Breast collection. Chest cough pack - instructions. Breast collection during pregnancy Synonyms of nosological groups

The use of a chest mixture for cough in a child is very popular among parents due to the natural composition of the drug. The herbal cough remedy has bronchodilator, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often used to treat inflammation of the respiratory system. In addition, under the influence of medicinal mixtures, the smooth muscles of the bronchi relax and expand.

What is breast collection

Specially formulated herbal mixtures, adjusted in dosage, are called breast mixtures. Often, herbal tea, tincture, and decoction are prepared from such medicinal compositions to treat coughs. You can collect and prepare herbs yourself, but it is much easier and more reliable to purchase the finished product at the pharmacy. The price of the mixture is usually low. You can buy it without a prescription at any pharmacy. The average cost in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 80 rubles. Cough packs for children are ideal for children with diabetes.

Form of release of chest antitussive kits: packs or filter bags. All herbal mixtures from factory manufacturers have numbers indicated according to their composition and proportions. The components of the drug include carotenoids, flavonoids, organic acids, and saponins. The medicinal product contains coumarins, vitamins, and tannins. This combination of biocomponents has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The product activates the respiratory system, helps liquefy mucus and further expectorate it.


The chest set of cough herbs includes medicinal plants that have expectorant, pronounced mucolytic properties, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antitussive effects. The proportion of plant materials in the preparation is balanced and carefully verified. All herbs are prepared in compliance with all safety precautions, the components are tested in laboratory conditions and meet safety standards. As a rule, the composition of a chest cough mixture depends on the number:

Indications for use

Collecting cough herbs effectively thins mucus, dilates blood vessels, reduces the intensity of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, relieves spasms in the bronchi, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. A mixture of medicinal herbs is often used to treat ailments that are accompanied by a severe cough with phlegm that is difficult to clear. List of diseases for which herbal preparations can be prescribed:

  • tracheitis, tracheobronchitis;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic, obstructive, acute bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic lung disease (pneumonia);
  • ARVI, flu, colds.


The herbal mixture should not be used together with drugs that suppress cough. The herbal remedy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components. In this case, patients may experience side effects: urticaria, allergic rhinitis, skin rash, itching or swelling. In addition, you should not take the herbal medicine:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnant women (it is not recommended to drink breast milk No. 1, but No. 4 is possible, but only on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • patients with hay fever;
  • patients who are breastfeeding.

Instructions for use of breast collection

For ease of use, herbal pharmacy kits are packaged in 50 g boxes; there are filter bags on sale that contain crushed raw materials, so they are convenient to brew. After purchasing, the herb must be poured into a jar with a tight lid so that the raw materials do not become damp, spoil, or dry out, and retain all their properties. The medicine is used and prepared depending on the collection number.

Chest collection 1

Mixture number 1 has an antiseptic effect. As a rule, medicinal tinctures or decoctions are prepared from it. The price of the herbal medicine varies from 20 to 50 rubles per 50 g, depending on the manufacturer. Instructions:

  • Pharmacological group: expectorant combined herbal remedy.
  • Indications: for the treatment of infectious or inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, in which there is a cough; for symptomatic therapy during colds.
  • Pharmacological action: herbal collection 1 has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. Coltsfoot flowers have an expectorant effect, and oregano herb has a sedative effect.
  • Directions for use: pour a tablespoon of the drug into a glass of cold water, then put the mixture on low heat and boil for 15 minutes, leave at room temperature for about an hour, strain. Bring the prepared herbal infusion to 200 ml. The medicine should be taken after meals, 100 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Chest collection 2

The combination of medicinal herbs in chest collection No. 2 has a bronchodilator effect - it helps to relax the muscles of the bronchi, while significantly reducing swelling of the mucous membrane. The price of the herbal medicine is on average 55 rubles per 50 g. Instructions:

  • Pharmacological group: herbal expectorant.
  • Indications for use: influenza, ARVI, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with difficult to clear sputum.
  • Pharmacological action: effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, reduces the intensity of cough.
  • Directions for use: to prepare the infusion you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs, 250 ml of cold water. The mixture should be placed in a water bath, boiled for 20 minutes, cooled and strained. The resulting solution should be brought to 200 ml. The medicine should be taken warm, 100 ml 3 times a day. Course – 2 weeks.
  • Special instructions: the prepared broth cannot be stored for more than 2 days.

Chest collection 3

The herbal medicine is often used for bronchitis or pneumonia, because has a softening and expectorant effect. The price of herbal mixture No. 3 (50 g) is 30 or 60 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and region. Instructions:

  • Pharmacological group: herbal combination drug.
  • Indications for use: for infectious and inflammatory diseases, for symptomatic treatment of influenza.
  • Pharmacological action: has an anti-inflammatory effect, effectively relieves inflammation, facilitates sputum discharge.
  • Directions for use: 2 tbsp. spoons of the herb should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, then the medicine should be boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, strained, and left for one hour. Bring to 200 ml. The product should be drunk warm, 100 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 21 days.
  • Special instructions: the prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator.

Chest collection 4

Herbal medicine number 4 provides effective elimination and relief of symptoms of the acute form of the disease for bronchitis, even when the causes of its occurrence are unknown. In addition, breast collection 4 includes violet and calendula flowers, which help to quickly cope with inflammation. Instructions:

  • Pharmacological group: combined herbal preparation.
  • Application: tracheitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis.
  • Pharmacological action: herbal collection 4 has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antispasmodic properties; normalizes sleep, soothes, reduces cough intensity; wild rosemary has an expectorant effect.
  • Application: pour 2 tablespoons of dried herb with a glass of boiling water, then heat for about 20 minutes in a water bath, leave and strain, bring to 200 ml. Take 70 ml 3 times a day. Course – 3 weeks. Shake the infusion before use.

Which chest pack is best for coughs?

Often a cough appears after hypothermia or a cold. To prevent it from becoming chronic, timely treatment should be started.. This will help prevent inflammation from spreading to the bronchi and lungs. The use of a herbal mixture reduces irritation of the mucous membrane. For therapy to be effective, several preparations should be used simultaneously, but only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

For dry, obsessive cough, you can use set No. 1, because... it contains oregano, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. In some cases, with such a cough, it is allowed to simultaneously use mixtures No. 1 and No. 2; to do this, you just need to mix the two drugs in equal dosages. For a wet cough, it is better to use No. 4 and No. 2 to remove sputum.

For children

You should choose a herbal remedy to treat your baby only after consulting a pediatrician. After all, any herb can have a strong negative effect on a child’s body, so you can’t take it yourself. When selecting infant formula for cough, the doctor must take into account age and the presence of concomitant diseases. It is not recommended to give a herbal preparation to a baby who is not yet one year old. It is better to brew one of the plants contained in its composition - for example, thyme, chamomile or licorice. As a rule, based on age, the pediatrician may prescribe:

  • children over 3 years old – collection No. 4;
  • after 12 years – No. 2 and No. 3;
  • regarding therapy with collection No. 1, you should consult a doctor.

For dry cough

If the patient has a dry, severe cough, collection No. 1 can be used for treatment, since its components have excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. An infusion of a mixture of marshmallow, coltsfoot and oregano protects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduces their irritation, and because of this, the urge to cough is reduced. Sometimes, for a dry cough, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of sets No. 1 and No. 2 - for this you just need to mix the drugs in equal quantities.

During pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend using breast herbal mixtures during pregnancy, because All of these kits contain components that are contraindicated for women expecting a baby. Set No. 1 contains oregano, which is prohibited for pregnant women; in No. 2 and No. 4 - licorice root, which can cause tachycardia and disrupt hormonal levels. In addition, it can cause headaches. Mixture No. 3 includes anise fruits, so it is also contraindicated for pregnant women. It is better to take separate infusions of chamomile and marshmallow. Any treatment for a woman must be coordinated with a gynecologist.

During lactation

When resorting to treatment with herbal remedies during breastfeeding, you should take into account the degree of impact of each component on the baby’s body. Experts, as a rule, do not recommend using breast milk on your own, because... The child may develop an allergy to herbs. Mixture No. 3 is prohibited for use by young mothers, because it contains pine buds that inhibit lactation. Only on the advice of a doctor can you drink herbal infusions. It is better during lactation to take decoctions made from one component: rose hips, wild rosemary leaves, peppermint.

For bronchitis

Herbal tea for bronchitis is the most popular remedy. High efficiency and safety of herbal components helps to use it in patients of different ages and genders. As a rule, for the treatment of bronchitis, the patient can choose any of the preparations that suit him in composition. Often in the treatment of inflammatory disease of the bronchi, product number 2 is used, because it consists of herbs that are characterized by bronchodilator properties.

For pneumonia

A disease that causes inflammation of the lungs is called pneumonia. With this disease, the alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi are susceptible to infection. Herbal treatment is often used in the acute period of the disease. For the course of therapy, preparations No. 2 and No. 3, No. 4 with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects are suitable. You can take them at the same time, mixing in equal quantities.

With tracheitis

An inflammatory infectious disease of the trachea or tracheitis is often accompanied by a paroxysmal cough with the release of thick sputum. As a rule, along with taking medications, the doctor may prescribe herbal mixtures to alleviate the patient’s condition. Product number 1 is considered the most effective in the fight against the disease. The herbs that are part of the medicinal set relieve inflammation well, help the patient cough up, and are effective against viral tracheitis.

For sputum removal

If the patient develops a wet cough with sputum discharge, it is imperative to speed up its elimination. The urge to cough is a normal reaction of the body to an irritant. Thanks to the jerky spasms that occur as a result of this process, phlegm begins to come out of the bronchi. To speed up this process, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of herbal sets No. 2 and No. 4.



Elecampane roots, plantain leaves, thyme herb, licorice roots, currant leaves, raspberry fruits, linden flowers, oregano herb, raspberry leaves, anise fruits.


Increases the body's resistance to viruses and colds, has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, facilitates breathing, and soothes coughs. Most effective for course drinking. Does not contain artificial colors or flavors.

Directions for use:

Fill 1 filter bag with a glass of boiling water (200 ml), leave for 10-15 minutes, take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.


Individual intolerance to components.

General description

Natural herbal teas “Healing Gift of Altai” are made from the most valuable medicinal plants, berries and fruits, carefully collected in ecologically clean areas of Altai. Try herbal tea collection No. 9 “Chest” from the “Healing Gift of Altai” collection and it will fill you with the strength of the mighty mountains, the vigor of mountain rivers, the energy and health of the Siberian taiga.

Questions and feedback:
Herbal tea - collection No. 9 “Chest”, 20 f.p.

Quality assurance

Our guarantees

The Green Pharmacy online store guarantees its customers that all products offered on the pages of our website are produced exclusively on the basis of natural ingredients. The suppliers of our store are the most famous and reputable manufacturers.

We offer products only of proven quality!

We guarantee a refund of the entire amount paid for the product if its quality does not meet the stated characteristics.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 31.07.2001

Filterable list

Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images

Composition and release form

Plant materials for preparing infusion.

100 g of collection N1 contains a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - marshmallow roots and coltsfoot leaves 40% each, oregano herb 20%; in paper bags of 35 g, in a cardboard pack 1 package.

100 g of N2 collection - a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - coltsfoot leaves 40%, plantain leaves and licorice roots 30% each; in polypropylene bags of 25 g or in paper bags of 35 g, 1 bag in a cardboard pack.

100 g of N4 collection - a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - chamomile flowers, wild rosemary shoots, calendula flowers and violet herb 20% each, licorice roots 15%, mint leaves 5%; in paper bags of 30 or 50 g, in a cardboard pack 1 bag or in filter bags of 2 g, in a cardboard pack 10 or 20 filter bags.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- general tonic, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, expectorant.

The effect is determined by the polysaccharides contained in the marshmallow roots (up to 35%); in the leaves of coltsfoot - polysaccharides (mucilage, etc.); in oregano herb - essential oil, flavonoids; in the leaves of the great plantain - polysaccharides, vitamin C; in licorice roots - triterpenes (glycyrrhizic acid, etc.), flavonoids; in chamomile flowers - essential oil, mucus, flavonoids; in wild rosemary shoots - essential oil; in calendula flowers - flavonoids, carotenoids; in violet grass - phenologlycosides, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), saponins; mint leaves contain essential oil and flavonoids.

Indications of the drug Chest collection No. 4

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough.



Directions for use and doses

4 g (1 tablespoon) of collection N1 or N2 or 10 g (2 tablespoons) of collection N4 are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of cold water (collections N1 and N2) or boiling water (collection N4), heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take hot 1/2 cup of collection N1 or collection N2 3-4 times a day, 1/3 cup of collection N4 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The prepared infusion is shaken before use. One N4 collection filter bag is placed in a glass or enamel container, 200 ml (1 cup) of boiling water is poured in, covered and left for 15 minutes. Take 1/2-1 glass 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.


Use should be agreed with your doctor.

Storage conditions for the drug Chest collection No. 4

In a dry place, protected from light. Prepared infusion - in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Breast collection No. 4

crushed collection - 2 years.

collection powder - 2 years.

medicinal collection - 3 years.

Instructions for medical use

Chest collection No. 4
Instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-006924/10

Last modified date: 19.06.2017

Dosage form

Collection crushed


Chamomile flowers – 20%

Ledum marsh shoots – 20%

Marigold flowers – 20%

Violet grass – 20%

Licorice roots – 15%

Peppermint leaves – 5%

Description of the dosage form

A mixture of heterogeneous particles of plant material of yellowish-green color with yellow-orange, reddish-brown, grayish-brown, dark green, grayish-green, creamy-white, yellowish-gray or bluish-violet inclusions, passing through a sieve with opening size 7 mm.

The smell is fragrant. The taste of the water extract is bitter-sweet, slightly cooling.

Pharmacological group

Herbal expectorant.

Pharmacological action

The infusion has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.


Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum (bronchitis, tracheitis) - as part of complex therapy.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, children (up to 12 years).

Directions for use and doses

About 9 g (2 tablespoons) of the collection is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and left in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered, and the remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water.

Take 1/3 cup orally warm 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.


The collection should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs, as well as with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, as this makes it difficult to cough up liquefied sputum.

Release form

The collection is crushed in 35 g, 50 g, 75 g (at a humidity of 14%) in cardboard packs with an inner paper bag and instructions for use.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light.

Store the finished infusion in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Do not take after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

LSR-006924/10 dated 2013-04-29
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-006924/10 dated 2013-04-29
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001344/01 dated 2018-05-24
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-005110/10 dated 2013-04-29
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. R N001344/02 dated 2018-01-11
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-001626 dated 2006-06-02
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-001625 dated 2016-02-18
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-006924/10 dated 2013-04-29
Breast collection No. 4 - instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-001625 dated 2006-06-02

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
J04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitisInfectious and inflammatory disease of ENT organs
Laryngitis acute
Acute tracheitis
J06 Acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple and unspecified localizationBacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract
Bacterial respiratory infections
Pain due to colds
Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Viral respiratory disease
Viral respiratory tract infections
Inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficult to separate sputum
Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
Secondary infections with influenza
Secondary infections due to colds
Influenza conditions
Difficulty secreting sputum in acute and chronic respiratory diseases
Upper respiratory tract infections
Upper respiratory tract infections
Respiratory tract infections
Respiratory and lung infections
ENT infections
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract
Respiratory tract infection
Qatar of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal disease of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal phenomena from the upper respiratory tract
Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Cough with a cold
Fever due to influenza
acute respiratory infections
Acute respiratory infection with symptoms of rhinitis
Acute respiratory infection
Acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Acute cold
Acute respiratory disease
Acute respiratory disease of influenza nature
Sore throat or nose
Respiratory infection
Respiratory viral infections
Respiratory diseases
Respiratory infections
Recurrent respiratory tract infections
Seasonal colds
Seasonal colds
Frequent colds and viral diseases
J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronicAllergic bronchitis
Asthmatic bronchitis
Asthmoid bronchitis
Bacterial bronchitis
Allergic bronchitis
Asthmatic bronchitis
Smoker's bronchitis
Smokers' bronchitis
Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract
Bronchial disease
Qatar smoker
Smokers cough
Disturbance of bronchial secretion
Bronchial dysfunction
Acute tracheobronchitis
Subacute bronchitis
Chronic lung diseases
R05 CoughSevere cough
Cough in the preoperative period
Cough due to allergic conditions
Cough with bronchial asthma
Cough with bronchitis
Cough due to inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi
Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Cough with a cold
Cough due to tuberculosis
Cough with hard-to-clear sputum
Cough with hard-to-clear sputum
Dry cough
Nonproductive cough
Paroxysmal cough
Paroxysmal nonproductive cough
Productive cough
Reflex cough
Severe cough
Spasmodic cough
Spasmodic cough
Dry cough
Dry painful cough
Dry non-productive cough
Dry irritating cough

Update: December 2018

For various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, various medicinal plants are widely used. For ease of use, there are ready-made plant collections that help both children and adults with diseases of the bronchi and lungs. There are 4 types of chest cough preparations, instructions for use of which we offer in our article.

Each of these collections differs in the composition of medicinal herbs, but they can all be used for the following diseases:

  • , tracheitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis
  • bronchial asthma,
  • COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • ARVI, influenza, and other diseases accompanied by sputum production

The use of chest cough preparations reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, has an expectorant effect, thins mucus, facilitating its elimination, and chest preparations also have a bronchodilator effect, relaxing the muscles and dilating the bronchi.

Breast packs according to the instructions are contraindicated for use by persons with a history of allergic manifestations to medicinal herbs, as well as a combination of their use with central action - Libexin, Stoptusin, Codelac. In this case, stagnation of sputum may form. At the discretion of the doctor, combined treatment is allowed - during the day, a decoction of herbs with an expectorant effect is taken, and at night, when the cough greatly bothers the patient, it is permissible to use an antitussive.

Breast collection No. 1 - instructions

Ingredients: Marshmallow root, oregano, coltsfoot leaves
Release form: filter - bags and cardboard packs with collection
Pharmacological group: herbal expectorant
Pharmacological action: Breast collection 1 - the instructions indicate that this is a combined herbal remedy with pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

  • and marshmallow – have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect
  • Oregano - sedative and expectorant effect

Contraindications: Breast collection 1 is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, since the oregano contained in it can cause uterine bleeding, hypersensitivity, a tendency to allergic reactions, and hay fever.
Side effects: Medicinal herbs included in the chest cough mixture for individuals with individual intolerance can cause swelling, itching, rash, urticaria, allergic rhinitis and other allergic reactions. Breastfeeding does not cause any other side effects.
Dosage, method of application: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of cold water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 45 minutes, filter, and bring the prepared volume to 200 ml. Take after meals, use as an infusion 2-3 times a day, 100 ml. To prepare a chest cough infusion for children, use 2 times less of the mixture of herbs. Course 2-3 weeks.

Chest cough mixture No. 2 - instructions

Compound: Coltsfoot leaves, plantain, licorice root
Release form: filter - bags and cardboard packs with collection
Pharmacological group: herbal expectorant
Pharmacological action: Herbal combination drug with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Great plantain contains polysaccharides, carotene, tannins, glycoside (rinanthin), vitamin C
  • Coltsfoot - contains inulin, essential oil, glycoside (tussilyagin), mucous and tannins
  • Licorice roots - contain flavonoids, licurazide, glycyrrhizic acid

Indications for use: ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with poorly separated sputum.
Contraindications: Increased individual sensitivity to medicinal herbs. As for the safety of using breast collection 2 during pregnancy, the licorice root contained in it is not recommended for use by pregnant women.
Dosage, methods of application: According to the instructions, breast collection 2 is used internally as an infusion, for the preparation of which 4 grams. or 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of cold boiled water, and boiled in a water bath with the lid closed for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes, filtered. The resulting infusion is brought to a volume of 200 ml. Take warm, 3-4 times a day, 100 ml for a course of 14-21 days. Shake the infusion before use.
Side effect: Allergic reactions - itching, rash, swelling
Special instructions: The prepared solution cannot be stored for more than 2 days and should be stored in a cool place.

Chest collection No. 3 - instructions for use

Compound: sage, anise fruits, pine buds, marshmallow root.
Release form: Cardboard packs with collection and tea filter bags
Pharmacological action: Combined herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect.

  • Pine buds have a disinfectant effect and relieve inflammation
  • Anise - also has disinfectant and expectorant properties
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Marshmallow – has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect

Indications for use: For symptomatic treatment of ARVI, influenza, as well as infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the herbs included in the collection. The anise included in the collection is contraindicated during pregnancy, so this collection should not be taken by pregnant women.
Dosage and method of application: Used internally as an infusion, 10 g. collection or 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, filter. The infusion is brought to 200 ml. boiled water. Take warm, hot, 3-4 times a day, 100 ml, shaking beforehand. Course 14-21 days.
Side effect: Allergic reactions.
Special instructions: Store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Breast collection No. 4 cannot be used during pregnancy

Compound: Ledum, chamomile, violet grass, mint, calendula, licorice root
Release form: Tea filter bags and collection packs
Pharmacological action: Herbal combination drug with antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Ledum shoots - contains a glycoside (arbutin), tannins, palustrol in essential oil, has an expectorant effect
  • — contain anthemisic acid, essential oil, azulene, glycosides, has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • — contain acids, flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, saponins.
  • Violet herb - contains vitamin C, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Licorice roots - contain flavonoids, licurazide, glycyrrhizic acid
  • Mint leaves - contain menthol in essential oil, have a sedative effect.

Indications for use: Bronchial asthma not associated with hay fever, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract: chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. Many believe that this breast milk during pregnancy is the most preferable, however, the licorice included in the composition may not be safe, it affects hormonal levels and water-salt balance, which negatively affects the condition of the woman and the fetus.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Dosage and application: As an infusion, take 70 ml 3-4 times a day, for a course of 2-3 weeks. To make the infusion you need 10 grams. or 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze, bring to 200 ml. Shake before use.
Side effect: Allergic reactions. In case of an overdose, symptoms of poisoning may appear; wild rosemary is especially dangerous, since this plant is considered poisonous due to some properties.
Special instructions: The prepared decoction of chest cough mixture is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

As for the use of breast collection during pregnancy, the opinion of doctors is not clear; some allow the use of 4 collections, others do not.

  • Since 1 collection contains oregano, it definitely cannot be taken during pregnancy.
  • In the 2nd and 4th breast collections there is licorice root, which also cannot be used during pregnancy, it can cause hormonal imbalance, increase nervousness, cause tachycardia, increase swelling and headaches may appear when taken.
  • Collection No. 3 contains anise, which is also contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • It is better to take separate infusions of marshmallow or take Althea syrup, Alteyka syrup or in tablets, you can also use plantain, or a ready-made medicine with plantain.
  • In any case, any treatment during pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor; medicinal herbs, just like drugs, have an effect on the body and the fetus, sometimes not in the best way.