardboard and put it on the kettle, inhaling the steam from the cone. It is important that the steam does not burn the mucous membrane.

For inhalation with salt, use a 2% sodium chloride solution. The proportions for its preparation are the same. Such inhalations can be carried out 1-2 times a day for coughing, but when normal temperature bodies. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

It is also allowed old method « potato inhalation" Boil the peeled potatoes, drain the water and breathe over the pan with the potatoes, covered with a towel.

Will help a patient with bronchitis based on inhalations eucalyptus leaves. Along with the expectorant effect, eucalyptus disinfects the respiratory tract and promotes the healing of microdamages of the mucous membrane.


To accelerate the cleansing of phlegm from the bronchi, herbal remedies are used.

Thermopsis lanceolate grass – universal remedy for respiratory diseases. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, restores mucociliary clearance, that is, self-cleaning of the bronchi. It grows in the Baikal region, in the south of Siberia, but it is more convenient to purchase ready-made raw materials in pharmacies. It is used to prepare medicinal infusion. It can also be added to solutions for inhalation.

Marshmallow root has an enveloping, protective, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic effect. For bronchitis, use a decoction of the root.

A decoction of plantain or coltsfoot leaves helps to cough up stagnant phlegm. You can prepare an infusion of oregano. Most of the listed herbal components are included in breast collection, sold in pharmacies and conveniently packaged in bags.

If you are sick with acute bronchitis or have a cough, do not rush to buy expensive medicines. Consult your doctor, because in many cases, folk remedies will help cope with the disease along with medications.

Which doctor should I contact?

If symptoms of acute bronchitis appear in adults, you should consult a physician. If the disease lasts more than a month or , you should consult a pulmonologist, allergist, or infectious disease specialist. All “home” remedies should be used only after examination and permission from a doctor. If so, then seeing a doctor is necessary: ​​self-medication can be dangerous for the mother and fetus!