Scandal in the show “Beauty in Russian”: They told me: “Wow, how ugly you were! NTV will name the true price of “Beauty in Russian Beauty in Russian before and after

“Beauty in Russian” is a new NTV show in which people who have suffered from unscrupulous masters of beauty studios and cosmetology centers will take part.
Every day new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, and salons are opening in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford expensive procedures from professionals. Wanting to save money, people turn to companies with a dubious reputation. Some resort to home experiments on their appearance and, due to their own stupidity and immoderate desire to be beautiful, only harm themselves.
The goal of the project is to help people correct the mistakes of pseudo-experts and eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful experiments on themselves. Proven experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will restore self-confidence to the program's heroes.

Beauty in Russian NTV issue dated June 10, 2017

Every day new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, and salons are opening in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford to visit beauty industry professionals. In a desire to save money, people go to dubious salons. The project will help correct the mistakes of pseudo-specialists and unsuccessful experiments with appearance. Proven experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will restore self-confidence to the program's heroes.

Performing the role of police officer Zimina in the series “Capercaillie”, actress Victoria Tarasova hosts the program “Beauty in Russian” on the NTV channel about the victims of plastic surgeons. The heroes of the project are people in pursuit of beauty who have suffered from unscrupulous plastic surgery. They came to the program in the hope of solving their problem and getting help. Victoria told the correspondent “ Moscow-Baku" what stereotypes should be abandoned in order to feel truly beautiful and admitted that she herself is not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Victoria, viewers know you as the star of Russian police television series - “Glukhar”, “Pyatnitsky”, “Karpov”. The host of a TV project about beauty is somehow unexpected...

Why? Moreover, this is not the first experience when I act in this role. She once hosted the “6 Acres” program; from the title it is clear that it was dedicated to agriculture. On the Podmoskovye channel I starred in the show “Made in Russia”, we talked about the advantages of domestic goods. Improvisation, direct communication with people – that’s what I love most.

- Who comes to the project “Beauty in Russian”?

Mostly those who need real help. At the moment I am literally inundated with letters. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am not the one who makes the decision to participate in the program.

- Eight issues have already been released. Do you remember how you felt from your first shoot?

- After the first program, I lay with a wet towel on my head, I was so shocked by the stories I heard. I always take other people's misfortune very close to my heart.

- Would you decide to seek the services of a plastic surgeon?

I would never in my life change something about myself because “I just wanted to,” unless there is a need for it, which ruins my personal life.

There are different problems: in one case you need to stop eating a lot in the evenings and go to the gym, and in some cases you really need to go under the surgeon’s knife. Those who came to our project, of course, will not refuse the operation.

- This problem is often psychological in nature. Am I right?

I’m talking to a lady who got her breasts done. Now she’s depressed, she says: “What’s the point? Nothing has changed, just as there was no male attention, there is none.” Could it be a problem in the head? I think love yourself for who you are. The internal state of a person, as doctors say, can cure cancer. I know a lot of outwardly not very attractive people who are happy and do not suffer from their appearance.

- In your series, you are one woman among brutal men. How do you feel in this company?

In the company of men, especially those with whom I act in films, I always feel good.

Your movie heroines are so strong that you get the impression that they themselves will protect any man. But would you like it to be the other way around?

Probably, due to the specifics of my voice, the roles of gentle young ladies are not mine. As a child, I was not allowed to play the Snow Maiden in kindergarten. After all, Snow Maidens do not speak in a low voice. Yes, and it’s written in my eyes, as you noted, that I myself will protect anyone.

- Have you ever wanted support in your personal life?

I never “steer” in my personal life. A man should rule in a family. Nobody needs matriarchy there. I become uninterested if I start “running the show” and the man does not show the proper qualities. Less words and more action. Poems, why do I need them? It’s better to bring a bag of potatoes.

- Are there any favorites among your heroines?

I love the role of Zimina, she is very close to me, this is my cult work. The film “Mother in Law” received an international prize for best actress. I can’t watch this movie without crying: no matter how much I watch it, I cry all the time. I watch the final scenes and get goosebumps. This film has a soul that I put into it.

Description: A new show about the problems of people who once wanted to become beautiful and did not know where to start magical transformations, as well as how to do everything correctly if they want surgical interventions to restore beauty, will start on the NTV channel in the 2017 season under the title “Beauty in Russian." The host of the show is the popular theater and film actress Victoria Tarasova. On this project, she will not only voice the problems of the project’s heroes, but will also partly act as a psychologist for Russians who agreed to participate in the “Russian Beauty” project. The heroes of the show are people who want to be beautiful, but at one time do not have enough money for expensive operations in famous beauty clinics. Therefore, they turned to ordinary salons or hairdressing salons, newly created centers for a variety of cosmetic procedures. These establishments are opening in all cities and sometimes employ inexperienced plastic surgeons or specialists who are incompetent in providing services. It also happened that the heroes of the show “Beauty in Russian” carried out dangerous experiments with appearance at home, not tested by anyone in practice, without even suspecting how their own irrepressible desire to be beautiful at any cost would result. Or, wanting to save a considerable amount, they ended up with pseudo-specialists in a salon with a dubious reputation. In the “Beauty in Russian” program, invited experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and hairdressing will help the program’s heroes correct mistakes and restore their human appearance. The pursuit of impeccable beauty does not always end successfully, and sometimes victims of unscrupulous cosmetologists or plastic surgeons, after an unsuccessful operation, do not know how to go out or how to put on a swimsuit now, so as not to scare anyone with their unsuccessful “beauty”. The authors of the program “Beauty in Russian” 2017 hope that after the next episodes of the show are aired, the viewer will know exactly where and when to go if they have problems with their appearance. Thanks to the show, the consumer will become acquainted with some of the intricacies of plastic surgery and cosmetology. The show “Beauty in Russian” is necessary for many Russians to forever prevent illiterate actions and never harm themselves in the desire to become beautiful. In order not to cause irreparable troubles when improving your appearance, do not miss the premiere of the show “Beauty in Russian” on our website in good quality online very soon, in the summer 2017 season. Watch all full episodes of the show “Beauty in Russian” on the website online "2017 season. .....

Original title: Beauty in Russian
Country: Russia
Year: 2017
Genre: medical show
Channel: NTV
Presenter: Victoria Tarasova

Russian-language description: On June 3, the NTV channel will launch a new show, “Beauty in Russian,” whose participants in one way or another found themselves victims of poor-quality and unprofessional service from various beauty salons and cosmetology studios. Every day in the cities of our country the services of various plastic surgery clinics and other similar cosmetology centers are offered. And yet, not all residents of our country have the opportunity to purchase expensive procedures for themselves and their health from professionals. But even those who can, want to save money and buy services from companies with a dubious reputation, or even from scammers. Moreover, some of them even try home experiments on their appearance, read from the Internet, and due to their short-sightedness and unjustified desire to become more beautiful, they only harm their health. The purpose of the show “Beauty in Russian” is to provide assistance to those citizens who have already harmed themselves, and to try to correct the shortcomings of pseudo-specialists, as well as to try to eliminate the consequences of improper work on their appearance. Experienced specialists in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will help the heroes of the show “Russian Beauty” regain self-confidence. This project will help not only those people who have already experienced low-quality services, but will also try to convey to viewers the understanding that illiterate interventions in appearance are very dangerous and these issues must be approached with extreme caution. The main goal of the program “Beauty in Russian” is to make people not only more beautiful, but also to add a little knowledge to them in the field of self-care. So don’t miss it..... Watch on the website all the full episodes of the educational show “Russian Beauty” for the 2017 season. Enjoy watching.....

Ukrainian description: 3 pm on the NTV channel a new show “Russian Beauty” starts, the participants of which have otherwise suffered from unclear and unprofessional service from all beauty salons and cosmetology studios. Today in Russia the services of all plastic surgery clinics and other similar cosmetology centers are used. And no less, not all Russians have the opportunity to benefit from expensive procedures from professionals. However, they may want to protect and buy services in companies with a dubious reputation or all from the Shakhrais. They are encouraged to try home experiments on their appearance, read from the Internet and, due to their short-sightedness and unjustifiable desire, become more beautiful than they do to their health. The meta show “Russian Beauty” is for those people who have already done harm to themselves, and try to correct the few pseudo-specialists, and also try to put the legacy of wrong work on their own appearance. Experienced experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will help the heroes of the show “Russian Beauty” regain their sense of self. This project will help not only those people who have already tried unclear services, but will try to convey to the knowledge of TV viewers the understanding that illiterate people handed into the world are not safe and approach This diet requires maximum care. The main goal of the program “Beauty in Russian” is to develop people not only in a garnish, but also to give them a little knowledge in the field of looking after themselves. So don’t miss it..... Watch on the website all the new episodes of the educational show “Russian Beauty” for the 2017 season. Enjoy watching.....

Original title: Beauty in Russian
Country: Russia
Year: 2017
Genre: educational show